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Bureaucratic Envoy
Chief Engineer
Crime Lord
Elite Bounty Hunter
Elite Slicer
Elite Trooper
Freighter Captain
Lore Master
Martial Arts Master
Master Con-Artist
Master Duelist
Master Thief
Professional Gambler
Starfighter Ace

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Bureaucratic Envoy

Requirements: In order to become a Bureaucratic Envoy, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Persuasion (3), Bureaucracy (3), Planetary Systems (3), Politics (3), Willpower (3)
Special: Must belong to an organization with a military or paramilitary division. Examples include the Rebel Alliance, the Trade Federation, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Bureaucratic Envoy to increase are:
Bargain, Command, Persuasion, Alien Species, Business, Business Administration, Bureaucracy, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, Market Analysis, Planetary Systems, Politics, Scholar, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Contact
2 Resource Access
3 Contact
4 Exceptional Resources
5 Assistants, Contact
6 Transport
7 Contact
8 Exceptional Assistants
9 Contact
10 Unlimited Resources

Contact: Each time a Bureaucratic Envoy gains a contact, the GM should develop an NPC to represent him, with the Bureaucratic Envoy's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. Though the contact will not accompany the Bureaucratic Envoy on adventures, he will provide information and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Bureaucratic Envoy. A Bureaucratic Envoy cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Resource Access: Beginning at 2nd level, a Bureaucratic Envoy has access to a multitude of resources. Once per day, the Bureaucratic Envoy can make a Perception check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Bureaucratic Envoy's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 50. Thus, a 4th level Bureaucratic Envoy who rolls an 11 on his Perception check would gain 2,200 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 50 = 2,200). These resources can take nearly any form the Bureaucratic Envoy chooses, within reason, and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources must be reasonably available (though not necessarily common) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: The Resource does not provide the development of contacts or prototypes of any kind. Only standard gear and other tangible assets are allowed. Some credits can be provided. Items requested may or may not be available at the time of delivery.
Exceptional Resources: This is similar to Resource Access from 2nd level, except the value of the resources gained equal the Bureaucratic Envoy's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 1,000. These resources can take any form the Bureaucratic Envoy chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The Bureaucratic Envoy uses a contact and the resources gained arrive within 1D hours.
Note: The Exceptional Resources provides some information, but not the development of contacts or prototypes of any kind. All the gear listed on the site (stnd and New Items) and other tangible assets are allowed. Some credits can be provided as a small portion of the assets. Some items may or may not be available at the time of delivery.
Assistants: At 5th level, a Bureaucratic Envoy can attract assistants. To do so, the Bureaucratic Envoy must make a Difficult Perception roll, adding his Bureaucratic Envoy level to his die roll as a bonus. The total number of assistants attracted depends on the Bureaucratic Envoy's level, and the power level of the assistants themselves. Using the number of points that the Bureaucratic Envoy's Perception roll exceeds the difficulty of the roll as a pool, these assistants can be "purchased." Cost per assistant is equal to the base attribute dice of the assistant, minus 10D (with a minimum attribute dice total of 11D). For example, if a Bureaucratic Envoy's Perception roll exceeds the difficulty by 12 points, he can attract 12 assistants who possess 11D in their attributes, 6 assistants with 12D in their attributes, 2 assistants with 16D in their attributes, or any other combination that he can afford. The number of attribute dice that an individual assistant is built upon can not exceed 18D. These assistants arrive over the course of a few weeks. If the roll fails, the Bureaucratic Envoy can not attempt to attract assistants again until he advances one more level.
Transport: At 6th level the Bureaucratic Envoy receives a transport for free from his employer. It is a new and moderate vessel allowing him to better perform his function. If the Bureaucratic Envoy chooses not to take this transport at this time and waits until 10th level his option is much larger. For this to happen, the Bureaucratic Envoy will PERMANENTLY loose his most powerful contact and must make an unlimited resource roll. The resulting vessel is at that time completely open (with GM's permission of course).
Exceptional Assistants: When he reaches 8th level, the Bureaucratic Envoy may add double his class level as a bonus to his Perception skill roll when attracting assistants.
Unlimited Resources: This is similar to Resource Access from 2nd level, except the value of the resources gained equal the Bureaucratic Envoy's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 100,000. These resources can take any form the Bureaucratic Envoy chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The Bureaucratic Envoy uses a contact and the resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources don't have to be reasonably available (this includes any black market, illegal or even shadow port resources) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.

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Chief Engineer

Requirements: In order to become a Chief Engineer, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Search (3), Technology (3), Willpower (3), Capital Ship Repair (3), Space Transports Repair (3)
Base Attribute: Technical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Chief Engineer to increase are:
Astrogation, Capital Ship Repair, Capital Ship Weapon Repair, Communications, Computer Programming/Repair, (A) Engineering (any), Search, Sensors, Space Transports, Space Transports Repair, Starfighter Repair, Starship Shields, Starship Weapon Repair, Technology, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Miracle Worker
2 Skill Bonus
3 Resource Contact
4 Skill Bonus
5 Resource Contact
6 Skill Bonus
7 Resource Contact
8 Skill Bonus
9 Shadow Port Contact
10 Unlimited Resource Contact

Miracle Worker: Whenever a Chief Engineer uses his repair skill (any), he can make a difficult (20) repair roll using the skill appropriate to the task. For every point above the difficulty number is the number of hours the Chief Engineer can shave off of the job. Any and all other types of bonus can apply to this (combined action, etc), but the very minimum the Chief Engineer can reduce repair tasks down to is one hour. This can only be done once per day.
Skill Bonus: At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, the Chief Engineer gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Capital Ship Repair, Capital Ship Weapon Repair, Computer Programming/Repair, (A) Engineering (any), Search, Space Transports Repair, Starfighter Repair, Starship Weapon Repair, Technology, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Resource Contact: Starting at 3rd level, a Chief Engineer can requisition supplies or resources from a special contact; this can even be in the form of owing a favor or calling one in. The contact must be generated by the GM, with the Chief Engineer's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. The maximum value of supplies or resources available through this contact is equal to the Chief Engineer's class level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 100,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level Chief Engineer with a Perception score of 3D+2 could have up to 900,000 credits worth of supplies or resources available (3 x 3 x 100,000). These supplies or resources can include weapons, vehicles, repair costs or any other equipment. This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the Chief Engineer at any given time. Although no specific time limits are assigned, the Chief Engineer should still attempt to return any and all equipment borrowed within a reasonable amount of time. If any amount of requisitioned equipment is lost or destroyed, its value is counted as a permanent penalty to the Chief Engineer's maximum value; unless it is replaced. Though the contact will not accompany the Chief Engineer on adventures, he will provide information, supplies or resources and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Chief Engineer. A Chief Engineer cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Note: The Resource does not provide information, the development of contacts or prototypes of any kind. Only standard gear and other tangible assets are allowed. No credits will be provided either.
Shadow Port Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 3rd level; except this contact is located in a Shadow Port and the Chief Engineer must go there to utilize this contact. The resources gained are available within 1D hours.
Unlimited Resource Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 3rd level, except the value of the resources gained equal the Chief Engineer's level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 1,000,000. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources don't have to be reasonably available (this includes any black market, illegal or even shadow port resources) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: The Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.

