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Vehicles | Ships | Fighters |
Freighters | Ship Equip & Design
- Corellian Engineering Corporation CR-90 Corvette
- Corellian Engineering Corporation Vagabond
- Commerce Guild President-Class Frigate
- Kuat Drive Yards Imperial Missile Frigate
- SoroSuub Dauntless Cruiser
- Kuat Drive Yards Star Cutter
- Kuat Drive Yards Imperial Torpedo Frigate
- Kuat Drive Yards Venator-class Star Destroyer
- Alderaanian War Frigate
- Corellian Action VI Transport
- Damorian Manufacturing Corporation Carrack-class Cruiser
- Corellian Engineering Corporation DP20 Frigate (Gunship)
- SoroSuub Liberator Cruiser/Starfighter Transport
- Gallofree Yards GR-75 Medium Transport
- Mobquet MB-C1 Medium Transport
- Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
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Corellian Engineering Corporation CR-90 Corvette
Craft: Corellian Corvetter
Type: Multi-purpose Mid-sized Vessel
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 150 meters
Skill: Capitol Ship Piloting or (s) Capitol Ship Piloting: CR-90
Crew: 30-165, depending upon configuration
Crew Skills: Astrogation 3D, Capitol Ship Gunnery 4D+1, Capitol Ship Piloting
3D+2, Capitol Ship Shields 3D, Communications 3D Sensors 3D+1
Passengers: Up to 600, depending upon Configuration
Cargo Capacity: 3000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 3.5 m (new)/1.5 m (used)
Availability: 2,R
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330;950 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 80/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 5/4D
6 Double Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 3 Front, 1 Left, 1 Right, 1 Rear
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 1(3), 3(3)
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/70/150km
Damage: 4D+2
Escape Craft:
Faberstien-Lago 37s emergency escape pods (8, ventral)
Armed Faberstien Maximum capacity life ships (4, dorsal)
Docking Bays:
Ventral starfighter-scale landing bay
"The Rebel blockade runner is the pride of the Corellian Engineering Corporation's military vehicles. With its mess
of huge engines, it can whoop any jerk-ass Imperial."
-Corellian Engineering Corporation advertisement
The CR90 corvette, commonly referred to as the Corellian corvette or the Rebel blockade runner, also known as an
Alderaan cruiser, was a small, multi-purpose capital ship manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation.
The CR90 had a wide variety of users throughout the galaxy, from pirates to corporations to galactic navies, and had
a known operational life from at least as early as 52 BBY to as late as 137 ABY. It possessed the same legendary
adaptability as other CEC products, which allowed it to serve in roles as mundane as freight hauling or as a high-
profile diplomatic escort.
A versatile starship, the CR90 was used extensively across the galaxy by governments and private interests. The
interior of the CR90 featured a modular design to allow for easy reconfiguration of the Corellian corvette from one
function to another. Some older model corvettes, like the CR70, could easily be upgraded with retrofit packages like
the Vanguard c20 to become CR90s.
Common configurations included a troop carrier, light escort vessel, cargo transport, or passenger liner. Its ease
of modification was a trademark of CEC and increased the corvette's resale value. One of the rarer variants could
carry starfighters, such as the Night Caller and Constrictor.
The weapon systems varied, although the standard configuration mounted two Taim & Bak H9 dual turbolasers and four
single turbolasers. CR90 corvettes could carry as many as eight turbolasers, six laser cannons, and four ion cannons.
Under the standard configuration, these turrets were unable to hit anything directly behind the corvette's engines,
so CR90 corvettes featured a well-known axial blind spot.
A common configuration for combat-oriented corvettes consisted of six H9 dual turbolasers. A similar armament was
mounted on the CR92a Assassin-class corvette, a successor of the CR90 that was designed exclusively for combat
The ship was capable of sustaining acceleration up to 2,100 G and could carry 600 passengers. However, its class 2
hyperdrive was slow compared to many ships of similar size. The standard crew was made up of 8 officers and 38
enlisted crew, but could range from 30 to 165 total, depending on its configuration.
Interestingly, the CR90 could be piloted by as few as two people, as shown when Han Solo and Chewbacca flew a
series of corvettes bearing the name Jaina's Light, or even one person if necessary via a steering yoke, as Wedge
Antilles demonstrated when he flew the modified corvette Night Caller.
The 150 meter-long craft could reach atmospheric speeds of 950 kilometers per hour.
Republic Service:
In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, the CR90 corvette was introduced and older corvette-models like the
CR70 were gradually being refitted into this version. The Republic CR90 corvettes served in the Judicial Forces and
later in the Republic Navy when it was reinstated during the Clone Wars. The CR90 model was considered a mid-sized
corvette in the time before the Wars.
Imperial Service:
A dwarf among the massive Imperial-class Star Destroyers of the Imperial Navy, CR90 corvettes were relegated
primarily to diplomatic and escort duty in the Galactic Empire. In fleet engagements, CR90 corvettes were often
tasked with attacking enemy starfighters or fleeing the battlefield with important cargo or intelligence. Prior to
the Dissolution of the Imperial Senate by Emperor Palpatine, these corvettes were used by Imperial senators as
diplomatic couriers.
Rebel and Fringe Service:
Unlike their Imperial counterparts, Alliance CR90 corvettes acted as front-line combat ships for the early years of
the Galactic Civil War. The ease of acquiring CR90 parts and mechanics made them a good fit for the desperate
Rebellion. Its near ubiquity made it a popular choice among Rebels, pirates, and smugglers, earning it the nickname
"blockade runner" for its ability to slip through Imperial nets. However, it proved ineffective against larger ships
such as the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer short of kamikaze attacks unless it was used in large numbers against
such a vessel. One example was at the Space Battle at Kuat when five Corvettes caused considerable damage to the Star
Destroyer Tyranny.
Knowing that the corvette was used by the Rebellion, Imperial authorities often stopped them for inspections on the flimsiest of excuses.
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Corellian Engineering Corporation Vagabond
Craft: Vagabond Freighter
Type: Medium Bulk Freighter
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 120 meters
Skill: Capitol Ship Piloting: Vagabond
Crew: 10
Passengers: 20
Cargo Capacity: 70,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 1.6 Million
Availability: 2,R
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330;950 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 80/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 5/4D
Weapons: None
Description: Corellian Engineering Corporation's Vagabond is designed to serve as a fleet
support vessel, hauling spares and consumables to replenish depleted or broken down vessels. To fill this role, the Vagabond
has a cavernous cargo hold capable of carrying up to 70,000 metric tons. In addition to its cargo capacity, it may carry up 20
At 120m the Vagabond is roughly rectangular in shape with a rounded prow. The Vagabond's propulsion system comprises of 3 GN-7P
engines and 6 GN-7S engines, giving it an impressive speed for a Medium Bulk Freighter. The vessels also boasts military-grade
armour plating and the same shield generators as CEC's Corvette. The Vagabond also uses the same sensor package design as the
Corvette. Unfortunately, the Vagabond carries no weaponry and must rely on its durability, speed and superior sensors to escape
from raiders.
The prow of the vessels contains the bridge, crew and passenger cabins, escape pods, some utility rooms and two airlocks (port
and starboard side). The central part of the vessels contains the cargo hold whilst the aft section contains engineering and
propulsion drives.
The Vagabond was released on the open market two years before the Battle of Yavin, and its sales were quite good up until this
point. However, with the Rebel Alliance on the run and scattered after the destruction of the Death Star, sales of the Vagabond
have begun to slump due to its lack of weaponry and the increase in convoy raids by the Rebels.
The Vagabonds in the employ of the Empire are usually provided with a jump capable starfighter escort, typically a flight (4) of
Assault Gunboats.
Note: Decks 6-9 encompass the Cargo Hold.

