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Security: Computers
Security: Personal
Security: Misc
Security: Speeders
Security: Walkers
Security: Space Transports/Starfighters
Security: Capitol Ships
Small Business/Living Quarters
Medium Business/Living Quarters
Large Business/Luxury Living Quarters
Anti-Security: Computers
Anti-Security: Misc


1 Common item Readily available throughout the known galaxy.
2 Uncommon item Available in large cities or spaceports.
3 Specialized item Available on planet of origin, but difficult to find elsewhere.
4 Rare item Difficult to find anywhere.
F Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R Restricted item on most planets, purchase/sale requires Imperial or other relevant license.
X Illegal on most planets, possession or use violates Imperial/local law with possible severe penalties. Specific permits may be available for authorized individuals.

General Price Guidelines

Animal, common 30+/-
Animal, livestock 500+/-
Animal, exotic 2000+
Artwork varies by type, etc.
Bacta 100/liter+/-
Fuel 50/kg+/-
Gemstones See list
Holovid 20+/-
Ore, common 200/kg+
Ore, rare 2000/kg+
Spice (illegal) 1000/kg+
Textiles 10/yard+
Water 4/liter+

Food, Lodging, Medical

Food (1 kg) Common: 10+/- Quality: 20+/- Exotic: 50+/-
Average human consumes 3kg per day
Lodging (1 day) Poor: 20+/- Good: 80+/- Luxury: 200+/-
Medical Care Medpac Treatment: 150 Long Term Care: 250/day Bacta Tank Healing: 300/12 hours

The following item lists can and should to be used during Character Creation. Once the campaign starts they can only be used as a reference as availability and price will vary.

Communications, Scramblers, Sensors, Surveillance Trackers, Security and Anti-Security


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Tramora Interstellar Communications VDV-100
A. Holographic Comunications Unit 2 800 N/A 7
Game Notes: Special security feature allow blockage of specific holo signals or identification of an incoming signal's source. A default built-in image processor can create a virtual image to replace the owner's actual features.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 33)
2 Cirenian Communications Model SW-95
A. Extended Range Transceiver 2 400 " 1.5
Skill: Communications. Game Notes: Modulated broadcast relays extend broadcast and reception range to over 2,000 kilometers. Maximum range dependant on local conditions: inadequate communications outlets in outlying areas or extreme weather conditions can greatly hamper or eliminate communications capability.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 67), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 86)
3 Civilian Comlinks
A. Strd Comlink 2 30 " .05
Comlink has a range of 50 km. May scan one set frequency and one SCF (Standard Clear Frequency: used for public communication).
B. C1 Comlink 2 100 " "
Range is 60 km. Unit may scan one set freq. plus 2 SCF's.
C. C2 Comlink 2 60 " "
Range is 70 km. Unit may scan 2 set frequencies and 3 SCF's.
D. HC1 Comlink 2 70 " .07
This is a headset comlink for hands-free operation. Range is 50 km. Unit may scan one set freq. plus 2 SCF's.
4 Military Comlinks
A. Strd 2,F 70 N/A .05
Comlink has a range of 60 km. May scan 5 set frequencies and 5 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +10 to difficulty.
B. M1 Comlicnk 2,F 100 " "
Range is 60 km. Unit may scan 7 set frequencies and 8 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +10 to difficulty.
C. M2 Comlink 2,F 150 " "
Range is 70 km. Unit may scan 12 set frequencies and 8 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +12 to difficulty.
D. M3 Comlink 3,R 250 " .15
Range is 80 km. Unit may scan 24 set frequencies and 10 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +12 to difficulty.
E. HM1 Comlink 3,R 200 " .06
This is the Stormtrooper standard comlink but in headset form. Range is 70 km. Unit may scan 12 set frequencies and 8 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +15 to difficulty. This unit includes the Stormtrooper Channel Scanner.
F. HM2 Comlink 3,R 250 " "
This is the Stormtrooper standard comlink but in headset form. Range is 80 km. Unit may scan 16 set frequencies and 8 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +15 to difficulty. This unit includes the Stormtrooper Channel Scanner.
G. HM3 Comlink 3,R 300 " "
This is the Stormtrooper standard comlink but in headset form. Range is 80 km. Unit may scan 24 set frequencies and 8 SCF's. Comes with a communication scrambler. Adds +15 to difficulty. This unit includes the Stormtrooper Channel Scanner.
5 Crozo Industrial Products At-cyb Husher Mike
A. Vocal Communications Implant 3 3000 " .01
Implantation surgery is 4000 IC extra. Cyber Points: .5
Game Notes: Effective operating range is 1 kilometer. This device offers one way transmission of voice only and does not cover reception of voice or data transmissions.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 61)
6 Arantha Comminications OTM-900
A. Subspace Receiver 2 550 " 5
Skill: Communications. Game Notes: Instantaneous reception up to a range of 15 light-years. An Easy to Very Difficult communications roll is required to find specific frequencies (difficulty varies based on organization; planetary customs may be fairly easy to find but Imperial military communications channels are carefully hidden and knowledge of their frequencies is a closely guarded secret). Decrypting scrambled codes or translating from other languages is another matter entirely.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 45)