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Crime Lord

Requirements: In order to become a Crime Lord, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 4D
Skills (ASV): Con (4), Investigation (4), Persuasion (4), Willpower (3)
Base Attribute: Perception 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Crime Lord to increase are:
Bargain, Command, Computer Programming/Repair, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Intimidation, Investigation, Languages, Streetwise, Persuasion, Scholar (any), Value, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Contact
2 Resource Access
3 Inspire Fear -1D
4 Contact
5 Minions
6 Inspire Fear -2D
7 Contact
8 Exceptional Minions
9 Inspire Fear -3D, Contact
10 Unlimited Resources

Contact: Each time a crime lord gains a contact, the GM should develop an NPC to represent him, with the crime lord's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. Though the contact will not accompany the crime lord on adventures, he will provide information and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the crime lord. A crime lord cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Resource Access: Beginning at 2nd level, a crime lord has access to a multitude of resources. Once per day, the crime lord can make a Perception check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the crime lord's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 4th level crime lord who rolls an 11 on his Perception check would gain 44,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 1,000 = 44,000). These resources can take nearly any form the crime lord chooses, within reason, and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources must be reasonably available (though not necessarily common) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: The Resource does not provide information, the development of contacts or prototypes of any kind. Only standard gear and other tangible assets are allowed. No credits will be provided either.
Inspire Fear: Starting at 3rd level, a crime lord's infamy and reputation reach such a point that anyone wishing to take direct action against him is subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to -1D at 3rd level, -2D at 6th level, and -3D at 9th level. This penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (including attack rolls) made against the crime lord by other characters.
Minions: At 5th level, a crime lord can attract minions. To do so, the crime lord must make a Difficult Perception roll, adding his crime lord level to his die roll as a bonus. The total number of minions attracted depends on the crime lord's level, and the power level of the minions themselves. Using the number of points that the crime lord's Perception roll exceeds the difficulty of the roll as a pool, these minions can be "purchased." Cost per minion is equal to the base attribute dice of the minion, minus 10D (with a minimum attribute dice total of 11D). For example, if a crime lord's Perception roll exceeds the difficulty by 12 points, he can attract 12 minions who possess 11D in their attributes, 6 minions with 12D in their attributes, 2 minions with 16D in their attributes, or any other combination that he can afford. The number of attribute dice that an individual minion is built upon can not exceed 18D. These minions arrive over the course of a few weeks. If the roll fails, the crime lord can not attempt to attract minions again until he advances one more level.
Exceptional Minions: When he reaches 8th level, the crime lord may add double his class level as a bonus to his Perception skill roll when attracting minions.
Unlimited Resources: This is similar to Resource Access from 2nd level, except the value of the resources gained equal the Crime Lord's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 1,000,000, and can only be done once per adventure. These resources can take any form the Crime Lord chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources don't have to be reasonably available (this includes any black market, illegal or even shadow port resources) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: The Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.

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Requirements: In order to become a Diplomat, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Con (3), Persuasion (3), Bureaucracy (3), Planetary Systems (3), Politics (3), Willpower (3)
Special: Must belong to an organization with a military or paramilitary division. Examples include the Rebel Alliance, the Trade Federation, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Diplomat to increase are:
Alien Species, Bureaucracy, Command, Con, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, (A)Linguistics, Market Analysis, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Contact
2 Resource Access, Contact
3 Contact
4 Assistants, Contact
5 Transport, Contact
6 Contact
7 Exceptional Assistants, Contact
8 Body Guards, Contact
9 Contact
10 Unlimited Resources, Contact

Contact: Each time a Diplomat gains a contact, the GM should develop an NPC to represent him, with the Diplomat's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. Though the contact will not accompany the Diplomat on adventures, he will provide information and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Diplomat. A Diplomat cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Resource Access: Beginning at 2nd level, a Diplomat has access to a multitude of resources. Once per day, the Diplomat can make a Perception check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Diplomat's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 100,000. Thus, a 4th level Diplomat who rolls an 11 on his Perception check would gain 4,400,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 100,000 = 4,400,000). These resources can take any form the Diplomat chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes, but must be returned to the contact from which they came when he is finished with them (in order to use that contact again). The resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources must be reasonably available (though not necessarily common) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Assistants: At 4th level, a Diplomat can attract assistants. To do so, the Diplomat must make a Difficult Perception roll, adding his Diplomat level to his die roll as a bonus. The total number of assistants attracted depends on the Diplomat's level, and the power level of the assistants themselves. Using the number of points that the Diplomat's Perception roll exceeds the difficulty of the roll as a pool, these assistants can be "purchased." Cost per assistant is equal to the base attribute dice of the assistant, minus 10D (with a minimum attribute dice total of 11D). For example, if a Diplomat's Perception roll exceeds the difficulty by 12 points, he can attract 12 assistants who possess 11D in their attributes, 6 assistants with 12D in their attributes, 2 assistants with 16D in their attributes, or any other combination that he can afford. The number of attribute dice that an individual assistant is built upon can not exceed 18D. These assistants arrive over the course of a few weeks. If the roll fails, the Diplomat can not attempt to attract assistants again until he advances one more level.
Transport: At 5th level the Diplomat receives a transport for free from his employer. It is a new and moderate vessel (usually a corvette class) allowing him to better perform his function. If the Diplomat chooses not to take this transport at this time and waits until 10th level his option is much larger. For this to happen, the Diplomat will PERMANENTLY loose his most powerful contact and must make an unlimited resource roll. The resulting vessel is at that time completely open (with GM's permission of course).
Exceptional Assistants: When he reaches 7th level, the Diplomat may add double his class level as a bonus to his Perception skill roll when attracting assistants.
Body Guards: This is similar to Exceptional Assistants, except that these are fully trained military personnel, come fully equipped, answer only to the Diplomat and are very tough.
Unlimited Resources: This is similar to Resource Access from 2nd level, except the value of the resources gained equal the Diplomat's level x the total of his Perception roll x 1,000,000, and can only be done once per adventure. These resources can take any form the Diplomat chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes, but must be returned to the contact from which they came when he is finished with them (in order to use that contact again). The Diplomat uses a contact (and may not utilize that contact for one month) and the resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources don't have to be reasonably available (this includes any black market, illegal or even shadow port resources) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: The Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.

