Terran Date |
Description of Changes/Additions |
127.2.03 | April 12th, 2004 | This is the Official Start Date of The
Imperial Power Campaign PBEM (Play By EMail) site The web site is up and running, but missing much in the way of content |
127.2.05 | April 14th | Added Counter to home page and created basic character bio page. | |
127.2.08 | April 17th | Changed web counter. Modified links to other pages of the site. | |
127.2.10 | April 19th | Added Character Submittal Form page to site - currently incomplete. | |
127.2.15 | April 24th | Minor cosmetic changes to all pages | |
127.3.03 | May 17th | Updated Character Submittal Form | |
127.3.11 | May 25th | Added Site Logo to Home Page | |
127.3.23 | June 6th | Added Site Updates Page Had to change Damaya's image to #2 due to bad loads (sorry James) Changed Home Page to reflect accurate time in-game Removed image of Mobile Med Unit from home page Added future updates section to home page |
127.3.29 | June 13th | Modified Future Updates section of Home Page | |
127.3.33 | June 17th | Added basic info for new player character: A Verpine CASTer Updated PBEMData page |
127.4.12 | July 1st | Updated Kason's image in Character Data and Bio Made minor changes to Home Page Added more links to Links page Scene and Round File 2 updated with round 8 |
127.5.12 | August 6th | Added Character Templates page with links to all the Player Character
types available in my campaign. Updated Homepage with items to be added in the near future. |
127.5.18 | August 12th | Fixed some character images in the Character Templates page Repaired the map for Rounds 9-11 |
127.7.15 | October 18th | Added and updated House Rules Uploaded all available Character Templates and Images (some will have to be repaired) Added link on the Links Page to the Rancor Pit for Ht. and Wt. (metric) conversions Placed all data from the first group in the archive section (Archive Data link currently inactive) Updated all pages of site to reflect new group |
127.7.29 | November 1st | Added the links to "Our Heroes" back on the links frame Updated Characters for new group Added Opening Scene and Lead-In Scene Added Ship Equipment List Completed PC Gear List Items Made minor corrections to PC's |
127.8.2 | November 9th | Added Archive page for old group. Still needs some work Sarkosa Sector notes added Added First Returns Added Jedi Force Powers Made minor corrections to PC's A new Player has joined us - Jehanna Camari. Image uploaded soon |
127.8.8 | November 15th | Updated First Returns Added modified map of casino Added map of turbolift section Updated Links Frame Removed Character Creation Form until I learn how to create a really good one |
127.8.24 | December 1st | Added First Returns Part II Added Deleshan Engineering Map Updated LinksFrame Fixed maps of turbolift section and modified casino |
127.8.28 | December 5th | Uploaded Tactical Map of the Deleshan | |
127.8.32 | December 9th | Uploaded Map of Engineering showing current status Made minor changes to LinksFrame Fixed the Sarkosa Sector info link Added the map of the Mess in Engineering |
127.8.35 | December 12th | Added First Returns Part III Made minor changes to LinksFrame | |
127.9.20 | January 1st, 2005 | Updated First Returns Part III and added Part IV Added partial map of the Sarkosa Sector Updated Jehanna, Kason and Damaya. Added Cynthia while Kason hangs out in a bacta tank for 9 weeks Completed the Second part of the Equipment List Updated the Tactical layout of the Deleshan Modified the Homepage and the LinksFrame Added the Mandalorian Warrior to the Character Types page |
127.9.28 | January 9th | Updated First Returns Part IV and added Part V Made changes to Kason and updated CAST Rules Updated the Mandalorian Warrior |
127.9.34 | January 15th | Added several maps of the Deleshan and its route Updated Part 2 of the House Rules by adding Jedi Proximity and Relationship tables Updated First Returns Part 5 |
127.10.15 | February 3rd | Moved the Chat Room Access to the main page Updated First Returns Part 5 |
127.10.21 | February 9th | Updated all PC's with end-of-adventure Character Points Updated First Returns Part 5 |
127.10.32 | February 20th | Added separate pages for each adventure Modified Linksframe to condense the material and link it to new pages for each section |
128.1.01 | February 24th | Updated the Home Page Added Monthly PC Gear Link and first image - data for item will be posted shortly |
