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Medicines & Medical Gear
Survival Gear
Computers & Computer Equipment
Cybernetic Replacements & Enhancements


1 Common item Readily available throughout the known galaxy.
2 Uncommon item Available in large cities or spaceports.
3 Specialized item Available on planet of origin, but difficult to find elsewhere.
4 Rare item Difficult to find anywhere.
F Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R Restricted item on most planets, purchase/sale requires Imperial or other relevant license.
X Illegal on most planets, possession or use violates Imperial/local law with possible severe penalties. Specific permits may be available for authorized individuals.

General Price Guidelines

Animal, common 30+/-
Animal, livestock 500+/-
Animal, exotic 2000+
Artwork varies by type, etc.
Bacta 100/liter+/-
Fuel 50/kg+/-
Gemstones See list
Holovid 20+/-
Ore, common 200/kg+
Ore, rare 2000/kg+
Spice (illegal) 1000/kg+
Textiles 10/yard+
Water 4/liter+

Food, Lodging, Medical

Food (1 kg) Common: 10+/- Quality: 20+/- Exotic: 50+/-
Average human consumes 3kg per day
Lodging (1 day) Poor: 20+/- Good: 80+/- Luxury: 200+/-
Medical Care Medpac Treatment: 150 Long Term Care: 250/day Bacta Tank Healing: 300/12 hours

The following item lists can and should to be used during Character Creation. Once the campaign starts they can only be used as a reference as availability and price will vary.

Medicines and Medical Gear

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1 Medpac
A. Single 1 100 N/A 1
B. Case (10) 2 1000 " 10
2 FastFlesh Medpac
A. Single 2 500 N/A 1.5
B. Case (8) 2 4000 " 12
3 Bacta Tank
A. Strd 2 3000 " 40
Game Notes: Fully heals a patient on a successful Very Easy medicine or Heroic first aid roll. Healing time is 1D hours for Wounded patients, 4D hours for Incapacitated and 1D days for Mortally Wounded. If the roll fails, patient's injury worsens two levels.
4 Bacta
A. Strd 3 8000 " 400
Listed price is for one bacta tank refill. Recommended refill once every galactic standard year.
5 Medical Cocoon (emergencies only)
A. Strd 2 500 " 3
Contains nutrients and filter systems to maintain patient during transport to a medical facility. This unit lasts only 10 hours and must be disposed of after use.
B. Kayson A1 2 1000 " 3.2
Contains nutrients and filter systems to maintain patient during transport to a medical facility. This unit lasts only 20 hours and must be disposed of after use.
C. Kayson A2 2 2000 " 3.5
Contains nutrients and filter systems to maintain patient during transport to a medical facility. This unit lasts only 20 hours and must be disposed of after use.
6 Athakam/RSMA Atmosphere Replicator
A. Hyperbaric Medical Chamber 3,F 50,000 " 3
Scale: Character. Game Notes: The chamber's atmosphere can be adjusted to allow comfortable habitation for any species or medical conditions patient may have. This negates any penalties and the need for life-support apparatus while in the chamber.
Source: Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook (page 112)
7 Kirgalis Pharmaceutical Exports Abyssin Grafting Patch
A. Regenerative Grafting Patch 3 5000 " .1
Skill: First Aid or Medicine. Game Notes: A Difficult first aid or Easy medicine roll is required for normal application. As with bacta tanks, the patient will heal if allowed to rest, but the healing time depends upon the severity of injury.

Character is: Treatment time:
Wounded 2D hours
Incapacitated 8D hours
Mortally Wounded 2D days

After a patch is used once, it is all used up and new patches must be bought. Many lifeforms with natural regenerative abilities have a high resistance to the effects of this patch.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 85)
8 Slusani Interstellar Pharmacologies SGB-543
A. Micro-gravity pressure patch 2 750 " .5
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: An Easy first aid roll is required for proper placement and will allow Wounded patients to act as if unwounded or Incapacitated patients to act as Wounded (the injury is still there, but the patient will be able to move and so forth). It is up to the gamemaster to require players to properly roleplay the effects of this device.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 40-41)
9 SyntheCure Plasto-Cast
A. Spray Immobilizing Cast 1 35 " .5
Skill: First Aid (Survival skill may be used in emergencies). Game Notes: An Easy first aid roll is required for proper application; each pistol has one application and cannot be refilled. Effect is to add +2 to the character's next healing roll. Adjustments to emission tip controls width of spray. One plasto-cast contains sufficient chemical adherent to cover a surface area approximately 50 centimeters by 20 centimeters. In emergency situations, a Moderate survival roll may be substituted for the first aid roll.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 41)
10 Xarin Medical technologies GRS-600
A. Field Splint 2 200 " .5
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: An Easy first aid roll is required for normal placement. This is increased to Moderate level for multiple or compound fractures. Once activated, limited movement is possible.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 40)
11 Seselin Medical Electronics Cyduct E-23 Booster
A. Interdermal Injection System 3,F, R or X 1250 " .1
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: An Easy first aid roll is required for first time set up. A variety of different chemical compounds are available from physicians by prescription. The booster holds up to 10 doses.

