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Ship Equipment Notes

With the completion of the Ship Design tables, and the establishment of "size" categories for ships, it will be more appropriate to have varying costs and sizes for most ship equipment, based on the size of the ship. Items marked with an "*" asterisk will definitely be under a size scale in the future.

Cost is in standard Imperial Credits, though many items on the list may also require special permits, or be subject to purchasing restrictions.

Mass is in tons, which come out of cargo space when being added to a ship. Every meter added to the length of a ship adds 3% to the total cargo capacity. Likewise, every meter removed from a ship subtracts 3% of total cargo capacity.

Item Name Cost Mass Description
Blaster Gas Canisters 1000 1 Ammunition for starship Laser/Turbolaser weaponry.
(Optional rule) Canister allows 20 shots Capital scale, or 40 shots Starfighter scale.
Backup Battery 10,000 1 Corellian Eng. Corp. Lifesaver Provides 1 day of life support, communications, and sensors.
Universal Airlock 3500 2 Extends from ship and forms an airtight seal around another surface.
Escape Pod & Launcher 1200 5
Escape Pod (alternate) 20,000 10
Droid Automation 2000+ -- Droid fills one crew space on starcraft, has 3D in relevant piloting or operations skill. Cost raises to 5000 for 4D skill.
Enhanced Lateral Thrust * * Any "sliding" maneuver in one difficulty level easier.
Backup Shields * * A Moderate Shields roll allows backup shields to be activated, to replace shield dice lost to damage. Backup shields cannot be used to increase ship shield levels beyond normal. (1D Starfighter scale shield uses 10 weapon emplacement points, Capital Ship scale uses 25)
Slave Circuit varies * Allows ship to be remotely controlled by any ship with the proper frequencies and access codes- pilot makes single maneuvering attempt using own ship, and slaved ship follows. Can also be controlled by a handheld computer, without Maneuverability bonuses. Cost is based on size of ship, from 5000 to 250,000: 20,000 for most starfighters, 50,000 for light freighters, 100,000 for bulk cruisers and small capital ships.

Hyperdrive-Related Equipment

Item Name Cost Availability Description
*Navigational Computer 2000 Allows the ship to calculate hyperspace jumps.
Hyperdrive Booster 16,500+ 4X Reduces hyperdrive multipliers (x10 or greater becomes x4, x9 to x6 become x3, x5 to x3 become x2, x2 becomes x1, and x1 becomes x1/2). Difficult Repair roll to install, and 1D is rolled whenever activated- if this number is less than the number of times the unit has been used, hyperdrive suffers a serious malfunction (VD Repair roll to fix). Astrogation mishaps are more serious (add +2 onto random result). Cannot be installed on ships with more than 100ton cargo capacity.
Navigational Computer Bypass 4X Integrates a new hyperdrive route into one currently being traveled, allowing a navigator to change hyperspace courses in transit without stopping (which can take hours to re-calculate). Moderate Repair roll to install. Requires 3 Astrogation rolls to operate, first duplicates the original course (1 difficulty level lower than original jump), second charts a new course from an upcoming point in the current route (difficulty varies widely VE – H). Missing either roll prevents device activation. Third roll is 1 difficulty level lower than second, to feed course through bypass into Nav Computer (failure causes a hyperdrive mishap). Adds 10% time onto new route, but makes a smooth transition. Each successive use increases difficulties by 1 level (cumulatively)- nav computer must be "cleaned" via programming (Moderate Computer Program/Repair or Astrogation) to eliminate this penalty.

Ship Security

Item Name Cost Mass Description
*Basic System 500 -- Moderate-level security. Can be attached to any desired security circuit (i.e. alarms, anti-intruder weapons). The type of scanner determines what equipment will help in disabling it. (Electronic Locks, Voice Identifier, Scanners -Palmprint, Retinal, DNA) This is the "default" security level (simple electronic lock) on a starship.
*Moderate System 2000 -- Difficult-level security – 2 of the above types of sensors, working together. If upgrading, subtract the cost of the lower level of security. The increases in price are for the circuitry necessary to operate the systems in tandem with each other.
*Advanced System 5000 -- Very Difficult security – 3 types of identification necessary
*Superior System 20,000 -- Heroic-level security – 4 or more security sensors.
Ship-Boarding Cutter 4750 n/a BlasTech Plasma Cut Boarding Device, availability X (military smuggling interdiction ships only). Mounted in airlock with controls inside ship- extendable torch (fire control 0D, range 4m, damage 8D starfighter) cuts through ship hull (roll 8D against other ship hull –2D; if "lightly damaged" then the torch cuts)- takes one minute to cut a 1m by 2m hole. Extendable boarding tube attaches to hull and forms airtight seal in 30 seconds.

