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Melee Weapons
Thrown Weapons
Archaic Weapons
Missle Weapons
Stun Weapons
Special Weapons/Tools
Accessories: Firearms
Accessories: Modern Weapons
Ammunition: Archaic Weapons
Amunnition: Firearms
Ammunition: Missle Weapons
Ammunition: Blasters


1 Common item Readily available throughout the known galaxy.
2 Uncommon item Available in large cities or spaceports.
3 Specialized item Available on planet of origin, but difficult to find elsewhere.
4 Rare item Difficult to find anywhere.
F Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R Restricted item on most planets, purchase/sale requires Imperial or other relevant license.
X Illegal on most planets, possession or use violates Imperial/local law with possible severe penalties. Specific permits may be available for authorized individuals.

General Price Guidelines

Animal, common 30+/-
Animal, livestock 500+/-
Animal, exotic 2000+
Artwork varies by type, etc.
Bacta 100/liter+/-
Fuel 50/kg+/-
Gemstones See list
Holovid 20+/-
Ore, common 200/kg+
Ore, rare 2000/kg+
Spice (illegal) 1000/kg+
Textiles 10/yard+
Water 4/liter+

Food, Lodging, Medical

Food (1 kg) Common: 10+/- Quality: 20+/- Exotic: 50+/-
Average human consumes 3kg per day
Lodging (1 day) Poor: 20+/- Good: 80+/- Luxury: 200+/-
Medical Care Medpac Treatment: 150 Long Term Care: 250/day Bacta Tank Healing: 300/12 hours

The following item lists can and should to be used during Character Creation. Once the campaign starts they can only be used as a reference as availability and price will vary.

Melee Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Palandrix Personal Protection Gear Power Cane
A. Self Protection Cane 3,F-X 400 1D-5D/STR+1D 2
Skill: Melee Combat: Power Cane. Difficulty: Easy (stiletto blade), Moderate (power point). Damage: 1D-5D (variable setting; not based on Strength), STR+1D (stiletto)
Game Notes: The power cane has a 30-centimeter long stiletto blade housed in a concealed, spring-activated compartment. The ornamental top is a disguised power point capable of providing a nasty shock.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technologies (page 69-70)
2 Clubs
A. Strd, Wood 2 10 STR+1D 1
B. Bone 2 15 STR+1D .8
C. Trabinium 2 35 STR+1D+1 .6
Very light steel alloy.
3 Togorian Yil Tribe Scimitar
A. Scimitar 4,F(R) 8500 STR+2D/4D stun 3
Skill: Melee Combat: Togorian Scimitar. Difficulty: Moderate. Game Notes: In addition to normal damage, the scimitar inflicts 4D stun damage from electrical shock.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technologies (page 70), Ultimate Alien Anthology (page 162)
4 Staff
A. Strd, Wood 2 10 STR+1D 1
B. Bone 2 15 STR+1D .8
C. Trabinium 2 40 STR+1D+1 .6
Very light steel alloy.
5 Gaderffii
Strd 2 50 STR+1D 2
6 Sancretti Arms & Munitions, Interstellar Rodian Cryogen Whip
A. Cryogen Whip 3,F-X 350 STR+1D/4D stun 1.5
Skill: Melee Combat. Difficulty: Moderate. Damage: STR+1D (whip), plus 4D (stun damage due to extreme cold)
Game Notes: Victim must also make a Moderate stamina roll after second and additional strikes to avoid -1D penalty to Dexterity and all related skills due to system shock (penalties are cumulative).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technologies (page 70), Ultimate Alien Anthology (page 130)
7 Whips
A. Strd 2 20 STR+1 1
B. Strd with Spiked Tips 2 30 STR+2 1.2
C. Monofilament 2,F 100 Str+1D+2 .8
Does not affect armor above Light Corellian.
8 Hatchets
A. Strd 2 35 Str+1D 2
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle; chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 500. Can be sensor proofed for an extra 1500.
B. M-Hatchet 4,F 150 STR+2D "
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle; chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 700. Can be sensor proofed for an extra 2000.
9 Axes
A. Strd 2 75 STR+1D 3
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 500. Can be sensor proofed for an extra 1500.
B. Rodian Combat Blade 2 3000 STR+2D "
Thrusting Piont in Tip N/A N/A STR+1D N/A
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. .2 meter secret area in handle; chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 900. Can be sensor proofed for an extra 2500.
C. Nordian Laser LX 3,F 8000 STR+3D "
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Has a .2 meter secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 700/1400. Can be sensor proofed for an extra 3000/6000.
10 Bayonets
A. Strd 2 75 STR+1D .1
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath.
B. Bayofill AZ-36 4,F 200 STR+2D+1 .1
Monofilament edge.
11 Swords
A. Strd 2 75 STR+1D 3
B. Katana 2 100 STR+1D+1 "
C. Scimitar 2 150 STR+1D+2 3.5
D. Falchion 2 200 STR+2D 3.8
E. Barab Filament 3,F 275 STR+2D+1 3
Monofilament edge.
12 Vibroaxes
A. Strd 2,R 500 STR+3D+1 2
B. VK-12 3,R 700 STR+3D+2 2.25
C. Barab Vanx 3,R 900 STR+4D 2.5
D. Nordian Thrasher 4,R 1100 STR+4D+1 2.75
13 Vibroblades
A. Strd 2,F 250 STR+3D 2
B. KL-347 2,F 300 STR+3D+1 2.2
C. Barab Zzahrin 3,R 400 STR+3D+2 2.4
D. Corellian Edge 3,R 500 STR+4D 2.6
E. Nordian Slasher 4,X 750 STR+4D+1 2.8
F. Zentarian Gore-TKM 4,X 900 STR+4D+2 "
14 Vibrobayonets
A. Strd 2,F 300 STR+1D+2 .5
B. Hinder-6 2,F 350 STR+2D .6
C. Corellian Biter 3,F 400 STR+2D+1 .7
D. Zentarian Dellac 12 3,R 500 STR+2D+2 "
E. Nordian Binder 4,R 750 STR+3D .8
15 Vibro-Shivs
A. Strd 2,F 200 STR+1D .2
B. Rodian Kilter 2,F 250 STR+1D+1 "
C. Barab Dart 2C 2,F 300 STR+1D+2 "
D. Kashyyyk Firetote 2,F 350 STR+2D .4
E. Corellian LFK 3,F 400 STR+2D+1 "
F. Zentarian TR-219B 3,R 500 STR+2D+2 "
G. Nordian Stinger 4,R 750 STR+3D "
16 Force Pikes
A. Strd 3,R 500 STR+3D 3
B. VZ-Trexter 3,R 700 STR+3D+1 "
C. Barab Kraieler 3,R 900 STR+3D+2 "
D. Nordian Dister 4,R 1100 STR+4D 3.4
E. Zentarian K-Pike 4,X 1500 STR+4D+1 "
17 Vibroclaws
A. Asherton T1-X98 2,F(R) 500 STR+2D+1 .6
Skill: (s) Melee Combat: Vibroclaws. Difficulty: 5. Length: .1 meters
18 Vibrogaunts
A. Asherton VBG-1X 2,F 200 STR+2D+2 1
Skill: Brawling Combat, Difficulty: 10, Length: .1 meters. Notes: Adds +2D to climbing. May add a bonus to gripping an opponent or object, at the GM's discretion. Technically classified "Recreational Enhancement Equipment" these items just happen to work very well as offensive weapons. Gauntlets designed with servo enhancers to boost hand strength, and vibroblade talons on each finger, they were designed to assist in recreational climbing. Of course it's totally coincidental that they also assist in tearing someone's heart out of their chest. Very popular among the criminal element.
19 Steelglove
A. Strd 2,F 100 STR+1D .2
Skill: Brawling Combat, Difficulty: 5, Length: N/A. Notes: This is a melee weapon using Steelcloth in the form of a glove. It is indistinguishable from a normal work glove, but when struck, it stiffens, becoming like an armored gauntlet, It also braces the wrist against impact.
20 WarTech Electro-Glove
A. EG-3c 2,R See below See below 1.5
Skill: Brawling Combat, Armor Weapons (for blaster use) Difficulty: 5 or target number.

Damage Range Shots Cost
Steelglove STR+1D+1 - - 500
Stun Grid +1D - - 20
Holdout Blaster 4D 2-3/6/10 10 100

Notes: The electroglove is a combined-effects close assault weapon system. It was designed by WarTech for use in close urban environments against numerically superior but technologically inferior opposition, thinking that a soldier might be mobbed, disarmed, and killed.

The base of the system is a heavy-duty Steelglove gauntlet. The gauntlet extends almost to the elbow joint. It contracts when activated, making removal nearly impossible without destruction of the glove or limb.

Electrical grids are formed into the palm, inner fingers and knuckles. These grids are capable of delivering a charge of up to 300,000 Volts at up to 20 Amperes. The electrical discharge can be configured by hand controls on the glove surface.