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Requirements: In order to become a Doctor, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Search (3), Stamina (3), Scholar (3), Technology (3), Willpower (3), First Aid (3)
Base Attribute: Technical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Doctor to increase are:
Command, Search, stamina, Alien Species, Biochemistry, Cultures, Genetics, Humanoid Biology, Scholar, (S) Survival: Triage, Technology, Sensors, First Aid, (A) Medicine and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Call in a Favor
2 Skill Bonus
3 Call in a Favor
4 Skill Bonus
5 Call in a Favor
6 Skill Bonus
7 Call in a Favor
8 Skill Bonus
9 Call in a Favor
10 Hands of Life

Call in a Favor: Starting at 1st level, a Doctor can call in a favor from special contacts that he has made; these are usually people that he has saved their lives or made some great impact upon. The contact must be generated by the GM, with a Doctor's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. The maximum value of supplies or resources available through this contact is equal to the Doctor's class level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 100,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level Doctor with a Perception score of 3D+2 could have up to 900,000 credits worth of supplies or resources available (3 x 3 x 100,000). This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the Doctor at any given time. Although no specific time limits are assigned, the Doctor should still attempt to return any and all equipment borrowed within a reasonable amount of time. If any amount of requisitioned equipment is lost or destroyed, its value is counted as a permanent penalty to the Doctor's maximum value; unless it is replaced. The contact might accompany the Doctor on adventures (GM's discretion), but he will defiantly provide information, supplies or resources and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Doctor. A Doctor cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Skill Bonus: At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, a Doctor gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Search, Alien Species, Biochemistry, Cultures, Genetics, Humanoid Biology, Scholar, (S) Survival: Triage, Technology, First Aid, (A) Medicine and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Hands of Life: A Doctor using this ability can literally save someone from the very clutches of death itself. Once per day, a doctor can use this ability and make the appropriate first aid or Medicine roll. The difficulty is based on the wound level (with Heroic being a character that has been dead for no more than 30 seconds). Other factors apply and of course the GM always has the final say; as no one can ever truly cheat death forever.

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Elite Bounty Hunter

Requirements: In order to become an Elite Bounty Hunter, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 6D
Skills (ASV): Investigation (3), Intimidation (3), Sneak (3)
Base Attribute: Dexterity 3D+1, Perception 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Bounty Hunter to increase are:
Armor Weapons, Blaster, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Communications, Computer Programming/Repair, Con, Demolitions, Dodge, Forgery, Grenade, Hide, Investigation, Intimidation, Melee Combat, Search, Simultaneous Attack, Sneak, (A)Sniper, (A)Speed Drawing, Stamina, Streetwise, Survival, Tactics, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Target Bonus +1
2 Sneak Attack 1D
3 Target Bonus +2, Inspire Fear -1D
4 Sneak Attack 2D
5 Target Bonus +1D
6 Sneak Attack 3D, Inspire Fear -2D
7 Target Bonus +1D+1
8 Sneak Attack 5D
9 Target Bonus +1D+2, Inspire Fear -3D
10 Sneak Attack 6D

Target Bonus: Because of intensive study of his target, an Elite Bounty Hunter gains a competence bonus on attack rolls against his chosen target. The hero must announce who the target is before the adventure begins (and in general should be someone that the Elite Bounty Hunter has taken a contract to take down.) While this is normally a single individual, the target could also be a small group of individuals, or even a large group, organization, or entire species. In this case, it is up to the GM.
Sneak Attack: The Elite Bounty Hunter has grown accustomed to attacking his targets while they are either unaware of his presence, or unable to defend themselves. In any situation, determined by the GM, in which the target is not aware of the Elite Bounty Hunters presence, or is in a physically vulnerable state, such as prone, bound, or is flanked by the Elite Bounty Hunter, the Elite Bounty Hunter's attack deals extra damage as indicated by his progression on the level chart. An Elite Bounty Hunter cannot use Sneak Attack on enemies that do not have visibly obvious anatomical weaknesses (such as a sarlacc). The target must also be visible enough to the Elite Bounty Hunter for a vital spot to be discernable, and must be in reach of the Elite Bounty Hunter if a melee weapon is used, or within Short or medium range if a ranged weapon is used. Deadly accuracy cannot be gained at Long ranges. A scope must be used for ranged weapons at medium range.
Inspire Fear: Starting at 3rd level, an Elite Bounty Hunter's infamy and reputation reach such a point that anyone wishing to take direct action against him is subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to -1D at 3rd level, -2D 6th level and -3D at 9th level. This penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (including attack rolls) made against the Elite Bounty Hunter by other characters.

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Elite Slicer

Requirements: In order to become an Elite Slicer, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Computer Operations (3), Computer Programming/Repair (3), Languages (3), Technology (3)
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Technical 3D, Mechanical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to an Elite Slicer to increase are:
Business, Business Administration, Communications, Computer Operations, Computer Programming/Repair, (A) Computer Engineering, Droid Programming, Droid Repair, Encryption, Filing Systems, Forgery, Languages, (A) Linguistics, Search, Security, Sensors, Technology, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Contact
2 Resource Access
3 Target Bonus +1D
4 Skill Bonus
5 Contact
6 Target Bonus +2D
7 ID Theft
8 Skill Bonus
9 Target Bonus +3D
10 The Matrix