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Ulkop Securities SVC-700 Voice Scrambler
A. Voice Scrambler 3 600 N/A .05
Game Notes: The voice scrambler distorts conversation so that more than three meters away it is impossible to determine the content of the conversation.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 63)
2 Varge Corp. PS-xqt9s Pocket Scrambler
A. Data Encryption Device 4,F or R 800 " .3
Skills: Communications. Game Notes: An Easy communications roll is required for normal use. Without a similar device and the appropriate code, a Very Difficult to Heroic communications roll is necessary to decrypt the message.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 62), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 88)


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Imperial Heat Sensor Trip
A. Strd Imperial 3,X NAFS N/A 2 (base adds 5)
Range: 20 meters, 45-degree arc. Game Notes: Sensors can be programmed to set off alarms or notify a central computer. Character must disable heat sensor or successfully disguise his heat pattern as a proper shape and heat pattern to pass by undetected. Sensor connected to computers by 50-meter long cable, although multiple cables can be connected for greater range.
Source: Cracken's Rebel Field Guide (page 18)
2 Movesense 43 Motion Trip
A. Motion Sensor 3,F 100 N/A 2
Range: 4 meter diameter, 180 degree arc. The MoveSense 34 Motion Trip was a personal sensor device manufactured by BlasTech Industries. Utilizing sophisticated sense-constro technology developed by BlasTech in their Aorala Sensor 100, the MoveSense 34 was highly advanced, but was generally considered to be too sophisticated for its own good. When installed in a tight pattern, even a slight breeze would trigger its motion sensor, since the MoveSense 34 monitored the average surrounding air density. However, its components were top-of-the-line and good quality.
Each MoveSense 34 incorporated a four centimeter domed sensor that constantly emitted low frequency sonic bursts, calibrating itself to the average air density motion within range. When the sensor registered a shift in the pattern, it alerted whatever device it was attached to. Because of their shape, MoveSense 34s were often deployed with other units in an overlapping pattern for full coverage of a room or interior space.
3 Pressure Plate Trip
A. Strd Imperial 3,R ? N/A 2
4 zZip Product Concepts Ltd. Transponder Ring
A. Personal Locator 2 100-500 N/A .01
Game Notes: A Very Easy sensor roll is required to locate a transponder signal within a 200 meters radius.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 36)
5 Idellian Arrays ILF-5000 Lifeform Scanner
A. Lifeform Scanner 2 3500 N/A 1.5
Skill: Sensors. Ranges: 500/1/1.5 km. Game Notes: A sensors roll is required to use the device; the difficulty depends upon the conditions as described in the sensors rules in the Star Wars Adventure Journal. In addition to providing the number of lifeforms detected, and rate and direction of movement, the unit will inform the user if the body function parameters match or are similar to any lifeforms pre-programmed into the unit's database.
The unit will inform the user of the detected target's body temperature, mass and respiration rates. User may make an alien species or beast riding total to determine which lifeform is detected if such an attempt is reasonable in the gamemaster's opinion.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 55) and Star Wars Adventure Journal #4, pages 260-264.
6 Dalabar Micro-Electronics SDS-632
A. Surveillance Detector 3 450 N/A .2
Skill: Sensors. Game Notes: The SDS-632 scans an area with a sensors skill of 5D. For an additional 175 credits, the optional noise inhibitor (NI-632) blocks aural receptors by blanketing a 10-meter diameter area with sonic disturbances to match the frequency of the sensors detected.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 59-60), Arms and Equipments Guide (page 89)
7 ChandrilTech PX-7 Heat Sensor
A. Hand-Held Heat Sensor 2 450 N/A 1.5
Skill: Sensors. Game Notes: Detects heat sources in a 100-meter radius. Heat intensity is indicated by brightness of image on readout screen.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 32), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 89)
8 Vreshann Electronics, Inc. EMS Scanner
A. EMS Scanner 3 2500 N/A 1.5
Skill: Sensors. Game Notes: A Moderate sensors roll is required to detect electromagnetic emissions within a 100 meter radius. A Difficult sensors roll is required to detect life-forms behind walled enclosures or other blocking materials. Information readouts are limited to providing data on the number of persons present, approximate size and mass.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 61)


