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Armor Weapons
Ammunition: Armor Weapons
Blaster Artillery
Equipment for Speeders
Equipment for Walkers
Equipment for Space Transports and Starfighters
Equipment for Capitol Ships
Equipment for Planets


1 Common item Readily available throughout the known galaxy.
2 Uncommon item Available in large cities or spaceports.
3 Specialized item Available on planet of origin, but difficult to find elsewhere.
4 Rare item Difficult to find anywhere.
F Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R Restricted item on most planets, purchase/sale requires Imperial or other relevant license.
X Illegal on most planets, possession or use violates Imperial/local law with possible severe penalties. Specific permits may be available for authorized individuals.

General Price Guidelines

Animal, common 30+/-
Animal, livestock 500+/-
Animal, exotic 2000+
Artwork varies by type, etc.
Bacta 100/liter+/-
Fuel 50/kg+/-
Gemstones See list
Holovid 20+/-
Ore, common 200/kg+
Ore, rare 2000/kg+
Spice (illegal) 1000/kg+
Textiles 10/yard+
Water 4/liter+

Food, Lodging, Medical

Food (1 kg) Common: 10+/- Quality: 20+/- Exotic: 50+/-
Average human consumes 3kg per day
Lodging (1 day) Poor: 20+/- Good: 80+/- Luxury: 200+/-
Medical Care Medpac Treatment: 150 Long Term Care: 250/day Bacta Tank Healing: 300/12 hours

The following item lists can and should to be used during Character Creation. Once the campaign starts they can only be used as a reference as availability and price will vary.


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Vests
A. Protective Vest 2 200 +1D/+1 2
Protects back only.
B. Koromondian Pds, Inc. MK 45 Protective Vest 1 250 +1D+2/+2 "
Protects torso only.
C. Blast Vest 2 400 +1D/+2 2
Protects entire torso.
D. Corondexx Blast Vest 3 600 +1D/+2 "
Protects torso only. Power cells project an ablative power screen that adds the listed protection. Vest can store six standard power cells. Cells are drained in 10 minutes of continuous operation. In place of power cells, the vest has power jacks allowing a small capacitor to be charged from a portable power generator. Requires one hour to charge. The capacitor can power the vest for two minutes of continuous use.
2 Helmets
A. Protective Helmet 2 200 +1D/+1 1
Protects the head.
B. Blast Helmet 2,F 250 +1D/+2 2
Protects the following: Head and Neck. A breath mask can be added for an extra 75 credits.
3 Espo
A. Authority Riot Light Armor (N.P.) 3,R(X) 10,000 +1D+2/+2/-2 7
Protects the following: All
Helmet protection: +2D/+1D. Armor is waterproofed and climate-controlled.
4 Corellian Technologies
A. Strd Light Armor 2,R 8000 +2D/+1D 5
Protects the following: Head, Chest, Shoulders, Shins and Groin. This armor has a fair amount of expansion capabilities including Dexterity Enhancements, but can't be powered. A repair kit (8 uses) is included in the price.
B. A3AA Personal Defense Module 3,X 8500 +2D/+1D/-1D 3.5
Protects the following: All
Micro Nozzle Spray System: Cloud reduces the damage of all blaster bolts by -2D. Sprays a mixture of refined courenth, with trace amounts of ves. The cloud around the suit effectively disperses laser bolts in a 5 meter diameter. This lasts for four minutes. An optional adjustment permits the module to generate a continuous 30 degree forward-facing cone of dispersal, making rapid movement possible in the face of concentrated enemy fire. Normally sold only to Imperial Hunters.
C. 611 Combat Armor, Light 3,F(R) 5000 +2D/+1D 6
Protects the Following: Head and Torso
One flaw of this particular armor is the weight of the material. The armor severely handicaps any efforts at swimming. Add +10 to the difficulty number of any Swimming rolls made while wearing this armor.
5 Salus Corporation
A. Light Stalker M1-10 3,R 8000 +2D/+2D/-2D 10
Protects the Following: Head, Torso, Arms and Legs
Heaviness: Due to the suit's weight, the skills Hide, Sneak and Swimming cannot be used while wearing this armor.
Sensors: Sensor Pod and Targeting Computer; provides +1D to Search, and +1D to weapons skill rolls.
Weapon Systems:
  1. Duo-Flechette Rifle: Mounted on left forearm. Uses Missile Weapons skill. Damage: 5D. Range: 3-10/30/60
  2. Vibro-shiv (retractable) in right gauntlet: STR +2D
  3. Tangler Gun: Mounted on right forearm. Uses Missile Weapons skill. Damage: 5D stun. Range: 5-10/30/60
Capsule: This suit was designed by the Salus Corporation on Rodia for specific use as bounty hunter armor. The suit has since gained much respect in the bounty hunter community because of its versatility. Two configurations are available - one tailored to comfortably fit Rodians, and another designed to fit most generic humanoid body types.
6 Malgon
A. X5 (Pwrd) Modified Light Armor 3,X 60,000 +2D/+2D/-2D 13
Protects the Following: Head, Torso, Arms and Legs
Powered: Provides energy to weapons and other systems.
Heaviness: Due to the suit's weight and bulk the following skills cannot be used: Hide, Sneak and Swimming.
Strength: Servos in the arms and torso provide a +1D to Lifting skill rolls and +1D to Melee Combat and Brawling damage.
Sensors: Sensor Pod in helmet provides +1D to Search.
Weapon System:
1. Flame Projectors: Mounted on left and right forearms. Uses Armor Weapons skill. Damage: 5D. Creates a cone one meter wide, variable one meter to five meters long.
7 Wrokix Works
A. Light Bounty Hunter (N.P.) 3,R 2000 +2D/+1D/-2 8
Protects the following: Head, Neck, Torso, Shoulders, Arms, Front and Back of Legs, Buttocks and Groin.
This armor has excellent expansion capabilities (see Lt. Bounty Hunter Pwrd for sample). A repair kit (8 uses) is included in the price.
Breath Mask: Filters must be replaced after 30 hours of continuous use.
Macrobinoculars: Add +2D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away.
B. Light Bounty Hunter (Pwrd) 3,R 20,000 +2D/+1D/-1 9
Protects the following: Head, Neck, Torso, Shoulders, Arms, Front and Back of Legs, Buttocks and Groin.
This armor has excellent expansion capabilities. A repair kit is included in the price.
Breath Mask: Filters must be replaced after 30 hours of continuous use.
Flash Protection: Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.
Macrobinoculars: Add +2D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away. Scomp-linked to one weapon to reduce ranges by one level.
Example: long range becomes medium, medium becomes short.
Sensors: IR, UV, Low-Light
  Passive: 100 m/+1
  Scan: 200 m/+2
  Search: 300 m/+1D
  Passive: 200 m/+1
  Scan: 400 m/+1D
  Search: 600 m/+2D
4 Slot Computer System with two I/O ports:
Capabilities: (PWR: 3D, MEM: 10D)
  Targeting: 2 slots
  Sensor: 1 slot
  Road Map: 1 slot
  Medical: 1 slot
  Multiple Programs: 1 slot
Security System: Auto destruct of data and programs. Active virus for I/O ports.
Weapon System:
1. Wrist Laser: 20 shot power pack. Uses Armor Weapons skill. Damage: 4D. Ranges: 3-5/25/50.
C. Medium Bounty Hunter (N.P.) 3,X 16,000 +2D+1/+1D+1/-1D 9
Protects the following: Head, Neck, Torso, Shoulders, Arms, Front and Back of Legs, Buttocks and Groin.
This armor has excellent expansion capabilities (see Med. Bounty Hunter Pwrd for sample). A repair kit (8 uses) is included in the price.
Dexterity Enhancement (+1; Controlled by built-in Computer)
Breath Mask: Filters must be replaced after 30 hours of continuous use.
Flash Protection: Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.
Macrobinoculars: Add +2D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away. Scomp-linked to one weapon to reduce ranges by one level.
Example: long rng becomes medium, medium becomes short)
Sensors: Low-Light
  Passive: 160 m/+1
  Scan: 280 m/+1D
  Search: 560 m/+2D