Contact: Each time an Elite Slicer gains a contact, the GM should develop an NPC to represent him, with the Elite Slicer's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. Though the contact will not accompany the Elite Slicer on adventures, he will provide information, program chips and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Elite Slicer. An Elite Slicer cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Resource Access: Beginning at 2nd level, an Elite Slicer has access to a multitude of resources all through his computer. Once per day, the Elite Slicer can make a Mechanical skill check to use those resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Elite Slicer's level x the total of his Mechanical rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 4th level Elite Slicer who rolls an 11 on his Mechanical check would gain 44,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 1,000 = 44,000). These resources can take nearly any form the Elite Slicer chooses, within reason, and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours or if they are credits are immediately sent to his account. Note that the chosen resources must be reasonably available (though not necessarily common) when and where he chooses to make the check.
Note: The Resource does not provide the development of contacts or prototypes of any kind. Only standard and New Items gear and other tangible assets are allowed, which includes credits.
Target Bonus: Because of intensive study of his target, an Elite Slicer gains a competence bonus on rolls against his chosen target. The Elite Slicer must announce what the target is before the adventure begins. While this is normally a single computer, the target could also be a small group of computers, or even a large mainframe of some organization.
Skill Bonus: At 4th, and 8th levels, the Elite Slicer gains a +1D skill bonus to any two of the following skills: Computer Operations, Computer Programming/Repair, (A) Computer Engineering, Droid Programming, Droid Repair, Encryption, Filing Systems, Forgery, Search, Security, Sensors, Technology, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
ID Theft: At 7th level the Elite Slicer has access to untold riches. This ability is similar to Resource Access, except that the Elite Slicer is literally stealing someone else's identity and all of their credits. Once per month, the Elite Slicer can make a Mechanical skill check, the value of the credits gained are equal the Elite Slicer's level x the total of his Mechanical roll x 1,000,000. Those credits are immediately sent to his account, or are deposited some where else for safe keeping. This is a very dangerous thing to do, as the person's identity the Elite Slicer stole will definitely want their credits back and more than likely the Elite Slicer's head. There is a 5% chance per ID Theft that the Elite Slicer will have encored the wrath of that individual. Measures need to be taken to secure the Elite Slicer's "alibi".
The Matrix: This is the epitome of the Elite Slicers skills. Once per adventure the Elite Slicer can effectively merge his will through his computer and accomplish whatever task he wants to. No mater the security placed in front of him. Wondrous things can happen with this ability (GM discretion of course).

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Elite Trooper

Requirements: In order to become an Elite Trooper, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 6D
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Stamina (3)
Special: must belong to an organization with a military or paramilitary division. Examples include the Rebel Alliance, the Trade Federation, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.
Base Attribute: Strength 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to an Elite Trooper to increase are:
Armor Weapons, Blaster, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Computer Programming/Repair, Demolitions, Dodge, First Aid, Grenade, Hide, Intimidation, Melee Combat, Planetary Systems, Powersuit Operation, Search, Sneak, (A)Sniper, (A)Speed Drawing, Tactics, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Ranged Weapon Focus +1D
2 Melee Weapon Focus +1D
3 Uncanny Dodge
4 Leadership
5 Weapon Specialization
6 Ranged Weapon Focus +2D
7 Melee Weapon Focus +2D
8 Uncanny Dodge +1D
9 Deadly Strike
10 Turning the Tide

Ranged Weapon Focus: Starting at 1st level, the elite trooper chooses any one ranged weapon as their weapon focus. Whenever she uses this weapon in combat, she adds a +1D bonus to all attack rolls. At 6th level, this bonus increases to +2D.
Melee Weapon Focus: Starting at 2nd level, the elite trooper may choose any one melee weapon as their weapon focus. Whenever she uses this weapon in combat, she adds a +1D bonus to all attack rolls. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +2D.
Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 3rd level, the elite trooper gains the ability to react to danger before she would normally be aware of it. This allows her to make Dodge skill rolls to avoid unseen attacks and ambushes. At 8th level, the elite trooper gains a +1D bonus to all Dodge skill rolls.
Leadership: When using his Command skill to combine the actions of his subordinates (for more information, see the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition - Revised and Expanded, pages 82-83), the Elite Trooper's combined action bonus is doubled to +2D per every three characters combining, instead of +1D.
Weapon Specialization: At 5th level, an elite trooper may choose a specific weapon. Any time the elite trooper makes a successful attack with her weapon focus, she adds +1D to her damage rolls. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, this damage bonus only applies to attacks within 10 meters.
Deadly Strike: At 9th level, the elite trooper can attempt to execute a deadly strike with any weapon he wields. Making a deadly strike is the only action the elite trooper is allowed to take in the round in which he attempts it (including defensive rolls). He rolls to hit as normal, but with a +1D+1 bonus to his attack roll. If the attack hits and is not avoided by the target, it inflicts maximum damage.
Turning the Tide: This is similar to Leadership, except that the bonus is +4D.

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Freighter Captain

Requirements: In order to become a Freighter Captain, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 4D
Skills (ASV): Space Transports (3), Repulsorlift Ops. (3)
Base Attribute: Mechanical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Freighter Captain to increase are:
Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops., Planetary Systems, Search, Sensors, Space Transports, Space Transports Repair, Starship Shields, Starship Gunnery, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 10
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 10 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Space Transport Defense
2 Starship Focus
3 Familiarity +1D
4 Space Transport Evasion
5 One in a Million, Familiarity +2D

Space Transport Defense: Starting at 1st level, Freighter Captain gains a bonus equal to her Freighter Captain level in pips to all Space Transports skill rolls made to dodge incoming attacks.
Starship Focus: At 2nd level, a Freighter Captain gains a bonus on all Space Transports skill rolls. This bonus equals +1 pip for each level she has in the Freighter Captain Prestige class.
Familiarity: At 3rd level, a Freighter Captain gains a +1D bonus to all Space Transports and Space Transports Repair skill checks when used on a Space Transports type that she designates as familiar. This same bonus is applied to the Freighter Captain's Starship Gunnery skill rolls when piloting the specified fighter craft. At 5th level, this bonus increases to +2D. The Freighter Captain must have operated the specified space transports for at least 3 months, and she can only be familiar with one ship at a time, even if she has levels in another prestige class that grants this ability.
Space Transport Evasion: At 4th level, a Freighter Captain may attempt a Space Transports skill roll to lessen the damage dealt by a successful hit against the Starfighter-scale vehicle she is piloting. The difficulty of her Space Transports skill roll is equal to the total of the attack roll that hit her ship. If successful, the damage from that attack is reduced by half before it is applied against her ship's Hull rating. A Freighter Captain can attempt a single Starfighter Evasion check once per round.
One in a Million: Once per day, a 5th level Freighter Captain may re-roll any failed attack roll made with his or her starship's weapons with an additional +2D. The second result must be used, regardless of the effect.