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Kystallio Detection Plus RMD-20 Eye In The Sky
A. Remote Monitor 2 800 N/A 4
Skill: Sensors. Move: 45; 130 kmh. Game Notes: An Easy sensors roll required for initial activation only. Free flight operation is automatic. The device appears as a 30-centimeters diameter sphere studded with sensory apparatus and micro-repulsorlift nodes. Maximum hover height is 200 meters, maximum range is 10 kilometers, and maximum flight before cell recharge is 5 hours. Contains audio and visual sensor feeds to the user that operate out to a 100 meter radius.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 60)


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Personal Tracking Devices Range
A.Trailmaster Tracking Device 2 300 1 km .01
Skill: Search. Game Notes: Tracker only gives direction. Search is one difficulty easier when beacon is within tracker's range.
Source: Cracken's Rebel Field Guide (page 21)
B. Type 1 2 400 1.2 km "
C. Type 2 2 500 1.5 KM "
D. Type 3 2 1000 2 KM "
E. Type 4 3,F 2000 3 KM "
F. Type 5 3,F 3000 4 KM "
G. Type 6 3,R 4000 5 KM "
2 Culcanis MicroInstruments Tagger
A. Remote Surveillance Tracking Tool 3,F 250 N/A .2
Replacement microdarts come in sets of two and cost 15 IC per set. Game Notes: The business end of the tagger is a small (5 mm) transponder dart. The tagger stylus has a small amount of pressurized gas to silently propel the transponder up to 5 meters. Once attached to its target, the device broadcasts an intermittent (once every 5 minutes) signal which can be picked up 1.2 kilometers away. Dart operates up to 40 standard hours.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 62), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 87)



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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Veredictas CompuTechnology Bith Computer Retinal Lock
A. Computer Security 3 1200 N/A 2
Skill: Computer Program/Repair. Game Notes: An Easy computer programming/repair roll is required for installation. Once in place, only retinal falsification system will allow unauthorized users to access secured files.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 59)
2 Ealewon Electronics DCD-4800 Cryptographic Coder
A. Data Encryptor 3 1200 " 1.5
Skill: Computer Program/Repair. Game Notes: Requires and Easy computer programming/repair roll to secure selected data files with selected option(s) in place. Attempts to access encrypted files require a Difficult computer programming/repair roll if the user doesn't have the appropriate authorization.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 29), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 94)


