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Other Gear

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  1. Standard Space Marine Armor Mk I
  2. Standard Space Marine Armor Mk II
  3. Standard Space Marine Armor Mk III
  4. Standard Space Marine Armor Mk IV
  5. Space Marine Terminator Armor Mk I
  6. Space Marine Terminator Armor Mk II

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  1. Standard Bolt Pistol
  2. Standard Bolter
  3. Assault Bolter
  4. Plasma Pistol
  5. Plasma Rifle
  6. Plasma Cannon
  7. Power Fist
  8. Power Claws
  9. Chainfist
  10. Chain Sword
  11. Power Sword
  12. Frost Axe
  13. Grenade Launcher
  14. Flame Gauntlets
  15. Hand Flamer
  16. Flamer
  17. Heavy Flamer
  18. Combi-Plasma Gun
  19. Combi-Bolter
  20. Combi-Flamer
  21. Lightning Claw
  22. Assault Cannon
  23. Heavy Assault Cannon
  24. Autocannon
  25. Grenade Harness
  26. Storm Bolter
  27. Heavy Bolter
  28. Relic Blade
  29. Conversion Beam Projectors (beamer)
  30. Cyclone Missile Launcher
  31. Melta Weapons
  32. Graviton Gun

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  1. Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade
  2. Anti-Plant Grenade
  3. Blind Grenade
  4. Breacher Charge
  5. Choke Grenade
  6. Cluster Mines
  7. Concussion Grenade
  8. Cryo Grenade
  9. Hallucinogen Grenade
  10. Haywire Mine
  11. Inhalation Grenade
  12. Knock-out Grenade
  13. Leaper Mine
  14. Monoball Grenade
  15. Psyk-Out
  16. Rad Grenade
  17. Scare Gas Grenade
  18. Smoke Grenade
  19. Stasis Grenade
  20. Stumm Grenade
  21. Stun Grenade
  22. Tanglefoot Grenade
  23. Toxin Gas Grenade
  24. Virus Grenade
  25. Vortex Grenade
  26. Xeno Filament

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  1. Archaeotech Disintergration Combi-Gun
  2. Archaeotech Disintergration Pistol
  3. Archaeotech Disintergration Rifle
  4. Archaeotech Pistol
  5. Asphyx Shell
  6. Astartes Combat Knife
  7. Astartes Grapple
  8. Astartes Webber
  9. Bulkhead Shears
  10. Storm Shield

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  1. Chaos
  2. Eldar
  3. Necrons
  4. Orks
  5. Tau
  6. Tyranid

Space Marine/Terminator Weapons

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Standard Bolt Pistol

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Type: Medium Missile Firearm
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Missile Weapons: Bolt Pistol
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D+1
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 10 per clip
Range: 3-20/80/200
Damage: 4D+1(s)/5D(bf)
Description: A Bolt Pistol is a smaller version of the Bolter in standard use by the Space Marines and other Imperial forces such as the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas and certain members of the Astra Militarum and the Imperial Navy. Powerful and utilitarian side arms, Bolt Pistols have seen service within many of the Imperium's military forces since its inception in the 30th Millennium. The current standard pattern in use amongst the Space Marines is the Mark III. Bolt Pistols are also used by many other Imperial forces as well as the Chaos Space Marines. A Bolt Pistol is commonly used in conjunction with a close combat weapon by Space Marine officers, Veterans and Assault Squads to make them into melee combat specialists. As a Bolt Weapon, the Bolt Pistol is favored over the Laspistol due to its improved killing ability, although it is less reliable and generally holds fewer shots in its magazine than a Laspistol. A Bolt Pistol magazine carries only 6 to 10 rounds of standard Bolter Ammunition, each weighing about 0.08 kilograms and with a diameter of .75 caliber (19.05 millimeters). The pistol is able to fire either a single shot or a short, three-round burst with each pull of the trigger. While standard Bolters are rarely used by the forces of the Imperial Guard, Bolt Pistols are quite popular amongst the Commissariat, and are also frequently used by junior Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy officers and non-commissioned officers in place of their regular-issue Laspistol sidearms; that is if they are lucky enough to be able to acquire a rare Bolt Pistol sized for normal human hands. It is likely that Bolt Pistols used by the Imperial Guard are smaller than the Astartes Mark III, based upon the observations of the Inquisitor Thaddeus.

Notable Bolt Pistol Patterns

Concealed Bolter-Cane: While many Rogue Traders favor a brusque, overwhelming appearance, festooned with bandoliers of pistols and Power Weapons, some attempt a more subtle (but no less deadly) style, favoring concealed weapons. These are also useful when local customs dictate leaving one's weapons behind, or in dire emergencies where one last shot is needed. For such Explorers, these ostentatious canes (also fashioned as staffs and batons) come into play. Each can store one bolt in the upper end, specially modified with a penetrator tip to pierce the false bottom of the cane. While it can be reloaded, Bolter-Canes are primarily designed for one single shot, to be refitted and re-disguised after the battle is done and the Amasec can be poured. This weapon may be equipped with any form of Bolt Pistol ammunition.
Godwyn-De'az Pattern: The Godwyn-De'az Pattern is the standard pattern of Bolt Pistol used by all of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas since their formation in the 36th Millennium. This pattern has been in use by the Sisters of Battle since that time because it remains more reliable and more potent than any other pattern of Bolt Pistol developed for use by the Sororitas. The Godwyn-De'az Pattern is designed to be used by a normal human and thus is much smaller than an Astartes Bolt Pistol. This pattern of Bolt Pistol is designed to make use of the Sarissa as an attachment. The Sarissa is a vicious, curved, bayonet-like blade that can transform the Godwyn-De'az Bolt Pistol into an effective close combat weapon even as it retains all of its ranged functionality.
Godwyn-Ultima Pattern: The Minotaurs Astartes are known to have used Godwyn-Ultima Pattern Bolter weapons during the Badab War. It is unknown if they made use of Godwyn-Ultima Pattern Bolt Pistols as well.
Hesh Pattern M38 Mark II: Rare outside the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus who hail from the shrouded Lathe Worlds of the Calixis Sector, the Hesh Pattern M38 Mark II was never widely adopted by the Departmento Munitorum due to its temperamental nature, as it is difficult to maintain even by the standards of Bolt weaponry. The M38 Mark II almost seems as if it was designed to be used by individuals more knowledgeable of firearms than even those august members of the Imperial Guard who wield such weapons. Nevertheless, the Tech-priests of the Lathes appreciate the weapon's effectiveness, and do not have the same trouble with its Machine Spirit as those less attuned to the mysteries of technology. The Mark II's distinctive drum magazine allows for a higher rate of fire than other Bolt Pistols, but is also prone to more frequent malfunction.
Ikanos Pattern Bolt Pistol: The Ikanos Pattern Bolt Pistol is an archaic design deployed with the Space Marine Legions of the early Great Crusade era in the late 30th Millennium. It was a semi-automatic weapon that made use of non-standard .50 caliber bolts and a 12 round magazine.
Mark II Angelus-Ves
Mark III: The Mark III Pattern Bolt Pistol is the pattern of the weapon most commonly employed by the majority of Loyalist Space Marine Chapters in the Imperium.
Phobos Pattern Bolt Pistol: The Phobos Pattern Bolt Pistol is perhaps the most venerable design of the sacred weapon used by the Astartes. This weapon was hand-crafted by the Fabricators of Mars at the very birth of the Imperium, to ensure that every Marine had the finest wargear with which to reunite the scattered elements of Humanity. Though considered temperamental and maintenance intensive by some of the early Space Marine Legions, some preferred them for their greater accuracy and power when properly tended. These standard issue weapons were vital for close-in fighting against enemies who survived an initial assault. The carnage caused by the heavy .70 caliber shells of Phobos Pattern Bolt Pistols caused many units to retain these weapons even once more advanced patterns became available.
Ryza-Ultima Pattern: This pattern of Bolt Pistol was known to have been used by the Star Phantoms Astartes during the Badab War.
Spectris Pattern: This pattern of Botl Pistol is known to have been used by the Marines Errant during the Badab War.
Tigrus Pattern: There are many types and patterns of the mighty and iconic Bolt Pistol used by the Adeptus Astartes, and the Tigrus Pattern is one such variant. First discovered in the depths of Forge World Tigrus, the STC data for this sleek weapon was quickly disseminated throughout the Imperium before the outbreak of the shadowed Horus Heresy. This noble bastion of Mars suffered irreparable damage at the hands of the Traitor Legions, yet the Bolters and Bolt Pistols that bear its name continue to see service in the 41st Millennium; revered and honoured as ancient relics of Mankind's lost glory.
Umbra Pattern: The Umbra Pattern is one of the earliest patterns of Astartes Bolt Pistol, and was produced in large quantities early in the Great Crusade for the Space Marine Legions. It is still manufactured in the forges of some present-day Space Marine Chapters, including those of the Mantis Warriors, Executioners and Carcharodons Chapters, who made use of them during the Badab War.
Umbra-Magnus Pattern: This pattern of Bolt Pistol is known to have been used by the Mantis Warriors and Carcharodons Astartes during the Badab War.
Ultima Pattern: This pattern of Bolt Pistol was used by the Mantis Warriors and the Fire Hawks Astartes during the Badab War. The Minotaurs also used Ultima Pattern Bolter weapons during that conflict, although whether they also made use of Ultima Pattern Bolt Pistols is unknown.
Ultima Pattern Mk II
Ultima Pattern Mark III
Ultra Pattern Mark VII

Less Common Bolt Pistol Patterns

Angelus Bolt Carbine: The fanes of Gunmetal City on the world of Scintilla in the Calixis Sector, among their most important duties, hold an oath-bond to manufacture the casing and primary propulsion charges for Adeptus Astartes-caliber bolt shells. Production of the Astartes bolts is carefully controlled and monitored, and once made, each case is stamped with the Aquila and its maker's mark before being passed on to the Adepts of the Machine God. Despite the security and precautions inherent in this sacred duty, it is said a few of these shells never see the Aquila stamp. These so called "blind shells" are both utterly illegal and highly desirable, but on their own, blind shells are useless without a weapon to fire them. Consequently, the Fane of Fykos makes in secret a weapon known as the "Angelus". Bluntly elegant in shape and crafted from the finest materials, the Angelus' lacquered stock houses its magazine and unlocks to take three Astartes-caliber bolt shells snugly nose to tail. Provided only to their richest and most trustworthy of clients, the exclusivity and terrible killing power of the Angelus is favored by the wealthiest of bounty hunters and the most accomplished of beast-slayers in the Calixis Sector. Carrying one of these powerful, but highly illegal, weapons entails certain risks all of its own.
Bolt Carbine (Ceres Pattern): Bolt Carbines are relatively uncommon weapons that were first introduced into Imperial service after the design was rescued from a Space Hulk and pressed into production specifically for the Angevin Crusade. A Bolt Carbine is typically easier to wield than a full-size Bolter, due to its lighter, simpler construction and lower rate of fire. Without the multi-round burst ability common to many patterns of Bolt Pistol, a Bolt Carbine is incapable of the wholesale slaughter that characterises volleys of Bolter fire. However, their simpler design means that they misfire less frequently and are much easier to maintain. Bolt Carbines may use any form of special Bolter ammunition.
Ceres Pattern: Bolt Pistols are rarely found in use outside of elite Imperial forces like the Space Marines, and possessing one is a sign of status and power. They are sometimes passed down through the generations, becoming valuable heirlooms for noble Imperial families. Adorned with elaborate scrollwork and family crests, these devices are more relic than weapon in some dynasties. The Ceres Pattern of Bolt Pistol is one associated with the officers of the Imperial Navy and perhaps fittingly enough the one found most often in the arsenals of Rogue Traders. Ceres Pattern Bolt Pistols are specifically sized to fit the hand of a nomal-sized human.
Cinder Crag Forge "Mauler": A singular weapon to say the least, the Mauler is a finely made Bolt Pistol designed for normal human hands, unlike the far larger, heavier caliber models intended for use by the Adeptus Astartes. Extremely sophisticated in design and made by necessity from the finest alloys and components, each Mauler is handmade and forged by the Servitor-savants of the Cinder Crag. Each weapon is uniquely tailored to the commissioner's exact biometric data. The result is a weapon as implacably lethal as it is revered as an Imperial artefact.
Executor Pistol The Executor Pistol, also known as the Executioner Pistol, is a special weapon only employed by the Eversor Assassins of the Officio Assassinorum. This Combi-pistol is rarely seen in Imperial space, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that it is used by some of the Imperium's most dangerous killers. The Eversor Assassins, the skull-faced murderers of the Officio Assasinorum, carry these weapons in addition to their lethal array of close-combat gear. The Executor is an unusual example of a Combi-weapon. Instead of being one weapon grafted crudely onto another, it is a seamless joining of two individual firearms. The Executor is a Bolt Pistol with an under-slung Needle Pistol beneath the barrel, allowing the wielder to choose between the destructive power of the Bolt weapon, or the quiet lethality of the needle weapon. As a result, the Assassin can fire both explosive Bolts or needles composed of a crystallised neurotoxin, sedative or interrogation narcotic into his victim, as the situation demands.
Garm Pattern Service Bolt Pistol: Often brandished by Imperial Commissars, these large and intimidating weapons are designed to be carried unholstered and in easy sight of their charges. All Imperial Guardsmen, regardless of rank, know that their Commissar is watching their actions and is ready to grant summary execution to those found wanting in the Emperor's eyes. A Commissar's Service Bolt Pistol is a constant reminder of what awaits those Guardsmen who fail in their duty.
Guardian Bolt Pistol: Awarded to Deathwatch Space Marines of any rank for conspicuous gallantry, courage under fire, or actions above and beyond the call of duty, these finely made Bolt Pistols are as much a sign of status among Deathwatch Space Marines as they are a weapon. Any Space Marine wearing one of these Bolt Pistols on his person is immediately recognised as a veteran combatant who has gone above and beyond to protect Mankind from ravening xenos. When issued to a deserving Space Marine, his name and deeds are inscribed on the weapon by a Deathwatch Techmarine during the awarding ceremony. Each weapon is one of a kind, tailored specifically to the receiving Space Marine, and is his to keep when he returns to his home Chapter. Many Guardian Bolt Pistols that have not gone to the grave with their owners have found their way back into the Deathwatch armories. These "foundling" weapons are never re-issued, but instead are enshrined in the Deathwatch data vaults along with the details of their owner's glorious deeds.
Mars Pattern Mark II Scourge: Favored by the Battle-Sisters of the Order of the Ebon Chalice at the Abbey of Dawn on Iocanthos, the Scourge Bolt Pistol comes equipped with a Sarissa as a bayonet fixture. The Sarissa's blade can easily rip open any Heretic in the hands of a power-armored Adepta Sororitas warrior.
Sacristan Bolt Pistol: This class of Bolt Pistol is produced under secret license for the agents of the Inquisition's Ordos in the Calixis Sector by the Fane of Orthlack on Scintilla, and is based on the ancient and venerated Godwyn-De'az Pattern of Bolter weapons used by the Adepta Sororitas. Although Bolt Pistols are both relatively rare and expensive to maintain, their great killing power is extremely valued, and the Sacristan, branded and sealed with the symbol of the Inquisition itself, is the chosen sidearm of many Inquisitors and senior Acolytes alike who see it as a mark of rank. Like Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolt Pistols, Sacristan Pattern Bolt Pistols are sized to fit a nomal human hand.
Stalker Pattern Silenced Bolt Pistol: The Bolt Pistols used by the Space Wolves Chapter's Wolf Scouts are a modified version of the common Godwyn Pattern in use by Astartes across the Imperium. Fitted with a suppressor unit to dampen its sound and muzzle flash, and an optical sight to augment the user's aim, the Stalker Pattern Bolt Pistol is intended for the sort of covert operations performed by Space Wolves Scouts.
Volg "Spitfire": Little more than a crudely modified Lucifer Pattern Launcher, a handgun-like device common on frontier worlds for firing signal flares, tow lines and the like, the Spitfire was an innovation that, according to popular myth, was devised by an outcast Magnavar Tech-adept named Verey. The story has it that while she was exiled on Volg, she made the first Spitfires to help combat a swarming of giant Maw-flukes. The weapon proved both effective and popular, and the more talented of Volg's arms dealers have been turning them out ever since. The Spitfire's fame and construction has spread and some are even sold at inflated prices as real "Bolt Pistols" to those too provincial or naive to know better! Spitfires use modified rocket-propelled distress flares fitted with crude impact detonators in a pale imitation of a true Bolt shell, but are nevertheless still quite deadly. Spitfire rounds will ignite flammable materials and can set a victim on fire in addition to the normal explosive damage it dishes out.