Vagabond Decks 1-2
Vagabond Decks 3-4
Vagabond Decks 5 and 6-9
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Commerce Guild President-class Frigate
Craft: Commerce Guild Frigate
Type: Light Frigate
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 500m long, 1000m wide
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: President-class
Crew: 5,210; Skeleton Crew: 1380/+10
Passengers: 11,000 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 8000 tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Hull: 6D
Shields: 5D
;Passive: 25/1D
Scan: 50/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 4/5D
Carried Craft:
Shuttles: 20
60 Twin Turbolaser Batteries (fire separately)
Fire Arc: 30 Front, 10 Back, 10 Left, 10 Right
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 5
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space: 3-12/30/60
Atmosphere: 6-24/60/120km
Damage: 5D
30 Twin Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 15 Front, 5 Back, 5 Left, 5 Right
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 3
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.5Km
Damage: 5D
Description: The President-class Frigate was the frontline battle cruiser of the Commerce
Guilds, designed to defend their interests across the galaxy. Unlike the vessels of the Trade Federation, the Presidente Class
is a custom designed military vessel, and when the Commerce Guild joined with the Banking Clans, the Trade Federation and the
Techno Union, the Commerce Guilds vessels were the only pure combat vessels the Confederation had to use against the Republic.
Although smaller than most of the other capital ships in use at the time, the President-class manages to outclass the majority
of ships used in the Clone Wars, but this was not enough to swing the wars for the Confederation, and the majority of
President-class Frigates were hunted down and destroyed by the newly operational Star Destroyers of the Empire. However a few
crews mutinied, and stole their ships rather than fighting the hopeless war against the emerging Galactic Empire, so some of
the vessels ended up being sold off to fringe worlds as defense vessels, and others remain as pirate ships raiding the trade
routes they once protected, but even so these vessels are now outdated and no match for modern front-line combat starships.
Click on image for full size

President-class Frigate, Image 2
President-class Frigate, Image 3
President-class Frigate, Image 4
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Kuat Drive Yards Imperial Missile Frigate
Craft: Imperial Missile Frigate
Type: Missile Frigate
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 105 meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Imperial Missile Frigate
Crew: 85 ;skeleton 30/+15
Passengers: 50 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 500 tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: 3,500,000 (new)/1,200,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x20
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 7
Atmosphere: kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 3D
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 80/2D
Search: 160/3D
Focus: 4/4D
Carried Craft:
Fighters: 2
4 Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 3
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 3-15/36/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/36/150km
Damage: 6D
12 Medium Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-5/15/25
Atmosphere: 100-500/1.5/2.5km
Damage: 5D
2 Ion Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 2
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere: 2-20/50/100km
Damage: 4D
96 Concussion Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 1
Skill: Missile Weapons
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 2-10/30/60
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60km
Ammo: 4 each
Damage: 7D
Description: The Imperial Missile Frigate is a small capital ship designed to operate as a
capital ship destroyer in Imperial fleets. While small and agile enough to manuever close enough to launch some of its huge
384 missile capacity, it is still a powerful capital ship although many think it overly reliant on its missile batteries for
offensive capability. The vessel is crammed to capacity with hardware, meaning that the inside is not as spacious as most other
capital ships, this is demonstrated by the vessels lack of an internal docking bay for shuttles, relying on external airlocks
for transferring personel between the Frigate and shuttles or other Imperial capital ships or stations. The 2 fighter capacity
of the vessel was given to allow the ship some scouting capability, so that not only could it serve in this role in the Imperial
fleet, but to give the ship a chance to turn to face any approaching enemy since the vessels weaponry is so front based.
Imperial Missile Frigates have served the Empire for many years, and although they do not receive the recognition of Star
Destroyers or Interdictor Cruisers, they are known by both Imperial and Alliance commanders to be vital to the continuing space
superiority of the Imperial Navy.
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SoroSuub Dauntless Cruiser
Craft: Dauntless Cruiser
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 1500 meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Dauntless Cruiser
Crew: 2440, Skeleton Crew: 390/+10
Passengers: 2500 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: 40,540,000 (new)/25,700,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 6
Hull: 6D
Shields: 5D
Passive: 45/1D
Scan: 90/2D
Search: 125/3D
Focus: 4/4D
Carried Craft:
Fighters: 48
Shuttles: 2
50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 10 Front, 15 Left, 15 Right, 10 Back
Crew: 4
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 3-15/36/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/72/150km
Damage: 5D
20 Anti-Starfighter Batteries
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 5 Front, 5 Left, 5 Right, 5 Back
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere: 1-10/25/50km
Damage: 5D
20 Heavy Ion Cannons
Scale: Capital Ship
Fire Arc: 10 Front, 5 Left, 5 Right
Crew: 2
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere: 2-20/50/100km
Damage: 4D
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Scale: Capital Ship
Fire Arc: 1 Front, 1 Back
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Description: The Dauntless class was the second largest capital ship design that the Rebel
Alliance had during the Galactic Civil War, and was provided to them by SoroSuub. The vessel is built around the frame of a
luxury liner, but there the similarity ends, with enhanced armour plating and a large number of weapon batteries installed on
the hull. The design serves the Alliance and now the New Republic well, as it is a sleek, state of the art warship, which has
proven itself invaluable where deployed. Although the design has been built in much smaller numbers than the Mon Calimari
Cruisers which made up the majority of the Rebel fleet, it has been responsible for almost as many victories.
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Kuat Drive Yards Star Cutter
Craft: KDY Star Cutter
Type: Large Courier/Transport Vessel
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 1110 meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Star Cutter
Crew: 2400; Skeleton Crew: 700/+10
Passengers: 1600
Cargo Capacity: 80,000 Tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 4 Million (new), 1.4 Million (used)
Availability: 3,X
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x4
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Space: 9
Atmosphere: 350;1000 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/0D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 3/4D
Weapons: None
Description: The Kuat Drive Yards Star Cutter is a fast transport vessel bearing some
resemblance to the Star Destroyers and Acclimator vessels. The Star Cutter is designed purely for speed, capable of
outrunning many starfighters; it has no weapons, and little shields or hull armor. One third of the vessels hull is
taken up by its engines, and half of the entire mass is taken up by them and the vessels reactors. However even given
the vessels immense speed, it can still be easily taken down by Interceptors, making it an easy target for Rebel
A-Wings, meaning that the Empire never purchased the vessel in any significant numbers, however a number of transport
companies did, and through these the vessels were obtained by the Rebellion. Even though the design is not well suited
to conversion to a warship, the high speed did compensate for a number of the vessels other inadequacies. Star Cutters
are very expensive, but still hold their title as one of the fastest ways of moving cargo around the galaxy, remaining
one of Kuat Drive Yards most successful non-military designs.
Click on image for full size

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Kuat Drive Yards Imperial Torpedo Frigate
Craft: Imperial Torpedo Frigate
Type: Torpedo Frigate
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 120 meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Imperial Torpedo Frigate
Crew: 135; skeleton 40/+10
Passengers: 60 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 500 tons
Consumables: 8 months
Cost: 4,500,000 (new)/2,800,000 (used)
Availability: 3,X
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 7
Hull: 5D
Shields: 3D
Passive: 50/1D
Scan: 90/2D
Search: 170/3D
Focus: 4/4D
Carried Craft:
Fighters: 18
Shuttles 2
152 Concussion Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 2
Skill: Missile Weapons
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 2-10/30/60
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60km
Ammo: 5 torpedos each
Damage: 7D
Description: An uprated version of the Imperial Missile Frigate, the Torpedo frigate takes advantage of newer technology
and more conventional Kuat Drive Yards parts making the vessel cheaper to operate. Although lacking any defensive weapons, the Torpedo Frigate does
have the facilities to launch and house its own fighter escort which will defend the frigate from attack from fighters allowing it to use its own powerful
torpedo launchers against capital ships. The launchers carry five missiles each which in theory could be launched simultaneously, allowing the frigate to
launch all of its 760 torpedos at the same time, however in practice this is never done because the vessel lacks the computer power to target all those
missiles. The launchers can be manually reloaded from the ships magazine, but this is a time consuming process, although enough spare torpedoes are
carried to reload the launchers twice (1520 spare torpedoes), so the Torpedo Frigate may appear to have exhausted its weapons, only to return hours
later fully armed once more.
