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Strength Encumbrance
Sample Equipment Weights
Grenade and Medpac Limits
Damaged Weapons
Blaster Mishap Table
Critical Injuries
Height Conversion Table
Weight Conversion Table

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Strength Maximum Carried Weight in Kilograms    Strength Maximum Carried Weight in Kilograms
1D 10    5D+1 60
1D+1 13    5D+2 65
1D+2 16    6D 70
2D 19    6D+1 80
2D+1 22    6D+2 90
2D+2 25    7D 110
3D 29    7D+1 130
3D+1 32    7D+2 150
3D+2 36    8D 170
4D 40    8D+1 190
Normal human maximum    8D+2 210
4D+1 45    9D 230
4D+2 50    9D+1 250
5D 55    9D+2 265

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Medical Equipment Weight (kg)
Bacta Tank 35
MedPac 1
Fastflesh MedPac 1.5
Explosives Weight (kg)
Grenade 1
Grenade Launcher 3
Thermal Detonator 1
Vehicle Mine 4
Melee Weapons Weight (kg)
Force Pike 4
Gaderffii 3
Hatchet/Vibroaxe 2
Knife/Bayonet .5
Lightsaber 1
Staff/club/spear 1
Vibroblade/vibrobayonet 1
Miscellaneous Weight (kg)
Ammo Bandolier .3
Breath Mask 1
Chronometer .1
Comlink .1
Glow Rod .1
Macrobinoculars 1
Pocket Computer 1
Rations(one week) .5
Recording Rod .1
Syntherope (15 meters) .1
Clothing: Usually weighs from 1-3 kg. Some items, such as spacesuits, may weigh around 10kg, sometimes more.
Tools: Usually weigh around one kilogram. Tool kits might go as high as seven kilograms.
Personal Armor Weight (kg)
Bounty Hunter (typical) 8
Protective Helmet 2
Stormtrooper Armor 9
Ranged Weapons Weight (kg)
Hold-out Blaster 1
Blaster Pistol 2
Stun Pistol 2
Sporting Blaster 2
Blaster Carbine 3
Heavy Blaster Pistol 3
Blaster Rifle 4
Wookie Bowcaster 4
Riot Gun 40
Light Repeating Blaster * 18
Medium Repeating Blaster * 34
Heavy Repeating Blaster * 45
* Only light repeating blasters can be held like an ordinary blaster and fired by one person (use blaster skill).

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GM Note: Each being of 3D Strength can carry at least 4 grenades and/or 4 medpacs. Higher Strength allows for additional grenades/medpacs, but only if the being carrying them is also larger, ie. a Houk or a Wookiee. The exception to this rule is a backpack, bandolier or other item designed to carry extra grenades/medpacs.
STR Range # of Grenades/Medpacs *
1D to 2D 3 grenades or 3 medpacs, or any combination to equal 3
2D+1 to 3D 4 grenades or 4 medpacs, or any combination to equal 4
3D+1 to 4D 5 grenades or 5 medpacs, or any combination to equal 5
4D+1 to 5D 7 grenades or 7 medpacs, or any combination to equal 7
5D+1 to 6D 9 grenades or 9 medpacs, or any combination to equal 9
6D+1 to 7D 11 grenades or 11 medpacs, or any combination to equal 11
7D+1 to 8D 13 grenades or 13 medpacs, or any combination to equal 13
8D+1 to 9D 15 grenades or 15 medpacs, or any combination to equal 15
* One FastFlesh Medpac takes up the space of two standard medpacs.
Beyond 9D Strength the amount of grenades/medpacs will not increase due to sheer size and bulk of those items.

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Weapons can suffer damage in combat, such as when a lightsaber slices through a blaster or vibroweapon, or a weapon gets dropped, or as a result of a "complication" that leads to a serious malfunction.
If a weapon is damaged, roll its body strength to resist damage. Most hand weapons - such as blaster pistols, vibro-axes, and so forth - have a body strength of 2D (regardless of how much damage they cause), but there are exceptions (see weapon for specifics).
Damage Roll >= Body
Strength Roll by
Weapon is
0-3 Not seriously damaged
4-8 Lightly damaged
9-12 Heavily damaged
13-15 Severely damaged
16+ Destroyed
Lightly damaged weapons lose -1D of their damage value.
Heavily damaged weapons lose -1D off their damage and add +10 to all difficulties to use in combat.
Severely damaged weapons cannot be used, but may be repaired.
Destroyed weapons may not be repaired.
Weapon repair procedures can be found here.
Note: Damage to ordinary objects can also be covered using this rule. Pick the object's body strength and compare the roll to the damage roll. Find the result on the chart above.