Heavy Bolt Pistol

The Heavy Bolt Pistol is a variant of the standard Bolt Pistol that is larger and possesses a more elongated barrel to enhance its range. It is commonly employed by the Reiver Squads of the Primaris Space Marines.

Absolvor Bolt Pistol

The Absolvor Bolt Pistol is a variant pattern of the standard Bolt Pistol used by Primaris Space Marine Chaplains and Apothecaries. It is larger, has a longer barrel to enhance its range and is capable of producing more damage than its standard counterpart, but is somewhat less accurate as a result.

Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.

Click on image for full size

Standard Bolter

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Model: Space Marine Bolter
Type: Heavy Missile Firearm
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Missile Weapon: Bolter
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 30 per clip
Range: 3-30/100/300
Damage: 5D+2

"To a Space Marine, the boltgun is far more than a weapon; it is an instrument of Mankind's divinity, the bringer of death to his foes. Its howling blast is a prayer to the gods of battle."
- From the teachings of Roboute Guilliman as laid down in the Apocrypha of Skaros

The Bolter, also called a Boltgun, and its variants are some of the most powerful hand-held ballistic anti-personnel weaponry in use by the military forces of the Imperium of Man. It is a powerful assault weapon that fires explosive kinetic rounds colloquially referred to as bolts.

The Bolter is a weapon synonymous with the Adeptus Astartes, and rightly so. However, although the Space Marines are its primary users, the Bolter finds itself in use in military organizations throughout the Imperium. The weapon is fearsome, with explosive rounds capable of ripping through or blowing apart a foe. The Chaos Space Marines of the Traitor Legions were issued their Legions' Bolters before the Horus Heresy, and therefore use generally older variants than the patterns available to present-day Loyalist Space Marines.

The Bolter is a mid-range anti-personnel ballistic weapon that lies between the lighter and more compact Bolt Pistol sidearm, and the more effective but more cumbersome Heavy Bolter. The most common standard patterns of Bolter can easily be wielded by a Space Marine, but on account of their size and weight, smaller human-scale pattern Bolters are used by the Battle-Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas.

For both the Space Marines and the Sisters of Battle of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, the Bolter is viewed as a weapon intended by the Emperor of Mankind to bring his wrath to the enemies of Mankind. Both a weapon and an item of devotion to the Emperor, an Astartes' Bolter is carefully tended by its user. Indeed, a good part of the daily firing rituals performed by the Space Marines when not at war is spent carefully tending to the Bolter's multiple mechanisms and entreating its Machine Spirit, to ensure the weapon is always ready for war.

Every Astartes carries a Bolter lovingly handcrafted by the Artificers of his Chapter's armory or by one of the Adeptus Mechanicus Forge Worlds. At each point in its construction, special rituals are observed by the Artificers or Tech-priests. The Bolters used by the Space Marines are known to be coded to Astartes genetic signatures so that they are only functional for members of the Adeptus Astartes.


The Boltgun, or Bolter as it is also known, has been the standard armament of the Adeptus Astartes for as long as Space Marines have defended the Imperium. But this was not always the case. The ancient Space Marine Legions once utilised Volkite Weapons, a class of powerful thermal ray weapons whose technology is pre-Imperial in origin and dates back to the Age of Strife. These compact weapons possessed considerable killing power, surpassing most other armaments of their size.

Unfortunately, Volkite Weapons of the various types were difficult to manufacture, even for the most able of the Mechanicum's forges, and the demands of the expanding Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium swiftly overwhelmed the supply of these relic-weapons. Furthermore, Volkite armaments were somewhat lacking in effective range, and had high maintenance requirements that were unsuitable for the wartime needs of the burgeoning Crusade. Once relatively common within the fledgling Space Marine Legions, Volkite Weapons had fallen largely from favor by the time the Horus Heresy began in the early 31st Millennium and had been superseded by the far more flexible and utilitarian Terran Bolter.

A brutally efficient weapon, the Bolter fires mass-reactive bolts at its targets, each one a self-propelled missile which explodes with devastating effectiveness after penetrating its target. The fear and awe that Bolter fire creates makes it a perfect weapon for shock troops, the hammering thunder of the guns mixing terrifyingly with the dull, wet explosions as flesh is blown apart.

To the Space Marines, the Boltgun is far more than just a weapon; it is a symbol of his position as a chosen warrior of the Emperor and a physical representation of Mankind's supremacy. A Boltgun is a treasured weapon, but in the hands of a Space Marine it is a divine instrument of his wrath, a bringer of swift death whose howling blast is a prayer to the gods of battle.

Bolters can only be made by skilled artisans and so are produced only in limited quantities, but always to the highest standards and using only the finest materials available. Even Bolter rounds cannot be easily fabricated outside of specialised workshops, and the weapons require regular servicing if they are to function properly. Each Space Marine is scrupulous in their attention to their Boltguns, regularly performing rituals of maintenance less he anger his weapon's machine spirit.


The Bolter is a large .75 caliber assault weapon. It has a much greater mass than most standard-issue Imperial weapons such as the Lasgun, although it is slightly shorter in length. Unlike most Imperial ranged infantry weapons, it lacks a stock, resulting in a grip much like a pistol's or a submachine gun's.

A Space Marine's bulky Power armor would make shouldering a stock an awkward experience, and Power armor is most likely also able to compensate for firing vibrations and oscillation, making a stock redundant. Stocks are sometimes used, however, with an extended barrel and an M40 Targeter System to transform the Bolter into a sniping weapon system. These sniper Bolters, known as Stalker Pattern Bolters, are most often used with Stalker Silenced Shells.

The Space Marines are not the only warriors of the Imperium to carry Boltguns into battle, but the version carried by the Adeptus Astartes, the Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern Boltgun, is by far the largest and most devastating. By comparison, the smaller patterns of boltgun carried by the Adeptus Sororitas or the champions of the Astra Militarum are pale reflections. So large is the Godwyn Pattern that no normal man could heft one, let alone survive its unforgiving recoil.

A blessed creation of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Godwyn Pattern has served the Space Marines for millennia, its design based upon ancient STC technology from long before the birth of the Imperium. The Godwyn is not the only pattern of Boltgun used by the Adeptus Astartes though, and many of the Space Marine Chapters have their own variants, such as the "Angelus" Bolter used by the Blood Angels, or the "Fenris" Pattern boltgun used by the Space Wolves. However, the Godwyn Pattern remains the most common weapon of the Space Marines and fills the role of the sacred Bolter, as cited in the Codex Astartes as the primary weapon of a Battle- Brother.

This variant has a built-in ammunition counter which indicates how many rounds are remaining in the weapon on an external display. The number of remaining rounds will also be shown in the auto-senses display of an Astartes' helmet. The Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern uses a Sinister/Dexter locking mechanism with a sickle-shaped magazine that carries 30 bolts and can fire in bursts of up to four rounds with a single trigger pull.

Other features include a biometric sensor integrated into the weapon's grip that allows the Bolter to identify its user's genetic signature so that only Astartes can make use of the Bolter. The Godwyn Pattern also possesses an integral targeter that links with the Space Marine's auto-senses for enhanced accuracy. Bolters make a unique roaring sound when fired, which is caused as the propellant in their shells ignites, followed by an explosion when the bolt detonates upon hitting its target.

Like other Space Marine weaponry, Astartes Bolters are designed to be handled by their superhuman physique. The weight of each Godwyn Pattern Bolter means that most normal humans cannot handle the weapon comfortably without the aid of a supporting brace, and the weapon's handgrips are too large for a mortal to grasp without assistance. However, even if a mortal were to fire the Bolter, the resulting recoil would most likely rip his or her arm from its socket.

It is illegal within the Imperium for a non-Astartes to wield an Astartes pattern Bolter, which is one reason why the weapons are genetically coded so that only a Space Marine can fire them. An Imperial citizen caught in unauthorised possession of a Bolter or even of just a bolt round can be harshly sentenced by the Adeptus Arbites. However, some Bolter patterns like the Godwyn-De'az or Locke Patterns are specifically built to be wielded by unaugmented humans, and the weapon is sometimes favored by officers of the Imperial Guard and members of the Adeptus Arbites who require a weapon with more stopping power.

The major advantage of the Bolter in comparison to the ubiquitous Lasgun is its stopping power, as the bolt's kinetic force and explosive head can deliver much more damage on a target than the coherent light beam from a Lasgun. However, the major reason that the Bolter never was favored as a weapon for the soldiers of the ancient Imperial Army is that next to its mass and weight, it is also a temperamental weapon that requires lots of care and maintenance to function properly. Where the Lasgun only requires a quick daily disassembly and cleaning while mumbling a prayer to its Machine Spirit to keep it going for over 10,000 shots, the Bolter requires much more careful tending and cleaning to ensure its proper function.

While a centuries-old Astartes Veteran can tend to his Bolter blindfolded in less time than a freshly recruited Guardsman tends to his Lasgun, such familiarity with a weapon is impossible to attain for the average human soldier, hence the need for a simpler standard armament. Another disadvantage of the Bolter is the need for its heavy and cumbersome ammunition compared to the small and easily recharged power packs of the Lasgun. While this is seldom an issue for the Astartes, due to their focus on rapid and overwhelming assault tactics, the risk of finding oneself out of ammunition is very real for Imperial Guardsmen who favor the weapon during prolonged operations, or on missions where resupply is improbable or difficult.

The Boltgun can also be modified for a variety of roles; the Adeptus Astartes and the sacred texts of the Machine God sanction some of these, others are crafted by Battle-Brothers themselves and remain confined to specific Chapters. Scopes of all kinds are a common addition to Boltguns, even though most marks of Power armor incorporate optical enhancements. A scope can be tailored to its environment, keyed to different visual spectrums or the heat-trace of certain foes, giving a Space Marine a better chance to find his target.

Drum magazines are sometimes used to increase the ammunition storage capabilities of a Boltgun, replacing the standard sickle clip. This extra ammunition reduces the time between reloads and allows a Battle-Brother to keep up a sustained stream of killing fire. Regardless of modification or pattern, a Bolter remains an ancient and deadly weapon in the hands of a Space Marine, and if all else fails, it is solid enough to crack skulls and snap bones with its heavy casing.

Standard Bolter Ammunition

Special Issue Bolter ammunition - from left to right: a Kraken Bolt, a Vengeance Round, a Hellfire Round and a Dragonfire Bolt.

Bolter Ammunition (a bolt) is primarily a .75 caliber rocket-propelled round. Whereas conventional solid slugs utilize a propellant charge contained in a casing that forces the bullet down the barrel upon ignition, in contrast, a bolt is self-propelled; it features its own integrated solid fuel propellant that propels the bolt at high speeds, essentially acting like a miniature rocket.

The propellant itself is shaped to control the bolt's direction and speed; however, this method of rocket propulsion would normally warp the barrel due to gas pressure. The Bolter uses an ingenious two-stage method to prevent this.

