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Note: All vehicles listed are already on the market or have been for many years.

  1. Trade Federation GAT
  2. Arakyd Slashrat Speederbike
  3. Republic Repulsortank
  4. SoroSuub LXS-1 Land Speeder
  5. KDY All Terrain-Personal Transport
  6. Czekani Manufacturing's Goliath-A Assault Walker
  7. Imperial "Wraith" Class Light Repulsor Tank
  8. Imperial "Raptor" Class Medium Repulsor Tank
  9. Imperial "Pummel" Class Heavy Repulsor Tank
  10. Imperial Armored Mobile Command Centre
  11. Corusmotors Hi-Flyer Speeder Bike
  12. Ubrikkian Power Racer Land Speeder
  13. Modified SoroSuub V-19 Gian Patrol Speeder
  14. Corusmotors Shazam Hover Scooter
  15. Corusmotors Security Troopship
  16. Incom Tx-9000 "Star Spray" Air-Speeder
  17. Loronar Corporation Outreach Land Speeder Truck
  18. Rothana Engineering, All Terrain eXperimental Transport
  19. Corusmotors Mercury Sports Air Speeder
  20. SoroSuub Thermite Speeder Bike
  21. Aratech 74A Speeder Bike
  22. Aratech 74Z Speeder Bike
  23. Kenar Products INC. PDT-8 light transport
  24. Aargau Custom Speeders Greyshade Speeder
  25. Draymak ZK-50M Speeder
  26. Zentarian AB-1 Speeder
  27. SoroSuub Red Firebat SL-3 Swoop
  28. Ubrikkian Transports Candrin Speeder
  29. Zentarian BOS-1 Speeder Bike
  30. KDY HAVx T3 Land Barge
  31. Flash Speeder
  32. All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft Walker
  33. Anti-Air Mobile Tank
  34. Arkayd Consumer Division's XL-20 MagnaLift Repulsorboard
  35. Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT)
  36. Rothana Heavy Engineering and Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)

Trade Federation GAT (Ground Armored Tank)

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Trade Federation GAT
Type: Attack Tank
Length: 8.2 meters
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: GAT, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 2 droids
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift ops 3D+2, Vehicle Weapons 3D+1
Cover: Full
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 0 kg
Move: 80; 240 kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Body: 3D+2
  Medium Laser Cannon x2
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle blasters
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 20-60/100/200
    Damage: 4D
  Proton Torpedo Launcher (20 carried)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Missile weapons
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 50-200/1.5 km/3 km
    Damage: 8D
Description: One of the most versatile and well-balanced vehicles used by the Confederacy, the Ground Armored Tank, or GAT, is one of the cornerstones of any Confederate ground assault. With a capable weapons payload and a lightweight design, the GAT is often one of the first vehicles deployed into a combat zone. The tank is fitted with medium armor, allowing it to take a beating before having to withdraw. Due to its tough and balanced design, the GAT is often used to engage the enemy while other forces withdraw, and then turn around and lead an attack against the enemy's flanks.

Arakyd Slashrat Speederbike

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Arakyd Slashrat Speederbike
Craft: Arakyd Slashrat Speederbike
Type: Racing Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.1 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Slashrat
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Repulsorlift Ops 3D
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms
Maneuverability: 4D+2
Move: 130; 390 kmh
Body Strength: 1D Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-50 Meters
Cost: 7,000 (new), 4,300 (used)
Description: The Arakyd Slashrat model of speeder bike was designed to act as a speedy and maneuverable street bike for use in urban areas. The bike became a favorite among young upper-class beings who modified the speederbikes and used them for street racing. Though nowhere near as notorious as swoop bikes or their riders, Slashrats and speeder bike racers were relatively common in most major cities as the youths defied sanity and gravity with incredibly high-speed races on courses that often crossed paths with major skylanes and pedestrian-crowded areas. In an attempt to reduce the number of speederbike-related accidents, some worlds even began to sponsor Slashrat racing leagues as a legal alternative to street races and swoop gangs.

Republic Repulsortank

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TX-130S Assault Repulsortank
Craft: TX-130S Assault Repulsortank
Type: Attack Tank
Length: 9.4 meters
Scale: Speeder
Skills: repulsorlift Ops: Republic Hovertank, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Missile Weapons 3D+1, Repulsorlift Ops 3D+2, Vehicle Weapons 3D+1
Cover: Full
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 300 kg
Move: 60; 180 kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Body: 2D+1
  Medium Laser Cannon x2
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle blasters
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 20-60/100 m/200 m
    Damage: 5D
  Concussion Missile Launchers x2 (6 missiles each)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Missile weapons
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 50-200/1.5 km/3 km
    Damage: 9D
Description: The Republic Repulsortank is one of the new weapons designed by Rothana Heavy Engineering to be used by the Clone Army. Smaller, quicker, and less cumbersome than the AT-TE, the Republic Repulsortank has the ability to get into areas that other vehicles can't. Additionally, they are known to serve as mobile command vehicles for the leaders of the various battle groups, ferrying the officers from one location to another when the LAAT/c is an impractical choice. The vehicle is armed well enough to be able to defend itself, and its missiles provide a decidedly powerful punch, but it is not nearly as heavily armed as some of the various ground vehicles used throughout the Clone Wars.

SoroSuub LXS-1 Land Speeder

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SoroSuub LXS-1 Land Speeder
Craft: SoroSuub LXS-1 Land Speeder
Type: Ground Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: LXS-1, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1 pilot
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 2-3
Cargo Capacity: 20 kg
Cover: 1/2, Full with canopy *
Altitude Range: Ground level - 1.5 meters
Cost: 19,000 credits (new), 4,000 credits (used)
* Canopy costs an extra 1,000 credits
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Move: 70; 200 kmh
Body Strength: 2D
Comes equipped with:
  -Hands-free Comlink
  -Motion Counter balance suspension
  -Computer Assisted Navigation
  -Hush-Kit Engine Dampening: Characters are not at negatives to Search rolls by listening while underway.
Description: The SoroSuub LXS-1 is a luxury model speeder with all the usual trimmings that come with a prestige vehicle. Most of these features exist purely for comfort value. The LSX series was introduced to the market ten years before the Battle of Yavin and quickly established dominance in its niche. It emphasizes comfort and image over any real performance superiority, features that appeal to the speeder's intended frivolous, nightclubbing demographic. A sleek, sporty number, the LSX-1 is popular among the young social elite of the Galaxy. A fully enclosed model is available, but by far the majority of sales have been the open-top variant. Among the features of the LSX-1 are a single high-performance thrust engine fitted with Hush-Kit Dampeners to minimize noise pollution, a built in Holoprojector for recreational holovid viewing, a hands-free comlink, a motion counter balance to minimize inertia effects on passengers and the now-standard CAN navigation assist package found in most SoroSuub speeders. Ergonomically designed seating is available for two passengers, although three can be carried with slightly less comfort for the rear pair. Available in a range of garish color schemes, the LSX-1 is the ultimate dilettante's club-cruiser.