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Kuat Drive Yards Venator-class Star Destroyer
Craft: Venator-class Star Destroyer
Type: Kuat Drive Yards Venator-class
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 1137 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Capital Ship Piloting, Capitol Ship Gunnery, Capitol Ship Shields, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors
Crew: 6390; skeleton crew: 1800/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+2, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+2, Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 4D+2
Passengers: 3000 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 12,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 75,000,000 (used only)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D+1
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 250;800 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 50/D
Scan: 75/2D
Search: 150/3D
Focus: 2/4D
Carried Craft:
Fighters: 192 V19 Torrent Fighters, 192 Jedi Starfighters, 36 ARC-170 Fighters, 20 LAAT/i Gunships
Shuttles: 56
8 Heavy Turbolasers
Fire Arc: 4 Front/Left, 4 Front/Right
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 4 gunners
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space: 3-15/36/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/72/150 km
Damage: 5D
2 Medium Dual TurboLasers
Fire Arc: 2 Front
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 6 gunners
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 2-10/24/50
Atmosphere: 4-20/48/100 km
Damage: 5D
52 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 10 Front, 15 Front/Left, 15 Front/Right, 12 Back
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-5/12/25
Atmosphere: 2-20/24/50 km
Damage: 4D
4 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Capital Ship
Crew: 1 gunner
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space: 2/6/14
Atmosphere: 4/12/28 km
Ammo: 20 proton torpedoes each
Damage: 9D
6 Tractor Beam Projectors (fire separately)
Fire Arc: 1 Front, 2 Front/Left, 2 Front/Right 1 Back
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 4 gunners
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Description: Despite a millennium of peace and complacency, the Republic quickly
transformed itself into a formidable war machine when the threats of the Separatists escalated into the Clone Wars.
The difference made by a few years was astounding; by channeling enormous resources in the name of security, the
Republic developed fleets of immense warships, many with cutting edge designs.
The Republic attack cruiser, or Star Destroyer, gave this new starfleet its considerable teeth. The wedgeshaped
warship was not primarily a cargo transport, troop carrier or other replenishment or supply vessel; it was developed
and honed for shiptoship combat. Its huge armored shape had an aggressive, daggerlike profile, studded with heavy
weapons emplacements capable of punching through powerful shields and sturdy armor.
From its twin elevated conning towers, the crew of clones and other Republic military officers oversaw the craft's
operations. The front half of the ship's dorsal surface contained a massive flight deck capable of scrambling the
latest in Republic starfighters. The huge hangar doors opened to allow ships to land or takeoff from the deck; the
vessel also had a smaller docking bay entrance on its ventral surface.
These attack cruisers formed both the backbone and aggressive front of defense around Coruscant during the bold
Separatist push to infiltrate the capital. Many destroyers crowded the atmosphere above the city planet, engaging
enemy battleships, often at pointblank range. These attack ships also served as command vessels for Jedi Generals
during remote operations, such as Yoda's mission to Kashyyyk and ObiWan Kenobi's search for General Grievous on
Kuat Drive Yards quickly positioned itself as the preeminent supplier of powerful warships to the Republic during
the Clone Wars. Its secret development subsidiary, Rothana Heavy Engineering, had clandestinely constructed the
first generation of military hardware for the Grand Army of the Republic. When that army was publicly revealed
during the Battle of Geonosis, Kuati executives were quick to downplay Rothana's name, crediting the whole venture
to the foresight and inventiveness of the parent company's leadership. A media saturation campaign crediting Republic
victories to the ships of Kuat Drive Yards helped spread this message across the galaxy.
The Venator-class Star Destroyer was one of several wedgeship designs to come out of the development thinktank led by
engineer Lira Blissex. At over a kilometer in length, it was bigand powerful enough to tangle with the Separatist fleets,
but it was also quite fast. Its huge reactorpowered sublight engines afforded the Venator-class Star Destroyer
respectable speed, enabling it to chase down blockade runners and smaller combat vessels.
Its surface was dotted with eight heavy turbolasers, two medium dual turbolaser cannons, 52 point defense laser cannons,
four proton torpedo tubes and six tractor beam projectors. In a creative move, some captains would use carried SPHAT
walkers to fire out of the ventral docking bay, supplementing the ship's considerable firepower without taxing its energy
Though it was capable of making planetary landings, this versatile Star Destroyer was used mostly as a spacebound fighting
ship. This meant its hangars were stocked with starfighters rather than ground craft. Its standard complement included 192
V19 Torrent or Vwing fighters, 192 Jedi starfighters, 36 ARC170 fighters, and 20 LAAT/I gunships.
While the Venator Star Destroyer offered much for its developers to take pride in, the relentless taskmaster Blissex was
not content. She had bigger plans in mind. She used her past successes to greenlight the ultimate warship of her dreams,
the Imperatorclass Star Destroyer. Shortly after the end of the Clone Wars, the first testbed models of this mighty warship
were already functioning in classified Imperial shipyards accessible only the New Order's elite.
After Blissex's marriage to Denn Wessex, one of Palpatine's first regional governors to be installed, she used her newfound
political clout to prioritize the expansion of the Star Destroyer program. From these early designs, the final Imperial-class
would forever change the way order was maintained in the galaxy.
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KDY Acclimator-class Assault Ship
Craft: Rothana Heavy Engineering Acclimator-class
Type: Assault Ship
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 752 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Capital Ship Piloting, Capitol Ship Gunnery, Capitol Ship Shields,
Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors
Crew: 4280, Gunners: 80, Skeleton Crew: 1500/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+1, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1,
Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 5D
Passengers: 16,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 40,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: (used only)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D+2
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 45/0D
Scan: 70/2D
Search: 150/3D
Focus: 3/4D
Carried Craft:
Fighters: 80 Republic Gunships
Carried Vehicles:
Walkers: 48 AT-TE's, 36 SPHA-T's
Speeders: 320 Speeder Bikes
12 Quad Turbolaser Batteries (fire separately)
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 6 Front/Left, 6 Front/Right
Crew: 6 gunners
Crew Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 3-15/36/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/72/150 km
Damage: 6D
24 Laser Cannons
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 11 Front/Left, 11 Front/Right, 2 Back
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 2-6/24/50 km
Damage: 4D
4 Missile Tubes
Scale: Capital Ship
Fire Arc: 2 Front/Left, 2 Front/Right
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere: 2-20/50/100 km
Damage: 7D
"Master Sifo-Dyas requested the most powerful army in the galaxy. We have worked with only the best shipbuilders to
fulfill that request."
-Lama Su
The Acclamator Transport ship was create at the start of the Clone Wars as the primary method of transporting the
Republics new clone army. These vessels were so powerful and successful that the Star Destroyer range of vessels
were based on their design. The Acclamator was a large transport vessel which could carry 48 AT-TE's, 36 SPHA-T's,
320 Speeder Bikes and 80 Republic Gunships along with the 16,000 troops it was built to carry. Although most of these
vessels were decommissioned, some continue operation in reserve fleets and in cargo carrying roles, and even though
none were sold to private concerns, the Corporate Sector authority purchased some, and various pirate fleets have
managed to "acquire" Acclamators of their own.
The Acclamator-class assault ship, alternatively referred to as the Acclamator-class trans-galactic military transport
ship or Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship, or by the shorter names Acclamator-class transport,
Acclamator-class troopship, or the rarer Acclamator I transport, was an assault ship created for the Galactic Republic
by Rothana Heavy Engineering. It was the predecessor of the Star Destroyer line.
The 752-meter-long Acclamator-class assault transport carried thousands of Republic clone troopers into battle. The
Acclamator favored a wedge or dagger shaped design due to its effectiveness—it allowed concentration of firepower while
minimizing target profile. This basic design was used in a number of larger craft predating it and would define Imperial
ships for decades to come. These ships were armed with 4 heavy torpedo launch tubes; 24 point-defense laser cannons,
rated at 6 megatons per shot; and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated at a maximum of 200 gigatons per shot. They
were also armed with concussion missiles. The sensor and communications suites were located at the front of the ship's
command tower. The hull armor of Acclamator-class vessels was impregnated with ultra-dispersive neutronium that withstood
and spread massive energy blasts. Fusion rockets fired by enemy forces barely made a scratch on the hull as a result.
