Combat is an important and integral part of the Star Wars universe, as well as the Star Wars RPG. While blasters and lightsabres have elevated combat to deadlier and more efficient levels, sometimes the situation calls for the use of more conventional combat techniques. Fewer things exemplify this fact than martial arts, and the various styles found in the Star Wars universe. Hand-to-hand combat can be faster, quieter, and serve a certain purpose better than many standard weapons, and in such a situation a character with martial arts talent becomes indispensable.
The Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook goes into further detail with this system, adding a maneuver system and the concept of different martial arts "styles." And some other martial arts styles have their own rules systems for determining hit and damage. Below are several martial arts styles, some in one format, some in another, that make the perfect addition to any game which uses combat on a regular basis.
GM NOTE: Martial Arts is an Advanced skill that falls under either Dexterity or Strength (based on the type of martial arts), NOT a Specialization of Melee Combat or Brawling Combat. All Styles listed below are Specializations of that Advanced skill.
Defel, also known as "Wraiths" to some, are a very special race of aliens who are blessed with a natural camouflage. As such, they have developed special styles of combat that utilize this natural camouflage which makes them very deadly warriors. Their style combines not only a heavy reliance on stealth, but also elements of food hunting and guerilla warfare as well. Their style is silent, swift, and deadly, and has evolved over many years of hunting and off-planet learning.
On their home planet of Af'El, Defel hunters train from early in their youth in various hunting techniques. One of these is a martial arts style, used not only for off-planet work, but for the occasional feud that breaks out among the different warrens. Defel off-planet are typically loners, and this is reflected in their martial arts style. It relies on no one except himself or herself, and does not lend itself to cooperative combat.
Defel Hunter Martial Arts is limited in use to Defel characters, as it is taught as a hunting technique on Af'El. Rarely do Defel trust others much in the first place, and almost certainly not enough to train someone in this special hunting martial art. Additionally, Defel train from a young age, so it takes several years of study to master. A character learning this martial arts style for the first time (for instance if the Defel grew up off of Af'El) must train for one year to gain the first 'D' in the skill. The character point cost is the same as for gaining (and improving) an Advanced skill (without a teacher, that cost is doubled), but for every character point spent to increase the skill, the training time is two times that number of days.
To use the Defel Hunter style in combat, the character must be able to somewhat conceal himself in the shadows, as any other Defel would to use his natural invisibility. Any opponent who can see on the ultraviolet spectrum, or can somehow detect the Defel otherwise, negates the ability to use this martial arts skill in combat. The character must then divide his (A) Martial Arts: Defel Hunter dice up into two categories: his Sneak Dice, and his Damage dice. The Defel then adds his natural invisibility bonus (+3D) to his Sneak Dice, and rolls that against his opponent's Perception or search roll if the opponent is wary of the Defel's presence (or a Difficulty Number, at the GM's discretion). If successful, he then rolls his Damage Dice, plus 2D for the Defel's claws, and treat as normal brawling damage. If the damage roll results in an instantaneous kill, it is done in complete silence, and does not alert any others in the immediate area.
This martial arts style comes from the Alien Encounters sourcebook, but has been expanded upon.
Some Gand are trained in a specialized form of combat developed by a band of Findsmen centuries ago. The tenets of the art are complex and misunderstood, but the few that have been described often make use of the unique Gand biology. [Five] techniques are described below, their names translated from the Gand language; there are believed to be many more.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Confusing Mist | The findsman can confuse his opponent with biological feedback. | Difficult | A findman creates a brief burst of biological feedback which confuses his opponent. By making a successful physical attack, the findsman uses chemicals transferred via touch to confuse his opponent for the remainder of the round, causing him to suffer -1D to all rolls, and -2D to any Perception or related skill rolls. |
Exoskeleton Shield | The findsman can create a small shield out of his exoskeleton. | Moderate | If the character rolls successfully, by forsaking all other actions this round the findsman may cross his arms in front of him and encourage temporary exoskeleton growth, creating a shield that gives +4D vs. physical attacks, +2D vs. energy. The shield dissolves at the end of one round, and may not be created again for an additional round. |
Piercing Touch | The findsman can use his chitinous fist to puncture highly durable substances and materials. | Very Difficult | If the character rolls successfully (and is not parried or dodged), the strike does STR+2D damage and can penetrate bone, chitin, and assorted armors. |
Precise Strike | The findsman can strike at weak points with ease. | Difficult | A findsman can make a "called shot" with no penalty to his attack roll. Additionally, he may make a search roll (at no multiple action penalty) to find chinks in armor, weak points, etc. |
Striking Mist | The findsman can sneak close enough to an opponent to prevent the victim from dodging or parrying the blow. | Dificult | If the character rolls successfully, and rolls a successful sneak versus his opponent's Perception, the findsman's strike cannot be dodged or parried. The Gand must declare whether they are striking to injure or immobilize the victim prior to making an attempt. |
The Hapes Consortium was founded by a group of pirates, and even in modern times many traditions reflect these origins. One such notable relic from its founding days is the martial arts style employed by the Hapans in their honor duels. These contests of strength and skill are often powerful displays of martial arts prowess, and few other combat styles are as brutal as the Hapan martial arts. Several variants on the Hapan style exist, with different masters teaching different techniques, but the form represented here is considered to be the most general form of the martial arts style.
For every 1D that a character improves his Hapan martial arts specialization, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skill from the Rules of Engagement sourcebook are acceptable for selection by combatants: Foot Sweep, Multiple Strikes, Power Block, Reversal, and Spinning Kick. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Feint | The character can feint to draw off an opponent's defense. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he fakes a maneuver to draw his opponent off. If the opponent's Perception roll is lower than the character's martial arts skill roll, the character gains a +2D to his next attack skill roll. |
Flawless Counter | The character can counter a melee attack to perfection. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, his next attack (which must be a hand-to-hand attack) is automatically successful. |
Roundhouse | The character is trained to deliver a spinning kick to the head. | Moderate | A successful skill roll indicates that the character delivers a spinning kick to the head of an opponent. In addition to the +1D to damage, the opponent is considered "Stunned" for the remainder of the round. |
Snap Kick | The character is trained to deliver a powerful kick with relative speed. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may deliver a powerful kick at Strength+1D damage with such speed that he may make one other hand-to-hand attack this round without incurring the multiple action penalty. |
Triple Kick | The character is trained to deliver three attacks with his foot. | Difficult | The character, after making the skill roll, may deliver a trio of powerful kicks at Strength+2 damage in a single round. Any further actions this round incur the multiple action penalty as normal. |
GM NOTE: As this Echani Martial Arts Style is specifically set for Imperial Royal Guard, a background note is required explaining how and why the character learned it.
Echani is the name of the martial arts style taught to all Royal Guardsmen as they train to serve their Emperor on the planet Yinchorr. It combines some of the most savage hand-to-hand combat techniques with maneuvers designed to drop potential threats to the Emperor to the ground in seconds. It is viciously offensive, and is in its own right a symbol of the savagery of the Empire. It is designed to be used with bare hands, or in conjunction with a force pike or double-bladed vibrostave, and those few outside the Royal Guard who have witnessed it have seldom lived long enough to describe it.
For every 1D that a Royal Guardsman improves his echani martial arts, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skill from the Rules of Engagement sourcebook are acceptable for selection by echani combatants: Instant Wound, Multiple Strikes, Power Block, Spinning Kick, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior to making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated. Though many of the maneuvers seem similar to existing maneuvers, they are specially designed to be used with a weapon and do not require that the character be empty-handed like many other martial arts styles.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Hilt Blow | The character can use the hilt of a weapon to strike a stunning blow. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may attempt to strike an opponent with the hilt of his weapon, causing that character to be stunned for the remainder of the round. |
Pivot Kick | The character can pivot on a hand or weapon and deliver a powerful kick. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may spin using the hilt of a weapon, or his hand, as a pivot to inflict STR+1D damage to the legs of an opponent. If the damage roll ends with a stun result, the opponent falls to the ground. This may be used as a reaction skill while falling down. |
Rolling Throw | The character can roll backwards and throw an enemy with force. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may roll onto his back and throw an opponent backwards. If the opponent is thrown into a wall or other solid object, they suffer 2D damage. |
Throat Jab | The character is trained to target breathing tubes in the throats of opponents. | Moderate | Royal Guardsmen using this maneuver may target breathing tubes or blood veins in opponents necks to strike at. If the character is successful in making his skill roll, his opponent may take no other actions this round due to shock and blood/air blockage. |
Whirlwind Attack | The character is trained to attack multiple enemies at close range. | Very Difficult | When surrounded at close range, Royal Guardsmen are trained to use this technique to eliminate nearby threats. If the character's skill roll is successful, he may attack up to 3 enemies within arm's reach using the martial arts skill roll as his attack roll for each opponent (no multiple action penalty). |
GM NOTE: As Classic Echani Martial Arts Style is very specific. A background explanation is required before the character can learn it.
