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Space Marine Armor Mk III

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Game Master's Note: As this armor is what saved the Space Marine's life allowing him to enter the Star Wars Galaxy, it must first be repaired to be used. Also, the Space Marine does not have the needed skills nor the resources (to include the repair kit) to do the work himself. However, means have been provided within the Star Wars Galaxy to enable the marine to get the medical "cocktail" needed to survive. The space marine starts off with 6 months worth of medicine and a special device (provided by an as yet annonymous being) to activate shortly before the medicine runs out.

Sensors: Motion, Life, Hard and Soft Radiation, Infrared, Thermal Imaging, Ultraviolet, Low-Light, X-Ray Sealed Enviro System:
Neuro sensors and spinal I/O port connectors in armor monitor body activity and allow for control of armor.
25 hr LOX/Air Filtration System
25 hour survival time in space
900 meter (2800 ft) maximum depth in water
Computer System: 12 Slots, three I/O ports
Capabilities: Power: 4D, Memory: 18D (may be increased to 25D)
Programs (see below for description): Security System: Auto Destruct of data and programs. Active virus for I/O ports.
Self Destruct: Must be activated (automatically activates if Heroic Security roll fails while tampering). Goes off instantaneously or in 1 to 6 rounds (owners choice). Causes 12D damage, range as Thermal Detonator.
Weapon Systems:
All are optional and must be chosen at time of purchase/construction. See the WH40 Weapons section or email the GM for complete information on each type and choice of weapons available.
Non-Weapon Capture System:
Turbo Projected Grappling Hook: 30 meter lanyard, uses Missile Weapons skill (Range; 0-7/15/30), magnetic grappling "hook."

# Special surgery has been undertaken (8 years worth) before the armor could be worn. The armor provides the medical balance for all internal organs. Without the armor a space marine needs to ingest a "cocktail" of stabalizing medicine at least evey other day. Without it the organs will start to fail. All stats will drop one pip every week. If 0D is reached in any attribute the marine will enter into a coma that will require special medication and hypnotic suggestion to awaken the space marine. At least it's better than death! ...but not much

Armor Programs

Program Type/Description



Adds +1D to Computer Program/Repair rolls. The +1D may be added to computer spikes rated at 7D or less.
50,000-bounty capacity. Outlines person in blue. Gives known tactics used and recommends counter tactics to be used against them.
Highlights all weapons in red, provides a list and gives details on features. Must be used with Bounty or Sensor programs.
Diagnoses illness or wound and gives treatment recommendations. Adds +1D to First Aid skill.
Runs two programs simultaneously if slots and outputs are available. Uses 1 slot to operate but the programs it combines take up no slots (just one for the program itself).
Makes a map of past travels, locations and facilities. Can be plugged in to any spaceport for a download of directions. Will also mark where you are on the current map program running. Auto updates each time area is visited (program must be active).
Adds +1D+2 to Search. If person has all sensors then it adds +2D+1 to Search. Sensor types: IR, UV, X-Ray, Life, Motion, Hard/Soft Radiation, Electrical signals, Ultrasound and Radio waves.
Five weapon systems with up to 14 targets per system. Adds +2D+2 to hit and requires a sensor on each weapon used. No scope allowed.

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