Groups of these ships could perform a "Base Delta Zero", an orbital bombardment that would exterminate all life on the
planet. The later Acclamator II-class could also serve as star frigates to support their landing groups. In addition to
ground landings, Acclamator-class ships were capable of water landings, as displayed at the Battle of Mon Calamari.
Acclamator-class ships also carried support equipment and vehicles, such as the AT-TE and SPHA walkers, used to provide
clone troopers with heavy battlefield support. Each Acclamator-class ship held 320 speeder bikes, used by clone troopers
for fast battlefield reconnaissance and patrol duties. Eighty LAAT gunships were carried to insert personnel, vehicles,
and cargo into battle zones in addition to providing close air support. Gunships were suspended along an overhead
circulating rail in the upper hangar for maintenance procedures during travels. A lower, smaller hangar area was used to
embark and disembark ground troops and material when landed. The two levels were connected with elevator platforms. Most
of the passenger and barrack decks were located on the upper levels of an Acclamator-class ship.
The Acclamator-class's main reactor was located in the middle of the vessel, inside the main superstructure, and was
preceded at the frontal half of the ship by multiple fuel tanks. The tanks compressed hypermatter to enormous density
for storage. The tanks were connected to the main reactor via pipe assemblies. Secondary reactors were located towards
the bow of the vessel. The ship's main thrusters were fitted with eight electromagnetic rudders that deflected the
exhaust particle streams and gave boost when turning the ship. The secondary thrusters did not provide as much power, but
were useful for maneuvering due to being placed further away from the ship's main axis. The massive fin at the stern of
the Acclamator-class contained both the anti-gravity generator and the ship's hyperdrive generator. When landed, the
repulsorlift carried much of the ship's weight, but the landing legs maintained a stable contact with the ground.
The bridge was located in the middle of an arrow-shaped command tower module that protruded from the dorsal superstructure.
This tower module was a standard design for smaller ships in Kuat Drive Yards's starship catalog, which Rothana supplied
vessels to. The main bridge and command center had no windows but relied upon advanced holoscreens[1] shaped like the
triangular viewports similar to the ones on other Kuat vessels. The bridge crew usually consisted of fully-armored clone
pilots manning the control panels, with most operators being seated in twin crew pits below the command officer's area.
The Acclamator-class design was already in development by Rothana and Kuat years before the start of the Clone Wars, and
the design was tested as early as 32 BBY. As the Jedi Master Yoda arrived on Kamino to gather an invasion force, dozens
of Acclamator's had already been built and readied for the soldiers they were designed to carry. In their first
engagement at the First Battle of Geonosis, the class proved pivotal in the Republic victory, delivering legions of
clone troopers to the battlefield while a large Republic fleet engaged the Separatist fleet in orbit. After delivering
their troops, the Acclamators pulled back to provide orbital support, with only a portion of the ships ending up damaged
in the battle.
Just after the battle had concluded, the Republic ordered 1,000 more Acclamators based on their success as primary
ground force delivery vehicles. All Acclamators were completely crewed by clones, though they would also count regular
Republic officers among their crews, as the war ground on. Apart from this, the Acclamators and larger warships were
generally off-limits to most regular defense force personnel. During the height of the war, some Acclamators had the
paint markings of the Open Circle Fleet like the Venators.
Several different variations were used during the war, with the Acclamator II-class assault ship being the most numerous
alternate model. The subclasses saw many battles in both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. The Victory-class
and other Star Destroyers were based on the Acclamator.
Later Service
In addition to being a warship and a military transport serving forces in backwater areas, some Imperial Acclamators were
used as slave ships, transporting large quantities of enslaved people to various Imperial penal colonies during the
Galactic Civil War. Although they were initially not considered "Star Destroyers", the Acclamator-class was sometimes
referred to as such during the reign of the Empire. The Empire also modified a number of Acclamators, sacrifying weaponry
to increase cargo capacity for use as Imperial cargo ships.
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Alderaanian War Frigate
Craft: Alderaanian War Frigate
Type: War Frigate
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 250 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Capital Ship Piloting, Capitol Ship Gunnery, Capitol Ship
Shields, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors
Crew: 700 ;skeleton 150/+10
Passengers: 400 troops
Cargo Capacity: 2000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: (used only)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 550; 1050 kmh
Hull: 6D
Shields: 2D+2
Backup Shields: D
Passive: /D
Scan: /D
Search: /D
Focus: /D
10 Quad Turbolaser Batteries (fire separately)
Fire Arc: 4 forward, 2 left, 2 right, 2 aft
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere: 2-15/35/75 km
Damage: 5D
4 Medium Ion Cannons (fire separately)
Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 left, 1 right, 1 aft
Scale: Capitol Ship
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere: 1-10/25/50 km
Damage: 4D
"I am going to give the Alliance Alderaan's greatest gift – and its greatest shame."
-Orinn Tathis
Another Chance was an Alderaanian War Frigate of the Alderaanian fleet during the last years of the Galactic Republic.
When Alderaan chose to disarm following the bloody conflicts of the Clone Wars, Another Chance was stripped of its
weapons and converted into an armory ship to hold the planet's weapons of war. The ship's systems were programmed to
full automation and given instructions to jump through hyperspace from system to system until it was recalled with a
special code by the Council of Elders. It was believed shortly before the destruction of Alderaan, that the Council
planned to give the Another Chance to the Rebel Alliance. Its internal operations were maintained by a crew of droid
workers that were programmed to defend it against any who tried to board it. In addition, three smaller Alderaanian
warships, Valiant, Fidelity and Courage, were slave-circuited to Another Chance to protect any ship bearing its IFF
code from pirates seeking its deadly cargo.
Led with the organizational skills of Corla Metonae, the project was completed during the early years of the Empire
and launched successfully, despite a covert Imperial task force's attempt to intercept and lay claim to the weapons
cache. Decoy craft carrying transponders that matched Another Chance and its escorts were deployed by Corla, which
lured the Imperials away from their targets.
In the years following its departure from Alderaan, Another Chance became something of a legend amongst fringers as
the focus on many get-rich-quick schemes. After the destruction of Alderaan, its legend increased further, with many
smugglers claiming to have seen Another Chance and its escorts in the Graveyard of Alderaan.
Shortly before the battles of Derra IV and Hoth, Orinn Tathis, a member of the Council of Elders, returned to the
Graveyard to locate the remote device intended to recall the ship. After successfully locating the Council of Elders'
remote, Tathis recalled Another Chance and turned it, and its cargo, over to the Rebel Alliance. Valiant was later
found by Rogue Squadron when Tycho Celchu chose to set his IFF transponder to broadcast his starfighter as Another
Chance's to honor his planet, and was piloted by Aril Nunb and M-3PO during the final battles of the Bacta War.
According to one spacer tale, the Another Chance supposedly crash-landed on the planet Durace, in the Unknown Regions.
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Corellian Action VI Bulk Freighter
Craft: Corellian Action VI Transport
Type: Medium bulk freighter
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 125 meters
Skill: Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors, (s) Space Transports: Action VI Transport
Crew: 10, skeleton 6/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, capital ship shields 2D+2, space transports 3D
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 90,000 metric tons
Consumables: 3 months
Cost: 1,000,000 (new), 500,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 225; 650 kmh
Hull: 3D
Shields: 1D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 40/1D+1
Focus: 1/2D
Weapons: Special
2 Force Cylinder Devices
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: Port & Starboard
Crew: 1 per fire arc
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1/2/3
Atmosphere: 100/200/300 meters
Damage: 1D
Game Notes: This device extends a cylindrical magnetic shield the length of its
range over any object. The cylinder has a diameter of 3 meters. The cylinder also contains atmosphere at a pressure
and quality equal to the host ship. The effected object within the field can be pulled toward the ship just like a low
powered tractor beam. Living organisms can survive within the field without a space suit. As the field is drawn to the
ship, the field can be coupled with an airlock magnetic shield to allow cargos and passengers to be pulled aboard.
Description: The Action VI Transport was and still is famous for being the design
used for Talon Karrde's Wild Karrde. We offer this vessel with the weapons and reinforced hull plating found on the
Wild Karrde. We also include the latest in comm systems and sensor shrouds to help you avoid any unwanted trouble.
