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House Rules, Part I

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This is Page 1 or 4 that is required reading for all players as they contain most of my House Rules and Basic Game Rules.

34 BBY The Player Characters begin their adventures.

Current Timeline: 112.1.12 or the first month of 34 BBY as of 3/14/20

For a calendar and current date, go to the Galactic Calendar page.

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The Full Might of the Empire needs better explaining. What this means is that the GM does not pull any punches on either side. All Dice rolls are what they are. If the Party faces an Antagonist and they do not work together they stand a really good chance of dying. It is highly recommended the PC's use Character Points and Force Points. That's what they are there for. Just remember to use them heroically where possible.

Standard Rules for skills are now being used. This means that there are 3 pips for every Dice throughout the game. Everything on this site has been updated. Our Heroes were also changed to reflect this. If you have any questions at all, about anything, email the Gamemaster.

Cursing: A Player using swear words during a game session will be penalized 10 points per swear word after the first. If you must swear use Star Wars Approved Curse Words and Slang or make them up. All points lost will be given to the party's current or next Antagonist to be spent immediately.

Nudity: This will not be allowed in any form. This means images.

First Time = Warning, Second Time = asked to leave the game.

Sexual Content: No excessive sexual content. This includes lesbianism and homosexuality, which will not be tolerated in any form. This site and the game are rated PG for Pretty Good.

First Time = Warning, Second Time = asked to leave the game.

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1. Modified Star Wars D6 SE: The game will be based on the modified version of West End Games' D6 Second Edition rules (traditional heroes campaign) and starts 12 years before the Battle of Yavin. Your actions can and will change events in the galaxy at large. Even the main characters from the movies are not completely immune. This game will progress round by round during combat or as needed for clarification. Maps will be made available if time permits.

Any ideas for adventures or anything else, are always welcome. Just email the GM.

2. In Character/Out Of Character: [IC]/[OOC]
When a Player's Character is speaking the player needs to state if they are talking In Character or Out Of Character so the GM will know how to properly respond. It is recommended that the tilda '~' character be used for a Player Character's thoughts, but is not required. Note that if any post is not labeled with IC or OOC it will be assumed to be IC and responded to accordingly.

3. Posting: A minimum of 1 post per week is desired under normal circumstances. More is best if at all possible. This goes for the GM as well. Real Life (RL) always takes priority. A quick note to the GM would be appreciated. The GM will notify the group if he is not going to post for more than a week.

4. Dice Rolls: All rolls will be handled by the GM using a Dice-Rolling Program. Images of the results will be emailed if requested. However, during combat all rolls will be included so those that need to will be able to see the results.

5. Character Points: Any extra Character Points earned during a scene can be added to the CP's the Character has, but will not be added to the CP Slot on the Web Site until the next update. Any other updates to characters will also be added at that time.

6. PC Gear: Player's can go to the PC Gear page and select any additional equipment you may want or need for your character. You may also use other Star Wars sites for weapons and equipment, but they must be approved first (please include the URL to the page). The gear list may be used during Character generation only. Once the campaign is underway, it may be used only as a reference. The exchange of any gear has to be equal in price. Ex: trading in a Blaster Pistol that costs 450 IC for a Heavy Blaster Pistol costing 750 IC would not be allowed unless the difference in cost is paid, usually in starting credits. A trade for the same blaster pistol for 450 IC cash or anything up to the same value would be ok. Money left over is cash in your pocket.
Once the Player Character has started the game all prices will vary according to location and availability.

7. PC Vehicles and Ships: Will also be available for players that start with a vehicle or ship, or they start with or earn enough credits to select a vehicle or ship. The Vehicles section is up but incomplete. However, there are currenty 39 vehicles to choose from. The Ships section is now available, though limited in its selection. The GM has Word files of additional ships that can be emailed if requested. As above, other Star Wars sites can be used for examples and stats (after approval). Note that if the vehicle you want is not listed you will need to email the GM and make a request. Providing an image and a link to the vehicle in question will be very helpful.

8. Schools: Characters are allowed to go to schools if available and the character has the required amount of time. Scmhools add character points to skills and give out skills a PC may not have at a substantially reduced rate. Point costs for schools are low and can be paid back over time. A maximum of 100 CP's can be owed. 50% of all earned points will go towards paying this amount back, spread over adventures played.

Here is an example of a school:

Name of School: NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) LEADERSHIP I
Instructor: LT. Norva
Length: 3 Weeks
CP Cost: 5 CP's
Skill Bonuses: PER: Command +2, Persuasion +1, STR: Stamina +1, KNO: Survival +2, Tactics +1, Willpower +1
Notes: Enlisted Only. Must have before T-2.

If, based on the above school, a character did not have Persuasion, they would gain the skill at their Base Attribute and then add +1 pip to the skill.