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Type: All Terrain-Personal Transport
Scale: Walker
Length: 2m long/3m tall
Skill: Walker Ops: AT-PT, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 30 kilograms
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Move: 40, 120 kmh
Body Strength: 2D
  Twin Light Blaster Cannons (firelinked)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Speeder
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 50-200/1/2km
    Damage: 6D
  Concussion Grenade Launcher
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Missile Weapons
    Fire Control: 3D
    Range: 10-30/50/100m
    Damage: 6D
Description: Although the ATST and ATAT Walkers used by the Empire were extremely powerful weapons of war, their size prohibited them from entering areas where repulsor tanks and other small combat vehicles could easily enter, also the Empire felt the need to bridge the gap between the huge walkers and ordinary foot soldiers. So the design for the ATPT was dusted off, and with a few small updates to the design, this small maneuverable walker was put into production. The ATPT2 is almost identical to the one designed for the Old Republic, except for a concussion grenade launcher mounted under the cockpit, and minor mechanical modifications, and performs just as well as its predecessor, capable of turning a single soldier into the match for an entire squad. The New Republic has their own design of the ATPT, and it is far more common to see these small vehicles fighting it out on the battlefield, than it is to see large walkers and combat vehicles, due to the cheapness and speed that these can be manufactured. The Empire has stopped production of ATPT2's now, preferring to build faster and even cheaper Repulsor Tanks, but the sheer quantity of ATPT's in use, means that they will remain a common sight for many years to come.

Czekani Manufacturing Goliath-A Assault Walker

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Czekani Manufacturing 
	Goliath-A Assault Walker
Craft: Czekani Manufacturing's Goliath-A
Type: Surface-to-air assault walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 7.21 meters tall, 5.4 meters long
Skill: Walker Ops: Goliath Assault Walker, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Missile weapons 4D, vehicle blasters 4D+2, walker operation 5D
Cargo Capacity: 100 kilograms
Cover: Full
Cost: 50,000 credits (new), 20,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 30; 90 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
  2 Concussion Missile Launchers (fire-linked)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Missile Weapons
    Ammo: 3 each
    Fire Control: 2D
    Atmosphere Range: 10-100/250/700
    Damage: 6D+2
  Repeating Blaster Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Character
    Skill: Vehicle blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 3-75/200/500
    Damage: 8D
Description: The Goliath assault walkers were an expensive venture made by a little known combat speeder production company that was contracted to produce Imperial AT-STs. The initial idea was to design a new walker based off of many design concepts in the AT-ST. However, when Mr. Czekani, owner and CEO of Czekani Manufacturing, presented the first Goliaths to an Imperial representative he was immediately arrested and later executed for treason against the Empire for design theft. In reality the only design aspect stolen from the AT-ST was its gyro-balance system, the rest of the walker was quite ingeniously designed. The Goliath's designers - who were never found by Imperial forces and it is highly rumored they defected to the Alliance - decided to construct two versions of the walker to serve two completely different roles. At the time when the Goliath was presented to the Empire there were already two hundred of the walkers constructed - one hundred of each version. The Empire was able to seize the majority of them but there were fifteen walkers unaccounted for and it is assumed that they were either sold or given to the Alliance after Czekani was arrested.

The Goliath-A is the less common Goliath version that can be found and was designed to serve as an anti-air weapon. There is a pair of fire-linked concussion missile launchers on the "arms" of the walker, which are specially designed for surface-to-air attacks - although slight modification can allow them to be used in the surface-to-surface role as well. An antipersonnel repeating blaster turret is mounted on the underside of the walker between the legs to cut down enemy troops. Those Goliaths seized by the Empire were rumored to be placed into service in the Imperial Army, but this has yet to be proven.
Rumors are also running wild that the Alliance does indeed have the fifteen missing Goliaths and is in the process of constructing several more for limited deployment.

Imperial Light Repulsor Tank

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Imperial Light Repulsor Tank
Craft: Imperial "Wraith" Class Light Repulsor Tank
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.1m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Repulsor Tank, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1+1Gunner
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-15m
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 105; 300kmh
Body Strength: 4D
  Blaster Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Speeder
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 0D+2
    Range: 50-300/1/2km
    Damage: 4D
Description: The Wraith class Repulsor Tank is little more than a landspeeder with some armour, but has the advantage of being fast and well armoured in comparison to a landspeeder. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of AT-AT and AT-ST walkers has been reduced, and the Wraith is used for scouting and for holding secured territory.

Imperial Medium Repulsor Tank

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Imperial Medium Repulsor Tank
Craft: Imperial "Raptor" Class Medium Repulsor Tank
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.5m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Repulsor Tank, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1+1Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 120kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-12m
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 90; 250kmh
Body Strength: 5D
  Heavy Blaster Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Speeder
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 1D+1
    Range: 50-300/1/2km
    Damage: 5D
  Heavy Laser Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
    Damage: 6D
Description: The Raptor class Repulsor Tank is a step up from the Wraith class Tank, it is still fairly fast but has better armor and much better weaponary. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Raptor sees limited use as a main battle tank since its main weapon can inflict punishing damage on vehicles as powerful as walkers.

