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With companies large enough to purchase planets and vast tracks of space for their own purposes, one may question the reason to have a Stock Market. But the truth of the matter is, as companies get larger and have to follow trends of marketing such as sales highs and production loss it is ever more important that they have the ability to sell a percentage of their total assets to gain revenue. Such sales are fairly simple, a company with a value of 10 million credits could sell 1 million of itself as stock, the original offering would raise the company 1 million credits with 10% of it's overall worth as collateral. The performance of the company and the supply/demand factor of the stocks would dictate their value after the Initial Offering (IPO)

Planetary Governments, Corporations, and the Empire all need to raise money for projects that they are working on. To do this without selling parts of their company to the public, they issue Bonds. Bonds are like stocks for specific reasons and expire at a set time. An organization sells bonds to raise money. At pre-established times the Company makes payments on the bonds, usually monthly or semi- annually until the original price plus the interest is paid off. People may choose not to collect and have the balance paid as a total sum at the end of the Bond period (usually 1 year). The benefit is that these are usually highly stable, since governments and large organizations have little chance of defaulting on the bond. However less reputable companies may go bankrupt, in which case its assets are liquidated and the bonds are usually paid off as much as the money will allow, meaning only a percentage of the initial price is returned.

Stocks: The Benefits

1 Not very costly to buy, especially the smaller, newer companies.
2 There is no upper limit to how much a stock can increase, however if the price gets too high, the stock will split meaning if you had 1 share valued at $100 you now have 2 valued at $50.
3 Quick returns, since they fluctuate constantly it is possible to buy a stock in the morning with all the money you have and retire a millionaire by the end of the week

Stock: The Drawbacks

1 The only drawback to stocks is that a stock can go down, and a stock can go down very quickly. If a stock reaches 0.00 it is considered dead and removed from trade. In that case you will have lost all that you have put into it.

Bonds: The Benefits

1 Organizations have to prove to the ISSX (Imperial Stocks and Securities Exchange) that they are viable and have stability. This means that they are not likely to loose you money. Payments are set at the purchase of the Bond and can only increase from the minimum set rates.

Bonds: The Drawbacks

1 Time to make profit. It takes about 80% of the total time that a bond is taken out to regain the amount equal to the initial investment. The more aggressive Bonds, the ones that pay the most interest, are the ones more likely to forfeit; however these are usually rare. 2 Bonds are typically expensive to purchase, while you may be able to buy 10 shares of stock for 100 credits, a single bond can cost anywhere from 1,000 to 1,000,000 credits to obtain.

Buying stocks:

To purchase stocks one must contact an NPC broker (your GM) select stock, transfer funds, and execute the purchase through the broker.

When you want to sell your stock you will contact your broker and issue a sales order, a sales order is an agreement to sell, This can include a specific price restriction on the sale, i.e. do not sell if it goes below $10. You will then receive your money minus the broker's fees.

Bonds are purchased exactly the same as stocks but are dollar amounts. You will receive a payment as to the terms agreed to at the bond purchase. Bonds may be sold back to the originating broker for all or a portion of the remaining bond value.

Game Rules:
Stocks and bonds require a little record keeping on the part of the GM, each time they check a price, record the result. Calculate the new result from the last result based on the following table.

2D roll
2 Down D6 # of D6
3 Down 3D6
4 Down 2D6
5 Down 1D6
6 Down 1D3
7 Even
8 Up 1D3
9 Up 1D6
10 Up 2D6
11 Up 3D6
12 Up D6 # of D6

The Stocks:

Ankar Industries ANK   Lonar Engineering Corp. LEC
Aridanni-Var Engineering Corp ARI   Loronar Corp. LOR
Black Star Engineering Corp. BSE   Merr-Sonn Corp. MSC
BlasTech BLT   MonCal Diversified Corp. MCD
Core World Arms Corp. CWA   Moon-Zhag MZG
Corellian Engineering Corp. CEC   Nordian Corp. NOC
CorelliSpace Industries CSI   NoveDrive Corp. NDC
Cuirilla-Raye Industries CRI   Rendili StarDrive RSD
Damorian Drive Yards DDY   Shobquix Yards SHO
Davishar Industrial Technologies DIT   Sienar Fleet Systems SFS
Drearian Defense Corp. DDC   Siluivt Corp. SIL
Drolan Corp. DRO   Slayn & Korpil Corp. SKC
Duapherm Corp. DUP   SoroSub Conglomerate SSB
Ekkar Arms Corp. EAC   Starfeld Industries STR
Exotac Arms EXO   Subla-Ransom Corp. SRC
Frei'Tek Incorporated FTI   SubPro SUB
Gallofree Yards GAL   Sunburst Engineering SUE
Ghtroc Corp. GHT   Surron StarTech SUR
Hyrotil Corp. HYO   Suwantek Systems SUW
Imperial Munitions Corp. IMC   Tagge Industries TAI
Incom, Inc. INC   Telgorn Corp. TEL
Interstellar Diversified Corp. IDC   TholCorp THL
Kazellis Corp. KAZ   Tsunaga-Bjorn Heavy Industries TSU
Koensayr Engineering KEC   Ulig-Abaha ULA
Kuat Drive Yards KDY   Yctor Arms YCA
Lantillian Corp. LAN   Zentarian ZEN
Locris Syndicate LOC   Zuraco Corp. ZUR

The Bonds:

Bonds can be from any large organization; Imperial, Sector or planetary Government; large corporations; or social orders. Below are a few examples:

Imperial One Year General Bond 1 year / 12%
Imperial Two Year General Bond 2 year / 15%
Imperial Five Year General Bond 5 year / 20%
Imperial War Bond, One Year 1 year / 20%
Imperial War Bond, Five Year 5 year / 25%
Corporate Sector Authority 1 year General Bond 1 year / 18%
Corporate Sector Aggressive Bond 1 year / 27%
Kuat Drive Yards Expansion Bond 2 year / 22%
Sienar Fleet Systems Expansion Bond 2 year / 21%

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