1st Roll |
2nd Roll/ 3rd Roll |
1-4 |
01-19 |
01-04 |
Acrobatics: (Flip, Roll, Balance, etc.) Skill for moving with agility. This skill has been
used in connection with others, such as Climbing/Jumping and Dodge. |
05-08 |
Archaic Guns: Specializations: Black powder pistol, matchlock, musket, wheelock or any other
weapon type. |
09-12 |
Armor Weapons: (Wrist laser, rope launcher, etc.) Using ranged weapons attached to armor.
Usually specialized. |
13-20 |
Blaster: Specializations: Blaster pistol, heavy blaster pistol, blaster rifle, hold-out
blaster, repeating blaster or any other weapon type. |
21-24 |
Blind Fighting: See Brawling Combat below. An extremely rare system of combat that does
not require sight (penalties to vision do not affect fighting skill). – Developed only by a few races
with extremely poor vision, this skill is generally unknown. It may be compatible with some Brawling
Combat specializations. |
25-26 |
Bowcaster: Specializations: none |
27-29 |
Bows: Specializations: Crossbow, long bow, short bow or other weapon type. |
30-34 |
Concussion Rifle: (None) Uncommon weapon skill. |
35-39 |
Contortion: (None.) Turning one's body in a way in which most beings cannot. Also for
dislocating joints |
40-43 |
Dance: (Formal, Exotic, etc.) Self-explanatory. |
44-49 |
Dodge: Specializations: Attacks versus energy weapons, slugthrowers, missile weapons, etc. |
50-53 |
Firearms: Specializations: Pistols, rifles, machine guns or any other weapon type. |
54-58 |
Grenade: Specializations: none |
59-62 |
Lightsabre: Specializations: none |
63-67 |
Melee Combat: Specializations: Swords, knives, axes, vibroblades, vibroaxes and any other
weapon type. Non-powered melee weapons (normal blades versus vibroblades) are different
specializations. |
68-69 |
Missile Weapons: Specializations: Concussion missile, grenade launcher, power harpoons, or
other weapon type |
70-74 |
Neutron Weapons: (Rifle, Heavy weapons) Uncommon Weapon Skill. Neutron weapons are used
almost exclusively by the Selenian race. |
75-79 |
Pick Pocket: Specializations: none. Stealing items from another person, and also sleight-of-
hand attempts; i.e. trying to conceal a small blaster or datacard in the palm of the hand. |
80-82 |
Plasma Weapons: (Pistol, Rifle, etc.) Uncommon weapon skill. |
83-86 |
Pulse-Wave Weapons: (Specific weapon type- pistol, rifle, etc.) Skill covering pulse-wave
weapons, which preceded blasters and are obsolete long before the rise of the Empire. |
87-91 |
Running: Specializations: long distance or short sprint. |
92-95 |
Simultaneous Attack: Specializations: Blaster w/ Blaster, Melee w/ Melee, Lightsaber w/
Lightsaber, etc. |
96-00 |
Thrown Weapons: Specializations: Knife, spear, sling or any other weapon type. |
-- |
20-35 |
1 |
Bargain: Specializations: Specific product (spice, weapons, etc.) |
2 |
Command: Specializations: Specific troops |
3 |
Con: Specializations: Specific type of con |
4 |
Forgery: Specializations: Specific type of document |
5 |
Gambling: Specializations: Specific type of game |
6 |
Hide: Specializations: none |
7 |
Investigation: Specializations: Specific environment to be investigated (Mos Eisley,
Imperial City, etc.) |
8 |
Persuasion: Specializations: Specific subject |
9 |
Search: Specializations: Tracking |
10 |
Sneak: Specializations: Any specific terrain type |
-- |
36-51 |
1-2 |
Brawling Combat: Specializations: None |
3-4 |
Climbing/Jumping: Specializations: Climbing or jumping |
5 |
Flight: (None) Applies to winged species only |
6 |
Lifting: Specializations: none |
7-8 |
Stamina: Specializations: none |
9 |
Swimming: Specializations: none |
10 |
Tunneling: (None) Applies to certain species only |
-- |
52-65 |
01-03 |
Agriculture: (by plant type) Knowing the properties of plants, and their uses |
04-07 |
Alien Species: Specializations: Wookiee, Gamorrean, Ewok, Sullustan or other specific
species |
08-10 |
Art: (by specific type- writing, sculpture, painting, etc.) Covers knowledge of artistic
techniques, historical knowledge of famous artists and works, and also allows analysis of the
psychological aspects of a given piece of art. |
11-13 |
Biochemistry: (Poisons.) This skill covers the creation and identification of bio-
chemical compounds. It is also used for handling, analysis and general theoretical knowledge. |
14-17 |
Bureaucracy: Specializations: Specific planetary or administrative arm of government
(Tatooine, Celanon, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Taxation). Gamemasters will have to approve
sensitive or unusual specializations (Imperial Security Bureau (ISB)). Knowing how to accomplish
goals by working within bureaucracy- knowing who to talk to, how to get an appointment, and knowing
what one might be expected to pay or do in return. |
18-21 |
Business: Specializations: Specific field (starships, weapons, droids) or specific
company, conglomerate or trade guild (Sienar Fleet Systems, Corporate Sector Authority, Golan Arms).
In addition to knowing about specific business, their products and locations, and procedures, this
skill also covers knowing how to get things done in a business environment, or to get favors or
preferential treatment from a business. |
22-24 |
Business Administration: (by specific type of business) This skill covers the arrangement
and management of a successful business, knowing what will be helpful or detrimental to the
corporation, etc. It also covers analysis of a business administration's skill. |
25-28 |
Culinary Arts: Used for creating and making recipes for any species and any occasion. Skill
listed for servant droids, but anyone can learn it. |
29-32 |
Cultures: Specializations: Specific species or cultural group (Corellians, members of
Alderaanian royal family or similar group). |
33-35 |
Earth Science: (Gemology, Geology, Mining, etc.) General knowledge skill, often used in
identifying of rocks / minerals, knowing the uses of certain mined products, appraising gems, etc. |
36-38 |
Ecology: (by planet- Moltok, Tattooine, Endor, Dagobah, etc.) Skill is used to identify
plants and know their uses, and the function of animals within the ecosystem. Knowledge of ecology
can help in some long-term Survival rolls, and can also be used to predict what will happen to an
ecosystem when elements are changed. |
39-41 |
Filing Systems: (by group of people- The Empire, BlasTech corporation, etc.) Knowing what
kinds of information the group in question keeps, how it is stored, and what kinds of security might
be involved in acquiring it. |
42-44 |
Genetics: (none) Basic knowledge of genetics, genetic theory, and evolution. (no practical
functions are listed- skill description is given with Lurrian race in HSCS) |
45-48 |
Home Economics: (???) No description available. Skill listed for servant droids. |
49-51 |
Humanoid Biology: (by species) Knowing details about the physiology of a race, either in
theory (listing facts for a given species), or in practice (observing a species and being able to
extrapolate information from appearances). This description is inferred – the only listing of this
skill is for medical droids. |
52-55 |
Intimidation: Specializations: Specific types (interrogation, bullying, etc.). Creating a
fear response in an individual or a group. This can take several forms. For Intimidation, the
character using the skill should have a clear goal in mind (i.e. getting a specific piece of
information, making people run away, etc.). If the character is not ready, willing, or able to carry
out the threats, then Con (Perception skill) checks will be required. |
56-60 |
Languages: Specializations: Specific language (Wookiee, Huttese, Bocce, Ewok). Being able
to translate between languages. In most cases a character can speak at least a limited amount of
other languages; though there are exceptions (for example human vocal chords usually can not
articulate the Wookiee language). House Rule: Without specializing in a language, certain subtleties
of that language may be overlooked. For example, slang terms are translated literally for a
character without the appropriate specialization. |
61-64 |
Law Enforcement: Specializations: Specific planet's or organization's laws and procedures
(Alderaan, Tatooine; the Empire or Rebel Alliance). Knowledge of laws, punishments, the size/ability
of enforcement in an area, and the procedures used by law enforcement. This skill also covers
knowledge of penalties for infractions, as well as legal defenses against criminal charges, and what
circumstances can affect severity of punishment. |
65-67 |
Market Analysis: (by product: Blasters, Droids, Computers, Starfighters, etc.) |
68-71 |
Planetary Systems: Specializations: Tatooine, Endor, Hoth, Kessel or some other specific
system. |
72-74 |
Politics: (by system--Coruscant, Sarka, Bothawui, etc.) Simliar to Bureaucracy and
Cultures, this skill governs knowledge of a location's government and the influences on it. This
skill covers prediction of what type of reaction a given idea might have in a political arena. |
75-78 |
Scholar: (by area of knowledge- Starships, Trade Routes, Jedi Lore, Military History,
etc) This skill covers "book learning-" factual knowledge that can be recited upon command, but
does not involve any experience in the subject matter. |
79-82 |
Streetwise: Specializations: Specific planet or criminal organization (Coruscant, Celanon,
Corellia, Jabba the Hutt's organization, Talon Karde's organization). |
83-87 |
Survival: Specializations: Volcano, jungle, desert, poisonous atmosphere or other specific
hostile environment. |
88-90 |
Tactics: (Fleets, Capital Ships, Starfighters, Planetary Defense, Sieges, Squads, Ground
Assault) Knowing how to use groups of people in battle. |
91-93 |
Technology: none. Used to determine what a new piece of equipment does and how to work it. |
94-96 |
Value: Specializations: Specific planet's markets (Kessel, Coruscant) or a specific type
of goods (starships, blasters, droids). |
97-00 |
Willpower: Specializations: Specific resistance type (versus persuasion, intimidation,
etc.). To be used as a substitute skill for Stamina, though the difficulty is usually higher.
Willpower is also used to resist Intimidation attempts. |
-- |
66-83 |
01-02 |
Animal Handling: (same as Riding) This skill covers taming and training of animals. |
| 03-05 | Archaic Starship Piloting: Specializations: Specific ship type. |
| 06-09 | Astrogation: Specializations: Specific routes between systems (the Kessel Run, Tatooine to Coruscant, etc.) |
| 10-11 | Battle Station Piloting: (Golan II battle station, Death Star, etc.) Piloting skill used when moving large space-based structures. Although actually moving a starbase or battle station is uncommon, the structure can sustain catastrophic damage if the maneuvering is done incorrectly. |
| 12-14 | Beast Riding: Specializations: Banthas, Cracian Thumpers, dewbacks, tauntauns or other specific animal. |
| 15-18 | * Blaster Artillery: (Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Infantry, Surface-to-Space.) Large, stationary weapons, most of which require more than one person to operate. --Moved to Mechanical from Dexterity. |
| 19-21 | Capital Ship Gunnery: Specializations: Concussion missiles, gravity well projectors, ion cannons, laser cannon, proton torpedos, tractor beams, turbolaser or other weapon type. |
| 22-24 | Capital Ship Piloting: Specializations: Imperial Star Destroyer, Victory Star Destroyer, Nebulon-B Frigate, Mon Calamari Battle Cruiser, or other specific ship model. |
| 25-27 | Capital Ship Shields: Specializations: none |
| 28-30 | Communications: Specializations: none |
| 31-35 | Computer Operations: (none) As distinguished from Programming and Repair. |
| 36-38 | Gliders: (none) Piloting skill for non-powered air vehicles. |
| 39-41 | Ground Vehicle Operation: Specializations: Specific vehicle. Driving skill for ground-based vehicles with either wheels or treads, may cover those with skids also (vehicles designed for snow). These vehicles will usually be found only on low-technology worlds. |
| 42-44 | Hover Vehicle Operation: Specializations: Specific vehicle. Driving skill for hover vehicles. One step above ground vehicles, but below repulsorlifts, hover vehicles will be found on worlds where repulsorlift technology has not been developed, or on worlds where conditions make repulsorlift operation impractical. |
| 45-49 | * Jet/Rocket Pack Ops: (Jet Pack or Rocket Pack). Piloting skill for personal thruster packs. -- Note: This was originally two skills; Jet Pack Operations and Rocket Pack Operations, according to WEG rules. There seems to be little point in making the distinction. |
| 51-53 | Nautical Craft Piloting: (by vehicle type) Includes surface craft and submersibles. |
| 54-56 | Planetary Shields: (by specific model or type of shield) Shield control skill for powerful planet-based defense shields. |
| 57-59 | Podracer Operations: (none) Driving skill for podracers. Now nearly obsolete, as podracers have been replaced by swoops. |
| 60-62 | Powersuit Operation: Specializations: Specific type of suit. |
| 63-68 | Repulsorlift Operation: Specializations: Specific vehicle model. |
| 69-70 | Sensors: Specializations: none |
| 71-74 | Space Transports: Specializations: YT-1300 transport, Gallofree medium transports, Corellian Action VI transports or other specific starship model. |
| 75-80 | Starfighter Piloting: Specializations: X-wing, A-wing, TIE Interceptor, TIE/In, Skipray Blastboat, Z-95 Headhunter or other specific starship. |
| 81-84 | Starship Gunnery: Specializations: Concussion missiles, ion cannon, proton torpedoes, turbolaser or other weapon type. |
| 85-87 | Starship Shields: Specializations: none |
| 88-92 | Swoop Operation: Specializations: none |
| 93-96 | * Vehicle Weapons: (Laser Cannon, Blaster Cannon, Concussion Grenade, etc.) --formerly Vehicle Blasters, moved from Dexterity. This skill covers the use of vehicle-mounted weapons. |
| 97-00 | Walker Operation: Specializations: AT-AT, AT-ST or specific walker model. |
-- |
84-95 |
| 01-03 | Archaic Starship Repair: (by ship type- Orion class, etc.) |
| 04-06 | Armor Repair: Specializations: Type of armor. |
| 07-09 | Blaster Repair: Specializations: Blaster pistols, surface-to-surface, heavy blaster cannon or other specific weapon type. |
| 10-12 | Capital Starship Repair: Specializations: Imperial Star Destroyer, Corellian Corvette, or specific model. |
| 13-15 | Capital Starship Weapon Repair: Specializations: Type of weapon |
| 16-19 | Computer Programming/Repair: Specializations: Type of computer |
| 20-22 | Concussion Weapon Repair: none |
| 23-25 | Demolition: Specializations: Target type (bridges, walls, vehicles, etc.) |
| 26-28 | Droid Programming:Specializations: Astromech droids, protocol droids, probe droids, or other specific type of droid |
| 29-31 | Droid Repair: Specializations: Astromech droids, protocol droids, probe droids, or other specific type of droid |
| 32-34 | Encryption: (none) Scrambling or otherwise making a message unreadable to anyone but the intended recipient |
| 35-37 | Firearms Repair: (by specific type – pistol, rifle, shotgun.) |
| 38-41 | First Aid: Specializations: Species of victim. |
| 42-44 | Ground Vehicle Repair: Specializations: Specific type of vehicle. |
| 45-47 | Hover Vehicle Repair: Specializations: Specific type of hover vehicle. |
| 48-50 | Jet/Rocket Pack Repair: (Jet Pack or Rocket Pack) |
| 51-53 | Lightsabre Repair: None |
| 54-56 | Melee Weapon Repair: (by specific weapon- vibroblade, vibroaxe, force pike, gaffi stick) |
| 57-59 | Missile Weapon Repair: (by specific weapon) |
| 60-62 | Nautical Craft Repair: (Specific type) |
| 63-65 | Neutron Weapon Repair: (by type- pistol, rifle, etc.) Uncommon weapon repair skill- Neutron weapons are used exclusively by the Selenian race |
| 66-68 | Plasma Weapon Repair: Specific type |
| 69-72 | Primitive Construction: (by item to be constructed - Tent, Fire, Catapult, Bow, Clothing) |
| 73-75 | Prosthetic Repair: (Specific brand or limb) |
| 76-78 | Pulse-Wave Weapon Repair: (Pistol, Rifle, etc.) Uncommon repair skill |
| 79-81 | Repulsorlift Repair: Specializations: Specific vehicle |
| 82-85 | Security: Specializations: Type of lock device |
| 86-89 | Space Transports Repair: Specializations: YT-1300 transport, Ghtroc freighter or other specific type of transport |
| 90-94 | Starfighter Repair: Specializations: X-wing, Y-wing or other specific starfighter |
| 95-97 | Starship Weapon Repair: Specializations: Concussion missiles, ion cannons, laser cannon, proton torpedoes, turbolaser or other weapon type |
| 98-00 | Walker Repair: Specializations: AT-AT, AT-ST or other specific vehicle |
-- |
96-00 |
1-2 |
Control |
3-4 |
Sense |
5-6 |
Alter |
7 |
Control and Sense |
8 |
Control and Alter |
9 |
Sense and Alter |
10 |
Control, Sense and Alter |
5 |
-- |
| 01-02 | Alien Biology: Alien Species 5D |
| 03-04 | Armor Training: Dodge, Lifting, and Running at 4D or higher. Armor training represents a character's ability to overcome the weight and awkwardness of different types of armor. Each die in Armor Training reduces the Dexterity penalty for wearing armor by one pip; 3D in Training will remove a full die of penalty. Armor training also serves to enhance the basic uses of Powersuit Ops. Specializations: Specific kinds of armor; stormtrooper armor, snowtrooper armor, Corellian Powersuits, etc. |
| 05-06 | Artificial Intelligence: Droid Programming 5D, Computer Programming 5D, Computer Repair 5D. Uses for this skill include adding a thinking AI to a software package, creating a better interface for human-computer communications, and improving current droid and computer protocols. |
| 07-08 | Beast Taming: Beast Riding 5D |
| 09-10 | Computer Intrusion: Computer Programming 5D |
| 12-13 | * Dual Pistol Fighting: Requirements: Dexterity 3D, Strength 3D and Blaster 6D. This skill allows characters to use a blaster pistol in each hand simultaneously. A character with this skill may fire twice in the same action phase and it doesn't count as a multiple action. Example: Chris declares that his character, Major West, will shoot and dodge with his two blaster pistols. As his character has Dual Pistol fighting, Chris may fire two shots in his first action phase (using his Dual Pistol Fighting skill). Both the shots will suffer -1D to the relevant skill (due to the fact that the character is doing two actions). |
| 14-15 | * Dual Melee Combat: Requirements: Dexterity 3D, Strength 3D, Melee Combat 6D. This skill allows characters to use a Melee weapon in each hand simultaneously. A character with this skill may strike twice in the same action phase and it doesn't count as a multiple action. Example: Chris declares that his character, Major West, will strike and Parry with his two vibro blades. As his character has Dual Melee Combat, Chris may strike twice in his first action phase (using his Dual Melee Combat skill). Both the strikes will suffer -1D to the relevant skill (due to the fact that the character is doing two actions). |
| 16-17 | Engineering, Archaic Starship: Archaic Starship Repair 5D |
| 18-19 | Engineering, Armor: Armor Repair 5D |
| 20-21 | Engineering, Energy Weapons: Blaster Repair 5D |
| 22-23 | Engineering, Bowcaster: Bowcaster Repair 5D |
| 24-26 | Engineering, Capitol Ship: Capitol Ship Repair 5D |
| 27-29 | Engineering, Cloning Technology: [A]Medicine: Cloning 4D, Firt Aid 6D |
| 30-32 | Engineering, Computer: Computer Program 5D, Computer Repair 5D |
| 33-35 | Engineering, Droid: Droid Programming and Droid Repair 5D |
| 36-38 | Engineering, Firearms: Firearms Repair 5D |
| 39-41 | Engineering, Ground Vehicle: Ground Vehicle Repair 5D |
| 42-44 | Engineering, Hover Vehicle: Hover Vehicle Repair 5D |
| 45-47 | Engineering, Lightsaber: The prerequisites for this Advanced skill are all three Force Powers at 5D minimum, Lightsaber Repair 5D, plus a Master (double cost and time with no master). |
| 48-50 | Engineering, Melee Weapon: Melee Weapon Rpair 5D |
| 51-52 | Engineering, Missile Weapon: Missile Weapon Repair 5D [covers rockets, concussions missiles and proton torpedoes] |
| 53-55 | Engineering, Nautical Craft: Nautical Craft Repair 5D |
| 56-58 | Engineering, Repulsorlift: Repulsorlift Repair 5D |
| 59-61 | Engineering, Software: Computer Ops 5D, Computer Program/Repair 5D |
| 62-64 | Engineering, Starship Weapon: Capitol Ship and Starship Weapon Repair 5D |
| 65-67 | Engineering, Starship: Starfighter Repair, Space Transport Repair and Capitol Ship Repair at 5D |
| 68-70 | Engineering, Walker: Walker Repair 5D |
| 71-73 | Explosives: Requires Demolitions 5D. Allows explosives to be made out of unconventional items or devices (droid brain, burst capacitor from a weapon, etc). This skill also helps when making improvised explosives (blaster power pack bomb, etc.) and reduces the risk to the character when making them. |
| 74-76 | Galactography: Planetary Systems 5D |
| 77-79 | Linguistics: Languages 5D or to maximum for species. Skill used in the examination of new languages. |
| 80-82 | Martial Arts: Brawling Combat 5D and/or Melee Combat 5D (depends on type) |
| 83-85 | Magician: Con 5D + minimum Dexterity of 3D+2 |
| 86-88 | Medicine: (by types- Surgery, Cyborging, Herbal, Primitive, Bacta Tank, etc.) Requires 5D in First Aid. This is an advanced medical skill, used in the operation of bacta tanks, and high-level medical procedures (see specializations) that are not covered by simple First Aid. |
| 89-91 | Sense Motive: (none) Opposed skill for Persuasion or Con, but it may have other uses also. The skill involves determining another individual's true intentions and motives ("person reading"). |
| 92-94 | Slicing: With this skill, a slicer can break into a system and steal/alter files and data packets, leave false trails, implant computer viruses, and perform other general computer altering operations. |
| 95-96 | Sniper: Blaster 5D, Firearms 5D or appropriate skill at 5D |
| 97-98 | Speed Drawing: (Type of weapons, including all types of Melee, Thrown, or Ranged- blaster pistol, lightsabre, throwing knife.) -Requires at least 5D of skill in the weapon to be used in connection with this skill. |
99-00 |
Wrestling: Brawling Combat 5D. Wrestling is a combat skill used for fighting hand-to-hand
without the use of weapons. Wrestling is a trained discipline that can take many forms and many years
to perfect. For each full 'D' in Wrestling the character gains one skill (See table of skills). When
buying Wrestling the first time the character gains the skills below. Note: Skills may only be used
if the character is using straight Wrestling, i.e. not combined with Brawling. Starting skills: Forearm
Smash (Easy Difficulty, STR+1D Damage) and The Big Boot (Moderate Difficulty, STR+2D Damage) Overkill:
The level of success for some Wrestling moves are greatly affected by how well they are carried off by
the Wrestler. The measure of this success is called Overkill. If a move is subject to the Overkill
rules and the Wrestler succeeds in hitting his opponent, use the table below to add additional damage
to the damage roll for that move.
Roll to hit target above difficulty by |
Damage Bonus |
1-5 |
-- |
6-10 |
+1 |
11-15 |
+2 |
16-20 |
+1D |
21-25 |
+1D+1 |
26-30 |
+2D |
31+ |
+2D+1 |
6 |
-- |
| 1 | Choose any Dexterity skill |
| 2 | Choose any Perception skill |
| 3 | Choose any Strength skill |
| 4 | Choose any Knowledge skill |
| 5 | Choose any Mechanical skill |
| 6 | Choose any Technical skill |