Echani is the name of the martial arts style taught to those few who know a Master trainied in the Martial Arts Style of Classic Echani. It combines some of the best hand-to-hand combat techniques and maneuvers designed to drop potential threats to the ground in seconds. It is designed to be used with bare hands.
For every 1D that a practitioner improves his Classic Echani martial arts, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills from the Rules of Engagement sourcebook and other locations are acceptable for selection by echani combatants: Instant Wound, Multiple Strikes, Power Block, Spinning Kick, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior to making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated. Though many of the maneuvers seem similar to existing maneuvers, they are specially designed to be used with a weapon and do not require that the character be empty-handed like many other martial arts styles.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Hilt Blow | The character can use the hilt of a weapon to strike a stunning blow. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may attempt to strike an opponent with the hilt of his weapon, causing that character to be stunned for the remainder of the round. |
Pivot Kick | The character can pivot on a hand or weapon and deliver a powerful kick. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may spin using the hilt of a weapon, or his hand, as a pivot to inflict STR+1D damage to the legs of an opponent. If the damage roll ends with a stun result, the opponent falls to the ground. This may be used as a reaction skill while falling down. |
Rolling Throw | The character can roll backwards and throw an enemy with force. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may roll onto his back and throw an opponent backwards. If the opponent is thrown into a wall or other solid object, they suffer 2D damage. |
Throat Jab | The character is trained to target breathing tubes in the throats of opponents. | Moderate | Royal Guardsmen using this maneuver may target breathing tubes or blood veins in opponents necks to strike at. If the character is successful in making his skill roll, his opponent may take no other actions this round due to shock and blood/air blockage. |
Whirlwind Attack | The character is trained to attack multiple enemies at close range. | Very Difficult | When surrounded at close range, Royal Guardsmen are trained to use this technique to eliminate nearby threats. If the character's skill roll is successful, he may attack up to 3 enemies within arm's reach using the martial arts skill roll as his attack roll for each opponent (no multiple action penalty). |
Jala'ishi is a fairly rare form of martial art used by the Storm Commandos. The martial arts program was implemented into Storm Commando training after Crix Madine left, and has remained experimental throughout the years. Few Storm Commandos are trained in jala'ishi, but those who are are stealthy and deadly. The history of the martial arts style has been lost, rewritten, and lost again so many times that few remember its true origins. However, it is speculated that the style was created sometime during the Clone Wars, though no one can say for sure.
Jala'ishi is a combination of silent maneuvers and deadly attacks, and the Grand Masters of the art are said to be the best infiltrators in the Galaxy. The few Storm Commandos who proved to be truly adept at the art are rarely used, and are instead kept in reserve for missions of the ultimate importance. It is even said that some of the members of the Royal Guard were drawn from these Storm Commando units, though it is not known whether or not this is true.
Jala'ishi Martial Arts Style: A character who wishes to learn jala'ishi must spend six months training to gain their first 'D'. Character Point cost is equal to two times the number before the "D," and training time for improving skills is equal to the number of character points spent. Without a teacher, the Character Point cost is doubled. Jala'ishi is used like most other martial arts, but carries with it the following bonuses: for every 2D the character has in the martial arts: jala'ishi skill, he gains a +1D bonus to any sneak rolls; up to half the character's martial arts skill dice may be transferred to any climbing/jumping, hide, or sneak rolls; and they gain +1D to their martial arts skill only (not to damage) against an opponent without martial arts training.