D. Medium Bounty Hunter (Pwrd) 3,X 80,000 +2D+1/+1D+1 11
Protects the following: Head, Neck, Torso, Shoulders, Arms, Front and Back of Legs, Buttocks and Groin.
This armor has excellent expansion capabilities (see below for sample).
Repair Kit: Light damage 8 times or Serious damage 4 times.
Powered (Controlled by built-in Computer)
Breath Mask: Filters must be replaced after 30 hours of continuous use.
Flash Protection: Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.
Macrobinoculars: Add +2D+1 to Search for objects 100-500 meters away. Scomp-linked to two weapons to reduce ranges by one level.
Example: long range becomes medium, medium becomes short.
Sensors: IR, Low-Light, Motion, UV
  Passive: 100 m/+2
  Scan: 200 m/+1D
  Search: 300 m/+1D+1
Low-Light, Motion
  Passive: 200 m/+2
  Scan: 400 m/+1D
  Search: 600 m/+1D+1
8 Slot Computer System with two I/O ports
Capabilities: (PWR: 4D, MEM: 14D)
  Multiple Targeting: 3 slots
  Sensor: 1 slot
  Road Map: 1 slot
  Bounty: 1 slot
  Hostilities: 2 slots
  Medic: 1 slot
  Multiple Programs: 1 slot
Security System: Auto destruct of data and programs. Active virus for I/O ports.
Self Destruct: Must be activated. Goes off in 1D6 rounds. 10D damage as Thermal Detonator.
Weapon Systems:
1. Dual Retractable Vibroblades: STR + 3D+3
2. Wrist Laser: 25 shot power pack. Uses Armor Weapons skill. Damage: 5D. Ranges: 3-5/25/50