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Lore Master

Requirements: In order to become a Lore Master, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Persuasion (3), Alien Species (3), Planetary Systems (3), Scholar (3), Willpower (3)
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Perception 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Lore Master to increase are:
Alien Species, Art, Cultures, Ecology, Intimidation, Languages, (A) Linguistics, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Break Through
2 Skill Bonus
3 Resource Contact
4 Skill Bonus
5 Resource Contact
6 Skill Bonus
7 Shadow Port Contact
8 Skill Bonus
9 Unlimited Resource Contact
10 The Greatest Story Ever Told

Break Through: Whenever a Lore Master uses any of the following skills: Alien Species, Art, Cultures, Ecology, Languages, Scholar, Value; he can make a Moderate (15) base Knowledge roll to gain a bonus for the skill he is trying to use. The bonus is equal to the Lore Master's level.
Skill Bonus: At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, the Lore Master gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Alien Species, Art, Cultures, Ecology, Intimidation, Languages, (A) Linguistics, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Resource Contact: Starting at 3rd level, a Lore Master can call in favors from a special contact. The contact must be generated by the GM, with the Lore Master's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. The maximum value of supplies or resources available through this contact is equal to the Lore Master's class level x the number of dice he has in his Knowledge score (dropping pips) x 100,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level Lore Master with a Knowledge score of 3D+2 could have up to 900,000 credits worth of supplies or resources available (3 x 3 x 100,000). These supplies or resources can include weapons, vehicles, repair costs or any other equipment. This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the Lore Master at any given time. Although no specific time limits are assigned, the Lore Master should still attempt to return any and all equipment borrowed within a reasonable amount of time. If any amount of borrowed equipment that is lost or destroyed, its value is counted as a permanent penalty to the Lore Master's maximum value; unless it is replaced. Though the contact will not accompany the Lore Master on adventures, he will provide information, supplies or resources and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Lore Master. A Lore Master cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Note: The Resource does not provide the development of contacts or prototypes of any kind. Standard and New Items gear and other tangible assets are allowed. No actual credits will be provided. Items may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.
Shadow Port Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 3rd level; except this contact is located in a Shadow Port and the Lore Master must go there to utilize this contact. The resources gained are available within 1D hours.
Unlimited Resource Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 3rd level, except the value of the resources gained equal the Lore Master's level x the number of dice he has in his Knowledge score (dropping pips) x 1,000,000. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours. Note that the chosen resources don't have to be reasonably available (this includes any black market, illegal or even shadow port resources) when and where he chooses to make the check.
The Greatest Story Ever Told: This is the epitome of the Lore Master's skills. Once per adventure the Lore Master can so effectively captivate a person or group of people in his communication with them that he can accomplish whatever task he wants to (i.e., convince them to surrender, join his cause, make him owner of the planet, etc…). Wondrous things can happen with this ability (GM discretion of course).

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Martial Arts Master

Requirements: In order to become a Martial Arts Master, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Acrobatics (3), Blind Fighting (3), Willpower (3)
Special: must have (A) Martial Arts 2D (base skill or any two specialties equaling 2D)
Base Attribute: Dexterity 3D, Strength 3D, Knowledge 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Martial Arts Master to increase are:
Acrobatics, Blind Fighting, Contortion, Dodge, Melee Combat, Pick Pocket, Running, Thrown Weapons, Hide, Persuasion, Sneak, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Stamina, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Scholar, Tactics, First Aid, Technology, (A) Martial Arts, (AS) Martial Arts: Hapan, (AS) Martial Arts: Classic Echani [requires background explanation], (AS) Martial Arts: Jala'ishi, (AS) Martial Arts: K'tara, (AS) Martial Arts: K'thri, (AS) Martial Arts: Republic Senate Guard, (AS) Martial Arts: Dajitte, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Exceptional Resources
2 Skill Bonus
3 Skill Bonus
4 Skill Bonus
5 Skill Bonus
6 Skill Bonus
7 Skill Bonus
8 Skill Bonus
9 Skill Bonus
10 The Golden Dragon

Exceptional Resources: A Martial Arts Master has access to a multitude of resources. Once per day, the Martial Arts Master can make a Knowledge check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Martial Arts Master's level x the total of his Knowledge rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 4th level Martial Arts Master who rolls an 11 on his Knowledge check would gain 44,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 1,000 = 44,000). These resources can take any form the Martial Arts Master chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours.
Note: The Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional (New Items from the site) gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.
Skill Bonus: At 2nd, through 9th levels, the Martial Arts Master gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills (due to his intense studies and physical training): Acrobatics, Blind Fighting, Contortion, Dodge, Melee Combat, Pick Pocket, Running, Thrown Weapons, Hide, Persuasion, Sneak, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Stamina, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Scholar, Tactics, First Aid, Technology, (A) Martial Arts, (AS) Martial Arts: Hapan, (AS) Martial Arts: Echani, (AS) Martial Arts: Jala'ishi, (AS) Martial Arts: K'tara, (AS) Martial Arts: K'thri, (AS) Martial Arts: Republic Senate Guard, (AS) Martial Arts: Dajitte, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
The Golden Dragon: This is the peak of all Martial Arts skills, and can be extremely lethal as there is no known defense for this attack. Whenever the Martial Arts Master wishes to use this skill he must spend 1 force point, 10 character points, and then make a base to hit roll (using whatever unarmed combat skill applies). There is no opposed roll. The scale of the opponent is immaterial, and the opponent cannot spend any character points to assist in their opposed Strength rolls (they can spend a force point to stay alive after the results of the attack are determined however). The Martial Arts Master gets +2D to hit and damage using this attack and it lasts for 1 full round; after which the Martial Arts Master is exhausted and must rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute (GM's discretion). Normal rules apply for force point spending (except nothing is doubled). This attack can either be lethal or non-lethal damage and must be stated before the attack happens (normal rules for dark side points are in effect).

