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Approved Slang and Curse Words

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Alliance (Intelligence/Military/Pilot) Slang
Bounty Hunter Slang
Military (General) Slang
Miscellaneous Slang
Other Slang
Planetary/Species Slang
Shipjacker Slang
Smuggler Slang
Spacer Slang
Special Operations Slang
Starfighter Pilot Slang

Alliance (Intelligence/Military/Pilot)

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Following are some of the more common slang terms used by Alliance Intelligence operatives.
23er: An agent who has made 20 field assignments and been retired; any very competent agent.
Blind Jump: Setting up an Intelligence network on a new planet.
Breakfast (Alliance starfighter pilot) - a pair of TIE Fighters flying in formation
Bright (Alliance starfighter pilot) - TIE Advanced starfighter
Busted Vacc Suit: Blown cover.
Busy: Stormtrooper.
Circuitry Commando (Alliance soldier) - any resistance member or freedom fighter skilled in the use of computers and electronics
Clutch (Alliance) - 1. starfighter slang term for a full squadron of Imperial TIE Fighters. Clutch 2. pilot slang for a Tri-fighter, named because of the way the three wings seem to clutch the ball-shaped cockpit
Drop-Point (Alliance) - any location which was maintained for the secret delivery of goods and material. These locations could also be used by the Intelligence division as a field office
Dupe (Alliance starfighter pilot) - TIE Bomber
Egg Layer (Alliance) – Imperial TIE Bomber
Eggshell (Alliance starfighter pilot) - Imperial TIE Fighter, referred to the TIE's fragile, shieldless hull and shape
Eyeball (Alliance) - starfighter pilot slang term for a TIE Fighter
Father: Alliance Intelligence.
Foster Agent (Alliance) - any of the various Alliance operatives who would retrieve downed Alliance fighter pilots and return them safely to the Alliance
Gift for Ackbar (Alliance agents) - a starship which had been spacejacked for use by the Alliance
High-Altitude: Undercover.
Impstar (Alliance) - Imperial-I class Star Destroyer
Impstar Deuce (Alliance) - Imperial-II class Star Destroyer
Jobber: Assassin.
Lightfight (Alliance military) - ground battle fought with laser weapons
Lullaby: Suicide pill.
Mother: Case officer.
MRR (Alliance starfighter pilot) - the food pilots were fed after captured by Imperial forces, stands for "meals ready to regurgitate"
Nerfherder (Alderaan) - a legitimate occupation on the planet Alderaan; an insult among Alderaanian nobility
Noxious Smelly: Imperial security.
Old Suicide Squads (Alliance) - the original Infiltrators of the Special Forces division
Orphan: To disband a network (thereby "orphaning" agents in the field).
Pacify: To kill.
Peeper (Alliance starfighter pilot) - TIE/rc fighter
Poison: Imperial Intelligence.
Sharp (Alliance starfighter pilot) - TIE/fc fighter
Show, The (Alliance starfighter pilot) - space battle
Snowman (Alliance) - Imperial snowtrooper
Squint (Alliance starfighter pilot) - TIE Interceptor, also called wince
Toxic: Infiltrated by Imperial Intelligence agents.
Tuna Boat (Alliance pilot) - Gallofree Yards Medium Transport
UCT (Alliance military) - acronym for a "universal cutting tool," otherwise known as a lightsaber
Vaccinate: To remove known Imperial agents.
Vacuum: Deep undercover. Wince (Alliance starfighter pilot) - TIE Interceptor, also called squint

Bounty Hunter

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Not surprisingly, professional hunters maintain a sense of remoteness from the average Imperial citizen - one can never tell just who might become tomorrow's meal ticket! One way in which this purposeful distancing is maintained is through the hunter's adoption of a professional patois that can be used to communicate with other hunters without fear their conversations can be understood by the average "civilian." The following are known examples of professional hunter slang, although it should be noted that regional and planetary variations often apply.
Acquisition: Any individual who is the subject of a bounty.
Blood Money: Any form of fee paid to Imperial authorities deducted from the value of a bounty. Typically, a term applied to the cost of various permit fees charged by Imperial administrators.
Bloodsuckers: Collectors of Imperial permit fees.
Enforcer: A bounty hunter's personal expeditor.
Gotcha: Any determent placed on a bounty that could conceivably limit the revenues that may be collected from the fulfillment of that contract.
Grubs: Derogatory term for average Imperial citizens.
Hard Merchandise the being on which a bounty has been placed
Hundred Club: Those acquisitions currently worth a 100,000 or more credits.
Hunt: Any tracking and retrieval operation conducted against a bounty acquisition.
Hunter: The traditional term used by bounty hunters to refer to any other holder of an IPKC. In specific, the term is often used to refer to a bounty hunter who has made at least one successful capture.
Jangoed dying in combat when their heads were severed from their bodies with a lightsaber
Master Hunter: Any hunter who has successfully completed a minimum of 100 hunts.
Most Wanted: Those individuals who represent the most serious threat to the peace and the stability of the New Order. These acquisitions also generally have the highest bounties on them.
Pay Check: Slang term for a warrant that needs be "cashed" by Imperial officials offworld.
Petty Cash: Synonym for pin-money.
Pin-Money: Any small-time criminal who, despite widespread criminal activities, has only a relatively small bounty value posted against him or her, which discourages most professional hunters from wasting their time.
Pull Leather: To support a fellow hunter. Traditionally from the phrase "to pull leather," meaning to be willing to take up arms in the defense of another.
Sluice: Fees paid to a hunter's expeditor.
Squeaks: Information obtained by the overt use of intimidation.
Squeaker: An informant who yields valuable information as a direct result of intimidation.
Swamp Hider (bounty hunters) - any being who chose to hide, rather than fight back
Two-timer: An acquisition with two separate bounties presently posted against him or her.

Military (General)

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Bantha AT-AT walker (also known as a stompasaur)
Blue Milk Run phrase used to describe any mission that was deemed simple and easy
Deconstructor bomb expert
Fanboy crewman of a hovercraft
Hot-bedding military term was used to describe the practice of having two or three crewmen sharing the same bunk. Usually done on overcrowded ships, hot-bedding forced crewmen to sleep in rotations, so that the bed was always in use by a different being. While sometimes expedient in combat situations, over the long-term hot-bedding could leading to discomfort and general loss of morale among the troops
Puck repulsortank
Simsoft the software which gets loaded into a flight simulator; it defines the mission, the opponent's strength and configuration, and the the artificial intelligence necessary to similate the opponent's actions
Sitrep a situation report
Tinny a battle droid


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Alpha Team generic term to describe the first survey group to determine a newly-found planet's resources and habitability
Bantha fodder Worthless or waste. As in, "You won't be worth bantha fodder!"
Beta Mission following the recommendation of an Alpha Team with regards to a newly-discovered planet, if colonization is an option then a Beta Mission is sent to begin the preliminary activities to ready the planet for habitation
Big L The lightspeed barrier, as in, "Once we jump to the Big L ..."
Big Push, The refers to the killing of another individual
Bishwag used by many humans during the last decades of the Old Republic to indicate an untrustworthy being
Blast! an interjection, the equivalent of "shoot!"
Blaster Bolts! an interjection
Blastfighter gunslingers who staged quick-draw fights across the Outer Rim
Blockade Runner any small, well-armed ship used to break through a planetary blockade
Bloodwork ancient word for bountyhunting
Bludfly any being who would sell their own mother in order to get ahead
Borked an adaptable expletive; see Farkled and the other "F" words
Boys in white: Imperial stormtroopers.
Brainpicker a being of the Anzati race
Brainwalker derogatory name for the B'omarr monks
Buggie derogatory term used by many humanoid races to describe any being of insectile shape or race
Burnout refers to the loss of a starship's power plant
By the Force! an exclamation
By the Original Light an exclamation
Clear skies!: "Good flying!" or "Safe journey!"
Carbon flush! vulgar expression, denoting an individual's extreme displeasure with a situation
Carpet-Back slang term, often used in a derogatory fashion, to refer to a member of the Wookiee race. It was used most often during the height of the Clone Wars
Cheapjack anything which was poorly made or manufactured, used during the height of the New Order
Choobies vulgar slang term for the genitals
Come-up Flector a person who patrolled a starport or other point of debarkation, searching for potential buyers of services they don't really need
Corellian Overdrive phrase, used to denote the need to do whatever it takes to complete a job. It ranges from finagling the rules to rearranging operational parameters, but doesn't mean cheating in an honest game
Cosmic Overdrive a starship's fastest possible sublight speed
Creature Chess Dejarik game
Deal-slang underground form of language grew out of the haggling and bargaining often required when dealing with criminal elements. Used by conmen and swindlers, and described many of the activities they took part in
Drill the Woofer originated in the lowly cantinas of the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order. A slang phrase, it meant that a being was particularly bad at something, as in "You really drill the woofer!"
Droid-Rot deterioration or corrosion of a droid's electrical wiring and circuitry
Druk swear word was used to describe excrement
Dumbot derogatory term for any labor droid who performed a single, repetitive operation, such as welding the frame of a landspeeder
Emperor's Black Bones! an exclamation
Emperor's Black Heart a derogatory modifier, as in, "What in the Emperor's Black Heart...?"
Farkled an adaptable expletive; used to describe any situation which was bleak or disastrous, as in, "We're farkled."
Fergal an expletive
Fie an ancient word used to curse another being to the death they deserved.
Filswik used by Alliance pilots
Final jump: To die.
Fixer a specialized form of computer slicer. Fixers hacked into corporate or government data centers and stole proprietary information, leaving forged - though bogus - data behind. They then sold the information on the black market. It was believed that the term "fixer" came from the Sullustan phrase tersish g'loc, which loosely translated to "fix them once and for all."
Flack used by many Imperial troops
Flaming a derogatory modifier
Flarg excrement
Flott an alien swear word
Frack an interjection
Frag an adaptable expletive
Frak an interjection (specific to Tales)
Freg an interjection
Flashtail any hasty and swift departure for a remote destination, as in "We'd better flashtail it out of here, or we'll never make it."
Freighter Bum any cargo pilot or spacer
Frip an interjection
Frotz a curse
Guncta lower form of life, any being who would lie and cheat to get what they wanted
Garthol's Pain an expletive used whenever a being was surprised
Glick a misfortunate being
Glitbiter those addicts of glitterstim spice who consume it in its raw form. They are often high-strung and tend to ramble incoherently
Gnardly something less than wonderful
Grav-car any land-based repulsorcraft
Grease the servos: To offer somebody a bribe.
Haja a curse
Haul jets!: "Let's get out of here!"
Holoshill derogatory term used to describe reporters who work for tabloids and sensationalistic news agencies
Hot-vape fighter pilot slang for being ambushed
Howlpack any loose affiliation of untrained warriors during the last decades of the Old Republic, derived from the fact that many such group usually attacked in the midst of loud screams and howls, meant to startle their enemies long enough for the warriors to gain an advantage in the fighting
Hutt-smut name used by many beings to describe the weird forms of pornography that were enjoyed by the Hutt race
Hyperdust outrunning an opponent and reaching hyperspace ("Eat my hyperdust")
Infochant underworld operative who sells information for a living
ISO an acronym meaning "independent ship owner."
Jabba: As in "to Jabba someone"; to trick or fool someone and leave him in a very dangerous situation.
Jiffies male genitalia, as in the phrase, "I just slipped your jiffies off the roaster", indicating that one being had saved the life of another
Kark on you! a curse
K-Class Planet designation of a planet with a specific bandwidth of ambient light
Kesseled this term, as in "I'll be Kesseled," is used to express surprise
Kriff/Kriffing Imperial swear word, a derogatory modifier similar to the "F" words
Laserbrain an insult
Lint-nerf large dust mote
LTS starfighter pilot slang for a pilot who is "likely to survive"
Lumrunner used either to compliment an individual or deride him. In its complimentary form, a lumrunner is an individual who can perform heroic tasks and make them look simple. In its derogatory form, a lumrunner is someone who avoids risks at all costs, taking the jobs which are easy and have little riskbr/> Milking mild expletive was popular with many Basic-speaking races during the height of the Clone Wars
Minions of Xendor! an exclamation. This also refers to the followers of the dark sider Xendor during the Jedi conflict known as the First Great Schism
Mradhe Muck a curse, as in "What the blinkin' mradhe muck is going on here?"
Mudcrutch an insult
Mug any foolish being
Murglak used by many disreputable groups, during the last decades of the Old Republic
Name It, Claim It Law an Old Republic planetary development decree, under which explorers had only to locate remote systems, perform cursory life-form scans, and file for development rights in order to take control of the system. The result was the discovery and naming of a vast number of planetary systems without any real idea what each system and its worlds held
Neep an individual who installs computer systems
Organ-legger smugglers who transport illegally-obtained donor organs across the galaxy
Pleasure Planet in the Purple System (unknown) - phrase used to describe a euphoric place in which everything is happy and fun
Polyglot any higher-order computer language
Popper any riot suppression weapon which used a sonic blast to halt an attacker
Precog used to describe any Gotal who could use their sensitive head cones to anticipate an opponent's next move
Rankweed sucker (unknown) - an insult
Reigat Rage the incredible fits of anger which sometimes struck the Reigat species, often resulting in large amounts of destruction
Rill Out slang term which indicates a being was going to go to sleep, as in "Don't rill out in the middle of a fight!"
Scrag-end crude term used by criminals and other seedy beings, during the last years of the Old Republic, to indicate any being who made the criminal angry or upset
Scratch gravel!: Get lost!
Scruffy-looking a derogatory modifier
Seppie a person who was part of the Separatist movement during the Clone Wars
Shadowport any spaceport that catered to the less-reputable spacers of the galaxy, and provided services without requiring official licensing or notification
Shik vulgar term, used to indicate another being who you despised
Sithspawn an interjection. Note that Sithspawn also refers to a specific kind of creature mutated by Sith magic
Sithspit an interjection
Skip-tracer collections agent
Slag! an interjection
Sleeper a hold-out blaster
Slicer a computer hacker
Slythmonger beings who illegally sold prescription drugs or narcotics for a disbarred physician
Snarkin' a derogatory modifier
Son of a Murglak an insult; see Murglak
Spacer starship pilot
Spacing form of execution in which the victim is cast into the vacuum of deep space without any protection
Spast! an interjection
Spice-Jacker pirates who illegally obtain spice by hijacking other smugglers and stealing their cargoes
Squealer a sonic pistol
Stars and Galaxies! an exclamation
Stim-pickled a being who was addicted to stimulants and other such drugs
Stompasaur Imperial AT-AT walker (also called a bantha)
Strider an Imperial AT-ST scout walker
Talkdroid protocol droid
Tapcafe a bar, often housing several games of chance
Techrat a being who relies too heavily on technology
Techno any being who made a living as a technician who worked on complex systems
The Show: Starfighter combat
Thrill-Killer a person whose mental state is unstable, and who enjoys killing anything for the excitement is brings. They often have special weapons surgically implanted in their bodies
Toydarian Print term used during the last years of the Old Republic to describe the "fine print" - all the information on the obscure terms and conditions, often buried in a document or written in small fonts - in a contract or document.
Tramper any independent starship owner who performed odd transport jobs, rather than joining a corporation or guild to pull in a regular paycheck
Tunding used to disparagingly describe a object
Vape or vap: "Vaporize," kill. Velocity-blinker any being who enjoyed and participated in extremely fast racing sports, such as podracing and swoop racing
Wookinate excessive use of force in dealing with a situation, refers to the battle rage a Wookiee could enter when presented with danger. A verb, it could be used like this: "I'll Wookinate that scout walker!"