128.1.05 | February 28th | Updated First returns part Five with the last part of the adventure with CP's Added post in SWPBEM Board for Monthly Item. This will be the permanent home for the updates Updated Sork's Background and added the Blaster Pistol he picked up Squashed a few bugs and made minor corrections throughout the site |
128.1.07 | March 2nd | Made minor fixes to various pages. Thanks to Mike for pointing them out | |
128.1.11 | March 6th | Changed main image and introduction text on homepage Removed Chat Room access as it has never been used Removed the Guestbook for the same reason |
128.1.32 | March 27th | Updated and completed part One of Nar Shaddaa: Opening Added Part Two of Return to Nar Shaddaa: Money Matters Corrected image of tracking device found in Jehanna's bag Updated Home Page with minor changes |
128.2.07 | April 6th | Added Bounty Heads, Inc. to Site Pages section Made minor corrections throughout site |
128.2.10 | April 9th | Added Links to Character Creation Data and PC Gear and Equipment Modified House Rules Made minor corrections throughout site |
128.2.13 | April 12th, 2005 | The First Year Anniversary of this Site!! | |
128.2.17 | April 16th | Updated Bounty Heads, Inc. Modified Home Page Added Return to Nar Shaddaa Part 3 Made minor corrections throughout site |
128.3.05 | May 9th | Updated Player Characters Made minor corrections to PC Templates Removed Forum Link as it has never been used |
128.3.28 | June 1st | Updated Bounty Heads, Inc. Modified Home Page Added Return to Nar Shaddaa Parts 4 and 5 Added To the Heart Part 1 |
128.3.34 | June 7th | Added Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the adventure To the Heart | |
128.4.3 | June 11th | Updated part 3 of the To the Heart adventure Added part 3a of To the Heart: The Rescue Modified all Player Characters to reflect current changes Added Monthly Featured Item and created page to store all the new item on |
128.4.11 | June 19th | Updated Ki and Revynn's Character Templates Updated Monthly Featured Items page |
128.4.11 | July 4th | Updated Alien Species link page. Still much more to go, but at least it's a start Updated Monthly Featured Items page for July and added Past Items Page |
128.4.15 | July 8th | Updated Adventure 3a: To the Heart: The Rescue; Part I & II Made minor updates to all PC's |
128.4.16 | July 9th | Added Galactic History pages. Included so far are Sections I through IV | |
128.5.7 | August 4th | Added Galactic History Section V Updated PC's with current Character Points Added Featured Items for August - 2 this month |
128.5.20 | August 17th | Updated PC's with current Character Points and stats and Equipment | |
128.6.3 | September 4th | Major Change to Player Character's to reflect 3-pip rule adoption Monthly Featured Item Page updated for September Personal Gear updated for 3 pip rules House Rules updated for 3-pip rules and all pages modified |
128.6.7 | September 8th | Sabacc Rules removed and link to SWAGOnline placed instead (as per request) Bounty Heads page updated by adding credits for the Raptor Squad site |
128.6.25 | September 26th | Modified Our Heroes by adding a separate page with thumbnail images Updated Missing Heroes page to include those that have left the group Updated Monthly Featured Items page for October Visits to date: 2388 |
128.7.25 | November 1st | Updated Previous Mission Log and added current Mission Updated Monthly Featured Items page for November Visits to date: 2685 |
128.9.2 | December 18th | Updated Previous Mission Logs and added current Mission Updated Monthly Featured Items page for December Added Adventure Character Points to all PC's and updated those I could Visits to date: 2936 |
128.9.28 | January 8th, 2006 | Welcome to a New Year!! Updated Monthly Featured Items page for December and January Added a new Player: Olaiya the Outlaw Visits to date: 3014 |
128.10.16 | February 6th | Updated several pages throughout the site Visits to date: 3147 |
129.1.31 | March 28th | Updated Monthly Featured Items page for March/April Updated latest adventure section Added Imperial Bounties page (incomplete) Added Party's New Ship page Visits to date: 3415 |
129.2.11 | April 12th, 2006 | The Second Year Anniversary of this Site! Wow! | |
129.2.13 | April 14th | Added a new map of the Star Wars Galaxy that is much more accurate Visits to date: 3503 |
129.2.15 | April 16th | Added vehicles to the Vehicles section Updated the Links on the Links Page Updated the Links frame and how it functions Visits to date: 3519 |
129.2.15 | June 24th | Updated Featured Items page for May/June/July Visits to date: 3785 |