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Master Con-Artist

Requirements: In order to become a Master Con-Artist, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Computer Operations (3), Computer Programming/Repair (3), Languages (3), Technology (3)
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Mechanical 3D, Technical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Master Con-Artist to increase are:
Dance, Dodge, Pick Pocket, Running, Bargain, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Persuasion, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, Planetary Systems, Scholar, Streetwise, Survival, Value, Encryption, (A) Magician, (A) Speed Drawing, Technology, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:
PrC Level Special Ability
1 Exceptional Resources
2 Resource Contact
3 Skill Bonus
4 Resource Contact
5 Skill Bonus
6 Shadow Port Contact
7 Skill Bonus
8 Resource Contact
9 Skill Bonus
10 Are you for Real

Exceptional Resources: A Master Con-Artist has access to a multitude of resources. Once per day, the Master Con-Artist can make a Knowledge check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Master Con-Artist's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 4th level Master Con-Artist who rolls an 11 on his Perception check would gain 44,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 1,000 = 44,000). These resources can take any form the Master Con-Artist chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours.
Note: The Exceptional Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional gear (New Items from the site), depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.
Resource Contact: Starting at 2nd level, a Master Con-Artist can call in favors from a special contact. The contact must be generated by the GM, with the Master Con-Artist's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. The maximum value of supplies or resources available through this contact is equal to the Master Con-Artist's class level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 100,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level Master Con-Artist with a Perception score of 3D+2 could have up to 900,000 credits worth of supplies or resources available (3 x 3 x 100,000). These supplies or resources can include weapons, vehicles, repair costs or any other equipment. This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the Master Con-Artist at any given time. Although no specific time limits are assigned, the Master Con-Artist should still attempt to return any and all equipment borrowed within a reasonable amount of time. If any amount of borrowed equipment that is lost or destroyed, its value is counted as a permanent penalty to the Master Con-Artist's maximum value; unless it is replaced. Though the contact will not accompany the Master Con-Artist on adventures, he will provide information, supplies or resources and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Master Con-Artist. A Master Con-Artist can call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Skill Bonus: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels, the Master Con-Artist gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Dance, Dodge, Pick Pocket, Running, Bargain, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Persuasion, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, Planetary Systems, Scholar, Streetwise, Survival, Value, Encryption, (A) Magician, (A) Speed Drawing, Technology, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Shadow Port Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 2nd level; except this contact is located in a Shadow Port and the Master Con-Artist must go there to utilize this contact. The resources gained are available within 1D hours.
Are you For Real: This is the epitome of the Master Con-Artist's skills. Once per adventure the Master Con-Artist can so effectively captivate a person or group of people with a con that he can accomplish whatever task he wants to (i.e., convince them to surrender, join his cause, make him owner of the planet, etc…). Wondrous things can happen with this ability (GM discretion of course). Of course when the victims of the Master Con-Artist's plan learn the truth…well, lets just say things generally get very ugly, and the Master Con-Artist is hopefully already out of the system.

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Master Duelist

Requirements: In order to become a Master Duelist, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Stamina (3), Willpower (3)
Base Attribute: Dexterity 3D, Strength 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Master Duelist to increase are:
Acrobatics, Blaster, Blind Fighting, Dodge, Melee Combat, Running, Thrown Weapons, Persuasion, Search, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Stamina, Intimidation, Languages, Tactics, First Aid, Technology, (A) Speed Drawing, (A) Martial Arts, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Range Weapon Focus +1D
2 Melee Weapon Focus +1D
3 Skill Bonus, Inspire Fear -1D
4 Contact
5 Exceptional Resources
6 Skill Bonus, Inspire Fear -2D
7 Range Weapon Focus +2D
8 Melee Weapon Focus +2D
9 Skill Bonus, Inspire Fear -3D
10 Deadly Strike

Ranged Weapon Focus: Starting at 1st level, the Master Duelist may choose any one ranged weapon as their weapon focus. Whenever she uses this weapon in combat, she adds a +1D bonus to all attack rolls. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +2D.
Melee Weapon Focus: Starting at 2nd level, the Master Duelist may choose any one melee weapon as their weapon focus. Whenever she uses this weapon in combat, she adds a +1D bonus to all attack rolls. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +2D.
Skill Bonus: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, the Master Duelist gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Blaster, Blind Fighting, Dodge, Melee Combat, Thrown Weapons, Search, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Stamina, Intimidation, Tactics, (A) Martial Arts, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Inspire Fear: Starting at 3rd level, an Master Duelist's reputation reaches such a point that anyone wishing to take direct action against him is subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to -1D at 3rd level, -2D 6th level and -3D at 9th level. This penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (including attack rolls) made against the Master Duelist by other characters.
Contact: Each time a Master Duelist gains a contact, the GM should develop an NPC to represent him, with the Master Duelist's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. Though the contact will not accompany the Master Duelist on adventures, he will provide information, and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Master Duelist. A Master Duelist cannot call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Exceptional Resources: A Master Duelist has access to a multitude of resources from all the duels he has won. Once per day, the Master Duelist can make a Knowledge check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Master Duelist's level x the total of his Knowledge rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 5th level Master Duelist who rolls an 11 on his Knowledge check would gain 55,000 credits' worth of resources (5 x 11 x 1,000 = 55,000). These resources can take any form the Master Duelist chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours.
Note: The Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional (New Items from the site) gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.
Deadly Strike: At 10th level, the Master Duelist can attempt to execute a deadly strike with any weapon he wields. Making a deadly strike is the only action the Master Duelist is allowed to take in the round in which he attempts it (excluding defensive rolls). He rolls to hit as normal, but with a +1D+1 bonus to his attack roll. If the attack hits and is not avoided by the target, it inflicts maximum damage.

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Master Thief

Requirements: In order to become a Master Thief, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Computer Operations (3), Computer Programming/Repair (3), Languages (3), Technology (3)
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Technical 3D, Mechanical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Master Thief to increase are:
Communications, Computer Operations, Computer Programming/Repair, Droid Programming, Droid Repair, Encryption, Filing Systems, Forgery, Languages, Search, Security, Sensors, Technology, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Exceptional Resources
2 Resource Contact
3 Skill Bonus
4 Resource Contact
5 Skill Bonus
6 Shadow Port Contact
7 Skill Bonus
8 Resource Contact
9 Skill Bonus
10 The Big Score

