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Mines & Explosives
Jet Packs, Rocket Packs, Repulsor Packs and Boots


1 Common item Readily available throughout the known galaxy.
2 Uncommon item Available in large cities or spaceports.
3 Specialized item Available on planet of origin, but difficult to find elsewhere.
4 Rare item Difficult to find anywhere.
F Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R Restricted item on most planets, purchase/sale requires Imperial or other relevant license.
X Illegal on most planets, possession or use violates Imperial/local law with possible severe penalties. Specific permits may be available for authorized individuals.

General Price Guidelines

Animal, common 30+/-
Animal, livestock 500+/-
Animal, exotic 2000+
Artwork varies by type, etc.
Bacta 100/liter+/-
Fuel 50/kg+/-
Gemstones See list
Holovid 20+/-
Ore, common 200/kg+
Ore, rare 2000/kg+
Spice (illegal) 1000/kg+
Textiles 10/yard+
Water 4/liter+

Food, Lodging, Medical

Food (1 kg) Common: 10+/- Quality: 20+/- Exotic: 50+/-
Average human consumes 3kg per day
Lodging (1 day) Poor: 20+/- Good: 80+/- Luxury: 200+/-
Medical Care Medpac Treatment: 150 Long Term Care: 250/day Bacta Tank Healing: 300/12 hours

The following item lists can and should to be used during Character Creation. Once the campaign starts they can only be used as a reference as availability and price will vary.