Imperial Heavy Repulsor Tank

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Imperial Heavy Repulsor Tank
Craft: Imperial "Pummel" Class Heavy Repulsor Tank
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 5.2m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Repulsor Tank, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 2, +1 Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 180kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-10m
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 70; 200kmh
Body Strength: 6D
  Twin Heavy Blaster Cannon
    Fire Arc: 1 Front/Left 1 Front/Right
    Scale: Speeder
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 1D+2
    Range: 50-300/1/2km
    Damage: 5D
  Heavy Laser Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D+1
    Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
    Damage: 6D
  Heavy Ion Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 3D
    Range: 50-500/2/4km
    Damage: 4D
Description: The Pummel class Repulsor Tank is the front line Imperial Repulsor Tank. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Raptor sees use as the main battle tank of choice for Imperial forces. With its combination of Anti-Speeder weaponary (which can be used on infantry as well) and its powerful Anti-Walker weapons it can cause a great deal of damage to enemy forces. The Ion Cannon allows Imperial forces to disable sheild generators and enemy starships, capturing bases, vehicles and supplies intact, an important objective since the battle of Endor.

Imperial Armored Mobile Command Center

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Imperial Armored Mobile 
	Command Center
Type: Imperial Armored Speeder
Scale: Walker
Length: 23.5 Meters long
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: RMCC, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 5, skeleton; 3,+10
Passengers: 40 (or 2 AT-ST's, or can support 10 in relative comfort)
Cargo Capacity: 2 Tons
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 70, 200 kmh
Body Strength: 6D
  2 Twin Heavy Blaster Cannons
    Fire Arc: Turret (1 Front/Left/Back, 1 Front/Right/Back)
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 50-200/1.5/3km
    Damage: 7D
  3 Heavy Repeating Blasters (Pintile mounts)
    Fire Arc: 1 Front/Left/Right, 1 Right/Back, 1 Left/Back
    Scale: Character
    Skill: Blaster: Repeating Blasters
    Fire Control: N/A
    Range: 3-75/200/500
    Damage: 8D
Description: As the Empires manufacturing capability became reduced as more of the galaxy fell to the New Republic its ability to create AT-AT and AT-ST walkers became too small to meet demands, so Repulsor Tanks came into greater use. However Repulsor tanks did not have the transport and command facilities of an AT-AT walker, plus an AT-AT walker could not keep up with the speed of repulsorlift vehicles. So the RMCC was created, capable of handling all of the battle command and control for an entire army, but also if available in large enough numbers to transport squads and cargo to the battlefront. The RMCC design combines the speed of a repulsorlift vehicle with the armour and weapons of a walker.

Hi Flyer Speeder Bike

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Corusmotors Hi-Flyer Speeder 
Craft: Corusmotors Hi-Flyer Speeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.5m
Skills: Repulsorlift Ops: Hi-Flyer, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 5kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-1km
Cost: 4,500 (used)
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 140; 400kmh
Body Strength: 2D
  Twin Light Blaster Cannons
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 3-50/100/200
    Damage: 4D
Description: Although speeder bikes are very popular on the frontier worlds, their low altitude range makes them impractical for densely populated worlds like Coruscant or Kuat, where buildings can not only be accessed at the ground level but at landing ports many hundreds of meters from the ground. Repulsor lift vehicles such as aircabs provide transport for the majority of people, but for the young, and the young at heart Corusmotors introduced the Hi Flyer, a speeder bike type vehicle with the altitude range to join the aerial traffic lanes. Not as fast as a true speeder bike and far more expensive, the Hi Flyer unfortunately went out of production with the destruction of Coruscant.

Ubrikkian Power Racer Land Speeder

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Ubrikkian Power Racer Land Speeder
Craft: Ubrikkian Power Racer Land Speeder
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.1m
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: landspeeder
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 40kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-25m
Cost: 4,500 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 130; 350kmh
Body Strength: 2D
Weapons: None
Description: An older design of landspeeder popular shortly before the rise of the Empire, the Power Racer was designed to look somewhat like a pod racer, which was a popular sport at the time. Faster than most other landspeeders, it is also fairly rugged, although like other Ubrikkian designs, requires routine maintanence for it to remain working.

Gian Speeder

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SoroSuub V-19 Gian Patrol Speeder
Craft: Modified SoroSuub V-19 Gian Patrol Speeder
Type: Land Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 5.2m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Land Speeder, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 90kg
Cover: 3/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-10m
Cost: 8,200 (used)
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Move: 130; 350kmh
Body Strength: 3D+2
  Twin Laser Cannons (fire independantly)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 3-50/100/200
    Damage: 4D
Description: The Gian Speeder was popular with planetary defence forces in the final days of the Old Republic, and is a reliable and fast speeder. However as the Empire siezed power the galaxy became a far more dangerous place and the Gian just wasn't armored or armed well enough for most planetary forces. The majority of these vehicles were sold off into civilian service, and have ended up in the strangest of jobs.

Shazam Hover Scooter

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Corusmotors Shazam Hover Scooter
Craft: Corusmotors Shazam Hover Scooter
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.5m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Speeder Bike, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 8kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-500m
Cost: 1,500 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 70; 200kmh
Body Strength: 2D
Weapons: None
Description: A popular vehicle throughout the galaxy, these Hover Scooters are more frequently used vehicles than Speeder Bikes, and this model is representitive of models available for rent from speeder hire agencies galaxy wide. The Shazam is small, cheap and fairly fast, making it an ideal vehicle for average citizens everywhere, and its high altitude range makes it useful in highly built up areas as well. The Shazam is typical of Hover Scooters, in that it needs a lot more maintanence than a speeder bike, but will usually be used in far less harsh environments than a speeder bike, making it about as reliable.

Security Troopship

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Corusmotors Security Troopship
Craft: Corusmotors Security Troopship
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 20.2m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Land Speeder, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1 + 2 Gunners
Passengers: 15
Cargo Capacity: 1 Ton
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-1km
Cost: 12,400 (used)
Move: 350; 1,000kmh
Body Strength: 5D+2
  2 Laser Cannons
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Scale: Speeder
    Crew: 1
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 2-100/200/500
    Damage: 5D
  Concussion Missile Launcher (8 Missiles)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Missile Weapons
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 3-50/100/200
    Damage: 7D
Description: The Corusmotors Security Troopship is a design from around the Clone War era, being developed from the plans of the LAATI troopships used by Clone Troopers, the Security Troopship is small, agile and can carry a surprising quantity of troops and cargo for an airspeeder. Although popular with both the Coruscant Security forces, and a number of other planetary forces, the Security Troopship was removed from production by the command of the Empire, and due to the lack of replacement parts the majority of those produced have now been sold off as military surplus. The design is known for its high maintanence requirement, but remained popular until it was removed from production.