129.4.02 | August 20 | Updated Featured Items page and Past Featured Items page for August Updated all Player Characters Posted a modified/updated Map of the Galaxy Aliens "A" section is complete as is the layout for each table. All species now have an image as well (7/24/06). I hope to post at least the "B's" this month. Added to the Works in Progress page to eventually change the site to PHP, Flash and/or Java Visits to date: 3998 Special Note: Whichever player rolls the counter over to 5000 will get 5 CP's and a GM answer to one game question. Make sure you email me directly. I will allow 48 hours for the email once I note the counter has changed. After that the bonus is gone. The first email I get wins. |
129.4.19 | September 6 | Updated the Space Marine Template in the Character Creation section Visits to date: 4074 |
129.5.04 | September 26 | Updated the Home Page with two new marquis Updated the Party Adventure journals Visits to date: 4161 |
129.5.32 | October 24 | Updated the Home Page Added a link to a new page: Jedi Info and Additional Powers Visits to date: 4509 |
129.7.09 | December 9 | Added Ylldu and Xexilia Player Characters as they are joining the group
from the Yahoo!Groups team Visits to date: 4587 |
129.7.22 | December 22 | Added the Yahoo!Groups log of Adventures called: On Ord Mantell Visits to date: 4662 |
129.7.31 | December 31 | Updated several Player Character Sheets Updated the NEW Items page for December 2006/January 2007 Visits to date: 4718 |
129.8.03 | January 6 | Updated the Imperial Bounties Modified Ki's Character sheet: specifically Watson Visits to date: 4778 |
129.8.17 | January 22 | Added new page: How to Join the Current Campaign Added Sample Planet page Visits to date: 4927 |
129.8.34 | February 8 | Modified the Home Page Visits to date: 5099 |
129.9.09 | February 18 | Changed the Antagonist Page Added Revynn back to the Our Heroes Page and added Gwendolyn and Gandolv Modified the Home Page Modified/Updated all Player Characters Updated the NEW Items page for February/March Updated The Party's New Ship page Visits to date: 5222 |
129.9.20 | March 1 | Added the Approved Curse Words Page Updated Xexilia's character as there were errors Added Xexilia's Original Stats page Visits to date: 5336 |
129.9.26 | March 7 | Updated the Past Heroes page Visits to date: 5392 |
129.10.27 | April 12th, 2007 | The Third Year Anniversary of this Site!! I am amazed! Thanks to all the Players who kept it going. | |
129.10.28 | April 13 | Updated the Our Heroes page and all PC's Updated the HTFTC page Updated the Antagonist's page Visits to date: 5667 |
129.10.35 | May 5 | Changed the Featured Items page for April/May/June Added a second page for the Previous Featured Items Made minor changes to all the Jedi's in the group Updated the Links frame Visits to date: 5799 |
130.1.10 | May 14 | Added three Advanced Skills to House Rules page 3 Updated the Slicer Player Character template Visits to date: 5856 |
130.1.33 | June 6 | Moved the Approved Curse Words page to the House Rules section Modified the Galactic Map Updated the Imperial Bounties list Added PC Questions and Names to the How to Join the Ongoing Campaign page Moved and changed the Secret Page. If you find it... well, it explains what to do Visits to date: 6022 |
130.2.3 | June 10 | Made minor corrections and modifications throughout the site Updated the Imperial Bounty list and the Bounty Heads list Visits to date: 6052 |
130.2.28 | July 5 | Changed marquee's on Main page Added Lord Leobund to the Antagonist page Visits to date: 6173 |
130.4.01 | August 17 | Updated the Links page Visits to date: 6388 |
130.5.10 | September 30 | Updated all Player Character's with the exception of Harry and Xexilia,
which will be forthcoming Added GM Charts page Visits to date: 6511 |
130.5.29 | October 20 | Modified the Bounty Heads listing Updated and moved the Secret Page GM Note: I hope to have all site updates, the Harry/Xexilia adventure and the Ki adventure completed and posted soon. Sorry for the delay. I moved to another state mid-October and I am trying to get settled. I will do my best to complete the updates as quickly as I can. Visits to date: 6615 |
130.6.3 | October 29 | Modified/updated the Home Page Changed the name and updated the Jedi and The Force page to Jedi Info. Removed all the Jedi powers to the new Force Powers pages that will be posted soon. Visits to date: 6653 |
130.6.6 | November 1 | GM Note:From here on out I am going
to place all the older scrolling text entries in the Site Updates, starting with the current ones. * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: In the distance floats a darkened, lengthy ship. In a few moments several lights turn on along the underbelly followed shortly by two panels opening to reveal a smaller vessel lowering from the hanger that appeared. Line 2: The ships' engines fire, directing it towards a looming blue and green planet.... Visits to date: 6661 |
130.6.17 | November 12 | Posted Featured Items page with its new look (a bit early) for December Posted General Jedi Powers page even though it is not complete (the powers have not been divided up properly yet) Dressed up several pages to match all the other changes made throughout the site Added Star Trek Pages, but without content - for now Visits to date: 6736 |
130.6.23 | November 18 | Updated all Character Templates with correct Data and Images with the exception
of the Young Jedi and Young Senatorial. I have been unable to locate correct stats yet. They will be completed shortly. Visits to date: 6762 |
130.6.25 | November 20 | Completed the update of the Young Jedi and Young Senatorial. I made up the stats,
but I am sure they are close. Visits to date: 6774 |
130.7.31 | November 26 | * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: The small shuttle comes back from the surface after only a few hours and docks with the larger vessel. Line 2: Once the doors are sealed a ramp extends onto the unnaturally cold, dark hanger deck. A shadow of a figure, darker still, exits the shuttle. Line 3: The dark figure is followed by what can only be described as a large beast with red, glowing eyes covered by maroon colored flesh. The beast is carrying a small object wrapped within a bag of sorts that seems to radiate a faint, crimson glow. Line 4: The two enter a turbolift and vanish into the bowels of the ship. * Completed section "A" of Alien Species * Updated several aliens in section "B" of Alien Species - it is not yet complete * FYI: I have completed two pages of the Harry/Xexilia Mission and I have started on the Ki/All Officer Mission * Visits to date: 6806 |
130.7.34 | November 29 | * Updated the Young Jedi and Young Senatorial templates with correct info. * Added the Brash Smuggler, Faithful Co-Pilot, Professional Thief and Security Specialist to the Character Templates page * Visits to date: 6825 |
130.8.5 | December 6 | * Alien Species section "B" is complete * Visits to date: 6884 |
130.8.14 | December 15 | * Alien Species section "C" is complete * Visits to date: 6951 |
130.8.31 | January 1, 2008 | * Updated all House Rules pages to conform with new layout. They also link to each
other * Visits to date: 7056 |
130.9.9 | January 14 | * Updated the Featured Items page for January/February * Alien Species section "D" is complete * Visits to date: 7144 GM Secret Note 1: Whoever rolls counter over 10,000 gets two Force Points. Email to GM required. |
130.10.10 | February 19 | * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this... spe... Hey! Put that weap... BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Line 2: Psycho Announcement: It's a boy!!! That's right! You heard me. And since all of you missed his birth, each of you owes me a case of thermals. ...And don't think I won't collect! Line 3: Five humans, two duros and a qwohog sit at various computer terminals in a small room in the back of an unknown being's living quarters. Another human enters quickly, fear on his face. Line 4: "Destroy everything now! They've found us!" He quickly grabs a vibrosword off his belt and starts slashing the terminals. The others join him in the destruction. Line 5: Only a precious few seconds go by when the first shots ring out from the main chamber. "They're here! Hurry!" adds the human as the doors explode inward with fire, hot durasteel and smoke. Line 6: Everyone inside the room, except the human farthest from the door, is instantly killed. In the smoke and confusion he grabs small container from a bag, tucks it in his shirt, and exits through a secret panel. * Alien Species section "E" is complete * Psycho added his own pages to this site under the Psycho Syte link. * Home Page updated with new scrolls and other minor changes. * Vehicles, Ships, Ship Stuff and Star Trek Items have been updated with new pages added. Most do not have content yet, but will be added soon. * Star Wars Curse Words page has been updated. I added about 75 more approved words to the list. * Site Map Links Page updated. I hope you can all read the links. * Visits to date: 7420 |
131.1.6 | March 21 | * Alien Species section "F" is complete * Added some advisories to the Psycho Travel Advisories page * Added the Cathar species to Alien Species Section 'C' * Visits to date: 7667 |
131.1.7 | March 22 | * The Featured Items page has been updated for March - May * Visits to date: 7677 |
131.1.28 | April 12, 2008 | It's the Fourth Year of the Site!! Cool!! Thanks again everyone. :-) | |
131.2.8 | April 27 | * Alien Species section "G" is complete * Corrected some minor mistakes on a few pages * Updated House Rules page 1 and 2. This includes some actual rule changes. Please scan them. * Visits to date: 8000 |
131.2.12 | May 1 | * Alien Species sections "H" and "I" are complete * Visits to date: 8037 |
131.2.15 | May 4 | * Alien Species section "J" is complete * Visits to date: 8056 |
131.2.20 | May 9 | * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: Blackness... slowly, there is light... The scene fades in to a large room full of armored and armed men and women sitting around a holo image of a female. She is also in armor and brandishing several weapons. Line 2: Out of the shadows steps another man clad in pristine, polished, green armor covered partially by a dark green cape. Line : The man in the green armor speaks to the others. "This is our target. She is well protected, well trained and guarded at all times. It is extremely rare that she is off on her own. When that moment comes" he clenches his fist, "you must be ready." Line 4: There are nods of approval from all in the room. "Good. Contact me when you hear anything even remotely useful." The light in the room begins to dim as the beings start to exit. Soon, all is black again.... * Added Essastii species to Alien Species Section "E". * Visits to date: 8098 |
131.2.27 | May 16 | * Alien Species section "K" is complete. * Visits to date: 8161 |
131.3.8 | June 1 | * Redesigned Ship Equipment and Ship Design charts and tables. * The Featured Items page has been updated for June * Prestige Classes have been added * Lightsaber Forms and the various types of Lightsabers have been added * Visits to date: 8379 |
131.3.26 | June 19 | * Alien Species sections "L through N" are complete. * Added link to new Second Fleet page on Party Ships page. Contains the Venators and Modified Acclimators that will soon be Victory III Star Destroyers. * Modified all PC's on the site. They DO NOT show Prestige Classes yet. Let me know if any of you have any questions, as I may have made a mistake or three. * Rearranged the Favorite Links page. Got rid of a few that don't work and added some that I felt should have been there to begin with. * Modified or changed several other pages throughout site. * Visits to date: 8542 |
131.4.5 | July 3 | * The Featured Items page has been updated for July. * Visits to date: 8685 |
131.4.6 | July 4 | * Added the Star Wars Galactic Calendar page. * Visits to date: 8696 |
131.4.8 | July 6 | * Added two new links to the Favorite Links page. * Alien Species section "O" is complete. * Visits to date: 8727 |
131.4.14 | July 12 | * Alien Species section "P" is complete. * Visits to date: 8815 |
131.4.16 | July 14 | * Alien Species section "Q" is complete. * Modified several other species to conform with current standards * Visits to date: 8838 |
131.4.31 | July 29 | * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: There is a growing Darkness in the galaxy. One small portion was destroyed, but the Darkness remains - it grows still... Line 2: Invisible are the agents of the Darkness. Always aware and always vigilant, they are ever watchful for a chance to strike. Line 3: Welcome one and all to the Tapani Sector's rebuilt Capitol Planet of Procopia. This year's Capitol Season is expected to be the best ever! Line 4: Several Imperial Advisors and Senators from other sectors are expected to be in attendance. Don't miss out on this Once-In-A-Millennium event! Line 5: Starship manufacturer Gallofree Yards, Inc. has gone bankrupt. There assests are being sold off to other companies to help offset their loss and pay off any remaining debts. * Alien Species section "R" is complete. * Visits to date: 8998 |
131.4.32 | July 30 | * Dark Side Force Powers have been added. * Visits to date: 9012 |
131.5.9 | August 11 | * Updated the Homepage scroll. * Visits to date: 9095 |
131.5.30 | September 1 | * Added Intelligence Officer and Xeno-Archaeologist to the Character Templates
page. * Alien Species section "S" is complete. * Featured Items page updated for August/September * Added Gandolv Tydarr to the NPC Page * Visits to date: 9230 |
131.6.1 | September 7 | * Alien Species section "T" is complete. * Modified a few other pages throughout site. * Visits to date: 9280 |
131.7.1 | October 12 | * All remaining Alien Species sections are complete. Please note that two Near-Human
Species were added to Section "N" as well. * Added Starport Information page to the House Rules * Featured Items page updated for October * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: The Inky Black.... That's what spacers call it. It is vast and hides many things within its depths. So many in fact, that most will remain lost to the eons of time. Line 2: There is one such place that is known to but a select few, most of which are now dead. This place, and its many dark secrets, will soon be discovered.... Line 3: First life, then death, then rebirth - such is the way in nature. And so too, is the way of the Force. From the ashes of tragedy and death comes joy and new life. Not the same life, but life, nevertheless. Line 4: A new life starts today.... A Light, bright and true, comes from within the Dark, sinister bleakness, and is given breath. With that breath is a chance, however slim, to bring peace and hope; something the galaxy is in dire need of. Line 5: Not too far distant in the past a king was born. Not a human king - no, far from it. Only his size and strength granted him that title (in human words). He ruled by might and cunning alone.... Line 6: Several years pass under his leadership. On a day like all the rest, one of his minions found something while looking for food. He went to see it and immediately took possession of it. And, through time, it gave him even more power over his tribe, his people. The Secret Page is still there.... * Adventure Logs are updated under Adventure 4: Power to Defend; Basic Training and Harry and Xexilia * Visits to date: 9578 GM Note: The 10,000 mark is coming soon! Look around, as secrets abound. |
131.7.29 | November 9 | * Updated the Featured Items page for November/December * Added three new Player Characters to the Our Heroes page: a Jawa Mechanic, a Former Imperial Commando and a Kid * Visits to date: 9895 Less than 200 visits away from 10,000! Could be "January" before it's found. |
131.8.6 | November 21 | * Updated the Imperial Bounties page * Visits to date: 10,083 GM Note: Congratulations to Niles for finding and emailing the GM for the reward of 2 Force Points hidden above on this page once the counter rolled over 10,000! Thanks to all for the continued support and patients during the slow times. As a reminder, the Secret Page is still out there. Also continue to look around the site as there will always be hidden rewards - you just have to look! |
131.8.13 | November 28 | * Updated the Imperial Bounties page * Visits to date: 10,157 |
131.8.26 | December 11 | * Updated several PC's with PrC Classes and other changes * Decided to update the Featured Items page for December * Other minor changes to several pages throughout site * Visits to date: 10,282 |
131.8.29 | December 14 | * Updated the Ships page by adding Imperial Customs Inspections and Requirements
page * Visits to date: 10,324 |
131.9.16 | January 5, 2009 | * Updated the Featured Items page for January * Visits to date: 10,538 |
131.10.9 | February 2, 2009 | * Changed the Site Links page * Changed the way the data is accessed by condensing several pages and adding three new ones: Bounties, House Stuff and Galaxy Stuff * Added Major/Minor and Dead Companies page to the Galaxy Stuff page * Visits to date: 10,872 |
131.10.16 | February 9, 2009 | * Updated Featured Items page for February * Added the Tapani Sector Calendar to the Galaxy Stuff page * Visits to date: 10,974 |
131.10.32 | February 25, 2009 | * Updated the NPC Page by adding PrC's * Added the other PC and NPC links back by placing then on the House Stuff page * Visits to date: 11,196 |
131.10.35 | February 28, 2009 | * Updated two Antagonists * Visits to date: 11,226 |
131.10.35 | March 12, 2009 | * Updated the Second Fleet. Link is in Ki Drayson's profile * Visits to date: 11,400 |
131.11.8 | March 20, 2009 | * Updated the New Items page * Visits to date: 11,507 |
131.11.10 | March 22, 2009 | * Updated the Psycho Warnings page * Visits to date: 11,521 |
131.11.14 | March 26, 2009 | * Updated Our Heroes page: Jehanna * Visits to date: 11,583 |
131.11.18 | March 30, 2009 | * Updated Our Heroes page by adding Party Ships page * Visits to date: 11,646 |
131.11.28 | April 9, 2009 | * Updated the Character Templates page by adding 45 new Character Types * Visits to date: 11,779 |
131.11.31 | April 12, 2009 | It's the Fifth Anniversary of this site!!! Thank you all
so much for checking it out and keeping the game going. :-) * GM Note: As a gift for keeping the game alive I have decided to reward all the Player Characters during one of the next missions. I will let each of you know when that happens. :-)) |
131.12.1 | April 17, 2009 | * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: As Death approaches and Darkness abounds, there are those who stand for justice and equality. They are few in number, but strong in will and determination - always looking for light within the dark. Line 2: On a planet well within Imperial rule there is one being who abhors the evil that surrounds. This being, once removed from the imposed evironment, will add much to the cause of the Resistance. However, it will not be easy to extract such an important being. Line 3: There is a solid rock wall covered in green and brown vines growing at the base of a hill. Carved upon it, in an ancient, unknown language, are the directions for finding lost items of ancient make. As with most timeworn creations, this one was guarded by the natural creatures in abundance on the planet of its residence. But, even then, it needed to be found again. Line 4: A sleek, dark ship of unknown design lands upon a planet ravaged by war and destroyed by anger. Out of the ship steps a being of such evil that eyes would turn away. The cloaked being walks from the vessel towards an unlit archway leading to a structure seemingly undamaged as compared to the rest of the planet. Line 5: At the entrance the being waves a gloved hand across the air in front of the arch. Within moments a dim light of pure red could be seen coming out from the bowels beyond. The dark being then walks through the archway and vanishes within the red glow. * Updated the Home page scrolls * Visits to date: 11,878 |
131.12.10 | April 26, 2009 | * Updated the New Items page. And yes, it's early for a change :-)) * Made a few changes to the previous pages of the Featured Items pages: Added/changed links and changed images for a few items * Changed the date on both Calendars by moving it up 14 days - in the middle of the eighth week of Capitol Season for the Tapani Sector * Visits to date: 12,000 |
131.12.28 | May 14, 2009 | * Updated the Antagonist page * Visits to date: 12,213 |
132.1.14 | June 4, 2009 | * Updated the Featured Items page for June * Visits to date: 12,463 |
132.1.26 | June 16, 2009 | * Modified House Rules page 1 * Made some minor changes and corrections to Non-Force Prestige Classes * Visits to date: 12,627 |
132.2.6 | July 1, 2009 | * Updated New Items page for July * Added Bounty to Imperial Bounties page and made some minor changes * Visits to date: 12,817 |
132.2.21 | July 16, 2009 | * Made minor changes to the layout of a few pages on the site * Visits to date: 13,017 |
132.6.8 | November 26, 2009 | * Home Page Scrolls: Line 1: HOLONEWS ALERT!!... We join a story already in progress from within the Tapani Sector on the capitol planet of Procopia.... Line 2: We have learned that Lord Bod'e Leobund's niece, her husband and newborn son were killed by rebel insurgents just a few short days ago by what would appear to be a Spy and a Traitor. The images are grim and many security guards have lost their lives defending the new family. Line 3: Even though beings within the sector support Lord Leobund, their needs do not go unnoticed. Even the Emperor shows mercy on the sector and sends a Star Destroyer specifically to locate those who defile the celebrated peace of Capitol Season commanded by an Imperial Inquisitor. Line 4: The Lightsaber; weapon of the Jedi Knights. If used correctly it can protect the life of the wielder and the lives of those they are sworn to protect. Such is that of the handful of Jedi poised against the Darkness. Only together will they defeat the Dark - in whatever form it takes. Line 5: Soon an unwelcome secret will be revealed. However, the knowledge that it gives will unlock an ancient store of information that could, if used properly, help turn the tide of evil in the galaxy. * Updated New Items page for August, September, October and November * Updated some of the rules and wording on the 1st page of the House Rules * Added all the ships and carried craft to the Second Fleet Page * Added the Capitol Ship Battery Rules page as a link on the Ships page and implemented them within the Second Fleet * Added content to Ships: Part 1 - Fighters, Ships: Part 2 - Freighters and Ships: Part 3 - Capitol Ships on the Ships page. All ships listed are currently available but may be difficult to get * Made some minor changes to all the Alien Species tables and added two new ones: Barcoun and Vernol * Updated the Our Heroes page and the NPC page. * Updated all Player Characters and added Coopee: Ewok Outlaw Tech to the group GM NOTE: A Special 'Thank You' to all the Players for being so patient with me while I transition to a new home, new state and new circumstances. I hope to get back up to full speed shortly. :-)) * Visits to date: 13,560 |