Power Systems

Item Name Cost Mass Description
*Solar Sail * * Provides some thrust with no power expenditure, requires a light source.
Solar Converter 12,000 10 Solar power, usually only 4-5 units of power, but unlimited provided a light source is available.
Solid Fuel Converter 8000 5 Usually 7-8 power units. Limited fuel supply.
Fusion Backup Generator 23,000 2 Gives 10-15 power units, almost unlimited.
Emergency Power 1000 3 Extra power, present on most ships. Generators come in 5 sizes, and cost 1000, 2500, 7500, 15000 and 25000 credits, weighing 3, 5, 7, 10, and 14 tons respectively. Sizes 1-3 provide 1, 2 and 3 power units to Starfighter-scale ships. Sizes 3-5 provide 1, 2, and 3 power units to Capital Ships.


Item Name Cost Mass Description
Basic Comm System 1000 Shortrange communications, ship-to-ship or to planet from orbit. Limited to the range of a single planet. Typically audio only, but some models also provide visual communications.
Subspace Transceiver 3000 System-wide communications, voice, visual, and holographic where available. Signal range extends outside of a star system, but typically can not contact another system.
Hypertransceiver 10,000 Visual, audio, and holographic communications. Sends signals through hyperspace, so has almost no range limits, though long-distance communications will lag.
HoloNet Transceiver 250,000 Real-time holographic communications, without range limits. The HoloNet must be operational for the desired areas of communication.
Signal Compressor 3000 2 Adjusts message speed, so long messages can be sent quickly (5 minutes transmits in 1 second). Also de-compresses signals.
Narrow-Beam Transmitter 3800 5 Directed signal, hard to intercept (interceptor must be directly between transmitter and target. When using narrow-beam, must know the location of the intended recipient.
Signal Scrambler 1200+ 1+ Adds to Communications for scrambling or descrambling signals. Cost and weight vary: 1200 credits/1 ton, 3000/2, and 7500/4 for +1D-3D.
Comm Jammer When active, other ships must make a Difficult Communications roll to broadcast or receive transmissions.


Item Name Cost Mass Description
*High Resolution Sensors 1000 Adds +1D to all sensor modes.
*Emissions Sensors 2200 +2D to locating a ship, detects electromagnetic fields.
Image Analyzer 1400 +1D to identify a target that has already been located.
Sensor Mask 20,000 -- Adds to sensor difficulty for other ships to detect or identify. Cost varies: 20,000/+1D, 40,000/+2D, 80,000/+3D, and 150,000/+4D added difficulty. In general, Capital Ships can not be masked from detection, and can be identified visually.
Sensor Jamming 1500 +2D difficulty to identify, but easier to locate.

Cargo Compartments

(cost per ton to convert from standard cargo compartments)
Note: A maximum of 25% of total cargo space can be concealed, hidden, or scanner-resistant

Type Cost Description
Concealed 200 Moderate Search roll to find
Hidden 400 Difficult to find
Scanner-Resistant 1000 Difficult to find, also Difficult to scan.
Auto-Cargo-Jettison 1000 Allows the pilot to instantly dump 1 ton of cargo (from the specific compartment).
Temperature Control 100 Insulates and adds climate control to 1 ton of cargo space.
Pressure Controlled 150
Radiation/EMF Shielded 250
Passenger Conversion 400 Requires 10 tons of space to add life support and consumables, 25 tons if the cargo area is being converted to cabin space.
Cargo Security varies Adds extra security measures to the compartment (may include locks, alarms, or anti-intruder devices). Cost based on difficulty to disarm.

Ship Maintenance

Maintenance should be done to a ship after a hyperspace trip, or a long-distance sublight journey. If maintenance is skipped, then the cost for next maintenance increases by only 10% for each additional trip made before maintenance is conducted. Skipping maintenance to make a few consecutive jumps is common for ship captains who want to save a few credits, and in some cases maintenance is not possible.

Without maintenance, however, there is a small chance of the ship developing a minor defect or flaw: 3D is rolled for a trip made without pre-launch maintenance. If the roll total is less than or equal to the number of trips taken since last maintenance, then the ship develops a (minor) flaw.

Maintenance Costs

Ship Type Size Cost
Capital Ship 3.5km or larger 3200
Capital Ship 1km to 3.5km 1600
Capital Ship 501-100m 900
Capital Ship 201-500m 450
Capital Ship 101-200m 300
Starfighter 51-100m 200
Starfighter 21-50m 150
Starfighter 11-20m 75
Starfighter 6-10m 35
Starfighter 1-5m 25
Performing maintenance on a ship requires an Easy roll of the appropriate Repair skill. This skill roll is also used in finding any existing flaws to the ship (usually Moderate difficulty), or any sabotage or alterations to the ship (Difficult, or as determined by type of alteration).