Serum Cost/Dose Duration Comments
DiMatolin 100 1 hour Negates Dexterity penalties in high gravity environments (up to 1.4 standard gravities
Elisinandrox 250 10 hours +1D+1 to Strength or stamina to resist radiation sickness
Gresholl-polyforim 150 3 hours Negates Strength penalties in high-gravity environments (up to 2 standard gravities)
Haladreshin 200 8 hours +1D to Perception and related skills; effective as neurological stimulant
Requilisant 200 6 hours Negates Dexterity related penalties in low and zero gravity environments

Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 43-44)
12 Praxen Emergency Medical Supplies, Ltd. PSP-278
A. Emergency Survival Pod 3 13,500 " 10
Skills: Computer Program/Repair and First Aid. Game Notes: Easy computer programming/repair and Moderate first aid roll to activate for an Incapacitated or Wounded patient. Moderate computer programming/repair and Difficult first aid roll to activate for a Mortally Wounded patient. Successful activation means that the patient will remain in current physical condition (will not worsen) as long as power is supplied from a generator to the pod.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 40)
13 Hadrassi Emergency Medical Systems Technologies PFG-700
A. Emergency Blood Synthensizer 3 5500 " 3
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: A Difficult first aid roll is required to properly prepare tissue and blood sample and match it up with local organic samples for synthesis. A successful operation can replicate up to 2 liters of blood substitute in one hour.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 39)
14 Synthtech MedTech Corp. MDS-50
A. Medical Scanner 1 75 " .3
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: An Easy first aid roll will provide basic readouts relating to the patient's overall physical condition, Moderate first aid roll required to scan for specific ailment. Device will not make recommendations for treatments, but will identify current physical abnormalities and suggest probable causes. Difficulties should be adjusted for unusual or hard to detect conditions.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 39), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 93)
15 Nylar Med/Tech Corp. Field Cauterizer
A. Field Cauterizer 3 200 " .05
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: Heals minor wounds, removing stun damage due to bleeding only (gamemaster's discretion). Standard Cost to Alliance is 50 IC.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 38), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 93)
16 Fabreth Medical Biochemicals Shock Cloth
A. Emergencey Blanket 2 250 " 1
Skill: First Aid. Cost for replacement medicines is 20-40. Game Notes: When attached to a medical scanner, computer, or datapad (not included), a shock cloth can prevent shock by administering medication to different parts of a patient's body while simultaneously stabilizing his temperature. This results in a +2D bonus to any first aid or (A) medicine skill rolls made to stabilize a wounded, dying, or incapacitated character. A first aid roll is required for normal application (use medpac rules, but reduce difficulties by one level). The blanket's medicines must be replenished after one use (normally costs about 20-40 credits).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 38), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 93)
17 Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company ECM-598
A. Advanced Medical Kit 2 600 " 3
Skill: First Aid. Game Notes: Treat all components as requiring an Easy first aid roll unless otherwise noted. Each kit contains the following items:
  • Hand-Held Diagnostic Scanner: Easy first aid or Moderate sensors roll. Provides readout of patient's vital signs, specifics on injury and recommended procedures.
  • Medicines: Anesthetics, blood pressure, respiration and pulse regulation compounds, as well as other essential medicines (for a number of common species).
  • Emergency Procedures Database: Easy computer programming/repair roll. Based on initial scanner findings, this emergency database provides the user with a quickreference collection of treatment procedures.
  • Filtration Mask: Supplies sufficient oxygen flow; may also be connected to one of several atmospheric compound bottles for non-oxygen breathers.
  • Heat Closure Packs: Pressurized sealant bandages with medicines which, when exposed to air, cauterize and sterilize a wound up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
  • Laser Scalpel: Difficult first aid roll. Precision cutting tool.
  • Medicine Dispenser: Moderate first aid roll. Can be loaded with a variety of medicines.
  • Portable Repulsor-Stretcher: Collapsible one-person operation anti-grav stretcher capable of supporting up to 150 kilograms.
  • Pressure Cuffs: Circular metal sleeves of varying diameter (5-30 centimeters) which inflate pressurized chambers around wound area.
  • Sterile Heating Cloth: Covers an area up to 1.6 meters 0.75 meters with a sterilized, heat-insulated covering.
  • 2 Universal Plasma Fluid Sacks: Require Moderate first aid roll. Intravenous feed provides universal plasma stabilization serums.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 38-39), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 39), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 93)
18 Athacam II Med Unit
A. Portable Med Unit 2 3000 " 30
Game Notes: Device can diagnose and treat common diseases and poisons, in addition to stabilizing a seriously injured patient. Has first aid 5D and medicine 1D. A medical droid may interface with the med unit, receiving a +2D bonus to first aid and +1D to medicine.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 40), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 92)
19 Sedatives
A. Dipill (10 uses) 2,F 200 See below .02
Each use lasts for 6 hours.
B. Primmiss (10 uses) 2,R 400 See below "
Each use lasts for 9 hours and can kill the being if two or more milligrams extra are given to the patient before the 9 hours are up (Difficult Stamina roll).
C. Trinnax 3,X 1000 See below "
Each use lasts for 12 hours and can kill the being if even one milligram extra is given before the 12 hour duration has ended (Very Difficult Stamina roll).
20 Truth Serums
A. Bavo Six (5 uses) 2,R 400 See below .05
Bavo Six was a notoriously powerful yet easy to produce truth serum. It was used by many organizations, from the Bartokk assassins to the Galactic Empire. Bavo Six would induce visual exaggeration and paranoia—shapes and outlines became distorted, and the victim became afraid of everything. The suspected chemical composition of Bavo Six was R7Bo3Kr2, but that has yet to be confirmed.
B. OV600 (5 uses) 2,X 550 " "
Developed by 'Geneering Products, OV600 was a powerful truth serum often used by the Galactic Empire. Unlike other serums such as Bavo Six, OV600 acted physically upon the victim, rather than mentally. When the serum detected the symptoms of lie-telling, it caused the victim's flesh to break out in a painful rash. The serum was powerful enough to cause death in severe cases.
C. KX-1 (1 use) 2,X 600 " "
Causes severe pain if lies are told, to the extent of causing 4D Damage and 3D Stun simultaneously. If used more than three times on a being there is a 35% (+10% per use beyond the first four) chance of that being going insane.
21 Poisons
A. Skin Buster 3,R 1600 6D+Special .01
Causes 6D damage on contact with skin and 4D damage every round for 10 additional rounds. Also causes insanity and a painful screaming death after 2 days unless treated.
B. Fandangu 3,X 3000 p/g 7D+Special "
Damage continues every round until dissipated. Damage is reduced by -1D each round.
C. Akkonza 3,X 4000 p/g Special "
Person hit by this drug is automatically at -2D and dying. They must roll their Stamina then -2D from that. This total is divided by 2 to see how many rounds until person drops to -3D. Half as many rounds later, person is at -4D. Only a Jedi or Healer can save at this point.


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1 Common Types
A. White 3,R 150+ Special .01
Adds +2 pips to all Attributes and skills for six hours until person becomes addicted (10% chance per use). Taking a double dose will not increase the effects. Once addicted person will have to take the drug at least once every 10 hours just to maintain normal stats. If this is not done all Attributes and skills will be reduced by -1D until drug is again taken. If withdrawal is allowed to go for 12 hours person will pass out and not wake up for 12 more hours. At that time, he will no longer be addicted but will be totally susceptible to addiction if the drug is taken again in any amount.
2 Uncommon Types
A. Red 3,R 350+ " "
Adds +3 to Dexterity and all skills for two hours. There is a 25% chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every other month and must be taken every 20 hours. The +3 bonus is still added as long as the being continues to take the drug in increasing amounts. If these conditions are not met then the being has a 30% chance to go into a coma after 20 hours. Every 20 hours after that the chance goes up by 5%. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Very Difficult roll is required up to six months of addiction, a Heroic roll for more than six months.
B. Green 3,R 250+ " "
Adds +3 to Knowledge and all skills for two hours. There is a 15% chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every other month and must be taken every 24 hours. The +3 bonus is still added as long as they continue to take the drug in increasing amounts. If these conditions are not met then the person has a 10% chance to go into a coma after 24 hours. Every 24 hours after that the chance goes up by 2% to a maximum of 74%. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Difficult roll is required up to six months of addiction, a Very Difficult roll for more than six months.
C. Yellow 3,R 300+ " "
Adds +3 to Perception and all skills for 1.5 hours. There is a 40% chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every other month and must be taken every 12 hours. The +3 bonus is still added as long as they continue to take the drug in increasing amounts. If these conditions are not met then the person has a 20% chance to go into a coma after 12 hours. Every 12 hours after that the chance goes up by 5% to a maximum of 85%. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Difficult roll is required up to six months of addiction, a Very Difficult roll for more than six months.
D. Orange 3,R 250+ " "
Adds +3 to Mechanical and all skills for two hours. There is a 25% chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every other month and must be taken every 20 hours. The +3 bonus is still added as long as they continue to take the drug in increasing amounts. If these conditions are not met then the person has a 14% chance to go into a coma after 20 hours. Every 20 hours after that the chance goes up by 3%. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Difficult roll is required up to six months of addiction, a Very Difficult roll for more than six months.
E. Purple 3,R 200+ " "
Adds +3 to Technical and all skills for 2.5 hours. There is a 35% chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every other month and must be taken every 18 hours. The +3 bonus is still added as long as they continue to take the drug in increasing amounts. If these conditions are not met then the person has a 20% chance to go into a coma after 12 hours. Every 12 hours after that the chance goes up by 4%. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Difficult roll is required up to six months of addiction, a Very Difficult roll for more than six months.
F. Blue 3,R 300+ " "
Adds +3 to Strength and all skills for two hours. There is a 15% chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every other month and must be taken every 24 hours. The +3 bonus is still added as long as they continue to take the drug in increasing amounts. If these conditions are not met then the person has a 20% chance to go into a coma after 24 hours. Every 24 hours after that the chance goes up by 3%. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Difficult roll is required up to six months of addiction, a Very Difficult roll for more than six months.
G. Dovaminic 3,R 50 p/.5g " .0005
Adds +1 to Dexterity and +1 to the Move Rate for 8 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
H. Zheeku 3,R 100 p/.5g " "
Adds +2 to Dexterity and +2 to the Move Rate for 7 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
3 Rare Types
A. Silver 3,X 500+ Special .02
Adds +3 pips to all Attributes and skills for two hours. There is a 2% cumulative chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every two weeks and must be taken every 10 hours. The bonus will be +3 or -3 and will happen at random every 4-6 hours for 1 hour. The addiction will kill the user in 8 months but can happen in 16 hours if the dosage is not kept up. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison (a Heroic roll is required) or spend 2 months in a bacta tank.
B. Gold 3,X 750+ " "
Adds 1D+1 to all Attributes and skills for 2.5 hours. There is a 5% cumulative chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every week and must be taken every 8 hours. The bonus will be +1D or -1D and will happen at random every 4 hours and last for 2 hours. The addiction will kill the user in 5 months but can happen in 9 hours if the dosage is not kept up. The only way to get off the addiction: have a Jedi Detoxify Poison (a Heroic roll is required) or spend 4 months in a bacta tank.
C. Rellipoid 3,X 150 p/.5g " .0005
Adds +3 to Dexterity and +3 to the Move Rate for 6 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
D. Blint 3,X 400 p/.5g " "
Adds +1D to Dexterity and +4 to the Move Rate for 5 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
E. Tsidj 3,X 600 p/.5g " "
Adds +1D+1 to Dexterity and +5 to the Move Rate for 4 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
4 Very Rare Types
A. Black 4,X 1000+ " "
Adds 2D to all Attributes and all skills for 3 hours. There is a 10% cumulative chance to become addicted each time it is taken. When this happens the dosage will have to be doubled every three days and must be taken every 6 hours. The bonus will be +2D or -2D and will happen at random every 2 hours and last for 2 hours. The addiction will kill the user in 3 months but can happen in 4 hours if the dosage is not kept up. The only way to get off the addiction is to have a Jedi Detoxify Poison. A Heroic +10 roll is required.
B. Qwilitone 4,X 1500+ " "
Adds +2D to Dexterity and +6 to the Move Rate for 5 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
NOTES ON DRUGS: If Black is mixed with any other drug, death will be instantaneous. Even a Jedi Master can't stop this from happening.


