Availability |
1 | Common item | Readily available throughout the known galaxy. |
2 | Uncommon item | Available in large cities or spaceports. |
3 | Specialized item | Available on planet of origin, but difficult to find elsewhere. |
4 | Rare item | Difficult to find anywhere. |
F | Fee or permit often required for purchase. | |
R | Restricted item on most planets, purchase/sale requires Imperial or other relevant license. | |
X | Illegal on most planets, possession or use violates Imperial/local law with possible severe penalties. Specific permits may be available for authorized individuals. |
General Price Guidelines |
Animal, common | 30+/- |
Animal, livestock | 500+/- |
Animal, exotic | 2000+ |
Artwork | varies by type, etc. |
Bacta | 100/liter+/- |
Fuel | 50/kg+/- |
Gemstones | See list |
Holovid | 20+/- |
Ore, common | 200/kg+ |
Ore, rare | 2000/kg+ |
Spice (illegal) | 1000/kg+ |
Textiles | 10/yard+ |
Water | 4/liter+ |
Food, Lodging, Medical |
Food (1 kg) | Common: 10+/- | Quality: 20+/- | Exotic: 50+/- |
Average human consumes 3kg per day | |||
Lodging (1 day) | Poor: 20+/- | Good: 80+/- | Luxury: 200+/- |
Medical Care | Medpac Treatment: 150 | Long Term Care: 250/day | Bacta Tank Healing: 300/12 hours |
WT |
1 | Plescinia Entertainment's CS-Mark 10 | |||
A. Computerized Holographic Combat Simulator | 2 | 350 | 5 | |
The Siege of Trasemene! The Assault on Vardoss IV! The Battle of Galboron! Names that will
forever live in the annals of Imperial military history ... and now you can see if you have the brilliance to match those who
fought there!. With Plescinia's newest addition to its "Great Battles of the Empire" series, you can holographically recreate these and other landmark military engagements in striking detail. Play against another opponent or against the computer. Micro-manage individual units or expand your horizons to the strategic level to direct operations of entire assault groups. Fighters, repulsor tanks, walkers and elite troop units are all here, awaiting your orders. This latest version allows for remote access links capable of accommodating multiple players. Take control today! Skill: Tactics Game Notes: In addition to the 12 "stock" historical simulations build into this unit, a "scenario editor" feature allows the user to custom create additional historical or hypothetical engagements. An Easy Computer Program/Repair roll is required to install the system. Game scenarios require various Tactics rolls (difficulty varies by scenario). |
2 | Lakan Industries DHS-2 | |||
A. Holographic Dejarek System | 2 | 1500 | 8 | |
Since its inception, no other game has withstood the test of time as has dejarik. While the
exact origin of this board game continues to generate debate among scholars and game aficionados, few will argue about the
challenge and pleasure of a good game of dejarik. Skill: (s)Scholar: Dejarik Additional data modules cost 100 credits each. |
3 | Wethen Amusements, Unlimited Declination Holographic Game | |||
A. Strd | 3 | 3500 | .2 | |
Do you enjoy challenging mind games? If so, then you'll love Declination by Wethrenn Amusement.
Declination is a mental game that is taking the Empire by storm. The object of the game is simple: maneuver a replication of an
Imperial TIE fighter through a holographic asteroid field while eluding your opponent's vessel, which is attempting to negociate the
same field from the opposite side. The actual maneuvering, and indeed the power behind the game itself, is what sets it apart. Each Declination controller is controlled by the player's thoughts instead of mere manual reflexes! Headset controllers react at the speed of thought, propelling the holographic ships through an increadibly intricate holographic asteroid field. The winner in Declination can truly say that he or she has the superior mind. -- at least until the next game! Special adaptors allow up to eight players, allow play against the computer and controls allow asteroid field difficulties to range from beginner to challenging for even the most experienced pilot. Skills: Starfighter Piloting and Starship Gunnery or Perception. Game Notes: Characters may use either Starfighter Piloting and Starship Gunnery or Perception to play. Difficulties for navigating the asteroid field can range from Very Easy to Heroic (+10, +20 or more). Actual combat rolls are opposed skill rolls, with additional modifiers based on the difficulty of the terrain. |
4 | Sarno Technologies Home Spheroids Simulator | |||
A. Strd | 2 | 500 | 6 | |
Extract from Galactic Games And Competitions ... Delindras Axt paused to line up the spherical hologram in her hand with one of another hue circling several centimeters to her right and above her head. After confirming the proper angle, the three-time spheroids champion huried the sphere. The oval image moved swiftly from her hand, speeding forward to strike its intended target. The second sphere then angled high above her head and impacted with a third. The latter collided with two more, all three of them careening into the brilliant sun at the center of the holo display. That was the "impossible" shot the crowd had been waiting for. The difficult shot executed to her satisfaction, she smiled smugly at her Twi'lek opponent before responding cheerfully to the crowd. Gadsle glared back but made no sound. With the applause of half the star system ringing in her ears she regarded her opponent one last time. Spheroids is a sport that is gaining popularity every year. How you can be the first to own the Sarno Tech Home Spheroids Simulator (HSS), the only spheroids home hologlobe officially sanctioned and endorsed by the Interstellar Professional Spheroids Association. Sarno Tech's HSS offers all the latest features including customized image selection, game storage and replay, black hole options, and two, three or more player versions, as well as automated computer opponents. Skill: Thrown Weapons. Game Notes: Different game maneuvers are accomplished with various Thrown Weapons totals. The GM may set target difficulties or have opponents simply make opposed skill rolls to see who wins a given contest. |
5 | Nen-Carvon Sport Lifter CSL-1 | |||
A. Strd | 2 | 12,000 | 12 | |
The sport of grav-ball is one of the most popular aerial sports in the Colonies
and Core Worlds today. Now you too can compete in style with the newest sport lifter from Nen-Carvon. The Nen-
Carvon grav-ball sport lifter offers both rapid acceleration anf high maneuverability. Reinforced hull bracing resists damage
caused by those sudden impacts that are part of the game. Twin repulsor pods increase your chances of making that
difficult shot. Complete with onboard diagnostics for pre-flight checks and a two year warranty against mechanical defects.