A heavy holdout blaster is mounted into the forearm of each gauntlet.
21 Lue-Sangs
Strd 3,R 350 STR+2 4
B. AK-26T Catcher 3,R 400 STR+1D "
C. Wentak 800 3,R 450 STR+1D+1 "
D. Jergiur K490 3,R 500 STR+1D+2 "
E. Barab Jarkirie 3,R 600 STR+2D "
F. Rodian Banderkrin 3,X 700 STR+2D+1 "
G. Nordian Gamber WL-15 4,X 850 STR+2D+2 "
All versions can disarm an opponent on a Difficult or opposed Melee Combat roll.
22 Nun-Chucks
A. Strd 2 30 STR+2 .8
B. Stun-Chucks 2,F 100 STR+1D (Stun) 1
Stun damage only. Charge lasts for 2.5 hours of continuous use.
C. Shock-Chucks 2,F(R) 200 STR+2D 1.2
User must wear special gloves while using or will take more damage than the target. Gloves are included in the price.
23 Sarbrashi Bio Chemical Deterrents, Inc. FSI-200
A. Fear Stick 4,F 600 2D+ special .5
Skill: Melee Combat: Knife. Refills cost 50. Ammo: 2. Cost 50 (refills) Difficulty: Moderate. Damage: 2D stun damage (due to system shock).
Game Notes: One round after injection, the recipient must make a Difficult stamina or willpower roll to avoid the onset of a severe panic attack resulting in immediate flight. This emotional state will continue until Heroic stamina or willpower roll is made or one hour has elapsed.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technologies (pages 68-69)
24 Xana Exotic Arms MSW-9 Molecular Stiletto
A. Molecular Stiletto 4,R-X 400 STR+2D .5
Skill: Melee Combat. Difficulty: Moderate. Game Notes: Retractable 30 centimeters blade.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technologies (page 69), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 58), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 30)
25 Yalandross PowerMasters Jengardin Millennial Warrior Double-Bladed Vibroblade
A. Double Vibroblade 4,F-X 6000 STR+4D+1 2.5
Skill: Melee Combat: Vibroblade. Cost: 6,000, 25 (power cells), 75 (front left-side holster sheath with waist and shoulder straps). Difficulty: Difficult. Damage: STR+4D+1.
Game Notes: This is a two-handed weapon and requires the user's full concentration. Any attempt to use this weapon single- handedly increases the difficulty by two levels. Any attempt to do anything other than attack (melee combat) or defend (melee parry) with the weapon increases the difficulty of all actions by two levels (in addition to the onehanded penalty). If any attack roll while using the weapon missed by 10 or more points, the user inflicts damage on him or herself.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technologies (page 69)
26 Talex-Delcor SKE/4 Ballistic Knife
A. Ballistic Knife 2,R 70 See Below 2
Skills: Melee Combat: Knife, Missile Weapons: Ballistic Knife, Thrown Weapons: Knife. Range (fired): 2-4/10/15 (thrown): 2-3/5/10. Difficulty (melee weapon): 5. Damage (melee): STR+2, (thrown): STR+2, (fired): 3D.
Notes: This is a standard, ceramic composite fighting/throwing dagger, with a twist. It may be used normally, but it may also be used as a silent ballistic weapon. By grasping the butt cap and twisting to the right 90 degrees, you unlock the blade retention spring and extend the trigger out from behind the cross guard. Just point and pull. When the spring breaks, it contains nearly 100kg of stored force, which all goes into hurling the knife blade.

Thrown Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Spears
A. Strd, Wood 2 60 STR+1D+1 3
B. Bone 2 75 STR+1D+1 2.5
C. Trabinium (very light steel) 2 100 STR+1D+1 "
May also be used as a melee weapon. Hollow area in handle .5 meters long. A vibro tip (Damage increases to +2D, Affects armor) can be added for an extra 200.
2 Throwing Knives
A. Strd 2 35 STR+1 .5
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 20.
B. Strd Improved 2 70 STR+2 .6
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 20.
C. Vibro Throwing Knife 2,F 150 STR+1D .8
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 50.
D. Vibro Throwing Knife D3+ 2,F 150 STR+1D+1 1
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 50.
E. Nordian Vibro Throw 2,R 275 STR+2D 1
Comes with a self-sharpening sheath. Secret area in handle, chronometer and compass can be added to the hilt for an extra 80.
3 Bolos
A. Strd 3,R 50 2D+2 1
Entangles target on a Difficult Thrown Weapons roll. Difficult Strength roll to break free.
B. Spiked 3,R 150 4D 1
Entangles target on a Difficult Thrown Weapons roll. Difficult Strength roll to break free.
C. Exploding 4,X 1500 5D (see below) 1
Entangles target on a Difficult Thrown Weapons roll. Difficult Strength roll to break free. If a called neck shot hits, it will blow off the beings head unless damage is extremely low. On a 1 on the Wild die they will explode in the hand of the thrower.
4 Morturian Energy Disks
A. Strd (5) 3,X 6000 5D (See below) 1
Moderate Thrown Weapons or opposed roll needed to hit. Pins target to nearest wall or object. Difficult Strength roll needed to escape. May be retrieved and used again (up to 10 times, in most cases).
B. Kayson Zipper-Z (5) 3,X 8000 5D+2 (See below) 1
Moderate Thrown Weapons or opposed roll needed to hit. Pins target to nearest wall or object. Difficult Strength roll needed to escape. May be retrieved and used again (up to 10 times, in most cases).
5 Charendohl Exports, Ltd. Chestrashi Void Spear
A. Biological Spear 4,F-X 5000 STR+1D+special 3
Skill: Thrown Weapons. Ammo: 5 (biological injections only), Difficulty: Moderate Damage: STR+1D plus special Game Notes: Following a successful strike in which the victim is stunned or worse, the victim must make a Difficult stamina roll once every five minutes to resist the effect of the biological assault. If the stamina roll fails, the user must resist a 6D damage roll (the effect of the biological weapon). The biological weapon is counteracted by exposure to high electromagnetic fields or the injection of small amounts of radioactive trace elements into the bloodstream.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 86)
6 Rheshalva Interstellar Armaments Repulsor Rodian Throwing-Razor
A. Repulsor Blade 4,F-X 3000 (pair) STR+1D+2 1.5
Skill: Thrown Weapons: Rodian Throwing-Razor. Range: Range: 25-50/150/300. Game Notes: After initial attack, victim must make a Difficult stamina roll for three minutes to avoid 3D additional damage due to excessive blood loss. Weapon automatically hovers back to owner.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 89), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 37)

Archaic Weapons

Archaic Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Black Powder Pistol
A. Strd 2 200 2D+2 2.5
2 Musket
A. Strd 2 250 3D 4.5


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Slug Throwers
A. Strd 2,R 275 3D 2
B. AV-10 2,R 325 3D+1 "
C. Tandor 27F 2,R 400 3D+2 "
D. Lukkozyan VI 2,R 500 4D "
E. Rodian Ykumander 2,R 600 4D+1 "
F. Barab Hunter 3,R 700 4D+2 "
G. Zentarian Tegrian 12 3,R 850 5D "
NOTE: Clips for standard ammo can hold 20-50 rounds. Clips for special rounds (5D+ damage) can hold 10-25 rounds.
2 Auto Slug Throwers
A. Strd 2,R 350 3D+2 2.5
This weapon fires three-rnd bursts as well as two shot bursts (3D damage). Mode must be set.
B. Barab Justicator 2,R 450 4D "
This weapon fires three-rnd bursts as well as two shot bursts (3D damage). Mode must be set.
C. Rodian Graxen 12 2,R 550 4D+1 "
This weapon fires three-rnd bursts as well as two shot bursts (3D+1 damage). Mode must be set.
D. Nordian DXR-67 2,R 700 4D+2 "
This weapon fires three-rnd bursts as well as two shot bursts (3D+2 damage). Mode must be set.
3 Rifles
A. Strd 2,R 300 3D+1 3
B. Jinriir Kat 3 2,R 350 3D+2 "
C. Rodian Fekinaal 2,R 450 4D "
D. Barab Hyvex ZTC-56 2,R 550 4D+1 "
E. Zentarian Calkor W15 2,R 700 4D+2 "
F. Kelekian GH-34B 2,R 850 5D "
G. Nordian Ranger K12 2,X 1000 5D+1 "
4 Submachine Guns
A> Strd 2,R 600 4D 3.5
This weapon can be set to Burst Fire which fires three rounds and does base Slug Thrower damage (3D)
B. Barab Dundoller 2,R 800 4D+1 "
This weapon can be set to Burst Fire which fires three rounds and does base Slug Thrower damage (3D).
C. Rodian FHR-WE12 2,R 1000 4D+2 "
This weapon can be set to Burst Fire which fires three rounds and does base Slug Thrower damage (3D).
D. Kelekian WAX-8 2,R(X) 1200 5D "
This weapon can be set to Burst Fire which fires three rounds and does base Slug Thrower damage (3D+1).
E. Zentarian DKL 1270 2,X 1400 5D+1 "
This weapon can be set to Burst Fire which fires three rounds and does base Slug Thrower damage (3D+2).
F. Nordian Junn-6 2,X 1600 5D+2 "
This weapon can be set to Burst Fire which fires four rounds and does Auto Slug Thrower damage (4D).
5 Assault Cannons
A. Strd 2,R 1000 5D 6
B. Rodian Knock Down 2,R(X) 1200 5D+1 "
C. Barab Grahz 56T 2,X 1400 5D+2 "
D. Nordian Takrhen 12 2,X 1600 6D "
E. Zentarian Q-Bender 2,X 2000 6D+1 "
6 Rail Guns (slightly longer than a rifle)
A. Strd 2,X 9000 See notes below and Ammo 7
Skill: (s) Firearms: Rail Gun. Damage: 5D. Clip holds 10 rounds. Range: 3-100/500/1/2 km.
B. Arachnia EMRG-50 Rail Gun 3,X 10,000 See notes below and Ammo 5.5
Skill: (s) Firearms: Rail Gun. Damage: 5D. Ammo: 4. Range: 3-100/1/2/4 km
Game Notes: Character must have a Strength of 4D minimum to hold gun due to recoil. A Strength of 4D garners a -1D to the Firearms skill; A Strength of 4D+1 gains -2 pips to the Firearms skill; a Strength of 4D+2 gains -1 pip to the Firearms skill; a Strength of 5D or more removes all penalties to the Firearms skill roll.
C. Zenatarian Railer 3,X 12,000 See notes below and Ammo 7.5
Skill: (s) Firearms: Rail Gun. Damage: 5D+2. Clip holds 20 rounds. Ranges: 3-125/1.2/2.4/5 km
Game Notes: Character must have a Strength of 4D minimum to hold gun due to recoil. A Strength of 4D garners a -1D to the Firearms skill; A Strength of 4D+1 gains -2 pips to the Firearms skill; a Strength of 4D+2 gains -1 pip to the Firearms skill; a Strength of 5D or more removes all penalties to the Firearms skill roll.
*All Firearms Damages listed above are with standard ammo. The damage increase is due to highter muzzle velocity and/or rate of fire. If using any other type of ammo use the damage and other stats listed with that ammo type.
7 Czerka Adjudicator
A. Hold-Out Pistol 2,F-R 300 3D+1 1.5
Wrist clamp magnetic holstering lock costs 50. Ammo (4 rounds) costs 10. Range: 1-5/10/25. Game Notes: If optional spring clamp is employed, user gains +1D to the character's firearms skill to quickdraw against an opponent (for quickdraw rules, see Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, page 122).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 73), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 22)
8 Kelvarek Consolidated Arms Dissuader KD-30
A. Acid Slug Thrower Pistol 3,F 400 3D/3D 2
Ammo (6 rounds) costs 30. Range: 50/75/100. Damage: 3D; 3D acid burn damage for three rounds unless character has hardened materials which resist acids.
Game Notes: Internal laser sighting system automatically adds +1D to firearms rolls if the user takes a full round to aim (in addition to the standard aiming bonus).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 74), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 22)
9 Golon Arms Blister Blaster
A. Chemical Slug Thrower 3,F-R 300 4D/3D+ 2.2
Ammo (8 rounds) costs 40. Damage: 4D, 3D second round (due to burns), 2D in third round, continuing for 1D rounds (due to burns.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 73-74)
10 Oriolanis Defense Systems Blaster Buster
Anti-Energy Weapon 2,F-R 350 3D 3
Skill: Firearms. Ammo (4 rounds) costs 30. Range: 0-3/10/20. Game Notes: The user must make a firearms roll to successfully target the blaster weapon. Once targeted, as long as the blaster is in the same general area and is still in line of sight, the projectile will home in on the weapon. Damage is rolled against the blaster's body (normally 1D-2D). Laser targeting disperses after 10 seconds.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 73), Arms and Equipment Guide (pages 22-23)
11 Morellian Weapons Conglomerate .48-caliber Enforcer pistol
Heavy-caliber slugthrower pistol 4,R NAFS (6000+ on Black Market) 6D+1 3
Skill: (s)Firearms: Enforcer. Ammo: 4. Cost: 300 (full clip). Range: 1-25/75/150
Game Notes: Second shots in a round increase the difficulty by one level; third shots increase the difficulty by two levels; etc.
Capsule: The Morellian Weapons Conglomerate (MWC) produced the .48-caliber pistol in limited quantities solely for the use of the Morellian Enforcers (hence its model designation). The weapon, though archaic by modern galactic standards, does an incredible amount of damage. Only a trained handler can properly use the weapon, as the recoil is enough to launch the weapon clear out of the shooter's hands if not properly used.