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Antenna-Breaker (Underworld) - the hired thug of a crimelord, goons sent out to collect the fees and interest charged by their employers, under order to break the antennae of their victim if they can't pay up
Blinker (Underworld) - used to describe a narcotic addict. It referred to the rapid, involuntary eye movement caused by severe addiction
Bloodshine (Sith) - term used by the Sith Lords to describe the red color of their lightsaber blades
Body Bucket (armorers) - the pieces of armor used by stormtroopers
BTAD (deal-slang) - Boring, Typical, Average Deal
Chroma-neeka (gambling) - any being who worked within the corporate and political bureaucracy to exploit the knowledge that some people are too stupid for their own good. They could steal just about anything out from underneath corporate security, or pose as a government official to steal secret information
Corporata (Business world) - term to describe the unfailing loyalty and devotion to one's corporation. In simple terms, corporata was the belief that one's corporate "family" was the only family one would ever need
Crash and Bash (deal-slang) - any act of thievery which involved the destruction of non-essential property, to make the act appear to be a random act of piracy
Dirtdock (CorSec officers) - Treasure Ship Row
Drooling Drebble (deal-slang) - bounty hunter
Drooling Drebble With Fangs (deal-slang) - particularly nasty bounty hunter
Flux-fiend (gambling) - any gambler who liked to play flux
Green Boys (mercenary) - an Imperial ground force
Hotshot (CorSec) - any blaster which had the trigger guard removed
Minder (Old Repuplic) - physicians who are also empaths, and work to ensure the mental and emotional well-being of their patients
Mud-baller (scout) - anyone who lives on the surface of a planet
Rawmat (corporate) - raw materials
Rimkin (Core Worlds) - anyone who lived beyond the Inner Rim; offensive to most natives of the Outer Rim
Rulebook (criminal) - blaster weapon, derives from the phrase "making your own rules" by taking the law into your own hands and enforcing it at blaster-point
Sabacc Mask (gamblers) - the completely expressionless face of a competitor. A sabacc mask betrayed no emotion, not even in the slightly twitch of an eyelash. A true sabacc mask was said to be unreadable even by a Lorrdian
Sevari Sidestep (deal-slang) - starship maneuver, implies the use of finesse and guile to elude the long arm of the law
Spill Air (racer) - the super-heated gases that are created by a hot engine, can be bled off in order to cool the engine or prevent engine fires
Spore Tour (Agricultural Corps) - any examination of a planet's native plant life and its applications in terraforming
Sticks, The (Core Worlds) - any planets located beyond the Colonies
Trakkie (Outer Rim) - any droid which uses treads to rotating tracks for locomotion
Unluckies (Elrood Sector) - beings who were not native to the Sector but unlucky enough to be living or working there


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Acha (Endor) – Ewok word for "okay"
Ahoo (Vjun) - a word used on the planet Vjun to mean "insane" or "crazy"
Aristo (Tatooine) – a wealthy individual
Bantha Poodoo (Hutt) - curse, excrement, Bantha Dung
Bastasi (Ansionian) - used to indicate an individual's loss of patience
Black Scum (Corellia) - derogatory name to describe members of Black Sun
Bloah (Tatooine) - an interjection, used on the planet Tatooine during the last decades of the Old Republic
Boom-hey (Naboo) - Gungan swear word
Brain Tails (Ryloth) – the lekku of a Twi'lek
Camwielder (Adumar) - a reporter who uses a flatcam to record events
Chuba! (Huttese) - translating from Huttese as "You!" or "Hey you!" but also literally the Huttese name for an animal that is the Star Wars equivalent of a frog or toad
Chubba (Squib) - swear word
Chumani (Corellia) - an Old Corellian term for friend, the word chumani could also be used to insult someone you don't know, referring to the person as a weakling
Chunder (Drovian) - excrement
Creddrone (Corporate Sector) - the lowest drudges working in the Sector for minimal wages and living in the poorest of conditions
Di'kut (Mandalorian) - a fool, also used to indicate an individual who had disappointed you
Di'kutla (Mandalorian) - used to describe something as being similar to excrement
Dinkle obwegadada (Jawa) - curse
Drok it! (Corellia) - an expletive
Droyk (Corellia) - swear word
Dust-happy (Corellia) - anyone addicted to spice
Dwarfnut (Neimoidian) - a fool
Echuta! (Huttese) - an insult
Emperor's Dualties (Circarpous V) - term used for Palpatine's testicles
Emwhulb (Socorran) - swear word, meant to indicate a being of low standards and no loyalty
Espo (Corporate Sector) - Corporate Sector Authority's Security Police. Used in singular or plural terms
Fedding (Tapani Sector) - swear word
Feech! (Endor) - Ewokese for "darn!"
Ferglutz (Quarren) - an interjection
Fierfek (Huttese) - a curse; something vile
Floob (Sullust) - another individual who upset the speaker
Flupp (Dug) - swear word
Frang (Ryloth) - a Twi'lek expletive
Frell (Rodia) - a curse. Note that this is an homage to the Farscape sci-fi series where the term frell originally appeared.
Frink (Corellia) - an interjection
Fripping (Indu San) - used as an adjective
Gartal (Alderaan) - swear word
Gfersh (Rodian) - swear word
Gibbertz and ham (Simpla-12) - an expletive
Golo nochta mootoe, ne linga sochack (Rodian) - a particularly nasty, barbed insult
Grist (Lok) - swear word
Grotty (Ansionian) - used as an adjective to describe another individual
Guerfel (Corellia) - a fool
Gutter Cookie (Haruun Kal) - the thick sludge that formed in the gutters along city streets in Pelek Bew on the planet; highly corrosive, and would eat through the soles of most shoes if it was stepped in accidentally
Halle metes chun, petchuk (Corellia) - an Old Corellian insult of unknown translation
Hkeek nkulla (Jawa) - curse
Holo-bim (Cularin) - a derogatory term, short for 'HoloNet Bimbo', used to describe an inane, female celebrity
Hootyboo (Alderaan) – a streetfighter
Ho-tah (Huttese) - a foolish being
Hufgeb Hsicl Merht (Dug) - an expletive
In the name of...! (human) - an exclamation
Jactna (Rodian) - swear word
Jup (Haruun Kal; planet-specific) - used by the Korunnai to indicate a Balawai prospector planet
Kanushka (Kubaz) - an exclamation
Koochoo (Huttese) - an idiot
Krazsch (Riileb) - swear word
Krilhead (Elrood) - a stupid or unintelligent person
Krolp (Huttese) - an indecent reference to excrement
Krozit (Nikto) - swear word
Ktah! (Chiss) - swear word. Because the Chiss rarely showed any sort of emotion, the use of such words was reserved for intense or unusual situations
Kung (Huttese) - an insult (or compliment) translating as scum, as in "U kulle rah doe kankee kung" - "You are my kind of scum."
Kwaag (Tulgah) - swear word
Le nochka tuo halackne ladda buchat (Rodia) - insult, commented on the recipient's lack of manners and obvious lack of good looks
Lurdo (Endor) - an Ewokese term meaning any being who was too taken with themselves to see beyond their own noses. It was a derisive term, and was used to describe only the worst members of society
Manding (Esseles) - used by the children of the planet to indicate a high level of incredibility, as in, "He's so manding cute!"
Melloon (Dash Rendar) - swoop gangmembers
Mind Evaporator (Kashyyyk) - Basic translation of a Wookiee term for any addictive video game that lacked any form of educational purpose
Min min vil ut valle Nharquis (Corellia) - the worst Old Corellian oath, it roughly translates to "I will eat your ashes." The speaker usually pointed vigorously at him- or herself while speaking
Moactan teel (Csilla) - a Chiss insult, meant to infer that an individual was fair-haired. In the Chiss culture, this was a fairly potent insult, since virtually every member of the Chiss race had jet-black hair. The insult lost its meaning whenever a Chiss used it away from their homeworld
Moojpuck (Ansionian) - swear word often used by the Gwurran
Mopak (Ansionian) - excrement
Mopakky (Ansionian) - adjective, derived from an Ansionian swear word that was used to indicate excrement
Munk (Stassian) - excrement
Ne linga ne hochka (Rodia) - an insult
Nekkel juuvar obwegadada (Jawa) - curse
Onna fulle guth (Corellia) - an Old Corellian challenge or insult
Pagh (Ansion) - exclamation of disgust
Peedunky (Huttese) - an insult, translating loosely as punk
Phwoar (Mandalore) - an expletive
Pifgah (Ansion) - expletive, used whenever an individual was frustrated with a situation
Poodoo (Huttese) - excrement. Oddly, this term also translates from Huttese to Basic as "fodder"
Protie (Elrood Sector) - protocol droid
Pustina (Drach'nam) - swear word
Saen (Coway) - swear word, has something to do with a person's parentage
Sapper (Haruun Kal; planet-specific) - individuals who performed hard labor for the Balawai during the height of the Clone Wars
Scabwit (Gamorr) - a derisive term
Scarns (Sullustan) - unknown part of the Sullustan anatomy
Schoon (Huttese) - fool, a foolish being
Schutta (Ryloth) - Twi'leki insult; used to indicate a being of poor repute. Generally reserved for females. Derived from the name of a weasel-like creature native to Ryloth
Scrobb (Hutt) - small denomination of money
Scum (human) - an insult, as in "You Rebel scum!"
Sellsecret (Tatooine) - any being who makes a living buying and selling information; term has a more dubious connotation than infochant
Shag (Huttese) - an insult, translating as slave
Shas'mink (Laerdocian) - swear word
Shassa (Emberlene) - a curse
Shavit (Pakrik Minor) - used by the farmers of the planet
Shebs (Mandalore) - swear word, refers to certain private body parts
Shee (Haruun Kal) - a curse
Skrag (Corellia) - swear word
Skrank (Sluis Van) - swear word
Sleemo (Huttese) - an insult, translating as slimeball
Snark (Ord Mantell) - used by the human inhabitants of the planet
Snivgold (Ansionian) - used to describe another individual in a rude way
Son of a Sow (Gamorrea) - a Gamorrean curse
Spacescraper (Coruscant) - the tallest buildings found on the planet, if not in the galaxy
Sponk (Tahlboor) - a "stinking liar."
Squark (Dug) - swear word
Stang! (Alderaan) - a curse
Stars' End (Corporate Sector) - a curse, referring to the penal colony located at one of the farthest ends of the galaxy in the Corporate Sector
Stoopa (Huttese) - a fool
Sweet Soalie (Corellia) - used to express one's disbelief
Sweet Sookie (Corellia) - an exclamation, was used to voice an individual's dismay or exasperation at a given situation.
Tarrek's Eyes (Velabri) - an expletive, used in situations of extreme amazement, and referred to the eyes of the god Tarrek
Tooloo (Dash Rendar) - Imperial sensor operators
Toska ne linga voe bashkal (Rodia) - a nasty insult
Ugnor's Thumbs (Bespin) - a mild expletive
Umron (Giju) - a being who was so stupid, he didn't even know he was an idiot
Vench my skug! (Huttese) - expression, used whenever a Hutt was surprised, often mixed with sarcasm or anger.
Verre d'n Nocka! (Kerestian) - a curse
Verre (Kerestian) - a short version of the previous
Vos (Alderaan) - swear word
Wagyx (Corellia) - anal region of a human
What in the blazes... (human) - an exclamation
Whiteshell (Togorian) – Stormtrooper
Woosh (Simpla-12) - an expletive
Yabbo (Lando Calrissian) - bounty hunter