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Blaster fires normal unless a hangfire result is rolled (a 1 on a D6).
Results are only for the shot where the mishap was rolled for unless noted differently.
Minor Mishaps
Roll Result
1 Hangfire. Blaster doesn't fire.
2 Hangfire. Blaster doesn't fire until slapped hardly. (an action)
3 Blaster switched to stun setting by itself. (an action to switch back)
4 Slip. Blaster fires but increases range modifier one level for this round.
5 Wrong gas flow. Damage decreased by 1D.
6 Powerpack runs empty. Must be replaced.
Moderate Mishaps
Roll Result
1 The powerpack overloads and will blow up in 1D rounds. During this time the blaster hums lowly. 5D damage in 2m radius.
2 Hangfire. Blaster refuses to fire for 1D rounds.
3 Blaster switched to stun setting until repaired. (1 round, easy repair)
4 Heter-valve stopped up. Damage decreased 1D for 1D rounds.
5 Prismatic crystal housing disarrayed. -1D to hit for 1D rounds.
6 Air cooling vents stopped up. Cannot fire more then twice a round for 1D rounds or powerpack overload. (See Mod.1)
Catastrophic Mishaps
Roll Result
1 Heter-valve stopped up. Damage decreased 1D until repaired. (15 min, Moderate repair)
2 Hangfire. Galven ripple-wash. Shattered barrel. Damage from blaster to character instead of target.
3 Hangfire. Blaster refuses to fire until repaired (15 min, Moderate)
4 Gas refill valve opens. Gas escaped. Must be refilled to fire.
5 Prismatic crystal housing disarrayed. -1D to hit until repaired (15 min, Difficult)
6 Air cooling vents stopped up. Cannot fire more then twice a round until repaired (2 rounds, Easy), or power pack overload. (See Mod.1)

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When rolling for damage, a 6 on the Wild Die can be either re-rolled as normal or used as a Critical Injury. If the Wild Die is re-rolled and results in a 6 then the same choice can be made.

A Stunned Critical Injury lasts for the rest of the round and for the next round and can be healed by a medpack. Treat as normal.

A Wounded Critical Injury lasts until healed and can be healed by a medpack. Treat as one level higher for the difficulty to heal.

An Incapacitated Critical Injury lasts until healed and must be healed by Bacta Tank/Surgery. Treat as one level higher for the difficulty to heal.

A Mortally Wounded Injury lasts until healed and if it can must be healed by Bacta Tank/Surgery. Treat as two levels higher for the difficulty to heal.
Stunned characters suffer a penalty of -ID to skill and attribute rolls for the rest of the round and for the next round. A stun no longer penalizes a character after the second round, but it is still "affecting" him for half an hour unless the character rests for one minute.
If a character is being "affected" from a number of stuns equal to the number before the "D" for the character's Strength, the character is knocked unconscious for 2D minutes. A character making an Easy first aid total can revive an unconscious character.
Roll 1D
1 Slowed Down: Suffers an additional -1D to initiative rolls.
2-3 Sudden Jolt: Character must make a Moderate Strength roll or drop whatever they are holding.
4 Distracted: Character cannot perform any free actions.
5 Off Balance: Movement Rate is reduced by 2.
6 Stinger: Increase the difficulty of next action by one level.
Wounded characters fall prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers a penalty of -1D to skill and attribute rolls until he heals (through medpacs or natural rest). A character who is wounded a second time is wounded twice.