9. Antagonists: Extra Character Points are given out for defeating Antagonists called Kill Bonus points. These points are only awarded to those characters who helped play some roll in their defeat.

10. Character Event Tracking: It would be extremely helpful if each Player helped the GM by keeping track of specific events that involve the PC(s) they are running. Things like where they are, what happened to them, CPs earned, DSPs earned, FPs earned, who they may have killed, items purchased or discovered, etc. That way, if there is a question about something, the Player and GM can compare notes and come to an agreement.

Unless the Player has made special arrangements in advance with the GM, the PCs listed on the site will be used as the most current.

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GM NOTE: Following is a list of character types that will NOT be allowed:
  • Dark Side Characters (Hey, this is a Heroes Campaign, but there can be rare exceptions)
  • Time Lord (way over the top!)
  • Green Lantern, Spider Man or any other Comic Book Super Hero. I've tried to adapt them, but they are just too powerful.
  • BattleTech. Too much information to learn in order to adapt them in.
  • RoboTech. No one has ever been interrested so they have been removed.
  • Any other type the GM does not want in the game or feels that it would over balance play.
Note, however, that the GM is always open to suggestions for new Character Types. Any new Character Type will be Play-Tested before fully accepted so that modifications can be made to the character type to make it work in the game.
  1. Party Character Type Limits: The Party may have only one of each of the following character types: Space Marines, Immortals, Calidus Assassins and Ancients. The Party may not have more than two Jedi's in the group at the start of a campaign. There may be one Force Sensative in addition to the two Jedi. There may also be as many Force Attuned character's in the group as desired. These restrictions do not apply once the campaign is underway.
  2. Force Sensitive Restrictions: Coynites, Houk, Klingons and Wookiees (some exceptions can be made) cannot be Force Sensitive. Gotals may be Force Sensitive but their cones will become desensitized and no longer function. PC's, other than those listed above, may choose to become Force Sensitive after the campaign starts for 20 Character Points.
  3. * Starting Character Point Bonus: Every PC will receive an extra 20 Character Points to customize their character. Backgrounds can provide an additional 5-20 CP's based on the detail and the content. Once the Campaign has started the Character Points received will increase based on how far along the Character's have moved in the Timeline.
  4. Character Point Slot: No more than 20 CP's may be placed in the Character Point slot at the beginning of a campaign or at any time until they join a Resistance Group, another faction or the Republic Military or similar group (PC's get 10 free at the start). Once the Party joins their preferred group they may have up to 30 CP's in the slot. The only way to have more than 20/30 is to earn them while gaming. All remaining CP's go in the Extra Character Point slot to be used to raise skills and such between adventures.
    NOTE: Once the Clone Wars have begun the PC's may have as many Character Points in the Character Point Slot as they wish.
  5. Dark Side Point Bonus: A bonus of 10 CP's will be given for each Dark Side Point taken, to a maximum of five (Immortals are exceptions to this; see notes on that character type for details). All DSP's must to be explained in detail in the character background or they will NOT be allowed.
  6. Cyber Point Bonus: A bonus of 5 CP's will be given for each Cyber Point taken. All cybernetics must be the standard, unmodified type. However, if a PC desires something different they will have to discuss it in detail with the GM. Terms should be made to benefit both the Player and the GM.
    NOTE: The more cyber points a character has, the harder it will be to call upon the Force (i.e. spend a Force Point).
  7. Beginning Skill Limits: All beginning characters get 7D to spend on skills. A maximum of 1D of the initial 7D may be used for specializations. The 1D is equal to three specialized skills, which get 1D added to each of them above the original skill (or Attribute if they don't have the base skill). No skill may be above 6D (with the exception of Specialization's and alents, which can be up to 8D) at the beginning of any campaign.
    Example: Harry has 4D Dexterity with 4D in Blaster. He opts to place 2D in Blaster to make it 6D, which is the maximum he can have without Specializing, as in (s)Blaster: DL-44. If he were to add the full 1D here he would actually add 2D as Specialized skills add double in this manner, and cost half (rounded up) when raising them during game play.
  8. Beginning Attribute Limits: Beginning characters are not allowed to raise Attributes with the exception of moving a maximum of 3 pips (1D) around, not to exceed Racial Maximum of the Attribute for the Species. Note that this rule does not apply if a character is joining the campaign already in progress and has GM permission.
  9. Standard Equipment List: This may be used during Character Generation only. Click here to go to that section. Once the campaign is underway, it may be used only as a reference. All prices will vary according to location and availability. Black Market prices will be from 2 to 5 times higher and will also be based on location and availability. Some items on the Black Market may actually be less then the standard price.
  10. Jedi Abilities: Jedi PC's may choose their own Force Powers based on a good background. Be sure not to select a power that requires another first unless that one is also selected. Jedi's cannot use Force powers while sleeping. However, they will get a resistance roll as required. A Force-using PC who becomes a "Jedi" in deed, or through an honorary title, may learn Force Powers through the Force. To do so requires the Jedi to try to use the power of his or her choice. If successful 10 times (with a +5 modifier for not mastered and a +10 reduced by 1 each time down to a +1 for not being known) the Force will give the Jedi whatever power was chosen. However, any Jedi who currently has Dark Side Points cannot learn Force Powers in this manner. See also "Force Notes."
  11. Innate Abilities: See chart in the House Rules Part 4 section for complete information. The maximum allowed is two per character at the start of the Campaign. More may be added later on. Innate Abilities are optional. You cannot use both Innate Abilities and Character Advantages and Disadvantages at the same time until after your character has joined the group.
  12. Character Advantages and Disadvantages: This new lising of additional character traits can be used instead of Innate Abilities. You cannot use both Innate Abilities and Character Advantages and Disadvantages at the same time until after your character has joined the group.
  13. Prestige Classes (PrC's): There are Jedi and non-Jedi Prestige classes available. Any restrictions are listed with that class. A character may gain a maximum of 5 PrC's. Only one PrC made be raised or added between adventures.
  14. Star Trek PC Types: The different types of PC's that can have a Star Trek background are below:
    • Federation Klingon
    • Federation Officer (Human, but others can be created with GM approval)
    • Half Betazoid
    • Klingon
    • Shape Shifter (Comuloid)
    • Vulcan
  15. Star Trek Ship Notes: The PC's group may have only one Star Trek ship (with a few exceptions) in the Party. One large ship (such as a Galaxy class or a Klingon Greater Bird) or up to two small ships (Runabout [1 only], shuttles [2], etc).
    For information regarding Star Trek Equipment and Ships, see Star Trek Items. Be advised that this section is still under construction and will have limited items.
  16. Ambidexterity:
    Character Point Cost:
    If the character's Dexterity is 4D or greater, the cost is 7 character points.
    If the character's Dexterity is 3D to 3D+2, the cost is 15 character points.
    If the character's Dexterity is 2D+2 or less, the cost is 30 character points.
    Training Time: The training time is 1 week (5 days) per character point spent, with a minimum of 1 month (35 days). Extra CP's can be spent to reduce training time down to the 1 month minimum at the rate of 1 CP per day. There is no teacher required for this process.
  17. Simultaneous Attack (DEX):
    Normally, if a character were to perform this type of action, the character would be at -1D for an additional action, and if firing with an off hand, is at additional +5 to the difficulty. This skill, however, enables the user to wield two weapons at the same time, and dispenses with the confusion of the old system.

