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Timeline of Events

?: Creation of the galaxy. Emergence of the c'tan and the old slann. The warp is a placid domain, devoid of intelligence. The c'tan and the old slann seed many worlds for life, in the hopes that their creations will aid them in their struggle against the other. Both the orks and the eldar may be old slann creations, whilst the necrontyr are clearly the spawn of the c'tan.
?: The war in heaven. The c'tan, allied with the necrontyr, launch a vast assault against the old slann, unleashing weapons too terrifying to imagine, churning the warp into a frenzied sea of chaos, deadly to the old slann. The old slann prevail against the c'tan and their minions via the construction of the webway, a galactic corridor linking one location with another for instantaneous transport. The same arcane technology was used to seal the c'tan behind the gate of vaul. The old slann contain the essence of the barrier within the seven talismans of vaul, but the c'tan contingency plan exacted a terrible toll on the young galaxy.
60,000,000 BC (approx): Galaxy wide catastrophe. Faced with extinction, the necrontyr constructed metal bodies as repositories for their hyper-advanced minds. To weather the impending galactic bio-meltdown the necrontyr constructed huge stasis chambers to shelter inside. Note: the c'tan are believed to have caused the near- extinction of life in the galaxy at this time.
9000 BC: Birth of the emperor, an immortal superhuman created from the psychic spoor of the old shamans, who predicted a time when mankind would need a savior from evil (in the age of strife).
8000 BC - 1400 AD: birth of khorne, tzeentch, nurgle (chaos gods). Their foul presence in the warp mirrors the atrocities committed by the living races of the galaxy (khorne takes form from war, tzeentch from betrayal and sorcery, and nurgle from plague and filth).
2100 AD: Mars terraformed.
2200 AD: Mars settled.
3000 AD: Warp discovered.
14,000 AD?: Eldar learn the secrets of webway technology from the slann. Old slann culture dies out. The slann warn the eldar of their own fall.
15,000 AD: Sublight spacecraft begin slowly colonizing nearby stars. At first progress is slow, and the new colonies must survive as independent units isolated from earth by up to ten generations of travel.
20,000 AD: Dark age of technology. Discovery of navigators and development of warp drive aid colonization. Galaxy explored in less than 1000 years. STC developed. Titans invented. The great diaspora- humans seek to remake galaxy in their own image, including seeding worlds with familiar animals.
21,000 AD: Alien wars. Mankind encounters and fights with orks, eldar.
23,000-24,000 AD: Age of strife. Appearance of psychic powers and warp entities. Earth and colonies cut off by warp storms. Appearance of abhumans. Man fights man. STC system lost. Age of isolation- squat worlds cut off. Formation of leagues.
24,000 AD: Horiax treatise mentions genetic alteration techniques.
27,000 AD: Civil war on earth. Earliest modified warriors aid the emperor in conquest of terra.
27,500?: Appearance of emperor. Earth tribes united. Imperium begins. Age of tradesquats: trade with orks, eldar (lasts 3000 yrs).
28,000 AD: Primarch project. 20 primarchs created by emperor. Embryos are scattered through the warp by chaos forces. Great crusade begins.
28,500 AD?: Age of wars: squats betrayed by orks, eldar.
28,600 AD?: First founding. 20 chapters of space marine created from gene seed samples that survived from the primarch project.
28,700 AD?: Eldar build craft ships, heeding the slann warnings.
28,800 AD?: Fall of the eldar. eldar society collapses, creating chaos god slaanesh. Homeworlds lost in creation of eye of terror. End of the warp storms and the age of strife.
28,826 AD: During banquet honoring pacification of the cheraut system, lord princeps ichabod lethrai tells a tale of conflict between primarchs Konrad Kurze and Rogal Dorn. Shortly after their duel, Kurze disappeared, taking his fleet to nostramo and destroying the planet, the first step in a campaign of terror where Kurze eventually renounces the Emperor.
29,125 AD?: Lunar wolves renamed sons of horus.
29,812 AD (may be as early as 28,000): Great crusades. Primarchs rediscovered and united with their marine chapters. Human galaxy reclaimed under pax imperialis.