8 Creshaldyne Industries
A. Biological Blast Vest 4 30,000 +1D to +3D 3
Game Notes: vest initially gives +1D to resist damage from blaster attacks to front and back torso. With each subsequent hit by a blaster bolt, the vest goes up by one pip (+1D, +1D+1, +1D+2, +2D, etc.) up to a maximum of 3D. The vest drops by one pip for every three minutes the vest is not hit by a blast. If a blast penetrates the vest enough to allow the user to be wounded, the vest is destroyed. If exposed to below zero temperatures for as little as 15 minutes, the vest is destroyed.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 85-86), Arms and Equipment Guide (pages 41-42)
B. Light Riot Armor (Cresh Luck Armor) 2,F 500 +2D/+1D 4
Protects the following: Torso, front of legs.
Infrared Motion Sensor Array: Has a range of 30 meters. An alarm is triggered when any mass over 10 kg is detected traveling in excess of 1 meter per second (this alarm can be external audio or can be run into a blast helmet for interior audio or visual).
Source: Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters (page 87), Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 50)
C. Scout (Camo) Light Armor 2,F 1500 +1D/+2 5
Protects the following: Torso, Arms, Legs
Camo Field: +1D to the difficulty of Search or Perception rolls for those trying to spot the wearer if the wearer remains motionless.
9 Locris Syndicate
A. Personal Protection Suit (Smasher Armor, Pwrd) 3 1250 +1D/+1D 5.5
Protects the following: All
Powered: Contains Servo Enhancers which add +2D to Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Lifting, and damage in Strength-related attacks.
10 Space Suits
A. Heavy Armored Space Suit (N.P.) 3,R 3500 +2D+2/+1D+2/-2D 25
Protects the following: All.
This armor has excellent expansion capabilities (see B. Armored Space Suit (Pwrd) for sample).
A repair kit (8 uses) is included in the price.
Flash Protection: Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.
Macrobinoculars: Add +3D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away. Scomp-linked to one weapon to reduce ranges by one level.
Example: long range becomes medium, medium becomes short.
Long Range Comm. System: 50 km range in atmosphere, 175 km range in space. Has an external speaker as well.
Radiation Shielding: Able to withstand up to one hour in soft radiation and up to 15 minutes in hard radiation.
Mini Fusion Generator: To power Microthrusters and LOX system.
Fully Sealed Enviro System (for space):
1. 6 hr LOX/Air Filtration System
2. Microthruster System for movement in space only: 50 meters per move, 60 kmh
B. Heavy Armored Space Suit (Pwrd) 3,R 9500 +2D+2/+1D+2 26.5
Protects the following: All.
This armor has excellent expansion capabilities.
A repair kit (8 uses) is included in the price.
Flash Protection: Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.
Macrobinoculars: Adds +2D to Search for objects 50-100 meters away and +3D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away. Can be Scomp-linked to two weapons to reduce ranges by one level (weapons must be added to armor). Example: long range becomes medium, medium becomes short.
Long Range Communication System: 60 km range in atmosphere, 175 km range in space. Has an external speaker as well.
Radiation Shielding: Able to withstand up to 1.5 hours in soft radiation and up to 20 minutes in hard radiation.
Mini Fusion Generator: Powers all systems.
Computer System: used for interfacing with other computers in order diagnose and make repairs. Fully Sealed Enviro System (for space):
1. 9 hrs LOX/Air Filtration System
2. Microthruster System for movement in space only: Move: 1
This armor has the capability for adding up to two weapons that can be either mounted to the armor or linked to the HUD Display via sensors on the weapons.
11 Riot Shields
A. Drearian Defense Active VI 3,R 500 4D (stun) 2
Difficulty to use: Easy. If the PC/NPC makes the skill roll, the user has blocked incoming attacks from one facing. The shield has a Strength of 4D. If used as a melee weapon, it causes STR+2 damage, as well as 4D stun. Using the firing notch adds one level to the difficulty of firing blasters, but the character is protected by the shield. The stun charge lasts for one hour of consecutive use.
12 Reflec Body Glove
A. Syncronics ENVC-370 3,X 4000 +0/+1D 2
This energy-displacement suit adds +1D to Strength when resisting damage from blaster attacks as long as the person hit was at the weapon's medium or long range. The suit can absorb 5 blasts before being destroyed. If the wearer is wounded (or worse) as the result of an energy blast, the suit is destroyed.
13 A/KT Tuff 1 Combat Jumpsuit
A. Light Combat Jumpsuit 2 500 +1D/+2 2.5
The Tuff1 combat jumpsuit is a light protective suit of armor that is designed to be worn under loose clothing. It is made with padded sections in the knees, elbows and chest. Manufactured from a lightweight material that dries quickly, it is comfortable to use for long periods. The suit also has various straps and rings for attaching equipment. It is mostly for backup protection, and is often worn under other forms of armor.
Game Notes: Provides +1D physical, +2 energy protection.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 80), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 33), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 41)
14 GTU AV Series' Powersuits
AV-1 Power Armor Damage Chart
Lightly Damaged Armor
Roll Result
1 -1D from Strength enhancements
2 -5 from Move of repulsorlift engine
3 On board weapon hit and destroyed
4-6 Armor loses one pip of its effectiveness
Heavily Damaged Armor
Roll Result
1 Power loss for 1D rounds
2-3 -2D from Strength enhancements
4-5 -2D to Dexterity and all related skills
6 Armor loses -1D of its effectiveness
Severely Damaged Armor
Roll Result
1 Power loss for 2D rounds
2 Power overload or power generator destroyed; wearer suffers 5D damage in explosion
3 Overloaded power generator will explode in 1D rounds
4 All weapons disabled
5 Armor loses all protection bonus at location of hit (head, torso, arm, leg)
6 Armor toppled in assault, all power lost, suit nonfunctional
A. AV-1S Scout (light) 3,F 7500 +1D+1/+1D/-1D 6
Skill: Powersuit Ops. Game Effect: Basic Suit: +1D+1/+1D/-1D Dexterity and all related skills.
Enhanced Strength: +1D to Strength for all skills, including melee and unarmed combat damage.
Repulsorlift Engine: Move of 20, flight ceiling of 100 meters. Maneuver rolls are made with the powersuit operation skill.
Infrared Imaging Module: Ranged up to 200 meters, allowsvision based on heat.
Starlight Imaging: Magnifies available light for excellent lowlight vision (no penalties for darkness except in absolute darkness, but sudden flashes of light can cause 4D stun damage if the user does not make a Moderate Perception roll to close his or her eyes in time).
Power Lamp: 100 meter range.
Multi-Channel Comm Unit: Includes comlink encoder, ranged up to 50 kilometers, and external amplifier.
Macrobinoculars: Standard rules as for macrobinoculars.
5 Sureseal Patches: Automatic patches against suit leaks.
Bio-Readout: Informs wearer of his/her physical condition.
Environment Scanner: Scans air for breathability and toxins and detects harmful radiation.
Game Notes: Can operate for 36 hours without replenishing supplies and takes 5 minutes to put on. This time can be reduced to one minute in an emergency if the wearer makes a Very Difficuly Powersuit Ops roll. Owner may add Dexterity Enhancements to compensate for the -1D Dexterity penalty of the suit.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (pages 80-81), Arms and Equipment Guide (pages 44-45)
B. AV-1C Combat (medium) 4,X 12,000 +2D/+2D/-1D 12
Game Effect: Battle Suit: +2D/+2D/-1D to Dexterity and all related skills.
Strength Enhancement: +2D to Strength and related skills, but any failed Strength or related roll strips the servos, causing a full malfunction of the suit for 1D rounds; also roll 1D, if the result is 1-2, the wearer suffers 4D stun damage from arcing electricity.
Repulsorlift Engine: Move of 20, flight ceiling of 100 meters. Maneuver rolls are made with the Powersuit Ops skill.
Infrared Imaging Module: Ranged up to 200 meters, allows vision based on heat.
Starlight Imaging: Magnifies available light for excellent lowlight vision (no penalties for darkness except in absolute darkness, but sudden flashes of light can cause 4D stun damage if the user does not make a Moderate Perception roll to close his or her eyes in time).
Power Lamp: 100 meter range.
Multi-channel Comm Unit: Includes comlink encoder, ranged up to 50 kilometers, and external amplifier.
Macrobinoculars: Standard rules as for macrobinoculars.
5 Sureseal Patches: Automatic patches against suit leaks.
Bio-Readout: Informs wearer of his/her physical condition.
WITS: Allows the wearer to link two weapons into the suit's battle computer, getting +1D to hit for each weapon.
Game Notes: Can operate for 24 hours without replenishing supplies and takes 10 minutes to put on. This time can be reduced to three minutes in an emergency if the wearer makes a Very Difficuly Powersuit Ops roll. Owner may add Dexterity Enhancements to compensate for the -1D Dexterity penalty of the suit. Owner may also increase length of operational time to 36 hours by adding micro-scrubbers to the air system, The cost of this modification is 8000 credits.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 81), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 44)
C. AV-1A ASSAULT (heavy) 4,X 50,000 +2D+2/+2D+2/-2D 20
Secondary view of AV-1A ASSAULT (heavy)
Battle Suit: Provides +2D+2 physical and energy, -2D to Dexterity and all related skills.
Strength Enhancement: +3D to Strength and related skills, but any failed Strength or related roll strips the servos, causing a full malfunction of the suit for 1D rounds; also roll 1D, if the result is 1-2, the wearer suffers 4D stun damage from arcing electricity.
Repulsorlift Engine: Move of 20, flight ceiling of 100 meters. Maneuver rolls are made with the powersuit operation skill.
Infrared Imaging Module: Ranged up to 200 meters, allows vision based on heat.
Starlight Imaging: Magnifies available light for excellent lowlight vision (no penalties for darkness except in absolute darkness, but sudden flashes of light can cause 4D stun damage if the user does not make a Moderate Perception roll to close his or her eyes in time).
Power Lamp: 100 meter range.
Multi-channel Comm Unit: Includes comlink encoder, ranged up to 50 kilometers, and external amplifier.
Macrobinoculars: Standard rules as for macrobinoculars.
5 Sureseal Patches: Automatic patches against suit leaks.
Bio-Readout: Informs wearer of his/her physical condition.
WITS: Allows the wearer to link two weapons into the suit's battle computer, getting +2D+2 to hit for each weapon.
Intergrated Medpac System: Has first aid skill at 4D.
Rocket Ejection System: Ejects occupant if suit suffers heavy damage on a roll of 1-2 on 1D. This feature can be turned off while in space
Game Notes: Can operate for 12 hours without replenishing supplies and takes 15 minutes to put on. This time can be reduced to five minutes in an emergency if the wearer makes a Very Difficuly Powersuit Ops roll. Owner may add Dexterity Enhancements to compensate for the -2D Dexterity penalty of the suit. Owner may also increase length of operational time to 24 hours by adding micro-scrubbers to the air system, The cost of this modification is 10,000 credits.
Source: Galladinium's Fantastic Technology (page 81), Arms and Equipment Guide (pages 43-44)
15 Primeworld Exploration
A. Farstryder-4 "Brawn" 2,F(R) 15,000 +4D/+3D 50
Skill: Powersuit Ops: Farstryder-4
Consumables: 3 months
Cargo Capacity: 60 kg
Move: 14 ground, 70 flying
Altitude Range: Ground – 100m
Light Repeating Blaster (shoulder mounted)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Blaster; Repeating Blaster
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 3-50/120/300
Damage: 6D
The top of Primeworld's Farstryder line, the Brawn suit is designed to provide for long-term single man exploration of unfamiliar terrain. The Brawn can be adapted for specific terrain, adding 5 to it's ground rate, and 20 to the flying rate. However, it's primary use is not speed or combat, and it has a number of devices to aid it in it's primary function, exploration. The body glove keeps it's wearer comfortable in a range of temperatures from -60 to +130 degrees Celsius. The air filtration system can provide breathable air from just about any oxygen containing compound. The suit has macrobinoculars built in, as well as a geiger counter, metal detectors, heat and motion sensors, video and audio recorders, and constant environmental readouts.
B. Farstryder-5 "Brawn Plus" 2,R 25,000 +4D/+3D 60
Skill: Powersuit Ops: Farstryder-5
Consumables: 3 months
Cargo Capacity: 60 kg
Move: 14 ground, 70 flying
Altitude Range: Ground Level - 400 meters
Light Repeating Blaster (shoulder mounted)
Fire Arc: Front and 15º left
Skill: Blaster; Repeating Blaster
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 3-50/120/300
Damage: 6D+1
The top of Primeworld's Farstryder line, the Brawn Plus suit is designed to provide for long-term single man exploration of unfamiliar terrain. The Brawn Plus can be adapted for specific terrain, adding 6 to it's ground rate, and 25 to the flying rate. However, it's primary use is not speed or combat, and it has a number of devices to aid it in it's primary function, exploration. The body glove keeps it's wearer comfortable in a range of temperatures from -60 to +130 degrees Celsius. The air filtration system can provide breathable air from just about any oxygen containing compound. The suit has macrobinoculars built in, as well as a geiger counter, metal detectors, heat and motion sensors, video and audio recorders, and constant environmental readouts.