Maintenance takes an hour or two, varying according to ship size, and how much abuse the ship has taken. It includes refueling and restocking of consumables. While the precise math may not work out using these rules (varying lengths of travel, etc), it is a convenient value to use without slowing down gameplay with itemized lists.

The costs listed are those in a well-traveled spaceport. Cost is increased by half in a run-down or seldom- used spaceport, doubled in makeshift facilities, or tripled if no facilities are available.

Ship Upgrades

Current upgrading rules are governed by Repair skills (Technical), using the tables for device/vehicle improvement.

Starship Weapons

Range: Space Range. Atmospheric Ranges are usually 100m for each space unit.
Damage: Starfighter-scale, for this list- Capital Ship scale weapons are listed later. Damage entries marked in parenthesis (for missile-weapon launchers) are the maximum number of missiles/torpedoes that can be stored in the launcher at any time. Damage for launchers is determined by the particular brand of torpedo, but a Concussion Missile launcher, for example, could not fire Proton Torpedoes- it could only fire various types of Concussion Missiles.
Crew: Can be fired by a pilot, if this value is not more than 1.
Control: Fire Control, added to aiming roll.
Cost: Standard Credits. Many dealers will require permits - those that do not will charge extra for "convenience."
Weight: Addition of weapons adds to ship mass, can use up cargo space- the effect depends on which rules the GM is using for starship construction and modification.
Points: Emplacement points. To be used in the "point" system of ship designing.

Weapon Range Damage Control Cost Mass Points Notes
Taim & Bak Lt. Blaster Cannon 1-5/10/17 1D 1D 2000 1t 1
font color="lime" face="verdana">TripleBlaster 1-5/10/17 2D 1D 3300 2t 2 No longer produced
font color="lime" face="verdana">Light Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 2D 0D 3800 2.25t 3
Improved Light Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 2D+2 2D 4400 2.4t 4
Kuat Vonak Light Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 3D 0D 5000 2.5t 4
Medium Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 3D+2 +2 6000 3t 6
Heavy Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 4D+1 1D+1 6500 3.25t 7
Double Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 4D+2 1D+2 7000 3.5t 7
Arakyn Tomral Heavy Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 5D 1D 8000 4t 8
Twin Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 5D 0D 9000 3.75t 9 (burst fire)
Super Heavy Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 6D 0D 9500 4.5t 10
Laser Cannon 1-3/12/25 7D 1D 12,500 4.75t 11
Incom W-34t Turbolaser 1-3/12/25 7D 2D 13,500 5t 11
Auto-Blaster 1-8/25/40 3D 1D 8500 100kg 7 (sustained fire)
Quad Laser 1-5/10/17 6D 1D 11,500 .3t 10 (sustained fire)
Quad Laser Battery 1-3/12/25 4D 2D 10,000 .4t 9 (sustained fire)
Comar F-2 Lt Ion Cannon 1-3/7/36 2D 0D 2000 .5t 1
Comar F-4 Ion Cannon 1-3/7/36 3D 1D 3500 1t 3
Comar F-9 Hvy Ion Cannon 1-3/7/36 4D 1D 5000 2t 4
Heavy Ion Cannon 1-3/7/36 5D 2D 7000 3t 6
Dymex HM-6 C-Msl Launcher 1/3/7 (6) 3000 (standard on A-Wing)
Lt. Concussion Missile Launcher 1/3/7 (8) 0D 3500 3t 3
Med. Concussion Missile Launcher 1/3/7 (10) 0D 3650 3.5t 3
Hvy. Concussion Missile Launcher 1/3/7 (16) 0D 4000 4t 4
Lt. Concussion Missile -- 6D -- 350 --
Med. Concussion Missile -- 7D -- 450 -- (standard)
Arakyd Morne-3 C-Missile -- 8D -- 500 -- (uncommon)
Hvy. Concussion Missile -- 9D -- 700 -- (rare)
Energy Torpedo Launcher 1/3/7 (8) 0D 3000 3
Energy Torpedo -- 8D -- 650 -- --
Krupx MG7 P-Torp Launcher 1/3/7 (3) 0D 1500 (standard on X-Wing)
Arakyd Flex-Tube P-Torp Lnchr 1/3/7 (4) 0D 1750 (standard on Y-Wing)
Krupx MG9 P-Torp Launcher 1/3/7 (6) 0D 2000 2t 3 (standard on B-Wing)
Proton Torpedo Launcher 1/3/7 (12) 0D 2500 2t 4
Proton Torpedo Launchers are restricted to military use only. Disguising a Proton Torpedo Launcher as a Concussion Missile Launcher costs 1000 credits, plus the cost of the launcher.
Lt. Proton Torpedo -- 7D -- 500 -- -- (older, Z95 armament)
Med. Proton Torpedo -- 8D -- 600 -- --
Arakyd Hi-fex P-Torpedo -- 9D -- 800 -- -- (standard)
Hvy. Proton Torpedo -- 9D+2 -- 950 -- -- (rare)
Spr. Hvy. Proton Torpedo -- 10D -- 1200 -- -- (very rare)
Tracking Torpedo -- -- 260 -- -- Attaches to target and sends tracking signal through HoloNet (1000 credits each)
Tractor Beam 2-12/30/60 5D 3D 8000 15t 10