    When a character attempts to use two weapons as mentioned above, the rules consider the handedness of the character, and number of actions taken. Handedness is determined at time of character creation, or after a character has spent character points to become ambidextrous.

    If a character is not ambidextrous, and a second weapon is used, the character's off hand incurs a +5 to the difficulty of the weapon used.

    Multiple actions incur a -1D for each additional action. Using this skill eliminates this penalty.

    This skill acts as a dice cap to the weapon skills used. Basically this means that the wielder of the weapons uses either this skill, or the appropriate weapon skill, whichever is lower.

    The multi-action action penalty is removed and the use of both weapons in one segment is considered one action. The only difference is that a skill roll is made for each weapon, but at no penalty for multiple actions.

    Example: The gambler Ace Knight has gotten himself into a bit of trouble after winning a hand of Sabacc against the Bounty Hunter U'das Don, whose profit from his last hunt was at stake. Ace has drawn his two blaster pistols and begins his attack. He has declared 2 actions, the first being a shot from each of his blasters. The second action is Dodge. Ace's skill in Blaster is 6D, and his Simultaneous Attack skill is 5D. When Ace fires at the Bounty Hunter using both blasters, his Simultaneous Attack skill is used, as it is the lower of the two. Ace is ambidextrous and consequently does not suffer the +5 for his off-hand weapon. Ace's player rolls his Simultaneous Attack skill of 5D [-1D due to Dodge skill being used in the same round, not because of the weapons], twice - once for each weapon - at no action penalty. Damage is calculated separately.

    There are many specializations of this skill, but three of the most common are Simultaneous Attack: Blaster with Blaster, Melee with Melee, and Melee with Blaster. Another specialization is that of Simultaneous Attack: Lightsabre with Lightsabre. When this skill is used, the character's Sense skill (at -2D as per the Lightsabre Combat power) is added to both attacks as per a normal attack.

    A character that does not have the Simultaneous Attack skill uses his base Dexterity attribute instead.
  18. Skill Advancement Table

  19. Raising Skills: Skills used during adventures may be raised during Down Time without training. Skills not used during an adventure need an instructor and training time. Three days training per pip up to 4D. One week training per pip with skills between 4D and 7D. Above 7D, the training time is two weeks per pip. The training time may be reduced one day per CP spent to a minimum of one day for skills below 4D. Training time can be reduced one day per CP spent to a minimum of 3 days for skills at 4D to 7D. Skills 7D and higher can be reduced to a minimum of 1 week. Training time and Character Point cost will be doubled without an instructor.
  20. Adding New Skills: Any new skill can be added if attempted during and adventure or through training with an instructor. This includes Attribute skill use that governs the skill in question. The cost is 5 Character Points to gain the skill at the Attribute level.
  21. Adding/Raising Specialized Skills: The base skill is not required to add specialized skills. The cost of adding a Specialized skill is 3 CPs plus enough CPs to raise the Specialization one additional pip above the governing Attribute or Base Skill if owned. Example: Dexterity 3D, Blaster 4D. Jerod wants to add (s) Blaster: Blaster Pistol. He would pay 3 CPs for the skill plus an additional 2 CPs to get the skill at 4D+1. Note that raising Specialized skills cost half as much as normal skills, rounded up, once purchased.

    NEW SPECIALIZED SKILL RULE: Specialized skills can now be raised when the Base skill is raised (original rules stated they raise individually once purchased). Note that this rule is optional. Here is how this will work...
    When a Base Skill is to be raised the Player has the option to raise as many specialized skills under it as they can afford at a substantially reduced cost.

    Example: Blaster 6D, (s) Blaster: Heavy Plaster Pistol 6D+1, (s) Blaster: Blaster Rifle 7D.

    Blaster raised from 6D to 7D - Cost: 18 CPs.
    (s) Blaster: Heavy Plaster Pistol raised from 6D+1 to 7D+1 - Cost: 1/2 r/u = 10 /3 = 4 CPs r/u
    (s) Blaster: Blaster Rifle raised from 7D to 8D - Cost: 1/2 r/u = 11 /3 = 4 CPs r/u

  22. Adding/Raising Advanced Skills: May be learned if the prerequisite(s) is(are) met and the PC pays 10 CP's to get the Advanced skill at 1D. Training time with an instructor is one week per Character Point spent. Training time without an instructor is 2 weeks per CP spent. Cost is the number before the "D" x2 with an instructor and x4 without one. Training time may be reduced one day per CP spent to a minimum of two weeks.
    Note: Specialized Advanced skills still cost 10 CPs to gain the Advanced skill, but also require the base Advanced skill. Example: To gain (A) Medicine: Cyborging the Character must first raise (A) Medicine 1D to 3D. Once 3D is reached the Character pays 10 CPs to purchase the new Advanced Specialization. Note that, as this is a Specialization of an Advanced skill, the cost to raise it is halved. (i.e. (A) Medicine: Cyborging 1D to (A) Medicine: Cyborging 1D+1 costs only 1 CP)
  23. Raising Attributes: The cost is the number before the "D" times 10. All skills under the attribute raise with the exception of Advanced skills. Training time is one month for Attributes below 4D. Above 4D, training time is two months. Note that no Attribute can be raised above the species maximum. The only exception is through cybernetics.
  24. Move Increase: The same as raising an Attribute with a one-week minimum. Cost for raising the Move Rate is the current value. Example: 10 Move to 11 Move costs 10 CP's and 5 weeks training time with an instructor (45 extra CP's reduce training time to 1 week), 20 CP's and 10 weeks without an instructor. Move Rate cannot be increased above species amaximum. The only exception is through cybernetics.
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1. Character Point spending other than increasing skills:
  • Up to two CP's for any Skill or Attribute use.
  • Up to five CP's on any Dodge, Vehicle Dodge, Melee Combat (parry) or Brawling Combat (parry) attempts.
  • Up to five CP's when using a skill Specialization or Talent.
  • Up to two CP's to increase the damage of an attack. PC will get a Dark Side Point if used on another being but will not get one if used on a vehicle (empty) or droid. Increasing Stun Damage will not give the character a Dark Side Point.
  • Up to five CP's to increase Strength for resisting damage.
Wild Die: The Wild Die is used for all rolls, including Damage and Initiative.
The Wild Die acts like a random number in that a "1" can subtract itself, along with the highest die, from the total; or it is rolled normally (determined by a GM roll to see what happens). A "6" on the other hand, adds itself and allows for another roll (any number) to be added as well. If another 6 is rolled then another dice roll is made until no more sixes are rolled; that is then the new total.

If a "1" is rolled on the Wild Die, Character Points can be spent to "offset" the bad roll. The number rolled determines how well the PC recovers. A Complication may also happen regardless of the number of extra CP's spent. See chart below.

Roll What happens...
1 "Really bad" Complication
2 Complication
3-5 Take away the wild die and the highest die rolled
6 Nothing

2. Normal Stuns & Wounds:
  • Stunned: -1D for the remainder of the round and the entire next round. Even after the Stun goes away it is still affecting the PC for 30 minutes unless that character rests for one minute. If a character is being affected from a number of Stuns equal to that character's Strength dice, the character will fall unconscious for 2D (2-12) minutes. A character making an Easy first aid total can revive an unconscious character.
  • Wounded: -1D wound causes character to be knocked back one meter and lose all saved actions for the round.
  • Wound Twice: -2D wound causes character to fall prone and lose all actions for the rest of the round and the next.
  • Incapacitated: -2D wound causes character to be knocked back 1-3 meters and fall unconscious for 10D minutes. A character making a Moderate first aid total can revive an incapacitated character. The incapacitated character is now awake, but is groggy, cannot use skills, and can only move at half his "cautious" rate (or 1/4 normal Move rate). Using a Fast Flesh Medpac will heal the Character based on the roll.
  • Mortally Wounded: -3D wound causes character to be knocked back 1-3 meters and fall unconscious. At the end of each round the GM will roll 2D. If the roll is less than the number of rounds the character has been Mortally Wounded, the character dies. A medpac used on a character at this wound level will only temporarily stabilize the being for 30 minutes. Use of a Fast Flesh medpac will stabalize the being for 1 hour.
A Jedi may use Transfer Force on a being up to -5D (Space Marines: -6D). This will stabilize the victim for 6 weeks at -4D by placing them in a Force-induced stasis. This is, of course, extremely heroic as it allows time to get the victim to proper medical facilities. Also note that the Jedi will get the Force Point back and another at the end of the mission.

3. Critical Injuries:

When rolling for damage, a 6 on the Wild Die can be either re-rolled as normal or used as a Critical Injury. If the Wild Die is re-rolled and results in a 6 then the same choice can be made.

A Stunned Critical Injury lasts for the rest of the round and for the next round and can be healed by a medpac. Treat as normal.
A Wounded Critical Injury lasts until healed and can be healed by a medpac. Treat as one level higher for the difficulty to heal.
An Incapacitated Critical Injury lasts until healed and must be healed by Bacta Tank/Surgery. Treat as one level higher for the difficulty to heal.
A Mortally Wounded Critical Injury lasts until healed and must be healed by Bacta Tank/Surgery. Treat as two levels higher for the difficulty to heal.

Critcal Stun

Roll 1D
Roll Results
1 Slowed Down: Suffers an additional -1D to initiative rolls.
2-3 Sudden Jolt: Character must make a Moderate Strength roll or drop whatever they are holding.
4 Distracted: Character cannot perform any free actions.
5 Off Balance: Movement Rate is reduced by 2.
6 Stinger: Increase the difficulty of next action by one level.

Critcal Wound/Wounded Twice

Roll 2D
Roll Results
2-3 Head Ringer: Increases the difficulty of all KNOWLEDGE/PERCEPTION rolls made by this character by one level.
4-5 Fearsome Wound: Increases the difficulty of all STRENGTH rolls made by this character by one level.
6-7 Agonizing Wound: Increases the difficulty of all DEXTERITY rolls made by this character by one level.
8-9 Dazed: Character cannot perform multiple actions in a round.
10 Hamstring: Movement rate is halved.
11 Overpowered: Character defenses are overwhelmed. Attacker may attack again without a multiple action penalty.
12 Winded: Character is automatically the last to go in a round regardless of the initiative roll.

Critical Incapacitation

Roll 1D
Roll Results
1-2 Crippled: One of the character's limbs is crippled until healed or replaced. -3D to all actions using this limb.
3 Deafness: Difficulty for any auditory-based skill or attribute checks is increased by five difficulty levels. If medical treatment is not received before 2D Days has elapsed, the deafness is permanent.
4 Horrific Injury: Roll 2D. 1-3 Knowledge, 4-5 Perception, 6-7 Mechanical, 8-9 Technical, 10-11 Dexterity, 12 Strength. That attribute is reduced by 1D until this critical injury is healed.
5 Temporarily Lame: Movement rate is reduced by 7.
6 Blinded: Difficulty for any vision-based skill or attribute checks is increased by five difficulty levels. If medical treatment is not received before 2D Days has elapsed, the blindness is permanent.

Critical Mortal Wound
A Critically wounded character who is Incapacitated or Mortally Wounded again is killed. A character making a Moderate first aid total can "stabilize" a mortally wounded character. The character is still mortally wounded but will survive if a medpac or bacta tank is used on him within one hour (Moderate first aid total); otherwise, he dies. (This is different from healing a character with a medpac; see "4. Natural Healing".)

Roll 1D
Roll Results
1 Maimed: One of the character's limbs is permanently lost. Until it is replaced no actions can be performed with that limb.
2 Gruesome Injury: Roll 2D. 1-3 Knowledge, 4-5 Perception, 6-7 Mechanical, 8-9 Technical, 10-11 Dexterity, 12 Strength. That attribute is permanently reduced by 1D.
3 Paralysis: Character is rendered completely immobile, though he remains conscious. If the character does not receive medical attention, the paralysis becomes permanent after 1D Days elapses.
4-5 Internal Bruising/Bleeding: Character suffers a -2D penalty to Strength to resist damage and must receive medical attention before the effects wear off; failure to receive treatment results in the character's death within 36 hours.
6 The end is Nigh: Instead of rolling 2D the character rolls 1D at end of every round to determine death.

4. Natural Healing: Characters who are Wounded Twice must rest for three days before rolling to heal. Use the chart for wounded characters to determine whether they heal.

5. Severe Wounds: If your character takes a -3D wound in one hit, all equipment (for area affect blasts, but depending on weapon used) must roll a Body roll to see if it gets destroyed. However, PC's may spend up to two Character Points per weapon/item to help them survive. All weapons and gear get to roll their Body against applicable damage.

6. Maiming: This optional rule will be used. The target can opt to loose a limb instead of dying at the cost of a Force Point.

7. Medpacs: May heal one level of wound per medpac. The difficulty increases one level for each medpac used after the first. If the same medpac is used twice raise the difficulty two levels. No medpac can be used more than twice.

8. Fastflesh Medpacs: Using a fastflesh medpac allows the use of addition medpacs and reduces the difficulty level by one.

9. Bacta Tanks: Bacta is a specially formulated treatment liquid which promotes rapid healing and acts as a disinfectant. The attending physician can use the tank's computers to inject surface medicines into the bacta fluid, inject medicines into the bloodstream or dispense them orally.

Characters must have the (A) Medicine skill to use a bacta tank (formally known as a rejuvenation tank). On most planets, only licensed doctors can administer bacta treatments. A Very Easy Medicine skill roll is necessary to use a bacta tank - regardless of the wound level. If the roll is made, the character will heal - it's just a matter of time.

A character attempting to use a bacta tank without the medicine skill must make a Heroic first aid or Technical roll. If the roll is failed, the patient's wound level increases by two.

If the roll is successful, the healing time is dependant upon the severity of the character's injuries.

Character is: Treatment Time:
Wounded 1D Hours
Wounded Twice 2D Hours
Incapacitated 4D Hours
Mortally Wounded 2D Days

* 10. Accuracy Bonus

Result Points Accuracy Bonus
1-3 +1
4-6 +2
7-8 +1D
9-11 +1D+1
12-13 +1D+2
14-15 +2D
16-20 +2D+1
21+ +1 pip every 3 points above 21

11. Short and Point-Blank Rules In affect from the start of the "Full Might of the Empire" for every campaign (includes all energy weapons). Damage goes to the weapon. Short Range hits -- being is at -2D automatically. Point-Blank Range hits -- being is at -3D automatically. A Strength roll above the damage roll (including any armor worn, if allowed) will lessen the effects according to the damage chart on the GM Screens. A copy of the charts can be found

12. Called Shots: Attackers can make a "called shot" against a small target. Add +1D to the difficulty for a target 10 to 50 centimeters long (4 to 20 in.). Add +4D for a target one to 10cm (.5 to 4 in.). Add +8D for a target less than 1cm. Successful hits will add +1D, +2D or +3D damage respectively.

13. Weapon Strengths: All weapons (except Star Trek) resist damage with a Strength of 2D unless otherwise noted for the weapon.

14. Automatic Blaster Rules: When firing on "full auto", or long burst, the weapon may be fired twice that round (unless specified otherwise). There is an additional -1D penalty to all actions that round, and no other attacks or piloting rolls may be made, and only one (1) reaction skill (Dodge, etc). Short bursts are treated just like any other shot. It is a simple action to switch between firing modes. When fired in burst or full auto, there is a +2 added to the difficulty to hit if the basic Blaster skill (or a specialty other than those that follow) is used. These specializations are not used to fire in semi-auto (normal fire) rate.
  • (s) Blaster: Auto Pistol - Used to fire selective fire blaster pistols. In single-shot mode use the regular Blaster skill.
  • (s) Blaster: Auto Carbine - Used to fire selective fire blaster carbines. In single shot mode use the regular Blaster skill.
  • (s) Blaster: Auto Rifle - Used to fire selective fire blaster rifles. In single shot mode use the regular Blaster skill.
  • (s) Blaster: Auto Cannon - Used to fire selective fire blaster cannons. These weapons usually do not have single shot mode. However, if they do, use the regular Blaster skill.
Blaster replaces Command as the skill of choice. If you are going to concentrate your fire on a single target, then use your Blaster skill to combine the damage using the combined actions rules to determine how many hit the target. This takes only one roll.
If you are going to be spraying fire around, then you must roll individually for each shot. Once a shot from a burst hits, each additional shot on the same target, or an adjacent one (less than 1m away), is one level of difficulty lower. If you want to try to hit a target with part of a burst, then you must state how many from that burst are going to be hitting each target, then roll your Blaster skill as described above. If your targets are more than a meter apart but are in about the same general range (+/-10m range from the initial target), one shot must be wasted for each meter of lateral traverse (unless it is modified as a "Smart" weapon.). Then re-roll to hit the next target.

15. Weapons Set on Stun: To set a weapon to stun during combat takes one action. Stun damage is the same number of "D" of the weapon (i.e.; a Heavy Blaster Pistol does 5D normal and 5D stun damage). On a successful hit treat all results above Stunned as "Unconscious." The character is knocked out for a number of rounds equal to the number of damage points taken (over their Strength roll) in dice.

16. Weapon Scales: When using the scale rolls, apply the difference between the two scales: this is now called the "adjusted modifier."

Weapon Scale
Scale Modifier Difference
Character N/A N/A
Speeder 2D 2D
Walker 4D 2D
Starfighter 8D 4D
Capitol 14D 6D
Death Star 24D 10D

17. Suppression Fire: Suppression fire is intended to keep your opponent's heads down while you're on the move or you're providing covering fire for an ally. This makes it difficult and somewhat dangerous for your opponents to return fire.

A character may opt to provide suppression fire while declaring his/her actions for the turn if your side is going first. The player must decide how many suppressive shots he/she will fire on top of any other actions for that round. Suppression fire shots have a difficulty value of Difficult and are worked out in the normal manner. For each successful suppressive fire shot for the action phase add +1 to the difficulty for the opponents returning fire in that phase. In addition, any opponent who fumbles their returning fire shot has mistimed getting up and has been hit by the blaze of fire. To work out the damage, select the highest to hit roll made by the suppressing side in that action phase and work out damage as normal. If multiple people fumble then descend through the to hit rolls. In the situation where the number of fumbles out weighs the number of weapons being used by the suppressive side, work out fumbles as normal.

18. Combined Actions:
Combined actions are used when groups of characters work together to accomplish a single task. Aside from working on the task, the only other thing a combining character can do is use reaction skills. The character with the highest Command or Perception is the leader. He can only command as many characters as he has in Command skill dice. If he's supervising only, he rolls his full Command skill. If he's commanding and working on the task, this counts as two actions and he suffers a -1D penalty to his Command roll.

Select a Command difficulty based on the difficulty of the task, the skill of the characters involved and how well they work together (use your judgment). If the Command roll is successful, the combined action bonus is +1D for every three characters combining. Add a +1 for one "extra" character and a +2 for two "extra" characters.

If the commander fails the roll, subtract 1D from the bonus for every point the roll failed by (a bonus cannot go below 0D).
The combined action bonus is added to the character with the highest skill that is working on the task.

If a group of characters are combining actions on a combat task, the bonus can be split between the attack roll and the damage roll. If a task requires two or more skill rolls, the bonus can be split up among any of these rolls.

19. Surprise:
Accomplished by having the attacker roll Sneak and the defender roll Search or Perception. Jedi's can use Life Detection instead of Search or Perception if the power is up and their roll beats the Control or Perception roll of the sneaking target(s).

20. Dodge's and Parry's:
Always used (if declared) regardless of when a PC, NPC or Enemy goes during a round (except for surprised characters). If you are defending (melee combat) against someone who does not have a weapon in-hand, and you do, +5 is added to your roll. If you are defending (brawling combat) against an attacker with a weapon, the attacker adds +10 to their roll to hit you. The previous penalties and bonuses work the other way if your character is the one attacking.

21. Movement:

Move Rate Modifier
Cautious 1/2 normal move
Normal normal move
Fast 2x move rate
High 3x move rate
All-Out 4x move rate

Note for Cautious (Free) move: No action cost but it must be stated with all other declared actions or it cannot be used that round. Partial move rate is anything from 1/2 to full move speed.

Acceleration and Deceleration:
Characters may increase or decrease their movement speed up to two levels per round. Vehicles may increase or decrease their movement speed up to one level per round.

Long Distance Movement:
All-out movement takes its toll after extended periods of time. Characters or animals going all-out must make Stamina rolls every minute. The first difficulty is Very Easy; increase the difficulty one level for each additional roll. If the character fails the roll, they must rest for twice as long as they were moving all-out.

High-speed movement requires Stamina rolls once every 10 minutes. The first roll is Very Easy and increases one difficulty level for each additional roll.