Exceptional Resources: A Master Thief has access to a multitude of resources. Once per day, the Master Thief can make a Knowledge check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Master Thief's level x the total of his Perception rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 4th level Master Thief who rolls an 11 on his Perception check would gain 44,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 1,000 = 44,000). These resources can take any form the Master Thief chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours.
Note: The Unlimited Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional (New Items from the site) gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.
Resource Contact: Starting at 2nd level, a Master Thief can call in favors from a special contact. The contact must be generated by the GM, with the Master Thief's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. The maximum value of supplies or resources available through this contact is equal to the Master Thief's class level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 100,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level Master Con-Artist with a Perception score of 3D+2 could have up to 900,000 credits worth of supplies or resources available (3 x 3 x 100,000). These supplies or resources can include weapons, vehicles, repair costs or any other equipment. This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the Master Thief at any given time. Although no specific time limits are assigned, the Master Thief should still attempt to return any and all equipment borrowed within a reasonable amount of time. If any amount of borrowed equipment that is lost or destroyed, its value is counted as a permanent penalty to the Master Thief's maximum value; unless it is replaced. Though the contact will not accompany the Master Thief on adventures, he will provide information, supplies or resources and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Master Thief. A Master Thief can call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Skill Bonus: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels, the Master Thief gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Dance, Dodge, Pick Pocket, Running, Bargain, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Persuasion, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, Planetary Systems, Scholar, Sensors, Streetwise, Survival, Value, Encryption, (A) Magician, (A) Speed Drawing, Technology, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Shadow Port Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 2nd level; except this contact is located in a Shadow Port and the Master Thief must go there to utilize this contact. The resources gained are available within 1D hours.
The Big Score: This is what the Master Thief lives for, a big job worth millions if not billions of credits! Once per adventure, the Master Thief having done all of his homework on his next heist, gains a +3D to all of his class skills while on the heist only (not the entire adventure). The job must be arranged prior to undertaking the adventure (arranged with the GM as a side mission/adventure); giving the Master Thief the time to fully analyze all aspects of the up-coming big job. Of course when the victims of the Master Thief's big job find out they have been robbed…well, lets just say things can generally get very ugly (if they find out his identity), and the Master Thief is hopefully already out of the system. GM Note: the higher the loot, the higher the chance that the victim will find the Master Thief.

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Requirements: In order to become an Officer, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Command (3), Willpower (3)
Special: Must belong to an organization with a military or paramilitary division. Examples include the Rebel Alliance, the Trade Federation, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to an Officer to increase are:
Command, Computer Programming/Repair, Con, Intimidation, Investigation, Languages, Persuasion, Scholar (any), Tactics, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Leadership
2 Resource Contact
3 Requisition Supplies
4 Skill Bonus
5 Tactics
6 Resource Contact
7 Uncanny Survival
8 Skill Bonus
9 Improved Tactics
10 Shadow Port Contact

Leadership: When using his Command skill to combine the actions of his subordinates (for more information, see the Star Wars Role playing Game, 2nd Edition - Revised and Expanded, pages 82-83), the officer's combined action bonus is doubled to +2D per every three characters combining, instead of +1D.
Resource Contact: Starting at 2nd level, the Officer can call in favors from a special contact. The contact must be generated by the GM, with the Officer's player suggesting what sort of contact he would like to have. The maximum value of supplies or resources available through this contact is equal to the Officer's class level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 100,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level Officer with a Perception score of 3D+2 could have up to 900,000 credits worth of supplies or resources available (3 x 3 x 100,000). These supplies or resources can include weapons, vehicles, repair costs or any other equipment. This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the Officer at any given time. Although no specific time limits are assigned, the Officer should still attempt to return any and all equipment borrowed within a reasonable amount of time. If any amount of borrowed equipment that is lost or destroyed, its value is counted as a permanent penalty to the Officer's maximum value; unless it is replaced. Though the contact might accompany the Officer on adventures (GM's Discretion), he will provide information, supplies or resources and expert skills. The more powerful the contact, the less time he will have to spare the Officer. An Officer can call upon the same contact more than once per adventure.
Requisition Supplies: At 3rd level, an officer can requisition supplies for individual missions/ adventures. The maximum value of the assigned supplies is equal to the officer's class level x the number of dice he has in his Perception score (dropping pips) x 1,000 credits. For example, a 3rd level officer with a Perception score of 3D+2 could have up to 9,000 credits worth of supplies (3 x 3 x 1,000). These supplies can include weapons, vehicles, or any other equipment. This total is the maximum value of supplies available to the officer at any given time.
Skill Bonus: At 4th and 8th levels, the officer gains a +1D skill bonus to one of the following skills: Command, Computer Programming/Repair, Con, Intimidation, Investigation, Languages, Persuasion, Scholar (any), Tactics, and Willpower.
Tactics: Starting at 5th level, an officer can use his tactical expertise to direct his allies during a battle. By taking an action to do so, the officer can grant any one ally (not including himself) within range (see below) a bonus to either attack skill rolls or Defense skill rolls. The supplied bonus is a number of pips equal to the Officer's level. The bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to 1D plus the number of dice in the officer's Perception rating. The officer can also grant the same bonus to a number of allies equal to the number of dice in his Command skill rating (including himself), but he can do nothing else in the round that he activates this ability. In this case, the bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to the number of dice in the officer's Perception rating.
Uncanny Survival: Starting at 7th level, an officer can add a number of pips equal to his officer level to all defensive rolls (i.e., Brawling Parry, Dodge, Melee Parry, etc.) for a single round. This ability can only be used once per day, and he must declare he is doing it at the beginning of his turn.
Improved Tactics: At 9th level, the officer takes less time to direct his allies when using his Tactics ability. Providing a skill bonus to a single ally does not take an action, while providing the same bonus to his allies' only counts as a single action instead of taking an entire round.
Shadow Port Contact: This is similar to Resource Contact from 2nd level; except this contact is located in a Shadow Port and the Officer must go there to utilize this contact. The resources gained are available within 1D hours.

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Professional Gambler

Requirements: In order to become a Professional Gambler, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills (ASV): Computer Operations (3), Computer Programming/Repair (3), Languages (3), Technology (3)
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Perception 3D, Mechanical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Professional Gambler to increase are:
Pick Pocket, Running, Bargain, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Persuasion, Intimidation, Cultures, Alien Species, Communications, Computer Operations, Computer Programming/Repair, Droid Programming, Encryption, Languages, Search, Security, Sensors, Streetwise, Value, Technology, (A) Magician, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 4
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 4 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Exceptional Resources
2 Inspire Doubt -1D
3 Skill Bonus
4 Inspire Doubt -2D
5 Skill Bonus
6 Transport
7 Skill Bonus
8 Inspire doubt -3D
9 Skill Bonus
10 The Big Game