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Synnt-Ovations, Inc. Credit Case Surprise
A. Personal Defense Item 2 75 N/A 1
Range: 0-3/6/9/12. Damage: 5D/3D/2D/1D stun (rolled against Strength ot Stamina).
Game Notes: Easy Technical roll to build or repair. Anyone in a 60-degree arc in front of the light and within range must make a Moderate Perception roll not to be affected by the unit.
2 Simcronics MagnaForce Security Shield
A. Personal Defense Field 4,F, R or X 25,000 " 2
Skill: Melee Combat. Custom power cells are 2500 each. Game Notes: This unit is used much like starship shields, except that it is character scale. Initial activation requires an Easy melee parry roll, which generates a round shield 50 centimeters in diameter. A character may make a Melee Combat roll – if the roll is higher than the firer's blaster roll (as per normal shield rolls), the wearer has placed the force shield in the way. If the roll is lower than the attacker's blaster roll, the character didn't get the shield in place in time and was hit by the blast. If the defender got the shield in place, the blaster bolt must roll against the shield's defensive field of 4D to see if it penetrates the field (use the protection rules). Any further damage affects the target as indicated in the chart "Cover Modifiers". The power cell will work for two minutes before being drained.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 92)
3 Palladia Electronics DFB-200
A. Proximity Defense Field 2 700 " 1.5
An inconspicuous belt, the Dissuasion field belt emits a Shock field approximately three centimeters from the wearers body when any significant kinetic pressure is sensed, or when physical contact is made with the belts sensor field, which can be set anywhere from three to five centimeters from the wearers body. When activated, the field can be adjusted to give mild electrical jolts, to damaging bolts capable of giving severe burns and setting clothes on fire. When set on maximum, the belts internal power source can last up to forty five minutes of continuous emitting.
4 Killian Shield Gauntlet
A. Energy Shield 4.X ? " 1.5
Skill: Melee Combat. Game Notes: An activated shield gauntlet can be used to parry incoming brawling and melee attacks by adding +1D to Brawling Combat and Melee Combat. In addition, the activated gauntlet provides a +1 pip bonus to all Strength rolls made to resist damage.
Source: Rebellion Era Sourcebook (page 49)
5 Golan Personal Combat Threat Analyzer
A. Combat Threat Analyzer 4 4500 " 1
Skills: Tactics or Search. Game Notes: this device provides a +1D bonus to tactics or search rolls pertaining to a specific combat situation. The gamemaster can use this device to give characters hints about a given combat situation without having to divulge all the facts pertaining to the situation: the results are given as a percentage probability of a certain attack's type, origin and predicted future action.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 88-89)
6 MerenData Credit Chip Bio-Encoder
A. Biological Encoder 3,R or X 2500 " .05
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: An Easy first aid roll is required to properly encode a genetic sample from the owner. Attempts to access chip by unauthorized agents result in 4D stun damage.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 43)
7 Arakyd RLG Guardian Droid System (not listed in droid section due to personal security benefit)
A. Protection Droids 3,F, R or X 3000 (new), 1000 (used) " 22
Remote unit costs 300. To use the syste, a small pouch is worn around the waist. It holds one of the droids in a recharging unit. The other droid uses its repulsorlift unit to hover around its master. Its sensor package covers the visual, infrared and ultraviolet range, with a full motion package. Its programming includes specific information to detect ambushes, hidden weapons and suspect behavior, and it can be programmed to recognize specific threats, such as certain individuals. If a threat to its master is detected, the droid sounds an alarm and, if given permission by its master, attacks with its built-in blaster. If its master is injured, the droid moves as close as possible to the attacker and self-destructs.
The droids power cell is good for 12 hours of continuous operation, but the droids are supposed to be exchanged every 10 hours to prevent the droid from running critically short of energy; recharging the droid takes two hours. The droid's recharging unit must itself be recharged from a power generator at least once a week; recharging takes 12 hours. Both droids can be activated simultaniously if necessary.
For an extra 300 credits, the user can get a remote unit, allowing the user to control the droid and its sensors up to 500 meters away; the droids visual and audio sensors roadcast to the remote, allowing the user to see and hear what the droid sees and hears. In this way, the droid can be used as a forward scout.
While the RLG was intended for legitimate purposes, it has found its way into many criminal circles. Many have begun using RLGs as a last line of personal defense.