132.7.8 | January 1, 2010 | I have a feeling 2010 is
going to be a stellar year! |
132.10.4 | April 12, 2010 | It's the Sixth Anniversary of this site!!! Thank you all
once again for keeping the game going. :-) GM Note: See the main page scroll for the reward I promised over a year ago. |
133.1.28 | July 31, 2010 | * Added Droid Templates page to the site along with 10 droids * Added the Jedi Force Powers page and removed all the others. This page has all Force Powers on it that are currently available in this campaign * Added the Force Attunement page that should have been added some time ago * Updated the Featured Items Page for December 2009 to August 2010. [just a tidbit from the Gamemaster: someone could have a baby in the amount of time I've been away!] * Added a few items and updated the layout of the PC Gear pages. Links are on the House Stuff page * Updated Item #62: Draymak Tobias Combat Droid, on Previous Items Page 4. Also made minor corrections to a few other items on other pages as well * Adjusted the 8 Laser Cannons on the Black Raven to show the correct fire-linked connections and fire arcs. * Added a link to the Player Questions, Alien Names, Human Names and Starting Money page on the House Stuff page for easier access * Added the Skill Advancement Table to the House Stuff page to assist in raising Attributes, skills and specializations * Updated the Starport Information page by adding Frequencies/Comm Channels * Added Fiollo's Guides page that contains information on restaurants, hotels, hostals, berverages and foodstuffs. Mostly for fun. :-)) * Updated/changed the wording and organization of many of the rules on all the House Rules pages with the intent of alleviating some confusion. * Revynn's old Master - Darkness, now has stats. * Visits to date: 14,557 (this number may no longer be accurate as I have had to change the counter due to the original not working properly) Another Secret Bonus: +5 to hit and damage for the next mission to whoever emails the GM first! |
133.2.22 | August 29, 2010 | * Corrected the Droid Templates page by adding the 3PO droid template and
images that were missing * Corrected the Skill Advancement Table by adding the image at the top. * Updated PC Gear Section One with a few additional descriptions and image links. * Added a new page: Strength Encumbrance. This should assist the Players' in determinig how much they can carry based on their Strength and the equipment they have. * Updated the Featured Items page for September with last months items moving to Page 5. * Visits to date: 14,395 (corrected) |
133.2.30 | September 6, 2010 | * Updated Kody Sarin in the Our Heroes section. * All others will be updated once I have confirmed with each of you that the information I have is the same as what you have for your PC. It has just been too long to be sure my information is 100% accurate. * Visits to date: 14,528 |
133.3.22 | October 3, 2010 | * New Items page has been updated for October. * The re-opening post has been sent out as well. * Visits to date: 14,850 |
133.4.21 | November 6, 2010 | * New Items page has been updated for November. * A new Character has been added to the Our Heroes page - Khalida San * Visits to date: 15,267 |
133.5.8 | November 28, 2010 | * New Items page has been CORRECTLY updated for November that will
include December. * Visits to date: 15,520 |
133.5.22 | December 12, 2010 | * Corrected the Our Heroes page by moving Harry and Jehanna to the NPC page. * Made minor changes to the House Stuff/House Rules page that includes links to Harry and Jehanna. * Visits to date: 15,658 |
133.5.22 | January 1, 2011 | * New Items page updated for January. SPECIAL GM NOTE: In case any of you missed it... And in death, we rise... So it would seem that over half of our original Players have fled the scene because the game has died - in there eyes at least. Perhaps they think the Gamemaster is dead? Perhaps they feel the game is moving too slow? They would not be incorrect on the second part. The game is still alive. The GM has no stability in his personal life to keep the game going at a normal pace right now. For those Players who remain you have a choice to make.... First, keep waiting for things to "pick up" and move at the original pace or, Second, start over from the beginning (the game WILL be different)? Make your choice and email the GM at New Players, or those that are interested in joining, are also welcome to make their choice. * Visits to date: 15,836 |