As well as the rocket propellant, a small conventional charge is also utilized. This charge is strong enough to force the bolt out of the barrel at a significant muzzle velocity, and simultaneously ignite the bolt's propellant. The rocket-propellant is precisely fused to ignite immediately as the bolt leaves the barrel, alleviating any possibility of pressure build-up. The bolt then accelerates toward the target under its own power.

The .75 caliber is now the standard for bolts in the late 41st Millennium. However, during the early days of the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium, there were Bolters that made use of variable caliber ammunition. This included the ancient Tigris Pattern Bolter, which fired .60 caliber bolts, and the Phobos Pattern Bolter, which made use of .70 caliber bolts. The Space Marine Legions' archaic Ikanos Pattern Bolt Pistol made use of a .50 caliber bolt.

Standard Bolter ammunition utilizes a mass-reactive fuse, designed to penetrate the target before detonating within, maximizing damage to the target and leaving little chance for survival.


The Bolter is complex to produce and requires dedicated maintenance, which prevents it from being issued more widely throughout the Astra Militarum. The standard pattern Bolter is also simply far too heavy to be wielded effectively by the average human being or Imperial Guard soldier. The Bolter is far more susceptible to being fouled by dirt and mishandling than the basic Lasgun issued to Imperial Guardsmen, requiring much more training to use than the Guard is ready to invest in the standard line Guardsman.

The Bolter's need for physical ammunition as opposed to power packs demands far more logistical organization to supply than the standard Lasgun, and Astartes Chapters have been known to go through a mountainous stockpile of rounds during a single campaign.

However, the Space Marines wear massive suits of Power armor that further enhance their already prodigious genetically-enhanced strength and allows them to control the powerful recoil of the weapon, and the armor also enhances the already prodigious skill of the individual warrior with autosense uplinks and suit-integrated targeting systems. This makes the Bolter a good fit as the primary weapon for the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, who have used it since the Space Marine Legions were first raised at the dawn of the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium.

Known Bolter Patterns

Over the millennia, the Bolter has been improved and changed many times. There have been hundreds of variants, but only a few have made any radical differences in the weapon's function. All of these variant patterns have the same basic features, but each has different additional features (depending on the weapon's pattern) that seek to improve upon its basic design. The current, standard- issue Bolter for the Space Marines is the .75 caliber Astartes Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern Bolter.
  1. Angelus Pattern Bolter: The Sanguinary Guard of the Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters make use of a wrist- mounted, drum-fed variation of the Bolter called the Angelus Bolter, which fires potent Bloodshard Shells filled with razor- filament that is very effective against most known forms of armor.
  2. Baal Pattern Bolter: The Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters make use of a variant of the standard Godwyn Pattern Bolter known as a Baal Pattern Bolter, named after their homeworld of Baal.
  3. Ceres Pattern Bolt Carbine: Relatively uncommon weapons (the design was said to have been rescued from a Space Hulk and pressed into production specifically for the long ago Angevin Crusade), Bolt Carbines are typically easier to wield than full-size Boltguns, due to their lighter, simpler construction and lower rate of fire. Without the multi-round burst ability common to many patterns of Bolter, a Bolt Carbine is incapable of the wholesale slaughter that characterise volleys of Bolter fire. However, their simpler design means that they misfire less frequently and are much easier to maintain. Bolt Carbines may use any form of special Bolter ammunition.
  4. Condemnor Pattern: The Condemnor Pattern Bolter is a highly specialized Combi-weapon used almost exclusively by the operatives of the Ordo Hereticus and Adepta Sororitas. It combines a Bolter with a single-shot crossbow armature. Though archaic in appearance, the crossbow fires a silver stake engraved with sigils of disruption that destabilize a psyker's connection with the Warp. A direct hit from the crossbow will therefore not only deal a severe wound to a psyker, it will also send his power spiralling out of control, consuming the user in a storm of untrammelled psychic energy.
  5. Crusade Pattern: The Crusade Pattern Bolter is the original type of Bolter used by the Astartes of the Space Marine Legions during the Great Crusade of the 31st Millennium.
  6. Filienostos Pattern
  7. Footfall-Pattern: The moniker "Footfall-pattern" is applied mockingly at best, said only with a straight face by arms dealers in the Koronus Expanse trying to fleece their customers with a false air of legitimacy. Comparatively crude and inefficient, these counterfeit weapons fail regularly due to insufficiently strict manufacturing tolerances, but the inconveniences of owning such a weapon are outweighed by their lethality for those who cannot obtain a true Bolter. Footfall-pattern Bolt Weapons, due to their poor design may not be used with any form of special ammunition.
  8. Gilded Bolter: The Gilded Bolter is a master-crafted Artificer Bolter of unsurpassed beauty, workmanship and artistry. It is a weapon used by certain Space Marine Captains and has sometimes been given as a gift to such powerful Imperial officials as Sector Governors. The weapon has been used by some of the most notable Ultramarines Astartes to have served in the Deathwatch in the tempestuous region of space known as the Jericho Reach.
  9. Godwyn Mark IIIa Pattern: The Godwyn Mark IIIa is an older pattern of Bolter still used by the Astartes of the Dark Angels Chapter.
  10. Godwyn Mark Vb Pattern The most widely-used pattern of Astartes Bolter in the Imperium.
  11. Godwyn Ultima Pattern The Godwyn Ultima Pattern Bolter is a variant weapon very similar to the Godwyn Mark Vb Bolter, and was known to have been used by the Minotaurs and Exorcists Chapters during the Badab War.
  12. Godwyn-De'az Pattern: The Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter is the standard pattern of Bolter used by all of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas since their formation in the 36th Millennium. This pattern has been in use by the Sisters of Battle since that time because it remains more reliable and more potent than any other pattern of Bolter developed for use by the Sororitas. The Godwyn-De'az Pattern is designed to be used by a normal human and thus is much smaller than an Astartes Bolter. This pattern of Bolter is designed to make use of the Sarissa as an attachment. The Sarissa is a vicious, curved, bayonet-like blade that can transform the Godwyn-De'az Bolter into an effective close combat weapon even as it retains all of its ranged functionality.
  13. Hesh Pattern: Since the 36th Millennium, the Astartes of the Deathwatch have been equipped with the Hesh Pattern Bolter, created by Magos Cymbry Jamis of the Adeptus Mechanicus as a reward for the Deathwatch's exemplary service to the Imperium. Bolters of this pattern are more compact than other variants and show unusually skilled craftsmanship on the order of a master-crafted weapon. Due to their smaller size, Hesh Pattern Bolters are well-suited for fighting in confined spaces and they are also favored by Astartes vehicle crews and by certain Assault Marines. Hesh Pattern Bolters incorporate an integral folding stock, a motion detector and preysense sensors that connect to an Astartes' Auto-senses. Deathwatch Astartes who complete their term of service with the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos are permitted to keep their Hesh Pattern Bolters when they return to their home Chapter.
  14. Heresy Pattern: Heresy Pattern Bolters first appeared during the Horus Heresy. Cut off from regular sources of supply and maintenance, many Astartes were forced to cobble together non-standard Bolters using a variety of different parts drawn from different patterns and existing variants of the weapon. These ancient weapons are collectively known as Heresy Pattern Bolters. Amongst Chaos Cultists, Bolters confer much prestige to the wielder. Many of these bolters still in existence are heirloom weapons, taken in ritual duels or armed conflicts and passed down through generations of owners. Though designed to be used by an un-augmented human, the recoil is still murderous.
  15. Hurricane Pattern: A Hurricane Bolter consists of three twin-linked Boltguns fired as a single weapon. First used by the Black Templars Chapter, Hurricane Bolter weapon systems combine the punishing firepower of multiple twin-linked Boltguns to produce a truly withering storm of shells.
  16. Kai Gun: The Kai Gun is a huge, two-handed, ballistic weapon of archaic design similar to a Bolter that was developed following the loss of the Forge World of Kai to Warp Storm Gae-sann in the 34th Millennium. Possessing an advanced industrial culture, the Machine Smiths of Kai bartered their skills for a measure of protection, learning to fashion weapons in the Warp that they could not have conceived before. Their ploy eventually failed and the daemon hordes of the Warp descended upon them to fight for possession of these new domains. All that remained after the destruction of Kai was the weapons they had once built to appease their slayers. The Kai Gun is so large that a normal man would be unable to lift it, but one which a Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince would have no problems wielding. The gun is a psychic catalyst, turning the hate and malice of its wielder into tangible bolts of energy.
  17. Locke Pattern: The Locke Pattern Bolter is a variant of an older pattern of Bolter used by the Adeptus Arbites, and is now the most common pattern of Bolter in use in the Koronus Expanse. Like the Bolter patterns used by the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, the Locke Pattern Bolter can be used without difficulty by normal-sized humans.
  18. Mark III Pattern: The Mark III Pattern Bolter was produced by the manufactora of Badab Primaris during the Badab War and was used by the Astral Claws Chapter.
  19. Mark IV Ultra Pattern: The Mark IV Ultra Pattern Bolter was known to have been used by the Red Scorpions Chapter, and carried a standard 25-bolt sickle magazine. This pattern also possesses a built-in ammunition counter, an Auto-senses targetting uplink, and a biometric handgrip sensor for genetic identification of its user as standard features.
  20. Mark IV Pattern: The Mark IV Pattern Bolter was an earlier standard variant of the Astartes Bolter that made use of a 20 bolt magazine and possessed the capability for both single-shot and three-bolt burst fire. The Mark IV Bolter also incorporated a biometric sensor in its handgrip to identify its wielder using his unique genetic imprint.
  21. Mark II Cawl Pattern Bolt Rifle: The Mark II Cawl Pattern is still the archetypal firearm of the Adeptus Astartes, but now re-engineered, re-crafted and perfected for use by the transhuman warriors of the newly-created Primaris Space Marines. This pattern of Bolter was named for its creator, Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl. Like all weapons in the Bolter family, the Bolt Rifle fires small, self-propelled missiles known as bolts which explode with devastating effect. The Bolt Rifle has a longer range and slightly more penetrating power compared to the standard-issue Bolter.
  22. Mark II Ultra Pattern: The Mark II Ultra Pattern Bolter was known to be used by the Red Scorpions Chapter during the Imperial operation on the Tyranid-infested world of Beta Anphelion IV. It made use of a Dark Eye nightscope that greatly enhanced the weapon's accuracy during nighttime operations.
  23. Mars Pattern Mark II "Scourge": The Mars Pattern Mark II "Scourge" Bolter is the preferred pattern of Bolter used by the Battle-Sisters of the Order of the Ebon Chalice's Abbey of Dawn on the world of Iocanthos in the Calixis Sector. The Scourge has consequently been a favorite among several missionaries in the Koronus Expanse, particularly Genevieve Almace, whose followers have dispatched countless heretics and mutants with these weapons. Like the Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter, the Mark II Scourge Bolter can be used without difficulty by normal-sized humans. Scourges come equipped with a sarissa blade, a sharp, serrated bayonet that can tear open foes in hand-to-hand combat with ease.
  24. Nocturne-Ultima Pattern: The Astartes of the Salamanders Chapter are known to have made use of Nocturne-Ultima Pattern Bolters during the Badab War. The Nocturne-Ultima Pattern seems to be a modification of the standard Godwyn Ultima Pattern Bolter carried out solely by the Artificers of the Salamanders on their Chapter homeworld of Nocturne, hence the name of the pattern.
  25. Nostra Pattern
  26. Perinetus Pattern "Solo" Mark II: This pattern of Bolter is considered to be heretical in the eyes of the Machine God by some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It is far less sophisticated than the other extant patterns of Bolter and lacks the capability for automatic fire, allowing it to shoot only a single bolt with each pull of the trigger. However, the loss of this capability is made up for by the weapon's greater range, increased accuracy and enhanced reliability in adverse environmental conditions. This pattern of Bolter is intended to be used by normal humans and is sized accordingly. The Perinetus Pattern Bolter is very popular as a weapon with certain Planetary Defence Force garrisons and some rebel groups within the Imperium.
  27. Phobos Pattern Bolter: The Phobos Pattern Bolter is perhaps the most venerable design of the sacred Bolter used by the Astartes. This weapon was hand-crafted by the Fabricators of Mars at the very birth of the Imperium during the Great Crusade, to ensure that every Space Marine had the finest wargear with which to reunite the scattered elements of Humanity. The carnage caused by the heavy .70 Cal. shells of Phobos Pattern Boltguns caused many units to retain these weapons even once more advanced patterns using the standard .75 caliber bolt became available. The Phobos Pattern Bolter made use of 30-round "sickle"-shaped magazines and could be outfitted with the Mark V-VI Chainblade attachment.
  28. Relic Boltgun: Within the Calixis Sector, there may only be a handful of these extraordinarily rare and ancient devices. Bulky beyond the means of most men to wield, these weapons may once have been wielded by the Emperor's warriors during the earliest days of the Imperium, and bear the eagle's claw and thunderbolt symbols common to that distant age. More than merely fine examples of ancient Bolters, these weapons are holy relics imbued with a tiny fragment of the Emperor's wrath.
  29. Ryza-Ultima Pattern: The Star Phantoms Chapter are known to have made use of Ryza-Ultima Pattern Bolters during the Badab War. The Ryza-Ultima Pattern seems to be a modification of the standard Godwyn Ultima Pattern Bolter that first originated on the Forge World of Ryza.
  30. Skapulan Bolter: The Deathwatch of the Jericho Reach is strangely silent about the history of Watch Station Skapula, and how this lethal Bolter remains from the abandoned station. Techmarines fortunate enough to examine the advanced weapon frequently debate the number and nature of Machine Spirits necessary to achieve its flawless performance, but the most widely accepted theories place a union of over one hundred Machine Spirits within the casing of tenebrous alloys. In addition to accuracy and power unrivalled in other Bolters of its size, the Skapulan Bolter integrates a Fire Selector, a Targeter, and a melee attachment equivalent to a master-crafted Combat Knife. The Skapulan Bolter is unique and there are no other known Bolters of this type currently in existence.
  31. Stalker Pattern: The Stalker Pattern Bolter is a standard Godwyn Mark Vb Pattern Bolter modified with an M40 Targeter System and an elongated barrel so that it may also serve as a Sniper Rifle.
  32. Sternguard Pattern: The Sternguard are veteran members of the elite 1st Company of a Space Marine Chapter. They deploy wherever the battle is fiercest, particularly excelling in the use of ranged weapons. The standard modifications found on a Sternguard Bolter includes an enhanced scope, shoulder-sling strap, and a specialized magazine that allow the Space Marine to carry different types of ammunition and switch between them freely. The specialized magazine allows a variety of ammo types, at the expense of capacity of standard ammo and to reload.
  33. Tigrus or Tigris Pattern Bolter: There are many types and patterns of the mighty and iconic Boltgun used by the Adeptus Astartes, and the Tigrus Pattern Bolter is one such variant. During the latter days of the Great Crusade, its design was first discovered in the depths of Forge World of Tigrus. The STC data for this sleek weapon was quickly disseminated throughout the Imperium before the outbreak of the shadowed Horus Heresy. The noble bastion of Tigrus suffered irreparable damage at the hands of the Traitor Legions during that conflict, yet the Bolters that bear its name continue to see service in the 41st Millennium; revered and honored as ancient relics of Mankind's lost glory. Though one of the rarer patterns of Astartes weaponry seen on the modern battlefield, Tigrus Pattern Bolters are renowned for their accuracy and the facility of their weapon spirits to operate in co-ordination with the systems incorporated within Space Marine Power armor. The Tigrus Pattern Bolter made use of non-standard .60 caliber bolts, and 25-round box magazines. It also could be outfitted with a mono-serrated bayonet combat attachment.
  34. Umbra Pattern: The Umbra Pattern Bolter is one of the earliest patterns of Astartes Bolter and was produced in large quantities early in the Great Crusade. This reliable pattern of Boltgun saw widespread use amongst many Legions. It is still manufactured in the forges of some present-day Space Marine Chapters, including those of the Mantis Warriors, Executioners and Carcharodons Chapters, who made use of them during the Badab War.
  35. Umbra Ferrox Pattern: The Umbra Ferrox Pattern Bolter is a variant of the ancient Umbra Pattern that was mass- produced by the Techmarines of the Space Marine Legions in the midst of the Horus Heresy. Unlike the standard Umbra Pattern Bolter, the Umbra Ferrox is capable of replacing its sickle-shaped magazine with a box magazine that has a greater ammunition capacity, and incorporates Target Reciprocator Systems that enhance the weapon's range and allow it to better integrate its targeting system with an Astartes' Auto-senses.