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Bantha Brakes: Tractor beams.
Boring: Either extremely dangerous or no threat at all, or possibly both at the same time.
Bricks and Mortar: Security systems which include forcefields, power fences and other physical obstacles.
Gift For Ackbar: A capital ship.
Geeks With Guns: Local security guards.
Jackers: Ship thieves.
Level Zip Ship: An easy target possessing few or no security obstacles.
License To Steal: Alliance-authorized shipjacking.
Nerf Bait: Phony locks and security systems booby-trapped to catch shipjackers.
Note From The Doctor: Forged documentation.
One-Stop Shopping: Stealing a ship with its cargo intact.
Parental Supervision: Heavily armed guards, or Imperial escorts.
Party Crashers: Bounty hunters specializing in the capture of shipjackers and retrieval of stolen ships.
Pocket: Steal.
Tatooine Tattoo: Price on your head (Jabba the Hutt level).
Used Speeder Lot: An Imperial hangar bay or docking complex.
Vader Grader: A target so well protected that even Darth Vader would find it hard to acquire.


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Haul Jets "let's get out of here"
Jig Time phrase, used to indicate the speedy resolution of a situation.
Landing Zone room or flat
Little Slugland nickname for Nar Shaddaa
Money Lane an unmarked area within the sights of a laser cannon which fighters often use to denote those kills which require more skill
Moonside Run any run which involved moving goods from one part of Nar Shaddaa to another
Mudwater any cloudy, gritty beverage
Plastihead any thick-headed individual
Ratch any lowlife criminal


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Bantha Brakes tractor beam
Final Jump death
First Kiss a smooth, gentle landing
Free-freighter any transport ship or freighter which was independently owned and operated
Gig a myriad of small ships designed for atmospheric or low-orbit operation. They are built as support craft for larger starships, and are often well-armed for combat
Giggle-dust most any form of illegal, inhaled drug
Hurt Vector unemployment and indebtedness
ImpPeRe Imperial Penal References
Level Zip Ship a starship which was an easy target for theft, because it had very few, if any security obstacles
Lum Run any routine trip or task
Nerf Bait any form of phony lock or security system installed on a starship, which was booby-trapped by the owner in order to catch shipjackers
Old Spacemen's Home a term used to indicate retirement
Tatooine Tattoo a deathmark placed on a being by Jabba the Hutt