Missile Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Crossbows
A. Light 2,F 100 4D 3
B. Medium 2,F 300 5D 4.3
C. Heavy 3,R 800 6D 7.2
2 Bows
A. Strd 2 50 3D 2
B. Long Bow 2,F 100 4D 3
C. Compound 2,R 200 5D 4
3 Dart Gun (pistol)
A. Strd (40) 3,R 300 See Ammo 2
B. Rodian Silent Strike 3,R 500 +1 2.1
Skill: Missile Weapons, Range: 2-10/20/40
C. Zentarian Needler 3,R 700 +2 "
Skill: Missile Weapons, Range: 2-12/24/48
4 Auto Dart Gun (pistol)
A. Strd (40) 3,X 500 +1D (see ammo) 3
Skill: Missile Weapons, Range: 2-12/24/48. Each pull of the trigger fires two darts. There is no separate roll for each dart to hit.
B. Zentarian ADG Slammer (40) 3,X 900 +1D+1 3.2
Skill: Missile Weapons, Range: 2-9/18/36. Each pull of the trigger fires two darts. There is no separate roll for each dart to hit.
5 Syntherope Launchers
A> Strd 2,F 250 See Below 1.5
Skill: Missile Weapons, Range: 3-10/20/30. Wraps around target on a successful hit. Difficult Strength roll to break free. Holds 200 meters of syntherope.
6 Net Gun
A. Strd 2,F 100 See Ammo 3
Ranges: 3-10/25/50
7 Magnetic Disc Launcher
A. Strd 4,X 700 See Ammo 2
Holds up to 10 discs. Can program discs to be attracted by certain magnetic signals (+2D to hit) that all beings possess, or just aim and shoot. Will most likely hit throat due to height of launch (for humans).
8 Grenade Launchers
A. Strd (Holds 1) 3,X 500 As Grenade 2.5
B. A-280 Viper (holds 2) 3,X 600 As Grenade 3
9 Mini-Grenade Launchers
A. Locris Syndicates MGL-1 3,F(R) 2500 4D/3D/2D 4
Skill: Missile Weapons; micro-grenade launcher, Ammo: 30 (magazine), Fire Rate: 1, Range: 5-25/100/200, Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6, Fire Control: 1D (requires a free Moderate Perception roll to use. If the character is firing at the same target repeatedly, the character automatically gets the +1D for the second and following shots).
B. Locris Syndicates MGL-2 3,R 3000 4D/3D/2D 4
Skill: Missile Weapons; micro-grenade launcher, Ammo: 35 (magazine), Fire Rate: 2, Range: 5-25/100/200, Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6, Fire Control: 1D (requires a free Moderate Perception roll to use. If the character is firing at the same target repeatedly, the character automatically gets the +1D for the second and following shots).
10 Rocket Launcher
A. Locris Syndicates RDP-12 3,F(R) 1500 See Ammo 4
Skill: Missile Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Ammo: 4 (internal magazine, individually loaded), 20 (external clip), Range: 3-30/100/300, Blast Radius: 0-1, Damage: 4D (Type-12A); 5D (stun damage; Type-12B). In addition to the stun damage taken from the Type-12B capsule due to the kinetic energy on impact, the character must make a Difficult Stamina roll or be incapacitated by the FGA-583 nerve agent. A successful roll still results in -1D to all actions for the next six rounds (penalties are cumulative for multiple hits). Type-12A clip cost: 200/500/1000. Type-12B clip cost: 250/625/1250.
11 Concussion Missile Launcher
A. Strd (1) 3,X 1000 See Ammo 4
Skill: Missile Weapons: Concussion Missile Launcher.
12 Mini Proton Torpedo Launcher
A. Strd (6) 3,X 1400 See Ammo 2.5
Skill: Missile Weapons: Mini Proton Torpedo Launcher.
13 Shoulder-Launched Ion Cannon
A. Strd (4) 3,X 1200 4D/ionized/fused 4
14 BlasTech CSPL-12 "Caspel"
A. Personal Projectile Launcher 2,X 3000 See Canisters 3
Skill: (s) Missile Weapons: CSPL. Ammo: 4 (magazine). Range: 5-50/100/250. Damage: Variable, see below:
Dye: Marks terrains, 10-meter radius.
Smoke: Marks terrain, obscures vision.
T-238: 1D damage, nausea, incapacity.
CryoBan: 2D freeze damage, incapacity.
Plank Gas: 3D damage, corrosive, incapacity.
Spore/B: Bothan stun spores, 4D stun damage, unconsciousness.
Fex-M3: Nerve gas, 5D damage, death.
Source: Imperial Sourcebook (page 123), The Far Orbit Project (page 144), Twin Star of Kira (page 65)
15 Flechette Launcher
A. Golon Arms FC1 2,R(X) 800 See Below and Ammo 5
Fire Rate: 1 maximum per round, Range: 5-25/100/250. Blast Radius for Anti-Personnel: 3-5/10/20. Blast Radius for Anti-Vehicle: target vehicle +5 meters or AP radius if used on personnel.
16 Thalassian Corodex Snare Gun
A. Ranged Personal Restraint Weapon 3,F-X 1200 2D stun 4
Skill: (s) Missile Weapons: Thalassian Snare Gun. Ammo: 6, Range: 5-10/25/50. Upon initial contact, the targeted individual must make an opposed Strength roll to avoid entanglement; the snare has a beginning Strength of 3D. Failure results in entanglement. The snare's Strength increases by +1D for each additional round as the filaments continue to constrict and harden. The filaments cause no physical damage. A special formulated dissolving agent degrades the filaments.
Source: Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations (pages 81/83), Gundark's Fantastic Technology (pages 72-73)
17 Vac Attack MK-127
A. Anti-Personnel Weapon 3,F 700 5D or 3D 2
Skill: (s) Missile Weapon: Vac Blade. Blade clips cost 30. Ammo: 2 (3 blades per shot). Range: 10-20/30/50. Damage: 5D (combined). Game Notes: Fire arc can be spread up to 60-degrees, allowing for separate attacks at 3D damage, but each separate target means a separate missile weapons roll.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 77), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 63), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 27)
18 Frohad's Galactic Firearms Magna Caster-100
A. Magnetic Missile Weapon 3,F(R) 2000 6D/5D/4D 4
Skill: Missile Weapons. Ammo Capacity: 10. Range: 5-50/75/100. Quarrel clips cost 150. The Magna Caster-100 is a Magna caster that fires arrows. The Magna Caster-100 used closely aligned sets of coils to magnetically accelerate an arrow, thereby dramatically increasing the bolts speed as it races down the barrel. The end result was a tremendously powerful weapon based on archaic principles, but enhanced through modern technology. Each caster used a side loading clip of arrows, with each arrow measuring at 15-centimeters long.

While initially designed to attempt to duplicate the Wookiee bowcasters lethality and simplicity of dealing heavy damage to heavily armored targets, the Magna caster-100 ultimately could not compete with the bowcasters explosive quarrels and raw power. However, in trade off for more moderate stopping power, what the Magna Caster-100 lacked in penetration power it made up for in range; possessing twice the range of a bowcaster, the Magna Caster-100 was more than capable of piercing light and medium armors and dealing impressive damage. Additionally, the Magna Caster-100 was whisper quiet, and its quarrels lacked the glow of the characteristic energy sheath that bowcasters imbued.

The lack of noise when firing, and an absence of a visible and traceable bolt made it a popular weapon of choice by Alliance Commandoes, who preferred the weapon for it's ability to silently take out an enemy invisibly at long range.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 75-76), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 63), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 26)
19 Prax Arms Protector PRP-500 Hold Out Dart Pistol
A. Anti-Personnel Weapon 2,F-R 250 1D+3D-5D 1
Skill: Missile Weapon: Dart Pistol. Ammo clips cost 40. Ammo: 6 rounds per clip. Range: 1-5/15/25. Damage: 1D (impact), 3D-5D (chemical explosion, depending upon mixture). Game Notes: Ineffective in non- oxygenated atmospheres.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 72-73), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 24), Ultimate Adversaries (page 154)
20 Malaxan Firepower, Inc., DWG-5
A. Flechette Pistol 2,F-R 500 3D/5D/4D/3D 3
Skill: Missile Weapons. Ammo clips cost 30. Ammo: 8 shots per clip. Range: 10-20/50/100. Game Notes: Damage depends on range.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 72), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 26)
21 Prax Arms HB-4 Projectile Rifle
A. Long Range Hunting Rifle 4,F-R 1500 5D 4.5
Skill: Missile Weapons. Ammo: 6 (with individual wire-guided relays). Cost: 150 (ammo). Availability: 4, F or R. Fire Control: 1D+1 (at ranges of 1 kilometer or more). Range: 50-1/4/8 km.
Game Notes: In order for fire control bonus, user must maintain line of sight contact with the target for the duration of projectile's flight (moves at 1 kilometer per round). Inside this minimum range there is no benefit from fire control. The wire- guide cut-off on the HB-4 releases shells.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 72)

Ammunition: Missile Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Arrow Tips
A. Exploding 3,R 45/tip 4D .05
Blast Radius: 2 meters
B. Detonite 4,X 400/tip 5D+2 .04
Blast Radius: 1/2/4
C. Micro-Thermal 4,X 800/tip 6D+1 .06
Blast Radius: 1-2/3/6
2 Darts for Dart Gun and Auto Dart Gun
A. Strd (40) 2,R 200 3D .03
B. Rocket Darts (30) 3,R 400 3D+2 .04
C. Exploding Rocket Darts (10) 3,X 600 4D+1 .06
D. Homing Rocket Darts 4,X 25 ea 3D+1 .04
Notes: A slightly modified launcher fires small guided projectiles. A small indicator near the gunsight/scope indicates the round in the barrel has acquired a target. Damage is one die less than normal, but the guidance gives +1D to the appropriate skill. Called shots cannot be made with homing ammo. The gun modification costs 100 credits (or 30 and a Moderate Weapon Repair roll).
E. HV (Hyper Velocity) Rocket Darts 4,X 200 (10) 4D .04
Notes: These rounds have a hardened casing with the entire interior filled with extra propellant, instead of the typical explosive payload. This allows higher projectile speed and better accuracy. Range is increased by 50%, and hit probability is increased by +2 pips.
F. HVRA (Hyper-Velocity Ring Airfoil) Rocket Darts 4,X 350 ea 4D (Speeder scale) .05
Range: 3-40/200/400. This type of rocket launcher ammo consists of a hollow ring of dense alloy, with an hourglass shaped inner contour, making the round into a miniature ramjet engine. The rear hollow of the round is coated with a triple-layer fuel coating. The first layer is a standard rocket composition which accellerates the round to roughly 660 m/s. The ramjet ignites at this point, using the air-breathing second layer to reach approximately 2000m/s in less than a second. The third stage maintains the speed, after the booster burns out. Because of the speed and flat trajectory, using the round gives a +1D to Projectile Weapons.

The combination of the ramjet's noise and it's sonic crack have given the round nicknames like "Banshee", or "Screamer".

The round does not follow the standard rules for firing at smaller-scale targets. Against character-scale targets, treat the round as character scale.
G. Mono-molecular chainshot 4,X 200 ea 5D 1
Blast Radius: 1 meter. Notes: Four to eight strands of monofiliment, wound around an artificial diamond spool prove to be a most effective antipersonnel round. Small weights bonded to the ends of the mono strands cause them to play out into a buzzsaw-like effect as the round spins.

Despite popular opinion, mono line is not magic. To be sure, it has tremendous sharpness, but the structural strength of the strands is relatively low. Mono weapons only have their "usual" effects (ie dramatic loss of limbs, etc) against unarmored, soft-bodied species. The round is greatly humbled against armor. Reduce STR by 75% (to a minimum of 1D) for defense, but double physical dice from armor.

The technology involved in creating the monofiliment, the diamond core, and joining the two make the round very rare away from the core. They are made for almost all projectile weapons. The strands begin to decompose less than a minute after firing, so they won't become a hazard to advancing enemy troops (although longer-lived varieties are available).
3 Syntherope (per 20 meters)
A. Strd 2 20 N/A .2
Difficult Strength roll to break free. Holds 500 kg.
B. Trabinium Laced 2 40 " .3
Very Difficult Strength roll to break free. Holds 700 kg.
4 Nets for Net Gun
A. Strd 2 40 3D Stun .1
B. Spiked 3,F 70 3D .2
C. Spiked, Rocket 3,R 120 4D .3
5 Magnetic Discs
A. Strd (10) 4,X 350 5D+Special .2
Discs may be coated with almost any poison. Poison is useful for first two targets only. Special equipment required to place any substance on a disc. Coating equipment cost; 4000
6 Concussion Missiles
A. Strd 3,X 800 7D 2
Range: 5-75/150/400, Blast Radius: 1/3/5.
7 Mini Proton Torpedoes
A. Strd 3,X 600 6D 1
Range: 5-60/120/240, Blast Radius: 1/2/3.
8 Vac Blades
A. Strd (10) 2,R 30 4D .1
B. Vibro-X (10) 2,R 75 5D "
9 Personal Projectile Canisters
A. Dye 2 70 N/A .5
Marks terrain in a 10 meter radius. Comes in green, purple, blue, red, yellow and orange.
B. Smoke 2 100 " "
Marks terrain in a 10 meter radius for 5-10 rounds and obscures vision in a 10 x 10 meter area.
C. T-238 2,F 150 1D "
Causes nausea and incapacity for 5-10 rounds in a 30 meter radius if there is little or no wind.
D. CryoBan 2,F 200 2D "
Causes freeze damage and incapacity for 3-5 rounds in a 30 meter radius if there is little or no wind.
E. Plank Gas 3,R 300 3D "
A Difficult Stamina roll is required to resist falling unconscious. Causes corrosion and incapacity in a 30 meter radius if there is little or no wind.
F. Spore/B 3,R 450 4D (Stun) "
Bothan stun spores cause unconsciousness for 3-5 rounds in a 30 meter radius if there is little or no wind.
G. Fex-M3 3,X 650 5D "
A nerve gas that causes death for 1-3 rounds in a 30 meter radius if there is little or no wind.
10 Flechette Canisters
A. Anti-Personnel 100 2,R 100 6D/5D/3D 1
B. Anti-Vehicle (Speeder Scale) 3,X 300 5D/4D/3D 1
11 Grenades for Grenade Launchers
A. Strd 2,X 200 ea 5D 1
Blast Radius: 1-3/5/8. Note: All other types of grenades come in the launcher form as well.
B. HVRA (Hyper-Velocity Ring Airfoil) Grenade Shell 4,X 2500 ea 6D (Speeder scale) 1.1
Range: 3-70/300/600. Blast Radius: 1-2/4/7. Notes: This type of grenade launcher ammo consists of a hollow ring of dense alloy, with an hourglass shaped inner contour, making the round into a miniature ramjet engine. The rear hollow of the round is coated with a triple-layer fuel coating. The first layer is a standard rocket composition which accellerates the round to roughly 660 m/s. The ramjet ignites at this point, using the air-breathing second layer to reach approximately 2000m/s in less than a second. The third stage maintains the speed, after the booster burns out. Because of the speed and flat trajectory, using the round gives a +1D to Projectile Weapons.

The combination of the ramjet's noise and it's sonic crack has given the round nicknames like "Banshee", or "Screamer".

The round does not follow the standard rules for firing at smaller-scale targets. Against character-scale targets, treat the round as character scale.
C. Mono-molecular chainshot 4,X 2000 ea 6D 1
Blast Radius: 4 meters. Notes: Four to eight strands of monofiliment, wound around an artificial diamond spool prove to be a most effective antipersonnel round. Small weights bonded to the ends of the mono strands cause them to play out into a buzzsaw-like effect as the round spins.

Despite popular opinion, mono line is not magic. To be sure, it has tremendous sharpness, but the structural strength of the strands is relatively low. Mono weapons only have their "usual" effects (ie dramatic loss of limbs, etc) against unarmored, soft-bodied species. The round is greatly humbled against armor. Reduce STR by 75% (to a minimum of 1D) for defense, but double physical dice from armor.

The technology involved in creating the monofiliment, the diamond core, and joining the two make the round very rare away from the core. They are made for almost all projectile weapons. The strands begin to decompose less than a minute after firing, so they won't become a hazard to advancing enemy troops (although longer-lived varieties are available).