Bolter Ammunition Types

"Bullets or las bolts, it doesn't really matter at a practical level, both kill well enough in the right hands. But for me, the bullet is more than a mere munition, it is an ancient thing; it is an echo of every bullet ever fired, every death dealt out by the hand of man since the beginning. You hear a bullet thunder; you are hearing the sound of humanity's bloody history made real."
- The Remembrancer Eldin Takley, The Viscera of War, a Memoir, 875.M30

The most common Bolter cartridge is the .75 caliber explosive tipped mass-reactive bolt. However, Space Marines use a variety of other ammunition, each tailored for specific needs:

Standard Bolt

The Standard Bolt is the standard-issue antipersonnel ammunition for the Bolter. It is designed to penetrate a target and detonate, causing horrific injuries.

Internal Details
  1. A solid-fuel rocket propellant base
  2. An outer casing containing conventional charge
  3. Gyrostabiliser
  4. Mass-reactive fuse. Has a split-second timer to delay detonation upon impact until after the shot penetrates the target.
  5. Hardened diamantine penetrating tip. This allows for the bolt to penetrate most armor before detonation.
  6. Main Charge
  7. Depleted uranium core. This is a very dense material, adding weight and thus momentum to the round when in flight. This aids in the bolt's penetration of the victim.
Kraken Penetrator Rounds

Kraken Penetrator Rounds are potent, more power armor-piercing rounds than the standard bolt. The uranium core is replaced by a solid adamantium core and uses a heavier main charge. Upon impact, the outer casing peels away and the high-velocity adamantium needle accelerates into the victim, where the larger detonator propels shards of super-hardened metal further into the wound. These are effective against heavily-armored infantry.

Internal Details
  1. The main charge is increased to enable a larger explosion.
  2. The uranium core is replaced by a core of pure adamantium to optimize the penetration of reinforced armor.
Inferno Bolt

Inferno Bolts are designed to immolate their targets and destroy them with superheated chemical fire. The uranium core is replaced with an oxy-phosphorus gel, known as Promethium. However, due to the decreased projectile mass, armor-piercing capabilities are compromised.

(It should be noted that the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion has their own similarly-named but unrelated type of Inferno Bolts, which are actually psychically-bound slugs that release arcane energies; these slugs explode with sorcerous Warp energies upon impact.)

Internal Details

In this bolt, the uranium core is replaced with a special gel that ignites with oxygen.

Hellfire Bolt

Hellfire bolts were created as one of the Imperium's desperate measures to stem the predations of Tyranid assaults within the galaxy. Each bolt is tipped with thousands of needles and a vial of mutagenic acid capable of dissolving its way through citin and carapace with equal ease.

When the round enters the target's body, the vial shatters and the needles pierce the victim's flesh, pumping the acid into the target. Such is the success of the Hellfire bolt that it has found a use against a variety of foes, its acid just as effective at killing other foul xenos.

Internal Details

In this bolt, the uranium core is replaced with a vial of mutagenic acid. The point is also replaced with a chemical substance that causes the vial to detonate once it has penetrated the enemy's armor.

Metal Storm Frag Bolt

In the Metal Storm Frag Bolt, the mass-reactive fuse of the standard bolt is replaced with a proximity fuse, and the uranium core and Diamantine tip are replaced with increased high-explosives and a fragmentation casing. This means the bolt explodes when it nears an enemy, creating a lethal hail of shrapnel. This bolt is capable of inflicting casualties on multiple lightly-armored targets, but its effectiveness is dramatically reduced when facing heavily-armored foes like Chaos Space Marines.

Internal Details
  1. Mini-gyrostabilizer
  2. Fragmentation Casing
  3. Increased Charge
  4. Fragmentation Charge
  5. Proximity Detector
Stalker Silenced Shells

Stalker Silenced Shells are Bolter rounds with low sound signatures, meant for covert fighting. They are often used in conjunction with an M40 Targeter System, an extended barrel, and a stock to create a sniping weapon system. A gas cartridge replaces both the propellant base and main charge for silent firing, but this sacrifices muzzle velocity as a result. A solidified mercury slug replaces the mass-reactive warhead for lethality at sub-sonic projectile speed. These rounds are used when stealth and precision are required.

Internal Details
  1. Gas Cartridge
  2. Solidified Mercury Slug
  3. Smooth Diamantine Tip
Antiphasic Shells

Utilized by Deathwatch Kill-teams, these precious rounds were developed using an unknown technology to help prevent Necrons from "phasing out" and returning to their Tomb complexes. In this way Imperial forces can ensure that even their undying foes stay dead.

Banestrike Shells

These mysterious variant bolt shells, believed to have been designed in secret within the armories of the Alpha Legion long before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, had it seems a sole purpose; to breach the Ceramite Power armor of Space Marines. Used openly for the first time at the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V in 006.M31, their dense explosive cores and firing stresses reduced their range and swiftly degraded the firing weapon, but their effect against the betrayed Loyalist Legions were devastating.

Fortunately for the Loyalists, supplies of these difficult to manufacture munitions were limited, and only the Alpha Legion and the Sons of Horus were able to field them in substantial numbers beyond that incident of brutal treachery during the Heresy. These shells were primarily utilised by the Legion Seeker Squads of the Alpha Legion and the Reaver Attack Squads of the Sons of Horus.

Bloodshard Shells

Bloodshard Shells are large, bolt-shaped shells intended to be fired only by the Angelus Pattern Bolter used by the Sanguinary Guard of the Blood Angels Chapter and their Successor Chapters. Each Bloodshard contains a payload of razor-filament that can shred most known forms of armor upon impact.

Dragonfire Bolts

Dragonfire Bolts are hollow-shelled bolts that are issued fo use by Sternguard Veterans, and explode with a gout of superheated gas that can eliminate the value of cover for enemy troops. Any targets struck receive full damage even when partially protected by cover.

Helfrost Bolts

Used exclusively by the Space Wolves Chapter, Helfrost Bolts are bolt rounds tipped with helfrost warheads. In battle, the glittering rounds impart their freezing payload as they explode deep in the flesh of their victims. Few enemies can survive both the destructive force of a detonating bolt shell and the frigid blast of the shattering glimmerfrost crystal.

Kraken Bolts

Kraken Bolts were specialised Bolter shells with an enhanced adamantium core and improved propellant, and were utilised by Seeker Squads during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras of the late 30th and early 31st Millennia, as well as Sternguard Veterans in modern times. They possessed superior armor-piercing properties and increased range compared to standard bolts, but the expense and resources required to create them kept them in limited issue.

Psycannon Bolts

Psycannon Bolts are used by the Inquisition, primarily the Ordo Malleus and its secret Grey Knights Chapter. They are very similar in nature to the rounds fired by their namesake, the Psycannon, and are similarly used against psychic Heretic and daemonic targets. Of all the rounds available to the Bolter, these are the most expensive, as each and every bolt is inscribed with arcane runes on a microscopic level.

According to some sources, the bolts derive their anti-psychic effect from being impregnated with an extremely rare negative psychic energy; the sole source of this energy is a metabolic byproduct of the Emperor of Mankind's Golden Throne.

The anti-psychic nature of these rounds are not only effective at destroying daemonic targets but also highly efficient at piercing the powerful barriers created by force field generators (such as the Tau Shield Generator and the Imperium's own Iron Halo, Conversion Field and Storm Shield).

Scorpius Bolts

During the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras, Scorpius Bolts were individually hand-crafted by the Techmarines of a Space Marine Legion's armory. These specialised shells utilised a two-stage warhead which contained a micro-guidance system and a needle-like sabot dart that vapourises when striking an armored target, providing enhanced armor penetration effects. Scorpius Bolts were rare and temperamental munitions which were hand-loaded into a Bolter for firing.

Seeker Bolts

Seekers Bolts are unique, hand-crafted rounds created by Chaplain Boreas of the Dark Angels Chapter. Each bolt contains a miniaturized Cogitator that detects the infrared heat signature of a target and then steers the bolt unerringly towards it.

Tempest Bolts

Tempest Bolts replace the standard mass-reactive core and armor-piercing tip of a bolt with a fragmentation shell encasing a powerful micro-explosive proximity charge. This has the effect of showering a target with a murderous storm of shrapnel.

These heavier rounds, however, lack range compared to standard bolt shells. Produced only on Mars, Tempest Bolts were designed to be particularly effective at incapacitating machines and other electronic devices. Such bolts are highly effective against targets like combat robots and cyborgs whose bodies are now more machine than organic tissue.

Vengeance Rounds

Vengeance Round bolts are designed for use against heavy infantry and armored targets. Each bolt has a volatile core utilizing unstable flux core technology that makes them hazardous to use, but extremely potent at penetrating through heavily armored targets. They are especially effective at punching clean through even the Ceramite plates of Power armor. As their name implies, these bolts were developed by the Imperium specifically to target the Chaos Space Marines of the Traitor Legions.

Hyperfrag Rounds

Hyperfrag rounds are used only in the Mark III Shrike Pattern Sniper Bolt Rifle used by Eliminator Squads. Hyperfrag rounds detonate in a shower of shrapnel, sending out a cloud of lacerating shards that devastates closely-packed infantry.

Executioner Rounds

Hyperfrag rounds are used only in the Mark III Shrike Pattern Sniper Bolt Rifle used by Eliminator Squads.

Executioner rounds are sophisticated self-guiding missiles slaved to a miniaturised Cogitator that can seek their target behind cover, even changing direction mid-flight with tiny bursts of ballistic propellant.

Mortis Bolts

Mortis bolts are used only in the Mark III Shrike Pattern Sniper Bolt Rifle used by Eliminator Squads. Mortis bolts spew self- replicating mutagenic toxins into the flesh of the target, causing the rapid and complete collapse of all vital biological systems while making for a horrifying spectacle in the bargain.

Bolter Magazines

As well as the different types of ammunition available for the weapon, there have also been several different types of magazines. The standard magazine for the Bolter is the sickle magazine.

Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.

Click on image for full size

Assault Bolter

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Model: Space Marine Assault Bolter
Type: Assault Bolter
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Blaster: Assault Bolter (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 35 (clip)
Range: 2-15/30/60
Blast Radius: 2 meters
Damage: 5D+2
Description: Assault Bolters are a variant of the Bolt Weapon used by the Primaris Space Marines.

Developed over centuries by Belisarius Cawl the Assault Bolter is in essence a miniaturized, single-handed version of the Heavy Bolter. It is equipped with a high-capacity magazine, gun-shield, and auto reloader. The Assault Bolter is short-ranged, but its rate of fire and hitting strength are considerable, with the recoil contained by a mag-shield.

Assault Bolters are normally wielded by Inceptor Squads.

Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.