Type: Arakyd RLG Gaurdian Droid System
DEXTERITY 2D: Blaster 4D
KNOWLEDGE 1D: Tactics 2D
Equipped With:
-Internal Blaster Pistol: Damage: 4D, Range: 0-5/15/25
-FullSpec Sensor Package:
  Passive: 25/0D
  Scan: 35/1D
  Search: 40/1D+2
  Focus: 3/2D+2
-Repulsorlift Drive Unit
-Self-Destruct Mechanism: Damage: 8D/6D/4D/2D, Blast Radius: 0-2/3-4/5-6/7-9
Move: 10
Size: 15cm tall


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Servenidian Securities, Ltd Data Bio-Encryptor
A. Data Transfer System 3,R 25,000 N/A 1
Skill: Computer Program/Repair. Game Notes: An Easy computer programming/repair roll is required to successfully download and encrypt the desired information or to safely upload data upon arrival at one's destination. Ingested data capsule's time-release coating can be set for anywhere from 20 to 200 hours later. Detection of ingested data capsule requires a Heroic sensors roll.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 60)
2 Locris Syndicates MLC-50
A. Surface Locking Mechanism 2 150 " .5
Skill: Security. Game Notes: A Very Easy Security roll is required to activate the unit in place. The device adds +2D to an object's Strength to resist damage. A Very Difficult Security roll is required to forcibly remove it.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 31), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 94)
3 Novaplex Monofilament Screen Guards
A. Anti-Intrusion Device 4,F, R or X 450 6D/9D 1
Purchase is for 1 pair of 80cm long strips. Game Notes: An intruder must make a Very Difficult Search roll to detect strips in place. Contact with the strips causes 6D damage (if the subject is moving rapidly when contact is made, increase the damage to 9D).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 31-32), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 94)
4 Paretaine Sonics SNS-600
A. Portable Sound Dampening System 3 300 N/A 4.5
Skill: Sensors. Game Notes: An Easy Sensor roll required for normal operation. Device can operate in two modes. In passive mode it produces a 360-degree field out to 5 meters. Sounds emitted outside this radius are "absorbed" – only sounds emitted from within the bubble are heard within the bubble. In activate mode, a 60-degree arc can be generated out to 10 meters. Within this arc, sound waves are effectively dampened, preventing any aural vibration from being sensed by live or automated detectors.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 46)
5 Veretrex Securities Hiding Cube SCT-1000
A. Security Container 4 3000 " 5
Game Notes: Cube is 75 centimeters on a side. When activated and properly hidden, a viewer must make a Moderate Perception roll to notice "something" about the wall where the cube is. External magna-locks along the container surface require a Very Difficult security total to pick. The container's outer surface has a Strength of 4D to resist damage.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 28)
6 Weapon Detectors (portable)
A. Strd 2,R 5000 N/A 1.5
Has a Search of 4D to detect hidden energy weapons or adds +1D+2 to an operator's Search: Weapon Detector (the operator must have at least 2D in this specialization to qualify for the bonus). The difficulty depends on how well someone has camouflaged the weapon: simply putting it in a pack is an Easy difficulty.
B. BlasTech Sniffer 2,R (restricted to governments) 5600 " 2.3
Game Notes: Has a search of 5D to detect hidden energy weapons or adds +2D to an operator's search: weapon detector skill (the operator must have at least 1D in this specialization to qualify for the bonus). The difficulty depends on how well someone has camouflaged the weapons: simply putting it in a pack is an Easy difficulty; draining all the blaster gas, pulling out the power packs, cleaning the weapon of all residue and then disassembling it, and spreading the parts among several pieces of luggage, would be a Very Difficult difficulty.
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (pages 101-102), Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook (page 116)
7 Weapon Detectors (permanent)
A. Strd 2,R (restricted to governments) 9400 N/A 70
Has a Search of 1D to detect hidden energy weapons or adds +2D to an operator's Search: Weapon Detector (the operator must have at least 3D in this specialization to qualify for the bonus). The difficulty depends on how well someone has camouflaged the weapon: simply putting it in a pack is an Easy difficulty.
B. CorSec Autoscan Weapon Detector 2,R (restricted to governments) 7200 " 80
Game Notes: Has a search of 6D to detect hidden energy weapons. The difficulty level to detect weapons depends on how well someone has hidden the weapon using their hide skill.
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 102)
C. BlasTech Search-Scan 4 2,R (restricted to governments) 9800 " 85
Game Notes: This scanner adds 1D to the sensor skill roll of its operator. It can help detect structural anomalies hiding secret compartments, and can find energy signatures showing weapons, life forms, and energy sources within a confined area, such as a docking bay, cargo hold, or compartment.
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 104), Adventure Journal 4 (page 262)
8 Binders
A. Strd 2,F 50 N/A .08
These binders have a Strength of 6D and can be removed with a special coded sequence.
B. TaggeCo. Biodegradable 2,R 85 " .1
Game Notes: Once applied, a character must make an opposed Strength roll to break free (the binders have a Strength of 6D). Once activated, the binders deteriorate in 36 hours. An application of a special harmless molecular solvent will degrade the binders sooner if necessary.
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 70), Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook (page 117)
C. Locris Syndicate MCI-100 Magnacuffs 2,R 100 " .1
These binders have a Strength of 6D+2. It used micro magnetic fields to lock their restraining bands in place. It also employed a fingerprint identification system which eliminated the need for keys and safeguarded against unauthorized duplication.
D. Locris Syndicated Securities MCI-200 Magnaharness 2,R 200 8D STR 2
Depending on the configuration, the harness could restrain arms, legs, hands, feet, or the head. Full body version of the Magnacuffs.