The ships cargo capacity is 90,000 metric tons, which will ensure that you can haul all the materials you need to. For
the same price we offer this ship as a multi-level pleasure cruiser with features matching those of Lady Luck, Lando
Calrissian's own personal pleasure cruiser. Please specify which variation you would like.
Click on image for full size

Deck 1
Deck 2
Deck 3
Deck 4
Deck 5
Deck 6
Deck 7
Deck 8
Deck 9
Star Wars Deckplans Alliance Main Site
Original Deckplan for the Corellian Action VI Transport
Prequel Commentary
WebMaster: I would like to thank Frank V Bonura - Founder:
STAR WARS Deckplans Alliance for graciously allowing the above modified images to be posted on this site.
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Damorian Manufacturing Corporation Carrack-class Cruiser
Craft: Damorian Manufacturing Corporation Cruiser
Type: Light Cruiser
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 350 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors, (s) Capital
Ship Piloting: Carrack
Crew: 1092 Crew, 1007 + 85 Gunners OR 1097 crew, 1007 crew + 90 gunners
[Configuration lacking the Tractor Beam Projectors], skeleton 500/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+2, capitol ship gunnery 4D+2, capitol ship piloting
4D+1, capitol ship shields 4D, sensors 4D+1
Passengers: See below
Cargo Capacity: 3,500 Metric Tons
Consumables: 1 year
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1050 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D+2
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 30/0D
Scan: 50/1D
Search: 100/2D
Focus: 4/3D
10 Heavy Turbolasers
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 2 Forward, 3 Left, 3 Right, 2 Aft
Crew: 3 Gunners per turbolaser
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 7D
20 Laser Cannons
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 left, 5 right, 5 back
Crew: 1 gunner
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 2-6/24/50 km
Damage: 2D
5 Tractor Beam Projectors
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Starfighter Squadrons:
4 TIE Fighters (Fighters can be TIE/ln, TIE/rc or a mix of both)
OR (For the Rebels)
At least 2 Z-95 Headhunters
Troop Capacity: 142 Troops
142 Troops
1 Drop-Ship (Carried on external docking rack) [Holds 16 Troops]
Description: The Carrack Cruiser is an old yet reliable combat vessel and
its excellent design makes it competitive even against newer warships. This heavily armed light cruiser has
been in service with the Imperial Navy since the earliest days of the New Order. This small vessel falls into
the light cruiser designation due to its high proportion of weapons compared to its size. Its primary mission
profile is to serve as the Imperial answer to the Corellian Corvette. Current Imperial doctrine calls for teaming
Carracks up with smaller vessels and assigning them to patrol duty in pacified or semi-pacified sectors; as
such they were considered to be support cruisers. They are also employed as rear guard vessels for fleet
actions, scouting duties when they are assigned with other ships, and courier missions. Older vessels serve
as personal transports for Imperial planetary governors, Moffs, and other dignitaries. In short the Carrack is
well suited for a variety of escort and combat missions.
Mostly due to its layered bulkheads which are integral to this ship's design, the Carrack can survive attacks
that would destroy a similarly sized vessel or cripple many larger warships. Its honeycombing bulkheads and
unusual compartmentalization system lend strength to the hull, and accord the light cruiser great resistance to
hull damage. If one section of the Carrack suffers serious damage, the bulkheads automatically seal off that
affected section, thus allowing the warship to continue normal operation. In the event of hull breaches, its
layered bulkheads and compartmentalization in combination with its unique modular life support system allow
for maximum crew survival (as the warship is constructed in a modular fashion, with a compartmentalized
system for maintaining life-support). On many instances, Imperial rescue crews have found live crewmen
inside drifting Carrack debris. It must be noted that exceptionally tall individuals may find the Carrack's
corridor ceilings uncomfortably low in height.
Unfortunately, the compartmentalization defence system does come at a price. Due to the high percentage of
internal space consumed by the system, the Carrack Cruiser is one of the largest light cruisers lacking internal
hanger bays. As a result this five engine warship must rely on other ships or planetary bases to provide TIE
Fighter support. To partially compensate for this major drawback, the Carrack comes equipped with a small
external rack capable of carrying four TIE Fighters. Although these fighters offer little in offensive support,
they are employed for reconnaissance, courier, and patrol missions. To further compensate for the Carrack's
lack of starfighter support, it was equipped with powerful sublight engines which placed the vessel among the
Empire's most swift capital ships. It must be noted that a dorsal docking tunnel and retraction clamps allow
for a Lambda-class Shuttle to dock (and be carried through hyperspace?). Although this vessel features
overlapping hull plates, there is insufficient armour plating surrounding the power generators. This proves to
be the Carrack's major flaw, a direct hit just aft of its midline has a good chance of disabling the light cruiser.
Rounding out the Carrack's armament is its standard configuration of ten heavy turbolasers, twenty ion
cannons and five tractor beam projectors. While it is customary to maintain tractor beam projectors on the
design, ships such as the nearly decade old Dominant (currently stationed in the Bakura System) have done
without them. The Carrack can be refitted to replace its ion cannons in favour of laser cannons, although
most Carracks have retained their ion cannons. Refitted Carracks also have been equipped with tractor beam
projectors. Point defence against starfighters (this warship's laser cannons make it an excellent anti-starfighter
cruiser) and missiles are handled by the Carrack's laser cannons. Due to its turbolaser batteries, this warship
is capable of engaging larger vessels with a reasonable probability of success. This light cruiser possesses
sufficient firepower to engage most Rebel capital ships. Protruding from its dorsal section is its sensor arrays
dish. And the blisters on either side of the engine section are the ionization reactors. Located below the reactor
are the reserve power cells. As the Rebellion's activities have increased, these durable and capable warships
have been reintegrated into the Imperial Fleet.
Unfortunately, the Rebels also possess several Carrack Cruisers. However, several of the Rebellion's Carracks
were destroyed during Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign to hunt down and terminate the traitor, Admiral
Zaarin. A demonstration of this was the three Rebel Carrack Cruisers that were lost during a failed assault
against the ISD Grey Wolf.
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Corellian Gunship
Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation DP20 Frigate
Type: Mid-sized anti-starfighter warship
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 120 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors, (s) Capital Ship
Piloting: Corellian Gunship
Crew: 45, gunners: 46, skeleton: 10/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+1, capital ship gunnery 4D+2, capital ship piloting 4D,
capital ship shields 4D+1, sensors 3D
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 8 months
Cost: 4.8 million (new), 2.4 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x16
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350: 1,000 kmh
Hull: 4D+2
Shields: 2D+1
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/0D
Search: 80/1D
Focus: 2/2D
8 Turbolaser Cannons
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 2 front, 3 left, 3 right
Crew: 2
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere: 300-1.5/3.5/7.5 km
Damage: 4D+2
6 Quad Laser Cannons
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 3 left, 3 right
Crew: 3
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-5/10/17
Atmosphere: 100-500/1/1.7 km
Damage: 2D
4 Concussion Missile Launchers
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc:
Crew: 3
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-12/30/60
Atmosphere: 200-1.2/3/6 km
Ammo: 30 missiles each
Damage: 9D
Description: The DP20 frigate or Corellian Gunship was one of the few dedicated
warship designs produced by Corellian Engineering Corporation, and was the most common member of the
Corellian gunship product line. Though small and compact, it was fast and carried heavy firepower for a ship of its
size and class.
Unlike its cousin, the CR90 corvette, the gunship had minimal cargo space and almost no space for passengers or
troops. These small ships were designed to be only two things: fast and deadly. Engines consumed nearly half of
the gunship's interior space. What little room was left was used for deflector shield generators and weapons.
Armed with eight double turbolaser cannons, four concussion missile tubes, and six quad laser cannons, the
Corellian gunship was effective against both larger capital ships as well as starfighters, though it was primarily used
against the latter. These ships were 120 meters long. Each one carried a crew of 45, along with 46 gunners. They
were equipped with Class 2 hyperdrives.