Star Spray Air Speeder

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Incom Tx-9000
Craft: Incom Tx-9000 "Star Spray" Air-Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 8.3m
Skills: Repulsorlift Ops: Tx-9000, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-75km
Cost: 80,500 (new), 35,200 (used)
Maneuverability: 4D
Move: 520; 1500kmh
Body Strength: 4D
  Twin Laser Cannons
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 50-300/800/1.5km
    Damage: 5D
  Concussion Missile (x4)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Missile Weapons
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 100-200/500/1km
    Damage: 7D
Description: The Star Spray Airspeeder is a military air speeder designed to fill the role of both airspeeders and cloud cars, creating a speeder capable of great speed, and a high altitude range, letting it help to control the airspace around planets, and attack ground targets. However the great cost has caused this ship to have a small market, but the governments and military forces that have purchased them, have reported many successful missions completed by these speeders. Their ability to hit small targets combined with the punch to take out targets such as walkers has proven them to be an asset, and they have also reported limited success against starfighters. The Star Spray's handling and speed in an atmosphere far exceeds that of any Starfighter, and the punch of their concussion missiles allows them to cause significant damage against any non military vessels they may have to engage. The Star Spray has been purchased is large quantities by the New Republic, however it is still available on the open market, one of the few military vehicles used by either side in the Galactic Civil War.

Outreach Speeder Truck

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Loronar Corporation 
	Outreach Land Speeder Truck
Craft: Loronar Corporation Outreach Land Speeder Truck
Type: Land Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.7m
Skills: Repulsorlift Ops: Land Speeder, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1 ton
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-8m
Cost: 17,500 (new); 4,300 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 80; 220kmh
Body Strength: 3D+2
Weapons: None
Description: The Outreach is a common speeer truck, used for carrying small amounts of cargo too small to require a full cargo skiff. The cockpit offers a good field of vision, and is enclosed to protect to driver from the weather, and the cargo area although open to the environment is large, and can carry a few passengers instead of cargo. However complaints have been made that the suspension field is a little soft, and the speeder often feels out of control because of this. And although this protects the cargo from damage during a rough ride, and lends itself to a comfortable ride, most owners harden this somewhat to give the speeder a crisper control. The Outreach is common on farms and plantations on backwater worlds where mass transportation is less common.

AT-XT Assault Walker

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Rothana Engineering, All Terrain 
	eXperimental Transport
Craft: Rothana Engineering, All Terrain eXperimental Transport
Type: Light Walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 6.2 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Ops; ATXT
Crew: 2; Skeleton 1/+10
Cargo Capacity: 20 kilograms
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: +2
Move: 20, 60 kmh
Body Strength: 2D+1
Shield Strength: 1D
  Heavy Laser Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Speeder
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 50-300/500/1km
    Damage: 6D
  Proton Mortar
    Fire Arc: Front
    Scale: Walker
    Skill: Missile Weapons
    Fire Control: 1D+1
    Range: 10-50/80/150m
    Damage: 6D
Description: The AT-XT was an experimental walker which actually saw heavy use during the later stages of the Clone Wars, when it was phased out of use and replaced by the AT-ST. The AT-XT had a number of features which were removed for cost reasons when the AT-ST was produced, these included the very efficient Proton Mortar, Shields, and an innovative one up one down cockpit configuration. However for all of these advanced features, the AT-XT was destroyed in large numbers during their battles, since they were slow, clumsy and poorly armoured. After the AT-XT was phased out, a few remained in use on the fringes of the Empire where AT-ST's were in short supply, and the remainder were put into storage or sold off to private concerns such as the Corporate Sector Authority.

Mercury Air Speeder

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Corusmotors Mercury Sports Air 
Craft: Corusmotors Mercury Sports Air Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 3.1m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Air Speeder
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 25kg
Cover: 1/2
Altitude Range: Ground level-1km
Cost: 3900 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Move: 225; 650kmh *
Body Strength: 3D
Weapons: None
* The listed speed is that with the speeders ion afterburners functional, these are fairly fragile, and without regular maintenance will fail. This drops the speed to 150; 430kmh.
Description: The Mercury Sports Air Speeder was a popular speeder before the rise of the Empire, although the altitude range was usually limited on planets which did not have airiel traffic lanes. Although not quite as practical as later speeders, the Mercury is now considered a classic, and models which retain their original paint schemes in bright primary colors, and still have functional ion afterburners will fetch a high price on the open market.

Thermite Speeder Bike

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SoroSuub Thermite Speeder Bike
Craft: SoroSuub Thermite Speeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 1.6m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Thermite, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 8kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-20m
Cost: 9,500 (new); 4,200 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 210; 600kmh
Body Strength: 3D
  Twin Heavy Blaster Cannons
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 3-50/100/200
    Damage: 6D
Description: The Thermite Speeder bike was designed specifically for sale on the outer rim, where a fast, well armed speeder bike would have a good market. And although sales haven't been as high as SoroSuub might have wished, mainly due to a ban that was imposed by the Empire, they have been steady. The bike is extremely fast, due to its ion afterburners, and the twin heavy blaster cannons make this one of the best armed speeder bikes available, but these two features also make the bike fall under military restrictions on a number of worlds. The high speed is also balanced out by the lack of manuevering foils, which make the Thermite fairly difficult to control, although most owners consider this to be a fair exchange. All in all the Thermite lives up to its name, an explosive little number.

Clone Trooper Speeder Bike

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Aratech 74A Speeder Bike
Craft: Aratech 74A Speeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.4m
Skills: Repulsorlift Ops: Aratech 74A, Vehicle Weapons
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 10kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-10m
Cost: 1,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 210; 600kmh
Body Strength: 2D
  Light Laser Cannon
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 3-50/100/200
    Damage: 4D
Description: Although the Aratech 74-Z was used for the majority of the Clone Wars and the reign of the Empire, for their original attack on Geonosis the finished design was not available and a prototype version was used instead. This version was less manueverable and somewhat lighter armed, but carried its laser cannon on a underslung turret which allowed it a much greater field of fire, allowing strafing attacks and shots to be fired at persuers. This however came at a higher manufacturing cost than a fixed weapon, so was abandoned in the finished design. Once the 74-Z became available, the 74-A's used in the attack on Geonosis were dumped onto the market, where they were snatched up, and have continued to be popular to the current day, although parts for the turret are rare, the rest of the bike uses almost identical parts to the 74-Z so remain easy to repair and operate.

