1. Tremors in the Force: Jedi cause "tremors" whenever they use the Force; other Jedi can detect these ripples. A Jedi who sparingly uses the Force and then only uses it in a minor way creates the faintest ripples, detectable only by powerful Jedi at close ranges (maximum range of around 20 kilometers). However, a Jedi who often uses the Force in grandiose displays creates very noticeable ripples that can be detected by other Jedi at vast distances (the other side of the galaxy). In addition, when a Jedi reaches 5D in Control, Sense or Alter very powerful Jedi can sense the user crossing that threshold (the Emperor, Obi-One Kenobi, Yoda) no matter where they are in the galaxy. Don't forget about Order 66! 2. Raising Force Skills: Character Point Cost: Number before the "D." Double the character point cost without a teacher. Training Time: One day per Character Point spent if the character has a teacher. Two days per Character Point without a teacher. Training time may be reduced by one day for each additional Character Point spent (minimum of one day). Example 1: With a Master: Control: 4D+1. Cost to raise 1 pip - 4 CPs. Time spend to raise 1 pip - 4 days. Example 2: Without a Master: Control: 4D+1. Cost to raise 1 pip to 4D+2 - 8 CPs. Time spend to raise 1 pip - 8 days. 3. Force Powers: A Jedi may be taught a new power each time a Force skill is improved one pip. The new power is chosen by the teacher and must use the improved skill (for instance, a Jedi improving Control could not learn a power based solely on Alter). A character may be taught a Force power without improving a Force skill, but the character must spend five Character Points. A power that uses two Force skills counts as two powers when being taught. 4. Intuitive Powers: It is well known that some beings can push themselves to feats of great strength or endurance. Likewise, Jedi characters, when faced with an incredible challenge, may exhibit powers they had not previously learned. At the GM's discretion only, characters may be "granted" powers in exceptional circumstances. This reflects the Force's mystic and often unpredictable nature. GM's may grant the power for "free," require the Jedi to spend a number of Character Points or Force Points to learn the power, or set other conditions. GM's may grant a Jedi a power on a one-time basis to indicate the importance of a particular task, or to "reward" characters that have performed exceptionally well by allowing them to subconsciously learn a new power. 5. The Lure of the Dark Side: When a character with Dark Side Points uses a Force skill or a normal skill (for non-Jedi's), his skill roll gets a bonus of 1D per Dark Side Point. A Jedi (or normal character) may refuse this bonus, but the difficulties of all Force powers (and normal skills) will be increased by at least one difficulty level to reflect the intense concentration needed to avoid the Dark Side's temptations. A character that has been seduced by the Dark Side and has given in to it no longer receives this bonus. 6. Dark Side Characters: Returning to the Light. Dark Side characters can return to the light, but it is not easy. A Dark Side character must prove his commitment to the light by spending a Force Point in a selfless manner at a dramatically appropriate time. Often, this requires the character to make a heroic sacrifice. When a character is redeemed, the Dark Side exacts a final toll: he loses all Force Points and Character Points. The character's Dark Side Point total drops to five... He must atone to remove the remaining Dark Side Points or else he could very easily fall back under the sway of the Dark Side. The atonement process is long and difficult. Every two missions the character completes without any questionable acts is allowed to remove one Dark Side Point. If one mission is flawless and the second mission has even one act that is dark, both missions are lost and the Jedi must begin again. 7. Force Modifiers: Proximity and Relationship
![]() ![]() Back to Top 1. Black Market: The "Invisible Market" exists almost everywhere. Anything you can imagine can be had for a price. You just need to look in the right place and talk to the right being (again, for a price). Special items will be very hard to find. Black Market prices will be from x2 to x5 of the cost of the listed item. 2. Bonus Character Point Awards (added to CP slot during an adventure):
Destruction of the following (added to points received at the end of an adventure):
3. Imperial Credits (IC): They come in the following denominations: .1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 credit coins. All coins are the same size and shape but have their value printed on the face as a hologram and the Emperor's image printed on the obtuse. They are also holo-date stamped. Credit sticks are also available but leave an electronic "path" which can be traced. Their value is unlimited. 4. Fake ID's: These forged identities range tremendously in quality and between different forgers. Once contact has been made, you can chose between five ID Classes. A Class I ID can stand up to a causal inspection, whereas a Class V ID can stand up to a very thorough investigation. Once the ID is created, determine the forgery level by rolling a D6 and adding it to the ID Class modifier. This is the difficulty for someone to see through the ID. The costs shown on the table below are typical prices and are only meant as a guideline.