Stun Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Stun Cloaks
A. K PDS, Inc. SVT-300 2,F 1500 5D 1
Skill: Melee Combat. Ammo: 3 before power cell is temporarily depleted; holds a total of 8 charges. Difficulty: Moderate (Easy if target is attacking). Does not work through armor. The stun cloak has a micro cell that recycles in three minutes after the initial three charges are used. The cell can be powered up from any external generator in two rounds. A target must make a Difficult Melee Parry roll or Brawling Parry roll to avoid contact with the cloak. The "K" above stands for Koromondian.
2 Shock Gloves
A. Strd 2 50 3D .1
Can only be used three times before having to be recharged. Does not work through armor.
B. G-Shock A 2,F 100 4D .2
Can only be used five times before having to be recharged. Does not work through armor.
C. G-Shock B 3,F 200 4D+2 .3
Can only be used six times before having to be recharged. Does not work through armor.
3 Shock Sticks
AZ-350 Faze Baton 2,F 200 STR+2D 1.5
If stun charge is off damage is STR+1D. Power pack lasts for three hours of continuous use.
B. MerrSonn Stun Baton 3,R 300 STR+2D+2 2
If stun charge is off damage is STR+1D+1. Power pack lasts for three hours of continuous use.
4 Stun Pistols
A. BlasTech Stun Pistol 2,F 200 3D 1.5
B. Kelekian QL-750 2,F 250 3D+1 "
C. Golon Arms L-10s 2,F 350 3D+2 "
D. Nordian Axeum Q9 3,R 500 4D "
All versions do stun damage only. Clips hold 100 shots each.
5 Riot Guns, Small
A. Strd 2,R 1500 5D+1 4
B. Merr-Sonn SR-12 2,R 2000 5D+2 "
C. Nordian TX-32 3,R 2500 6D "
D. Golon Arms JAX-8 3,X 4000 6D+1 "
All versions have two fire modes: Constant Fire and Full Auto. In Constant Fire mode, each shot fires four blasts. Full Auto fires five blasts. Roll for first shot only; if it hits all remaining shots are at one level of difficulty lower for all targets one meter or less away from first target. All models have a standard kill setting. Ammo: 100, Range: 3-30/60/120
6 Riot Guns, Large
A. Strd 3,R 1750 6D 40
B. Kelekian RE-948 A6 3,R 1900 6D+1 "
C. Nordian KLR-12DT 3,X 2100 6D+2 "
All versions have two fire modes: Constant Fire and Full Auto. In Constant Fire mode, each shot fires four blasts. Full Auto fires five blasts. Roll for first shot only, if it hits all remaining shots are at one level of difficulty lower for all targets one meter or less away from first target. All models have a standard (kill) setting. All large riot guns require at least two people to operate and come with a +1D Targeting system.
Ammo: 150
Range: 3-40/80/160.
7 Neural Inhibitors
A. Mennotor DAS-430 Pistol 3,R(X) 4000 3D+1(I)/6D stun 3
Skill: Firearms: Rail Gun, Ammo: 240 (cost per clip: 750), Range: 3-10/25/50. If neurotoxin achieves unconscious result, victim must make a Difficult Stamina roll after five minutes to revive. Five more minutes, difficulty reduced to Moderate. Two more minutes, difficulty is Easy. Targets 150-300 kg; Moderate Stamina-four minutes, three minutes (Easy) and one minute (Very Easy). Targets 300+ kg; Easy Stamina-two minutes, one minute (Very Easy) and one minute (Very Easy). Toxins must be tailored to each particular species.
B. Mennotor DAS-430 Rifle 3,X 5000 3D+2(I)/6D stun 4
Fire Rate: 4, Skill: Firearms: Rail Gun, Ammo: 240 (cost per clip: 750), Range: 3-20/50/150. If neurotoxin achieves unconscious result, victim must make a Difficult Stamina roll after five minutes to revive. Five more minutes, difficulty reduced to Moderate. Two more minutes, difficulty is Easy. Targets 150-300kg; Moderate Stamina-four minutes, three minutes (Easy) and one minute (Very Easy). Targets 300+ kg; Easy Stamina-two minutes, one minute (Very Easy) and one minute (Very Easy). Toxins must be tailored to each particular species.
8 ABC (Aural-Biological-Chemical) Scramblers
A. Loronar ABX-110 3,R(X) 3000 8D/5D/3D stun 5
Skill: Missile Weapons: ABC scrambler, Ammo: 1 (per pod; each new pod must be attached to tube launcher. Pod cost: 350), Targeting System: 1D+2, Range: 50-200/350/500, Blast Radius: 10/20/30. The launch tube is 1.2 meters long. Each pod takes one minute to change; if the character wishes to rush the change process, he or she must make a Technical roll.

Roll Time to Change Pod
Easy 5 rounds
Moderate 4 rounds
Difficult 3 rounds
Very Difficult 2 rounds
Heroic 1 round

9 Sessian Amaments Concussion Stick Model 1-79
A. Chemical Explosive Weapon 3,F, R or X 200 (pair) 5D/4D/2D stun 1
Skill: Melee Combat and Thrown Weapons. Blast Radius: 0-1/2/4. The Concussion Stick detonates 15 seconds after activation.

Modern Blaster Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Hold-Out Blaster Pistols
A. Merr-Sonn Munitions Q2 2,R 300 3D 1
B. SoroSuub Alpha-6 2,R 350 3D+1 "
C. Barab Grakinn 3,R 400 3D+2 "
D. Kelekian Bender M-10 3,R 450 4D "
E. Rodian Banazar 6 3,R 500 4D+1 "
F. Zentarian Fortex Q-34 3,R 600 4D+2 "
All of the above have a standard clip capacity of 6 shots. Range: 3-4/8/12.
2 Sporting Blaster Pistols
A. Defender 2,R 300 3D+1 1.5
B. Merr-Sonn Quick 6 2,R 400 3D+2 "
C. Barab Morgrak 2,R 500 4D "
D. Kelekian DKO 2,R 600 4D+1 "
E. Rodian Ohthwatii 3,R 700 4D+2 "
F. Zentarian Avenger 3,R 800 5D "
Unless otherwise noted all of the above sporting blasters have the following: Range: 3-10/30/60.
3 Blaster Pistols
A. BlasTech DL-18 2,R 500 4D 2
B. BlasTech DL-22 2,R 600 4D+1 "
C. Merr-Sonn Flash 4 2,R 700 4D+2 "
D. Barab PQD-15Z 3,R 800 5D "
E. Kelekian TLTT 3,R 900 5D+1 "
F. Nordian Dermacean Punch 3,X 1000 5D+2 "
G. Zentarian Light-50 3,X 1200 6D "
Unless otherwise noted all of the above blaster pistols have the following: Range: 3-10/30/120. Ammo: 100.
4 Heavy Blaster Pistols
A. BlasTech DL-44 3,X 750 5D 2.5
B. BlasTech DL-44A 3,X 900 5D+1 "
C. Rodian Harkori 3,X 1200 5D+2 "
D. Barab Law 36 3,X 1500 6D 2.7
E. Zentarian Jinzac 12 3,X 2000 6D+1 "
F. Nordian Sahrfin 3,X 2500 6D+2 "
G. Kekekian RTI-90 3,X 3000 7D "
Range: 3-7/25/50.
5 Sporting Blaster Rifles (Hunting Blasters)
A. Hunter 2,F 500 4D+1 3
B. TZ-550 2,F 600 4D+2 "
C. Gamma 6 2,F 700 5D "
D. Kelekian Jackel TK-12 3,R 850 5D+1 "
E. Zentarian GH-TPT 3,R 1000 5D+2 "
Range (all): 3-40/120/350. Using the folding stock and scope while aiming for one round PC will get an additional +1D to blaster skill roll to hit.
6 Blaster Rifles
A. Stormtrooper One 4,X 1000 5D 3
B. Merr-Sonn G8 2,F 1200 5D+1 "
C. BlasTech A280 2,F 1400 5D+2 "
D. Kinder 7A 3,R 1600 6D "
E. Kelekian J-2000 3,R 2000 6D+1 "
F. Zentarian KB TL20 3,R 2500 6D+2 "
Range (all): 3-30/100/300.
7 Blaster Carbines
A. BlasTech Starslasher 3,R(X) 900 5D 2.5
B. Quicksnap 36T 3,R(X) 900 5D "
C. Kelekian Dead Aim 2 3,R(X) 1000 5D+1 "
D. Rodian Zhan Six 3,R(X) 1200 5D+2 "
E. Kinder A-17 3,X 1500 6D "
F. BlasTech JX-15a 3,X 2000 6D+1 "
G. Barab FR-118c 3,X 2500 6D+2 "
Range: 3-25/50/250. At long range, increase difficulty by +5. All models have options that may be added for extra credits: Scope (reduce long rng to medium), shoulder-sling, bipod (+1D to hit when aiming for more than one round), and folding bayonet (STR+1D+2).
8 Light Repeating Blaster Rifles
A. Merr-Sonn Repeater 3Z 3,X 2000 6D 10
B. BlasTech AR 56L 3,X 3000 6D+1 "
C. Rodian Grizex S-12 3,X 4000 6D+2 "
D. Barab KJ-30 3,X 5000 7D "
E. Kelekian Roma 4,X 6000 7D+1 "
Range: 3-50/120/300. All LRB's can mount a Viper A-280 grenade launcher or similar weapon.
9 Medium Repeating Blasters
A. BlasTech MR 3,X 3000 7D 30
B. Barab RU5L 4,X 4000 7D+1 "
C. Rodian Sarnaki Seven 4,X 5000 7D+2 "
D. Kelekian F-Drop 4,X 7000 8D "
E. Zentarian PTX 4,X 9000 8D+1 "
Two men minimum required to operate all of the above. Range: 3-60/175/400.
10 Heavy Repeating Blasters
A. E-Web 3,X 5000 8D 40
B. F-Web 3,X 6000 8D 41
Comes with a defensive energy shield that provides 6D (character-scale) protection.
C. Sorosuub HR 15S 3,X 7000 8D+1 42
D. Barab HLO Y90 3,X 8000 8D+2 "
E. Rodian Igrasuta 3,X 10,000 9D "
F. Kelekian DDT-550 4,X 12,000 9D+1 "
Two men minimum required to operate all of the above. Range: 3-75/200/500.
11 Wookiee Bowcaster
A. Strd 4,R 900 4D (See E.Q.) 3
12 Pulse Rifle
A. Corondexx VES-700 3,X 5000 6D/5D/3D 4
Ammo: 15 (power pack), unlimited (power generator), super-conducting filaments must be replaced after every 20 shots. Range: 1-10/20/30. Character selects target: the target and all beings in the cone of fire and within one meter radius of the target take full damage. All targets within 15 degrees either way of the target take 5D damage; all targets within 30 degrees either way of the target take 3D damage. If the filaments aren't changed when scheduled, roll 2D for the first shot after the "charge time," add +1 for each additional shot. On a total of 7 or higher, the pulse rifle's overload circuits cut in and shut the weapon down, but the overload has caused 250 credits damage (Moderate Blaster Repair roll to fix). If the total is 11 or higher, the weapon explodes in the user's hands, causing 9D damage in a two meter radius. Power Packs cost 200 each. Super-conducting Filaments cost 300 each.
13 Wrist Lasers
A. Koromondian PDS, Inc. RLW-77 3,R 2000 4D 1
Ammo: 15, Range: 3-5/25/50. Use Armor Weapons skill. Can be set to overload (15 second build up) but is non-reversible. Damage: 8D/5D/3D. Blast Radius: 1-2/4/6. Power Pack cost: 100
B. Corondexx RLW-80 3,R 2500 4D+1 "
Ammo: 15, Range: 3-6/28/55. Use Armor Weapons skill. Can be set to overload (15 second build up) but is non-reversible. Damage: 8D/5D/3D. Blast Radius: 1-3/5/7. Power Pack cost: 100
Zentarian JLQ 15a 3,X 3000 4D+2 "
Ammo: 15. Range: 3-7/30/60. Use Armor Weapons skill. Can be set to overload (15 second build up) but is non-reversible. Damage: 8D/5D/3D. Blast Radius: 1-3/6/8. Power Pack cost: 100
14 Prax "Blast and Smash" Energy Rifles
A. Prax Arms AXM-50 3,F(R) 4500+ 5D//4D/3D/2D 4.5
Ammo: 250 (blaster), 30 (micro-grenade launcher). Fire Rate: 7 (blaster), 1 (grenade launcher). Range: 3-25/50/75 (blaster), 5-25/100/200 (grenade launcher). Blast Radius Grenade Launcher: 0-2/4/6. This blaster/micro-grenade launcher has a computerized fire control system. If the character can make a Moderate Perception roll (free action, no skill use, no penalties), the character can add +1D to hit when the weapon is fired; if the character is firing at the same target repeatedly, the character automatically gets the +1D for the second and following shots. Use of the bi-pod adds +1D to the blaster roll. Bi-pod cost: 250. Micro-grenade magazine cost: 1000. Power pack cost: 100. Backpack power generator (ammo increased to 1000) cost: 500.
B. Prax Arms AXM-70 3,R(X) 6000+ 5D+2//4D+1/3D+1/2D+1 "
Ammo: 250 (blaster), 30 (micro-grenade launcher). Fire Rate: 7 (blaster), 1 (grenade launcher). Range: 3-25/50/75 (blaster), 5-25/100/200 (grenade launcher). Blast Radius Grenade Launcher: 0-2/4/6. This blaster/micro-grenade launcher has a computerized fire control system. If the character can make a Moderate Perception roll (free action, no skill use, no penalties), the character can add +1D to hit when the weapon is fired; if the character is firing at the same target repeatedly, the character automatically gets the +1D for the second and following shots. Use of the bi-pod adds +1D to the blaster roll. Bi-pod cost: 250. Micro-grenade magazine cost: 1000. Power pack cost: 100. Backpack power generator (ammo increased to 1000) cost: 500.
15 SoroSuub Bi-Polar Blaster BMC-150
A. Dual Blaster Carbine 4,R(X) 1000 4D (ss) or 6D (simultaneous) 3
Ammo: 50. Range: 25-100/200/300.This weapon can mount a bi-pod that adds +1D to the Blaster roll. Power packs cost 100.
16 Merr-Sonn Munitions "Intimidator" IR-5
A. Rapid-Fire Blaster Pistol 3,X 1250 3D 2
Ammo: 50. Range: 3-7/25/50. Fire Control: 2D. Retractable stock costs 200 while power packs cost 25 each. Game Notes: Fire Control bunus applies only to multiple shots in the same round on different targets within a 90 degree field of fire; a single shot or shots at the same target grant no bonus. Addition of retractable stock adds +1D to the Blaster skill roll when aiming for one round.
17 Luxan Personal Armaments, Ltd. Penetrator MB-450
A. Focused Sporting Blaster 2,F-R 600 5D 2.5
Ammo: 100. Body: 1D. Range: 5-20/40/60. Increase normal blaster diffculties by one level due to the precise targeting needed to hit (focused beam).
18 Atgar BI/a15 Picket Gun
A. Auto Repeat Blaster 2,R 5000 6D 15
Skill: Blaster. Ammo: 100. Range: 3-50/75/100. Game Notes: Has Blaster 5D and Search 5D. Comlink has a range of 5km.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 71-72)
19 CSA Espo Riot Gun
A. BlasTech Riot Gun 2,R 1500 5D+1 4.5
B. Merr-Sonn RG-12 2,R 2000 5D+2 "
C. Nordian T-45X 3,R 3000 6D "
D. Golon Arms PLT-15a 3,X 4000 6D+1 "
All versions have two fire modes: Constant Fire and Full Auto. In Constant Fire mode, each shot fires five blasts. Full Auto fires six blasts. Roll for first shot only; if it hits all remaining shots are at one level of difficulty lower for all targets one meter or less away from first target. Stack damage if all multiple shots go to one target (base model: three shots = 6D, four shots = 6D+1, etc). All models have a stun setting.
Skill: Blaster: Riot Gun, Ammo: 300, Range: 3-30/100/300.
20 Saldorian Armory Crystal Blaster Rifle
A. Antipersonnel BR CHG-4 3,F or R 2000 Special 3
Skill: Blaster: Blaster Rifle, Ammo: 25, (powerpack), unlimited (power backpack), Power pack cost: 100, Power Generator cost: 500, Fire Rate: 10, Range: 3-15/30/60, Blast Radius: 0-1/2/3, Damage: 2D*1D/1D+2*1D/1D*1D.
Game Notes: When this rifle is fired, the blaster bolt goes through a special crystal that disperses the bolt into many tiny ones. These are sent out in a small cone. The target and anyone within a meter gets hit by 2D bolts, within 2 meters by 1D+2 bolts, within 3 meters by 1D bolts. Every bolt does 1D damage. The damage caused by each bolt is added together for a total Damage Number the target must resist.
21 Wrist mounted Pulse Blaster
A. Pulse Blaster 4,X 15,000 6D + special 1.5
Skill: Blaster: Wrist Blaster, Range: 5/15/25, Ammo: 25, Ammo Consumption: 1/2/4 (by scale), Damage: 6D/6D/6D. This weapon can do 6D damage at Character, Speeder, or Walker scale. Can be attached to a generator.
22 Kayson FastShot
A. Select Fire Blaster Pistol 3,X 900 3D+2 2
Skill: Blaster: FastShot. Range: 3-25/50/150, Modes: Semi-auto (2 shots) and burst (5 shots) with no penalty, Ammo: 100, Cost of Clip: 25.
NOTES: A compact piece of ordinance, the FastShot is designed to be used by those who need a LOT of firepower in a small package. Although it's bolt is a little under powered by most standards, a burst from this puppy will drop nearly anything at point blank range. As such, it has become popular with some bodyguard organizations and counter-terrorist/hostage rescue teams. Following the basic lines of the traditional blaster pistol, the FastShot differs from the traditional control placement, with the safety being located above the trigger itself, and has ambidextrous levers.