Fire Control Computers

Points Power Cost
0 +1 200
0 +2 500
1 +1D 1000
1 +1D+1 2000
1 +1D+2 3500
2 +2D 5000
2 +2D+1 6500
2 +2D+2 8000
3 +3D 10,000
3 +3D+1 13,000
3 +3D+2 16,500
4 +4D 20,000
Fire Control computers can be purchased or sold independently of a weapon system, and are often interchangeable. When upgrading Fire Control computers, use the difference in prices to determine upgrade costs.
Emplacement point costs for Fire Control are already taken into account for weapons listed above, and point values are listed here only because upgrades can change the Emplacement Point value of a weapon.

Fire Control computers that give bonuses greater than 2D are restricted to military or government use only. Civilians are permitted to have any lower-power units desired, provided they have the appropriate permits for the weaponry.


Several weapons of same type are mounted in a "fire-link" to fire at the same target simultaneously (must be in same firing arc). No emplacement points are necessary for the basic fire-link controls, but it costs 500 credits, and is mounted with a particular weapon type, the first of which is added to the ship as normal. Each additional weapon of the same type that is added to that fire-link system costs an additional 1500 credits (for fire-coordination circuitry), but only requires 1 emplacement point, regardless of normal point value (power distribution is simplified for that weapon group). Also, damage is added to the total for that weapons group (which now fires as one weapon), by the chart on the right.

It is possible to have fire-linked weapons, as well as other weapons of the same type that are not part of the fire-link, or to have multiple fire-linking systems on a ship. It is not possible to add or remove weapons to/from a fire-link system without stopping at a site suitable for starship maintenance; it can not be done in the middle of a battle (for example) unless the fire-link system has been specially modified, since weapons in a standard fire-link system have no individual firing consoles, and adding a weapon to an existing link requires it to be connected through a synchronization module. Theoretically, if a spare synchronization module or weapon operation console was available, and an individual had the Starship Weapon Engineering skill, these actions might be possible while in flight.

Total Weapons Damage Bonus
1 (none)
2 +1D
3 +1D+2
4 +2D
5 +2D+1
6 +2D+2
7 +3D
8 +3D+1
9 +3D+2
10 +4D
11 +4D+1
12 +4D+1
13 +4D+2
14 +4D+2
15 +5D

Weapon-Related Starship Items

Partial Turret: (1 weapon point, 1000 credits for starfighter / 2000 for capital ship): Requires a separate crewperson to fire, unless locked into place. A weapon mounted in a partial turret has two possible firing arcs – front and right, front and left, left and rear, or right and rear.
Full Turret: (2 weapon points, 2000 credits for starfighter / 4000 for capital ship): Requires separate crewperson unless locked into place. Full turrets can be turned in any direction.
Burst Fire Option: (1 construction point): Allows a "burst" of 3-5 shots, giving a bonus of 2D that goes to aim if necessary, with the remainder to damage. Burst fire counts as 1 combat action when applying multiple-action penalties, but uses up 2 of the character's 5 possible combat actions for the round. (House Rules)
Sustained Fire Option: (2 construction points, includes Burst Fire): Allows the weapon to fire a stream of 8-13 shots, giving a bonus of 4D that goes first to aim then to damage, counts as 1 combat action for penalties, uses up 4 of 5 possible actions for the round. (House Rules)

Other Weapons

Item Name Range Notes
Enemy Target Jammer 1-3/7/15 Uses Sensors skill in these difficulties, has no "fire control." When active, subtract –2D aim from incoming fire, for ships within Jammer's effective range (determined by roll). Cost is 2400 credits or more. Targeting jammers are used almost exclusively on starfighters (or at least starfighter-scale craft), and are only effective against starfighter-scale craft (the high-power redundant sensor arrays on capital ships are unaffected).
Connor Ship Systems Type 1 Restraining Net 5-25/50/100 Fire the net, enclosed in a metal canister, through a concussion missile launcher or cargo shunt. The net expands from the canister to 50m diameter, and then requires a Difficult Starship Gunnery roll to activate. Ships or other targets touched by the net suffer +5D penalty to use any electrical system (drive, weapons, sensors, communications, etc.), and any unprotected person touching the charged net takes 10D damage each round. Generator can run interference field for several hours, so an outside party is often necessary to burn the net off. Cost is 5000 credits per net, availability 3R.
Cluster Trap 2 Automatic aim is 3D skill. For any ship that passes within 2 space units of a cluster trap when it activates, a roll of Easy for the weapon's aim results in a hit. Targets may dodge if the weapon is seen in advance. A cloud of small concussion explosives flies out of a cluster trap and detonates, inflicting 6D damage on any ship that fails to Dodge greater than the 3D (or does not dodge at all). Cluster traps are almost always mounted on Capital Ships, each one only fires once.