29,000 AD: Great crusades continue, accelerated gene-culturing used to fill need for vast numbers of marines leads to genetic flaws. Enables a space marine to be processed in a single year.
29,350 AD: Karis cephalon resettled during great crusades.
30,012 AD: Scouring of Isstvan III. Warmaster Horus, with 4 other traitor space marine legions, virus bomb on Isstvan III to suppress a minor rebellion. Frigate einstein escapes with news of Horus' corrupt activities.
30,013 AD: Horus Heresy. Seven legions sent against horus, but four defect to his side and three are destroyed. Marine fights marine in battles across the galaxy.
30,014 AD (13th of secundus): Siege of Earth. Horus lays siege to the emperor's palace. Emperor teleports on board horus' battle barge. Sanguinius killed. Horus mortally wounded. Emperor wounded, placed in golden throne.
30,014-30,021 AD: Great Scouring. Rebel forces throughout the galaxy are quelled. Chaos forces retreat into the eye of terror.
30,021 AD?: Dionerius' "Rise of Man" describes the wulfen, the 13th comany of the space wolves, and how they entered the eye of terror to pursue the traituilliman and dorn did not want to lose marines to such a campaign and advised against it, though it is not clear whether russ sent the wulfen in or if they went of their own accord, the wulfen were never seen or heard from again.
30,021 AD?: Roboute Guilliman compiles the first codex astartes, which lays down the new organizational doctrine for space marine chapters.
30,021 AD: Second founding. Marine legions broken into chapters - each company becomes a chapter, with 10 companies each (this time limited to 1,000 marines per company). 23 new chapters created. grey knights secretly created.
30,021 AD?: Bjorn the fell handed becomes first great wolf after Russ disappears after being fatally wounded, spends the next 500 years at the forefront of space wolves battles as a dreadnought.
30,084 AD: Jaghatai Khan disappears while fighting dark eldar on Corusil V, near the maelstrom. Presumably he pursued a dark eldar lord through an alien portal that led into the dimension occupied by the dark eldar (commarragh?).
30,100 AD?: Dark founding (13th). Unknown number or fate of chapters. No record of the chapters or sample of their gene seed is maintained by adeptus terra.
31,000 AD: The space wolf base, the fang, is attacked by magnus the red and the thousand sons as revenge for the destruction of prospero.
31,000 AD: The temple of the savior emperor is recognized as the official religion of the imperium, given the title of imperial cult (also known as the ecclesiarchy).
31,200 AD: Ecclesiarch Veneris II becomes a high lord of terra.
31,243 AD: Inquisitor Damasko first postulates that chaos (and other?) gods must use mortals to manifest their power in the physical universe.
31,500 AD: Ecclesiarch becomes a permanent position on the high lords of terra.
31,000+ AD: Loyalist primarchs reportedly die or disappear over the following millenia. Traitor legion primarchs become daemon primarchs.
33,000 AD: First Black Crusade (known as the Blackstar Crusade). Chaos forces emerge from the eye of terror to mount an incursion into the ganglax sector. Khorne champion Ekrak conquers M'laan XIII and turns it into a daemon world.
34,000 AD: The ecclesiarchy's power wanes.
34,200 AD: The ecclesiarchy under Benedin IV moves to Ophelia VII and again grows in power.
34,344 AD: Initial imperial surveys of ancient tomb complexes on Angelis (Gorkamorka). Later in m.35, ork spacehulk crashlands on Angelis, burying the humans alive around the temples. The survivors descend into savagery, becoming the diggas. Reports of 'ghost warriors' (re-awakened necrons?) allying with some members of the diggas to subjugate the other tribes and repulse the orks.
34,500 AD: Greigor XI becomes ecclesiarch, declares ecclesiarchy will return to earth.
34,359 AD: Imperial explorators gain access to deserted necrontyr tombs on angelis.
34,762-34,765 AD: Tallarn scout squad "lurenz's gravediggers" harass eldar forces on holon prime.
34,843 AD: Distress call from grendel's world investigated- planet discovered to have been attacked and all inhabitants slain by terror tactics of the night lords.
34,999 (late m35) AD?: Battle of the Broadsword - Tallarn supresses the chaemos rebellion.
35,000 AD: Age of Apostasy. Mythos Angelica Mortis written, including a description of the emperor's champion in the appendix cxvi "honorifics of the legions astartes". Cursed Founding (21st). Took place some time immediately before the age of apostasy. Largest founding since the second founding. Experimentation conducted to create improved, massive space marines goes awry. Fire Hawks, Flame Falcons, Black Dragons, and other chapters are created with cursed gene seed. Some chapters mutated horribly. Flame Falcons spontaneous and extreme physical corruption turn them into a race no longer human or sane - chapters declared excommmunicated and driven from their home world of Lethe by the Grey Knights. Warp storms increase. Imperium in turmoil. Ecclesiarchy becomes more tyrannical. Chaos, ork attacks increase. Zhoros (Fire Hawks' world) thermal bombed. High Lord Vandire comes to power, converts the daughters of the emperor (also known as the adepta sororitas, and the sisters of battle) to be his personal bodyguards. Sebastian Thor becomes a threat to Vandire, but when Vandire sends the Frateris Templar fleet to destroy Dimmamar, the fleet is wiped out by a warp storm in the Clax system. Vandire is finally defeated by combined forces of tech guard, space marines and adeptus custodes under the Confederation of Light, led by Thor. Wars of Vindication. Shortly after the death of High Lord Goge Vandire, Tziz Jarek of the callidus assassins, under Vandire's orders, kills the Grand Master of the assassins and assumes his identity - but it emerges the grand master had already replaced himself with another callidus assassin, and gathered assassins loyal to him to wage war against this usurper. Both sides used horrible weapons of mass destruction. Finally the grand master assassinated Jarek and then disappeared in self imposed exile. Inquisitor Jaeger, after investigating the wars, created the ordo sicarius to monitor the officio assassinorum and prevent such an occurrence again.
35,266 AD: Sebastian Thor born on Dimmamar.
35,288 AD: Decree passive. High Lords of Terra prohibits ecclesiarchy from controlling any "men under arms". Sebastian Thor forms the orders militant of the adepta sororitas.
35,298 AD: Sebastian Thor leaves the ecclesiarchical palace and journeys throughout the imperium for 80 years, quelling heresy and apostasy.
35,300 AD: The Plague of Unbelief. Cardinal Bucharis, with Admiral Sehalla and Colonel Gasto, carves a bloody empire from Gathalamor, stretching as far south as Bakka and north to Fenris, and included the fleet at hydraphur, Bucharis claimed that earth was a lost cause and Gathalamor would be the new center of faith. when his empire stretched into territories controlled by the space wolves, a protracted space and land war broke out including a 3 year siege of the space wolves fortress, the fang.
35,378 AD: Sebastian Thor returns to earth, dies at age 112. Ecclesiarch Alexis XXII, Thor's successor, splits the convent sanctorum and convents prioris into two orders each, forming the orders militant of the ebon chalice, valorous heart, fiery heart and argent shroud.
35,453 AD: Beelze Conflict- eldar of the alaitoc craftworld cause diplomatic contact with lexicos aldus mari to be broken.
36,563 AD: Assassin Urhua Thereaux of the venenum temple sent to assassinate renegade Governor Yawell. The ship was caught in a warp rift, holding the vessel in a temporal stasis for 698 years.
35,694 AD: STC quest. Chief Artisan Tilius begins search for working STC. Razorback STC discovered by Tilius.
35,776 AD: 16th Armageddon Steel Legion on Cassell put down a rebellion by cult of the way of the emperor's flesh in less than 6 hours.
36,361 AD: Traitor marines led by Orik the Vile (alpha legion) fight cadians on Mihok Secundus.
37,261 AD: Thereaux, unaware of the temporal stasis, proceeded to the target only to find the governor long since dead and replaced by an anti-imperial committee with 1000 members. Thereaux spent three days poisoning all the chairs in the council's auditorium to kill all the members.
37,437 AD: Iybraesil eldar craftworld first detected in west quadrant, segmentum obscurus.
37,788 AD: Ecclesiarch Deacis VI creates two more orders of sororitas (bloody rose and sacred rose).
37,873 AD: Explorator vessel incalculus stellar brings an alien edifice to skopios asteroid research base. the base is taken over by an unknown enemy (possibly c'tan?), and is turned over to manufacture of skeletal robots (necons?). Base destroyed, declared purgatus for 300 years.
38,763 AD: The crusader pattern land raider is officially recognized by the techpriests of mars.
38,985 AD: Squat civil war. League Thor fights League Grindel over exploration of the lost Stronghold of Dargon. Cyclops invented.
38,985 AD: Donian Crusade. Black Templars clear the Donian Sector of orks.
38,998 AD: Unholy Harbinger. A space hulk breaks from warp near cloras jump point.
39,433 AD: Autarch of planet Krieg declares independence and renounces the emperor's rule. Colonel Jurten of Krieg 33rd unleashes a campaign of atomic cleansing that lasts 5 years, turns Krieg into wasteland. From then on, Death Corps forces embark on quest of absolution.
39,561 AD: Nexxas Exculpation. Emperor's children fight imperial guard.
39,666 AD: An imperial patrol force engages necron warships in the Yucatan System. Only a single cobra destroyer escapes; when imperial fleet returns, all colonists are missing.
39,675 AD: The hive world Vidium is lost to dark eldar.
39,924 AD: A single vindicare imperial assassin destroys a gargant, terminating warlord urglak the unstoppable, on Roxanzand.
39,989 AD: Yme-loc eldar craftworld first detected in segmentum obscurus, west quadrant.
40,085 AD: By request of inquisitor scallen, sisters of the order of the valorous heart purge hive tumulus (on planet farglum) of the cult epicurian.
40,139 AD: Abaddon's forces complete construction of the planet killer in the eye of terror.
40,142-40,160 AD: First Gothic War. Abaddon uses the planet killer to lead a black crusade that ravages the Gothic Sector.
40,154 AD: The planet killer is finally destroyed. No traces of the remains are found by Inquisitor Horst's investigation 2 years later.
40,213 AD: Castaburg is invaded by orks under Warlord Skarmork. Death Corps of Krieg counterattack.
40,273 AD: Inquisitor Draco visits Stalinvast. Hydra found. Stalinvast destroyed.
40,342 AD: Inquisitor Quixos declared heretic and extremis diabolus by Inquisitor Eisenhorn. Eisenhorn leads a cell that hunts down and kills Quixos 3 years later. (Quixos approx. 300 years old at this point).
40,356 AD: Macharius is born, son of Pella, the imperial commander of Donia.
40,359 AD: Copul IV cleansed by Ultramarines.
40,367 AD: Ork world of Balur scoured by marine and ig campaign led by Calgar.
40,371 AD: Brother Sergeant Severus of the Ultramarines wounded on Corinth, interred in dreadnought. Returns for 7 year Corinthian crusade in 698.m41.
40,373 AD: Inquisitors murdered. Draco raids black library. Planet Sabulorb incinerated. Draco killed in eldar webway.
40,374 AD: Macharius earns the Colonelcy of the Donian XXVI.
40,379 AD: Macharius becomes the general of the Donian IV army during the roxane rebellion.
40,380 AD: Macharius takes the stronghold of rebel leader Roxane Mountjoy, and rescues Lord Solar and Commander Phillips, becoming Phillips' second in command and most successful general.
40,386 AD: Lord Solar Phillips dies. Macharius appointed Lord Solar.
40,387-40,391 AD: As macharius' armies assemble, he reconquers the worlds of Lands End, Morbellum and Jalfrezi III with his donian army.
40,392 AD: Macharius begins his great conquest of the western galaxy. Over a thousand worlds fall to him and his generals over the next seven years.
40,392 AD: The hive world of persepolis is recontacted after 5000 years. Macharius finds the tomb of the ancient explorer Indijona the vagrant, and takes the helm he finds there for himself.