Aratech 74Z Scout Trooper Speeder Bike

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Aratech 74Z Speeder Bike
Craft: Aratech 74Z Speeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Aratech 74Z, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 9kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-25m
Cost: 3750 (new), 2650 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Move: 210; 600kmh
Body Strength: 2D+1
  Laser Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 3-50/100/200
    Damage: 4D+1
Description: Although the Aratech 74-Z was used for the majority of the Clone Wars and the reign of the Empire, for their original attack on Geonosis the finished design was not available and a prototype version was used instead. This version is more manueverable and slightly better armed and carries its laser cannon in a fixed mounting. They have continued to be popular to the current day, so remain easy to repair and operate.

Kenar Products INC. PDT-8 light transport

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Kenar Products INC. 
	PDT-8 light transport
Craft: Kenar Products INC. PDT-8 light transport
Type: Light transport
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.7m
Skills: Repulsorlift operation: PDT-8, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 23 kg
Cover: l/2
Altitude Range: Ground level-30 meters
Cost: 45,000 (black market only)
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Move: 140; 400 kmh
Body Strength: 1D
  Double Light Laser Cannons:
    Fire Arc: Front
    Fire Control: 1D+1
    Range: 0-150/500/1.5 km
    Damage: 4D
Description: Encountering the PDT-8 light transport in the field is a reasonably rare occurrence, due mainly to it's very limited production run and odd history surrounding it's creation. It was a few short years ago, when the Viceprex of Kenar Products INC, Voxton Hucksley ordered its creation without authorization only 250,000 were created and lost in mid-shipment. No one knows what happened to the lot of them. The PDT-8 was designed for recon missions, but the craft can also be used for rapid deployment and reinforcement, some military engagements, and of course recon. The PDT-8 is well suited for all those purposes- the two light blaster cannons provided a reasonable amount of offense, and the speed and maneuverability is an asset for it's defensive capabilities. The craft's oversized Vanston SuperHot Engines makes the PDT-8 a hard target to hit.

Aargau Custom Speeders Greyshade Speeder

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Aargau Custom Speeders 
	Greyshade Speeder
Craft: Aargau Custom Speeders Greyshade Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 6.23m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Greyshade
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 60kg
Cover: 3/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-500m
Cost: 7,800 (used)
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 90; 750kmh
Body Strength: 3D+2
Weapons: None
Description: Although Aargau Custom Speeders tended to build unique creations for their customers, they did have a few stock models for customers who didn't wish to spend as long choosing their speeder. The Greyshade was one of these, designed originally to the exacting specifications of Senator Simon Greyshade, this speeder was designed to resemble the Pod Racers that the Senator so loved to watch. The Speeder is very fast, although suffers from poor manueverablity, this probably due to the engines, which were originally designed to be used in groups of 50 on the bank courier trucks also built on Aargau. But this didnt harm sales one bit, the speed combined with the state of the art sound system and hyper accurate anti-theft tracking device, made it a hit, both on the Senators homeworld, and across the galaxy. Aargau Custom Speeders made almost 10 thousand of this model, an insignificant amount compared to most speeder manufacturers, but the largest amount they ever made of a single model. This accounts for the high used price for this make of speeder, and the rare occasions on which they are seen in use.

Draymak ZK-50M Speeder

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Draymak ZK-50M Speeder
Craft: Draymak ZK-50M Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.2m
Skills: Repulsorlift Ops: ZK-50M, Vehicle Weapons
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20kg
Cover: 1/2
Altitude Range: Ground level-500m
Cost: 8000 (new), 5200 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D+1
Move: 190; 480kmh
Body Strength: 3D
  Triple Light Laser Cannons: (fire-linked)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Fire Control: 1D+1
    Range: 0-175/400/900
    Damage: 5D+2
Description: Basically, a fast, competitive speederbike that can keep up with many types of swoops for a reasonable price.

Zentarian AB-1 Speeder

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Zentarian AB-1 Speeder
Craft: Zentarian AB-1 Speeder
Type: Civilian Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: AB-1
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 35kg
Cover: 3/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-500m
Cost: 5500 (new), 3200 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Move: 130; 450kmh
Body Strength: 2D+1
Weapons: None
Description: A well built speeder with a good altitude range and speed.

SoroSuub Red Firebat SL-3 Swoop

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SoroSuub Red Firebat SL-3 Swoop
Craft: Red Firebat SL-3 Swoop
Type: Swoop
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2m
Skill: Swoop Ops: Firebat
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 10 kg
Cover: 1/4
Cost: 7000 (new), 3000 (used)
Maneuverability: 4D
Move: 400; 775kmh
Body Strength: 2D+1
Altitude Range: Ground level-300m
Weapons: None
Description: Typical swoop, but this model is extremely fast and agile. It even has a small amount of armor plating.

Ubrikkian Transports Candrin Speeder

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Ubrikkian Transports Candrin 
Craft: Ubrikkian Transports Candrin Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 8.5m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Candrin
Crew: 1
Passengers: 5
Cargo Capacity: 55kg
Cover: Full
Cost: 18,000
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 350; 900kph
Body Strength: 3D
Altitude Range: Ground to 5km
Weapons: None
Description: This is a classic speeder designed for those who need to get around in a city or megopolis with relative ease and safety. The Candrin speeder contains a filtered air system and a sealed air system for those who might find themselves in polluted of dangerous atmospheric conditions. The interior is plush with a wet bar and an entertainment console when near a city that supports open channel broadcasts and pay channels. There are a few upgrades available for those that must have certain comforts and ammenites.
Game Notes: The filtration system can filter air in nearly any environment. The filters provide up to 400 hours of continuous use before replacement is required. The sealed system can provide whatever atmosphere the owner requires and will last up to 15 hours. For an additional 3500 credits a subspace transceiver can be installed for long-range communications up to 200km near the surface and 300km at maximum altitude. If a subspace relay satellite is in orbit then transmissions can travel much greater distances based on the location of other satellites. In lieu is the subspace transceiver, a security system can be added to protect any assets carried. The securiy system adds +1D+2 to all Security skill roles to break into the speeder. Should the external lock system be bypassed, the internal gas system activates. The gasses available are varied, but either knock the assailant out or cause them extreme nausia to electrical shock [see GM for particular systems available].