"A friend of mine had a prisoner escape because he wasn't keeping a close eye on the grubber; he figured the magnaharness would hold him, so why waste the effort?"
-Lloco, posting on the Magnaharness on Gundark's Datalog

The Loris Syndicated Securities MCI-200 Magnaharness was a restraining device that used the micro magnetic field technology of the magnacuffs, but to a greater extent: It tied up a person's neck and trunk, preventing the prey from escaping.
The MCI-200 was used by bounty hunters such as Tyrn Jiton. It could be bought through the illegal Gundark's Datalog, where Lloco posted about its imperfections.
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 71)
9 Snooper Goggles
A. Night Macrobinoculars 2,R 300 " .5
Skill: Search. Adds +2D to Search in low light conditions; goggles without photoreducing sensors are susceptible to sudden flashes of light (the wearer can be blinded).
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 90), Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook (page 121)
B. VidGraph Peer Macrobinoculars 2,R (X in some systems) 350 " .5
Skill: Sensors and Search. Game Notes: Add +2D to search in low light. All modes have an Easy sensors difficulty at short range, increasing one level per range band. Search and other Perception-based rolls may be increased when using macrobinoculars by +3D when used to find something more than 50 meters away, at the gamemaster's discretion.
Source: Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 41), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 91), Ultimate Adversaries (page 156)
10 Photoreducing Sensors
A. Strd 2 100 " .1
Reduces the flash of such things as Flash/Phosphorus Grenades (1/2 the normal penalty) or anything that produces a bright flash of light. Prevents permanent blindness.
11 Ubrikkian R-TechApp Man Trap
A. Localized Gravity Enhancer 3,F 8000 See Below 4
The person setting the man trap should make a Hide roll to see how well the device is hidden; any potential target making a successful Perception or Search roll will notice the trap. Anyone caught in the trap must make an opposed Strength roll - the man trap's gravity setting is variable, simulated by allowing the hunter to choose a Strength anywhere between 5D and 15D.
Source: Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters (page 90), Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 71)
12 Saldalith Manufacturing Veridicator 200
A. Response Analysis Device 4,R 4000 " .3
Skill: (s)Sensors: Personal Sensors. Game Notes: An Easy Sensors roll is required for normal use. Detection range is 5 meters within a 60-degree scanning arc. Device acts as a Perception check (4D+2) when rolled to detect possible falsehood. If target is aware of possible scans, the target can make a Willpower roll to control natural biorhythms and disguise a lie.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 37), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 91)
13 Agrierd Intergalactics InstaMist Generator
A. Tactical Mist Generator 2 15 " 1.5
Mist cartridges cost 10 each. Game Notes: Can generate a fire extinguishing mist which turns into a smothering foam, water mist for desert conditions, or a misty fog to provide cover.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 33)


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Speeder Security Systems
A. Casilis Electronics Defenses BiVVoL RVR-325: Vehicle Theft Deterrent 3 650 N/A 7
Skills: Communication and Streetwise. Game Notes: An Easy communications total is required to properly encode the BiVVoL or change an established pattern. Normal activation by the owner with voice command code is automatic within a 10-meter range (if the owner is willing). The owner can alter the command sequence's tone to fail an activation if under duress. A failed attempt to circumvent a BiVVoL means that the vehicle's power system is disabled until the secondary system establishes identity. Attempting to "forge" a voice replication requires a voice replication unit with sound adjustment functions, at least three hours of work creating the forgery, and a Moderate communications roll and a Moderate forgery roll.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 12-13)
B. Kelrogs SpeederLock 3,F 1500 N/A 8
Locking hatches with silent alarm in pilot area (if it has one) and private quarters (if it has any). Emergency transmission to nearest security station within 50 km. Bec-n-call capable up to 100 meters.
C. Nordian TKT-A6 3,R 3500 See Below 9
Same as "B" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. One remote Stun Droid will activate and try to knock intruder out for capture. Will also activate a wrist beeper up to 25 km away. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance.
D. Zentarian TRN 12a 3,R(X) 8000 See Below 17
Same as "C" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 35 km away. Recording devices cover entire vessel. Two remote Stun Droids will activate. Bec-n-call up to 300 meters.


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Walker Security Systems
A. Vehicle Theft Deterrent 3 1200 N/A 12
Skills: Communication and Streetwise. Game Notes: An Easy communications total is required to properly encode the device or change an established pattern. Normal activation by the owner with voice command code is automatic within a 10-meter range (if the owner is willing). The owner can alter the command sequence's tone to fail an activation if under duress. A failed attempt to circumvent this device means that the vehicle's power system is disabled until the secondary system establishes identity. Attempting to "forge" a voice replication requires a voice replication unit with sound adjustment functions, at least three hours of work creating the forgery, and a Moderate communications roll and a Moderate forgery roll.
B. Kelrogs WalkerLock 3,F 2500 N/A 8
Locking hatches with silent alarm in pilot area (if it has one) and private quarters (if it has any). Emergency transmission to nearest security station within 50 km. Bec-n-call capable up to 100 meters.
C. Nordian WAX-50 3,R 7000 See Below 20
Same as "B" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. One remote Stun Droid will activate and try to knock intruder out for capture. Will also activate a wrist beeper up to 25 km away. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance.
D. Zentarian JL-6 Fent 3,R(X) 10,000 See Below 24
Same as "C" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 35 km away. Recording devices cover entire vessel. Two remote Stun Droids will activate. Bec-n-call up to 300 meters.

Space Transports and Starfighters

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Security Systems
A. Ship Theft Deterrent System 2,F 8000 N/A 65
Skills: Communications and Streetwise. Locking hatches with silent alarm on bridge and in private quarters. Emergency transmission to nearest security station (Maximum of 40,000 km or a low orbit). Bec-n-call up to 300 meters.
B. Strd 2,F 10,000 N/A 400
Skills: Communications and Streetwise. Locking hatches with silent alarm on bridge and in private quarters. Emergency transmission to nearest security station (Maximum of 40,000 km or a low orbit). Bec-n-call up to 400 meters.
C. Nordian LA-V13 3,R 14,000 See Below 500
Same as "B" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. Two Stun Droids will activate and try to knock intruder out for capture. Will also activate wrist beeper up to 35 km away. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance.
D. Zentarian GRL 15c 3,R(X) 25,000 See Below 650
Same as "C" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath, Difficult Stamina roll; total also used for duration of unconsciousness) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 45 km. Recording devices cover entire vessel. Three Stun Droids will activate. Bec-n-call up to 500 meters.