Armor Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Antipersonnel Net Guns
A. Conner APNG3 2,R or X 750 5D (stun)/5D 3
B. Nordian NG-C9 2,X 950 5D+1 (stun)/5D+1 "
C. Panding Astronotics A2 3,X 1200 5D+2 (stun)/5D+2 "
Skill: Missile Weapons. Ammo: 1. Range: 3-10/19/25. Replacement nets cost 100/250/500.
Notes: The above net guns, often mounted on forearm armor, fire a single net that can ensnare a Human-sized opponent. A single line keeps the net attached to the gun after firing. If the net successfully ensnares an opponent the attacker can, on following rounds, release an electrical charge through the line, into the net and into the target, causing 5D+ stun damage. An opponent can work free of the net by making an opposed Strength roll greater that the stun damage.
2 Duo-Flechette Rifles
A. Salus DF-D1 2,R or X 1000 5D 2
B. Rodian Tuhkn-20 3,X 2000 5D+2 "
C. Nordian DFR-12K 3,X 3000 6D+1 2.5
Skill: Armor Weapons. Ammo: 5. Range: 3-10/30/60.
Notes: This weapon fires twin cartridges filled with slivered shrapnel flechettes out its stubby double barrel. It is a powerful weapon at short ranges, but is not terribly accurate at longer ranges.
3 Electric Fields
A. Corellian Personal Defense "Big Shock" A-B,X 1600 3D 1
B. Conner P-DEF10 3.X 2000 3D+1 "
C. Panding EF-347 3,X 2500 3D+2 "
D. Rodian GX-15a 3,X 3500 4D "
E. Nordian DVL-3 3,X 4500 4D+1 1.2
Notes: The "Big Shock" is a webbed lacing applied to armor surfaces to generate an electrical field that does damage to those touching the wearer. Electrical damage can be delivered if the wearer touches an opponent (tackling or punching him and doing the electrical damage along with brawling damage), or if an opponent strikes the wearer in hand-to-hand or melee combat. The shock is enough to short out most vibro-weapons. Electrical shock lacing must be used on powered armor, as normal armor cannot fulfill this weapon's power requirements unless fitted with unwieldy generators or power cells. Since the shock lacing coats the outer surfaces of the armor, it rarely harms the wearer. However, if used in wet conditions, the shock lacing inflicts its damage on the wearer as well as an opponent. In any case, shock lacing applied too close to other powered armor systems like weapons and sensors often short circuits those systems, especially in wet conditions.
4 Mini-Missile Launchers
A. SoroSuub Firestorm-1 3,X 1500 See Ammo 2
Ammo: 3. Range: 0-2/8/12/20.
B. SoroSuub Fireball 3,X 2500 " "
Ammo: 3. Range: 0-3/9/12/22.
C. Rodian Mini-M12 3,X 3500 " 2.3
Ammo: 4. Range: 0-3/10/13/26.
D. Nordian Grinder V-6 3,X 5000 " "
Ammo: 4. Range: 0-3/10/15/30. Fires missiles with incendiary warheads. The missiles have no guidance system and must be aimed directly at a target. Nordian Grinder's missile package has small guidance packages which lock onto targets acquired through a targeting sensor package in an armored suit's helmet.
5 Mini-Torpedo Launchers (underwater only)
A. Mon Cal Defender 3,R or X 1250 See Ammo 3
Ammo: 3. This weapon fires a self-propelled underwater torpedo with an explosive charge that detonates on impact.
The torpedo must be aimed and will not adjust its course if the target moves. However, the torpedo's firing and guidance systems can be rigged to a sensor tracking package to acquire and follow a particular target with the proper tools and guidance system components. Due to its size, this weapon can only be fitted to heavy power armor adapted for use in aquatic environments.
B. Rodian DefCon-Zero 3,X 1500 " "
Ammo: 3. This weapon fires a self-propelled underwater torpedo with an explosive charge that detonates on impact.
The torpedo must be aimed and will not adjust its course if the target moves. However, the torpedo's firing and guidance systems can be rigged to a sensor tracking package to acquire and follow a particular target with the proper tools and guidance system components. Due to its size, this weapon can only be fitted to heavy power armor adapted for use in aquatic environments.
C. Nordian MTL-Torch 3,X 2000 " 3.2
Ammo: 4. This weapon fires a self-propelled underwater torpedo with an explosive charge that detonates on impact.
The torpedo must be aimed and will not adjust its course if the target moves. However, the torpedo's firing and guidance systems can be rigged to a sensor tracking package to acquire and follow a particular target with the proper tools and guidance system components. Due to its size, this weapon can only be fitted to heavy power armor adapted for use in aquatic environments.
6 Mini Proton Torpedo Launcher
A. SoroSuub Deathball L3a 2,X 1500 See Ammo 2
Ammo: 5. Range: 0-2/8/12/20.
B. SoroSuub Deathball M4 2,X 2500 " "
Ammo: 5. Range: 0-3/9/12/22. Comes with a sensor package which adds +1D to hit and follows the target.
C. Rodian Megablaster 2,X 3500 " 2.2
Ammo: 6. Range: 0-3/10/13/26. Comes with a sensor package which adds +1D to hit and follows the target.
7 Tangler Guns
A. Salus DF-D1 2,F 900 2D/4D stun 2
B. Rodian TG-12 2,F 1100 2D/4D+1 stun "
C. Nordian FTG C-14 2,R 1400 2D/4D+2 stun 2.2
Notes: Fires a triple strand of durawire weighted at each of the three ends. The spinning wires ensnare opponents, causing 4D+ stun damage. The impact of the weights causes 2D+ damage as well (all damage above 2D is due to spikes and small electrical charges released on impact).
An opponent can work free of the tangler by making an opposed Strength roll greater than the stun damage. This weapon is available as a short, wide-barreled sidearm with a folding stock and retractable sight for those who want to use the tangler without having to mount it on armor. Extra clips (five tanglers) cost 25/65/130.