It's just the thing you need for those close encounters 50 meters up. "Grav-ball started out as a Rodian hunting competition that was supposed to hone an individual's marksmanship and agility in a three-dimentional combat situation. The object of the game is to propel a small spheroid across your opponet's goal line using low-power repulsor blasts to nudge the object along. Far from being a simple childs game, this spectacular sport is played with repulsorlift harnesses on a fiels 150 meters long, 50 meters wide and 50 meters high! A small repulsor module inside the ball itself keeps things rolling with random and erratic motion. In the typical Rodian fashion, each member of the 15-member teams is expected to carry personal weapons with which to 'discourage' their opponents in close quarters. At the organized level, the emphasis is placed on non-lethal, melee stun weapons, but some local games are a good deal more bloodthirsty. --Extract from Galactic Games And Competitions, 27th edition, V.F.G. Corvallin, editor. Type: Repulsorlift sport vehicle Length: 1.4 meters tall Scale: Character Skill: Repulsorlift Ops. Crew: 1 Cover: 1/4 Altitude Range: Ground to 50 meters Maneuverability: 1D+2 Move: 60; 220 kmh Body Strength: 3D+2 Weapons: Twin Grav-Ball Repulsor Pods (fire-linked) Fire Arc: Front Crew: 1 Skill: Vehicle Blasters Fire Control: 1D Range: 1-3/4/5 Damage: 1D Game Notes: The image provided is a common grav-ball sport lifter. Other variants exist, with longer-ranged repulsor pods for professional tournament play. Personal units may sport any number of customized modifications, depending upon local league rules. |
6 | Farbreini Microelectronics Limited Coruscant Crusader BPEA-1A | |||
A. Strd | 4 | 5000 | .1 | |
The throng outside the Imperial Cavalcade of the Stars last night waited nearly six
hours in near-freezing rain to get a glimpse of holo-viv siren Quintana Trill. It was well known that Lady Trill never missed
an opening night screening of her new holofilms. Similarly, few doubted that when she finally did appear, "Quinta" (as she
is known to her fans) would make a spectacular entrance. Quinta's fans were not disappointed. A bare three minuted before the holo's opening sequence, with an eight-man escort, Quinta Trill's speeder settled down outside the Cavalcade and the actress emerged to a thunderous round of applause. The hearty ovations were cut short, however, by the unexpected display that greeted the crowd. Quinta emerged from her speeder covered in liquid fire. Rivulets of blure, red and amber flame seemed to dance about her person while a halo of yellow moonbeams flowed down her shoulder-length black hair. As she moved toward the theater's entranceway, with every fluid motion the sparkle of a hundred miniature novas rippled around her. When she waved to her astonished admirers, flame danced from her fingertips and the trail of her gown reflected a soft ashen glow that gave the illusion of Quinta gliding along the path like some mythological heroine of old. The net result was a spectacular entrance few will ever forget. Regrettably, Quinta's latest holo-vid, Denizens of Dakaret IX, has met with less than spectacular reviews. -- From "Your Stars And Mine," Morgraine Delefrnquin, Society News Editor, Chandrilan Daily Messenger. Developed by Farbreini MicroElectronics Limited, Coruscant, the Coruscant Cascader can be incorporated into any piece or clothing. When activated, it produces a dazzling matrix of custom-designed light shapes that highlight the figure and accentuate the positive! Essentially a controlled, low-power "static lightning" show of ever-changing hues. the Cascader responds to the slightest movement, with spectacular light sequences flowing off and around the user. The Cascader is perfectly safe; those touching it receive only a slight charge that's barely a tingle! |
7 | zZip Product Concepts Ltd. Deluxe Sun Room | |||
A. Standard Artificial Environment Booth | 3 | 22,500 | N/A | |
Feeling a little depressed lately? Tired of weeks of deep-space travel under artificial light sources? Do you long for a little "natural" light? Well, we may not be able to provide a sandy beach, but we can give you a sun room, which closely approximates natural lighting conditions on any number of worlds. Each unit (an immense 20 square meters and three meters tall) is custom configured to suit specific radiation, light and tempurature levels as specified by the owner, allowing the owner to receive any needed or desired lightiing condition. | ||||
8 | Gafladen Lounger 432GLM | |||
A. Repulsor Lounge Floater | 2 | 350 | 12 | |
The boss rejected your schematics without even looking at them. Who does that
predsill think he is anyway? Still, after five minutes in your new repulsor lounge floater, the world seems almost tolerable
after all! The 432GLM is a perfect unit for relaxation after a tough day on the corporate battlefield. With adjustable repulsor fileds from one to 30 centimeters and micro-inducers for a relaxing massage. Pamper yourself. You deserve it. |
9 | Borliss Automation Concepts Inc. HVP-200 | |||
A. Hover Shopper | 3 | 400 | 65 | |
Not everyone can afford to have a droid do one's shipping. There are those who
enjoy wandering through commercial districts spending the entire day shopping their hearts out, but still find the crowds
and bustle oppressive. There is no reason why a routine shopping jaunt should become an arduous affair. Now from Borliss Automation comes the "hover shopper" - a convenient way of maneuvering through crowded shops and stalls. With the hover shopper you can have an avian's-eye view of all the best mark-downs. And at the end of a busy shopping adventure, you can honestly say you were above it all. Craft: Borliss Automation Concepts Inc. HVP-200 Type: One-person personal cargo carrier Scale: Character Length: 3 meters Skill: Hover Vehicle Ops Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: 300 kg Cover: 1/4 Altitude Range: Ground level-2 meters Maneuverability: +1 Move: 20; 60 kmh Body: 3D |
10 | Falkenharn Repulsors Mk V14 Baggage Handler | |||
A. Personal Repulsor Conveyor | 1 | 250; 50 (infrared guide stick) | 10 | |
For over half a century, Falkenharn Repulsors has been the leader in producing
quality repulsorlift cargo handlers for business and personal needs. Whatever you have to move, Falkenharn helps you
get there with a minimum of exertion. One of the more commonly sought after items in the extensive Falkenharn product line is their Mark V14 baggage handler. Built of lightweight, composite plastics with long-term use rechargeable power cells, this collapsible repulsor carrier can support up to 500 kilograms to an adjustable height of 1.8 meters above surface level. Built-in inertia dampeners allow for seemingly near-frictionless motion that can be guided manually or with the aid of a palm-sized infrared controller. Once your goods have been safely secured at their destination, the Mark V14 conveniently folds down to reduce storage space and can be easily reassembled in minutes. Game Notes: When fully extended and locked into place, the carrier is 1.75 meters long, 80 centimeters wide and 65 centimeters tall. Left and right sections are hinged and can be folded back for storage. Manual steering handle (manual) and lift control studs are located at each end. Three miniaturized repulso inducers and inertia dampeners are located along bottom surface layers and coverd by a protective grill. When fully charged, this carrier provides continuous lift capacity for 100 standard hours. Flotaion height distance is adjustable up to 1.8 meters. An optional infrared guide stick allows for hands-off control of the carrier within an effective range of 10 meters. |
11 | zZip Product Concepts Ltd. Refresher Booth | |||
A. Personal Hygienic Refreshment System | 2 | 2500 | 9 | |
The refresher booth is a fully automated and self-contained ultrasonic shower system that invogorates while it cleans. By incorporating minute amounts of specially-formulated bacta, it promotes cellular repair and mucular stimulation. Low-frequency heat induction coils provide a warm drying cycle that leaves the user refreshed. All it takes is 10 minutes! | ||||
12 | Synergentics Rapid Recipe Food Management Systems | |||
A. Automated Food Preparation Unit | 2 | 250 | 8 | |
"What do you mean you've just invited your supervisor to dinner? I can't get
ready for another party at such short notice..." More than a simple food processing unit, the Synergentics food management system is a fully automated food preparation system capable of replicating thousands of recipes from across the galaxy. A built-in ingredient equivalency module suggests alternate foodstuffs to approximate rare ingredients when preparing exotic dishes. An automated menu planner will advise you of specific quantities required, whether you are feeding one person or a platoon of stormtroopers. Just add the ingredients and the system takes care of the rest. Skill: Culinary Arts Game Notes: A Very Easy Culinary Arts roll is required to locate a specific recipe from the unit's database. A Moderate (or higher) roll is necessary to incorporate a new recipe from scratch. |
13 | Quarlitech Aergronics, Inc. GRGC-800 | |||
A. Grav Treadmill Incline | 2 | 700 | 7 | |
Work off that excess stress. Give yourself a good workout in the privacy of
your own home with a Quarlitech gravity treadmill. Perhaps you need to acclimate yourself to working in higher (or
lower) gravity environments. Now, nothing could be simpler with the grav mill from QAI. Game Notes: Dedicated training on the grav mill for an extended period of time (anywhere from a few days to weeks, depending upon the severity of gravity change) can help elimitate any penalties due to higher or lower gravity worlds. |
Click here for a complete listing. |
Click here for a complete listing. |
Click here for a complete listing. |
Click here for a complete listing. |
Click here for a complete listing. |
Special |
WT |
1 | Thermal Detonator Cases | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 200 | Holds 1 | .2 | |
B. Strd | 1 | 350 | Holds 2 | .4 | |
The case keeps the detonators cold and in a neutral, non-static environment until needed. The battery lasts for two weeks on a single charge and can be re-charged anywhere. | |||||
2 | Alien Language Translator w/ Ear Rcvr | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 2000 | -- | .5 | |
3 | Alien Language Disks | ||||
A. Galactic Strd | 1 | 500 | +1D to Languages | .01 | |
B. Rodian | " | 600 | " | " | |
C. Barabelian | " | 600 | " | " | |
D. Ithorian | " | 500 | " | " | |
E. Devaronian | " | 550 | " | " | |
F. Mon Calamarian | 1,F | 700 | " | " | |
G. Abyssinian | " | 550 | " | " | |
H. Nordian | 3,R | 1000 | " | " | |
I. Auqalishian | 1 | 500 | " | " | |
J. Arconian | 1 | 500 | " | " | |
K. Bithian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
L. Chadra-Fanian | 1 | 500 | " | " | |
M. Defelian | 1 | 600 | " | " | |
N. Durosian | 1 | 500 | " | " | |
O. Givinian | 1 | 500 | " | " | |
P. Antarian (Gotal) | 1 | 600 | " | " | |
Q. Varlian (Hutt) | 2,F | 700 | " | " | |
R. Jenetian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
S. Kitonakian | 2 | 650 | " | " | |
T. Kubazian | 2 | 600 | " | " | |
U. Skorian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
V. Talzian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
W. Togorian | 1,F | 650 | " | " | |
X. Verpine | 3,R | 1200 | " | " | |
Y. Whiphidian | 1 | 500 | " | " | |
Z. Multoposian | 2 | 600 | " | " | |
AA. Krikthasian | 2 | 600 | " | " | |
AB. Nalronian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
AC. Saurtonian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
AD. Balinakian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
AE. Horansian | 2,R | 800 | " | " | |
AF. Gazaranian | 2,R | 800 | " | " | |
AG. Xanian | 1 | 550 | " | " | |
AH. Carositian | 2,R | 800 | " | " | |
AI. Galidynian | 2,R | 800 | " | " | |
AJ. Gaseritian | 2,R | 800 | " | " | |
There are many other languages to choose from. This list is only a small
representation. The maximum allowed bonus is +3D. 5, 10 or 15 languages can be purchased in one disk for a discount. 5 languages: 200 credit discount, 10 languages: 450 credit discount, 15 languages: 900 credit discount. For all of the above - each additional dice added to the 1D base is an extra 600 for non-restricted languages, 800 per 1D for "Fee" languages and 1200 per 1D for "Restricted" languages. |
4 | Backpacks | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 20 | N/A | .5 | |
B. Scout Multipack | 1 | 400 | " | 4 | |
Comes with 3 medpacs, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, 24 breath mask filters and one weeks rations. Special pockets and attachment points are included for the following: survey datapad, cutting blaster, vibroblade, thinhut, portable heater, universal recharger, hydroextractor and a thinsuit/thinhut patching kit. | |||||
C. Survival | 1 | 500 | " | 4.5 | |
Comes with 3 medpacs (or 1 fastflesh and 1 medpac), 1 glow rod, 2 thermal flares, 1 single-person di-chrome shelter, 1 breathmask (with 8 extra filters), 10 meters syntherope, 1 knife, a small portable fusion power generator and 2 weeks rations. Special pockets and attachment points are included for the following: vibropick, fusion cutter, pocket computer, recording rod, portable field scanner, macrobinoculars, standard explosive charge, exposure suit and a portable moisture vaporator. | |||||
D. Imperial Army Pack | 4,R | 500 | " | 5 | |
Comes with 2 medpacs, 1 glow rod,1 breath mask (10 replacement filters), multi-use knife, vibroblade: STR+3D and one weeks rations. Special pockets and attachment points are included for the following: thinhut, portable heater, universal recharger, hydroextractor and a thinsuit/thinhut patching kit. | |||||
E. Alliance | 4,R | 500 | " | 6 | |
Comes with 3 medpacs (or 1 fastflesh and 1 medpac), 1 glow rod, 2 thermal flares, 1 single-person di-chrome shelter, 1 breathmask (with 12 extra filters), 30 meters syntherope, 1 multi-purpose knife, a small portable fusion power generator and 2 weeks rations. Special pockets and attachment points are included for the following: vibropick, fusion cutter, pocket computer, recording rod, portable field scanner, macrobinoculars, standard explosive charge, exposure suit and a portable moisture vaporator. | |||||
5 | Utility Belts | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 30 | " | 1 | |
B. Alliance | 2 | 50 | " | 1.5 | |
Comes with 10 meters syntherope with grapple hook, 3 days concentrated rations and a comlink (50 km range) | |||||
C. Imperial | 3,R | 250 | " | 1.5 | |
Comes with 10 meters syntherope and two grapple hooks, 3 days concentrated rations, one medpac, one frag grenade and a spare encripted/scrambled comlink (50 km range) | |||||
6 | Scout Equipment | ||||
A. Survey Datapad | 1 | 75 | N/A | .2 | |
B. Thinsuit | 2,F | 1000 | See Below | 3 | |
Lasts for up to 18 hours against most known atmosphere types. Comes with a built-in breath mask and extended filter (6 hours). Can store up to six more extended filters. Does not add to Strength for damage purposes. May actually be worn in space for one hour if breathing gear is added (cost is 200). | |||||
C. Thinhut | 1 | 1000 | N/A | 2 | |
Provides a 3 cubic meter shelter against cold and atmosphere. Lasts up to 18 hours against most known atmosphere types. Can be folded to the size of a datapad. | |||||
D. Portable Heater | 1 | 100 | " | 1 | |
Will provide heat for 5 days or up to two weeks if properly regulated. Works best in a three cubic meter area or smaller and down to temperatures of -75 degrees Celsius. | |||||
E. Hydroextractor | 1 | 250 | " | .3 | |
Will extract one litre of 100% pure water in five minutes or 4-12 hours in dry climates. Needs a one hour recharge after each use. | |||||
F. Minilab | 2,F | 1000 | " | 3 | |
Not as accurate as ship-board labs. Can store up to one litre samples of most substances. | |||||
G. Repulsor Hitch | 1 | 400 | " | 4 | |
Can tow up to 200 kg objects. Can be attached to the Mule droid. | |||||
H. MechGill | 2,F | 500 | " | 2 | |
Extracts oxygen from most liquids. Operates for 6 hours at depths up to 10,000 meters. | |||||
I. Claim Beacon | 1 | 300 | " | 4 | |
Sets up quickly and beams a message of ownership into the system. A thermal detonator can be hooked into the beacons stabilization mechanism and rigged to explode if someone tries to take it or download system information from it. | |||||
7 | Chronometers | ||||
A. MicroThrust Clockwatcher | 1 | 50+ | " | .1 | |
Cost: 50 (+10 for thermo sensor; +10 for gravity sensor; +30 for
atmosphere sensor; +50 for comlink; + 50 for droid linkup) Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 46-47) |
B. Alliwon Electronics Vennoc-x | 1 | 55+ | " | .02 | |
Belt version costs 65 credits. Cost: 50, 65 (belt version). Game Notes: Hidden
compartment can hold items smaller than four by four centimeters. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 44), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 96) |
C. Gorondin Chronometrics Time Piece Model 7643 | 1 | 300+ | " | .03 | |
This time piece was created by Gorondin Chronometrics, and was capable of holding a variety of holographic messages in addition to telling the time. When queried for the time, the Model 7643 produced a small hologram from its stored images, and the voice of the being portrayed in the hologram spoke the time and a short message to the wearer. The Model 7643 was capable of maintaining the exact times on up to thirty different worlds, providing star travellers with instant timekeeping at their destinations. | |||||
8 | Consolidated Learning Systems Transliterator | ||||
A. Language Interpretation | 3 | 1200 | " | .4 | |
Skill: Communications. Cost includes 500 most common languages, 500
for module with 500 additional languages. Game Notes: An Easy Communications roll is required to properly select
up to 20 different languages to be tracked. Device is effective to a range of 10 meters, but aural receptors focus on
nearest sounds first. Individual displays of phrase or word translations can either remain in place until manually
cleared by user or clear after a pre-set delay period of 15 seconds. This unit's database contains 500 specific
"common" languages and dialects. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 47) |
9 | Bank of the Core GCC-1000 | ||||
A. Currency Converter | 2 | 300 | " | .2 | |
Skill: Business. Additional sector modules cost 50 IC each. Cost: 300, 50
(additional sector modules). Game Notes: Base unit handles data for all major Core, Inner Rim and Colonies
sectors. Additional program modules for additional sectors also available. An Easy business roll is required for
normal operation. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 66) |
10 | SuriTech Foodstuffs Ez1 Analyzer | ||||
A. Personal Food Analyzer | 2 | 250 | " | 1.5 | |
Skill: Survival. Additional datachips cost 50 IC each. Customized
datachips cost 100 each. Game Notes: A Very Easy survival roll is required for normal operation. The user
will typically purchase additional data chips (up to a maximum of 5 can be added at any time) which provide
information on additional entrees. Persons suffering from reactions to specific foods or food additives may
purchase customized datachips designed to examine for specific components and warn against possible
allergic reactions. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 65-66), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 91) |
11 | Consolidated Learning Systems Synoptic Teacher | ||||
A. Subconscious Teaching | 1 | 10,500 | N/A | .6 | |
Skill: Perception. Information modules cost 200-1000. All information about this item can be found here. | |||||
12 | Paradour Enterprises Signature Scent Synthesizer | ||||
A. Computerized Fragrance Synthesizer | 3 | 1500 | " | .1 | |
Refills cost 150. Game Notes: Some fragrances may contain biological
ingredients (such as pheromonal additives) that may induce an exceptionally strong effect on some beings. In
game terms, "victims" of such pheromonal fragrances might suffer penalties to willpower rolls to avoid
infatuation or resist the effect of command, con, persuasion and similar skills. Enterprising characters with the
appropriate chemistry background may concoct all kinds of substances with a number of psychological effects. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 46) |
13 | Willienk Data Systems RTDS-1000 | ||||
A. Remote Text Data Scanner | 2 | 750 | " | 1 | |
Skill: Communications. Game Notes: A Very Easy communications
roll is required to properly scan hard copy datasheets; an Easy communications roll is required to transmit
data. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 45) |
14 | Mahled Medical Services Servo Slippers | ||||
A. Repulsor Assisted Braces | 3 | 5000 (set) | " | 3 | |
Game Notes: On high gravity worlds, foot/leg braces alone negate
Movement penalties and cut Dexterity penalties by two pips. Hand/arm braces alone cut Dexterity penalties
by two pips. Both foot/leg and hand/arm braces completely negate all Dexterity penalties. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 45) |
15 | Iyranis Gravitics Ltd. Gravity Belt | ||||
A. Gravity Belt | 3 | 500 | " | 2 | |
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops. Game Notes: Slows free-fall velocity to a
gentle landing. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 44) |
16 | MerenData IPI-1000 | ||||
A. Electronic Identification/Credential Display | 2,F | 450 | " | .5 | |
Skill: Security. Game Notes: An Easy security roll is required to
properly scan document images. Holographically scans any document up to 30 centimeters long by 30
centimeters wide. Data storage is coded under one of 10 different security levels, personally coded.
Stores up to 12 documents. Only certified officials may perform document scans. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 44) |
17 | Kamperdine Clothing Specialits CSC-5000 | ||||
A. Luxury Temperature Control Suit | 3 | 700 | " | 1.2 | |
Game Notes: Upper torso to foot coverage. Normal wear adds
+1 to any subsequent survival or stamina rolls in harsh environmental conditions. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 42 |
18 | Ulqib MicroTronics BX-333 BioRecorder | ||||
A. Personal Recording System | 3 | 5000 | " | 2.5 | |
Additional holocubes cost 50. Game Notes: Matrix of sensors
capture the feelings and emotions of the moment by recording the user's respiration, brain waves and
bio-functions, as well as the words and holo-image. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 42), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 88) |
19 | Consolidated Learning Systems Model ES23 | ||||
A. Emotion Supression System | 3 | 750 | " | .06 | |
Game Notes: Device uses micro-powered cells. Each pair must
be worn a minimum of 24-30 hours to allow for proper calibration to the wearer's life function rythms.
Device adds +2D bonus to any willpower rolls to resist emotionalimpulses. Note that this device could
conceivably be used to help resist torture (although it has no effect on resisting Force abilities). Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 36-37) |
20 | Traxes BioElectronics Ultrawave Sight Enhancer | ||||
A. Ultrasonic Motion Sensor | 4 | 12,500 * | " | .5 | |
* Implantation surgery costs about 5000 IC. Game Notes:
Sensory motion system implant feeds input directly into the user's brain, creating a three-dimensional,
black and white, sonic graph of the user's surrounding. An Easy sensors total is required to properly
calibrate wave receptors once implantation nodes are in place. Otherwise, a Very Easy Perception roll
is required periodically (varies according to species) for normal use. Normal operating range is 50
meters and function is equally good in all environmental conditions excepting those involving severe
electrical disturbances. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 37) |
21 | Raflkind Industrial Radiation Screener | ||||
A. Energy Deflector | 2 | 250-500 | " | .1 | |
Game Notes: Miniature power cell must be replaced after 50
hours of continuous use. This item adds +1D to any survival rolls concerning low-level radiation.
Bonus does not apply to high-energy radiation situations, but warning alarm will sound if radiation
levels exceed specified amounts. -Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 36) |
22 | Udrane Galactic Electronics Universal Power Adapter | ||||
A. Power Adapter | 2 | 100 | " | .4 | |
Skill: Technical. Game Notes: The term "universal" is not 100
percent correct: the user is required to make a Very Easy Technical roll to make the proper adjustments
for the adaptor. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 33) |
23 | Valkrex Machinery Dispersal Canister | ||||
A. Waste Disintegrator | 2 | 400 | " | 8 | |
Game Notes: Canister is a round cylinder, 1 meter tall by 40
centimeters in diameter. Each canister contains 6 removable and rechargeable power packs, which are
charged with the energy of disintegrated waste. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 30) |
24 | Kolocast Consumer Goods T-P-C4 Live Organism Comfort Conveyor | ||||
A. Small Animal Transport and Containment System | 2 | 300 | " | 3 | |
Up to 25 kg. Special orders can be made for larger needs. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 14) |
B. Medium Animal Transport and Containment System | 2 | 500 | " | 4.5 | |
Up to 60 kg. Special orders can be made for larger needs. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 14) |
C. Large Animal Transport and Containment System | 1 | 800 | " | 6 | |
Up to 100 kg. Special orders can be made for larger needs. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 14) |
25 | Farendress Defel Exports HR-1200 | ||||
A. Heat Reducer/Energy Generator | 2 | 500 | " | 4 | |
Game Notes: When operating in an environment with high levels
of ultraviolet radiation, the exchanger can produce enough energy to power several datapads or other
small appliances. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 29-30) |
26 | Ferisoliq Imports, Ltd. ABP-980 | ||||
A. Aqualish Bio-Light Panel | 2 | 250 | " | 2 | |
Game Notes: Emmits light in an ever-changing array of fluid,
picturesque patterns. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 28) |
27 | Dendratis Biological Exports, Inc. Bio-Cocoon | ||||
A. Biological Containment | 3 | 2000 | Special | 1 | |
Game Notes: Upon activation, the intended victim must make
a Moderate Brawling Combat roll to avoid entrapment (for victims up to 150 kilograms; victims from
151-300 kilograms need only make an Easy roll, while 301-450 kilograms targets require a Very Easy
roll; this unit has no effect on targets over 450 kilograms). Failure results in an immediate -1D to
Dexterity and 1D stun damage. Increase the brawling parry difficulty to escape by one level each
additional round and increase the Dexterity penalty by -1D and increase the stun damage by +1D. The
target is fully cocooned when the Dexterity penalty matches or exceeds the character's Dexterity or the
stun damage is sufficient to knock out the character. Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 53) |
28 | Flood/Water Lights | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 20 | " | .05 | |
Light has a range of 50 meters above water, 30 meters below water. | |||||
B. W3 | 1 | 30 | " | .06 | |
Range is 60/40 meters. Unit may change from white light to yellow, blue, red or green. | |||||
C. D2 | 1 | 60 | " | .08 | |
Range is 70/50 meters. Unit may change from white light to yellow, blue, red or green. | |||||
D. HIFW | 1 | 100 | " | .1 | |
Range is 80/60 meters. Unit may change from white light to yellow, blue, red, purple, orange or green. | |||||
28 | Light Panels | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 40 | " | 1.2 | |
Light has a range of 60 meters and may change to any color via a control panel. Size is .3 meters by 1 meter. | |||||
B. MX 12 | 1 | 50 | " | 1.2 | |
Light has a range of 65 meters and may change to any color via a control panel. Size is .3 meters by 1 meter. | |||||
C. MX 15 | 1 | 70 | " | 1.5 | |
Light has a range of 70 meters and may change to any color via a control panel. Size is .3 meters by 1.5 meters. | |||||
D. MXR 3 | 1 | 100 | " | 1.8 | |
Light has a range of 80 meters and may change to any color via a master control panel. Size is .5 meters by 2 meters. | |||||
29 | Syntherope Dispensers (belt clip type, not for launchers) | ||||
A. 10M | 1 | 20 | N/A | .4 | |
Holds 10 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
B. 20M | 1 | 40 | " | .7 | |
Holds 20 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
C. 30M | 1 | 60 | " | 1 | |
Holds 30 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
D. 40M | 1 | 80 | " | 1.3 | |
Holds 40 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
E. 50M | 1 | 95 | " | 1.6 | |
Holds 50 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
F. 75M | 1 | 110 | " | 2.0 | |
Holds 75 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
G. 100M | 1 | 140 | " | 2.2 | |
Holds 100 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
H. 200M | 1 | 170 | " | 3.2 | |
Holds 200 meters of syntherope capable of supporting 500 kg. | |||||
All syntherope dispensers come with the option of three
types of grappling hooks. 1. Standard Grappling Hook: Cost is 5 credits. 2. Magnetic Grappling Hook: Cost is 10 credits. 3. Molecular Grappling Hook: Cost is 20 credits. Using rope adds +1D to climbing. (+2D to climbing if treated with FrictionGrip.) |
Special |
WT |
1 | Republic Adhesion Disc | ||||
A.Climbing Disc | 3 | 50 | N/A | .5 each | |
Game Notes: Enhances climbing by +2D. | |||||
2 | SureGrip Climbing Boot and Glove Set | ||||
A. Friction coated hand and footwear | 2 | 80 | N/A | .5 | |
Game Notes: Use of boots and gloves together enhances climbing by +1D. If used seperately, they enhance climbing by +1. | |||||
3 | Climbsuit | ||||
A. Climbsuit | 2 | 350 | N/A | 2 | |
Game Notes: Adds +2D to climbing. | |||||
4 | Zone Control Grappling Gun | ||||
A. Grappling Gun | 2 | 1000 | Skill: Firearms | 2.5 | |
Range: 3-25/50/200. Damage: 3D+1. Game Notes: Moderate firearms difficulty to grapple a suitable support, Difficult to grapple a specific support. Winch can reel the user up at a rate of 20 meters per second. |
5 | MTS 56T Power Piton | ||||
A. Power Piton | 2 | 300 | Skill: Dexterity | 1.5 (all 4) | |
Game Notes: Using a set of power pitons (all four) adds a +2D bonus to climbing rolls with an Easy Dexterity roll. If only two pitons are used (just foot or hand pitons), the bonus is reduced to +1D. | |||||
6 | Susuax Verti-Go Climbing System | ||||
A. Verti-Go Line Thrower | 2 | 400 | Skill: Missile Weapons | 3 | |
Ammo: 1 projectile rod, assorted grappler heads, 150-meter length of
line. Range: 1- to 150 meters. Damage: 4D+2. Game Notes: The normal rate of ascent for the climbing motor is six meters per second for a normal Human with gear. The secondary switch climbs at 12 meters per second but is three times as noisy (reduce Perception difficulty to spot climber by two levels). |
Special |
WT |
1 | Hydrospanner | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 10 | N/A | .2 | |
2 | Power Scanner | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 150 | " | 1 | |
3 | Beam Drill | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 50 | " | .1 | |
4 | Fusion Cutter | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 75 | " | .1 | |
If used as a weapon it causes 5D damage with a range of .2 meters. The fusion cutter can, if given enough time, burn through all but the strongest armor and hull. | |||||
5 | Work Light | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 25 | " | .05 | |
6 | Plasma Welder | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 50 | " | .2 | |
If used as a weapon it causes 4D damage with a range of .1 meters. The plasma welder can, if given enough time, burn through all but the strongest armor. | |||||
7 | Vibropick | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 50 | " | .1 | |
If used as a weapon it causes STR+1D+1. | |||||
8 | Vibrosaw | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 75 | " | .2 | |
If used as a weapon it causes STR+1D+2. | |||||
9 | Power Prybar | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 30 | " | .3 | |
10 | Tool Harness | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 10 | " | 1 | |
11 | Computer Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 200 | " | 2 | |
Adds +1D to the users Computer Program/Repair skill while attempting to repair computers. No bonus for breaking in to a computer system. | |||||
12 | Armor Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 2,F | 400 | " | 2 | |
Adds +1D to Armor Repair. | |||||
13 | Energy Weapon Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 2,F | 400 | " | 2 | |
Adds +1D to Blaster Repair. | |||||
14 | Melee Weapon Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 2,F | 300 | " | 2 | |
Adds +1D to Melee Weapon Repair. | |||||
15 | Droid Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 200 | " | 2 | |
Adds +1D to Droid Repair. | |||||
16 | Vehicle Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 200 | " | 2 | |
Adds +1D to Vehicle Repair. | |||||
17 | Security Systems Tool Kit | ||||
A. Strd | 3,R | 500 | " | 1.5 | |
Adds +1D to Security. | |||||
18 | Laser Welder | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 50 | " | 1 |
Special |
WT |
1 | Work | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 100-200 | N/A | .5-1 | |
2 | Casual | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 75-5000+ | " | .3-2 | |
3 | Business | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 75-3000+ | " | .5-2 | |
4 | Formal | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 100-5000+ | " | .5-3 | |
5 | Local Uniform | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 150-200 | " | .5-1 | |
6 | Flame-Proof Suit | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 200 | +2 (fire only) | 1 | |
7 | Exposure Suit | ||||
A. General | 1,F | 300 | +1 | 1 | |
B. Arid | 2,F | 400 | +1 | 1.2 | |
8 | Thermal Suit | ||||
A. Cold Weather | 2,F | 400 | +1 | 1 | |
9 | Sub-Zero Parka | ||||
A. Strd | 1,F | 250 | N/A | .8 | |
10 | High-G Suit | ||||
A. Strd | 2,F | 350 | " | 1 | |
11 | Wet Suit | ||||
A. Strd | 1,F | 400 | " | 1.5 | |
12 | Air Tanks | ||||
A. Strd | 1,F | 100 | " | 1 | |
13 | Oxygen Reprocessor (or other vital gas) | ||||
A. Strd | 2,F | 300+ | " | .5 | |
14 | Miniature Life Support System | ||||
A. Strd | 1,F | 1000 | " | 4 | |
15 | Space Suits (see Armor section for armored versions) | ||||
A. Emergency | 2,F | 1000 | " | 3 | |
B. Utility | 2,F | 1500 | +1 | 4 | |
C. High Quality | 2,F | 2000 | +2/+1 | 5 |
Special |
WT |
1 | Fusion Power Generators | ||||
A. Light | 1 | 500 | N/A | 4 | |
B. Medium | 1 | 750 | " | 6 | |
C. Heavy | 1 | 1000 | " | 9 | |
2 | Moisture Vaporator | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 500 | " | 6 | |
3 | Shield Generators | ||||
A. Small | 1 | 500 | 1D | 10 | |
B. Medium | 2,F | 750 | 2D | 15 | |
4 | Power Fence | ||||
A. 50m Sections | 3,R | 100 | N/A (12D) | 20 | |
5 | Power Fence Generator | ||||
A. Strd | 3,R | 750 | N/A | 12 |
1 | Hovels | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 150-250/M | N/A | ||
2 | Apartments | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 250-500/M | " | ||
B. Luxury | A-C,F | 500-2000+/M | " | ||
3 | Homes | ||||
A. Small | 1 | 750-1800+/M | 60,000+ | ||
B. Medium | 1 | 800-2000+/M | 100,000+ | ||
C. Large | 1 | 900-3000+/M | 195,000+ | ||
D. Mansion | 2,F | N/A | 250,000+ | ||
4 | Storage Space | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | 50-500/M | N/A | ||
5 | Established Farm | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | N/A | 50,000-200,000+ | ||
6 | New Settlement | ||||
A. Strd | 1 | " | 200,000+ |
Allowed Weightt |
1 | Passenger Liners/Freighters | |||
A. Steerage | 1 | 100 | 50kg | |
B. "No Frills" | 1 | 500 | 100kg | |
C. Luxury | 1 | 1000+ | 500kg+ | |
D. Chartered | 2,F | 10,000+ | 5000kg+ | |
Route | Multiply Cost By: | |||
Heavily-Traveled | x1 | |||
Common | x2 | |||
Uncommon | x3 | |||
Rarely-Traveled | x5 | |||
"You want to go where?" | x(6-20) |