Vehicles going all-out must make body strength rolls every 10 minutes. The first difficulty is Very Easy; increase the difficulty one level for each additional roll.

If the vehicle fails the roll by 1-10 points, it's suffering strain and must "rest" for twice as long as it was moving all-out. If the vehicle fails the roll by 11 or more points, the vehicle has suffered a mechanical failure and requires a Moderate repair roll and at least one hour of work.

High-speed movement requires body strength rolls once every hour. The first roll is Very Easy and increases one difficulty level for each additional roll.

Character Movement Failures:
Movement failures remain as listed in Star Wars, Second Edition; page 95 except as noted below.
  • 7-10. Fall. The character falls halfway through their Move, but manages to catch themselves and is now kneeling. May take no actions for the rest of the round and suffers a -2D penalty to all actions for the next round.
  • 11-15. Minor Tumble. The character falls one-quarter of the way through his Move. He may take no actions for the rest of the round and the next round.
A character moving at all-out takes 1D damage; characters moving at slower speeds take no damage.

The movement difficulty includes basic maneuvers: straight-line movement, a couple of turns and other simple movements.
For more complex maneuvers, add the difficulty modifiers as needed:

Added to roll Difficulty
+1-5 Maneuver is fairly easy
+6-10 Maneuver is somewhat difficult and requires a certain amount of skill
+11-15 Maneuver is very difficult and requires a very talented (or lucky) driver or pilot
16+ Maneuver appears to be almost impossible. Only the very best drivers can pull this off

Collision Damage:
Collision damage depends on how fast the character or vehicle was moving.

Character Move Damage Vehicle Move Damage
Cautious 1D Cautious 2D
Normal 2D Normal 4D
Cruise 3D Cruise 6D
High Speed 4D High Speed 8D
All-Out 6D All-Out 10D

Add +10 to the movement difficulty for the ramming vehicle. Ramming counts as a separate action: the pilot suffers an additional -1D penalty.

If the pilot beats the new difficulty number, he rams the target. If the pilot rolls below the original difficulty number, he suffers a "movement failure." If the pilot rolls above the original difficulty number, but below the new difficulty number, he crosses the terrain safely, but the ramming attack fails.

Vehicle Damage:
Vehicle Damage is modified as follows:

Lightly Damaged: roll 1D to see which system is damaged
1-3 Vehicle loses -1D from maneuverability (if maneuverability
already reduced to 0D, vehicle suffers -1 Move)
4 One on-board weapon was hit and destroyed
5-6 Vehicle suffers -1 Move
Heavily Damaged: Roll 1D to see which system is damaged
1-3 Vehicle loses -2D from maneuverability
(if maneuverability is 0D, it suffers -2 Move)
4-6 Vehicle suffers -2 Move
Severely Damaged
3 Overloaded generator. The engine or generator
begins to overload and will explode in 1D rounds,
completely destroying the vehicle

Lost Moves:
Lost Moves add together. For example, a vehicle that suffers a -1 Move result, then a –2 Move result, Move is now at -3 Move rate.
  • -1 Move: The character, creature or vehicle can no longer move at all-out speed; it's limited to high speed.
  • -2 Moves: The character or vehicle is limited to its cruising speed.
  • -3 Moves: The character or vehicle is limited to its cautious speed.
  • -4 Moves: The vehicle's drive is disabled and it cannot move until repaired.
  • -5 Moves: The vehicle is destroyed.
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Repair times, difficulties, and costs are generalizations. They may be customized as needed.
The first repair roll is made after 15 minutes of work. Additional repair roll times are noted in the skill's description and altered depending upon the situation.
The costs are always a percentage of the item's original value. If someone else does the work for the character, double or triple the cost.

A Difficult repair roll is needed to replace a destroyed drive. The cost is 35% of the craft's original value.
Hyperdrives: A Moderate repair roll is necessary to fix a damaged hyperdrive.

Maneuverability Dice Lost Repair Difficulty Cost
-1D Easy 10%
-2D Moderate 15%
-3D Difficult 20%
-4D Very Difficult 30%

Moves Lost Repair Difficulty Cost
1 Easy 10%
2 Moderate 15%
3 Difficult 20%
4 Very Difficult 25%
5 Drive Destroyed
Must be replaced

Dice Lost Repair Difficulty Cost
-1D Easy 5%
-2D Moderate 5%
-3D Difficult 5%
-4D+ Very Difficult 10%

Weapons: Difficulties depend on how badly weapons are damaged. The repair cost is a percentage of the weapon's original cost, not the cost of the vehicle it's mounted on.

Repair Damage Repair Difficulty Cost
Light Easy 15%
Heavy Moderate 25%
Severe Very Difficult 35%
Destroyed May not be repaired N/A

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