Jedi Battlemasters, long ago in the days of the Old Republic, crafted a martial arts style to oppose the Sith martial arts that were claiming the lives of many Jedi. The Jedi fighting style, however, was much more defensive than the Sith style, and reflected the philosophy of the Jedi well. After the Sith became extinct (or so the Jedi thought), this martial arts style fell into obscurity, only to be rediscovered occasionally by a Jedi Knight with a special need.
For every 1D that a Jedi improves his or her martial arts specialization, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skill from the Rules of Engagement sourcebook are acceptable for selection by martial arts combatants: Disarm, Instant Stun, Nerve Punch, Reversal, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated. Though many of the maneuvers seem similar to existing maneuvers, they are specially designed to be used with a lightsaber and do not require that the character be empty-handed like many other martial arts styles.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Feint | The character can feint to draw off an opponent's defense. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he fakes a maneuver to draw his opponent off. If the opponent's Perception roll is lower than the character's martial arts skill roll, the character gains a +2D to his next attack skill roll. |
Damage Equipment | The character can cause damage to an opponent's equipment. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may use his hands and lightsaber to cause damage to the opponent's equipment. A search roll must first reveal weak points or flaws in the equipment, and then a damage roll with a +1D bonus is rolled against the target equipment's body strength. |
No Fall | The character is trained to turn a normal fall into a backflip and land standing or crouched. | Difficult | If the character is tripped or falling, she may use this technique to flip and land standing up. The character may then react as normal for the remainder of the round. |
Soft Fall | The character is trained to use his martial arts talent to soften a fall of up to 20 meters. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may soften the impact of falling by up to 5D. |
Weapon Juggle | The character is trained to move his weapon from one hand to another with ease. | Moderate | The character, after making the skill roll, may move his weapon quickly from one hand to another before the opponent has time to adjust his defense. Against a non-Force-sensitive opponent, the character gains +2D to his next attack skill roll. |
Rek'dul is the name of the fighting style used by the Jensaarai during combat. While many of its maneuvers do not involve the use of a lightsabre, its style is meant to complement and be used at the same time as a lightsabre. The style requires that the lightsabre hilt be held like a dagger, blade down and angled towards the ground, opposite hand on the pommel of the weapon to manipulate it. The style also requires that the blade stay angled toward the rear of the fighting stance, in essence pointing the blade away from an opponent, but adding leverage for longer strikes. This style was taught by Nikkos Tyris, and appears to be a combination of Sith martial arts and the lightsabre-dueling style of many Old Republic Jedi, such as Adi Gallia.
For every 1D that a Jensaarai improves his or her Rek'dul martial arts specialization, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skilla are acceptable for selection by Rek'dul combatants: Disarm, Foot Sweep, Instant Stand, Power Block, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior to making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated. Though many of the maneuvers seem similar to existing maneuvers, they are specially designed to be used with a lightsabre and do not require that the character be empty-handed like many other martial arts styles.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Double Sweep | The character can follow a sweep using a lightsaber with a foot sweep. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, and has just executed a lightsaber sweep, she may attempt to knock an opponent down using a foot sweep. That opponent remains prone for the remainder of the round, and any of his or her lightsaber rolls are -1D. |
Hilt Blow | The character can use the hilt of a lightsaber to strike a stunning blow. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, she may attempt to strike an opponent with the hilt of her lightsaber, causing that character to be stunned for the remainder of the round. |
No Fall | The character is trained to turn a normal fall into a backflip and land standing or crouched. | Difficult | If the character is tripped or falling, she may use this technique to flip and land standing up. The character may then react as normal for the remainder of the round. |
Reversal Elbow | The character is trained to follow a lightsaber attack with an opposite blow using the elbow. | Moderate | Following an attack in close quarters, the character may immediately reverse her momentum to attack with her elbow, causing damage equal to her Strength attribute. This attack can be used without incurring the multiple action penalty only once in a round, and only following an attack using a lightsaber. |
Shoulder Charge | The character is trained to use her body weight to topple an off balance opponent. | Moderate, plus an opposed Strength roll. | By throwing his weight into a shoulder charge, a character may attempt to knock an opponent to the ground. Failure to make the required skill roll results in the character becoming off balance, and his opponent may make one additional attack this round without a multiple action penalty. |
K'tara is a martial arts style practiced primarily by SpecForce units, though it is not rare in other martial arts circles. Like Vula Nelprin's teachings, it is a fairly well-balanced style, with slight emphasis on quieter and more efficient attacks. It is less flashy than other martial arts styles, and is primarily functional and efficient. It uses both hands and feet, but since a SpecForce trooper will typically be carrying a weapon, more often than not the kicks and leg maneuvers are the ones that see the most action.