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1 Refined Spice
A. Juihm 3,X 500 p/g " .001
Adds +2 to Perception for 1-2 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
B. Daphki 3,X " " "
Adds +2 to Dexterity for 1-2 rounds. Will work above a beings racial maximum.
C. Divvmech 3,X " " "
Adds +2 to Knowledge for 1-6 rounds. Works above any beings racial maximum.
D. Garkorian 3,X " " "
Adds +3 to Knowledge for 1-6 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
E. Cuum-Slant 3,X " " "
Adds +2 to Mechanical for 1-2 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
F. Kermaz 3,X " " "
Adds +2 to Technical for 1-2 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
G. Demkendu 3,X " " "
Adds +2 to Strength for 1-2 round. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
H. Glitter-Stim 3,X " " "
Gives the user 8D Sense for 1-3 rounds. Allows the user to read the minds of others and probe for extra information for the duration of the drug. Force users can block this effect as if it was an Affect Mind attack (roll Control to resist). Non-Jedi's use Perception to block the attack.
2 Pure Spice
A. Juihm 4,X 5000 p/g " .001
Adds +1D to Perception for 1-6 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
B. Daphki 4,X " " "
Adds +1D to Dexterity for 1-6 rounds. Will work above a beings racial maximum.
C. Divvmech 4,X " " "
Adds +1D to Knowledge for 1-6 rounds. Works above any beings racial maximum.
D. Garkorian 4,X " " "
Adds +2D to Knowledge for 1-6 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
E. Cuum-Slant 4,X " " "
Adds +1D to Mechanical for 1-6 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
F. Kermaz 4,X " " "
Adds +1D to Technical for 1-6 rounds. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
G. Demkendu 4,X " " "
Adds +1D to Strength for 1-6 round. Will work above any beings racial maximum.
H. Glitter-Stim 4,X " " "
Gives the user 10D Sense for 2-7 rounds. Allows the user to read the minds of others and probe for extra information for the duration of the drug. Force users can block this effect as if it was an Affect Mind attack (roll Control to resist). Non-Jedi's use Perception to block the attack.
NOTES ON SPICE: If double doses are taken the effects last twice as long. However, there is a 3%/20% (refined/pure) chance of becoming addicted. Refined Spice has no side affects, but Pure Spice may cause blindness, hearing loss and insanity if taken often and in large doses. Glitter-Stim is considered a form of mind rape if used to probe thoughts (the being probed remembers everything). Class Two Infraction: 15-20 years in prison doing hard labor and a 60,000 IC fine is the standard punishment for this offense.