Zentarian BOS-1 Speeder Bike

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Zentarian Bike Of Speed (BOS)-1 Speeder Bike

Craft: Zentarian Bike Of Speed (BOS)-1 Speeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.2m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: BOS-1
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0 (unless they want to be strapped to the front)
Cargo Capacity: 15kg
Cover: 3/4
Altitude Range: Ground to 3km
Cost: 6500 (new), 4200 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Move: 300; 650kmh
Body Strength: 3D+1
Weapons: None
Description: This speeder bike is similar to most speeder bikes in its class, but this one has a special bonus. Once every hour the operator can use a turbo burst to increase speed to 400; 950kmh that lasts for 3 minutes. This burst will deplete 1/6th of the total amount of carried fuel.
Game Note: The carried fuel will last for 36 hours.

KDY HAVx T3 Land Barge

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	Drive Yards HAVx T3 Land Barge
Craft: Ground Vehicle
Type: Kuat Drive Yards HAVx T3 Land Barge
Scale: Walker
Length: 15 meters
Skill: Ground Vehicle Ops: HAVx
Crew: 4 + 2 Gunners
Passengers: 15
Cargo Capacity: 1000kg
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Cost: 53,000 (new), 31,000 (used)
Move: 45:130 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
  2 Heavy Laser Cannon Turrets
    Scale: Walker
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Crew: 1 Each
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 50-200/500/1.5km
    Damage: 4D
Description: The Land Barge was released shortly before the beginning of the Clone Wars, designed to complement the aging Juggernaut armored land cruisers that had served the military across the galaxy for decades. The Land Barge was designed to serve pretty much the same purpose, carrying troops and cargo on the battlefield, while acting as armored support to infantry. Carrying much the same weaponry as the Juggernaut, but deployed as two independantly operated turrets, the Land Barge could either concentrate its firepower or deal with multiple targets, making the vehicle far more flexible. The Land Barge was a great success, but however was phased out of production quickly to make room for the manufacture of walkers which fitted far better with the emerging Galactic Empires doctrine of terror.

SoroSuub Corporation Seraph-class Urban Landspeeder

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SoroSuub Corporation Seraph-class Urban 

Craft: Urban Landspeeder
Type: Landspeeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 7.54 meters
Skill: Ground Vehicle Ops: Seraph
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 10kg
Cover: 3/4
Cost: 53,000 (new), 31,000 (used)
Maximum Altitude: 2 meters
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 65; 200 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
Weapons (civilian version does not have a weapon):
  Blaster Cannon
    Scale: Speeder
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Crew: Pilot
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 30-250/600/1.5km
    Damage: 4D+1
Description: The Seraph-class urban landspeeder, also known as the Flash Speeder, was a small landspeeder used by the Naboo Royal Security Forces.

"I always thought the Flash speeders were only good for joyriding. Then the Trade Federation invaded and I found out why we keep these green genies around. I just closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew, I was ten kilometers away from Theed"
-RSF lieutenant Gavyn Sykes

The Seraph-class urban landspeeder was a modified variant of the Seraph-class landspeeder which was a civilian model. The military variant was used by the Royal Naboo Security Forces as a patrol craft, and personnel transport. To assist in these duties, the Seraph was armed with a rotating blaster turret which was positioned on the rear of the vehicle. The Seraph was operated by a single driver, and up to three passengers could be accommodated in its open-topped interior.

The vehicle's repulsorlift engines allowed it to reach a height of two meters above ground level, and gave the Seraph a maximum speed of 200 kph. Designed for urban environments, the Seraph was suited more to patrolling city streets than traversing uneven terrain.


Introduced thirty years before the Invasion of Naboo, the Seraph-class urban landspeeder was designed to complement the larger Gian Speeder. Members of the RSF had long felt that the Gian Speeder was not manoeuvrable enough for patrolling in cities, and their suggestions led to the creation of the vehicle. The new craft proved popular with RSF members in the capital city of Theed, and other cities, such as Keren, soon made use of the Seraph.

Seraph-class urban landspeeders saw little combat prior to the Invasion of Naboo, mainly limiting their actions to criminal pursuit and officer dispatch. Occasionally, the vehicles were deployed to hunt gun runners in the service of Borvo the Hutt or frighten away wild animals that had intruded city limits.

During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, many of the Seraph-class vessels in service to the RSF were destroyed by the invading droid forces of the Trade Federation. As resistance cells began to form across the planet, the remaing Seraphs were used to pass messages between cells and for reconnaissance missions. When Queen Padmé Amidala joined forces with the Gungans to ignite the Second Battle of Theed, Seraph landspeeders were used to transport her, Captain Panaka, and a strike force to Theed's secret tunnels, allowing them to invade the palace and capture Nute Gunray.

An unarmed, unshielded model was used by civilians during the invasion.

Following the Battle of Naboo, heavily armored variants of the Seraph were commissioned and added to the RSF motor pool.

During the early days of the Galactic Civil War, several RSF Seraph landspeeders mysteriously disappeared only to resurface later in the hands of the fledgling Rebel Alliance.

Rothana Heavy Engineering All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft (AT-AA) Walker

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Rothana Heavy 
	Engineering All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft Walker
Craft: Rothana Heavy Engineering All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft Walker
Type: Anti-aircraft walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 18 meters
Crew: 1, gunners: 2
Crew Skill: Vehicle weapons 4D, (s) walker ops: AT-AA 4D+2
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 250kg
Consumables: 3 days
Cover: Full
Maximum Altitude: Ground only
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Cost: (new), (used)
Move: 60: 200 kmh
Body Strength: 3D+2
Armament: Standard Model:
-Anti-aircraft flak pod
-Blaster rifle mounts (6: optional)
Weapon (civilian version does not have weapon mounts):
  Anti-Aircraft Flak Pod
    Scale: Walker
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Crew: Gunner
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 30-650/1.3km/2.6km
    Blast Radius: 1-2/4/7
    Damage: 5D/3D/1D (in blast radius)

Alternate Armament:
-Concussion missile launcher (36 missiles)

  Concussion Missile Launcher
    Scale: Walker
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Crew: Gunner
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Ammo: 36 missiles
    Range: 3-150/300/600
    Blast Radius: 1-2/4/7
    Damage: 5D/3D/1D (in blast radius)

Description: The AT-AA is a fast-moving mobile anti-aircraft weapon that's the scourge of Rebel flying units. The AT-AA has a flak pod that sits on a walking shell. It's an indispensable unit used to protect units and structures from air attack.