Ammunition: Armor Weapons

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Mini-Missiles
A. SoroSuub Storm 3,X 100 5D/4D/3D/2D .4
B. SoroSuub Destroyer A-12 3,X 200 6D/4D/3D/2D .5
C. Rodian MM-50a 3,X 300 6D/5D/3D/2D "
D. Nordian Mini-Blaster A-47 3,X 500 6D/5D/4D/2D "
All missiles except A above, have small guidance systems. These systems work in conjunction with sensors packages for armor helmets.
2 Mini-Torpedoes
A. SoroSuub Torp E-9 3,X 100 6D .4
Range: 3-30/120/350
B. Salus 40-L 3,X 200 6D+1 "
Range: 3-30/120/350
C. Rodian MT-31A 3,X 300 6D+2 "
Range: 3-30/125/360
D. Nordian MT DL-589 3,X 500 7D "
Range: 3-30/125/360
E. Zentarian M-107 3,X 700 7D+1 .5
Range: 3-35/130/370
3 Mini Proton Torpedoes
A. SoroSuub Proton I 3,X 200 5D/4D/3D/2D .3
B. SoroSuub Proton II 3,X 300 6D/4D/3D/2D "
C. Rodian PT-15 3,X 500 6D/5D/3D/2D .4
D. Nordian PT 137-D 3,X 700 6D/5D/4D/2D "
Notes: Blast Radius: 0-2/4/8/12. All missiles except A above (which must be aimed directly at a target), have small guidance systems. The guidance system works in conjunction with sensors packages found in the launchers and in some types of armor.

Accessories: Armor

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Specialized Body Gloves
A. WarTech Gelsuit 2,F +50% armor cost N/A +1.5
Notes: A gelsuit is a 2-layer self-sealing bodyglove containing a mixture of blood/body fluid coagulant and anesthetic. When pierced by an attack, it bathes the wound with it's solution, then seals itself. This almost completely eliminates the effects of traumatic shock. It reduces any damage taken in combat by one catagory. There is enough mixture for 10 uses.
B. WarTech Dura-Steel Cloth 2,F +30% armor cost N/A +2
Notes: A memory plastic which is soft and pliable until kinetic energy is applied. The plastic then momentarily hardens to a degree proportional to the force of impact. Any armor made of Steelcloth has an additional 1D-3D protection against physical attacks (1D Character, 2D Speeder, 3D Walker).

Blaster Artillery

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Anti-Vehicle Towers (Speeder Scale)
A. Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower 3,R 8000 2D+2 N/A
Type: Light Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon
Crew: 4
Body: 2D
Range: 10-500/2 KM/10 KM
Fire Rate: 1/2
Fire Control: 1D
Blast Radius: Target
B. Speizoc v-188 Penetrator 3,X 30,000 7D/5D+2/3D+2 "
Type: Heavy Anti-Vehicle Cannon
Crew: 8
Body: 3D+1
Range: 50-600/5km/25km
Fire Rate: 1/3
Fire Control: 1D
Blast Radius: 20m
2 Anti-Orbital Ion Cannons (Capitol Ship Scale)
A. Atgar T-47 Shocker 3,X 10,000 8D Ionization "
Type: Light Surface-to-Space Anti-Orbital Cannon
Crew: 15
Body: 3D
Range: Atmosphere-60/150/300km
Fire Rate: 1/1
Fire Control: 3D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
B. KDY c-100 P-Defender 3,X 15,000 10D Ionization "
Type: Medium Surface-to-Space Anti-Orbital Cannon
Crew: 20
Body: 4D
Range: Atmosphere-90/175/400km
Fire Rate: 1/1
Fire Control: 4D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
C. KDY v-150 Planet Defender 3,X 20,000 12D Ionization "
Type: Heavy Surface-to-Space Anti-Orbital Cannon
Crew: 27
Body: 5D
Range: Atmosphere-100/150 KM/2 Space Units
Fire Rate: 1/1
Fire Control: 5D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
3 Espo Mortar (CSA)
A. Espo Grenade Mortar 3,R(X) 3500 as grenade "
Type: Anti-Infantry Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 100
Crew: 1
Body: 4D
Range: 25-100/500/1km
Fire Rate: 5
Fire Control: 1D
Blast Radius: as grenade

Equipment for Speeder, Walkers, Space Transports, Starfighters and Capitol Ships


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Sensors
A. EPR 2 500 N/A 10
B. FST 2 900 " 20
C. DER 2,F 1100 " 30
D. CGT 3,R 2500 " 70
E. HSI 2,R 3500 " 60
F. LFI 2,F 1000 " 40
2 Sensor Jammers Skill Bonus
A. Merr-Sonn K-12 Jammer 2,R(X) 2000 +1D 45
Add the +1D bonus to Communications.
3 Secret Cargo Compartments
A. Concealed 2,F(R) 200+ N/A VAR
Moderate Difficulty to notice. All prices are based on a standard size (GM's discretion) speeder and increase with larger versions.
B. Hidden 3,R(X) 400+ " "
Difficult Difficulty to notice. All prices are based on a standard size (GM's discretion) speeder and increase with larger versions.
C. Scanner Resistant 3,X 1000+ " "
Very Difficult Difficulty to notice. All prices are based on a standard size (GM's discretion) speeder and increase with larger versions.
4 Refrigeration Equipment
A. Strd 2 100 N/A 25
5 Environmental Converters
A. Strd 2 4000 N/A 500
6 Weapons Damage
A. Linked Weapos 2 100 N/A N/A
B. Blaster Cannon 2,F 1000 See Below 500
Fire Control: 1D. Damage: 1D
C. Laser Cannon 2,R 1500 See Below 1T
Fire Control: 2D. Damage: 2D
D. Light Ion Cannon 2,F 1000 See Below 500
Fire Control: 1D. Damage: 2D
E. Golon Arms Twin TY .8 (LZ .8) 3,X 12,000 3D "
Type: Light Anti-Infantry Battery
Crew: 3
Body: 2D (3D for fixed version)
Range: 30-400/2km/12km
Fire Rate: 6/1
Fire Control: 1D+1
Blast Radius: 5m
F. Espo Grenade Mortar 3,R(X) 3500 as grenade "
Type: Anti-Infantry Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 100
Crew: 1
Body: 4D
Range: 25-100/500/1km
Fire Rate: 5
Fire Control: 1D
Blast Radius: as grenade


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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Sensors
A. EPR 2 750 N/A 15
B. FST 2 1400 " 25
C. DER 2,F 1700 " 35
D. CGT 3,R 3500 " 75
E. HSI 2,R 5500 " 65
F. LFI 2,F 2000 " 45
2 Senser Jammers Skill Bonus
A. Merr-Sonn KSJ-34 Jammer 2,R(X) 3500 +1D 50
Add the +1D bonus to Communications.
3 Sacret Cargo Compartments
A. Cooncealed 2,F(R) 450+ N/A VAR
Moderate Difficulty to notice.
B. Hidden 3,R(X) 800+ " "
Difficult Difficulty to notice.
C. Scanner Resistant 3,X 2000+ " "
Very Difficult Difficulty to notice.
4 Passenger Conversion
A. Strd 2 300 N/A 5T
5 Weapons Damage
A. Linked Weapons 2 100 N/A N/A
B. Blaster Cannon 2,F 1000 See Below 500
Fire Control: 1D. Damage: 1D
C. Laser Cannon 2,R 1500 See Below 1T
Fire Control: 2D. Damage: 2D
D. Light Ion Cannon 2,F 1000 See Below 500
Fire Control: 1D. Damage: 2D
E. Golon Arms Twin TY .8 (LZ .8) 3,X 12,000 3D "
Type: Light Anti-Infantry Battery
Crew: 3
Body: 2D (3D for fixed version)
Range: 30-400/2km/12km
Fire Rate: 6/1
Fire Control: 1D+1
Blast Radius: 5m
F. Espo Grenade Mortar 3,R(X) 3500 as grenade "
Type: Anti-Infantry Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 100
Crew: 1
Body: 4D
Range: 25-100/500/1km
Fire Rate: 5
Fire Control: 1D
Blast Radius: as grenade