A character who's wounded twice falls prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers a penalty of -2D to all skill and attribute rolls until he is healed. A wounded twice character who is wounded again is incapacitated.
Wounded/Wounded Twice
Roll 2D
2-3 Head Ringer: Increases the difficulty of all Perception/Knowledge rolls made by this character by one level.
4-5 Fearsome Wound: Increases the difficulty of all STRENGTH rolls made by this character by one level.
6-7 Agonizing Wound: Increases the difficulty of all DEXTERITY rolls made by this character by one level.
8-9 Dazed: Character cannot perform multiple actions in a round.
10 Hamstring: Movement rate is halved.
11 Overpowered: Character defenses are overwhelmed. Attacker may attack again without a multiple action penalty.
12 Winded: Character is automatically the last to go in a round regardless of the initiative roll.
An incapacitated character falls prone and is knocked unconscious for 10D minutes. The character can't do anything until healed. An incapacitated character who is wounded or incapacitated again becomes mortally wounded.

A character making a Moderate first aid total can revive an incapacitated character. The incapacitated character is now awake, but is groggy, cannot use skills, and can only move at half his "cautious" rate (or 1/4 normal Move rate).
Roll 1D
1-2 Crippled: One of the character's limbs is crippled until healed or replaced. -3D to all actions using this limb.
3 Deafness: Difficulty for any auditory-based skill or attribute checks is increased by five difficulty levels. If medical treatment is not received before 2D Days has elapsed, the deafness is permanent.
4 Horrific Injury: Roll 2D. 1-3 Knowledge, 4-5 Perception, 6-7 Mechanical, 8-9 Technical, 10-11 Dexterity, 12 Strength. That attribute is reduced by 1D until this critical injury is healed.
5 Temporarily Lame: Movement rate is reduced by 7.
6 Blinded: Difficulty for any vision-based skill or attribute checks is increased by five difficulty levels. If medical treatment is not received before 2D Days has elapsed, the blindness is permanent.
A mortally wounded character falls prone and is unconscious. The character can't do anything until healed. The character may die - at the end of each round, roll 2D. If the roll is less than the number of rounds that the character has been mortally wounded, the character dies. A mortally wounded character who is incapacitated or mortally wounded again is killed. A character making a Moderate first aid total can "stabilize" a mortally wounded character. The character is still mortally wounded but will survive if a medpac or bacta tank is used on him within one hour (Moderate first aid total); otherwise, he dies. (This is different from healing a character with a medpac; see "Healing.")
Mortally Wounded
Roll 1D
1 Maimed: One of the character's limbs is permanently lost. Until it is replaced no actions can performed with that limb.
2 Gruesome Injury: Roll 2D. 1-3 Knowledge, 4-5 Perception, 6-7 Mechanical, 8-9 Technical, 10-11 Dexterity, 12 Strength. That attribute is permanently reduced by 1D.
3 Paralysis: Character is rendered completely immobile, though he remains conscious. If the character does not receive medical attention, the paralysis becomes permanent after 1D Days elapses.
4-5 Internal Bruising/Bleeding: Character suffers a -2D penalty to Strength to resist damage and must receive medical attention before the effects wear off; failure to receive treatment results in the character's death within 36 hours.
6 The end is Nigh: Instead of rolling 2D the character rolls 1D at the end of the round to determine death.

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FT. IN. | Meters     FT. IN. | Meters     FT. IN. | Meters     FT. IN. | Meters     FT. IN. | Meters

1 | .305     4 1 | 1.245     7 2 | 2.184     10 3 | 3.124     13 4 | 4.064
1 | .330     2 | 1.27     3 | 2.21     4 | 3.15     5 | 4.089
2 | .356     3 | 1.295     4 | 2.235     5 | 3.175     6 | 4.115
3 | .381     4 | 1.321     5 | 2.261     6 | 3.2     7 | 4.14
4 | .406     5 | 1.346     6 | 2.286     7 | 3.226     8 | 4.166
5 | .432     6 | 1.372     7 | 2.311     8 | 3.251     9 | 4.191
6 | .457     7 | 1.397     8 | 2.337     9 | 3.277     10 | 4.216
7 | .483     8 | 1.422     9 | 2.362     10 | 3.302     11 | 4.242
8 | .508     9 | 1.448     10 | 2.388     11 | 3.327     14 | 4.267
9 | .533     10 | 1.473     11 | 2.413     11 | 3.353     1 | 4.293
10 | .559     11 | 1.499     8 | 2.438     1 | 3.378     2 | 4.318
11 | .584     5 | 1.524     1 | 2.464     2 | 3.404     3 | 4.343
2 | .61     1 | 1.549     2 | 2.489     3 | 3.429     4 | 4.369
1 | .635     2 | 1.575     3 | 2.515     4 | 3.454     5 | 4.394
2 | .66     3 | 1.6     4 | 2.54     5 | 3.48     6 | 4.42
3 | .686     4 | 1.626     5 | 2.565     6 | 3.505     7 | 4.445
4 | .711     5 | 1.651     6 | 2.591     7 | 3.531     8 | 4.47
5 | .737     6 | 1.676     7 | 2.616     8 | 3.556     9 | 4.496
6 | .762     7 | 1.702     8 | 2.642     9 | 3.581     10 | 4.521
7 | .787     8 | 1.727     9 | 2.667     10 | 3.607     11 | 4.547
8 | .813     9 | 1.753     10 | 2.692     11 | 3.632     15 | 4.572
9 | .838     10 | 1.778     11 | 2.718     12 | 3.658     1 | 4.597
10 | .864     11 | 1.803     9 | 2.743     1 | 3.683     2 | 4.623
11 | .889     6 | 1.829     1 | 2.769     2 | 3.708     3 | 4.648
3 | .914     1 | 1.854     2 | 2.794     3 | 3.734     4 | 4.674
1 | .94     2 | 1.88     3 | 2.819     4 | 3.759     5 | 4.699
2 | .965     3 | 1.905     4 | 2.845     5 | 3.785     6 | 4.724
3 | .991     4 | 1.93     5 | 2.87     6 | 3.81     7 | 4.75
4 | 1.016     5 | 1.956     6 | 2.896     7 | 3.835     8 | 4.775
5 | 1.041     6 | 1.981     7 | 2.921     8 | 3.861     9 | 4.801
6 | 1.067     7 | 2.007     8 | 2.946     9 | 3.886     10 | 4.826
7 | 1.092     8 | 2.032     9 | 2.972     10 | 3.912     11 | 4.851
8 | 1.118     9 | 2.057     10 | 2.997     11 | 3.937     16 | 4.877
9 | 1.143     10 | 2.083     11 | 3.023     13 | 3.962     1 | 4.902
10 | 1.168     11 | 2.108     10 | 3.048     1 | 3.988     2 | 4.928
11 | 1.194     7 | 2.134     1 | 3.073     2 | 4.013     3 | 4.953
4 | 1.219     1 | 2.16     2 | 3.099     3 | 4.039     4 | 4.978

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LBS | KG     LBS | KG     LBS | KG     LBS | KG     LBS | KG     LBS | KG

1 | .454     |     |     |     |     |
2 | .907     |     |     |     |     |
3 | 1.361     |     |     |     |     |
4 | 1.814     |     |     |     |     |
5 | 2.268     |     |     |     |     |
6 | 2.722     |     |     |     |     |
7 | 3.175     |     |     |     |     |
8 | 3.629     |     |     |     |     |
9 | 4.082     |     |     |     |     |
10 | 4.536     |     |     |     |     |
11 | 4.99     |     |     |     |     |
12 | 5.443     |     |     |     |     |
13 | 5.897     |     |     |     |     |
14 | 6.35     |     |     |     |     |
15 | 6.804     |     |     |     |     |
16 | 7.257     |     |     |     |     |
17 | 7.711     |     |     |     |     |
18 | 8.165     |     |     |     |     |
19 | 8.618     |     |     |     |     |
20 | 9.072     |     |     |     |     |
21 | 9.525     |     |     |     |     |
22 | 9.979     |     |     |     |     |
23 | 10.433     |     |     |     |     |
24 | 10.886     |     |     |     |     |
25 | 11.34     |     |     |     |     |
26 | 11.793     |     |     |     |     |
27 | 12.247     |     |     |     |     |
28 | 12.701     |     |     |     |     |
29 | 13.154     |     |     |     |     |
30 | 13.608     |     |     |     |     |
31 |     |     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |     |
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