"Watching the skies."
-An AT-AA pilot

The All Terrain Anti-Aircraft (AT-AA) was a quick-moving, quadrupedal, mobile anti-aircraft walker used by the Galactic Empire.


The AT-AA had four stubby legs and lizard-like locomotion, along with a low profile not seen in other Imperial walkers. On most models, the only weapon was a turreted flak pod, capable of firing several types of ordnance. Other versions could be equipped with one or three rocket-launching tubes. Initially the AT-AA had an inability to fire at ground targets. This was partially rectified with the addition of gun ports to allow the crew to fend off infantry attacks.

Some variation had flak pods replaced with concussion missile launchers. The AT-AA also carried electronic countermeasure systems that could scramble missile guidance systems, thus lowering the risk of missile strikes.


"Move! Move!"
-Unnamed AT-AA pilot

Its preliminary designs were developed as far back as the Clone Wars, and the design began production early on in the time of the New Order. The walker saw heavy action during the Galactic Civil War, where it was used against aircraft, but was useless against any ground vehicles. Although the troopers aboard could fix blaster rifle mounts on the vehicle, the AT-AA still relied heavily on escorting vehicles.

During the Battle of Kalaan, AT-AA batteries protected the armored columns from airborne enemies, bringing down scores of Alliance T-47 airspeeders. AT-AAs were used even in the time of the New Republic, where they defended the galactic capital for the New Republic Defense Force..

Baktoid Armor Workshop AAMT (Anti-Air Mobile Tank)

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Baktoid Armor 
	Workshop AAMT (Anti-Air Mobile Tank)
Craft: Missile tank
Type: Anti-air missile tank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 11.6 meters
Crew: 1, gunners: 1
Crew Skill: Vehicle weapons 4D, (s) walker ops: AT-AA 4D+2
Cost: 68,000 (new), 45,000 (used)
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 400kg
Consumables: 3 days
Cover: Full
Maximum Altitude: Ground only
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 60: 180 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
  Two Anti-Air Cannons (fire-linked)
    Fire Arc: Turret
    Scale: Starfighter
    Crew: 1
    Skill: Vehicle blasters
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 100-300/800/1.5km
    Damage: 4D
Description: The AAMT is a specialized anti-air defensive weapon designed to be mobile enough to cover large areas of occupied space. Originally designed to protect various assets of the Trade Federation and its subsidiary companies, the AAMT (Anti-Air Mobile Tank) is most commonly used in assault or defense groups with several other types of support vehicles. The tank boasts no weapons other than the twin anti-air cannons, which have the range and targeting ability to take down everything from a starfighter to a dropship, both of which are primary targets of the AAMT. While defending against pirate raids or, in the case of the invasion of Naboo, against local starfighter defense corps, the AAMT has shown an impressive track record but lacks its own defenses against ground assault, making it only particularly useful when surrounded by other vehicles that are capable of defending against non-air attacks.

Arkayd Consumer Division's XL-20 MagnaLift Repulsorboard

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Arkayd Consumer Division's XL-20 MagnaLift Repulsorboard
Craft: Arkayd Consumer Division's XL-20 MagnaLift Repulsorboard
Type: Recreational hoverboard
Scale: Character
Length: .71 meters
Skill: (s) Repulsorlift ops: XL-20
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0 (Can handle 1, -5 Move, -1D Maneuverability)
Cargo Capacity: None
Cover: 1/4 (from bottom ONLY, otherwise None)
Cost: 150 credits
Altitude Range: Ground - 1.5 meters
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Move: 16; 47 kmh
Body Strength: 1D
Availability: 1
Description: Arkayd Consumer has released its crowning achievement: the MagnaLift XL-20. Capable of a flight celing of 1.5 meters at nearly 50 kmh, the MagnaLift is THE board for tournaments, contests, stunts--or just plain fun! A 400 credit add-on mini-jet allows the board to exceed 100 kmh for short periods of time -- making you the neighborhood speed demon! Professional trophy-winning hoverboarder Marko Andress gives it two appendages up! "The MagnaLift XL-20 is the best board I've ever used--even better than the zZip 720 I used before! Now I don't use anything else to win first place."

Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT)

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Kuat Drive Yards All 
	Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT)
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT)
Type: Cavalry/Scout/Infantry Support Platform
Scale: Walker
Skills: Walker Operations: AT-RT; Vehicle Weapons; Sensors
Height: 3.2 meters
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 20kg
Consumables: 1 Day
Cover: 1/2
Cost: Not available for sale through normal channels; New: 40,000 Credits; Used: 24,000 Credits.
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 70; 90kmh
Body: 1D+2
  Passive: 300 m/1D+2
  Scan: 750 m/2D
  Search: 1.5 Km/2D+2
  Focus: 100 m/3D
  1 Chin Mounted Repeating Blaster Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Scale: Character
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 10-50/100/200 meters
    Damage: 4D
  1 Chin Mounted Mortar Launcher
    Fire Arc: Front
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Scale: Character
    Fire Control: 1D
    Range: 10-50/100/200
    Area of Effect: 1/3/5 meters
    Damage: 3D

"Most impressive is the AT-RT, yes?"

The All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT) was a one-man bipedal walker used for reconnaissance and patrolling, first by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, and later on by the Galactic Empire and Alliance to Restore the Republic and was made in Kuat Drive Yards.


One of several precursors to the AT-ST walker, the AT-RT was 3.2 meters tall and 2.9 meters long, with a saddle-like seat for a single clone trooper driver. Its open cockpit design made the driver especially vulnerable to sniper fire, a notable flaw, but low costs and good visibility of the battlefield made up for this shortcoming. While other walkers like the AT-PT eliminated the flaw of the exposed driver position, the AT-PT was slower, and this made the AT-RT competitive with the former as it was capable of tremendous speeds and could also leap quite a distance thanks to its light construction .

The recon walker was equipped with a nose-mounted repeating blaster cannon and mortar launcher, both of which made the walker a formidable anti-infantry unit, although a group of five walkers could easily overpower a single AAT. The AT-RT was fitted with a motion detection scanner and sensor equipment capable of providing Forward Command Centers with updated situation reports from the battlefield.

AT-RTs could be deployed to the battle field in various ways. They were usually deployed from landed Acclamator-class assault ship, but this wasn't always practical for size reasons. When this occured, they could be deployed by LAAT/is, 1 per gunship stored on the speeder bike ramp, 2 could be carried if the crew bay was empty.

The walkers could also be deployed from modified AT-TEs with special cargo lifts in their back section. They could transport 2 Walkers and their riders.

Advanced Recon Force troopers were known to pilot these walkers.


Due to its light construction, AT-RT walkers were especially vulnerable to heavy weapons. This led many commanders to use them in fast scout packs, such as Lightning Squadron, a team that consisted of ten ARF Troopers specially trained to operate AT-RTs. They were also used in the role of civilian (police or militia) support. Commonly, these walkers operated as picket and pathfinder units.

AT-RT walkers were used on several worlds during the Clone Wars. In the Battle of Christophsis, three AT-RTs made a gallant charge into the advancing enemy lines, 2 were destroyed, and it is unknown if the last walker and it's rider returned. Prior to the battle, they were stored in the Republics forwards command center, but many were destroyed when the traitorous clone trooper Slick sabotaged the base.

In the Battle of Ryloth, AT-TEs got trapped on ridge by AATs firing at their position. Mace Windu ordered the deployment of Lighting Squad. The squad and their walkers were deployed from specially adapted AT-TE with lifts in their rear section. Led by General Windu, the squad advanced on the enemy tanks, the walkers were too fast for the tanks and outflanked them easily, which allowed Lightning to attack the tanks from behind targeting their weak spots.

Shortly after the skirmish, Windu took two Advanced Recon Force troopers, Razor and Stak, to Cazne to find the freedom fighters of Ryloth, after encountering a droid patrol they met up with Cham Syndulla, the leader of the resistance. After the leader of the resistance agreed with Senator Orn Free Taa to ally themselves with the Republic forces, the Syndulla and Windu came up with a plan to take the occupied city of Lessu. Mace Windu stowed away inside an MTT headed for the City, as they were crossing the bridge, however, they were detected by the Droids. The Jedi made a break for the end of the bridge while AT-RTs and AT-TEs along with the Ryloth Resistance provided cover fire from the ridge over-looking the bridge. After fighting off the droids, the force made its way across the bridge, the AT-RTs took out the Tank guard then made their way into the city.

In the Battle of Kiros, AT-RTs were deployed by the 501st. These were later used by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano to find the bombs hidden around the city. After defeating the droids guarding each bomb, they managed to disarm them.

Many AT-RTs of the 501st were deployed on Umbara when trying to capture the capital city. When beginning their assault on the surface, the walkers were launched from the back of LAAT/is. The walkers were ideal for the rough, uneven terrain of the planet, and because of their size could move through the thick forested areas with relative ease. However, they were no match for the hi-tech armaments of the Umbaran separatists, and were easy pickings for the likes of the Umbaran hover tank.

The were also used during the Battle of Rishi.

As with the Umbaran Campaign, great numbers of these walkers were deployed for Battle of Kashyyyk, and were later used in an attempt to track down Jedi Master Yoda following the execution of Order 66. They also saw action on Outer Rim planets such as the conflicts on Utapau and Mygeeto.

These light-weight walkers would also be utilized in the attack on the Jedi Temple. Over a year later, during an attempt by ex-Jedi Fy-Tor-Ana and Ferus Olin to retrieve a cache of lightsabers from the occupied Temple, AT-RTs would back up teams of stormtroopers that were hunting them. However, it appeared that the AT-RT was phased out in favor of the AT-ST.

Elite Imperial units like Lightning Squadron continued to utilize their AT-RTs during the Galactic Civil War. Modified AT-RTs were also utilized by the Rebel Alliance and fringe groups. Many of these walkers were painted with camouflage to better blend in with their surroundings. A floodlight often replaced the repeating blaster cannon, providing additional aid for the walker on night-time missions, but making the vehicle more vulnerable in the process.

Rothana Heavy Engineering and Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)

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Rothana Heavy Engineering and Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
Craft: Rothana Heavy Engineering and Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
Type: Armor/Mechanized Infantry/Troop Transport
Scale: Walker
Skills: Walker Operations: AT-TE; Vehicle Weapons; Sensors
Height: 13.2 meters
Crew: 2, Gunners: 5; Skeleton: 2/+10
Passengers: 38 Troops; 1 IM-6 medical droid
Consumables: 3 Weeks
Cargo Capacity: 10 Tons
Cover: Full
Cost: Not available for sale through normal channels and not produced anymore.
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 60kmh
Body: 5D
Shields (special): Impervious to ionization damage due to built-in electromagnetic shielding.
  Passive: 300 m/1D+2
  Scan: 750 m/2D
  Search: 1.5 Km/2D+2
  Focus: 100 m/3D
  1 Mass Driver Cannon
    Fire Arc: (Partial Turret) Front/Left/Right
    Fire Control: 3D
    Range: 100-300/750/1.5km
    Fire Rate: 1/2
    Area of Effect: 1/3/5 meters
    Damage: 6D
Notes: The Mass Driver Cannon could be loaded with an array of heavy energy weapons and solid shells, depending on the specifications of the mission. The payloads of the gun could range from burrowing bunker busters to heat-seeking missiles to sonic charges.
  6 Anti-Personnel Laser Cannons
    Fire Arc: 4 Front, 2 Back
    Skill: Vehicle Blasters
    Scale: Character
    Fire Control: 2D
    Range: 3-50/100/200 meters
    Damage: 5D
Notes: The slow speed allows it to penetrate energy shields, a feat that was impossible for Repulsorlift craft. Effective in numerous terrains and environments, it is even capable of scaling vertical cliffs.

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