Mines and Explosives

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Personnel Mines
A. Strd 2,X 300 5D 2
B. Disruptor T-34 3,X 600 6D "
2 Vehicle Mines (Speeder scale)
A. TXL Light Thunder 2,X 500 6D 3.5
B. TXL Thunder Clap (strd) 2,X 900 7D 4
All have a blast radius of 3-5/10/20 meters.
3 Explosive Charge/Remote
A. Strd 2,F 100 1D .2
Range for remote detonation is 400 meters.
4 Detonite
A. Strd 3,X 500/kg 1D/kg 1
Detonite does Speeder scale damage.
5 Thermite
A. Strd 3,X 900/kg 4D/kg 1
Thermite does Speeder scale damage.
6 Thernal Detonators (Here they are Psycho)
A. Light 3,X 1500 9D "
Skill: Thrown Weapons, Throwing Range: 3-4/7/12, Blast Radius: 0-2/8/12/20, Damage: 9D/7D/4D/1D.
B. Standard 3,X 2000 10D "
Skill: Thrown Weapons, Throwing Range: 3-4/7/12, Blast Radius: 0-2/8/12/20, Damage: 10D/8D/5D/2D.
C. Heavy 3,X 3500 11D 1.1
Skill: Thrown Weapons, Throwing Range: 3-4/7/12, Blast Radius: 0-2/8/12/20, Damage: 11D/9D/6D/3D.
C. Super Heavy 3,X 6500 12D 1.2
Skill: Thrown Weapons, Throwing Range: 3-4/7/12, Blast Radius: 0-2/8/12/20, Damage: 12D/10D/8D/4D.
7 Anti-Grav Field Bombs
A. XG-A1 (strd) 3,X 400 6D 8
B. XG-A2 4,X 800 7D "
8 Imperial Lift Mines (Speeder Scale)
A. DR-X55 (strd) 3,X 1000 4D 8
B. DR-X60 4,X 1200 5D "
C. DR-X70 4,X 2000 6D "
See Cracken's Rebel Field Guide for complete information.
Imperial Lift Mine
9 Defender Ion Mines (Starfighter Scale)
A. Strd 4,X 200,000 10D Ionization 450 Tons
These orbiting Ion Cannon Mines come with 5D Fire Control. Range: 5-3km/6km/10km
"When the Imperials blockade a planet, they scatter Defenders throughout the near space orbit of the world. It is nearly impossible to get through the blockade without encountering at least one of the mines."
-General Airen Cracken
The Defender ion mine was an automated space mine manufactured by Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. and used by the Galactic Empire. During a blockade, the mines would be scattered in a planet's orbit. Cloaking revvers and particle-beam scatter projectors worked to keep the mine invisible to starship sensors. A cluster of sensor rods enabled a Defender to detect nearby objects, though the mine would ignore anything less than four meters in diameter. When a ship came within 10 kilometers, the mine would use its ion cannon to disable the vessel.[1] After the target was incapacitated, the mine would send a transmission to its control station. A nearby customs vessel or other capital ship would then come to investigate. Defenders were nearly undetectable due to their small size and sensor countermeasures, making minefields containing Defender mines difficult to clear. Defenders were also used by the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, and planetary governments.
10 Imperial Atmospheric Explosive (Starfighter Scale)
A. Strd 4,X 350,000 10D Ionization +10D 375 Tons
Scale: Capitol Ship. These orbiting Ion Cannon Mines come with 5D Fire Control. Range: 50-4km/8km/14km. Move: 8 (during attack mode)
Imperial Atmospheric Explosive was a mine produced by Arakyd Industries and used by the Galactic Empire.
The mine drifted through the atmosphere, guided by sensors, which would home the mine into any enemy craft detected. The mine pursued the target with an advanced tracking system and repulsorlifts, closing to lethal range before detonating. It was fitted with an ion cannon to disable the ships it was chasing. The Imperial Atmospheric Explosive had an effective blast range of thirty meters.
11 -/+ Power Coupler Explosive
A. Strd 3,R 100 8D/6D/4D 1
Blast Radius: 2-5/10/15. This item is very unstable and requires a Moderate Demolitions roll to set. Failure causes detonation. Will automatically explode in three rounds even if the roll was successful.
12 Merr-Sonn LX-4 Proton Mine
A. Self-Detonating Perimeter Mine 2,X 750 6D 2
Scale: Character. Skill: Demolition. Blast Radius: (3-8/12/20 Damage: 6D/5D/4D/3D. Moderate Demolitions roll required to set sensors. Failure causes premature detonation. Blast Radius: 3-10/15/20 meters.
The main purpose of a proton mine is to establish a defensive perimeter. To do this effectively, a mine must be deadly against both enemy soldiers and vehicles. Such a weapon is Merr-Sonn Munition's LX-4 Proton Mine.
Typically buried about half-a-meter beneath the surface, the LX-4 is actually a refitted proton torpedo warhead attached to two sensors. The first, a gravity-sensitive sensor, scans for magnetic disturbances (such as those created by a large vehicle). The second, a thermal sensor, searches for body heat. Both sensors are programmed to detonate the LX-4 if they detect an intruder within five meters.
The biggest drawback to the LX-4 is it cannot be disarmed. Once implanted, an LX-4 can only be removed via detonation. The reasoning behind this traces back to the old LX-2 comlink mines. Originally thought of as impregnable, a spot inspection on Calonica found that fewer than 10 percent of the 50,000 LX-2 mines, buried around the Imperial capital, contained explosive charges. A follow-up investigation revealed that Rebel spies had somehow discovered the mine's secret com code, and were using it to deactivate the mines. Once deactivated, the Rebels dug them up, stole their charges, and then buried the mines back in the ground.
Source: Imperial Sourcebook (page 129)
13 Plasticene Thermite Gel
A. Gatrellis PT Cube 4,X 1000 p/kg 10D (see below) 1
Damage: 20D for a full kilogram per round, 2D per hundred grams per round; three rounds burning time for 0.50 kilograms application.
Game Notes: Ignition by detonator can be achieved by remote relay. Thermite gel can be shaped, molded, or stretched, and a full kilo can cover up to 20 square meters. A character must make a demolitions skill roll to correctly set the gel; the difficulty is based on how reinforced the target is (light doors require only a Very Easy total; reinforced bulkheads could require a Very Difficult total).
Source: Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations (page 84), Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 46), Pirates & Privateers (page 45), Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page 69)
14 Grenades
A. Concussion 2,R 200 5D 1
Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6/10. Thrown Range: 3-7/20/40.
B. BlasTech Nacht-5 (Lt. Smoke) A-C 25 N/A "
Range: 3-7/20/40. Smoke Radius: 0-3 Meters. Lasts for 5+1D6 rounds.
C. Heavy Smoke 2,R 175 4D "
Range: 3-7/20/40. The smoke produced covers a 10 x 10 Meter area and lasts for 5 +2D6 rounds.
D. Light Stun 2,F 250 4D "
May be set to go off on impact or from 5-45 seconds. The grenades are rechargeable. Range: 3-10/20/40. Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6/8.
E. Medium Stun 2,F 350 5D "
May be set to go off on impact or from 5-45 seconds. The grenades are rechargeable. Range: 3-10/20/40. Blast Radius: 0-3/5/6/10.
F. Heavy Stun 2,R 450 6D 1.2
May be set to go off on impact or from 5-45 seconds. The grenades are rechargeable. Range: 3-10/20/40. Blast Radius: 0-3/6/8/12.
G. Sonic Screamer 3,X 300 +5 To Target # "
H. Flash 3,R 200 4D 1
Damaging blast radius is only 4 meters but is point-blank and short range only. Flash area of effect is 20 meters. Blind for 1D6 rounds.
I. EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) 3,X 2450 5D "
Creates an EMP burst in a 20 meter radius that disrupts all unprotected equipment for 6-10 rounds.
J. Merr-Sonn Glop 2 275 N/A "
Damage (STR of glop): 6D/5D/3D. Blast Radius: 0-1/3/5. Range: 3-7/30/60.
K.G.A. Electronet RGL-80 2,F 2000 (mag) See below 1.2
Skill: Missile Weapons; Grenade Launcher. Ammo: 5 (force-fed magazine with power generator; attaches to grenade magazine holder). Range: 10-250/350/500. Damage: 1D-10D (stun or normal). This is a wire-guided grenade that launches a sticky webbing (one meter diameter at terminus). The damage can be set for each grenade and be either stun or normal. G.A. is short for Golon Arms.
Source: Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters (pages 82-83), Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 43)
L. Impact Webbing 2,F 250 5D (see below) 2
Skill: Grenade. Ammo: 10 tube. Range: 0-3/6/15. Blast Radius: 0-2 meters or being/creature engulfed. Damage: 5D (strength of webbing). Small round sphere the size of a marble. Easily breakable upon impact. NOTE: When the webbing comes in contact with air it expands and engulfs whatever it hits. This does not do damage. To break free, the target has to make a Strength roll higher then the damage roll. Each tube of webbing comes with a small stick of releasing catalyst good for 10 uses.
M. Seeker Bomb 3,X 6000 5D+Special 1
Programmed micro droid brain. Owner must have a special tight-beam transmitter installed in a replacement cybereye (2000/5000/10,000 for the transmitter, 1500/3250/7500 for the eye) so the bomb may be guided to a target (out to maximum range). If LOS is broken, tight-beam signal is jammed or the explosive reaches maximum range, the bomb detonates immediately. Range: 3-25/50/100. Damage: 5D/4D/3D plus 3D burning damage for 2 rounds following detonation. Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6/10.
15 Grenades per Case
A. Box of 12 See Type See Type See Type 12+
16 Grenades per Crate
A. Box of 48 (4 Cases) " " " 48+