![]() ![]() Back to Top 1. Immortal Force Points: Immortals get one Force Point for every 100 kills, or .01 per kill. If they spend their Force Point – for evil or good – they will always get it back at the end of an adventure. Immortals can never gain extra Force Points. 2. Immortal Quickening Points: Immortals may have unlimited Quickening Points which can only be used in combat or special situations. 3. Note: There are additional details about Immortals that are explained on the Character Template. If you have questions look there first then ask the GM. ![]() ![]() Back to Top 1. Skills for Operating Powered Armor:
To get into or out of powered armor in a hurry requires the following Powersuit Ops roll: 1) Light Non-Powered/Powered Armor -- Difficult, 2) Medium NP/P Armor -- Very Difficult, 3) Heavy NP/P Armor -- Heroic. Failure means waiting until the next round to try again at the same difficulty. The character may not do anything else during the round except put on or remove the armor. If the armor explodes while the character is still in the suit they take 3D damage for Non-Powered and 5D damage for Powered Armor (or as listed with the armor) at point-blank range. 3. Powered Armor and Water: Will sink like a rock in water unless it is equipped for water operation. ![]() ![]() Back to Top 1. Engaging the Hyperdrive: All ships must fly 50 units away from a planet in order to engage the hyperdrive. This rule does not apply to ships with Warp capabilities. 2. Calculating Hyperspace Jumps: Calculating a route takes one minute if the character is using a well-traveled route or is using pre-calculated coordinates. In emergencies, a character can try to jump into hyperspace in one round instead of one minute. The astrogation difficulty is doubled and the character rolls each round until he either beats the difficulty number or suffers an astrogation mishap. Calculating a route between known systems takes about 10 minutes. These calculations take 1-3 hours if the ship has never jumped to the destination system before. If the character doesn't know where they are, it takes one day to determine the ship's current position and then compute hyperspace coordinates. 3. Starship Movement: Starship movement works just like vehicle movement. A ship can move once per turn. The pilot picks one of five speeds: cautious, normal, cruising, high, and all-out speed. The terrain difficulties are modified by speed, just as in vehicle movement. Acceleration and Deceleration: Starships may increase or decrease their speed one level per round. Maneuvers: Apply the same modifiers as for vehicle movement. Movement Failures: Use the same results as for vehicle movement failures. If a starship gets a "collision" result and there's nothing to run into, the ship goes spinning wildly out of control for the rest of the round and the next round. 4. Tractor Beams: A captured ship that doesn't resist can automatically be reeled in towards the attacker at five space units each round. If the target ship resists, roll the tractor beam's damage against the target ship's hull code. If the target ship's hull code roll is higher, the ship breaks free. If the tractor beam rolls equal to or higher than the target ship, find result on chart below.
5. Starship Damage: Lightly Damaged: Starships can be lightly damaged any number of times. Roll 1D to see which system is damaged for each hit taken.
Heavily damaged ships have taken a much more serious amount of damage. If a heavily damaged ship is lightly damaged or is heavily damaged again, it becomes severely damaged.
A severely damaged ship that is lightly damaged, heavily damaged or severely damaged again is destroyed.
Capitol Ships have length x 150 fuel cells as standard. This may be increased at a rate of one cell per .1 tons of cargo space. The fusion generators on board can recharge spent cells at a rate of one cell per hour. Stocklight Freighters have 100 fuel cells as standard. This may be increased at a rate of one cell per .1 tons of cargo space. A small fusion generator can recharge spent cells at a rate of one cell per day. Starfighters have 50 fuel cells as standard. This amount may not be increased. The small fusion generator carried on ships with R2 units can recharge spent cells at a rate of one cell per day. 7. Ship Fuel Consumption: One month of realspace travel uses one fuel cell. One hour of combat (or part thereof) uses one fuel cell. Each time a ship enters hyperspace it uses one cell. Every 12 hours (or part thereof) in hyperspace uses one cell. 8. Missile Weapons: In my opinion, the ranges for missile weapons are totally unrealistic. You have to be right on top of something to hit it! That is fine...unless you get a Target Lock! In my system, the ranges for Torpedoes and Concussion Missiles given by West End Games should be the range of the weapons to hit, firing without a Target Lock. Multiply the weapons ranges by ten for ranges of the weapons with a target lock. Here's how the mechanics work:
![]() ![]() Back to Top 1. Equipment Improvement Time:
All items that enhance a PC's skill or attribute cost an extra 3 CP's per pip. Every pip increase given to armor decreases Dexterity and all skills by the same amount. Dexterity Enhancements may be installed for an extra 3 CP's per pip of compensation. Powered armor does not need to be compensated for loss of Dexterity. No item may be improved beyond +2D (by a PC) except those with the appropriate Advanced skill(s). Purchased weapons cost 9 CP's to install and take double the normal amount of time. Spending extra CP's may reduce the time required. No Character Points need to be spent if someone else (an NPC) does the work. 2. Improving Vehicles, Vessels, and Weapons: Modification Limit: Stats may only be increased one "pip," one move level or one hyperdrive level at a time. Increases in the charts below reflect modification above the original stat. No system may be improved more than +2D, or more than four moves. It requires a Professional Mechanic to increase any item above +2D (max. of +3D). A new improvement roll can be made every month of game time. As with repairs, the costs are a percentage of the item's original value; if someone else does the work, double or triple the cost. Hyperdrives and Maneuvering Thrusters: The difficulty and cost depends upon the old hyperdrive modifier compared to the new one. Failures on these rolls could permanently damage the hyperdrive, or cause it to function sporadically.
3. Armament Rating: The scale used to measure the offensive and defensive nature of a starship. The basic scale is: