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Dark Jedi
Sith Acolyte
Sith Assassin
Sith Lord
Sith Marauder
Sith Pilot

Note: All Dark Side Prestige Classes require an extensive background and GM approval.

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Dark Jedi

Requirements: In order to become a Dark Jedi, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Control, Sense, Alter (all 5D)
Special: Force-Sensitive, must be a Jedi, must have at least 6 DSP
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Perception 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Dark Jedi to increase are:
Lightsaber, Climbing/Jumping, Computer Programming/Repair, Dodge, First Aid, Hide, Intimidation, Planetary Systems, Search, Sneak, (A) Speed Drawing, Scholar, Tactics, Technology and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Danger Sense, Skill Bonus
2 Increase Lightsaber Damage +1D, Skill Bonus
3 Force Camouflage, Skill Bonus
4 Increase Lightsaber Damage +2D, Skill Bonus
5 Subtle camouflage, Skill Bonus

Danger Sense: The Dark Jedi gains an insight bonus on checks to avoid being surprised; this is in addition to his Sense skills and normal perception checks. This bonus is equal to the Dark Jedi 's class level.
Skill Bonus: The Dark Jedi gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Lightsaber, Climbing/Jumping, Computer Programming/Repair, Dodge, First Aid, Hide, Intimidation, Planetary Systems, Search, Sneak, (A) Speed Drawing, Scholar, Tactics, Technology and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Increase Lightsaber Damage: A Dark Jedi's ability to deal damage with a lightsaber improves as he gains levels. At 2nd level, the Dark Jedi's lightsaber damage increases by +1D6. At 4th level it increases to +2D. This added damage is cumulative with increased lightsaber damage from other Jedi prestige classes, and is also cumulative with increased damage from any Sith Prestige classes.
Force Camouflage: At 3rd level, the Dark Jedi learns a special technique to hide himself using the Force. He becomes a pale shadow and easily blends into his surroundings.
While Force camouflage is activated, the Dark Jedi gains a +10 Force bonus on Hide checks. If a character succeeds in his Spot check against the Dark Jedi's Hide check, the spotter detects the Dark Jedi and can target him normally. However, any attack directed at the camouflaged Dark Jedi has a 20% chance to miss due to concealment.
A Dark Jedi can't maintain Force camouflage while using other Force skills or engaging in distracting activity.
Subtle camouflage: At 5th level, a Dark Jedi is able to hide himself from the physical reality at the same time as masking his presence from other Force-users. This combination also allows the Dark Jedi to remain hidden from a Force-user using the Sense Surroundings technique.

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Sith Acolyte

Requirements: In order to become a Sith Acolyte, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Control, Sense, Alter (all 5D)
Special: Force-Sensitive, must have Sith teachings, must have at least 3 DSP.
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Sith Acolyte to increase are:
Alien Species, Bureaucracy, Command, Con, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, (A) Linguistics, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, First Aid, (A) Medicine, Technology and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Wound, Skill Bonus
2 Increase Damage +1D, Skill Bonus
3 Aura of Fear, Skill Bonus
4 The Will of the Dark Side, Skill Bonus
5 Slay, Skill Bonus

Wound: The Sith Acolyte can shoot pure dark side energy from his hands dealing damage to all those with in 10 meters of him; at the same time healing himself. The Sith Acolyte must make a Difficult Alter check +1 per opponent beyond the first. If successful, the opponent(s) must make a Control or STR roll Vs. the Alter roll from the Sith Acolyte. If the Sith Acolyte's roll is higher (per opponent), then the opponent(s) are immediately at -1D wound status and the Sith Acolyte is healed by one level (the more opponents who fail, the more healing is received but not more than his maximum). Body armor or shielding does not help.
Skill Bonus: The Sith Acolyte gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Alien Species, Bureaucracy, Command, Con, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, (A) Linguistics, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, First Aid, (A) Medicine, Technology and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Increase Damage: A Sith Acolyte's ability to deal damage with a lightsaber or Sith Sword improves as he gains levels; at 2nd level, the Sith Acolyte's damage increases by +1D6, only with these weapons. This added damage is cumulative with increased damage from other Sith classes.
Aura of Fear: At 3rd level, a Sith Acolyte can project an Aura of fear for up to 10 meters around him. Everything is affected, except droids. The Sith Acolyte must make a Very Difficult Sense check. If successful, anyone in the affected area must make a Control or Willpower roll Vs. the Sense roll for the Sith Acolyte. If the Sith Acolyte's roll is higher, then anyone affected will suffer a -2D penalty from all actions, skill rolls, attribute rolls (including attack rolls); whether made against the Sith Acolyte or not.
The Will of the Dark Side: At 4th level the Sith Acolyte becomes more aware of the will of the dark side, and as such gains +2D to all Sense rolls.
Slay: This is similar to the 1st level Wound ability, except that the opponents are at -2D wound status and must make a Very Difficult Stamina check or be at -3D Wound status. For every opponent killed in this fashion, the Sith Acolyte receives 1 DSP.

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Sith Assassin

Requirements: In order to become a Sith Assassin, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Control, Sense, Alter (all 5D)
Special: Force-Sensitive, must have Sith teachings, must have at least 3 DSP
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Dexterity 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Sith Assassin to increase are:
Lightsaber, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Computer Programming/Repair, Dodge, First Aid, Hide, Intimidation, (As) Martial Arts: Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris, (As) Martial Arts: Sith Lightsaber Kelterek'dul, Melee Combat, Planetary Systems, Search, Sneak, (A) Speed Drawing, Scholar, Tactics, Technology and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Light Side Sense, Skill Bonus
2 Increase Damage +1D, Skill Bonus
3 Target Bonus +2D, Skill Bonus
4 Increase Damage +2D, Skill Bonus
5 Stealth, Skill Bonus

Light Side Sense: Sith Assassin's are exceptionally talented at rooting out Jedi and objects tainted by the Light Side. The Sith Assassin may reroll any Force check made to sense the presence and relative location of Jedi or objects with a Light Side Score of 1 or higher. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
Skill Bonus: The Sith Assassin gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Lightsaber, Brawling Combat, Climbing/Jumping, Computer Programming/Repair, Dodge, First Aid, Hide, Intimidation, Melee Combat, Planetary Systems, Search, Sneak, (AS) Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris Martial Arts, (AS) Sith Lightsaber Kelterek'dul Martial Arts, (A) Speed Drawing, Scholar, Tactics, Technology and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Increase Damage: A Sith Assassin's ability to deal damage with a lightsaber or Sith Sword improves as he gains levels; at 2nd level, the Sith Assassin's damage increases by +1D, only with these weapons. At 4th level it increases to +2D. This added damage is cumulative with increased damage from other Sith classes.
Target Bonus: Because of intensive study of his target, a Sith Assassin gains a competence bonus on all rolls against Jedi or objects with a Light Side Score of 1 or higher.
Stealth: At 5th level, the Sith Assassin learns a special technique to hide himself using the Dark Side. He becomes a pale shadow, almost completely invisible and easily blends into his surroundings. While Stealth is activated, the Sith Assassin gains a +20 Force bonus on Hide checks. If a character succeeds in his Spot check against the Sith Assassin's Hide check, the spotter detects the Sith Assassin and can target him normally.
A Sith Assassin can't maintain Stealth while using other Force skills or engaging in distracting activity.

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Sith Lord

Requirements: In order to become a Sith Lord, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D), and have the Title of Darth or Sith Lord bestowed upon you by another Darth or Sith Lord. Or have 10D+ in Control, Sense and Alter.
Special: Force-Sensitive, must be a Sith or have Sith teachings, must also be one of the following: Sith Acolyte, Sith Assassin or Sith Marauder and have progressed at least 2 levels into the chosen class, and have at least 6 DSP.
Base Attribute: Knowledge 3D, Dexterity 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Sith Lord to increase are:
Lightsaber, Alien Species, Bureaucracy, Command, Con, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, (A) Linguistics, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, Tactics, Technology and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Resist the Light Side, Skill Bonus
2 Increase Damage +1D, Skill Bonus
3 Fear of Failure, Skill Bonus
4 Dark Side Boon, Skill Bonus
5 (A) Focus, Skill Bonus

Resist the Light Side: The Sith Lord gains a Force bonus of +5 to all Defense scores against Force powers that have the "light side" descriptor. The Sith Lord gain's the same bonus against Force powers that originate from any Jedi.
Skill Bonus: The Sith Lord gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Lightsaber, Alien Species, Bureaucracy, Command, Con, Cultures, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, (A) Linguistics, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Politics, Scholar, Value, Tactics, Technology and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Increase Damage: A Sith Lord's ability to deal damage with a lightsaber or Sith Sword improves as he gains levels; at 2nd level, the Sith Lord's damage increases by +1D6, only with these weapons. This added damage is cumulative with increased damage from other Sith classes.
Fear of Failure: When using his Command skill to combine the actions of his subordinates, who are more afraid of the Sith Lord's wrath than of the enemy. The Sith Lord's combined action bonus is quadrupled to +4D per every three characters combining, instead of +1D.
Dark Side Boon: A Sith Lord's extensive knowledge and great strength in the Dark Side grants him a +1D to Control, Sense and Alter.
(A) Focus: A Sith Lord's extensive knowledge and great strength in the Dark Side has reached the pinnacle of Sith knowledge granting him this advanced skill at 1D.

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Sith Marauder

Requirements: In order to become a Sith Marauder, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D), Lightsaber (7D) and have at least 3 lightsaber forms at 7D+
Special: Force-Sensitive, must have Sith teachings, must have at least 3 DSP.
Base Attribute: Dexterity 3D, Knowledge 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Sith Marauder to increase are:
Lightsaber, Climbing/Jumping, Dodge, Command, First Aid, Hide, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Search, Sneak, (A) Speed Drawing, Scholar, Tactics, Technology, (A) Martial Arts, (As) Martial Arts: Hapan, (As) Martial Arts: IRG Echani, (As) Martial Arts: Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris, (As) Martial Arts: Sith Lightsaber Kelterek'dul, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Increase Lightsaber Damage +1D, Skill Bonus
2 Weapon Specialization, Inspire Fear -1D
3 Increase Lightsaber Damage +2D, Skill Bonus
4 Deadly Strike, Inspire Fear -2D
5 Increase Lightsaber Damage +3D, Skill Bonus

Increase Lightsaber Damage: A Sith Marauder's ability to deal damage with a lightsaber or Sith sword improves as he gains levels: At 1st level, the Sith Marauder's damage increases by +1D6, at 3rd level it increases to +2D, at 5th level it increases to +3D; this damage bonus is only for Lightsaber or Sith Sword. This added damage is cumulative with increased damage from other Sith classes.
Skill Bonus: The Sith Marauder gains a +1D skill bonus to any one of the following skills: Lightsaber, Climbing/Jumping, Dodge, Command, First Aid, Hide, Intimidation, Languages, Law Enforcement, Planetary Systems, Persuasion, Search, Sneak, (A) Speed Drawing, Scholar, Tactics, Technology, (A) Martial Arts, (As) Martial Arts: Hapan, (As) Martial Arts: Echani, (As) Martial Arts: Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris, (As) Martial Arts: Sith Lightsaber Kelterek'dul and Willpower. This skill bonus is permanent.
Weapon Specialization: At 2nd level, a Sith Marauder may choose either Lightsaber or Sith sword to specialize in. Any time the Sith Marauder makes a successful attack with her weapon specialization, she adds +1D to her damage rolls.
Inspire Fear: Starting at 2nd level, a Sith Marauder's reputation reaches such a point that anyone wishing to take direct action against him is subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to -1D at 2nd level and -2D at 4th level. This penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (including attack rolls) made against the Sith Marauder by other characters.
Deadly Strike: At 4th level, the Sith Marauder can attempt to execute a deadly strike with any weapon he wields. Making a deadly strike is the only action the Sith Marauder is allowed to take in the round in which he attempts it (excluding defensive rolls). He rolls to hit as normal, but with a +1D+1 bonus to his attack roll. If the attack hits and is not avoided by the target, it inflicts maximum damage.

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Sith Pilot

Requirements: In order to become a Sith Pilot, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Total Attack Skills: 5D
Skills (ASV): Starship Pilot or Space Transports (3), Repulsorlift Ops. (3), Sensors (3)
Special: Force-Sensitive, Sense Force, must have Sith teachings and must have at least 3 DSP
Base Attribute: Mechanical 3D

Class Skills:
The skills available to a Sith Pilot to increase are:
Astrogation, Communications, Repulsorlift Ops., Scholar, Search, Sensors, Space Transports, Space Transports Repair, Starfighter Pilot, Starfighter Repair, Starship Shields, Starship Gunnery, Technology, and Willpower.

Skill Number: 6
You must increase any combination of your Class Skills by a total of 6 pips in order to advance in your Prestige Class. Pips increased in specializations of the above skills only count half of their amount towards your Skill Value. Every time you meet this skill number you may spend the Character Points equal to the level your character is advancing to, gaining the associated class benefit. You may only move one level deep in between adventures.

Class Special Abilities:

PrC Level Special Ability
1 Starfighter Defense
2 Starship Focus
3 Familiarity +1D
4 Starfighter Evasion
5 Trust the Force, Familiarity +2D

Starfighter Defense: Starting at 1st level, a Sith Pilot gains a bonus equal to her Sith Pilot level in pips to all Space Transports or Starfighter Piloting skill rolls made to dodge incoming attacks. NOTE: This ship does not have to be a starfighter; it can also be a light freighter that would fall under space transports skill
Starship Focus: At 2nd level, a Sith Pilot can activate her Sense Force power (Sense difficulty: Moderate) to gain a bonus on all Space Transports or Starfighter Piloting skill rolls. This bonus equals +1 pip for each level she has in the Sith Pilot prestige class.
Familiarity: At 3rd level, a Sith Pilot gains a +1D bonus to all Starfighter Piloting and Starfighter Repair skill checks when used on a starfighter type that she designates as familiar. This same bonus is applied to the Sith Pilot's Starship Gunnery skill rolls when piloting the specified fighter craft. At 5th level, this bonus increases to +2D. The Sith Pilot must have operated the specified starfighter for at least 3 months, and she can only be familiar with one ship at a time, even if she has levels in another prestige class that grants this ability. GM NOTE: This ship does not have to be a starfighter; it can also be a light freighter that would fall under space transports skill.
Starfighter Evasion: At 4th level, a Sith Pilot may attempt a Starfighter Piloting skill roll to lessen the damage dealt by a successful hit against the starfighter-class vehicle she is piloting. The difficulty of her Starfighter Piloting skill roll is equal to the total of the attack roll that hit her ship. If successful, the damage from that attack is reduced by half before it is applied against her ship's Hull rating. A Sith Pilot can attempt a single Starfighter Evasion check once per round. GM NOTE: This ship does not have to be a starfighter; it can also be a light freighter that would fall under space transports skill.
Trust the Force: Once per day, a 5th level Sith Pilot may re-roll any failed attack roll made with his starship's weapons with an additional +2D. The second result must be used, regardless of the effect. GM NOTE: This ship does not have to be a starfighter; it can also be a light freighter that would fall under space transports skill.

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