The DP20 was originally designed for the fleet of the Galactic Republic. These vessels saw extensive use among the
Corellian and Rebel Alliance/New Republic fleets, although some were also seen in the hands of independent
operators, such as pirate factions and other fringe groups. Local Imperial forces also utilized the class. The Rebel
Alliance, in need of a small, fast attack vessel, decided to purchase a few of these starships after witnessing a group
of pirates use them to successfully hijack an Imperial shipment guarded by several Imperial fighters and bombers. At
least one of these vessels was wrecked in the Korteen asteroid belt by Quarg's father and his space wreckers.
Source: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (pages 61/63)
Click on image for full size

Corellian Gunship, Aft
Corellian Gunship, Side
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SoroSuub Liberator Cruiser/Starfighter Transport
Craft: SoroSuub Liberator Cruiser/Starfighter Transport
Type: Cruiser / Starfighter Transport
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 800 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors, (s) Capital Ship Piloting:
Liberator Cruiser
Crew: 1000; Gunners: 100, Skeleton Crew: 400/+15
Crew Skills: Astrogation 4D+1, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1,
Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 5D
Passengers: 3000 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 4000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Cost: 3.9 million (new) / 2.2 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Space: 5
Atmosphere: None
Hull: 6D
Shields: 4D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 50/1D
Scan: 100/2D
Search: 200/3D
Focus: 5/4D
30 Turbolaser Batteries
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 12 Front, 6 Back, 6 Left, 6 Right
Crew: 3 Gunners per turbolaser
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 3-15/36/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 5D
25 Anti-Starfighter Batteries
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 10 Front, 5 Back, 5 Right, 5 Left
Crew: 1 gunner
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere: 1-10/25/50 km
Damage: 5D
1 Tractor Beam Projector
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 1 Front
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
25 Tractor Beam Projectors
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 10 Front, 5 Left, 5 Right, 5 Back
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-2/5/15
Atmosphere: 1-2/15/20 km
Damage: 5D
Starfighter Squadrons:
Fighters: 72 Starfighters: 36 T-65 X-Wing Starfighters (presently at 1/4 capacity: 9), 24 BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighters, 12
BTL-A4 Y-Wing Starfighters
16 Lambda-Class T-4a Shuttles, 9 Delta Class Shuttles
Description: The Liberator Class Cruiser is a small capital ship which serves as a major
starfighter transport platform for the Rebellion and New Republic. Capable of carrying 6 full squadrons and their support
staff, and three full regiments of troops, the Liberator is a powerful and effective platform for launching assaults.
However it is a weakly armed vessel, and although it can match any non-military vessel for speed and combat
effectiveness, it is a poor match for Imperial Military vessels, requiring a number of defence craft to perform in fleet
engagements. The Liberator Class was provided to the Rebellion by SoroSuub towards the end of the reign of Emperor
Palpatine, and became one of the first custom-built Rebel Starships, serving with distinction alongside the retrofitted
Mon Calimari Cruisers and stolen Nebulon-B frigates, becoming a major boost to Rebel legitimacy as a power capable
of challenging the Empire.
Click on image for full size

Liberator Variant
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Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B2 Modified Heavy Frigate
Craft: Nebulon-B2 Modified Heavy Frigate
Type: Heavily Modified Frigate
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 300 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Capital Ship Piloting, Capital Ship Gunnery, Capitol Ship Shields,
Crew: 1022, skeleton 405/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 4D+1,
Capitol Ship Shields 4D+2, Sensors 4D+1
Passengers: 40
Cargo Capacity: 3000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: 26,500,000 (new), 14,760,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 350; 950kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 3D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 40/0D
Scan: 75/1D
Search: 150/3D
Focus: 4/4D+2
Ship Compliment:
Fighters: 12: 6 T-65 X-Wing Starfighters (presently at 1/2 capacity: 3), 3 BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighters, 3 BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Transports: 1: Lambda-Class T-4a Shuttle
16 Turbolaser Batteries
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 8 Front, 4 Left, 4 Right
Crew: 3 Gunners per turbolaser
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-15/35/75
Atmosphere: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 6D
18 Laser Cannons
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: 6 Front, 4 Left, 4 Right, 4 Back
Crew: 1 gunner
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 2-6/24/50 km
Damage: 5D
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 2 gunners
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Description: The Nebulon-B Frigate was introduced by the Imperial Navy to deal with
the increasing problem of Rebel Starfighter attacks on convoys and fleets, however the vessel suffered from
underpowered engines and weapons both of which allowed Rebel Starfighters to outmanuever and threaten these capital
ships. The Nebulon-B2 Heavy Frigate is an upgrade to the original design which was sold as new and also performed as
a refit to already operational Nebulon-B's, and consisted of the addition of a new engine section mounted to the bottom
of the current engine housing, and connected to the forward hull by an additional spar. As well as providing an increased
sublight speed, the engines provided far more power which allowed the vessel to be upgraded in a number of other
ways including upgraded anti starfighter weaponry as well as an all round increase in the number of weapons carried by
the vessel. Other upgrades included increased hyperdrive speed, boosted shielding and increased manueverability, all of
which made the vessel the threat to Rebel Starfighter attacks that the original vessel was intended to be. The Galactic
Empire bought a number of these vessel, and planned to upgrade already operational Nebulon-B's to this standard, but
the Battle of Endor and the financial difficulties that the Empire was plunged into afterwards meant that this never
happened and the Nebulon-B2 Heavy Frigate never became as common as intended.
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Gallofree Yards GR-75 Medium Transport
Craft: GR-75 Medium Transport
Type: Medium Transport
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 90 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors, (s) Space Transports:
Crew: 6, gunners: 1, skeleton 3/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, communications 4D, space transports 4D, starship gunnery
3D+1, starship shields 3D
Passengers: Variable
Cargo Capacity: 19,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 6 months
Cost: 2.3 milliom (new), 1.1 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x4
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 225; 650 kmh
Hull: 2D
Shields: 1D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 10/0D
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 2/3D
4 Twin Laser Cannon (fire-linked)
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: Turrets
Crew: 1 gunners each
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 100-300m/1.2km/2.5 km
Damage: 4D
"I don't think we can protect two transports at a time."
-General Rieekan
The GR-75 medium transport, also known as the Gallofree medium transport or Rebel transport, was a clamshell-hulled
transport produced by Gallofree Yards, Inc. Many of these transports served the Alliance Fleet during the Galactic Civil
War, including playing a pivotal role in the evacuation of the Rebellion's Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth.
A sister design to the civilian GR-45 model, the GR-75 was used by freight drivers and shipping firms to haul cargo.
The transport's outer hull was like a thick shell with the interior entirely open for cargo pods. This open-space design
could fit up to 19,000 metric tons of cargo into the 90 meter long ship. Modular cargo pods greatly sped up the loading
and unloading process.
When the transport was at its cargo capacity, a magnetic shield locked the modules in place, while at the same time kept
out the vacuum of space. The factory model included space for forty passengers, but almost all ships traded it for
increased cargo storage.
Focused entirely on maximizing cargo space, GR-75 transports were armed with four turreted twin laser cannons, a
deflector shield produced by the shield generator pod above the stern, a meager Class 4 hyperdrive, and a sublight engine
array capable of achieving a top atmospheric speed of 650 kilometers per hour. While inexpensive, the GR-75 was
notorious for its high maintenance requirements. Some of these transports were used as shuttles for high ranking Rebel
Alliance personnel.
The design proved popular with Galactic Republic forces, and the ships were used as resupply vessels during the Clone
The Galactic Empire used at least one known unit, the Shackles of Nizon, which saw service as a slave ship.
Many GR-75 transports were acquired by the Rebel Alliance due to their low cost and ready access to spare parts. The
transports had hulls impenetrable by imperial sensors and were additionally equipped with sensor jammers, making them
undetectable to Imperial sensors, thus reducing the chances of Imperials detecting Rebel supply runs. Not intended for
combat, GR-75s were commonly placed at the center of Alliance fleet formations and relied on starfighter support in
blockade-running missions. After Gallofree Yards went bankrupt in 3 BBY, the majority of the remaining stock of ships
found its way into the Alliance fleet.
Several GR-75 transports were part of a fleet led by the Salvation in 1 BBY. The fleet was attacked by Boba Fett, who
was trying to capture Juno Eclipse. The fleet then jumped to Kamino on the order of General Rahm Kota to take out the
Timira City Cloning Facility. After the battle, several GR-75s were used as decoys while the imprisoned Darth Vader was
taken to the Dantooine base aboard the Rogue Shadow.