Survival Gear

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1 Pretormin Environmental WPR-60
A. Water Purification System 1 100 See below 1
Skill: Survival. Game Notes: A Very Easy survival roll is required for normal use. The amount of time required to properly filtrate water samples is dependant on local sources. Average filtration time is 5 minutes. The unit will notify the user when cleansing process is completed.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 67)
2 Celextrian SNDF-12
A. SatNav Direction Finder 2 850 " "
Skill: Survival. Game Notes: An Easy survival roll is necessary for normal operation. In lieu of standard orbital satellite relay networks, coordinated broadcast signals may be received from local broadcast networks by adjusting reception band width (a Moderate survival roll).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 67)
3 Salasetti Survival Systems, Inc. Heat Induction Staff
A. Emergency Heat Generator 2 300 " 2
Skills: Survival. Game Notes: An Easy survival roll is required for normal operation. Accidental contact with the heating point results in 3D damage.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 66)
4 Dardrennis Survival Technology EMS-500
A. Energy Collection System 2 1500 " 3
Skills: Survival and Technical. Game Notes: An Easy Technical roll is required for normal operation. The difficulty level may vary depending upon the type and amount of energy flow being accessed. Energy collection rates will vary from anywhere for an hour (from large power source or generator) up to six days (such as from low power blaster power packs) for a full charge.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 65
5 Valerenn Environmentals Personal Shelter Capsule
A. Personal Survival Shelter 2 500 " 2
Skill: Survival. Game Notes: Prior to activation, the PSC is a flat, 1 meter square, 25 centimeters thick cube that houses an inflatable, highly reflective fabric shelter. Filaments running throughout the fabric draw solar energy to the shelter's batteries, allowing for up to 10 hours of continuous use. When fully inflated, the shelter expands to a diameter of 2.5 meters and oxygen recycling and heating elements are automatically activated. A zippered entranceway gives access to the interior. A Very Easy survival roll is required for activation.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 65)
6 Saladar Systems PED-21 Distress Beacon
A. Portable Distress Beacon 2 200 " 1.5
Skill: Communications (for alteration of normal distress frequencies only). Game Notes: Transmits personal transponder codes along all major subspace frequencies at a range of up to five light-years. Normal operation is automatic upon activation. A moderate communications roll is required, however, should the user attempt to calibrate the device for non-standard bandwidths, such as Imperial military, government-restricted or Alliance frequencies.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 64-65), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 95)
7 Vercanne Mineral Technologies FOE-2000
A. Water/Oxygen Extractor 2 350 " 3
Game Notes: Extracts oxygen from sub-surface water deposits or water vapor trapped in rock formations. This process is much faster than atmospheric scrubbers that can pull oxygen from the air.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 57)
8 Lardanis Survival Systems MFCR-200 Power Generator
A. Medium Power Generator 2 750 " 4
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 55)
9 Gandorthral Atmospherics Oxidizer
A. Oxygen Extractor 2 350 " 1.5
Game Notes: Extracts breathable oxygen from poisonous atmospheres; lasts 4 hours on a full power pack. Power pack recharging takes one hour.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 54), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 32), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 85-86)
10 Vectac Systems, Inc. Versatex Survival Suit
A. Survival Suit 2 900 " 3
May also be used as armor. Armor plates (wt: .5 ea) cost an additional 150 credits each. Game Notes: Suit is waterproof and tear and pressure resistant. Micro-capillaried fabric's insulation fluids protect the wearer from temperature extremes from as low as -30º C to as high as 100º C. Suit's microcapillaries have a limited camouflage system. By exposing the belt color sensor to the environment's predominant color, custom tinted dyes will be injected into the micro-capillaries, altering the suit's color, granting a +1D bonus to sneak and hide. Helmet has a built-in comlink, breath mask and glowlamp. Optional strap-on armor provides +1D physical and +2 energy protection, retaining the same camouflage capabilities.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 57)
11 Meredex Atmospherics EMS-90
A. Emergency Shelter 2 800 " 1.5
Also called a Bubble Cloak. Game Notes: An Easy Dexterity roll is required for removal and inflation within 30 seconds. Puncture and heat resistant, opaque bubble has a Strength of 1D+2 to resist damage and atmosphere loss.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 42-43), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 95)
12 Luma Flares
A. Strd 1 100 4D+Special 1
Maximum range for the luma flare is 5 km vertical and 10 km horizontal. The illumination lasts for three minutes, and an area 300 meters in diameter is affected. While not designed as a weapon, luma flares will cause 4D burn damage to anyone within 20 meters of the detonation point. Anyone within 50 meters of the detonation point and who is looking directly at it must make a Difficult Perception roll or be blinded for eight minutes.