Space Transports and Starfighters

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Sensors Tons
A. EPR 2 5000 N/A 1T
B. FST 2 9000 " 2T
C. DER 2,F 11,000 " 3T
D. CGT 3,R 25,000 " 7T
E. HSI 2,R 35,000 " 6T
F. LFI 2,F 10,000 " 4T
2 Senser Jammers Skill Bonus
A. Merr-Sonn DR-45 Jammer 2,R(X) 20,000 +1D 5T
Add the +1D bonus to Communications
3 Sensor Decoys
A. STRD 2,R 1000 N/A 3
4 Additional Fuel Cells
A. Strd 2 500 " .1
5 Solid Fuel Converters
A. Strd 2 8000 " 5
6 Scoops
A. Strd 2 15,000 " 15
7 Solar Converters
A. Strd 2 12,000 N/A 10
Takes 6-8 hours to charge one cell within a system; 8-14 hours outside a system (based on the type of sun the converters are closest to).
8 Tractor Beams
A. Strd 2,R 8000 STR 3D 15
Fire Control: 1D
B. DurraTech Stopper Plus 2,R 10,000 STR 3D+2 15
Fire Control: 1D+2
9 Secret Cargo Compartments
A. Concealed 2,F 200 N/A Variable
Moderate Difficulty to notice.
B. Hidden 3,R 400 " "
Difficult Difficulty to notice.
C. Scanner Resistant 3,X 1000 " "
Very Difficult Difficulty to notice.
10 Automatic Cargo Jettison
A. Strd 2,F 1000 N/A 2
11 Passenger Conversion
A. Strd 2 400 N/A 10/1
12 Refrigeration Equipment
A. Strd 2 100 N/A .05
13 Escape Equipment
A. Strd 1 1200 N/A 5
14 Replacement Nav Computer
A. Strd 2 1200 N/A .5
15 Environmental Converters
A. Strd 2 4000 N/A 4
16 Weapons Tons
A. Linked Weapons 2 1000 N/A N/A
B. Golan Arms BL-13c 3,X 10,000 2D 1
Type: Light Blaster Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-400/900/1.4km
Space Range: 1-4/9/14
Fire Control: 1D
C. Merr-Sonn Hunter-X 3,X 20,000 3D 2
Type: Medium Blaster Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1KM/1.7km
Space Range: 1-5/10/17
Blast Radius: 2m
Fire Control: 2D
D. Golan Arms DLD-5 3,X 40,000 4D 3
Type: Heavy Blaster Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-600/1.5km/2km
Space Range: 1-6/15/20
Blast Radius: 2m
Fire Control: 2D+2
E. Golan Arms LC-12 3,X 12,000 3D 2
Type: Light Laser Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-250/1km/2km
Space Range: 1-2.5/10/20
Blast Radius: 3m
Fire Control: 1D
F. Golan Arms LCa-6 3,X 15,000 4D 3
Type: Medium Laser Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2km/2.5km
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Blast Radius: 4m
Fire Control: 2D
G. Merr-Sonn Z-19 3,X 30,000 5D 4
Type: Heavy Laser Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-350/1.5km/3km
Space Range: 1-3.5/15/30
Blast Radius: 5m
Fire Control: 2D+2
H. Merr-Sonn CLMS-2D 3,X 50,000 See Missile 3
Type: Light Concussion Missile Launcher
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-200/800/1.5km
Space Range: 1-2/8/15
Blast Radius: 2m
Fire Control: 2D
Capacity: 8
I. Concussion Missiles
Strd 3,X 10,000 8D .03
Starbolt 3,X 24,000 12D .04
J. Golan Arms PTL-Al 3,X 50,000 See Torpedo 1
Type: Light Proton Torpedo Launcher
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Space Range: 1/3/7
Blast Radius: 3m
Fire Control: 2D
Capacity: 10
K. Proton Torpedoes 3,X 800 9D .02
Type: Standard Proton Torpedo
Scale: Starfighter
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Space Range: 1/3/7
Blast Radius: 3m

Capitol Ships

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Sensors
A. EPR 2 5,000,000 N/A 10T
B. FST 2 9,000,000 " 20T
C. DER 2,F 11,000,000 " 30T
D. CGT 3,R 25,000,000 " 70T
E. HSI 2,R 35,000,000 " 60T
F. LFI 2,F 10,000,000 " 40T
2 Sensor Jammers Skill Bonus
A. Merr-Sonn CSJ-25 2,R(X) 300,000 +1D 50T
Add the +1D bonus to Communications.
3 Sensor Decoys
A. Strd 2,R 1000 N/A 3
4 Additional Fuel Cells
A. Strd A-C 50,000 " 1
5 Solid Fuel Converter
A. Strd 2 800,000 " 50
6 Scoops
A. Strd 2 1,500,000 " 150
7 Solar Converters
A. Strd 2 1,200,000 N/A 100
8 Tractor Beam (FC: 1D)
A. Strd 2,R 800,000 STR 4D 150
9 Secret Cargo Compatments
A. Concealed 2,F 20,000+ N/A VAR
Moderate Difficulty to notice.
B. Hidden 3,R 40,000+ " "
Difficult Difficulty to notice.
. Scanner Resistant 3,X 100,000+ " "
Very Difficult Difficulty to notice.
10 Automatic Cargo Jettison
A. Strd 2,F 100,000 N/A 20
11 Passenger Conversion
A. Strd 2 40,000 N/A 20/1
12 Refrigeration Equipment
A. Strd 2 10,000 N/A .5
13 Escape Equipment
A. Strd 2 120,000 N/A 50
14 Replacement Nav Computer
A. Strd 2 120,000 N/A 5
15 Environmental Converters
A. Strd 2 400,000 N/A 40
16 Weapons Damage
A. Linked Weapons 2 10,000 N/A N/A
B. Golan Arms BL-7zxC 3,X 100,000 2D 10
Type: Light Blaster Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-400/900/1.4km
Space Range: 1-4/9/14
Blast Radius: Target vessel
Fire Control: 1D
C. Merr-Sonn Hunter-XC 4,X 200,000 3D 20
Type: Medium Blaster Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1km/1.7km
Space Range: 1-5/10/17
Blast Radius: Target vessel
Fire Control: 2D
D. Golan Arms DLD-5C 4,X 400,000 4D 30
Type: Heavy Blaster Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-600/1.5km/2km
Space Range: 1-6/15/20
Blast Radius: 2m
Fire Control: 2D+2
E. Golan Arms LM-1C 3,X 120,000 3D 20
Type: Light Laser Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Fire Rate: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-250/1km/2km
Space Range: 1-2.5/10/20
Blast Radius: 3m
Fire Control: 1D
F. Golan Arms LCr-3C 4,X 150,000 4D 30
Type: Medium Laser Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2km/2.5km
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Blast Radius: 4m
Fire Control: 2D
G. Merr-Sonn Z-19C 4,X 300,000 5D 40
Type: Heavy Laser Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Atmosphere Range: 100-350/1.5km/3km
Space Range: 1-3.5/15/30
Blast Radius: 5m
Fire Control: 2D+2
H. Merr-Sonn LCMS-2C 4,X 5,000,000 See Missilee 30
Type: Light Concussion Missile Launcher
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1
Atmosphere Range: 200-1km2km/5km
Space Range: 2-10/20/50
Blast Radius: 12m
Fire Control: 2D
Capacity: 16
I. Concussion Missiles 3,X 1,000,000 8D .1
J. Golan Arms PTL-C 3,X 5,000,000 See Torpedo 10
Type: Light Proton Torpedo Launcher
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Space Range: 1/3/7
Blast Radius: 3m
Fire Control: 2D
Capacity: 20
K. Proton Torpedoes 3,X 2,000,000 9D .02