Click on image for full size
Assault Bolter

Plasma Pistol

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Model: Space Marine Plasma Pistol
Type: Plasma Pistol
Scale: Speeder/Walker (see below)
Skill: (s)Blaster: Plasma Pistol (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 3D+2
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Unlimited (see below)
Range: 2-30/60/120 (low), 3-40/80/160 (high)
Blast Radius: 1 (low) 2 (high)
Damage: 5D (low)/7D (high) or 3D (low)/5D (high)
Description: Weapon has two settings: low and high energy. The small size of this weapon allows anyone to fire it, even without armor. Plasma Pistols, Plasma Rifles and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (in this case - plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite tempermental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have long range and high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator. The weapon should never be fired every round. If it is, after 5 rounds the weapon will begin to overload. On the 7th round the weapon will explode. Everyone in a 10 meter blast radius will take 7D Walker Scale Damage. After 15 "normal" shots the weapon needs to cool for 5 minutes or the same thing will happen on the 17th shot. It does not matter if the plasma pistol is set on low or high energy. Energy is from a self-contained fusion clip that supplies unlimited blasts. Energy Clip cost is 20,000 IC. Weapon is fired as a standard rifle or similar weapon.

GM Note: Weapon can be modified through the use of improved plasma coils (very difficult to create) that eliminate the need to wait to fire the plasma pistol and the danger of exploding. The cost required for this modification is high. Time to research and build the addition is lengthy. See GM for particulars.

Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 150%.

Click on image for full size

Plasma Rifle

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Model: Space Marine Plasma Rifle
Type: Plasma Rifle
Scale: Walker
Skill: (s)Blaster: Plasma Rifle (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Unlimited (see below)
Range: 2-60/120/240 (low), 3-100/200/400 (high)
Blast Radius: 1/2/3 (low) 1-2/3/4 (high)
Damage: 5D (low)/7D (high)
Description: Weapon has two settings: low and high energy. Any being firing this weapon must be in powered armor. Plasma guns, Plasma pistols and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (in this case - plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite tempermental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have long range and high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator. The weapon should never be fired every round. If it is, after 5 rounds the weapon will begin to overload. On the 7th round the weapon will explode. Everyone in a 15 meter blast radius will take 9D Walker Scale Damage. After 15 "normal" shots the weapon needs to cool for 5 minutes or the same thing will happen on the 17th shot. It does not matter if the plasma rifle is set on low or high energy. Energy is from a self-contained fusion clip that supplies unlimited blasts. Energy Clip cost is 30,000 IC. Weapon is fired as a standard rifle or similar weapon.

GM Note: Weapon can be modified through the use of improved plasma coils (very difficult to create) that eliminate the need to wait to fire the plasma rifle and the danger of exploding. The cost required for this modification is high. Time to research and build the addition is lengthy. See GM for particulars.

Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 150%.

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Plasma Cannon

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Model: Space Marine Plasma Cannon
Type: Heavy Blaster Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: (s)Blaster: Plasma Cannon (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Unlimited (see below)
Fire Rate: Once every other round or it overheats and explodes in 5 rounds (see below)
Range: 2-75/150/300 (low), 3-125/250/500 (high)
Blast Radius: 1-2/3/6 (low) 1-3/6/10 (high)
Damage: 6D (low)/8D (high)
Description: Weapon has two settings: low and high energy. Any being firing this weapon must be in powered armor. Plasma guns, Plasma pistols and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (in this case - plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite tempermental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have long range and high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator. The weapon should never be fired every round. If it is, after 5 rounds the weapon will begin to overload. On the 7th round the weapon will explode. Everyone in a 20 meter blast radius will take 10D Walker Scale Damage. After 15 "normal" shots the weapon needs to cool for 5 minutes or the same thing will happen on the 17th shot. It does not matter if the plasma cannon is set on low or high energy. Energy is from a self-contained fusion clip that supplies unlimited blasts. Energy Clip cost is 40,000 IC. Weapon rests on the shoulder and is not attached to armor.

Some variants of the Leman Russ Battle Tank, for example the Demolisher, mount Plasma Cannons as secondary weapons, and one, the Executioner, uses a modified heavy Plasma Cannon as a primary weapon. The largest Plasma Cannons, known as Plasma Blast Guns, are mounted on Imperial Guard Super Heavy Tanks and Titans.

GM Note: Weapon can be modified through the use of improved plasma coils (very difficult to create) that eliminate the need to wait to fire the plasma cannon and the danger of exploding. The cost required for this modification is high. Time to research and build the addition is lengthy. See GM for particulars.

Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 150%.

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Power Fist

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Model: Space Marine Power Fist
Type: Powered Gauntlet
Scale: Walker
Skill: Brawling Combat
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Damage: 4D
Game Notes:

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Power Claws

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Model: Space Marine Power Claws
Type: Powered Gauntlet with Claws
Scale: Walker
Skill: Melee Combat
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Damage: 4D+2
Game Notes:

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Model: Space Marine Chainfist
Type: Powered Chain Fist
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Melee Combat: Chainfist
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: n/a
Range: .5 meters
Damage: 4D (+Str in pips)
Description: The Chainfist is a variant of the Power Fist, a weapon often used by the Adeptus Astartes. The chainfist is created when a power fist has a small chainsword attached to it, the size of a large bayonet. This is also covered by the energy field, and is used to carve through armored bulkheads and such. It can also be used quite effectively in close combat, punching through even Terminator armor.

Like the power fist, the chainfist is most often used by the elite of the Space Marines, often in conjunction with Terminator armor. Also, like its relative, the chainfist is slow and cumbersome, meaning the user will usually get hit first simply bringing it to bear, and again if he misses.

Game Notes: The Chain Fist is weaker compared to the chain sword and power sword, but not by much. It can still rip through personal armor and vehicle hulls quickly with only the toughest armor able to withstand it.

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Model: Space Marine Chainsword
Type: Heavy Powered Sword
Scale: Walker (Speeder when off)
Skill: (s)Melee Combat: Chainsword
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: n/a
Range: 1.5 meters
Damage: 5D+1 (on, +Str in pips) or 4D+2 (off, +Str in pips)
Description: A Chainsword is a common form of chain weapon, essentially a sword with motorized teeth that run along the blade like those of a chainsaw. Most versions make use of monomolecular-edged or otherwise razor sharp teeth. The weapon makes an angry buzzing sound as the teeth spin around, intensifying into a high pitched scream as they grind into armor.

It is a popular weapon of Imperial Guard officers, and boarding and assault parties - such as Space Marine Assault Squads, Chaos Space Marines - especially Raptors - Eldar Striking Scorpions, and Pirates.


Like many examples of human invention, the chainsword's many variants seem to have their roots in the shrouded heresies of the Dark Age of Technology. Accordingly, it saw consistent use in the armored fists of techno-barbarians during the Age of Strife, and among the Emperor's own armies during his Thunder Warriors' brutal conquest of Terra. But chainswords have been wielded by inhuman hands for aeons. Several xenos races have borne such blades into battle even in the ages where Mankind could only look up to the stars with spears in their filthy hands. Tech-Priest foundry masters have speculated, down the centuries, that it is simply a natural evolution of the sword's design: from bronze to iron; from iron to steel; from steel to chain-teeth; and from chain-teeth to a weapon wreathed in an energy field - such as the Imperial power sword. But doubt remains. More than one Martian magos has devoted their life's work to researching the primeval origins of chainweapons; most likely as an inspiration stolen from an alien race, in a war that may never be remembered. If this theorem ever bears fruit, it is distinctly possible that the galaxy's first wielders of chainswords were jade-clad warriors of the ancient Eldar.

Imperial Chainsword Types

The teeth of Imperial Chainswords are made of an adamantium-carbon alloy.
Game Notes:

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Power Sword

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Model: Space Marine Power Sword
Type: Powered Sword
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Melee Combat: Power Sword (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: n/a
Range: 1 meter
Damage: 4D+2 (+Str in pips)
Description: Power weapons, by comparison to regular weapons, utilise focused energy fields to penetrate armor with ease rather than mere brute strength. Power weapons come in many forms, from the modification of a melee weapon such as a sword or axe, to the gigantic Powerfists and Lightning Claws. A notable power weapon is the Sword of Secrets carried by the Dark Angels, which packs a bigger punch than the Frostblade.

The weapon uses a generator that sheathes it in a bluish haze of disruptive energy. A power weapon needs a physical basis for the energy to be wrapped around, then the two components work together to become extremely effective at carving through enemy armor.

Game Notes:

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Frost Axe

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Model: Space Marine Frost Axe
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Description: A Frost Axe is a master-crafted melee weapon, used exclusively by the warriors of the Space Wolves Chapter of Space Marines, and is similar in many ways to more common Power Weapons of similar design.


Each Frost Axe is considered among some of the most prized weapons of the Chapter, and each is crafted by a master Iron Priest. The cutting edge of Frost Axes are often made from energised diamond, giving them the appearance of blades forged from purest ice. Other times, for those with the courage and skill to slay a mighty miles-long Kraken from the vast oceans depths of Fenris, the edge may be instead studded with the beast's diamond-hard teeth. Regardless of what the details of their design, all Frost Axes are power weapons of consummate lethality.


Giantkiller Pattern: A sub-type pattern of Frost Axe, also utilized exclusively by the Space Wolves Chapter.

Game Notes:

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Grenade Launcher

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Model: Space Marine Grenade Launcher
Type: Missile Weapon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Missile Weapons: Grenade Launcher
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 9 per loadout
Range: 5-80/160/320
Damage: 4D+1 (1 grenade), 5D (2 grenades), 5D+2 (3 grenades)
Game Notes: Unless this item is selected at the start of the character creation process and in standard Space Marine armor, then it will have to be researched and developed, which could take a while. The weapon can be modified to fire straight ahead at a single target or spread apart to cover a maximum of a 30 degree area (this is the default if not modified). However, if spread out, grenade damage is reduced to individual levels with the exception of a large target or one that can be hit by all grenades (2 or 3). Will not work under water. Space range is doubled.

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Flame Gauntlets

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Model: Space Marine Flame Gauntlets
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Description: Flame Gauntlets are a type of Flame Weapon used by Primaris Space Marine Aggressor Squads. The Flame Gauntlet is similar to the Boltstorm Gauntlet, replacing its Bolter with a Flamer.
Game Notes: Due to the chemical makeup inside the clip (prometheum) the damage is sustained for the listed duration. Heavy armor can reduce the damage by half and the duration by half. All other types or armor, with the exception of Space Marine and Terminator armor will be destroyed.

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Hand Flamer

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Model: Space Marine Hand Flamer (pistol)
Type: Flame Pistol
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Firearms: Hand Flamer
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 1 Cartridge (10 bursts)
Range: 1-2/3/4
AOE: 15 degree cone
Damage: 5D (lasts for 4-6 rounds; see below)
Description: Hand Flamers are a type of compact Imperial Flamer weapon. Often called a "burner", the Hand Flamer is a more compact pistol version requiring only one hand. Along with using a lower-capacity fuel tank it has much reduced range, which makes it suited for assault and close-combat purposes, incinerating foes at short range. The weapon is used by assault squads, such as Seraphim units which employ them in pairs.


Game Notes: Due to the chemical makeup inside the cartridge (prometheum) the damage is sustained for the listed duration. Heavy armor can reduce the damage by half and the duration by half. All other types or armor, with the exception of Space Marine, Terminator and armor made from beskar and adamantium will be destroyed. Cannot work in space or under water.

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Model: Space Marine Flamer (rifle)
Type: Heavy Projectile Firearm
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Firearms: Flamer
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 1 Cartridge (30 bursts)
Range: 3-10/20/40
AOE: 30 degree cone
Damage: 5D
Description: The Flamer and Heavy Flamer are flamethrower-type weapons that project an ignited stream of prometheum fuel over a wide area, meaning it can hit many enemies in one shot. Flamers are infantry support weapons, given usually by officers to their most courageous soldiers as a sort of honor, but most troopers carry these with disdain. Heavy Flamers are larger versions of the weapon with two nozzles. They are often used by specialists in dense conditions, such as jungle warfare, or Terminators, who make good use of them in cramped ship-boarding actions. Sisters of Battle of the Adepta Sororitas carry Heavy Flamers in their Retributor heavy weapons squads. Heavy Flamers are also seen mounted on armored vehicles as secondary weapons, although the Sisters of Battle use twin-linked Heavy Flamers as primary weapons on the Immolator tank.

More powerful Flamer-type weapons, Inferno Cannons, are available to the Imperial Guard mounted on the Hellhound.

A form of the heavy flamer, known as the Incinerator, is used by the Inquisition, primarily the Ordo Malleus (Daemonhunters). These weapons are fueled by the purest of consecrated prometheum, and are useful against supernatural forces.

Flamer Types:
  1. Mk.IIIa "Heretic" Pattern - Common version used by the Adeptus Astartes and Imperial Guard
  2. Mk.IV Ultima Pattern - Used by the Adeptus Astartes Including the Raven Guard
  3. Absolution Pattern - Used by the Adeptus Astartes including the Salamanders
  4. Helios-Prime Pattern - Used by the Adeptus Astartes including the Space Wolves
  5. Phaestos Pattern - Used during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy
  6. Accatran Pattern Mk Ic - Used by the Elysian Drop Troops
  7. Anoxis Burst Flamer: Shoots a quick pulse of fire designed more to frighten and repel than seriously injure
Game Notes: Due to the chemical makeup inside the cartridge (prometheum) the damage is sustained for the listed duration. Heavy armor can reduce the damage by half and the duration by half. All other types or armor, with the exception of Space Marine, Terminator and armor made from beskar and adamantium will be destroyed. Cannot work in space or under water.

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Heavy Flamer

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Model: Space Marine Heavy Flamer
Type: Extra Heavy Projectile Firearm
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Firearms: Heavy Flamer
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 2 Cartridges (40 double bursts or 80 single bursts)
Range: 3-10/20/40
AOE: 40 degree cone
Damage: 6D
Description: The Flamer and Heavy Flamer are flamethrower-type weapons that project an ignited stream of prometheum fuel over a wide area, meaning it can hit many enemies in one shot. Flamers are infantry support weapons, given usually by officers to their most courageous soldiers as a sort of honor, but most troopers carry these with disdain. Heavy Flamers are larger versions of the weapon with two nozzles. They are often used by specialists in dense conditions, such as jungle warfare, or Terminators, who make good use of them in cramped ship-boarding actions. Sisters of Battle of the Adepta Sororitas carry Heavy Flamers in their Retributor heavy weapons squads. Heavy Flamers are also seen mounted on armored vehicles as secondary weapons, although the Sisters of Battle use twin-linked Heavy Flamers as primary weapons on the Immolator tank.