Computers and Computer Equipment

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1 Pocket Computer
A. 1D Power, 3D Memory 1 300 N/A .3
B. 2D Power, 4D Memory 2 900 " "
C. 3D Power, 6D Memory 2,F 1500 " "
Pocket Computer Notes: The 1D-3D Power adds +1D to +3D to Comp. Prog./Repair skill roll
1D Additional Memory (Max.: 10D): 200 credits. Adds .02kg to the total weight.
2 Microthrust Portables
A. 0D Power, 5D Memory 2,F 5000 N/A 2
B. 1D Power, 5D Memory 2,F 10,000 " "
C. 2D Power, 7D Memory 2,F 25,000 " 2.02
D. 3D Power, 9D Memory 2,F 35,000 " 2.06
E. 4D Power, 11D Memory 2,F 45,000 " 2.12
F. 5D Power, 15D Memory 2,R 55,000 " 2.2
Portable Computer Notes: The 1D-5D Power adds +1D to +5D to Computer Program/Repair skill and +1 to +1D+2 to Computer Ops skill roles. 1D Additional Memory (Max.: 20D): 500 credits. Adds .02kg to the total weight.
3 Microthrust Computer Spikes
A. Piercer 3,X 1000 2D Power .02
B. Piercer I 3,X 2000 3D Power "
C. Piercer II 3,X 3000 4D Power "
D. Intruder 3,X 6000 5D Power "
E. Peircer IV 3,X 7500 6D Power .03
F. Spear VI 3,X 9000 7D Power "
G. Lancer 3,X 10,500 8D Power "
H. Impaler 3,X 12,000 9D Power "
I. Tunneler 3,X 15,000 10D Power .04
J. Viper XI 3,X 17,000 11D Power "
K. Thunder Stomper 3,X 19,000 12D Power "
Note: All of the above take two rounds to program and two rounds to run. The computer spikes come in tough, plasti-steel cases with a computer interface projecting from it. A spike takes about ten seconds to program and another ten seconds to use. A spike can only be used once.
Must make an Easy Computer Program/Repair roll to prepare the spike. If the roll succeeds, the program can then be slotted into the computer system to be raided. If the roll fails, the spike is ruined. The player then rolls the spike's die code against the difficulty number of the information.
MicroThrust's computer spikes are computer programs designed to help a person gain access to computer data or computer-controlled systems. Imperial computers operate with Rapid Repetition Defense Measures (RRDM). The RRDM constantly scans the computer looking for program patterns alien to the computer's standard programs. To avoid the RRDM, a computer spike alters its primary coding sequences, quickly rewriting portions of itself. This means that as soon as a spike begins running it is deteriorating, slowly becoming less and less effective as it performs its task. By the time it has finished worming its way through the computer, it is completely useless.
To use a computer spike you will need a portable computer. First, slot the program into your portable and give the spike its specific instructions. Because the program isn't working against you this is a fairly easy task. Then jack your portable into the system you want to spike or jack the spike directly into the computer. All you have to do is sit back and let the program run against the computer system. The program knows what it has to do, so it will do the work for you. The information you are looking for will be downloaded into your portable or spike.
Source: Cracken's Rebel Field Guide (page 8)
4 MerenData Universal Computer Interface
A. Access Translator 1 2500 N/A .15
Skill: Computer Program/Repair. Cost: 100 (annual software upgrades). Game Notes: A computer programming/repair roll is required for successful operation (difficulty varies based on how much the unknown computer system varies from standardized systems). A successful roll allows the user to add a +1D bonus to any subsequent computer programming/repair rolls using this system. This device will not override security programming in place nor will it permit otherwise unauthorized access to host systems. This unit does, however, provide for easy data transference between what might otherwise be incompatible system architectures.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 32)
5 MicroData Pocket Secretary
A. Audio Activated Datapad 1 150 " .2
Game Notes: Consists of a comlink-sized audio receptor device and an audio encoding datapad. Unit is activated with a predetermined codephrase, and proceeds to translate the spoken information into computer data.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 29), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 96)
6 Kee-Piru Computronics ACCA-1dx000
A. Aquatic Computer 4 8000 1D Power 1.5
Skill: Computer Program/Repair. Game Notes: Internal battery cell allows for continued use out of water up to 10 standard hours. As an advanced portable computer with powerful artificial intelligence modules, this computer adds +1D to the user's computer programming/repair rolls.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 88)
7 MerenData Duros Bio-Comp 1000
A. Biological Computer 4 35,000 " 3.5
Skill: Computer Program/Repair. Game Notes: Offers a maintenance-free performance standard with virtual independence from any external power source.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 87)
8 CoreDataFiles CFC-100
A. Corporate Watcher 2 12,500 " 1.5
Skill: Business. A 10,000 IC annual service fee for weekly data upgrades is required to keep this computer active. Game Notes: Requires no specialized computer skills to install. However, an Easy business roll is required to retrieve information dealing with a given company's recent operations. Moderate or higher skill totals are required when attempting to model hypothetical "what-if" scenarios and analysis of long-term trends.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 28-29)
A. Computer/Security Breaker 3,X 8000+ see below 3
Skills: Minimum of 4D Security and 3D Computer Program/Repair to use (adds 4D more to Security roll if used correctly). The Hacker Kit 1.1 is a hacker tool kit that allows someone to break past any computer controlled lock or check point as well as access any information available on the computer by deciphering pass words. It's very difficult to use but also very effective when done properly. To interact with it there is a keyboard and a small screen. The hacker kit is a supplement but not a replacement to the hacker. It cannot accomplish it's tasks without someone to carry out the physical aspect. Because of all the necessary tasks required in it's use it was proven impractical to make it a droid.