Special Operations

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Special Ops Teams take a lot of trouble to ensure that their jargon is at least twice as obscure as everyone else's.
Some Special Ops Teams also like to engage in conversations with members of other branches of the Alliance in order to see just how long they can get away with talking at cross purposes. Special Ops especially enjoy confusing the stuffing out of Alliance Intel operatives, who have their own slang although most Special Ops Teams have figured out all of their phrases. With a Special Operative around, conversations seem to get just plain weird: phrases like "5-G takeoff," "cuddly toy," "take a gander" and "she's cute" have completely different meanings.
The following list is already somewhat out of date, as Special Ops Team slang is constantly revised to ensure that no one else is ever in danger of understanding what Special Ops personnel are talking about.
#Chicken Alarm: A hazard assessment, follows an exponential sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13 Chicken Alarms have been known. 13 is a Death Star sighting, 8 is a fleet arriving in-system, 5 is a solitary Star Destroyer, 3 is a ground army, 2 is a small fleet, 1 is any other sizable operation. This term is also used to rate the relative danger of a mission.
#G's: (7G's, 8G's) Number of hostile aliens.
23er: In Alliance Intelligence, an agent who has made 20 field assignments and been retired; in Special Ops, any very competent agent.
ABH: Average Bounty Hunter, or rather, above-average bounty hunter.
Acquisition Run: Any combat operation presenting opportunities for large-scale theft.
Battery: A lot of chickens huddled together, enough to make even a Special Ops slightly nervous.
BBH: Boring Bounty Hunter, the common run of target practice.
Bear: Balinaka.
BH: Bounty hunter.
Birdwatcher: ISB Agent, from "Imperial Sunbathers and Birdwatchers" (Special Ops crew tend to have a low opinion of the ISB).
Black: Any large denomination (1,000 credits +) that is probably "blackmarked" or traceable.
Boring: Either "extremely dangerous" or "no threat at all" or possibly both at the same time. Only Special Ops know how this one works.
Boys in White: Stormtroopers.
Brass Mine: A Special Operative.
BUG: (Big Ugly Guy) Any hostile alien.
Bursting: Physical: Dealing with a large predator by waiting until it opens its mouth and then feeding it a live grenade or thermal detonator.
Conceptual: Entering a known enemy trap with much more firepower than the trap can handle, or using enemy's offensive action as an opportunity to do him harm.
Can't: Tank (deliberate misspelling).
Cat: Orryxian (Not that any Orryxian would appreciate this).
Catnot: (Contraction of "Categorically Not") Refers to Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld.
CB: Cybernetic Bronchitis. Nickname for Darth Vader.
Chicken: Any Imperial operation or personnel.
Chorus Girl: Imperial AT-ST Walker.
Coop: A lot of chickens huddled together.
Cuddly: Incredibly Dangerous.
Cute: Extremely Dangerous.
Defensetrate: Throw person out of window.
Delimit: A Wookiee attacking in hand-to-hand combat. Any hand-to-hand combat attack by a very strong opponent. This word is believed to be a corruption of "De-limb it."
Difficult: Easy.
Dobbin: Imperial AT-AT walker.
Doesn't: A Wookiee.
Don't: Plural, several Wookiees.
Drink Vouchers: Money.
Duck: Any undercover Imperial operative that is trying to look like an undercover Imperial operative.
Dumb Orphan: Orphan with valuable information.
Easy: Difficult.
Easy Easy: Easy.
Entertainment: Combat.
ETLA: Extended Three Letter Acronym. A Four Letter Acronym. See TLA.
Fatigue Scanning: Looking for the weak spots in a system or organization.
Fear Gland: Self preservation instinct. Considered a bad quality in Special Ops.
Firework: Anything containing a reasonably large fusion reactor.
Fish: Fish (obviously, depends on context).
Fish: Mon Calamari (or any other aquatic species, depends on context).
Fish: Trouble (obviously, depends on context).
Frac: Fraction of a credit, particularly any non-Imperial currency unit.
Fracs'n'Blacks: Large quantity of money in all denominations.
Frag: Fragmentation grenade, as in "Frag 'em!"
Gander: Grenade.
Gark: Any flying species.
GBH: Gross Bounty Hunter, i.e. Boba Fett, Zardra, Dengar, IG-88, etc.
Gnu: Gun, slugthrower.
Grease: Funding for bribes.
Grease the Servos: Funding for bribes.
Greenhorn: A new Rebel soldier who's way too eager for combat.
Greenie: Rodian.
Grey Man: Imperial Intelligence Agent.
Gronk: Any species capable of generating a particularly loud cry/alarm call. As in "Gronk!"
Gruff: Any canine-appearing species.
GS (Groundshaker): Imperial AT-AT Walker.
GUB: Great Uncle Boba, refers to Boba Fett.
Hammerheads: Ithorians.
Headhunting: Physically locating an enemy's "head" or main nerve center with a view to destroying it.
Headshot: Any single operation that renders the rest of the enemy's operations useless.
Hijack: Con, bribe, trick, order or otherwise persuade a complete stranger to render assistance in some task.
Hitching a Ride: Using someone else's intelligence network or facilities, usually without their knowledge or permission.
HSS: (High Speed Surgery) Disabling an armored vehicle or starship by cutting a hole in its hull and injecting a grenade or thermal detonator into the gap.