One of the GR-75's most famous actions was the evacuation of Rebel personnel during the Battle of Hoth. More than
half of the GR-75s were destroyed, as the Imperial blockade proved too much for the Rebel defenses, though thirteen
escaped safely, due to the escort afforded by the X-wings of Rogue Squadron, as well as the covering fire provided by
the V-150 anti-orbital ion cannon.
The Alliance used the GR-75s for almost any purpose they could find and the ships became so ubiquitous that they
became commonly known as Rebel medium transports. They were primarily used to transport supplies, equipment, and
troops. Some were modified to be fuel tankers for long range starfighter missions or for smaller ships. They also were
used as kamikaze vessels, as demonstrated during the assault on the Fondor shipyards and the Battle of Endor, where
they functioned as fire ships and were loaded with explosives.
Several vessels fell into the hands of the Hutt Cartel who used them to land troops and attack vehicles on Hypori for the
Ground Battle on Hypori.
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Mobquet MB-C1 Medium Transport
Craft: MB-C1 Medium Transport
Type: Medium Transport
Manufacturer: Mobquet Swoops and Speeders
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 113 meters
Skills: Astrogation, Capitol Ship Gunnery, Capitol Ship Piloting, Capitol Ship Shields, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors
Crew: 2-8; skeleton: 2/+7
Crew Skill: Highly variable
Passengers: Varies, up to 32
Cargo Capacity: 700 tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 750,000 credits (new) / 225,000 credits (used)
Availability: 1,F
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x11
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Atmosphere: 125; 800 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: /D
Scan: /D
Search: /D
Focus: /D
Dual Laser Cannon
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: Forward
Crew: Pilot
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Damage: 4D
Concussion Missile Launcher
Scale: Capitol Ship
Fire Arc: Forward
Crew: Co-pilot
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: D
Ammo: 32 missiles
Damage: 9D
Description:The MB-C1 medium transport, also known as the Mobquet Medium
Transport or Mobquet Medium Cargo Hauler, was a transport ship produced by Mobquet Swoops and Speeders.
Although one of the slower transports, its slightly reinforced hull and extra space helped increase its popularity.
The ship consisted of three modular nodes, that could be modified to serve the need of the owner. The standard design
included crew quarters, storage, defensive weapons in front node, speeder racks in the second node and computer units
in the third node. It wasn't hard to install new weapons, increase the passenger capacity or modify the cargo space.
Common installed weapons were two fire-linked twin medium laser cannons (which were also retractable) and a
concussion missile launcher that was dorsal mounted.
The ship was one the few Mobquet attempts to break into the starship market. Because of Tagge's connection with the
Empire, the freighter was licensed as medium transport rather than a heavy cargo carrier.
At least one Mobquet medium transport was used to make up a Hidden Jedi Temple. A Mobquet medium transport was
also the basis for the Starlight Intruder's design.
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Mobquet Deck Plans
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KDY Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
Craft: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
Type: Light Cruiser
Manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards
Scale: Capitol Ship
Length: 325 meters
Availability: 2,X
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting or (s)Capital Ship Piloting: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
Crew: 100 officers, enlisted crew and pilots
Crew Skills: Astrogation 4D+1, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 5D
Passengers: 100
Cargo Capacity: 1000 tons
Consumables: 3 months
Cost: 40,000,000 (new), 20,200,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 305; 875kmh
Hull: 5D
Hull Material: [GM: coming soon]
Shields: 3D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: 45/0D
Scan: 70/2D
Search: 150/3D
Focus: 2/4D
Dual Turbolaser Cannons (4)
Scale: Capital Ship
Fire Arc: 2 Front/Left, 2 Front/Right
Crew: 5
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmospheric Range: 2-6/24/50km
Damage: 4D
Quad Laser Turrets (4)
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 3
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere: 2-6/24/50km
Damage: 5D
Missile Tubes (4; typically concussion missiles)
Scale: Capital Ship
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 2
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: 0D
Space: 1-3/5/7
Atmosphere: 2-6/10/140km
Damage: 7D
Carried Craft:
3 Starfighters (variable)
2 Shuttles (variable)
Landspeeders (6)
Ship's boats (4)
Role(s): All-purpose, Escort, Support ship, Picket, Light warship, Patrol
Affiliations: Galactic Republic, Republic Navy, Galactic Empire, Imperial Navy
The Arquitens-class light cruiser, also known as the Jedi light cruiser or Republic light cruiser and later
the Imperial light cruiser, was a line of light cruisers designed by Kuat Drive Yards that saw extensive
service with the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. A later variant was the Arquitens-class command
"The enemy ships are faster and more maneuverable. I suggest caution."
-TV-94, referring to the Arquitens-class light cruiser and its companion Consular-class cruisers.
The Arquitens-class were built on a broad, kite-shaped hull, in line with the Kuat Drive Yards triangular
design motif that was also reflected in its contemporaries, the Venator and Acclamator-classes. It was set
apart, however, by its three powerful engines (reminiscent of the smaller Consular-class space cruiser), as
well as its two forward spars cleaved into the ship's triangular bow.
The bridge was a small T-shaped command tower positioned atop the hull, flanked by two turret-mounted quad
light turbolasers; these were matched by identical emplacements and were located on the ventral side. The
cruiser's anti-fighter and anti-ship capabilities were bolstered by the quad laser batteries mounted port
and starboard. All of the batteries could be retracted into the hull in the case of atmospheric operations.
Additionally, the ship also had two pairs of forward concussion missile tubes.
Arquitens-class light cruisers were relatively small vessels; like the retrofitted Consular-class, they were
regarded as "escort-class" vessels by the Separatist Navy (in contrast with the Venators, identified as
"cruiser-class"). However, their versatiliy allowed them to serve in various roles, such as escorting convoys,
performing reconnaissance pickets, and supporting larger capital ships. They earned the respect of both their
crews and their enemy counterparts.
The Arquitens-class resembled a smaller version of the Venator-class Star Destroyer, with engines similar to
the smaller Consular-class space cruiser. A docking ring was located on each side of the ship and a deep split
cleaved the bow into two prongs.
All gun emplacements were retracted into the hull during re-entry to prevent the barrels from being damaged
by sudden drag force. The bridge/bow turrets descended/ascended into large trap-door hatches, while the flank
cannons receded into the bow prongs.
The ship also had two pairs of missile tubes on the edges between its turbolaser cannons.
Clone Wars
"Get back to the bridge. We need to detach before Grievous jumps ship."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, to the clone naval officers aboard his Arquitens-class light cruiser during the Battle of
Arquitens-class light cruisers were rushed into service with the Republic Navy upon the outbreak of the Clone
Wars in 22 BBY. One of these ships was part of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi's flotilla during the Battle of
Saleucami; it was used as bait for General Grievous, distracting him from the Jedi boarding party on his own
flagship that was attempting to rescue the captured Eeth Koth. In the course of the battle, the ship was
targeted at point-blank range by Grievous' flagship and was destroyed.
Several Arquitens-class light cruisers formed part of the fleet that protected Kamino when it was attacked by
Grievous and Asajj Ventress. Arquitens-class ships were also part of the fleet that later engaged Ventress's
fleet in the Sullust system.
Following a distress call from the Togruta colonists of the planet Kiros, Jedi Master Yoda deployed a group
containing Arquitens-class light cruisers and a Venator-class Star Destroyer to investigate. An Arquitens-class
fought in the Battle of Ringo Vinda late in the war.
Age of the Empire
The Chiss Captain Thrawn and Ensign Eli Vanto served aboard the Imperial light cruiser Thunder Wasp under the
command of Commander Alfren Cheno. The Thunder Wasp played a role in knocking out a transmission station during
the pacification of Umbara. During the Batonn sector insurgency, Admiral Thrawn commanded three Imperial light
cruisers Shyrack, Flensor, and Tumnor during the assault on Nightswan's forces on Scrim Island.