The above listed weights may be reduced (for Space Transports, Starfighters and Capitol Ships) by increasing the base price as follows:

Cost Increase Weight Reduction SF, ST/CS
x2 6%/4%
x2.5 10%/7%
x3 15%/10%
x4 20%/13%

Planetary Systems and Equipment

All items are Death Star scale except as noted

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Planetary Defense Shields
A. Strd 3,R(X) 2,000,000,000 1D (see below) N/A
Maximum rating in layers for entire planet: 5D. Special areas may go as high as 10D (Cities, Bases, etc). When planetary shields are up no ship can enter or leave the planet.
2 Weather Modification/Control System
A. Strd 2 750,000,000 N/A N/A
3 Sensors
A. EPR 2 6,000,000 N/A N/A
B. FST 2 10,000,000 " "
C. DER 2,F 12,000,000 " "
D. CGT 3,R 30,000,000 " "
E. HSI 2,R 40,000,000 " "
F. LFI 2,F 15,000,000 " "
G. S Jammer 3,R 25,000,000 " "
4 Solar Converters
A. Strd 2 12,000,000 N/A N/A
5 Tractor Beams Damage
A. Strd (FC: 1D) 3,R(X) 8,000,000 3D STR N/A
6 Heating/Refrigeration Systems
A. Strd 2 1,000,000 N/A N/A
7 Environmental Converters
A. Strd 2 6,000,000 N/A N/A
8 Fusion Reactor Systems
A. Strd 2,R 25,000,000 N/A N/A
9 Inner-City Mass Transit Systems
A. Strd 2 900,000,000 N/A N/A
10 Food Storage Facilities
A. Strd 1 40,000,000 N/A N/A
11 Waste Disposal Systems
A. Strd 1 200,000,000 N/A N/A
12 Security Systems
A. Strd (covers 500 cells) 2,F(R) 6,000,000 VAR N/A
B. Securtec One (1000) 3,R 10,000,000 " "
C. Secutec Two (5000) 3,R(X) 35,000,000 " "
D. Securetec Three (10,000) 3,R(X) 50,000,000 " "
13 Detention Blocks
A. Strd 2,F 5,000,000 N/A N/A
Each Block contains 200 cells and one Security Station.
14 Weapon Systems Damage
A. Atgar-7 Shocker 3,X 60,000 8D Ionization N/A
Type: Light Surface-to-Space Anti-Orbital Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 15
Body: 3D
Atmosphere Range: 60km/150km/300km
Fire Rate: 1/1
Fire Control: 3D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
B. KDY c-100 P-Defender 3,X 100,000 10D Ionization "
Type: Medium Surface-to-Space Anti-Orbital Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 20
Body: 4D
Atmosphere Range: 90km/175km/400km
Fire Rate: 1/1
Fire Control: 4D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
C. KDY v-150 Planet Defender 3,X 160,000 12D Ionization "
Type: Heavy Surface-to-Space Anti-Orbital Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 27
Body: 5D
Atmosphere Range: 100km/150km/2 Space Units
Fire Rate:1/1
Fire Control: 5D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
D. Comar C-104 Dual Tracker 3,X 30,000 4D "
Type: Medium Surface-to-Air Anti-Atmospheric Gun
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 2
Body: 2D
Atmosphere Range: 20-400/2km/12km
Fire Rate: 1/3
Fire Control: 3D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
E. Comar G-003 Tri-Tracker 3,X 50,000 5D "
Type: Medium Surface-to-Air Anti-Atmospheric Gun
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 2
Hull: 2D
Atmosphere Range: 20-600/3km/16km
Fire Rate: 1/3
Fire Control: 4D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
F. Comar K-750 Quad-Tracker 4,X 80,000 6D "
Type: Heavy Surface-to-Air Anti-Atmospheric Gun
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 3
Hull: 3D
Atmosphere Range: 30-800/4km/19km
Fire Rate: 1/3
Fire Control: 4D+2
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
G. Loronar System A1 3,X 400,000 5D "
Type: Medium Turbolaser Battery
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 4
Body: 3D
Atmosphere Range: 100/200km/3 Space Units
Fire Rate: 2/1
Fire Control: 1D
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
H. Loronar System I 3,X 800,000 6D "
Type: Heavy Turbolaser Battery
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 5
Body: 4D
Atmosphere Range: 100/250km/5 Space Units
Fire Rate: 2/1
Fire Control: 1D+1
Blast Radius: Target Vessel
15 Anticoncussion Fields
A. Srd 3,X 1,200,000,000 +3D N/A
The rating is added to the planets shields. Any damage a structure with this device receives is reduced by one level regardless of protection.

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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part five | Part Six