Heavy Flamer

  1. Balefire Gun - used by Deathwatch
  2. Flame Gauntlet
  3. Flamestorm Cannon
  4. Hand Flamer: Also called a "burner", the hand flamer is a more compact pistol version requiring only one hand. Along with using a lower-capacity fuel tank it has much reduced range, which makes it suited for assault and close-combat purposes, incinerating foes at short range. The weapon is used by assault squads, such as Seraphim units which employ them in pairs.
  5. Incinerator
  6. Inferno Cannon
  7. Inferno Gun
  8. Infernus Incinerator - used by the Custodes
  9. Infernus Firepike - Used by the Custodes
  10. Pyroclast Flame Projector - Pyroclast Flame Projector's were Salamanders unique and complex flame weapons created by Vulkan himself during the Great Crusade. Wielded by the Legion's Pyroclasts, they were far more elegant and potent than the standard Flamer used by the Legiones Astartes. They were used to incinerate a swathe of targets in the manner of a standard Flamer, but also focused their jet into searing cutting arcs that sliced through durable armor.
Game Notes: Due to the chemical makeup inside the cartridge (prometheum) the damage is sustained for the listed duration. Heavy armor can reduce the damage by half and the duration by half. All other types or armor, with the exception of Space Marine, Terminator and armor made from beskar, adamantium and up will be destroyed. Cannot work in space or under water.

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Combi-Plasma Gun

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Model: Bolter/Plasma Gun
Type: Dual Combined weapon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Firearms: Combi-Plasma
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 20 (bolter)/Unlimited (plasma; see below)
Description: Weapon has two settings: low and high energy. Any being firing this weapon must be in powered armor. Plasma guns use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (in this case - plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite tempermental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have long range and high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator. The weapon should never be fired every round. If it is, after 5 rounds the weapon will begin to overload. On the 7th round the weapon will explode. Everyone in a 15 meter blast radius will take 8D Walker Scale Damage. After 15 "normal" shots the weapon needs to cool for 5 minutes or the same thing will happen on the 17th shot. It does not matter if the plasma cannon is set on low or high energy. Energy is from a self-contained fusion clip that supplies unlimited blasts. Energy Clip cost is 25,000 IC. Weapon is fired as a standard rifle or similar weapon.
Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 150%.

GM Note: Weapon can be modified through the use of improved plasma coils (very difficult to create) that eliminate the need to wait to fire the plasma pistol and the danger of exploding. The cost required for this modification is high. Time to research and build the addition is lengthy. See GM for particulars.

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Model: Space Marine Combi-Bolter
Type: Dual Combined Weapon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Firearms: Combi-Bolter
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 60 (dual clips)
Range: 3-30/100/300
Damage: 5D+2 (6D+2 if used simultaniously)
Description: See the Standard Bolter above for details.
Game Notes: This weapon is literally two bolters connected together. There are two triggers and two clips. They can be fired seperately or together for maximum effect. Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.


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Model: Space Marine Combi-Flamer
Type: Dual Combined Weapon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Firearms: Combi-Flamer
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 20 (clip) + 10 bursts (cartridge)
Range: 3-30/100/300 (bolter), 1-2/3/4 (flamer)
AOE: 15 degree cone (flamer only)
Damage: 5D+2 (bolter), 5D (flamer; lasts for 4-6 rounds; see below)
Description: See the Standard Bolter above for details. Hand Flamers are a type of compact Imperial Flamer weapon. Often called a "burner", the Hand Flamer is a more compact pistol version requiring only one hand. Along with using a lower-capacity fuel tank it has much reduced range, which makes it suited for assault and close-combat purposes, incinerating foes at short range. The weapon is used by assault squads, such as Seraphim units which employ them in pairs.
Game Notes: Bolter section can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%. Flamer section cannot be used in space or under water.

Lightning Claw

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Model: Space Marine Lightning Claw
Type: Heavy Powered
Scale: Walker (Speeder when off)
Skill: (s)Melee Combat:
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 1 meter
Damage: 5D+1 (on, +Str in pips) or 4D+2 (off, +Str in pips)
Description: A Lightning Claw is a specialized type of Power Weapon.


It consists of a power gauntlet and four blades that crackle with matter-disruptive energy. These blades are the equivalent of small power weapons which carve through armor and flesh with ease. They are most commonly used by Space Marine Terminator Assault Squads; the entire squad can be armed with them, but can also be used by anyone with access to the armory. Lightning Claws are generally worn as a pair, and are also used by Daemonhunters and Chaos Space Marines.

The Space Wolves operate their own unique pattern of Lightning Claws built on Fenris. Known as Wolf Claws, the blades of each wolf claw are enchanted by powerful runes to further augment their destructive potential.

Famous Lightning Claws

The Raven's Talons are a pair of Lightning Claws which are said to have been personally crafted by Corax on Deliverance after the Isstvan V massacre. They are currently wielded by Kayvaan Shrike, Shadow Captain of the Raven Guard's 3rd Company.

The Talon of Horus is a Lightning Claw with a built-in Storm Bolter, said to have been wielded by Horus himself during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. It is now wielded by Abaddon the Despoiler.

Mercy and Forgiveness - The Lightning Claws of Primarch Konrad Curze

Game Notes: Can be used in any environment. Made from Adamintium most of the time.

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Lightning Claws

Assault Cannon

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Model: Terminator Space Marine Assault Cannon
Type: Heavy Firearm
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Firearms: Assault Cannon (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Belt-Feed (500 rounds per belt)
Range: 3-70/140/280
Damage: 5D+2
Description:The assault cannon is a heavy, automatic anti-personnel weapon commonly used by Terminator armored Space Marines.

Its most notable feature is its incredibly high rate of fire, easily eclipsing that of the autocannon it replaced. It is a medium- caliber rotary autocannon, with 6 barrels cycled by an electric motor past a single chamber.

The weapon was developed after the Horus Heresy as a replacement for the autocannon and Rotor Cannon, which had been a common heavy weapon on Terminator suits until then. Introduced during the mark 3a phase of Terminator armor development, this weapon is the standard alternative to the heavy flamer as a squad's special weapon. Its design has changed little, retaining the distinctively long, cylindrical, rotating barrels.

Although it lacks the range of the autocannon and many other heavy weapons, the assault cannon is a fearsome weapon when used in the close range role it was designed for. The weapon is prone to overheating and jams due to its high rate of fire - the number of rounds fired per second are counted in the hundreds. The barrels and other firing components are made of a heat- dispersing ceramic/metallic alloy, helping the weapon to withstand the intense heat generated by its high rate of fire. Despite this, the barrels still reach temperatures of over 300º. Due to the high rate of wear on the barrels, the barrels are replaced after every mission. Motor and barrel failure are common problems with the assault cannon, making the weapon prone to jamming during sustained bursts. The weight and complexity of the mechanism, and the heavy recoil generated means that the assault cannon requires a stable firing platform. The weapon is not considered man portable, however the powerful servos, recoil compensators and stabilizers built into Terminator armor allows the elite Astartes Terminator squads to carry the weapon into battle. The assault cannon is well suited to the battlefield role of Terminator squads, providing a massive rate of fire which often compensates for the enemies' vast superiority in numbers. In confined environments providing long corridors of fire, such as space hulks and hive worlds, the assault cannon is invaluable.

The high rate of fire makes the assault cannon unsuitable for extended engagements when used by Terminators, as the ammunition carried is quickly exhausted. This drawback is negated in vehicle and Dreadnought mountings, where ammunition storage capacity is far greater. The standard ammunition fired is a cased round, comprising a dense metallic core covered in a non-metallic composite sheath with a diamantine tip. This provides excellent penetration capabilities against light and personal armor.

It has long been reported by the Astartes that the assault cannon's massive rate of fire can allow it to chew through armor that would normally be impenetrable to a weapon of its caliber. Extensive testing by the Adeptus Mechanicus supported this observation, and Astartes targeting doctrines have been officially amended to recognize this attribute. The logistic shortcomings of the assault cannon are far outweighed by its destructiveness in combat and its effect on enemy morale.

Known Patterns

Astartes Mk.VIII Absolo Pattern: Used by the Space Marines
Kheres Pattern: Used by Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts since the Great Crusade and later - during the Horus Heresy
Iliastus Pattern: Great Crusade era prototype design with formidable firepower but prone to catastrophic failure. Used by the Imperial Fists and Blood Angels.
Pilum Sentry Cannon: Not much is know about ths patter other than it was used very little, perhaps due to its lack of punch.

Assault cannons are used by Planetary Defense Forces on rare occasions as a stand-mounted defensive weapon, and are also found on the Destroyer variant of the Marauder bomber.

Game Notes: The assault cannon is a six-barrelled, self-loading automatic weapon, effective against infantry targets and light vehicles at close to medium range. The weapon's large size and tremendous fire rate require special means to sustain, so the assault cannon is normally mounted on vehicles or walkers such as Dreadnoughts, or specially dampened and fitted to Terminator armor.

Although the assault cannon lacks the range of other rapid-fire guns such as the heavy bolter and the autocannon, its enormous rate of fire enables it to literally shred its way through most targets, punishing them with hundreds of rounds per minute. Assault cannons are extremely potent at medium to close range, against armored infantry and moderately armored vehicles, while heavy bolters are only effective against lightly armored targets and autocannons have a slower firing rate. The assault cannon epitomises the deadliness of elite Terminator squads who teleport behind the enemy's front line and open up fully-automatic fire, spreading carnage and terror.

Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except that water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.

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Heavy Assault Cannon

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Model: Terminator Space Marine Heavy Assault Cannon
Type: Heavy Assault Firearm
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Missile Weapons: Assault Cannon (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Belt-Feed (500 rounds per belt)
Range: 3-100/200/400
Damage: 6D+1
Description: The heavy assault cannon is a six-barrelled, self-loading automatic weapon, effective against infantry targets and light and medium vehicles at close to medium range. The weapon's large size and tremendous fire rate require special means to sustain, so the assault cannon is normally mounted on vehicles or walkers such as Dreadnoughts, or specially dampened and fitted to Terminator armor.

Although the heavy assault cannon lacks the range of other rapid-fire guns such as the heavy bolter and the autocannon, its enormous rate of fire enables it to literally shred its way through most targets, punishing them with hundreds of rounds per minute. Heavy assault cannons are extremely potent at medium to close range, against armored infantry and moderately armored vehicles, while heavy bolters are only effective against lightly armored targets and autocannons have a slower firing rate. The heavy assault cannon epitomizes the deadliness of elite Terminator squads who teleport behind the enemy's front line and open up fully-automatic fire, spreading carnage and terror. Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 25% and space increases range by 75%.

Assault cannons are used by Planetary Defense Forces on rare occasions as a stand-mounted defensive weapon, and are also found on the Destroyer variant of the Marauder bomber.

Game Notes:

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Model: Terminator Space Marine Autocannon
Type: Heavy Firearm
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Firearms: Autocannon (required)
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Belt-Feed (500 rounds per belt)
Range: 3-100/200/400
Damage: 4D+2
Description: Autocannons are similar in concept to twentieth century tank guns. They are rapid-firing weapons able to use a wide variety of ammunition, from mass-reactive explosive to solid shells.

General Information

Autocannons are usually either mounted on weapon carriages or vehicles because of their great weight.

Due to their high rate of fire and sufficient killing power, they are effective against large infantry formations and light armored vehicles. This makes them ideal for use against large Tyranid organisms and Orkish vehicles. They are also useful against heavy infantry such as Space Marines, although their power armor has been known to stop autocannon rounds.

Autocannons are used by the Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Witch Hunters, and Chaos Space Marines. Orks in particular enjoy using autocannons because of the prodigious noise and recoil produced by firing them.

Known Patterns
  1. Syrtis Pattern - Used on the Predator Destructor
  2. Agrippina Pattern - Used on the Salamander Scout Vehicle, ammunition for this smoothbore gun is fed automatically through a four-round feeding tray, the ammunition for which is dropped into the tray by hand. Includes recoil dampener and electronic sighting and rangefinding.
  3. Cthon Pattern - Used by Terminators during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy
  4. Reaper Autocannon - Twin-linked pattern used by Chaos Space Marines
  5. Hades Autocannon
  6. Accelerator Autocannon
  7. Icarus Autocannon
  8. Armiger Autocannon
Game Notes: Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except that water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.

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Storm Bolter

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Model: Terminator Space Marine Storm Bolter
Type: Heavy Missile Firearm
Scale: Walker
Skill: (s)Missile Weapons: Storm Bolter
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Dual Clips (25 per clip)
Range: 3-50/100/300
Damage: 5D+2/6D+2
Description: The Storm Bolter is a double-barrelled version of the standard .75 caliber Bolter. As it is heavier and causes more recoil than a normal Bolter, it is even more rarely used than the Bolter by the regiments of the Astra Militarum. Instead, Storm Bolters are the standard weapons employed by Space Marine Terminators or as a pintle-mounted weapon on an Imperial main battle tank. Storm Bolters are also used by the Astartes of the Grey Knights Chapter as a gauntlet-mounted weapon with its feed located on the rear of their armour. The Storm Bolter also sees limited use amongst the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, where it is considered a specialist weapon, and favored by those squads of Dominions, the Sororitas' heavy-weapons troops, who prefer to engage in mid-range, anti-infantry combat.