Exceptional Resources: A Professional Gambler has access to a multitude of resources (from all of his winnings). Once per day, the Professional Gambler can make a Knowledge check to use these resources. The value of the resources gained equal the Professional Gambler's level x the total of his Knowledge rolls x 1,000. Thus, a 4th level Professional Gambler who rolls an 11 on his Knowledge check would gain 44,000 credits' worth of resources (4 x 11 x 1,000 = 44,000). These resources can take any form the Professional Gambler chooses (with the GM's permission) and are his to do with as he wishes. The resources gained arrive within 1D hours.
Note: The Exceptional Resources do not provide the development of contacts. Prototypes, information and credits are valid requests. However, information and exceptional (New Items from the site) gear, depending on what is requested, may or may not be available at the time the resources are delivered.
Inspire doubt: Starting at 2nd level, a Professional Gambler's reputation reaches such a point that anyone wishing to gamble directly against him or even call his bluff, is subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to -1D at 2nd level, -2D at 4th level and -3D at 8th level. This penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (and can include attack rolls) made against the Professional Gambler by other characters.
Skill Bonus: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels, the Professional Gambler gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Pick Pocket, Running, Bargain, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Persuasion, Intimidation, Cultures, Alien Species, Communications, Computer Operations, Computer Programming/Repair, Droid Programming, Encryption, Languages, Search, Security, Sensors, Streetwise, Value, Technology, (A) Magician, and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Transport: At 6th level the Professional Gambler wins a transport in a game of chance. The type, age and general description of the vessel is up to the GM (as well as all of the goodies on the inside).
The Big Game: This is what the Professional Gambler lives for, playing in a high stakes game of chance. Once per month Professional Gambler is invited to participate in a high stakes game and the out come is completely up for role-playing the game out. This of course could turn out to be the start of an adventure, or just some fun between players. But remember this is supposed to be HIGH STAKES, and the GM just might increase them. The thrill of the game and winning all those credits...

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Requirements: In order to become a shockboxer, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Intimidation (2)
Special: A character wishing to apprentice as a shockboxer must find a mentor who is willing to teach him. Once accepted as an apprentice, a shockboxer must affiliate himself with his mentor's guild or league and swear to uphold the Six Principles.
Base Attribute: Strength 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a shockboxer to increase are:
Brawling Parry, Climbing/Jumping, Con, Dodge, Intimidation, Scholar (any), Search, and Survival.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Stun Resistance +1
2 Improved Blocking
3 Skill Bonus
4 Stun Resistance +2
5 Blinding Strike
6 Skill Bonus
7 Stun Resistance +1D
8 Critical Strike
9 Skill Bonus
10 Stun Resistance +1D+1

Stun Resistance: Constant exposure to stunning attacks hardens a trained shockboxer against them. At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th levels, the shockboxer gains a cumulative +1 pip bonus to Strength rolls made to resist stunning attacks from shockboxing gloves. This bonus also applies to Strength rolls made to resist stunning weapons, such as blaster set on stun, stun batons, force pikes, etc. This bonus also counts towards the number of "Stunned" damage rounds that a shockboxer can resist.
Improved Blocking: At 2nd level, the shockboxer is able to deflect blows using his gloves, inflicting damage upon unarmed attackers. This adds a +2 pip bonus to the shockboxer's Brawling Parry and Melee Parry skill rolls, and the shockboxer may parry lightsabers. If an unarmed attacker misses the shockboxer due to a parry, the attacker takes damage as if struck by the shockboxer's gloves.
Skill Bonus: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, a shockboxer gains a +1D bonus to one of the following skills: Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Con, Dodge, Intimidation, Melee Combat, Running, Search, Stamina, Survival, Technology and Willpower.
Inspire Fear: Starting at 3rd level, a Shockboxer's reputation reaches such a point that anyone wishing to take direct action against him is subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to -1D at 3rd level, -2D 6th level and -3D at 9th level. This penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (including attack rolls) made against the Shockboxer by other characters.
Blinding Strike: At 5th level, a shockboxer can attempt to temporarily blind and daze opponents; using the energy field from his gloves in a grazing attack to their eyes (or other visual organs). The shockboxer must declare his intention to blind his target and make a single attack to do so, suffering a -2D penalty to his to-hit roll. If successful, the shockboxer's opponent takes half damage from the strike, and must succeed at a very Difficult Dexterity check in order to avoid being blinded for a number of rounds equal to the shockboxer's class level. This attack has no effect on creatures or aliens that have no eyes, and protective eyewear or helmets may grant some degree of protection at the GM's discretion.
Critical Strike: At 8th level, a shockboxer's ability to inflict debilitating injuries increases. If the shockboxer's Wild Die results in a "6" on a shockboxing attack roll, any damage inflicted upon the target due to the strike is doubled.

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Starfighter Ace

Requirements: In order to become a Starfighter Ace, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 4D
Skills (ASV): Starship Pilot (3), Repulsorlift Ops. (3)
Special: must belong to an organization with a military or paramilitary division. Examples include the Rebel Alliance, the Trade Federation, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic.
Base Attribute: Mechanical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Starfighter Ace to increase are:
Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops., Tactics, Search, Sensors, Starfighter Piloting, Starfighter Repair, Starship Shields, and Starship Gunnery.

Skill Number: 10
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 10 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Starfighter Defense
2 Starship Focus
3 Familiarity +1D
4 Starfighter Evasion
5 One in a Million, Familiarity +2D

Starfighter Defense: Starting at 1st level, Starfighter ace gains a bonus equal to her Starfighter ace level in pips to all Starfighter Piloting skill rolls made to dodge incoming attacks.
Starship Focus: At 2nd level, a Starfighter ace gains a bonus on all Starfighter Piloting skill rolls. This bonus equals +1 pip for each level she has in the Starfighter ace prestige class.
Familiarity: At 3rd level, a Starfighter ace gains a +1D bonus to all Starfighter Piloting and Starfighter Repair skill checks when used on a starfighter type that she designates as familiar. This same bonus is applied to the Starfighter ace's Starship Gunnery skill rolls when piloting the specified fighter craft. At 5th level, this bonus increases to +2D. The Starfighter ace must have operated the specified starfighter for at least 3 months, and she can only be familiar with one ship at a time, even if she has levels in another prestige class that grants this ability.
Starfighter Evasion: At 4th level, a Starfighter ace may attempt a Starfighter Piloting skill roll to lessen the damage dealt by a successful hit against the starfighter-class vehicle she is piloting. The difficulty of her Starfighter Piloting skill roll is equal to the total of the attack roll that hit her ship. If successful, the damage from that attack is reduced by half before it is applied against her ship's Hull rating. A Starfighter ace can attempt a single Starfighter Evasion check once per round.
One in a Million: Once per day, a 5th level Starfighter ace may re-roll any failed attack roll make with her starship's weapons with an additional +2D. The second result must be used, regardless of the effect.

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