For every 1D that a character improves his or her Martial Arts: K'tara skill, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by K'tara combatants: Foot Sweep, Headbutt, Instant Stun, Nerve Punch, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Close-Range Aim | The character can move to close range and aim a weapon at opponent. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may use his feet to temporarily stun and open up to attack an opponent. When successful, the character's next attack suffers no other penalties (aside from the multiple action penalty) due to difficulty in aiming. |
Falling Roll | The character can turn a fall into a roll and set up for an attack. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may turn a fall into a roll to the side, giving +2D to any further dodge rolls this round. |
Multiple Kicks | The character is trained to make multiple attacks using his feet. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may make two kicking attacks in one round without suffering the multiple action penalty. |
Roundhouse | The character is trained to deliver a spinning kick to the head. | Moderate | A successful skill roll indicates that the character delivers a spinning kick to the head of an opponent. In addition to the +1D to damage, the opponent is considered "Stunned" for the remainder of the round. |
Shoulder Charge | The character is trained to use his body weight to topple an off balance opponent. | Moderate, plus an opposed Strength roll. | By throwing his weight into a shoulder charge, a character may attempt to knock an opponent to the ground. Failure to make the required skill roll results in the character becoming off balance, and his opponent may make one additional attack this round without a multiple action penalty. |
The K'thri martial arts style is a well-known fighting style throughout the Galaxy. In fact, Lt. Machel Kendy of the Katarn Commandos is a Grand Master of K'thri martial arts, as was his grandfather before him. The history of the style dates back to the Old Republic, where it was used as a competitive sport among the athletically inclined. As with any style, it has its practical uses, and members of many SpecForce teams have studied briefly under Lt. Kendy in order to become more lethal soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.
K'thri Arts A character learning K'thri arts must spend one month with a teacher before gaining their first pip in the style. When fighting against an opponent without any type or martial arts training, the character gets +1D to their Martial Arts: K'thri skill, and their damage. When in combat, they may subtract away any number of "D" from their martial arts skill dice, and add them to their skill dice for the Brawling Combat skill, or to their Strength roll for determining martial arts damage.
Vula Nelprin has trained Rebel Alliance and New Republic commandos for many years, and has perfected her own brand of martial arts. Through both study and experience, she has created a well-balanced martial arts style which allows the character to be both offensive and defensive, without shifting from one style to another. Though some would call her style "generic," it has proven time and again to be the perfect kind of basic training to give commandos an edge when it comes down to hand-to-hand combat.