Due to its high munitions consumption, and the lack of dexterity available to the wearer of Terminator Armor, most Storm Bolters are fed from a large box magazine, carrying approximately 100 rounds. These rounds are identical to those fired from Bolt Pistols and Bolters. Before the Storm Bolter was created by the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus after the end of the Horus Heresy, Terminators were often equipped with two separate Bolters outfitted with advanced targeting equipment and restricted firing rates to allow them to operate in tandem. These were called Combi-Bolters and they were less effective than the first true Storm Bolter design. They are now only used by the Chaos Space Marines of the Traitor Legions, many of whom still have access only to the pre-Heresy technology.

Known Storm Bolter Patterns

Adeptus Astartes Patterns
Adepta Sororitas Patterns
Adeptus Custodes Patterns
Notable Storm Bolters
Game Notes: Fires one or two missiles per shot. This weapon can only be used while person is in powered Terminator armor. Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%.

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Heavy Bolter

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Model: Space Marine Heavy Bolter
Type: Heavy Missile Firearm
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Missile Weapons: Heavy Bolter
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: Dual Clips: 25 per clip (or belt-fed for near unlimited ammo)
Range: 3-50/100/300 (single), 3-50/100/200 (rapid fire)
Damage: 5D+2 or 6D+2 to 8D+2 (single target), 6D+2 (single targets in sweep: 3-15 meters)
Description: The Heavy Bolter (also known as the Back Breaker) is an enormous version of the Boltgun. Of much larger size and weight, the heavy bolter fires powerful armor-piercing fist-sized bolts at the enemy with a staggering rate of fire.

The heavy bolter is generally used for anti-infantry or fire support roles, also known as the "Back Breaker" or the "Bruiser" by the crew who have to carry it because of its great weight - but also because of the heavy punishment it can deal out to the enemy. It fires a round considerably larger than that of the standard bolter shell, with more propellant and longer range and higher stopping power, making it capable of destroying light vehicles. Because of its high rate of fire, jamming is often a problem. Like all bolt weapons, heavy bolters require regular maintenance and ancient litanies to appease their spirits. It is seldom seen outside military organizations.

The most modern version of the heavy bolter in wide spread use is the Astartes Mk Ivc. The weapon goes through rounds very quickly using either a disintegrating belt or 40-round high capacity box magazine.

Imperial Bolter Designs

Accatran Pattern

The Accatran pattern Mk Vd heavy bolter is used by the 99th Elysian Drop Troops Regiment. It features an integral bipod for sustained firing and a sight inside of the carrying handle. The ammunition used by this weapon is anti-vehicle: self-propelled, mass-reactive, high-explosive, and armor-piercing. Astartes MK IVa

Jove Mk III

This shoulder-braced pattern is in use with the Adepta Sororitas.

Jove Mk III Heavy Bolter

Godwyn Pattern

Infernus Heavy Bolter

The Infernus Heavy Bolter is a pattern of heavy bolter used by the Deathwatch. These weapons are mag-clamped with rare suspensor discs that reduce the weapon's weight considerably. It is also equipped with a Heavy Flamer.


The Maxima MkIV heavy bolter is used by the Space Marines, including the Mantis Warriors' Tactical Squads.

Requiem Pattern

The MK IV Requiem Pattern Heavy Bolter generally sees more use in the hands of the Dark Angel chapter, their dedication to scripture and lore far surpassing most other chapters. The special incense burned in the censor has gained the nickname "Uzziel's breath", and is said to be calming and to sharpen focus.


Sol Militaris Pattern

Shoulder-mounted; .75 cal, selective fire; suppression/anti-personnel. Issued to Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Voss-Incarnadine Pattern

Issued to Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Massada Pattern 'Firefury'

Mounted on the Mark V Phobos Pattern Land Raiders.

Assault Bolter

The Assault Bolter is a miniaturized version of the Heavy Bolter used by Primaris Space Marines.


Heavy Bolter Ammunition

Name Notes/Effects
Standard Bolts Standard bolts use the same outer casing, propellant base, main charge, mass reactive detonator cap, depleted deuterium core, and diamantine tip as Boltgun rounds, but with a larger caliber.
Hellfire Rounds Replaces the core and tip of the standard bolt round with a vial of mutagenic acid, and thousands of needles that fire into the target's flesh on impact, pumping the acid into the target. Developed specially to combat Tyranids, Hellfire Rounds have equally devastating results on other organic targets.
Shrapnel Bolts Bolts designed to form a blast of shrapnel. Used by the Iron Warriors during the Great Crusade.
Assassin Bolts Hypersonic rounds used by the Minotaurs that replace the standard propellant with short-burn magna-fusion charges and the mass-reactive warhead (which would not endure the fusion discharge) with solid slugs. Due to their extreme speed and density, they are both highly destructive and extremely accurate.

Game Notes: Fires one or 3 to 15 missiles per shot. Range is shorter due to rapid fire capability (the rounds will actually travel 300 meters, but are 75% less-likely to hit the desired target beyond 200 meters). A maximum of 3 rounds can be fired at a single target in one round. This weapon can only be used while person is in powered Terminator armor. Can be fired under water and in space with no penalty, except water reduces range by 50% and space increases range by 125%. Weapon can also be mounted on a speederbike or larger vehicle for anti-troop support.

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Grenade Harness

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Model: Terminator Space Marine Grenade Harness
Type: Missile Weapon
Scale: Walker
Skill: (s)Missile Weapons: Grenade Harness
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 24 per loadout
Range: 5-100/200/400
Damage: 4D (1 grenade), 4D+2 (2 grenades), 5D+1 (3 grenades)
Description: The Grenade Harness is a type of Grenade Launcher mounted on some Space Marine Terminator armor. These launchers allow for the firing of a barrage of Frag grenades, usually before a charge by the Terminators.
Game Notes: Unless this item is selected at the start of the character creation process and in standard Space Marine armor, then it will have to be researched and developed, which could take a while. The weapon can be modified to fire straight ahead at a single target or spread apart to cover a maximum of a 30 degree area (this is the default if not modified). However, if spread out, grenade damage is reduced to individual levels with the exception of a large target or one that can be hit by all grenades (2 or 3).

Game Notes:

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Relic Blade

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Model: Space Marine Relic Blade
Type: Heavy Powered Two-Handed Sword
Scale: Walker (Speeder when off)
Skill: (s)Melee Combat: Relic Sword (required)
Cost: Cannot be constructed, extremely rare to have one (see below)
Availability: n/a
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: n/a
Range: 1.5 meters
Damage: 5D+2 (on, +Str in pips) or 4D+2 (off, +Str in pips)
Description: A Relic Blade is a large two-handed power weapon often resembling a sword, axe or glaive that is surrounded by the same matter- disrupting energy field as other power weapons. They are large and unwieldy in combat and are required to be wielded two-handed. The Relic Blades are almost equivalent in quality to Artificer Armor for power weapons.

Many were constructed during and just after the Horus Heresy, as a result, only a Space Marine of great and faultless service may wield one. They provide a strength bonus that is not as great as a Power Fist's but makes up for it by being faster than the unwieldy Power Fist. Relic Blades are only used by Space Marines, the most famous being Vulkan He'stan with the Spear of Vulkan, which is actually a highly ornate and well crafted Relic Blade. Space Marine Honor Guards use Relic Blades the most (in some instances whole squads wield them), due to their long and distinguished military careers. Certain Space Marine Veterans and Captains have also managed to earn the right to wield a Relic Blade.

Game Notes: This type of blade is extremely rare and as such will not normally be available as a choice. The only way to get one is writing into the space marine's background with a heroic deed he was rewarded for.

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Conversion Beam Projector (beamer)

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Model: Space Marine
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Description: A conversion beam projector, often called a "conversion beamer" or simply a "beamer", is a heavy energy weapon.


The conversion beamer fires a high intensity energy beam, which transforms matter into pure energy. A heavily armored target or dense material will be rent apart as its matter explodes. The more dense the material of the target the more energy that is converted, making conversion beamers particularly good against heavily armored troops, vehicles and buildings. The intensity of the beam increases as it extends further from the weapon, becoming increasingly dangerous, until it reaches the focal point where the beam is so intense that the energy has to be released in a violent explosion.

Smaller versions were once known to be occasionally carried by Terminator Space Marines for cutting through bulkheads when exploring Space Hulks, but this practice is no longer prevalent.

An unfortunate downside to conversion beamers is that they are incredibly large and heavy (as they require a number of massive capacitors that line the projection tube) and must remain absolutely motionless when operated, or the intensity of the beam will be negated, rendering the shot useless. Because of this, conversion beamers are usually fitted to self-propelled, wheeled carriages or anti-gravity platforms (the operators will often remain at a safe distance using some form of remote control). Users of the smaller hand-held versions are forced to wear boots with special claws to provide a more stable purchase. Another problem with the conversion beamer is the length of time they need build up the energy that is released in the beam. Although it is only a second or so, it is easily long enough for potential targets to have moved or escape the field of fire.


Heavy Conversion Beamer

A more powerful version of the "regular" beamer - is an ancient relic-weapon of incredible and poorly-understood power. It is sometimes found on Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts, Decimator Daemon Engines and Deimos pattern Predators Executioner.

Conversion Beam Cannon

Among the largest known surviving examples of the rare and delicate conversion beam technology, Conversion Beam Cannons are mounted on Knight Asterius vehicles. They are rightly feared as siege weapons and fortress breakers. These gigantic weapons, when tied to the complex systems concealed within the Acastus Knight Asterius’ carapace, are focused on a target point while the beams are calibrated and aligned, causing a sub-atomic implosion that literally tears all matter in the target zone apart.

Game Notes:

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Cyclone Missile Launcher

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Model: Terminator Space Marine Cyclone Missile Launcher
Type: Large Missile Launcher
Scale: Walker
Skill: (s)Armor Weapons: Mounted Missile Launcher
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Blast Radius:
Description: The Cyclone Missile Launcher is a Missile Launcher variant specially designed to be fitted on Terminator armor. Loaded with Krak and Frag Missiles, the Cyclone consists of two cube-shaped missile boxes, twin-linked, with a targeter and sensor array. The missile and sensor unit is fixed on the back of standard terminator armor, allowing the Space Marine to use a Storm Bolter and Power Fist with the Cyclone. Older designs of the Cyclone missile launcher had the sensor array hand- carried by the Terminator, thus taking away the option of a power fist but making it more accurate.

The forerunner of this weapon was mounted (and still mounted in M41) on the Javelin Attack Speeder - anti-grav relic vehicles of the Great Crusade.

Game Notes:

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Melta Weapon

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Model: Space Marine
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Description: Melta Weapons are heat-based weapons which work by sub-atomic agitation of the air. Targets on the receiving end are heated to the point of being vaporised. The effect on flesh is fearsome to say the least, while vehicles can be reduced to molten slag. Most melta weapons use highly pressurized pyrum-petrol gases with a two part injection system which forces the gases into a molecular state, which will vaporise just about anything. Unfortunately, due to the high power consumption and range dissipation, the weapon is only effective over very short distances, but anything caught in the blast is likely to be destroyed.

Although short-ranged and slow to fire, they are prized for their power against armored vehicles. They are also considered a good alternative to plasma weapons, which are unreliable and capable of killing their user. Besides the roar of the explosive vaporising of the target's moisture, melta weapons themselves make little noise when firing. Given their fairly quiet and very effective nature, infiltrating parties make use of melta weapons to destroy enemy vehicles before they get a chance to fight on the battlefield.

Many races make use of the same basic technology. In the Imperium they are called meltas, and often referred to as 'fusion guns', 'melters', 'cookers' and 'vape guns'. Equivalent weapons used by other races have similar effects, although sometimes completely different technology and methods of operation. Both the Tau and Eldar use melta weapons, primarily for tank hunting like the Imperium.

Imperial Melta Weapons

Other Melta Weapon Types

Game Notes:

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Graviton Gun

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Model: Space Marine/Terminator Graviton Gun
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: n/a (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Description: The Graviton Gun is an exotic and unconventional Grav-Weapon used by the Imperium. It is a medium-sized weapon which utilizes the gravitic reaction principle most commonly seen powering grav-vehicles such as the Land Speeder. Each gun is a rare relic left over from the Dark Age of Technology and are now sacredly guarded by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and very rarely will they allow one to leave their armories, but some Space Marine Chapters still field a handful of such weapons.

The Graviton Gun was originally developed for use in low gravity environments for peaceful purposes. The weapon fires a stream of particles which affects the local gravitational field of a target area, making the targeted object either far heavier or lighter depending on the weapon's setting. The gun also creates a bass rumble as the waves affect the local air pressure, causing the air to vibrate. The effect is generally non-lethal and can be used to incapacitate foes who need to be captured alive, but the power of the graviton gun's highest settings is sufficient to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armor. Some living targets will be affected more variably; a very large creature may be killed under excessive weight, but most targets will either be slowed or completely immobilised. The graviton gun is very useful when fighting on a star ship or a null gravity enviroment, as well as for for demolition and siege work, as it is most effective against massive objects such as bunkers or fortifications, where the building's great mass can be used against it, causing it to collapse.

