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Site Updates

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See the Site Update Archives for a complete history.

142.3.15 January 11, 2020 * New Items have been updated for September 2019 through March 2020.
* A New Species has been added to the Alien Species listing! They are called the Tiyanak
* All Main Pages have been modified to conform with overall site layout. Links have been add to almost every page where possible and needed.
* Some items have been added and some have been changed or updated throughout the site.
* The Resistance Schools; Part I, and the Alliance Schools; Part I have been added.
* New Players and new Characters have joined the group. Please welcome Urias Bruit (Travis), S'gib Feasren (Burt) and Xeral Chisbi (Speder) to the game!
* Musees Saakrim (Christopher) has joined the fray (replacing Arrik).
* Sadly, Shu (Graham) has left the game and become an NPC. His unique playing style will be missed.
* Arrik has fulfilled his destiny by joining with Jehanna and created a new (actually old) species (Celestials). We wish them well on their new journey!
* All Alien Species are being modified to conform to new layout, but are not even half-way done.
141.7.8 May 29, 2019 The Beta site is up and running! Click here to check it out!
* New Items have been updated for April though August.
* More updates to several pages for cosmetics.
141.6.23 May 4, 2019


* Main Page Links has changed to try and add better access to pages on the site until 2.0 is up and running. Sorry, still no search function.
* For now, my good friend Erin is taking over for the game so that I can focus on studying for a Security+ Cert. Future updates to the site will still happen.
27,141.6.3 April 12, 2019

* WOW!!! This game has been going for 15 Years!!!