For every 1D that a character improves his or her Nelprin martial arts specialization, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by Nelprin combatants: Flying Kick, Foot Sweep, Reversal, Spinning Kick, and Shoulder Throw. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Axe Kick | The character is trained to deliver a kick with downward force to the head of an opponent. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he delivers a powerful kick downward onto the top of the opponent's head. If the damage ends up in a "Stunned" result, the opponent is rendered unconscious for 1D rounds. |
Martial Arts Leap | The character is able to use martial arts training to perform more precise leaps. | Easy | With a successful skill roll, the character may add a +2D bonus to a climbing/jumping roll involving jumping. He does not suffer the multiple action penalty on that roll. |
Parry Throw | The character is trained to use an opponent's momentum in throwing them. | Moderate | If the character has just made a brawling parry or melee parry roll, he may attempt to throw an opponent by rolling his martial arts skill. A successful skill check indicates that the target is hurled to the ground (provided the attack is not parried or dodged), suffering 3D damage. |
Power Stand | The character is trained to inflict damage while rising from the ground. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, she may do 3D damage to an opponent by using her legs against the opponent while standing up from the ground. |
Retrieval | The character is trained to pick up an item from the ground using feet and legs. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he is able to retrieve an object from the ground using his feet and legs. This does not count as an action when calculating the multiple action penalty. |
This specialized form of brawling combat employs techniques that the Noghri are taught at an early age. Because of the deceptively fast nature of this combat, Noghri receive +2D to their skill when engaged in brawling with someone who does not have martial arts: Noghri. Also, when fighting someone without this skill, they also receive +1D+2 bonus to the damage they do in combat.
Culled from the best of the best in law enforcement around the Galaxy, the Republic Senate Guards are intensively trained to be the protectors of senators and government officials no matter where in the Galactic Republic they may travel. Though they may seem mostly ceremonial at times, they are proficient at what they do and were worthy predecessors to the Emperor's Royal Guard. They have a specially designed martial arts style that focuses on eliminating threats as quickly an safely as possible. Though it may seem defensively oriented, it gets the job done with minimal damage to themselves and those they are obligated to protect. Though it was adopted as the official martial arts style of the Republic Senate Guards, this style has spread throughout the Galaxy and was one of the most common styles in the days of the Old Republic.
Republic Senate Guard Martial arts: The martial arts style taught to Republic Senate Guards is like most other martial arts styles in most respects. Characters roll their brawling: Republic Senate Guard martial arts skill dice to determine whether or not they successfully attack, and Strength to determine damage. Where it differs, though, is that during a round, the character may take up to half the number of "D" away from their martial arts skill, and apply it to the following rolls: brawling parry, dodge, melee parry, and climbing/jumping. Characters still suffer the multiple action penalty if more than one action is attempted in a round.
The Schenor are a race of bipedal, catlike aliens who tower at over 2.5 meters tall. They still move with the expected grace of a feline species, and are powerfully muscled and toned as well. Their species has developed a special style or martial arts that takes advantage of their long reach and height, but it has been taught to non-Schenor many times, though slightly less effectively. The style is centered on keeping some distance between the character and there opponent, and relies heavily on extended limbs as weapons, making it particularly vulnerable to attacks on their appendages.
Schenor Martial Arts Style: To gain the first pip in the Schenor martial arts style, a character must train under a teacher for at least six months, or three months if the teacher is a member of the Schenor species. The Character Point cost and training time for improving the skill is the same as for any other specialization, though advancing without a teacher costs triple the normal amount of Character Points and training time. When using the Schenor martial arts style, a character may not grapple with an opponent. Additionally, in any round where the martial arts style was used, the character suffers an additional -1D penalty to any dodge rolls due to the nature of the fighting style. When attacking, the character gains +2D to her Strength roll to determine damage, and gains one additional attack using this martial arts style this round without incurring the multiple action penalty.
Note that only females will be taught this form of martial arts and only if they are from Emberlene. No current or former member will ever teach this form of martial arts to anyone not from Emberlene.
When the Eleven Elders of the People began their crusade for vengeance against those who had ruined their dream, they knew that it would take an especially skilled warrior in order to exact proper revenge, and provide a useful skill as a mercenary. Through study and discipline, they crafted a martial arts style that fit their close-combat preferred mode of fighting. This new martial arts style, which they dubbed "Shadow Arts" after their organization's name, is taught to each Mistryl Warrior for use in the field. Focusing on quick subdues and disarmament, the use of Shadow Arts is what makes Mistryl so attractive as bodyguards. The quickness of the maneuvers, as well as their effectiveness in eliminating sources of danger, create a famed method of protecting themselves and their charges in the most rapid manner possible.