Game Notes:

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Space Marine/Terminator Explosives

Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Anti-Plant Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Blind Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Breacher Charge

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: Not thrown or fired, they are set in place
Description: A Breacher Charge is used to destroy armored emplacements and fortifications. Much like a Melta-bomb, these powerful electro-chemical explosive charges are too bulky and cumbersome to be thrown, and additionally pose risk to their user at close range. Nonetheless they are extremely destructive in skilled hands.
Game Notes:

Choke Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Cluster Mine

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: Not thrown or fired, they are set in place
Description: Cluster Mines are frequently carried into combat by Space Marine Scout Bike Squads. Each mine contains a cluster of tiny anti-personnel bomblets, and is triggered by tripwires or pressure sensors. Scouts use these mines to booby-trap the approaches to their position, or vulnerable routes used by the enemy, where they have devastating effects on enemy troops and vehicles alike.
Game Notes:

Concussion Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Cryo Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Hallucinogen Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Haywire Mine

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Description: Incursor with Haywire Mine (see image)
Haywire Mines are weapons used by Space Marine Incursors. These mines are heavy-duty weapons that allow the Incursors to knockout enemy armor.
Game Notes:

Inhalation Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Knock-out Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Leaper Mine

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Monoball Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:


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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Rad Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Scare Gas Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Smoke Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Stasis Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Stumm Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Stun Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Tanglefoot Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Toxin Gas Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Virus Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Vortex Grenade

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Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Game Notes:

Xeno Filament Grenade

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Type: Filament Grenade
Scale: Character
Skill: Thrown Weapons
Weight: .5kg
Cost: 500 (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Blast Radius: 1-2/4/6
Damage: 9D (unarmored), variable (armored)
Description: The exotic filament grenade carries compressed segments of monomolecular wire that expand into a cloud of deadly razor-sharp filaments on detonation, slicing through flesh and bone.
Game Notes:

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Space Marine/Terminator Other Gear

Archaeotech Disintegration Combi-Gun

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Type: Disintegration Combi-Gun
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Firearms: Disintegration Combi-Gun
Weight: 5.5kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 4D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 15 (archaic energy clip, can be recharged) Range: 2-20/40/80
AOE: 0/1/2
Damage: 6D
Descripton: Archaeotech Disintegration Weapons are a type of Human Archaeotech. Relics from the Dark Age of Technology, these weapons can reduce a target to atoms in the blink of an eye. Though highly dangerous, few remain in Imperial use and the ones that do are revered beyond measure. This weapon has a second weapon integrated into it.

Game Notes: The range listed for this weapon is problematic as it causes the same amount of damage at short range as it does at long range. However, once it reaches long range it quickly dispurses, causing only light sunburns even at one meter beyond the 80 meter limit with no effect whatsoever past that.

Archaeotech Disintegration Rifle

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Type: Disintegration Rifle
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Firearms: Disintegration Rifle
Weight: 4.5kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D+2
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 10 (archaic energy clip, can be recharged) Range: 2-20/40/80
AOE: 0/1/2
Damage: 8D
Descripton: Archaeotech Disintegration Weapons are a type of Human Archaeotech. Relics from the Dark Age of Technology, these weapons can reduce a target to atoms in the blink of an eye. Though highly dangerous, few remain in Imperial use and the ones that do are revered beyond measure.

Game Notes: The range listed for this weapon is problematic as it causes the same amount of damage at short range as it does at long range. However, once it reaches long range it quickly dispurses, causing only light sunburns even at one meter beyond the 80 meter limit with no effect whatsoever past that.

Archaeotech Disintegration Pistol

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Type: Disintegration Pistol
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Firearms: Disintegration Pistol
Weight: 3kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D+2
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Ammo: 5 (archaic energy clip, can be recharged) Range: 2-15/30/60
AOE: 0/0/1
Damage: 6D
Descripton: Archaeotech Disintegration Weapons are a type of Human Archaeotech. Relics from the Dark Age of Technology, these weapons can reduce a target to atoms in the blink of an eye. Though highly dangerous, few remain in Imperial use and the ones that do are revered beyond measure.

Game Notes: The range listed for this weapon is problematic as it causes the same amount of damage at short range as it does at long range. However, once it reaches long range it quickly dispurses, causing only light sunburns even at one meter beyond the 80 meter limit with no effect whatsoever past that.

Archaeotech Pistol

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Type: Ancient Teran Pistol
Scale: Character (see game notes)
Skill: (s)Archaic Guns: Archaeotech Pistol
Weight: 3.2kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 3-20/40/80
Damage: Variable (see below)
Description: The Archaeotech Pistols are ancient sidearms dating back to the Dark Age of Technology. This classification of pistol can be found firing a variety of projectiles, be they micro-atomic munitions or searing kill-rays that draw power from a planet's magnetosphere. Archaeotech Pistols were often the sidearms to high-ranking Imperial and Space Marine commanders during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Game Notes: The weapon itself is character scale, but has the capability to fire ammunition that Speeder and Walker scale. There are several types of ammo that can be created and used with this pistol. They are below.

Archaeotech Ammo Type I:

Type: Standard Ammo
Scale: Character (see game notes)
Skill: (s)Archaic Guns: Archaeotech Pistol
Weight: .05kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 3-20/40/80
Damage: 4D
Description: Designed to explode on impact, but has not been designed to penetrate armor, only flesh and chitin.
Game Notes: All modern armor is unaffected by this munition. Chitin takes normal damage. Anything similar to flesh, fur, and leather take point-blank range damage.

Archaeotech Ammo Type II:

Type: Micro-Atomic Ammo
Scale: Walker
Skill: (s)Archaic Guns: Archaeotech Pistol
Weight: .1kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 3-20/40/80
Blast Radius: 1-2/3/4 (see below)
Damage: 6D
Description: Designed to explode on impact and will affect everything in the blast radius. The radiation will stay in the blast area for up to 3 days with no wind. Residual effects from the radiation will eventually cause cancer, but can be avoided by applying the correct radiation treatment. For this reason alone, this type of ammo is rarely made or used.

Archaeotech Ammo Type III:

Type: Kill-Ray Ammo
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: (s)Archaic Guns: Archaeotech Pistol
Weight: .06kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 3-20/40/80
Blast Radius: 1-5/10/20 (see below)
Blast Duration: Variable, but not less than 2 rounds
Damage: 2D up to 8D
Description: This unique munition gathers energy and power as it travels after being fired, drawing directly from the magnetosphere of whatever planet it is fired on. Note that this weapon will not work in space unless the user is within 1500km of a planet, sun or large asteroid that contains a magnetic core.
Game Notes: The blast is super-heated and affects all armor types regardless of there added protections. However, those suits that are super heavy such as those worn by Space Marines, Chaos, Terminators and Eldar have a +1D bonus to resist the damage as they are naturally hardened agains such types of attacks.

GM Note: There are a few other types of armor that can resist the kill-ray affects.

Archaeotech Ammo Type IV:

Type: Cryo-Heat Blast Ammo
Scale: Speeder
Skill: (s)Archaic Guns: Archaeotech Pistol
Weight: .04kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 3-25/50/100
Blast Radius: 1-2/4/6
Blast Duration: 5 rounds
Damage: 5D cold then 5D heat
Description: The blast from this munition explodes into a sphere of freezing gas followed immediately by a super-heated swarm of chemicals. This is similar to the Hellblast ammo used by the Space Wolves.
Game Notes: The cold blast affects all armor types except those hardened againt cold. The heat blast that follows also affects all armor types except those hardened against heat and radiation damage. This ammo is very simlar to the affects of a modern cryo-grenade.

Asphyx Shell

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Type: Psycho-Reactive Ammo
Scale: Character
Skill: (s)Firearms: Missile Weapons
Weight: .08kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D+1
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 2-10/20/40 (see below)
Blast Radius: 5 meters (see below)
Damage: 9D (resisted with Willpower not Strength)
Description: Asphyx Shells were weapons used by the Thousand Sons. Tainted with a psycho-reactive toxin of unknown origins, the Thousand Sons were able to arm their elites with these unusual and highly lethal munitions. These shells were first believed to have been developed on Prospero for use with relatively primitive projectile weapons made to defend against the Psychneuein, but the difficulties of mass production and scaling of their effect limited their deployment.

Game Notes: The initial blast from the ammo causes minor damage (3D) in a 1 meter radius around the initial target. The toxin expands to the full 5 meters immediately, forcing those in the area of effect to roll Willpower to resist having their internal organs literally melted, killing the target(s). There is no armor strong enough to block this effect, though the Force, if used immediately (within 1 round) can reduce the damage to a -4D survivable wound; forcing the target(s) to spend double the normal time in a bacta tank. Even with this precaution those affected will permanently lose 1-2 pips from Knowledge and Perception. The only way to restore the lost attributes is by growing replacement cells in the affected areas over a long period of time with stem cell treatments that cannot be shortened by any means.

GM Note: This includes technology from Star Trek, Babylon 5, Star Gate or any other technology with the only exception being that of Timelords.

Astartes Combat Knife

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Type: Large Combat Knife
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat
Weight: 5kg
Cost: 4000
Availability: 4,F
Body: 4D+1
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 1 meter
Damage: Str+3D
Description: The Astartes Combat Knife is a close combat weapon used by all Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines. Only the great Astartes warriors would call this formidable weapon a mere knife - if it were not for the too-wide grip, humans could use these impressive blades as swords. Tough and thick, these knives are designed for close-in fighting and are often the last weapon a Space Marine will use when all others have run out of ammunition or power.
Game Notes: These blades are, by size alone, actually swords for standard humanoids, except that the handles are too large to grip. If modified for humanoid use, the weapons will cause Str+2D damage. They may also be modified with vibro technology to increase damage back to Str+3D.

Known Patterns

Sol Pattern Combat Knife: Used during Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, this pattern possesses a mono-serrated edge.

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Astartes Combat Knife

Astartes Grapple

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Type: Weapon Grappel
Scale: Character
Skill: Missile Weapons
Weight: 4kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 3D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 4-25/50/100
Damage: N/A (can cause up to 4D if used as a weapon)
Description: An Astartes Grapple is a grapple that fires a hooked or magnetic grapple from a bolt pistol, connected to the launcher with a thin but strong 100m wire, used by Space Marine Scout Squads in the field. Once the grappel attaches to the desired rock outcropping, gargoyle edifice or other anchor, the user can manually climb the line or activate a powered winch. In a pinch, a grappel can also be used as a crude-and messy-projectile weapon.

Game Notes:

Astartes Webber

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Type: Capture Weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: (s)Missile Weapons: Astartes Webber
Weight: 5.5kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 6D (hardened)
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: If fired, depends on weapon used; thrown is Strength-based
Damage: None or up to 7D stun
Description: The Astartes Webber is a Webber used by Space Marines to capture targets or incapacitate persistent but innocent civilians. The webber offers a quick and effective means of incapacitating a fleeing assassin or a small crowd of citizens. The weapon fires a mass of filaments, which expand to form a sticky, near unbreakable net. The filaments constrict as the target struggles, only further entrapping him if he attempts to escape. The webbing breaks down on its own and flakes away after five hours.

Game Notes: To break free of the webbing requires a Strength roll against the 6D strength of the webbing. When the target(s) try to escape they will start taking stun damage as the webbing constricts around them. 1st round = 1D Stun, 2nd round = 2D Stun, etc up to 7 rounds = 7D Stun damage as the webbing becomes tighter.

Bulkhead Shears

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Type: Shearing Tool
Scale: Walker
Skill: Melee Combat
Weight: 8.5kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Range: 1.2 meters
Damage: 3D+2
Description: Bulkhead Shears are tools used for cutting through the thick deck plates and bulkheads of voidships and can be used as both a breaching tool and a close combat weapon. Adapted by Deathwatch Techmarines from the Jericho Reach from an industrial tool used commonly in heavy manufactoria, these tools are smaller and more man-portable than a chainfist, and can be deployed with Kill-teams without the support of Terminator Armor.

Bulkhead shears are made up of two heavy, chisel-tipped adamantine blades that can be driven between hull or deck plates or in gaps between hatches and bulkheads and then forced apart by heavy-duty hydraulic systems. The tool is worn on a special harness with a built-in power system and wielded with both hands, but can also be mounted to a Techmarine's Servo-harness. Used in combat, the blades of a set of bulkhead shears have no difficulty in tearing un-armored targets to shreds, and they have even proven useful at separating reluctant Chaos Space Marines from their heretical power armor.

Game Notes: Great for use as a weapon when nothing else will do.

Storm Shield

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Type: Large Defensive Shield
Scale: Speeder or Walker (Terminator only)
Skill: Melee or Brawling Combat
Weight: 8kg
Cost: ? (must be constructed)
Availability: N/A (must be constructed)
Body: 5D (+3D when powered)
Body Material: [GM: Coming soon]
Reach: 1.8 meters (if used as a weapon)
Damage: 5D+1 (+3D; target must be struck with shield)/ 5D (+3D; target must be struck with shield)
Description: The Storm Shield is a powered shield used by Space Marines, Daemonhunters and the Adeptus Custodes. It is a more advanced and bulky version of the Combat Shield, providing better defense. However it is also much larger and must be grasped with the user's hand, unlike a combat shield, which allows the use of two weapons.

The shield is often shaped like the Crux Terminatus, although variant shield designs do exist, and is powered by a generator in the user's Power armor or Terminator armor. When the generator is activated the shield shimmers with blue energy and when struck it emits crackling lightning, which gives it its name. It is often paired with a Thunder Hammer. The shield is effective against both melee and against ranged attacks and able to withstand the might of a lascannon or even super-heavy weaponry.

The Imperial Fists are noted to have a superior design of storm shield known as the Vigil Pattern. Vigil Pattern Stormshields incorporate potent field generators and were first put into service during the Ullanor Crusade.

Game Notes: The shield is powered by the same system that runs the powered armor of both Space Marines and Terminators. The shield can be used in a non-powered mode at any time, but isn't as effective in combat. When powered, the shield generates enough crackling blue energy to block even the heaviest of attacks with ease. Even the deadly bolts of energy from Force Lightning can be partially blocked if the bearer has Willpower of 7D or greater and the powered on, energy only roll gets above a 12. Note that not all of that energy can be "diverted". The Space Marine/Terminator will still be affected by at least 50% of the damage that he must roll against. One important note; if the shield is not in the direct line of fire it does not block the attack...period (Dodge still factors in, but not against Force Lighning or similar attacks).

Should the armor lose power the shield will not gain the added strength bonus to damage that is normally automatically added in. Instead, damage will revert to 3D+1 (Speeder)/3D (Walker).

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