Hundred Club: Those individuals whose bounties exceed 100,000 credits and are still at large.
Interesting: Very Dangerous.
Invite: Explosive device.
Jack: Anyone, as in "Hi, Jack," said to a complete stranger.
KSA: Kinky Silver Armor. An Imperial Radtrooper.
Leech: A spook with 'acquisitions' skills (security, etc.).
Less Boring: Dead. See Boring.
Lightly Tronned: A tron where the vehicle crew survives. See Tron.
Livestock: Assorted weapons, explosives and heavy artillery.
Mildly: Adjective) Extremely.
Million Shot: A "very easy" mission. "It's a million to one chance, but it might just work."
Mindspook: A spook with Force skills.
NRU: Nice Red Uniform, an Imperial Royal Guardsman.
One Percenter: Mission carrying a 1% survival chance. A "standard" mission.
Orphan: Rebel soldier or pilot stranded in the field.
Penned Orphan: Orphan captured by Empire.
Planters: Ithorians.
Plastic Soldier: Stormtrooper.
Portable: Anything a Special Op finds necessary to remove. Even if the item in question weighs 60 tons and has been molecularly welded to the ground, if a Special Op needs it, it will be removed.
PSC (Plastic Soldier Carrier): Imperial At-AT walker.
Raisin-head: A greenhorn who's seen too many war holos.
Red Carpet: Large quantity of explosive devices.
Salting the Ether: Generating spurious plans for non-existent missions and broadcasting them in tight code in spare bandwidths to keep Imperial Intelligence Analysis Bureau getting bored.
Sandman: Imperial sandtrooper.
Scoping: Estimating resources needed for an operation. Or, maintaining surveillance on members of the opposite sex (Depends on context).
Scrip: Corporate or Planetary currency.
Season Ticket: Several explosive devices.
Severely Tronned: Where practically nothing survives. See Tron.
SideThink: Peculiar Special Ops mindset, blending opportunism, careful planning and lethal efficiency with a healthy dose of mindless recklessness and pure cockiness.
Slimebottom: Hutt.
Slug: Hutt.
Smart Orphan: Orphan without any particularly valuable information.
Snowman: Imperial snowtrooper.
Spook: A Special Operative, particularly a solo one.
Squawker: Any flying species.
Squid: Quarren.
Squid Head: Quarren.
SS: (Skywalker Surprise) Mission carrying a 0.1% survival chance. An "interesting challenge."
Star Destroyer: 174,000 design flaws waiting to be exploited.
Sweet: Cute and cuddly.
TAD: A thermal detonator. As in "Add a TAD to fix that Imperial squad."
Takeoff: Eliminating prime weapons, while leaving the heart of an objective intact. For example, destroying defensive ion cannon while leaving a power plant intact, or downing the bodyguards of a powerful but unarmed crimelord.
TAM: Threatening Armored Man. An Imperial Storm Commando.
Ten Percenter: Mission carrying a 10% survival chance. An "easy" mission.
TEPM: (Thermal Exhaust Port Mission) Mission carrying a 0.1% survival chance; an "interesting challenge."
Thinking Sideways: A compliment.
Thousand Shot: Mission carrying a 0.1% survival chance. An "interesting challenge."
Tinfish: Imperial seatrooper.
Tinfish Bucket: Imperial AT-AT Swimmer.
TLA: Three Letter Acronym.
Toy: Melee or heavy weapon.
Trawling: Out looking for "fish" (see "fish").
Tron: Cause opposing vehicle to suffer a "spectacularly irreversible maneuvering capability deficit," or crash. "That's tronned it."
UCT: (Universal Cutting Tool) A lightsabre.
Vapor Op: A hopeless plan, of the type produced by greenhorns, laser-brains and raising-heads.
Very Dumb Orphan: Orphan who "knows too much" and must either be rescued, silenced or discredited in some way.
Wake-up Call: Grenade.
Won't: A town or a Wookiee village, believed to derive from a deliberate misspelling of "town."
Wotshisname: Practically anything or anyone, mainly depending on context. As in "Tell wotshisname to get up here with that grenade!"
Wolf: Shistavanen Wolfman.
Yellow Stuff: Stabilized ytterbium.

Starfighter Pilot

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Big L lightspeed
Brandy Ague hangover
Crate any form of landing craft
Decor the designations of rank each officer wore, and the respect and honor they deserved from other pilots. Used disparagingly, because it meant flight officers had to keep their opinions to themselves. Many Captains and Commanders preferred to go "no decor" when not on a mission or in the presence of VIPs, since it maintained morale among the squadron-mates
Furball the incredibly complex collection of starships and weaponry that formed an interstellar dogfight
Pointer X-Wing
Reading the G's phrase used to describe the ability to fly a ship by tactile feel, rather than by instruments
Skull Z-95 Headhunter
Slim A-Wing
Snoopscoot any recoinnaissance craft, such as the Incom T-65R, designed to get in and out of a system to collect data without being discovered
Suvivor's Fund any sabacc or gambling pot which was left whenever their squadron was called to active duty. Any game interrupted by a combat order had its pot added to the Survivor's Fund, which was distributed to the surviving members of the families of pilots who were killed in the line of duty
Technico starship technician
Temp-flu the mental state of mind which overcomes pilots shortly before their tour of duty was up; if they survived long enough, some tried to ensure their continued survival by holding back and not becoming too aggressive
Wish Y-Wing

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