* Thanks to all the Players and all those who have visited this site and made it the "defacto Legacy Rule Book" for SWD6 2nd Ed. You are all awesome!
141.5.27 April 1, 2019 * Made corrections to all PCs.
* Removed The Dragon Force power from the Force Powers page as it just didn't make any sense. Made spelling and other corrections as well.
* Made many other changes and corrections throughout the site. Still making facelift changes.
141.FL.2 January 21, 2019 * New Items have been updated for January - March.
* Added Classic Echani Martial Arts to the Martial Arts Styles page for use and clarity.
* Modified the IRG Echani MA listing to include a required background explanation to be able to learn this form.
* Updated three PrC's: Martial Arts Master, Jedi Weapons Master and Ninja Assassin to reflect the Echani Martial Arts changes.
* Made many other changes and corrections throughout the site, though this small face lift is incomplete.
141.2.29 December 9, 2018 * Overhauled Cinematic Feats and added new ones. Still optional.
141.2.9 November 19, 2018 * Added Long-Lived and Immortal Rules page with the link on the House Rules main page.
* Completely overhauled the Lightsaber Construction Rules page. Link still on Character Data page.
141.1.25 November 3, 2018 * Added the CR-90 Corellian Corvette to the Capitol Ships page and made other minor changes to all ships on the page.
* Added the Cinematic Feats rules page to the site. This rule set is completely optional. ALL Players must agree to use the rules as they stand or they will not be allowed...for now.
141.1.20 October 29, 2018 * New Items have been updated for June - December.
* Several small changes have been made throughout the site that are too numerous to list.
140.10.28 October 1, 2018 * A New PC/Player has been added - Skydra Denan. Welcome aboard, Andrea!
* Previous Home Page Scroll:
A little, black bubble is going to be popped soon. That pop will cause ramifications throughout the galaxy. Many souls will be affected in the most diverse ways. Such is the case when a darkened pocket explodes. However, the balance will be shifted more towards the light once the explosion engulfs all within and without.
140.6.7 April 12, 2018 * This is the 14th Anniversary of this site!!!
* Another warm thanks to all the Players for supporting the site and playing the game.
140.4.5 March 10, 2018 * New Items have been updated for January - May.
* Link to Guilded Shadows site fixed. Verbiage for the SWAG site has been changed to reflect that it is up again. Thanks goes to Christopher for finding the errors.
* Updates have been made to a few of the PC's. Please check your character and let the GM know if there are any additional errors or omissions.
* New Specialized Skill Rule has been added. Click on House Rules / Intro & Character Rules / Character Creation Rules. Scroll down to #21 to see the new rule.
* Talokas is officially an NPC.
* Modifications and changes for clarity have been made to several Lightsaber Forms on the Lightsaber Forms & Styles page. More changes will be forthcoming as updates are required to bring them into full use. Note that future changes will be made as rules are created for each style. Thanks to Shane for pointing these oversites out, even if it was done inadvertently.
139.10.18 October 28, 2017 * New Items have been added for October to December.
* We have lost a Player for a while - Talokas. He will hopefully join us again at a later time.
* The Home Page Rules have been modified, with several rules added, updated or removed. Please read these pages to see what's changed.
* All Our Heroes have been updated with any changes needed. Check for correctness.
* Added three new Characters: Achilles, Yamato and Dasch. Welcome aboard.
* Moved Jedi Info and Equipment from House Rules to Character Data for easier access.
* Added the Lightsaber Construction page under the Jedi details.
* A disgruntled Annika Song resigned her commission and went rogue (retired). No one is certain as to her whereabouts.
139.7.19 July 15, 2017 * A new Player with a new PC has joined the game and has been added to the Our Heroes page: Roark the Smuggler.
* A large Tapani Sector/Bod'e Database page has been added to the Galaxy Info page after having been discovered on Ossus aboard a Dark Adept ship.
139.7.5 July 1, 2017 * The New Items page has been updated for July through September.
* The Hyperspace Travel Rules have been updated. Hyperspace is now even faster.
* Two new Players and two new PCs have been added to the Our Heroes page: G5 and Talokas.
* A few changes have been made to various PCs on the Our Heroes page. Have a look and see if those changes are correct.
* A new Jedi Prestige Class has been added: Jedi Shadow. Link: Jedi Shadow
* A new Species has been added to the Alien Species page, the Schenor.
139.5.32 May 5, 2017 * The New Items page has been updated for April through July.
* The new Hyperspace Travel Rules page has been added under Galaxy Info. This means travel times have been shortened substantially!
139.5.9 April 12, 2017 * This is the 13th Anniversary of this site!!!
* Another warm thanks to all the Players for supporting the site and playing the game.
139.3.13 February 1, 2017 * The New Items page has been updated for January-March.
* Changes and updates have been made to several items throughout the Previous Items pages.
* A new section called Game Books and Magazines has been added to the Character Data page.
* Previous Home Page Scrolls:
There, hanging in the darkness of space, broken, shattered, ripped apart. All of it unnatural, all of it scarred...forever dark and lifeless.
But wait...there is something happening...something equally unnatural...broken pieces moving together, reforming, reshaping.
Before long the once dark and forboding corners become lighter, more alive; shapes and sounds begin filling the void of emptiness. Scars begin repairing themselves, sections once floating aimlessly connect, heal, repair....
Look the darkness. It nearly fills the galaxy.
And yet there is hope, long forgotten, filling the dark with a small ember of light. That light can take many forms, but its eventual goal is the removal of darkness. The ember is old, yet it burns brightly, strongly. Though small the ember adds what strength it has to others, they form a bond and continue to grow, pushing back darkness, slowly, deliberately. In so doing the darkness takes note, but at first does nothing.
The darkness watches and all but ignores the tiny light. Perceived as a scratch, nothing more....
When the light grows just a little it isn't even acknowledged. But, like cancer, the light continues to fester and grow larger, taking over pockets of darkness and pushing it out.
There is one such ember that leapt onto a fireball, skipping the ember stage altogether; one in which the darkness could not ignore. Darkness pushed back, but the fireball kept growing and moving - always one step ahead of the darkness...
But could this bright, yet small fireball evade the darkness long enough to overtake it? The fate of this fireball remained in flux as darkness came down in full force upon it...
138.10.9 October 7, 2016 * The New Items page has been updated for September thru December.
* Note: No further updates will be made to the site until after the New Year. Sorry about this, but RL is overwhelming right now.
138.8.3 July 15, 2016 * The New Items page has been updated for July/August.
* The new Advanced skill of (A) Armor Training has been added to page 2 of the House Rules.
* The Skip Tracer character type has been added to the Character Templates page.
* Minor formatting changes have been made on a few pages.
138.6.4 May 1, 2016 * The New Items page has been updated for May/June.
* Removed the Secret Page. Awards will now only be given when earned by playing the game.
* Niles found the last Secret Page.
* Note that New Items will no longer be updated every month, but will instead be updated every other month.
* All 10 Previous Items pages have been updated to the current style. There have also been many changes to many items, such as stats, costs and images.
* A few changes have been made on all the House Rules pages.
* A few PC's have been updated or modified. Please look yours over and let the GM know if there are any discrepancies.
* Previous Home Page Scroll:

A ring! A ring! they will shout, not knowing what the fuss is about.
Does it bode well or ill or not at all? Only time will provide the answers...
138.5.20 April 12, 2016 * This is the 12th Anniversary of this site!!!
* A warm thanks goes out to all the Players for supporting the site and playing the game.
138.5.1 March 24, 2016 * The New Items page has been updated for March and April.
* Moved the Secret Page for March and April. Made it even harder to locate.
* Niles found the Secret Page for Jan/Feb.
* Robotech Warrior retired
* Updated the Lasat species.
138.3.30 February 7, 2016 * Item #10: Quelloforin Dabel Shield, has been modified, along with a few other small changes throughout the site.
138.3.7 January 15, 2016 * The New Items Page has been updated for January/February.
* The Secret Page has been moved for January/February. Will not be using the black "SP" link this time to make it harder.
* Niles located the Secret Page for December.
* Made corrections and other small changes throughout the site.
138.1.32 December 1, 2015 * The New Items Page has been updated for December.
* The Secret Page has been moved for December. Will not be using the black "SP" link this time to make it harder.
* Niles located the Secret Page for October/November.
* Made corrections and other small changes throughout the site.
* Updated those PCs that needed it.
137.10.18 October 11, 2015 * The New Items Page has been updated for October/November.
* The Secret Page has been moved for October/November.
* Niles located the Secret Page for September.
* Added 8 new Force Powers to the Jedi Force Powers page. The new ones are marked with a *.
* Updated a few pages in the Archive section that I said would never be updated (got bored one day).
* Made a few corrections (type-o's, etc) to a few pages.
137.9.29 September 12, 2015 * The New Items Page has been updated for September.
* The Secret Page has been moved for September.
* Niles located the Secret Page for August.
* Updated all NPCs to better conform to site layout.
* Updated the Galaxy Maps pages.
* Updated Kody with Secret Page Bonuses.
137.8.32 August 1, 2015 * The New Items Page has been updated for August.
* Niles found the Secret Page for last month. Made adjustments to Kody for the reward.
* The Secret Page has been moved for August.
* Added the Climbing Gear section to PC Equipment page 1 after Miscellaneous Items
* Changed the Strength Encumbrance page to the Miscellaneous Tables page and added two additional tables to it.
* Added the Character Advantage and Disadvantage Tables to the House Rules list.
* Updated the Slang and Curse Words list.
* Updated the Ships and Equipment page by adding a few Old Republic Capitol Ships and modifying the other pages.
* Modified and/or made corrections to several areas of the site. Too many to list, but most were spelling errors.
137.8.17 July 4, 2015 HAPPY 4th of JULY!!
137.8.1 June 15, 2015 * The New Items Page has been updated for May/June/July.
* The Secret Page has been moved for May, June and July.
* Updated all seven pages of the PC Gear Section, adding images and data.
* Modified a few other areas on the site.
137.5.15 April 12, 2015 * This is the 11th Anniversary for the site!!!
* Losts of action starting soon!!! Keep checking back for all the latest.
137.5.9 April 6, 2015 * Added New Items for March and April.
* The Secret Page has been moved for March/April. Niles located it for February.
* Added a DOB (Date Of Birth) to all PC's. This was done to add that to the respective Galactic History page. The Players may change the date if they wish. Just let the GM know.
* Made corrections and added updates to various pages.
* Had to remove one Alien from the Alien Species pages. There are currently 392.
* Past Screen Scrolls: Two of them have been removed and placed here to shorten the scroll length:

Three for the time when Darkness reigns; three for the time when there is pain.
Three in the soul to guide the mind; three in the soul to conquer and bind.
Three to link when there is only two; three to link through the color of blue.
The sun has set, yet it will rise; one will start with blue fire eyes.

A large, ominous building loomed in the distance surrounded by smoke plumes and a dim orange light that seemed to stick to everything. As the focus changed on the building a small portal came into view. Within the portal one cloaked being stood in front of the holographic image of two others.

The cloaked being stated a warning to the other two. "We have a new, powerful enemy. This one is highly skilled and unique in the Force. Both of you are to concentrate all of you efforts into locating and capturing her. She is to be brought before me alive. Use every means at your disposal."

"Yes, my Master," hailed the first being. The second followed with "It will be done, my Lord" as both images blinked off, leaving the cloaked being alone. The whole scene quickly faided into darkness....
137.3.23 February 3, 2015 * Added New Items for February.
* The Secret Page has not actually been discovered for January. It has not been moved, but please report where the old one is if you find it so I can remove it.
* Note that the Serpentis Battle Group now has its own page. The link is located on the Our Heroes page through the Party's Ships page. There is also a link on the main House Rules page under Heroes & Ships from the Party's Ships link.
* Changed the date of the Galactic Calendar and the Tapani Calendar to reflect construction time of ships in the 2nd Fleet and the Serpentis Battle Group.
* Created and added a new Force Power: Object Shield. It is under Control, Sense & Alter - #54.
* Made a few corrections and updates to various pages.
137.2.34 January 10, 2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
* Added New Items for January.
* Moved the Secret Page for January. Christopher found it for December.
* Made a few corrections and updates to various pages.
137.1.29 December 1, 2014 * Added New Items for December.
* Updated Arrik on the Our Heroes page.
* Moved the Secret Page for December. Christopher found it for November.
* Christopher was the first one to respond with the correct movie title and received the 10 CP Bonus!
* Added several pages under the Space Marine section for reference material on their enemies.
* Made a few corrections and updates to various pages.
136.10.35 November 1, 2014 * Added New Items for November.
* Updated the Antagonist page.
* Moved the Secret Page for November. Niles found it for Sep/Oct.
* Added image to Player Character Gear Listings | PC Gear List: Part Seven | Armor | Item 7C | Wrokix Works Medium Bounty Hunter Armor (NP)
* Made a few corrections and updates to various pages.
136.9.33 September 20, 2014 * Added New Items for September and October (posted too late for September).
* Moved the Secret Page for September/October as Niles found it for August.
* Added link to or The Complete Wermo's Guide to Huttese to the Links page.
136.8.25 August 8, 2014 * Added New Items for August.
* Moved Khalida from the Our Heroes page to the Fallen Heroes page.
* No more Visits to Date as support has been removed by my site host.
* Moved the Secret Page for August as Niles found it for July.
136.7.32 July 12, 2014 * Added a few 'New' items to the PC Gear Listings.
* Changed Dylanna's image on the NPC page.
* Moved Tarum from the Our Heroes page to the NPC page.
* Updated and made corrections to all NPCs and Droids on the NPC page.
Visits to date: 25,116
136.7.21 July 1, 2014 * Added New Items for July.
* Made corrections and additions to a few Antagonists.
* Award goes to the Player who runs Kody. He emailed the GM before anyone else when the site counter rolled over 25,000.
Visits to date: 25,027
136.7.13 June 22, 2014 * Updated the Our Heroes page by removing Harry and placing him on the NPC page.
* Updated the NPC page to reflect Harry dropping to NPC status.
Visits to date: 24,868
136.7.5 June 14, 2014 * Updated the Bounty pages to make them all easier to navigate via links to each bounty and a link back to the top of the page.
* Completed all missing bounty descriptions and added a few more.
* This is a "Duh!" for the GM, but I am now including the three Festival weeks and the three Special Days in the dating system used in this section. Example: 136.9Y.3 (Festival of Yule, 3rd day).
Visits to date: 24,778
136.6.33 June 7, 2014 * Changed the image and the description for Previous Items Section 7: Item #267: October - November, 2013: Draymak Anti-Matter C40 Slug Thrower. The new name is Draymak Anti-Matter Blaster Rifle.
Visits to date: 24,701
136.6.27 June 1, 2014 * Added New Items for June.
* Updated the Imperial Bounties and the Bounty Heads sections of the Bounties page.
* Updated the date on the Standard and Tapani Calendars showing game progress.
* Made minor correctionas and fixes to several pages throughout the site.
Visits to date: 24,650
136.6.6 May 11, 2014 * Made a few cosmetic changes to several areas.
* Added the Gardian Droid to the PC Droid page.
Visits to date: 24,450
136.6.2 May 7, 2014 * Made minor changes to Gellaree.
* Moved Gwendolyn from the Our Heroes page to NPC status on the NPC Page.
Visits to date: 24,410
136.5.34 May 4, 2014 * Added New Items for May.
Visits to date: 24,384
136.5.26 April 26, 2014 * All Alien Species have been updated with several additional ones added. There are 393 to choose from.
Visits to date: 24,320
136.5.12 April 12, 2014 * This is the 10th Anniversary for the site!!!
* The 25,000 mark is coming up soon. When it rolls over be the first to email the GM and you will receive an in-game reward.
Visits to date: 24,160
136.4.34 March 30, 2014 * Combined and added New Items for March and April.
* Updated, added and removed (duplicates) several Alien Species files (through "T") to new format. Total Alien Species so far: 387.
* Added the link back from The Rancor Pit that had been damaged and unaccessable for four years. They FINALLY fixed it! Note that RPGGamer is currently down. Also added back to the list The Moon Swing Chronicles. They keep changing their address without linking it to the old one so people can find it easier.
Visits to date: 24,082
136.3.32 February 20, 2014 * Updated Kody with changes done some time ago, but were missed.
* Updated several Alien Species files (through "K") to new format and even added some new ones. Total Alien Species when complete: 386
* Corrected and added finishing touches on New Items for February (I can finally start working on March :P ).
* Made changes and corrections on several pages throughout site.
* Added new skill to Hunter, Cray, GG, Gwen and Sil: (A) Martial Arts: Jensaarai Rek'dul at 1D.
* Allowed image change to Harry as he never actually selected his Chapter. He is now with the Black Consuls.
Visits to date: 23,770
136.3.26 February 14, 2014 * Added New Items for February.
* Added the Star Wars Stock Market page to the main House Rules page.
Visits to date: 23,740
136.3.16 February 4, 2014 * Added Storage/Cargo listing to the Rain Maker on the Party Ships page. This includes a few items of interest the owner should look at.
Visits to date: 23,700
136.3.1 January 20, 2014 * More cosmetic changes to several pages.
* Added a new PC to the Character Templates page: the Jedi Redeemer.
Visits to date: 23,565
136.2.27 January 11, 2014 * More cosmetic changes to several pages.
* Added New Items for January 2014.
* Added three vehicles to the Vehicles page.
Visits to date: 23,524
136.2.4 December 19, 2013 * More cosmetic changes to several pages.
* New Items update for December 2013 and January 2014.
Visits to date: 23,323
136.1.31 December 6, 2013 * More cosmetic changes to several pages.
NOTE: No New Items update for December. However, there will be one for January.
Visits to date: 23,311
136.1.5 November 10, 2013 * Added planetary images for the Sample Homeworlds page.
* Made additional cosmetic changes to several pages.
Visits to date: 23,187
136.1.4 November 9, 2013 * Cosmetic changes to Character Templates.
* Added new Character Template: Mercenary Trader, to the Character Template section.
* Cosmetic changes to several pages.
* Added Psycho History page and new image.
* Added New Items for the month of November.
Visits to date: 23,183
135.7.30 July 13, 2013 * New Items page updated for August (includes July).
* Corrections made to New Item #77: Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. A-R Tangle Gun 7.
* Corrections on various pages to include Khalida San's character sheet and Original Stats sheet (just added).
* Placed Gwendolyn Fayress in NPC status as the Player has not made contact in several months.
* Updated the Home page by adding an announcement scroll about my new Star Wars site that, I hope, will be online by the end of 2014.
Visits to date: 22,257
135.6.28 June 6, 2013 * New Items page updated for May and June.
* Corrections on various pages to include PC Gear.
Visits to date: 21,916
135.6.2 May 11, 2013 * New Player Character Terum Nazz: Independent Bounty Hunter added to the Our Heroes page.
* Corrections of a few errors on various pages to include character templates and alien species.
Visits to date: 21,836
135.5.7 April 12, 2013 * This is the 9th Anniversary for the site!!!
Visits to date: 21,543
135.4.12 March 13, 2013 * New Items page updated for January, February and March.
* Fiollo's Guides link added to House Rules page.
* Cosmetic changes made to several pages along with the correction of some errors.
Visits to date: 21,386
135.2.33 January 13, 2013 * Grenade/Medpac Limits table added to the Encumbrance page.
* Imperial Customs Inspections and Requirements page added to the House Rules page.
Visits to date: 21,042
135.2.16 December 25, 2012 * Space Marime Armor Mk I through Mk IV has been added to the Warhammer 40k page.
Visits to date: 20,914
135.2.14 December 23, 2012 * New Items has been updated for December - Christmas Edition.
* Spelling corrections and the addition of a micro-tractor added to #223: Moon-Zhag Durz-X Medium Infitration Armor.
* Minor change to #226: Moon-Zhag Anti-Matter Blaster Rifle. Blast Radius: 5-10/15/20 added.
* Dates changed on Galactic Standard Calendar and Tapani Sector Calendar to reflect current Party locations and events.
* Antagonists page has been updated.
* Added a new hero to the Heroes page: Golan Porus, Interstellar Transient. With any luck he should be joining the group in short order.
* Minor changes made to the Skill Advancement table and the Strength Encumbrance/Sample Equipment Weight tables pages.
Visits to date: 20,903
134.10.23 October 23, 2012 * New Items page has been updated for October and November.
* Previous Home Page Scroll
In the darkness sat a being everyone knew, but no one really did. Armor covered every square inch; dull black and smooth as glass without the shine. Not a soul looked directly at the figure that sat motionless in the booth - eyes of glowing orange fixed forward sending out chills of uneasiness - looked back at whatever being dared to snatch a glance.

Automated music strained to mask the silence as onlookers, gasping fear frozen on each face, tried to make sense of the scene.

Before the armored figure, strewn about the floor in grotesque positions and covered in there own blood, lay half a dozen beings. The gore of their ignominious deaths masked the specific species of each individual.

After several long moments the black armored being stood up and surveyed the room. Satisfied with the results, he made his way to the exit and faded into the night air like a ghost that was never truly there...

* Weight stat added to previously listed New Items (# 215 [corrected], 216 to 219).
Visits to date: 20,512
134.9.13 September 08, 2012 * New Items has been updated for August and September even though the month shows only August.
* Chapters and a short History have been added to the Warhammer 40,000 Section of the House Stuff Page.
* The Space Marine Character Template has been updated.
* Several changes have been made throughout the site that are too numerous to list individually.
* Niles got the bonus for rolling the counter over 20,000.
Visits to date: 20,228
134.6.7 May 20, 2012 * Alien Species A thru C has been updated to the new format.
* A new species has been added - the Chameloid. This species is from the Star Trek universe and as such requires a detailed background, but does not follow the Prime Directive.
Visits to date: 19,440
134.5.27 May 5, 2012 * New Items page has been updated for May.
* Psycho Site Has been updated, just a bit.
Visits to date: 19,280
134.5.16 April 24, 2012 * The PC Equipment pages are updated. Images are still going to be added as often as possible.
* Small changes have been made on several pages too numerous to list individually.
Visits to date: 19,189
134.5.4 April 12, 2012 * This is the 8th Anniversary for the site!!!
* The PC Equipment pages are being updated and should look like Page 1 and 2. Images will be added as often as possible.
* Alien Species Templates are going to look like the Abinyshi Template (This project will take some time to complete as there are 340+ species).
Visits to date: 19,060
134.4.28 April 1, 2012 * New Items page updated to include March, 2011 through April, 2012.
* Changes made to most page Titles and formatting to bring consistency throughout the site.
* Modified the look of the Character Templates and added two character types: Sniper and TetraGrammaton Cleric.
* Made changes to the House Stuff page to include: links to Harry and Jehanna; Galaxy Stuff link moved to House Stuff page; Force Attunement link moved under Jedi Info to more accurately reflect its origins.
* Changed the Links Frame by making the Site Map Links smaller for a better fit.
* Made cosmetic changes throughout the site and fixed several pages with bad backgrounds and links.
* Added, Removed and Modified several links on the Links page with several banners added for better representation.
* Note that Previous Item #125 from May, 2008 on Previous Items, Page 4 has been modified with a new image replacing the old one.
* Added the Creatures pages to the site. Sections "A" and "B" are mostly done. The rest are incomplete, but more will be added as often as possible (this is a large task and requires lots of work).
* The Home Page has been changed with the Home Page Scroll being updated.
* The Warhammer 40K page has been created, but has no content yet.
Visits to date: 18,929
134.1.22 December 12, 2011 * New Items page updated to include March, 2011 through April 2012.
* Made minor changes to the House Stuff page to include: links to Harry and Jehanna; moved Galaxy Stuff link to House Stuff page.
* Changed the Links Frame by making the Site Map Links smaller for a better fit.
* Made minor cosmetic changes throughout the site and fixed several pages with bad backgrounds.
Whoever rolls the site over 20,000 send the GM an email to receive a special bonus.
Quietly getting ready for the game to start up again. I have been updating the site with all the changes, to include the PC's.
Visits to date: 18,210
133.7.15 April 12, 2011 * This is the 7th Anniversary for the site!!!
Visits to date: 16,399

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