These light cruisers were disabled by a hidden ion cannon emplacement but Thrawn ordered his fleet to bombard
the waters around the ion cannons, creating a tsunami that flooded the base and knocked out its defenses. Later,
Thrawn used the cruisers as bait to entice Nightswan's ships to attack his command ship Chimaera. Nightswan's
ships bypassed the cruisers, which deployed repair barges containing TIE fighters that neutralized Nightswan's
Galactic Civil War
Darth Vader and Inspector Thanoth used this class of ship while carrying out Grand General Tagge's orders in
the Anthan system. The same class of ship had been carrying a fortune in credits prior to its theft, which was
what brought the two out to the system in the first place.
Three of these ships also intercepted Princess Leia Organa's convoy after the Battle of Hoth.
Click on image for full size

Arquitens-class Light Cruiser, view 1
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser, view 2
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser, view 3
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser, view 4
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Length: meters
Skills: Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops, Sensors
Crew Skill:
Cargo Capacity: Metric Tons
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x
Hyperdrive Backup: x
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: D
Atmosphere: ; kmh
Hull: D
Shields: D
Backup Shields: None
Passive: /D
Scan: /D
Search: /D
Focus: /D
Fire Arc:
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: D
Damage: D
Fire Arc:
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: D
Damage: D
Fire Arc:
Skill: Capitol Ship Gunnery
Fire Control: D
Damage: D
Carried Craft:
Click on image for full size

Marauder Corvette
Craft: Republic Sienar Systems Marauder-class
Affiliation: General / Corporate Sector
Era: Old Republic
Source: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector
Sourcebook (pages 94-95), Pirates & Privateers
(pages 78-79), Starships of the Galaxy (page
101), The Essential Guide to Vehicles and
Vessels (pages 108-109)
Type: Light combat cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 195 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Marauder
Crew: 129; gunners: 48, skeleton: 52/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 2D+2, capital ship gunnery 3D+2,
capital ship piloting 3D+2, capital ship shields 3D, sensors
Passengers: 40 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 3 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 2D+1
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 80/1D+2
Search: 100/2D+2
Focus: 5/3D+1
8 Double Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 Front, 2 left, 2 right, 2 rear
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 3-15/35/70
Atmosphere Range: 300-1.5/3.5/7 km
Damage: 5D
3 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 2 front, 1 rear
Crew: 8
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Starfighter Complement: 12 fighters
Craft: Rendili StarDrive’s Dreadnaught
Affiliation: Old Republic / Empire / General / New
Era: Old Republic
Source: Imperial Sourcebook (page 57), The Jedi Academy
Sourcebook (page 132), Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
(pages 137-139), Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (pages
121-123), The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (pages 215-216),
Starships of the Galaxy (pages 94-95), The Essential Guide
to Vehicles and Vessels (pages 42-43)
Type: Heavy cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 600 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Dreadnaught
Crew: 16,113, gunners: 97, skeleton: 9,000/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+1, capital ship gunnery 4D+2,
capital ship piloting 4D+2, capital ship shields 4D+2,
sensors 4D
Passengers: 3,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x18
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 4
Hull: 5D+2
Shields: 2D+1
Passive: 30/0D
Scan: 50/1D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 4/3D
10 Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 5 left, 5 right
Crew: 1(5), 2(5)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Damage: 2D
20 Quad Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 6 front, 7 left, 7 right
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 3-20/40/80
Damage: 4D
10 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 back
Crew: 1(2), 2(4), 3(4)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 3-10/30/60
Damage: 7D
Starfighter Complement: 1 squadron
Imperial Customs Corvette
Craft: Merkuni Drives Trenchant-class Cruiser
Type: Light cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 215 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Trenchant cruiser
Crew: 140, gunners: 20, skeleton 64/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+2, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship shields 3D, starship gunnery 4D
Passengers: 80 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 400 metric tons
Consumables: 3 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 30/0D
Scan: 60/1D
Search: 90/2D
Focus: 3/3D
6 Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 forward, 4 back
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere: 300-1.5/3.5/7.5 km
Damage: 4D+1
8 Quad Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 4 left, 4 right
Crew: 1
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/10/17
Atmosphere: 100-500/1/1.7 km
Damage: 4D+1
Name: Republic Frigate
Type: Corellian Engineering Corporation FR-5 Republic Frigate
Scale: Capital
Length: 245 Meters
Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Republic Frigate
Crew: 692; Skeleton Crew: 240/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D+1, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 5D
Passengers: 60 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 Tons
Consumables: 1 Year
Cost: 2.1 Million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X4
Hyperdrive Backup: X24
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 300, 900kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
Passive: 25/0D
Scan: 50/1D
Search: 100/2D
Focus: 2/4D
2 Turbolaser Cannons
Scale: Capital
Fire Arc: Front
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 2-10/24/60
Atmosphere: 4-20/48/120 Km
Damage: 3D
4 Twin Laser Cannons
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-2/10/20
Atmosphere: 1-2/10/20 Km
Damage: 4D
Tractor Beam Projector
Scale: Capital
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 3D
Space: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Description: After the chaos of the Sith War caused by Exar Kun and Ulic Quel-Droma the newly solidified Republic started to form a powerful fleet using the latest technology. The Republic Frigate was one of the classes of vessels that were put into service, provided by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, and put into service in time for the Mandalorian Wars. A fleet of these vessels and their companion gunships under the command of the Jedi Malak and Revan fought against the invading Mandalorians who thought they were taking advantage of the Republics weakened state after the Sith War. The tactical genius of Revan led these vessels to success after success, allowing them to survive through to the resurgence of the Sith under Revan and Malak after they turned to the Dark Side of the Force. While many of the crews defected to the Sith cause along with Malak and Revan, the vessels weren't taken in any great quantities due to the creation of destroyers copied from the defected Leviathan by the alien artifact the StarForge. This left these excellent, but less advanced vessels fighting an ever increasing tide of Leviathan Class Destroyers, something which led to most examples of this class being destroyed in combat, although a few survived through until the Imperial Era when the design was somewhat revived and updated by CEC.
Craft: Damorian Manufacturing’s Carrack-class light cruiser
Type: Light cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 350 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Carrack
Crew: 1,007, gunners: 85, skeleton: 500/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+2, capital ship gunnery 4D+2, capital ship piloting 4D+1, capital ship shields 4D, sensors 4D+1
Passengers: 142 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 3,500 metric tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 8
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D+2
Passive: 30/0D
Scan: 50/1D
Search: 100/2D
Focus: 4/3D
10 Heavy Turbolasers
Fire Arc: 2 front, 3 left, 3 right, 2 back
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 7D
20 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 left, 5 right, 5 back
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 2-6/24/50 km
Damage: 2D
5 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 1 front, 2 left, 2 right
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Starfighter Complement: 4 recon fighters
Source: Imperial Sourcebook (pages 57-58), Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (pages 120-121), The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (page 214), Starships of the Galaxy (pages 89-
90), The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (pages 16-17)
Strike Cruiser
Craft: Loronar Strike-class Cruiser
Affiliation: Empire / General / Rebel Alliance
Era: Rebellion
Source: Imperial Sourcebook (pages 51-54), Heir to
the Empire Sourcebook (page 128), The Thrawn Trilogy
Sourcebook (page 222)
Type: Strike-class medium
Scale: Capital
Length: 450 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting:
Strike-class cruiser
Crew: 1,972, gunners: 140,
skeleton: 800/+10
Crew Skill: Capital ship
gunnery 4D+2, capital ship
piloting 5D, capital ship
shields 3D+2
Passengers: 340 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 metric tons
Consumables: 1.5 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 6
Hull: 6D
Shields: 2D+2
Passive: 30/0D
Scan: 50/1D
Search: 100/2D
Focus: 4/3D
20 Turbolasers
Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 left, 5 right, 5 back
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 5D
10 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 4 front, 3 left, 3 right
Crew: 4
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 7D
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 2 front, 3 left, 3 right, 2 back
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 1-5/15/30 km
Damage: 4D
10 Ion Cannons
Fire Arc: 4 front, 3 left, 3 right
Crew: 3
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D
Starfighter Complement: 1 squadron
Ground/Air Complement: 1 At-AT, 2 AT-STs

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