40,393 AD: While fighting against chaos marines on Zaga IV, a bolter round embeds in macharius' chest but does not explode. The confessores proclaim this an emperor's miracle.
40,395 AD: Macharius orders the advanced technology world of Adrantis V destroyed by a redirected comet, and disbands the 3rd army group.
40,396 AD: Macharius' 2nd and 5th army cross the boundary of the astronomicon.
40,398 AD: warp travel is slow, but macharius still conquers another 15 worlds - and destroys seven.
40,399 AD: Macharius bombards the carnelion palace of Leminitus into submission. His generals decide the conquests should end.
40,400 AD: Macharius dies before reaching the old boundaries of the imperium.
40,401 AD: Macharius is entombed on Macharia, his first base of operations.
40,450-40,465 AD: The Hesten Manuscript, documenting principles of the god incarnate (thorian doctrine), is compiled by Inquisitor Hesten.
40,474 AD: The Armageddon Riots. Warp storms cut off Armageddon. Food shortages lead to armed rebellion in a dozen hives. First war of armageddon? (see 40,891.)
40,452 AD: Sororitas (bleeding heart) entrusted with bones of St. Emiline, evacuated from Emiline's Hope (shrine world) when Yerena system invaded by ork waaagh! under command of the arch maniac of calvera.
40,567 AD: Sergeant Lysander awarded Imperial Laurel for acts of courage under fire during pacification of heretical insurgence on Iduno.
40,659 AD: Logan Grimnar becomes new great wolf of the space wolves.
40,698 AD: The Corinthian Crusade. Marneus Calgar is elected leader of a marine force including ultramarines, lamenters, marines errant, angels of absolution, and silver skulls, on a 7 year crusade. Ork empire of charadon suffers series of heavy defeats, delaying the invasion of waaagh Argluk by 30 years.
40,704 AD: The Siege of Tulwa- Calgar leads infiltration force that destroyed the fortress of pain (iron warriors).
40,737 AD: Valos reported stripped of life (hive fleet behemoth).
40.738 AD: Latest founding (26th). Most current founding as of 40,995.
40,745 AD: Ultramarines retaliation against the growing Tau Empire is cut short by invasion of hive fleet behemoth.
40,745 AD: First tyrannic war. Hive fleet behemoth attacks the Ultramarines homeworld Macragge. Defeated at great cost - their entire first company is wiped out.
40,759 AD: The scouring of Quintarn. Calgar commands forces against ork scavengers who captered triple system of quintarn, tarentus and masali (part of ultramarines empire) in the aftermath of hivefleet behemoth.
40,765 AD: Space marine chapter losses to date - 13 lost (in the warp), 21 irrecoverable (through battle losses), 9 gene seed failure, 4 inquisitorial purge, 16 other circumstances.
40,780 AD: The fourth quadrant rebellion. (40,903?)
40,801 AD: Lugannath eldar craftworld first detected by the imperium.
40,807 AD: The purgation of jhanna- Calgar leads two Ultramarine companies in the recapture of rebellious oceanic cities of Omon and Vorlencia, against renegades and chaos marines.
40,815 AD: Space Wolves Great Wolf Sven Ironhand revokes his oath and leads his great company into exile in the eastern fringes.
40,853 AD: The Battle of the Steel Cross- Captain Cortez of the Crimson Fists slays an ork warlord and his bodyguard.
40,861 AD: The Battle of Arconar- Marneus Calgar defeats a coalition of eldar raiders on the feral world of Arconar, scattering their forces and capturing their bases both on and off world.
40,867 AD: Captain Cortez of the Crimson Fists breaks through eldar lines despite suffering 17 wounds including a stab through one of his hearts and two heavy weapons hits.
40,879 AD: Battle of Knarts Landing - Marneus Calgar defeats rebel army led by General Dornal in 30 day battle on industrial world of Knart's Landing, taking less than 17% casualties.
40,891 AD: First Battle for Armageddon. chaos incursion led by Angron and world eaters beaten back by Space Wolves and Grey Knights.
40,892 AD: Cortez defended breach in fortress maladon's wall for 21 hours of constant fighting.