Special Weapons/Tools

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Laser Cutters
A. Strd 2,R 200 3D+2 1
Maximum cut depth of 18 cm.
B. Merr-Sonn KL-167F 2,R 250 4D "
Maximum cut depth of 19 cm.
C. T Krakk-10 3,R 300 4D+1 "
Maximum cut depth of 20 cm.
D. Kelekian RML-A2 3,R 350 4D+2 "
Maximum cut depth of 21 cm.
E. Nordian Zypex-22Q 3,R 450 5D 1.2
Maximum cut depth of 22 cm.
F. Zentarian JT-7 4,X 550 5D+2 "
Maximum cut depth of 23 cm.
NOTE: The power pack for all of the above lasts for 2 hours of continuous use (7 hours for normal usage). Recharge rate is 10 minutes. All of the above come with an extra power pack.
2 Stokhli Stray Stick
A. Strd 3,R 2200 6D Stun 3
Ammo: 12, Web canister cost: 500, Range: 2-10/50/100/200. Entangled characters must make an opposed Strength roll to break free (web has a STR of 6D).
3 Jawa Ionization Guns
A. Strd 3,F 600 3D 3
B. Medium 3,F 750 4D 3
C. Heavy 3,R 925 5D 4
None of the above weapons do permanent damage to droids.
4 M-S Anti-Riot Tangle Gun 7
A. Strd 3,X 300 4D Stun 4
These weapons are similar to Stokhli Spray Sticks. Ammo: 10, Web canister cost: 300, Range: 3-8/30/80/160. Entangled characters must make an opposed Strength roll to break free (web has a STR of 5D).
5 Demp Guns (Anti-Droid Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon)
A. Merr-Sonn Demp Pistol 4,X 1000 3D 2
Ammo: 25, Range: 3-10/30/120
B. Merr-Sonn Demp Carbine 4,X 1250 4D 2.5
Ammo: 40, Range: 3-25/60/250
C. Merr-Sonn Demp Rifle 4,X 1400 5D 3
Ammo: 50, Range: 3-30/75/300
Each version, except for the pistol, has three settings. Each setting is 1D/2D less than the maximum.
6 Cutting Blaster
A. Blastech DL-68 2,F 200 5D 3
Due to the inaccuracy of this weapon, shooter receives a -1D to hit. This weapon takes three hours to recharge if using the Standard Commercial Charger or four if using the Scout Universal Recharger. Blast lasts for 1.5 seconds which allows it to be used as a tree and shrub clearer as well as a weapon.
7 Flame Projectors
A. Flame Carbine 3,R 500 5D+special 2.5
Skill: Flamethrower, Ammo: 10, Range: 3-4/5/7, Fire Rate: 1/2, Damage: 5D (1st rnd, 3D for next five rounds unless extinguished)
B. Flame Rifle 3,R 700 5D+1+special 4
Skill: Flamethrower, Ammo: 25, Range: 3-5/7/10, Fire Rate: 1/2, Damage: 5D+1 (1st rnd, 3D for next five rounds unless extinguished)
C. Vehicle Flamer 3,R(X) 2000 5D+2+special 6
Skill: Flamethrower, Scale: Speeder, Ammo: 50, Range: 3-7/10/20, Fire Rate: 1/2, Damage: 5D+2 (1st rnd, 4D for next ten rounds unless extinguished)
8 Droid Restaining Bolt Blaster
A. Strd 2,F 550 +1D/Droid Per. 1.5
One shot from the above lasts for 24 rounds.
9 Droid Disablers
A. F.E.D.S. Droid Ionizer 3 700 4D stun 3
F.E.D.S. stands for Felebreck Electrical Defense Systems. Ammo: 5; uses standard power packs Cost of 25 for power packs. Range: 0-5/7/10. Damage: 4D ionization damage.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 77), Lord of the Expanse – Sector Guide (page 45), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 20)
B. Mandroxan EDWX-843 2 825 6D stun "
Ammo: 10, Range: 5-10/30/50, +1D added to the damage for each hit after the first. When hit -1D from all skill and attribute rolls for the next three rounds if the target is stunned; otherwise, the droid is rendered unconscious. A diagnostic overhaul and power-up are required to reactivate the droid.
10 Tri-Laser Engraver
A. Opirus PL Model KL-543 2,F or R 4000 See Below 1.2
This device is used for engraving personal items but is also perfect for Forgery. Long-term close-up use of this device without proper protective eyewear can lead to temporary visual distress and permanent injury. Causes 3D damage if used as a weapon. Range: 0-.5 meters.
11 Fegegrish Heavy Battering Ram
A. Structural Weakener 3 3500 6D to wall 5
Device batters through solid obstacles, effectively doing 6D damage agains the Body rating of a wall or door
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 56-57)
12 Amberlandrax Armaments Squib Tensor Rifle
A. Tractor Beam Rifle 4,F-X 15,000 4D+ 3.5
Skill: Tensor Weapons: Rifle. Amm: 50 with replaceable power generator. Range: 25-75/150/250. The Squib tensor rifle uses a rapid series of compressed tractor beam waves to strike a target with a near- continuous bombardment of tractor energy, resulting in cell disruption. The beam is invisible, but extremely loud.
Game Notes: The tensor rifle does 3D damage for the first hit; subsequent hits to the same target within 30 seconds cause increasing damage: 4D for the second hit, 5D for the third, etc. Due to the great difficulty of targeting and handling this rather bizarre weapon, double the normal penalty for multiple actions in a round (two actions would be a -2D penalty; three actions would be a -4D penalty, four actions would be a -6D penalty, etc.).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 89-90)
13 Aeramaxis PDW-50 Ionic Tingler
A. Charged Firearm 3,F or R 300 2D + 1D-5D stun .5
Skill: Firearms. Ammo: 5. Cost of power pack 25. Cost of ammo clip 20. Range: 0-3/6/10. Damage: 2D (projectile), 1-5D stun damage (depending on amount of charge). Game Notes: The tingler has a hollow cavity for the insertion of the special five-round clip.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 74)
14 Zone Control Repulsor Grappling Guns
A. Repulsor Grappling Pistol 2 1000 N/A 1.5
Skill: Firearms. Fits on wrist. Skill: Firearms. Game Notes: Can be operated as a normal grappling gun, or operator can fire the gun normally, and then control the rate of ascent and direction of the repulsor- grappling hook via a thumb-operated joystick built into the gun. Hook's charge will only last 30 seconds. Gun version makes 10 launchings on a standard blaster power pack, and stores 200 meters of molecularly reinforced line. Automatic winch pulls the owner at 20 meters per second and supports 200 kilograms. Wrist version makes 5 launchings on a hold-out blaster power pack, and stores 100 meters of line. Ascends at 10 meters per second and supports 150 kilograms.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 55)
B. Repulsor Grappling Rifle 2 1200 N/A 3.5
Skill: Firearms: Repulsor Rifle. Range: 3-25/50/200. Damage: 3D+1. Game Notes: Moderate firearms difficulty to grapple a suitable support, Difficult to grapple a specific support. Winch can reel the user up at a rate of 20 meters per round.
Source: Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 36)
15 Verpine Shatter Gun
A. Magnetic Accelerator 4,F-X 30,000 6D 2
Skill: Firearms: Verpine Shatter Gun. Ammo: 100, Ammo cost is 1000. Cost: 1000 (ammo), Body: 1D, Range: 50-400/900/1.5 km. Game Notes: If the shatter gun is jarred, dropped or otherwise banged in any significant manner, roll damage against the weapon's body.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 91-92), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 38)
16 Brisallon Chemical Consolidated Bio-Tractant Repulsor
A. Anti-Personnel Weapon 4 200 Special 2
Skill: Firearms. Ammo cost for one dose is 5 credits (many different species available). Body: 1D. Range: 0-5 (Moderate difficulty). Damage: Special damage (see Game Notes)
Game Notes: The recipient of a successful hit (if of the appropriate species) must make a Difficult willpower roll to continue any attacks or hostile actions against the user. If the victim makes the roll, he or she is unaffected.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 77)
17 Xerithin Chemical Combinations BGA-900 Bio-Guard
A. Personal Defense 3,F or R 100 Special 1.2
Skill: Missile Weapons. Ammo cost is 10. Range: 0-2/3/5. Game Notes: Bio-Guard is a cylindrical tube measuring 12 centimeters in length by 2 centimeters in diameter. It is operated by firm pressure on a control stud; once fired, it must be replaced. When activated, emitter sprays a concentrated stream of four different chemical components, each in rapid succession. As alien biologies differ dramatically, the effects of the device's individual agents may not always prove effective with every species.
Reactive Agents:
Agent BG1: 5D stun damage. Stunned result inhibits motor functions in humanoid life-forms.
Agent BG2: 4D stun damage. Stunned result produces extreme irritation to skin, meaning -2D to all Dexterity or Strength related skills for 1Dx10 minutes.
Agent BG3: 4D stun damage. Stunned result means blindness for 1D minutes, with a -2D penalty to all actions involving sight.
Agent BG4: 4D stun damage. Stunned result causes the victim to pas out for 1D minutes.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 76-77)
18 Pacnorval Defense Systems, Ltd. Sil-50
A. Sleep Inducing Stunner 2,F 3000 6D stun 2
Skill: Sonic Weapons: Pistol. Ammo: 50. Chip cost is 100. Range: 3-10/15/20. Damage: 6D stun damage.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide (page 37)
19 Tibrin Kish'nol (Exotic Armaments) Ishi Tib Coral Scepter
A. Anti-Personnel Weapon 4 1200 3D+1 + Special 4.5
Skill: Archaic Weapons. Ammo: 12 (self-contained weapon, no reloads available). Body: 1D+1. Range: 2-10/20/30. Game Notes: With a wound or worse, the victim must make a Moderate stamina total each round for 1D rounds to resist the effects of blood loss; a failed stamina roll means the victim is at an additional -1D to all actions until healed. If the penalty equals or exceeds the target's stamina, the victim passes out and will bleed to death in 6D minutes.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 75), Ultimate Alien Anthology (pages 78-79)
20 Bacnor Armaments Hand Baton CPD-12
A. Anti-Personnel Defense 2,F-X 50 4D 1.2
Skill: Blaster. Ammo: 1. Cost: 5 (ammo canister). Range: 0-2/3/5. Blast Cone Width: 1/2/3.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 74-75)
21 Zemphyr Defenses, Inc. Passive Defender PD-0943
A. Blaster Dispersion 4,F or R 600 Special 1
Skill: Missile Weapons. Game Notes: The PD Canister is a cylinder 10 centimeters long by 4 centimeters in diameter; it has three charges. Each charge produces a visible cloud that covers a one meter cubic area. Any blaster bolt entering the cloud loses -1D of damage. The cloud lasts for one minute (barring heavy winds or precipitation). Additional charges in the same area have no additional benefit.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 80), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 45)
22 Imperial Munitions Heavy Blaster/Launcher
A. Prototype Blaster/Launcher 3,X 4800 Special 4.5
Skills: Blaster, Missile Weapons. Range: 3-30/100/300. Damage: 7D (plasma), 4D-8D (grenades), 10D-12D (thermal detonators). Ammo: 25 (plasma), 10 (grenades), 5 (thermal detonators). Only a few of these were ever made causing the price to increase every year.
23 WarTech EMP Weapons
A. EMP Blaster Pistol 4,X 900 Special 2.5
Skill: Blaster. Range: 2-8/20/80. Ammo: 20. Note: This pistol-sized weapon is intended to disable electronics. All non-shielded electronic devices (including most energy weapons) are disabled for 2D rounds on a successful hit. An Easy repair roll is required to fix the weapon/item for use.
B. EMP Blaster Rifle 4,X 1250 Special 3.5
Skill: Blaster. Range: 3-10/30/120. Ammo: 20. Note: This rifle-sized weapon is intended to disable electronics. All non-shielded electronic devices (including most energy weapons) are disabled for 3D rounds on a successful hit. An Easy repair roll is required to fix the weapon/item for use.
C. EMP Heavy Blaster Rifle 4,X 1650 Special 4
Skill: Blaster. Range: 3-15/40/150. Ammo: 40. Note: This rifle-sized weapon is intended to disable electronics. All non-shielded electronic devices (including most energy weapons) are disabled for 4D rounds on a successful hit. An Easy repair roll is required to fix the weapon/item for use.

Weapon Accessories and Ammunition



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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Bipod (for rifle and larger weapon only)
A. Strd 2 50 N/A .5
Adds +1D to hit due to the stabilizing nature of the bipod.
2 Concealable Holster
A. Strd 2 20-75 " .2
Adds +3 to target number to notice hidden weapon. For pistol, auto pistol and SMG only.
3 Gas Vent Recoil Systems
A. Strd 2,F 50 See below .2
Gives a -1 to the Target # for the first shot only.
B. Rodian Quehl Tix 3,F 100 See below .2
Gives a -2 to the Target # for the first shot only.
C. Nordian Tranzer-8 3,R 200 See below .3
Gives a -1D to the Target # for the first shot only.
For pistol, auto pistol and SMG only.
4 Silencer
A. Strd 2,F 100 See below .2
Can only be used on pistols and rifles. Difficult Perception roll to hear at long range. Reduce the difficulty by one level for medium range and by two levels for short range.
5 Sound Suppresser
A. Strd 2,F 200 See below .5
Can only be used on automatic weapons and must be replaced after every 300 shots. Moderate Perception roll to hear.
6 Extended Clips Capacity
A. Pistol/SMG/Assault Cannon 2 15/25/40 +5/+10/+15 .05-.15
B. Pistol/SMG/Assault Cannon 2,F 30/40/80 +10/+20/+30 .1-.3
C. Pistol/SMG/Assault Cannon 2,F 50/90/120 +15/+30/+45 .15-.25

Modern Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Bipods (for rifles or larger weapons only)
A. Strd 2 50 N/A .5
2 Concealable Holster
A. Strd 2 30 " .2
Adds +1D to Perception/Search roll to notice hidden weapon. For Hold-out Blasters, Blasters, Heavy Blasters and Blaster Carbines only.
3 Quickdraw Holsters
A. Custom Fit 2 200+ " .3
All holsters are custom made to the owners weapon. Each holster can add from +1 to +2D to a quickdraw depending on the size and shape of the weapon.
4 Silencers
A. Strd 2,F 100 See Below .5
Can only be used on blaster pistols and heavy blasters. Must be replaced after every 10 clips. Range of Sound: 3-10/20/30. Difficult Perception roll to hear at long range, Moderate at medium range, Easy at short range, Very Easy at point-blank range. Reduces blaster damage by -1D.
5 Scopes
A. Novaless Soni-Optics Target Imager Sonic Targeting Scope 2 800 N/A 1
Skill: Blaster. Game Notes: Device adds +1D+2 to blaster when firer takes one round to aim (this is in addition to the normal aiming bonus). Maximum effective range is 50 meters.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 79-80), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 38)
B. 1D Scope, Strd 2,R 2000 " "
C. 2D Scope, Strd 2,R 3000 " "
D. 1D Dot Scope 3,X 3000 " "
E. 2D Dot Scope 3,X 4000 " "
Scopes cannot be used with Targeting Sensors. All features are extra.
6 Targeting Sensors
A. Strd 3,R 200 +1D to Skill .1
B. Draymak TS-X1 4,X 300 +1D+1 to Skill .12
Targeting Sensors cannot be used with Scopes, Silencers or Blast Suppression Systems.
7 Blast Suppression Systems
A. Strd 2,F 200 See below .4
Can only be used on blaster carbines and blaster rifles, and must be replaced after every 10 clips. Range of sound: 3-10/20/40. Lowers weapon damage by -1D+1. Very Difficult Perception roll to hear shot beyond long range, Difficult at long range, Moderate at medium range, Easy at short range, Very Easy at point-blank range.
B. Rodian Sneaker 12 3,F(R) 250 See below "
Can only be used on blaster carbines and blaster rifles, and must be replaced after every 15 clips. Range of sound: 3-10/15/30. Lowers weapon damage by -1D. Very Difficult Perception roll to hear shot beyond long range, Difficult at long range, Moderate at medium range, Easy at short range, Very Easy at point-blank range.
8 Ammo Bandoleers
A. Strd 2 10 N/A .5
Holds 10 clips for any weapon up to SMG (includes all blasters).
B. Tsicrehl TF 2 15 " "
Holds 8 clips for any weapon from SMG to Assault Cannon (includes all blasters).
C. Zentarian Q-3 Holder 2 25 " "
Holds 12 clips for any weapon up to Assault Cannon (includes all blasters).
9 BlasTech Ramtek
A. Portable Clip Recharger 4,F or R 750 N/A 2.5
Game Notes: Recharges a standard power pack in 2 minutes; can charge 30 clips before it needs recharging from a power generator (which takes three hours).
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 79), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 38)
10 Capris Technologies Blaster Target Board
A. Target Practice Board 2 450 " 8
Game Notes: Blaster must be set for stun and have a standard sighting coupling (50 credits) mounted on the end of the barrel. While this device offers no immediate benefit, gamemasters may choose to allow characters who take target practice regularly to advance their blaster skill at a reduced skill point cost.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 79)
11 BlasTech Blaster Repair Kit
A. Deluxe Blaster Repair Kit 2 500 " 1.5
Skill: Blaster Repair. Game Notes: Each repair kit contains the following: pulse adaptor module tester, collimator beam focuser, prismatic crystal aligner, static pulse adaptor modules, energy converter valve (Heter-Valve), multiple gas valve nozzles, power pack recharger, universal power pack, power pack cables, spare gas container, spare trigger cable and variable pressure adjustor.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 79), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 96)


Archaic Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Slugs
A. Black Powder Pistol (20) 2 40 2D+2 1.5
B. Musket (20) 2 45 3D 2
None of the above affect armor of any type except skins.
2 Explosive Slugs
A. Black Powder Pistol (10) 2,F 75 4D .75
B. Musket (10) 2,F 100 4D+1 1
The above affect armor of Light (1D/+2 or less) rating or less.
3 Armor Effective Slugs
A. Black Powder Pistol (10) 2,F 120 4D 1.5
B. Musket (10) 2,F 150 4D+2 2
None of the above affect armor of any type except light and below (+1D+2/+1D or less).


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Explosive Slugs
A. Strd (10) 3,F 50 +1D to slug's damage against hard armor .5
Game Notes: The slugs work on any hard armor, ijncluding stormtrooper armor, adding +1D to the basic damage of the weapon. Soft armor (armor that adds less than a full die of protection) and ordinary tissue do not detonate the slugs, and they do normal damag
2 Armor Effective Slugs
A. Strd (10) 3,F(R) 100 4D .75
B. H-111 (10) 3,R 150 4D+1 "
C. ATL-57B (10) 3,R 200 4D+2 "
D. Rodian XE-15K (10) 3,R(X) 250 5D 1
E. Argor T50 (10) 4,R(X) 300 5D+1 "
F. Zor Atros 1210 (10) 4,R(X) 400 5D+2 "
3 Armor Piercing Slugs
A. Strd (10) 3,R(X) 200 4D 1
B. DX 1250 (10) 3,R(X) 300 4D+1 "
C. LZ 710 (10) 3,X 400 4D+2 "
D. Det 12 (10) 4,X 500 5D 1.1
None of the above will pierce Zero-G armor, Royal Imperial Guard armor or Storm Commando armor, but is affective against it at -2D. Called Shots will add the damage back if the target number is reached.
E. Blaster X (10) 4,X 600 5D+1 "
F. Poodoo 9 (10) 4,X 750 5D+2 "
4 Rail Gun Ammo
A. Strd (50) 3,R 400 6D+2 1.5
B. Exploding (30) 3,R 600 7D+2 1.8
C. Armor Piercing (20) 3,X 750 5D+1 2
Works on all types of armor.
D. Detonite Tipped (20) 3,X 900 5D "
Works on all types of armor. Does Speeder scale damage.
E. Plasma/Ion Encased (20) 4,X 1200 7D 1.5
Works on all types of armor. Does Speeder scale damage.
F. Micro-Thermal (20) 4,X 1500 6D 1.5
Works on all types of armor. Does Walker scale damage.

Modern Blaster Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Standard and Explosive Blaster Clips
A. Hold-Out Blaster 2,F 25 6 Shots # .05
B. Strd/Sporting, Pistol, Heavy, Carbine, Rifle, Hunting, Lt. Repeater 2,F 30 100 Shots # .1
# The Standard clip fits all indicated weapons and is interchangeable with all others except Hold-Out Blasters. The 100 shot value listed for number 1 is for standard blaster pistols. The number of shots is variable according to what weapon is being used. If Spin-Sealed Tibanna gas is used in a weapon, it will double the normal clip capacity.
2 Wookiee Bowcaster Energy Quarrels
A. Strd 4,R 75 4D/6 Shots .1

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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Six | Part Seven