Capitol Ships

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Capitol Ship Security Systems
A. Strd 2,F 200,000 N/A 40
Locking hatches with silent alarm on bridge and in private quarters. Emergency transmission to nearest security station (Maximum of 40,000 km or a low orbit). Bec-n-call up to 1.5km.
B. Nordian LA-V13 3,R 400,000 See Below 60
Same as "A" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. Five remote Stun Droids will activate and try to knock intruder(s) out for capture. Will also activate wrist beeper up to 35 km away. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance. Bec-n-call up to 2km.
C. C. Zentarian JKT 38p 3,R(X) 800,000 See Below 80
Same as "B" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath, Difficult Stamina roll) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 45 km. Recording devices cover entire vessel. Six remote Stun Droids will activate. Bec-n-call up to 2.5km.

Small Business/Living Quarters

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Security Systems
A. Strd 2,F 10,000 N/A N/A
Locking doors with silent alarm in main living space and in private quarters. Bright lights activate in area of break-in. Emergency transmission to nearest security station (maximum range of 3000km).
B. Nordian PSS-12 2,R 20,000 See Below N/A
Same as "A" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. One Stun Droid will activate and try to knock intruder out for capture. Will also activate wrist beeper up to 30km away. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance.
C. Zentarian SLQ/B-4n 3,R(X) 40,000 See Below "
Same as "B" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath, Difficult Stamina roll) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 40km. Recording devices cover entire complex. Two Stun Droids will activate.

Medium Business/Living Quarters

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Medium Business/Living Quarters Security Sqystems
A. Strd 2,F 100,000 N/A N/A
Locking doors with silent alarm in main living area and in private quarters. Bright lights activate in area of break-in. Emergency transmission to nearest security station (maximum range of 5000 km).
B. Nordian MPSS-Z143 2,R 200,000 See Below "
Same as "A" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. Two Stun Droids will activate and try to knock intruder out for capture. Will also activate a wrist beeper with a range of 20km. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance.
C. Zentarian HSS-32a 3,R(X) 400,000 See Below "
Same as "B" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath, Difficult Stamina roll; total rolled also indicates the number of minutes being will be unconscious. Some aliens may be immune to this affect or be out for half the normal time) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 30km. Recording devices cover entire complex. Three Stun Droids will activate.

Large Business/Luxury Living Quarters

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Security Systems
A. Strd 2,F 400,000 N/A N/A
Locking doors with silent alarm in main living area and in private quarters. Bright lights activate in area of break-in. Emergency transmission to nearest security station (maximum range of 40,000km or a low orbit).
B. Nordian LUX-50 3,R 600,000 See Below "
Same as "A" above but also activates an audible alarm where break-in occurred. Three Stun Droids will activate and try to knock intruder out for capture. Will also activate a wrist beeper up to 30km away. Sight and sound recording devices at each entrance.
C. Zentarian Prime One 3,R(X) 1,000,000 See Below "
Same as "B" above but will also activate a knockout gas (contact and breath, Difficult Stamina roll) in area of break-in. Remote wrist beeper range increased to 45km. Recording devices cover entire complex. Four Stun Droids will activate.



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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Computer Breakers
A. Veranosh Corp. Code Breaker 3,X 1000 N/A 1
The code breaker adds +2D to Computer Program/Repair to break into any computer system. If the computer system is scrambled or encoded, this system adds only +2 to the skill roll.


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Dalesepp Survival Apparatus HPD-100 Heat Pod
A. Heat Generator 3,F 70 N/A 1
Skill: Thrown Weapons. Game Notes: Once employed, increases the difficulty of heat-based sensors or tracking systems by two levels (may vary depending upon type of information sought, distance from actual target and other factors).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 61)

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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven