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Innate Abilities | Wrestling Moves | Martial Arts Techniques

NOTE: All characters may opt to start with a maximum of two Innate Abilities after paying the listed CP cost for each one. Others may be added after a campaign starts if there is an instructor available to teach the basics of the new ability. This training process takes one month, but can be reduced one day per extra CP spent (two week minimum) or down to one week if the character wishes to spend a Force Point to learn the ability quickly. This is not a heroic use of a Force Point so it will not return later.

Innate Ability Summary CP Cost Effect/Notes
Ambidextrous You are equally proficient in performing tasks with your left or right hand. 15 The character no longer suffers a penalty to skill rolls when using their offhand. This does NOT mean using both hands simultaneously; that falls under Ambidexterity.
Appraisal You can estimate the relative value of an item. 10 The character can evaluate within a 20% margin the cost of an item after inspecting it
Armor Mastery You have spent so much time in armor you wear it like a second skin. 15 The character ignores up to 1D of DEXTERITY penalties due to wearing armor
Blind Fighting Your instincts and sharp senses give you the edge in lowlight or dark conditions. 15 In lowlight or dark conditions, the character reduces the cover modifier of the difficulty to hit a target by up to 2D – e.g. a target in thick smoke or moon light would not gain a cover modifier against the character (normally +1D difficulty modifier). Similarly, in very thick smoke or complete darkness, the target would only receive a +2D difficulty modifier instead of the normal 4D
Notes: This applies to both ranged and close quarters combat. In situations where there is both smoke and lowlight, the reduction to the difficulty modifier applies to the total modifier rather than the separate modifiers – e.g. light smoke and a moonlit night would normally grant a +3D difficulty modifier, a character with Blind Fighting reduces this modifier to +1D
Body Language Intuition You are very good at reading other people's body language and determining whether their verbal and non-verbal communication aligns. 10 On a moderate PERCEPTION roll the character can determine what a person's body language is portraying.
Notes: The person must be of the same species as the character. If the species is close, but is not the same then the Perception roll increases to Heroic. If the species is extremely different than add at least +10 to the already Heroic roll.
Dexterous You are more able and quick to act than most in tight situations. 15 Up to three times per adventure, the first action in the round does not count towards the character's total number of actions when determining multiple action penalties. Use of this Innate Ability must be stated when declaring the number of actions for the round.
Eidetic Memory You are able to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision. 10 On an easy KNOWLEDGE roll the character is able to recall images, sounds or objects with a very high degree of accuracy.
Notes: This Innate Ability does not give character a perfect recall of all events. The range is 60% up to 90% depending on the memory and the senses involved.
Inspirational Leader You are an inspiration to those who follow you and people fight harder in your presence. 20 The character adds +1D to all Command rolls. In addition, all allies within 30 meters of the character gain +1 to all attack rolls.
Notes: The bonus to the Command roll does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Internal Clock You seem to know the time wherever you are. 5 On an Easy PERCEPTION roll the character can determine the time with a 5-10 minute margin of error.
Notes: The character needs to have some form of reference point once in a new location with a different time zone and knowledge of the local length of day.
Internal Compass You have a profound sense of direction. 5 On an Easy PERCEPTION roll the character can determine the direction of north with a 5-10% margin of error.
Lightening Reflexes You are very quick in reacting to the situation around you. 20 The character adds +2 to PERCEPTION for all initiative rolls.
Light Sleeper The slightest of noises can wake you from your sleep. 5 On a Moderate PERCEPTION roll the character may detect sounds while sleeping.
Notes: Normal background noise will not rouse the character as they will be acclimatized to it prior to falling asleep.
Lip-Read You are able to understand speech by visually interpreting the movement of lips, face and tongue without hearing what is being said. 10 On a moderate PERCEPTION roll the character can lip-read what another being is saying.
Notes: The being must be of the same species as the character as well as be able to see the being's lips move and speak the same language that is being used. However, additional species and languages may be added, up to a maximum of 3 each (start of campaign only), for an extra 4 CPs per species and 5 CPs per language. Also, the language must already be known and the skill of Alien Species must be at least 5D. There are certain languages that cannot be understood in this manner and will not be allowed.
Luck The Force seems to flow through you at times altering your fate and fortune. 10 Once per adventure the character may reroll the Wild Die.
Notes: The second roll of the Wild Die stands even if it was worse than the first roll.
Natural Aptitude You have natural aptitude and affinity for a particular attribute and skill set. 15 On purchasing this Innate Ability, select one Attribute that it will apply to. When improving skills under the chosen Attribute, it costs one character point less than normal. In addition, it costs five character points less to improve the chosen Attribute.
Notes: Once the Attribute has been selected, it may not be changed.
Pain Resistance You have a high pain threshold and can shrug off injuries that would floor most people. 15 If the character is Wounded or Wounded Twice, on a Moderate Willpower roll the character does not fall prone and can continue to act that round, albeit with the penalties for being either wounded or wounded twice. Also, it is much more difficult to stun this character. Add +1D to Strength rolls to resist all Stun damage.
Quick-Draw You are one of the fastest guns in the galaxy. 10 The character may draw and use a single handheld weapon as one action. Drawing the weapon does not count towards the total number of actions for the round.
Quick Learner Things come to you naturally and you pick up new things with ease. 10 When learning new skills, the character advances two pips above the attribute rather than the usual one pip.
Notes: The cost in character points is the same as advancing one pip and time is reduced by at least one day.
Resilient Your immune system and your body's ability to heal itself are both exceptional and nothing keeps you down for long. 10 If the character is recovering from injuries through natural healing all resting times are halved, e.g. a wounded character can make a roll to heal after one and a half days of rest. In addition, all Bacta Tank healing is reduced by one hour to a minimum of one hour.
Sixth Sense Can sometimes get a feel for what might be coming in the VERY near future and possibly avoid it or veer towards it. 20 This Innate Ability can only be used twice per adventure with results at the GM's discretion.
Stubborn Once your mind is made up there is little any one can do or say to sway you. 15 If someone (including an ally) attempts to Bargain, Con or Persuade the character, add a +5 modifier to the difficulty. In addition, the character adds +1D to all Willpower rolls.
Notes: The bonus to Willpower rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Tactical Genius You have a remarkable natural grasp of tactics and can quickly respond to tactical situations around you. 20 The character adds +1D to all Tactics rolls. In addition, the character adds +1 to PERCEPTION for all initiative rolls
Notes: The bonus to Tactics rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Tough It takes a lot to knock you down and your physical limits are greater than most. 20 The character adds +1 to STRENGTH when rolling to resist damage. In addition, the character adds +1D to all Stamina rolls.
Notes: The bonus to Stamina rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Trademark You are renowned for a particular skill that few can match. 10 On purchasing this Innate Ability, select one Skill Specialization that it will apply to. The character adds a +2 bonus to the rolls of the selected Specialization. In addition, when improving the selected Specialization, it costs one character point less than normal.
Notes: Once the Specialization has been selected, it may not be changed. The bonus to the Specialization rolls do not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Ventriloquist You are able to throw your voice to make it seem like it is coming from a different person or place. 10 On a difficult Con roll the character can throw their voice.
Notes: Normal Con modifiers apply.
Veteran Under Fire You are much more diffucult to pin down in a firefight. 10 Suppression fire shots have a difficulty value of Very Difficult rather than Difficult against someone with this ability

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Used with the (A)Wrestling advanced skill only. Skills can't be used with Brawling Combat added in.
Move Difficulty Effect Description
Clotheslinec Moderate Opponent must make a Difficult Strength roll or be knocked from his feet
Damage: STR
The attacker hits his opponent in the throat with an extended arm
Corellian Whip Moderate Opponent must make a Difficult Strength roll or be propelled in a direction chosen by the attacker Attacker throws his opponent by sling shotting him by the arm
DDT Very Difficult Damage: STR+2D+2 Attacker puts his opponent into a headlock and drops backwards driving his opponent's forehead first into the floor
Spine Buster Difficult Opponent is Prone for the remainder of the round
Damage: STR+2D
Attacker lifts his opponent up vertically by the legs and then slams him to the floor on his back
Power Slam Very Difficult Opponent is Prone and is automatically stunned for remainder of the round
Damage: STR+2D
The attacker slings his opponent over one shoulder and then slams them, back first, to the ground with the attacker's shoulder being driven into the opponent's chest
Double Handed Chokeslam Difficult Opponent is Prone for the remainder of the round
Damage: STR+1D+Overkill
The attacker grabs his opponent by the throat with both hands and lifts them above his head and slams them into the floor
Spear Moderate Opponent must make a Difficult Dexterity roll or be driven to the floor
Damage: STR+1D
The attacker shoulder tackles his opponent and drives them to the floor
Press Slam Very Difficult Opponent is Prone for the remainder of the round
Damage: STR
The attacker lifts the opponent over his head and then throws them to the ground. Although not particularly damaging in itself, this can be put to devastating effect when used with other things, e.g. spiked pit, cliffs, etc.
Mantellian Leg Sweep Moderate Opponent is Prone for the remainder of the round. If the attacker attempts a choke hold in the same turn, reduce the difficulty by one level.
Damage: STR
Whilst standing next to the opponent facing the same direction, the attacker grabs him by the shoulder and sweeps their legs away from them, using his own falling momentum to drag his opponent to the floor. Once on the ground the attacker is in an ideal position to attempt a choke hold on his opponent
Gamorrean Drop Very Difficult Opponent is Prone for the remainder of the round
Damage: STR+2D+Overkill
The attacker throws his opponent onto his shoulders and throws himself backwards onto the victim
Splash Easy: Opponent must be Prone In addition to its normal damage, extremes of heights will increase the damage based on the height fallen. However, the attacker will take falling damage. See the 'Falling' section in the rule book
Damage: STR+1D
The attacker hurls himself at a prone opponent belly first
Elbow Drop Moderate Extreme heights will increase damage based on the height fallen. However, the attacker will take falling damage
Damage: STR+1D+2
The attacker hurls himself at a prone opponent elbow first
Gut Wrench Power Bomb Heroic Opponent is Prone and stunned for the remainder of the round
Damage: STR+3D+Overkill
The attacker bends his opponent towards himself and wraps his arms around his opponent's waist, clasping his wrists in front of the opponent's stomach. From this position the attacker lifts his opponent so that he is sat on the attacker's shoulders facing behind him. The attacker then slams his opponent to the floor back first
Belly to Back Suplex Difficult: Attacker must be behind opponent Damage: STR+2D+Overkill The attacker grabs his opponent around the waist from behind and propels his opponent over one of his shoulders and onto the floor
Hurricanrana Heroic Opponent is Prone and stunned for the remainder of the current round and the next round
Damage: STR+2D+Overkill
The attacker does a handstand and traps his opponent's head between his ankles. He then spins locking his opponent's head in position and rolls in order to flip him into the floor head first
Stunner Moderate Damage: STR+2D The attacker kicks his opponent in the stomach and grabs their head turning his back on his opponent. He then drops to his knees crushing the opponents face on his shoulder
Pile Driver Heroic Opponent is stunned for the remainder of the round
Damage: STR+4D+Overkill
The attacker puts his opponents head between his thighs facing the floor. He then lifts his opponent in the air and sits down, driving his opponent's head into the ground and then landing on it
Sleeper Hold Difficult Damage: STR+Overkill (Stun Damage) The attacker places his opponent in a choke hold cutting off the circulation to his opponent's head
Reversal 10+Opponent's Attack Roll: Used Only when opponent is making a brawling based attack The defender reverses his opponent's attack and can perform a wrestling move of his own. This is an out of sequence action that occurs immediately and does NOT count as an action. This in effect is the defender's parry roll, should he fail he leaves himself open and is hit The defender reverses his opponent's attack allowing him to perform a wrestling move of his own
Improvised Weapon Dependent on weapon Damage: STR+Variable dependent on weapon The attacker may use any improvised weapon using his wrestling skill rather than melee. He may not use melee weapons with this skill. Improvised weapons are chains, bottles, tables, etc.

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For every 1D a character increases their Martial Arts skill, they may pick one of the hand-to-hand or weapon techniques described below. To be able to choose a new skill, the Martial Arts skill must be raised a full 'D.' Partial pip increases will not work. Characters must declare which hand-to-hand or weapon technique they are using prior to making the required skill roll.
Name Effect Difficulty Description
Blindfighting Trained to use senses other than sight to locate a target Very Difficult If the character makes the required skill roll and is within striking distance, he may ignore the affects of blindness. He can't see, but can hear and smell a target well enough to strike.
Disarm Force an opponent to drop a weapon or object Moderate If character's attack is successful (not parried or dodged) and if the skill roll meets the required difficulty number, target character is disarmed.
Elbow Smash Delivers a powerful blow with the elbow Very Easy Adds +1D to damage is roll is successful.
Flip Throw a target that has grappled then from behind Moderate On a successful roll target is hurled to the ground (if not parried or dodged) and suffers 3D damage.
Flying Kick Leap to deliver a crushing kick Difficult Add +2D to damage if roll exceeds difficulty number. Failure allows opponent to make an additional attack with no penalty.
Foot Sweep Used to trip an opponent Moderate A successful rol indicates target is tripped and falls prone for the remainder of the round.
Headbutt Use head to strike a target even if held, pinned or bound. Easy If skill roll meets difficulty character may strike target causing STR+1D damage.
Hold/Grapple grapple and hold target immobile Moderate + opposed STR Requires a Moderate MA roll to hold opponent plus opposed STR roll each round to continue holding target.
Instant Knockdown Maximize impact and knock target to the ground Moderate If attack is successful (and not parried or dodged) and skill roll meets the required difficulty, target is knocked down. Target can wait one round or suffer a multi-action penalty if they have a saved or unused action.
Iaijutsu Draw and use favored weapon in same action Difficult If roll successful character can draw and attack with specialized weapon. Target can defend normally if they are not surprised.
Instant Stand Negate the effects of a fall and return to a standing position Moderate May use to return to a standing position without a multi-action penalty.
Instant Stun Strike at critical pressure points stunning the target Moderate If attack successful (and is not parried or dodged) and skill roll meets required difficulty, target is stunned for one round.
Instant Wound Strike to maximum effect, inflicting severe damage to target Difficult If attack is successful (and is not parried or dodged) and skill roll meets the required difficulty, target is wounded (-1D).
Multiple Strikes Deliver multiple strikes Moderate If roll successful character can make a second attack with no multi-action penalties.
Nerve Punch Knows location of nerve clusters, rendering a targets limb numb Very Difficult A successful attack renders an opponents limb (arm/leg, specified prior to the attempt) unusable for 3D rounds. Any items held will be dropped. If difficulty is beat by 15 or more, target is rendered unconscious. If species is not known increase difficulty by one level.
Power Block Parry attacks in a manner which inflicts damage Moderate A successful parry inflicts STR+1D damage on the target.
Reversal Turn tables on opponent who is attempting to grapple Opposed STR or Martial Arts roll Used only when held. If character breaks opponents grip, he may in turn, hold the target immobile or employ another technique.
Silent Strike Sneak up on target and kill or render unconscious Difficult Must be within arms reach of the target. Character must declare a stunning or killing attack prior to the attempt. Success indicates that the target is neutralized.
Spinning Kick Perform a powerful kick Moderate Adds +1D to the damage roll if skill roll exceeds difficulty number. Failure means character is off-balance and opponent may make an additional attack with no penalties.
Shoulder Throw Throw a target Moderate Success indicates target is thrown to the ground (provided attack is not parried or dodged), suffering 3D damage
Weapon Block Parry melee attacks, even without a weapon Opposed MA vs. Melee Combat If character makes difficulty roll, they successfully block melee attack.
Weapon Catch Catch missile weapons with bare hands Very Difficult The MA Ability of Weapon Block is required for this skill. This skill allows the catching of certain types of missile weapons. These are: arrows, grenades, knives, spears and similar weapons. If they fail to catch the item then they will be allowed to dodge it (this is part of the idea of catching a weapon in the first place).

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