1 | Not very costly to buy, especially the smaller, newer companies. |
2 | There is no upper limit to how much a stock can increase, however if the price gets too high, the stock will split meaning if you had 1 share valued at $100 you now have 2 valued at $50. |
3 | Quick returns, since they fluctuate constantly it is possible to buy a stock in the morning with all the money you have and retire a millionaire by the end of the week |
1 | The only drawback to stocks is that a stock can go down, and a stock can go down very quickly. If a stock reaches 0.00 it is considered dead and removed from trade. In that case you will have lost all that you have put into it. |
1 | Organizations have to prove to the ISSX (Imperial Stocks and Securities Exchange) that they are viable and have stability. This means that they are not likely to loose you money. Payments are set at the purchase of the Bond and can only increase from the minimum set rates. |
1 | Time to make profit. It takes about 80% of the total time that a bond is taken out to regain the amount equal to the initial investment. The more aggressive Bonds, the ones that pay the most interest, are the ones more likely to forfeit; however these are usually rare. | 2 | Bonds are typically expensive to purchase, while you may be able to buy 10 shares of stock for 100 credits, a single bond can cost anywhere from 1,000 to 1,000,000 credits to obtain. |
2D roll | |
2 | Down D6 # of D6 |
3 | Down 3D6 |
4 | Down 2D6 |
5 | Down 1D6 |
6 | Down 1D3 |
7 | Even |
8 | Up 1D3 |
9 | Up 1D6 |
10 | Up 2D6 |
11 | Up 3D6 |
12 | Up D6 # of D6 |
Ankar Industries | ANK | Lonar Engineering Corp. | LEC | |
Aridanni-Var Engineering Corp | ARI | Loronar Corp. | LOR | |
Black Star Engineering Corp. | BSE | Merr-Sonn Corp. | MSC | |
BlasTech | BLT | MonCal Diversified Corp. | MCD | |
Core World Arms Corp. | CWA | Moon-Zhag | MZG | |
Corellian Engineering Corp. | CEC | Nordian Corp. | NOC | |
CorelliSpace Industries | CSI | NoveDrive Corp. | NDC | |
Cuirilla-Raye Industries | CRI | Rendili StarDrive | RSD | |
Damorian Drive Yards | DDY | Shobquix Yards | SHO | |
Davishar Industrial Technologies | DIT | Sienar Fleet Systems | SFS | |
Drearian Defense Corp. | DDC | Siluivt Corp. | SIL | |
Drolan Corp. | DRO | Slayn & Korpil Corp. | SKC | |
Duapherm Corp. | DUP | SoroSub Conglomerate | SSB | |
Ekkar Arms Corp. | EAC | Starfeld Industries | STR | |
Exotac Arms | EXO | Subla-Ransom Corp. | SRC | |
Frei'Tek Incorporated | FTI | SubPro | SUB | |
Gallofree Yards | GAL | Sunburst Engineering | SUE | |
Ghtroc Corp. | GHT | Surron StarTech | SUR | |
Hyrotil Corp. | HYO | Suwantek Systems | SUW | |
Imperial Munitions Corp. | IMC | Tagge Industries | TAI | |
Incom, Inc. | INC | Telgorn Corp. | TEL | |
Interstellar Diversified Corp. | IDC | TholCorp | THL | |
Kazellis Corp. | KAZ | Tsunaga-Bjorn Heavy Industries | TSU | |
Koensayr Engineering | KEC | Ulig-Abaha | ULA | |
Kuat Drive Yards | KDY | Yctor Arms | YCA | |
Lantillian Corp. | LAN | Zentarian | ZEN | |
Locris Syndicate | LOC | Zuraco Corp. | ZUR |
Imperial One Year General Bond | 1 year / 12% |
Imperial Two Year General Bond | 2 year / 15% |
Imperial Five Year General Bond | 5 year / 20% |
Imperial War Bond, One Year | 1 year / 20% |
Imperial War Bond, Five Year | 5 year / 25% |
Corporate Sector Authority 1 year General Bond | 1 year / 18% |
Corporate Sector Aggressive Bond | 1 year / 27% |
Kuat Drive Yards Expansion Bond | 2 year / 22% |
Sienar Fleet Systems Expansion Bond | 2 year / 21% |