Capital Ship Weapons

Weapon Range Damage Fire Control Crew Cost Mass Points Notes
+Laser Cannon 1-5/12/25 2D 1D 2 1200 1t 3
+Turbolaser Cannon 3-15/35/75 2D 2D+1 1-2 3000 4t 5
+Double Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 2D+2 1D 3 4000 5t 6
+Laser Cannon 1-10/25/50 3D 1D 1,4,12 4500 5t 6
+Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 4D 0D 1,2,3 5000 6 8
Double Turbolaser Cannon 3-15/35/75 4D 0D 5 5500 6 8 Burst
Quad Laser Battery 3-15/35/75 4D 0D 3 6000 6 8 Sustained
Lt. 1 Turbolaser Cannon 3-15/35/75 4D +1 2 6500 6 9
Lt. 2 Turbolaser Cannon 3-15/35/75 4D +2 2 6800 6 9
Lt. 3 Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 4D 1D 1-4 7 9
+Quad Turbolaser Cannon 3-0/40/80 4D 1D 3 7.5 9 (Sustained)
+Turbolaser Battery 1-5/8/14 4D+2 0D 3 4250 4t 7
+Double Turbolaser Cannons 3-15-35-75 4D+2 0D 5 (burst)
+Turbloaser Battery 1-5/10/17 5D 1D+1 3 6800 5t 8 Sustained
Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 5D 0D 4 7000 8t 9
Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 5D 0D 3 7200 8t 9
+Double Turbolaser Cannon 3-15/35/75 5D 1D 3 7400 8.5t 10 Burst
+Turbolaser 3-15/35/75 5D 1D 2 7500 8.5t 10
+Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 5D 1D+1 2 7600 9t 10
+Quad Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 5D 2D 8800 9.5t 11 Sustained
+Heavy Turbolaser Battery 3-15/30/75 5D 3D 3
Hvy. Turbolaser Battery 3-10/30/60 7D 0D 1-3 8750 1 12
Hvy + Turbolaser Battery 3-10/30/60 7D 0D 1-4 8800 12 12
+Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 7D 0D 4 9000 12.5 12
+Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 7D 0D 3 9000 12.5 12
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 7D 0D 2 9100 12.5 12
+Heavy Turbolaser 3-15/35/75 7D 1D 3 13.5 13 aka Dbl T-laser Cannon
+Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 7D 1D 1,2 14 13
+Heavy Turbolaser Battery 5-20/40/60 10D 0D 2 60,000 19 19
+Turbolaser Battery 3-15/35/75 10D 0D 3 20t 20
Ion Cannon 1-10/25/50 3D 0D 1-2 4
Ion Cannon 1-5/15/30 4D 3D 3 5
Ion Cannon 1-10/25/50 4D 3D 2-4 6
Ion Cannon 1-10/25/50 4D 4D 1,2 6
Assault C-Missile Launcher 2-12/30/60 9D 1D 10,000 12
Assault Concussion Missile -- 9D -- -- 2000 --
Tractor Beam 1-5/10/15 4D 0D 3 4
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 4D 0D 1-12 5
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 4D 1D 3 5
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/35 4D 0D 8 5
Tractor Beam 1-5/30/60 4D 1D+2 1-10 6
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 6D 1D 2-10 8
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 6D 1D+1 1-10 8
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 6D 2D 3 9
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 6D 4D 1-10 10
Tractor Beam 1-5/15/30 9D 4D 1 15
Gravity Well Projectors 1-5/75/150 N/A 6D 1-10 100
Lower-scale weapons can be mounted on most starcraft with no cost in terms of Weapon Emplacement points. Any of these weapons can be fired by a single person unless otherwise specified. Anti-vehicle or anti-personnel weapons mounted on starcraft typically must be registered with appropriate governments, though special permits are not necessarily required.

Vehicle Weapons

Type Scale Range Damage Fire Control Cost
Blaster Cannon Speeder 50-400/900/3K 4D 1D 2000
Laser Cannon Speeder 3-50/100/200 4D 2D 2500
Double Laser Cannon Speeder 50-300/800/1.5 4D+2 2D 3000
Vehicle Ion Cannon Speeder 50-200/500/1k 3D 3D 2600
Medium Blaster Walker 50-200/500/1 2D 2D 1500
Twin Blaster Cannon Walker 50-200/1/2 4D 1D 4500
Heavy Laser Cannon Walker 50-500/1.5/3 5D 2D 5000
Concussion Grenade Walker 10-50/100/200 3D 1D 500 launcher, 125 grenade

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Ship Design Rules

Inspired by the Star Wars RPG third edition supplement "Ships of the Galaxy." I mention it here since I borrowed some of the categories and terminology from it. I believe I can safely say that this is my own creation, though, due to the amount of interpretation (i.e. should a +2 in third edition be a full +1D in this one? And how many Hull Points is 1D in Starfighter or Capital scale?) as well as testing for game balance, and the efforts to make sure I'm not using the sets of third edition numbers in these charts.

How this works: The ship designer chooses the performance levels he/she desires for the ship (i.e. speed, hull strength, shields, maneuverability, cargo space, crew, etc.), and uses the following charts to determine how many "Construction Points" (listed in the far left column of each chart) are necessary to build the craft. The number of construction points determines how long construction will take, and how much the ship will cost.

Ship size, while listed first, can actually be determined last, based on the actual performance requirements of the ship. For example, if the desired ship is intended to hold 100 passengers, then it must be Small size or larger. The performance modifiers listed for size are applied after all point costs are determined, based on the following charts. For example, a ‘Tiny' ship could have a speed rating of 13, but only require the number of construction points required for a speed of 10, since the +3 is added afterward.

Many of the following charts will have ship size restrictions on them. Aside from those that determine how many passengers and crew are supported (which are limited by the space available in the ship – 500 people can not fit into a ship that is only 10 meters long), I would allow some potential for exceeding limits. To go beyond a limit for size would involve point costs being increased beyond normal, by doubling the cost by which the aspect exceeded limits. Other GMs may find it more appropriate to simply double the final cost (for that aspect of the ship).

Ship Size

Points Ship Size Examples Length Scale Modifiers
150 Colossal SSD, Torpedo Sphere 3.5km+ CS Mvr –3D, Hull +3D, Speed -2
100 Gargantuan ISD 1.001-3.5km CS Mvr –2D, Hull +2D, Speed -1
50 Huge VSD 501m-1km CS Mvr –1D, Hull +1D, Speed -1
25 Large Dreadnaught 201-500m CS Hull +1D
10 Medium (Frigate) 51-200m CS
10 Medium (Transport) 41-100m SF Mvr –1D, Hull +1D
5 Small Large Starfighter, Shuttle 21-40m SF Hull +1, Speed +1
3 Diminutive X-Wing, B-Wing 11-20m SF Mvr +1, Speed +2
2 Tiny all TIE ships 6-10m SF Mvr +1D, Hull –1D, Speed +3
1 Fine 1-5m SF Mvr +2D, Hull –2D, Speed +4

Automation Systems

Points Crew Required Sizes
0 30,001-50,000 Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal
1 15,001-30,000 Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal
2 5001-15,000 Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal
3 1801-5000 Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan
4 601-1800 Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan
5 201-600 Medium, Large, Huge
6 65-200 Medium, Large, Huge
7 17-64 Small, Medium, Large
8 5-16 Diminutive, Small, Medium
9 3-4 Tiny, Diminutive, Small
10 1-2 Fine, Tiny, Diminutive, Small

Environmental Systems

Points Supported Minimum Size
0 0 (all)
1 2 (all)
2 4 (all)
4 16 Tiny
6 32 Diminutive
8 64 Small
10 120 Small
12 240 Medium
15 360 Medium
18 425 Medium
21 600 Medium
24 1000 Medium
29 2000 Medium
34 4000 Medium
39 10,000 Medium
44 25,000 Large
50 50,000 Large
Staterooms: 1 point per 3 (usually includes a second (or third small) room – most commonly used on transports, sometimes also for captain's quarters).
Standard Crew Quarters (15x10): 1 point per 5
Small Quarters (10x8): 1 point per 10
Cabins: 1 point per 25 (very small- enough room for a bed and a trunk)
Seating Area: 1 point for up to 50 seats, then up to 100, 200, 500, 1000 (5 points total), 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000 (10 points total).