40,897 AD: Massacre at Sanctuary 101. Adeptus sororitas fortress destroyed by necron raiders.
40,901 AD: Badab War. Tiger Claws' master, Lufgt Huron, revolts.
40,903 AD: Lamenters, mantis warriors, executioners join revolt.
40,903 AD: Captain Cortez fights through the entire Kardian six week campaign without supplies after they had been lost to enemy fire during deployment.
40,904 AD: Fire Hawks retaliate when their supply ship is captured by rebels.
40,906 AD: Red Scorpions and Minotaurs called in to suppress revolt.
40,907 (913?) AD: Executioners, Lamenters sent on penitent 100 year crusade.
40,917 AD: The Battle of Amion. Red Talons and Steel Legion fight rebel imperial forces.
40,940 AD: Tzeench cults revolt on the planet Chicano. World lost.
40,941-40,942 AD: Second Battle for Armageddon. Ork waaagh! led by Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka assault the hive world Armageddon Secundus. Lord Herman Von Straub's forces are saved by Commissar Yarrick's performance.
40,942 AD: Eldar Commander Yriel is the leader of the iyanden fleet.
40,944 AD: The Balur Crusade- Calgar elected leader of marine crusade force operating against worlds along the eastern fringe. Operations began with scouring of ork held Balur and ending with devastation of Boros.
40,945-40,959 AD: Ghazghkull Thraka mounts raids on various planets.
40,946 AD: Dante, Yarrick, and Mannheim monitoring stations established in outermost orbit of Armageddon system.
40,962 AD: Imperial base on Buca IIIi annihilated by ork asteroid base (under Thraka).
40,963 AD: Fire Hawks fortress monastery, Rapturous Rex, sent to Crow's World sector to investigate dark eldar. they disappear en route.
40,972 AD: Imperial agri-world Chigon 17 overrun by orks under Thraka using guerilla tactics.
40,976 AD: Hive fleet Perseus detected by Ultramarines.
40,981 AD: Durlan Ocellati discovers warp route into Wheel of Fire.
40,982 AD: Last encounter with hive fleet Perseus. It drifts outsystem.
40,983 AD: Fire Hawks declared lost in the warp.
40,984 AD: Battle of Hell Town. Pyran Dragoons assigned to Armageddon jungle base desert their posts, leaving the Armageddon ork hunters to defend against ork invasion.
40,986 AD: Imperial battlecruiser radiant way wiped out by ork pirates led by Thraka.
40,987 AD: Space Wolves 519th crusade ends in Wheel of Fire (orks cleared).
40,988 AD: Crimson Fists nearly wiped out by their own missiles while fighting orks on Rynn's World.
40,989 AD: Blood Angels terminators killed while exploring a space hulk (chronicled in the game space hulk).
40,992 AD: Second Tyrannic War. Iyanden craftworld nearly destroyed by hive fleet Kraken. Lamenters chapter lost. Scythes of the emperor chapter badly depleted, homeworld lost.
40,992 AD: The VIII Kimmerian Regiment, fighting orks on the eastern fringe, are assisted by Jotun Bearclaw's renegade great company, who refused to return to Fenris after fighting at Ichar IV due to the length of travel time involved.
40,995 AD: Battle of Korsk II. Lord Vorlak leads a rebellion that is crushed by marines in a major tank battle on the plains of Korsk II.
40,995 AD: Defense of Ichar IV. Marneus Calgar acts as supreme commander in defense of Ichar IV, a vital industrial world on the eastern fringe. Tyranid invaders from hivefleet Kraken held in check by the combined efforts of space marines, imperial guard and alien eldar forces.
40,998 AD: Historicus Coran Celecius tried for heresy after his work links the Aphis Hermitage Massacre to the necrontyr and other mysterious past encounters.
41,000 AD: Abbaddon the Despoiler returns, with a re-built planet killer, and the last two remaining blackstone fortresses, built around the artifacts known as the 'talismans of vaul'. He launches his 13th black crusade, his largest invasion yet. Imperial defenses at the Cadian Gate are overwhelmed by a flood of chaos space marines and traitorous imperial guard.

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