Jet/Rocket/Repulsor Packs and Boots

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DAMAGE (if applicable)


1 Jet Packs
A. Strd (10 bursts) 2,F 250 N/A 4
B. TK Blaster (14) 2,F 500 " 4.5
C. Thruster-6 (20) 3,F(R) 750 " 5
All of the above can carry a single passenger 100 meters horizontally or 70 meters vertically. After every two bursts the engine must cool for one round. May carry up to 75 kg of cargo or another passenger, but distance is halved.
2 Rocket Packs
A. Nordian Hushpack JR-T1 2,R 500 N/A 5
Skill: Rocket Pack Ops. Each burst permits horizontal flight up to 450 meters and vertical lift up to 250 meters. Carries enough fuel for 10 bursts, but the pack must cool for one round after each use. The repulsorlift generator allows the pack to hover and has a Move of 15 (cannot be used in conjunction with the rocket blast). The repulsor unit can operate continuously for a maximum of 10 minutes; it must cool for twice as long as it was operating.
B. Greshnohr DRPV-78 3,R 600 " 5.5
Skill: Rocket Pack Ops. Each burst permits horizontal flight up to 475 meters and vertical lift up to 275 meters. Carries fuel for 12 bursts, but the pack must cool for one round after each use. The repulsorlift generator allows the pack to hover and has a Move of 15 (cannot be used in conjunction with the rocket blast). The repulsor unit can operate continuously for a maximum of 10 minutes; it must cool for twice as long as it was operating. The pilot is required to wear a helmet with this unit or run the risk of loosing his or her head.
3 Repulsor Packs
A. Strd 2,R 1000 N/A 3
105 meters per move/300 kmh. Up to 2.5 hrs per charge.
B. Nordian Repulse 12A 3,R 1200 " 3.5
120 meters per move/345 kmh. Up to 3 hrs per charge.
C. Zentarian Slip-Stream 3,R 1400 N/A 3
130 meters per move/370 kmh. Up to 3.5 hrs per charge.
4 Jump Boots
A. Strd 3,R 400 N/A 1.5
20 meters per move. A minimum and a maximum of two moves may be made per round. Up to 2 hrs per charge.
B. Nordian JB-12 3,R 600 N/A 1.6
25 meters per move. A minimum and a maximum of two moves may be made per round. Up to 2 hrs per charge.
C. Zentarian Jumper S1 3,R 900 N/A 1.8
30 meters per move. A minimum and a maximum of two moves may be made per round. Up to 2.25 hrs per charge.
D. Zentarian Jumper S2 3,R 1300 N/A 2
35 meters per move. A minimum and a maximum of two moves may be made per round. Up to 2.5 hrs per charge.
E. Zentarian Jumper S3 3,R 1700 N/A 2.2
40 meters per move. A minimum and a maximum of two moves may be made per round. Up to 2.75 hrs per charge.

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