Cargo Space

Points Capacity Size
0 0 F,T,D
1 60kg F,T,D,S
2 110kg T,D,S
3 240kg T,D,S,M
4 500kg D,S,M,L
5 1 ton D,S,M,L,H
7 50 S,M,L,H
11 100 Small to Medium
15 150 Small to Medium
20 500 tons Medium
25 1000 Medium
30 5k Medium to Large
35 20k Medium to Large
45 36k Large
55 50k Large
65 65k Large to Huge
75 80k Large to Huge
85 100k Huge or larger


Points Duration Size
0 1 Day (any)
1 2 Days (any)
2 3 Days (any)
3 1 Week (any)
4 2 Weeks Tiny+
5 3 Weeks D+
6 1 Month S+
7 2 Months
8 3 Months
9 6 Months
10 9 Months M+
11 1 Year
12 1.5 Years
13 2 Years
14 3 Years L+
15 4 Years
16 5 Years
17 6 Years H+

Main Hyperdrive and Backup Hyperdrive

Hyperdrive Backup
Points Multiplier Points Multiplier
0 none 0 none
1 5x 1 12x+
2 4x 2 10x-11x
4 3x 3 8x-9x
6 2.5x 4 6x-7x
8 2x 5 4x-5x
11 1.5x (military restricted)
15 1x (military restricted)
30 .75x (only available as upgrade)
50 .5x (only available as upgrade)

Nav Computer

Points Type
0 (none)
1 1-jump
2 2-jump
3 3
5 4
7 5

Main Drive

Points Space
1 1 210
2 2 225
3 3 260
5 4 280
7 5 295
9 6 330
12 7 350
15 8 365
20 9 400
25 10 415
30 11 435
40 12 450
55 13 470
75 14 485
95 15 505
115 16 520


Points Maneuver
0 none
1 1
2 2
4 1D
7 1D+1
10 1D+2
15 2D
20 2D+1
25 2D+2
35 3D
Note that maneuverability rating may be negative after size modifier is applied.
As these rules are revised, an additional point cost may be applied for final maneuverability ratings that exceed certain levels.
If desired Space and Atmosphere speeds do not match, the designer can average the point costs of the two desired speeds- ships can save on drive cost if they do not perform equally well in space and atmosphere.

Weapons Suite

Points Weapon Points Minimum Size
1 5 (all)
2 10 (all)
3 15 Tiny
6 20 Diminuitive
9 30 Small
12 45 Small
17 60 Medium
22 90 Medium
32 150 Large
42 210 Large
57 270 Huge
72 360 Huge
92 450 Huge
110 550 Gargantuan
135 700 Gargantuan
170 900 Gargantuan
210 1100 Colossal
260 1400 Colossal
320 1700 Colossal
400 2000 Colossal
Each weapon that can be mounted on a starcraft is assigned a "point" value. Weapon emplacement points are different from construction points, and the number of Weapon Emplacement points desired for the ship determines how many Construction points will be necessary to accommodate the weapons.
Weapons mount Forward, Left (port), Right (starboard), or Rear (aft). For ships of Medium or greater size, no more than half of the ship's total Emplacement Points can be mounted in any 1 direction (turrets count as a fifth direction).
See ship weapons listing for individual weapon point values.

Other options available for weaponry:

Fire-Linking: cost only 1 weapon point for each weapon in the link, after the first. Costs 500 for first weapon, 1500 for each additional. Fire-linked weapons must be the same type, mounted in the same direction.
Turrets: Partial turret allows 2 fire arcs for a weapon, and requires 1 additional emplacement point. Full turret allows all firing arcs and requires 2 points. On Starfighter-scale ships, partial turrets cost 1000 credits, and full turrets cost 2000. These costs are doubled for Capital Ships.
Additional Fire Control: see Starship Weapons.
Autofire: Burst Fire requires 1 additional weapon point, Sustained Fire requires 2 points. Costs will vary drastically.


Points SF CS
0 1D 1D+1
1 1D+1 1D+2
2 1D+2 2D
3 2D 2D
5 2D+1 2D+1
7 2D+2 2D+2
9 3D 3D
14 3D+1 3D
19 3D+2 3D+1
24 4D 3D+2
30 4D+1 4D
40 4D+2 4D
50 5D 4D+1
60 5D+1 4D+2
80 5D+2 5D
100 6D 5D

Main Shields

Points SF CS Double Cost For
1 1
2 2 1
3 1D 2
4 1D+1
5 1D+2 1D
7 2D 1D+1
11 2D+1 1D+2 F
15 2D+2 2D T-
20 3D 2D D-
25 3D+1 2D+1 S-
30 3D+2 2D+2 M-
35 4D
40 4D+1 3D L-
50 4D+2 3D+1 H-
60 5D 3D+2 G-
180 5D+1 (all)
240 5D+2 4D
300 6D 4D+1

Backup Shields

Backup shields are mounted with Emplacement Points (Main Shields are mounted with Construction Points). Any amount of backup shields can be installed on a ship, limited only by the number of Emplacement Points available.

1D of Starfighter scale backup shields uses 10 emplacement points.
1D of Capital Ship scale backup shields uses 25 emplacement points.
A Moderate Shields roll is required to activate backup shields to restore those lost due to damage.

Not yet accounted for: Escape Pods, Comm, Generator, Ship Bays

Optional features that need consideration: Medical, LR Sensors, Extended Database/Computer, Brig, Expansion Space?


Why get sensors: Because if you can't get a ship on sensors, you can't get targeting bonuses from your weapons when you shoot at it.


Points Passive Scan Search Focus
0 10 25 40 2
1 15 30 45 2
2 20 35 50 3
3 25 40 60 3
4 30 50 75 3
5 35 60 90 4
6 40 70 100 4
7 40 75 110 4
8 45 80 120 5
9 45 85 135 5
10 50 90 150 5

Sensor Power


Passive Mode
Points Power
0 0
1 1D
3 2D
Scan Mode
Points Power
0 +1D
1 +1D+1
2 +1D+2
3 +2D
Search Mode
Points Power
0 +0
2 +1D
4 +2D
Focus Mode
Points Power
0 +1
1 +2
2 +1D
4 +2D

Scan, Search, and Focus powers, in the above charts, are listed in terms of the additional strength beyond the previous sensor mode. For example, the final value for "Scan"-mode Sensors is equal to the Passive sensoor strength, plus the additional power from Scan sensors (i.e. if Passive sensors are 1D, and Scan sensors are +1D+1, then the final power value for Scan sensors is 2D+1). Search mode is similarly added onto final Scan Sensor power, and Focus is added onto final Search power. The final values should be increasing from the previous value (though Search mode does not always increase in power).

Ship Construction

Ships take 1 week per Construction Point to build, with 1 construction crew working on it. This work can be divided among multiple crews: The number of teams can be increased beyond these limits, but adds to cost. Cost is 110% when crews are doubled, cost is 115% when crews are tripled.

Starship construction facilities may be limited by the number of crews or workspace that can be rented/hired for any single project. Others may go on a "bidding" system with or without informing their clients ("I'm sorry, sir, but something came up and we had to divert three construction teams from your project to other areas temporarily.")

Maximum Construction Teams
Size Teams
Gargantuan 32
Huge 24
Large 18
Medium 12
Small 9
Diminuitive 6
Tiny 4
Fine 3


Points Base Cost Cost per +1
10 50,000 500
20 55,000 750
30 63,000 1000
40 75,000 1500
50 90,000 2000
60 110,000 2500
70 135,000 5000
80 185,000 10,000
90 285,000 15,000
100 440,000 20,000
110* 650,000 25,000
120 900,000 30,000
130 1.2m 35,000
140 1.55m 40,000
150 1.95m 50,000
160 2.5m 60,000
170 3.1m 80,000
180 3.9m 100,000
190 4.9m 120,000
200 6.1m 140,000
210 7.5m 160,000
220 9.1m 180,000
230 10.9m 200,000
240 12.9m 225,000
500 71.4m 350,000
1000 197m 500,000
1500 450m 1m
2000 950 1.5m
2500 1.7b 2m
* Any ship with more than 110 points can generally not be commissioned for a single individual.

To use the cost chart, round the number of ship Construction Points down to the nearest 10 (or 500, 1000, etc, if the ship is that large). Use the Base Cost from that line, and add the "+1" cost for each additional construction point spent on the ship.  For example, a ship that used 23 construction points would have a cost of 57,250 (55,000 is the base cost at 20 points, and 750 is the "+1" cost. The actual cost was 23, so the +1 cost is added 3 times.)

Half of the Cost of having a ship built is in labor. If a customer is able to provide construction crews, this may reduce costs. Crews usually consist of a few technicians, and a number of droids. Anyone who examines the above cost chart will realize that the cost of labor to build the ship is not constant- the cost to hire a construction crew for a larger or more complex ship (one with more construction points) will be greater, due to the specialized knowledge and training required for such a job.

Design Difficulty Levels

Designing a ship is done with the appropriate "Engineering" advanced skill.

Design difficulty is determined by total points with the Structure Size points omitted.

VE for less than 50 points
Easy for up to 100
Moderate up to 200
Difficult up to 500
Very Difficult up to 2000
Heroic 2000+

Note that teams (group bonus) of engineers can spend months or years (preparation, research, etc.) designing large ships.

Space Transports can be designed at any scale. When using this skill, Weapons Emplacement costs are increased (x2), Cargo Space and Speed point costs are reduced (x1/2). Main Drive Speed cost may also be increased (x1.5) for large cargo-carrying ships, to reflect the increased thrust necessary to move the ship.

When modifying a ship: modifications are Minor (Difficult) if they remain within the total points for the ship. They become Major (Very Difficult) if they go beyond it. It is possible to downgrade other systems to make up for the point difference, and decrease the difficulty.

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