The kit comes with a hydrospanner, screw driver, laser cutter, universal computer jack, specialized comlink, retinal projector and card decoder along with a level one droid brain and a keyboard view screen interface (note: if a player is as good with computers as he should be to acquire this machine, he can put in a voice unit to the computer with only an easy computer prog/repair roll).
When the kit is activated it requires a Security skill of 4D to use. Even then if it is a new user and not the previous one, all past files are deleted and randomized. No Hacker Kit will hack another, so all Kits are completely safe from ever having their doings used against their owners.
Special Abilities and Instructions: This device can crack through any computer security measure and then copy the data inside. It will also unlock all computer controlled locks and blind any computer controlled check points. Below are a list of the counter measures employed to keep people out and the counter-counter measures the Hacker Kit will use to get in.
Password - If any password is required either audio or touch pad, the hacker need only remove the panel meant to receive the password and connect the built in computer on the Hacker Kit to both the receiver and the verifier. Then the GM can roll an Easy difficulty roll to have the Hacker Kit take the expected password from the verifying component and put it through to the receiver. The computer cannot tell the difference and the only evidence of the Hackers presence is the removed panel, which is easily rectified by putting the panel back in place.
Key Card - This is laughably easy. Take the card decoder from the equipment rack above the monitor and place it in the appropriate slot. The delicate instrument then reads the incoming interrogation (through either laser, x-ray, magnetic or mechanical means) and gives the sought after response. The Kit rolls it's individual roll of 4D against a Moderate difficulty to have the desired effect.
Hand Scan - This is a more difficult task in that the hacker can never touch the receiver. Instead he must find the power source to the receiver and disconnect the power to it. Then he must find the connection between the receiver and the objective and splice this (Moderate difficulty on the computer prog/repair skill) then connect the spliced wire to the Hacker Kit. Then the Hacker Kit rolls it's individual roll of 4D to order the objective to respond in the desired fashion (Moderate difficulty).
Retinal Scan - This is the most difficult lock to crack. Have the hacker remove the panel around the lens of the retinal scanner. Upon finding the verifier unit attach this to the Kit (Difficult computer prog/repair) then attach the retinal projector hanging on the equipment rack above the screen to the hard drive and place it in front of the lens. Then both may roll their collective roll of 8D to achieve a Very Difficult Security Roll.
Security Monitors:
Cameras and Holorecorders - Your Hacker won't get very far in life if he breaks into a facility to copy secret and restricted information only to be seen on film and alert the security troops. To avoid this result, as soon as possible link the Kit up to a security relay junction (they're not too hard to find. About as common as a light switch. Say a moderate perception roll) and tap into it. Use the retinal recorder to scan your image and that of the kit then transfer this information onto the Kit's hard drive. It will then have the security system copy the image as old data and it will be ignored from all scans. This is not 100% fool proof. A thermal sensor will still show up along with a shadow but there are other ways to handle that.
Thermal Image - When you remove your image from the system type in ^^^***%comm#1 into the Kit. Even with a voice synthesizer installed this command must be typed. This is done to insure that not even the Kit knows the Hackers secret ace in the hole. The command is immediately translated by the droid brain and activates the comm. unit at the same time sending a command over the security lines to ignore anything that would trigger their preset orders to alert security within 6 meters of this wide band signal that will read in any electronic device focusing in it's direction. The only way to detect the signal is to monitor all comm. channels inside the facility and if that is the case it's the hackers own dumb luck. Meanwhile the memory of the event is deleted and randomized automatically by the droid brain. It will never understand why it's master is so casual about what to do. It is an obvious short coming in it's protection of it's master. There is no roll involved as long as the player states that he/she is using the code.
Electronic Security:
Password - Hook the unit up to the computer and let them blabber back and forth. The Hacker Kit is fluent in all known computer languages and has the ability to trace program origins. This means that any computer from the known galaxy can have it's passwords traced back to their point of origin copied and then given to the password receiver within 4 turns at a Moderate difficulty level for the Kit.
Presence Recorder - This is much more difficult in that you must actually remove files. A presence detector records who or what is inside it's assigned area at what time. The best thing (and easiest) to do is allow it to record then delete the file and randomize the spot where the file used to exist. This is a difficult task and must be done for three consecutive rounds before safety is 100% assured.
10 Security Kit
A. Typical Security Kit 2,R or X 750, 1500 (Mastercraft) see below 1.5
Game Notes: A security kit is a set of special tools for bypassing electronic and mechanical locks. This item gives it user a +1D bonus on security rolls. It also provides a +1D bonus on any repair rolls relating to security systems. A mastercraft security kit provides a +2D bonus and contains a comlink that monitors frequencies typically used by silent alarms, so the user can know if such an alarm has been triggered at any point during the operation.
Source: D20 Core Rulebook (page 143) conversion

Cybernetic Replacements and Enhancements

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1 Cybernetic Body Parts
A. Chest 2 3000 Normal N/A
B. Waist 2 1000 " "
C. Arm 2 2000 " "
D. Leg 2 2500 " "
E. Foot 2 750 " "
F. Hand 2 1000 " "
G. Eye 2 1500 " "
H. Ear 2 1500 " "
I. Lung 2 2000 " "
J. Heart 2 5000 " "
K. Stomach 2 3500 " "
L. Intestines 2 2000 " "
M. Sex Organs 2 6000 " "
Note: All of the above do not include modifications
2 Cybernetic Attribute Enhancements
Attribute Dexterity Knowledge Mechanical Perception Strength Technical WT*
2D 5000 1000 3000 4000 4500 3000 N/A
2D+1 5500 1200 3300 4500 5000 3300 "
2D+2 6000 1400 3600 5000 5500 3600 "
3D 7000 1700 4000 6000 6500 4000 "
3D+1 8000 2000 4400 7000 7500 4400 "
3D+2 9000 2400 4800 8000 8500 4800 "
4D 11,000 3500 5600 10,000 10,500 5600 "
4D+1 15,000 4000 6000 13,000 14,000 6000 .1
4D+2 18,000 4500 6500 15,000 16,500 6500 .2
5D 34,000 8000 9000 24,000 29,000 9000 .4
5D+1 40,000 9000 10,000 28,000 33,000 10,000 "
5D+2 46,000 10,000 12,000 32,000 39,000 12,000 .5
6D 52,000 12,000 14,000 36,000 44,000 14,000 .6
6D+1 58,000 14,000 16,000 40,000 49,000 16,000 .75
6D+2 68,000 16,000 19,000 44,000 56,000 19,000 .9
7D 80,000 20,000 26,000 50,000 65,000 26,000 1.1
* Knowledge, Mechanical and Technical add 1/2 listed weight. Boldface indicates natural human maximums. For every full dice added above human maximum, add one Cyber Point. The Legal Code for all of the above is 3,X.
ITEM AM/LC COST Damage Resistance WT
3 Cybernetic Strength Increase (for damage purposes only unless otherwise noted)
A. Head 2,R 6000 +1D .2
B. Chest 2,R 16,000 +1D 1
C. Waist 2,R 10,000 +1D .4
D. Arm 2,R 8000 +1D .3
E. Leg 2,R 12,000 +1D .5
F. Head Plus 2,X 12,000 +2D .3
G. Chest Plus 2,X 32,000 +2D 1.2
H. Waist Plus 2,X 20,000 +2D .5
I. Arm Plus 2,X 16,000 +2D .4
J. Leg Plus 2,X 24,000 +2D .6
4 Cybernetic Brawling Combat Damage Increase Extra Damage
A. Brawling Combat Base I 2,X 10,000 +1D .2
B. Brawling Combat Base II 2,X 15,000 +1D+1 .3
C. Brawling Combat Base III 2,X 22,000 +1D+2 .4
D. Brawling Combat Plus I 3,X 28,000 +2D .5
E. Brawling Combat Plus II 3,X 36,000 +2D+1 .6
F. Brawling Combat Plus III 3,X 42,000 +2D+2 .7
G. Brawling Combat Extreme I 3,X 56,000 +3D .8
H. Brawling Combat Extreme II 3,X 67,000 +3D+1 .9
I. Brawling Combat Extreme III 3,X 78,000 +3D+2 1.0
All of the above require a Cybernetic Strength Enhancement double that of damage increase. Each level of increase is installed as a complete package and cannot be added to later; instead, a whole new system (to include the Strength increase) must be installed in place of the old one. Double the normal healing time due to removal of old system and insertion of new system.
5 Cybernetic Melee Combat Damage Increase Extra Damage
A. Melee Combat Base I 2,X 10,000 +1D .2
B. Melee Combat Base II 2,X 15,000 +1D+1 .3
C. Melee Combat Base III 2,X 22,000 +1D+2 .4
D. Melee Combat Plus I 2,X 28,000 +2D .5
E. Melee Combat Plus II 3,X 36,000 +2D+1 .6
F. Melee Combat Plus III 3,X 42,000 +2D+2 .7
G. Melee Combat Extreme I 3,X 56,000 +3D .8
H. Melee Combat Extreme II 3,X 67,000 +3D+1 .9
I. Melee Combat Extreme III 3,X 78,000 +3D+2 1.0
All of the above require a Cybernetic Strength Enhancement double that of damage increase. Each level of increase is installed as a complete package and cannot be added to later; instead, a whole new system (to include the Strength increase) must be installed in place of the old one. Double the normal healing time due to removal of old system and insertion of new system.
NOTE: Brawling Combat and Melee Combat damage increases allow some overlapping in the number of credits and the total weight added. Multiply all costs by .6 and weight totals by .7 for the actual amounts.
6 Cybernetic Movement Increases
A. Racial Max +1 3,X 4000 N/A .5
B. R.M. +2 3,X 6000 " .7
C. R.M. +3 3,X 9000 " .9
D. R.M. +4 3,X 12,000 " 1.2
E. R.M. +5 3,X 15,000 " 1.5
F. R.M. +6 3,X 20,000 " 1.7
G. R.M. +7 3,X 30,000 " 1.9
All of the above require a Cybernetic Strength Enhancement double that of move increase. Each level of increase is installed as a complete package and cannot be added to later; instead, a whole new system (to include the Strength increase) must be installed in place of the old one. Double the normal healing time due to removal of old system and insertion of new system.
7 Cyber Weapons
A. Neuro-Shock Hand 3,R 1000+ per pip cost .3
Per Pip of Damage (Max.: 5D+3) 500+ Per Pip
Per Pip of Damage Above 5D+3 (Max.: 7D) 750+ Per Pip
B. Control Zone Repulse-Hand 3,R 1000+ See below .4
Per Pip of Damage/Skill (Max.: 4D/6D) 300+ Per Pip
Per Pip of Damage/Skill Above 4D/6D (Max.: 7D/9D) 500+ Per Pip
A. Var. Weapon Type 3,X Cost+2000 By Weapon -10%
The additional fee is for adaptation costs for the armor.
8 Infochants (see CRFG for more info)
A. Swift 78B Vessel Courier System 2,F 5000+ N/A .04
Power: 1D, Memory: 8D, Cyber Points: 1. Game Notes: Vessel system can carry 8D of information. Vessel courier may not read the data or interact with it in any way. Virus protection package can be uploaded for 50 credits. After beating computer programming difficulty, takes one minute per die of information to upload. 8D may be downloaded in one minute. Note the the operation for the implant will cost 20,000 credits.
Source: Cracken's Rebel Field Guide (page 30)
B. External 2,F 16,000 N/A .04
Power: 1D, Memory: 10D, Cyber Points: 1
C. External Plus 2,R 20,000 " .05
Power: 2D, Memory: 12D, Cyber Points: 1
D. Internal 3,R 40,000 " .01
Power: 1D, Memory: 8D, Cyber Points: 2
E. Internal Plus 3,X 55,000 " .015
Power: 2D, Memory: 10D, Cyber Points: 2
F. Internal/Accessible 3,X 75,000 " .02
Power: 2D, Memory: 9D, Cyber Points: 2
G. Internal/Accessible Plus 3,X 95,000 " .02
Power: 2D+2, Memory: 11D, Cyber Points: 2
All of the above may access any computer as a Microthrust Portable and may utilize a computer spike (not including the Internal and Internal/Accessible systems) at a maximum rating of 1/2 listed memory (rounded down). The computer spike must be linked to the system externally.
9 Traxes BioElectronics Implant Communicator
A. Implant Comm Unit 4,F, R or X 12,500 " .005
Recent advances in commnications technology have refined how personal access to information may be handled in the years to come. One possible avenue of approach is of personal communication implants. Small transmitters (averaging about 10mm in diameter) are implanted for sub-vocalized transmission; mastoid process receivers are used to intercept broadcasts from a matching transmitter (in Humans; of course, receivers will be placed in appropriate locations for other species).
Once in place, a transceiver relay picks up coded frequency transmissions and converts them into electrical impulses that are perceived by the brain as "voices in one's head." Likewise, sub-vocalized sentences can be broadcast with the user merely "thinking aloud."
Transmission frequencies can include normal electromagnetic carrier waves, digital microwave transmissions and specially coded ultrawave linkages for automattic business datafeeds. Safe and dependable, the implant can remain in place for several standard years without removal for maintenance or replacement.
Game Notes: Maximum broadcast range is 1 kilometer.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 87-88), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 88), Hero's Guide (page 131)

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