For every 1D that a Mistryl improves her Martial Arts: Shadow Arts skill, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by Shadow Arts combatants: Disarm, Foot Sweep, Instant Stun, Nerve Punch, and Silent Strike. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Alter Aim | The character is trained to alter the aim of a missile or blaster weapon in close combat. | Moderate, plus an opposed Strength roll | If the character makes the required skill roll, she may attempt to grab and re-aim a weapon in the hands of her opponent. If within hand-to-hand range, the character makes her skill roll, then must win an opposed Strength roll to aim the weapon. For missile weapons and blasters, she must roll the appropriate skill to aim at -1D (but without a multiple action penalty) to choose where the weapon fires. |
Back Strike | The character is trained to spin and attack an enemy to the rear with bare hands. | Easy | When a character has her back to an opponent, she may use this technique to spin and attack that opponent without suffering penalties for not being able to see her target. |
Ground Strike | The character can make a standard strike after having been knocked to the ground. | Easy | If the character is on the ground, and an opponent is in brawling range, she may use this skill to inflict STR+1D+2 damage on that opponent from her position on the ground, provided she makes the required skill roll. |
Surprise Attack | The character is trained to alter body language so as not to give away an attack. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, she may attack her opponent without giving any warning, causing her opponent to suffer -2D to all reaction rolls. If the character waits for one additional round before attacking, she automatically gains that round's initiative over her opponent as well. |
Triple Parry | The character is trained to parry up to three unarmed attacks. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, she may automatically block three brawling attacks during the round, provided she takes no other actions in the round. |
In the days of the Great Sith War, Force-sensitive warriors battled each other on many battlegrounds. Occasionally, a Sith warrior would be forced to fight without his lightsabre, and after many lessons were learned the hard way, the Sith began to create their own martial arts style. After consulting the Dark Side for inspiration, they created a martial arts style that is as shadowy as their own souls, and began training certain apprentices in the skill. Even after the near-extinction of the Sith, the teachings are stored in Sith holocrons for future generations. Though the Martial Arts style does not use the Force directly, the Sith Force-enhanced reflexes add speed and skill to these maneuvers.
For every 1D that a character improves his Keldaeris martial arts specialization, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by Keldaeris combatants: Blindfighting, Instant Stand, Instant Wound, Multiple Strikes, and Silent Strike. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Backflip | The character is trained to flip backwards to avoid a hit or fall. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may add +2D to his next climbing/jumping or dodge roll. This maneuver does not count towards calculating the multiple action penalty. |
Force Punch | The character is trained to deliver a powerful blow with his fist. | Moderate | The character making this roll successfully does Strength+1D damage to his opponent. A Force-sensitive character does Strength+2D+1 damage instead. |
No Fall | The character is trained to turn a normal fall into a backflip and land standing or crouched. | Moderate | If the character is tripped or falling, he may use this technique to flip and land standing up. The character may then react as normal for the remainder of the round. |
Surprise Attack | The character is trained to alter body language so as not to give away an attack. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may attack his opponent without giving any warning, causing his opponent to suffer -2D to all reaction rolls. If the character waits for one additional round before attacking, he automatically gains that round's initiative over his opponent as well. |
Weapon Steal | The character is trained to disarm and take control of a weapon in the opponent's grasp. | Very Difficult, plus an opposed Strength roll | If the character makes the required skill roll, and overcomes his opponent's Strength roll, he may steal an opponent's weapon from them for his own use. |
While both the Jedi and the Sith have long used lightsabres as their weapons of choice, both sides have also developed a martial arts style intended for use while holding a weapon. Once Keldaeris became popularized among Sith Warriors, slowly a second fighting style developed for use in the midst of lightsaber combat. Eventually, Kelterek'dul began to gain widespread attention as an excellent compliment to the deadly lightsabres, and in some circles was even taught parallel to the tenets of lightsabre combat.
Sith Kelterek'dul Martial Arts Kelterek'dul requires six months of training with a teacher or holocron before gaining the first die in the skill. Character Point cost is equal to two times the number of "D," but training time is equal to one-half the number of Character Points spent. Training time may be halved by spending a Force Point, but the character automatically gains a Dark Side Point for doing so. Kelterek'dul may not be used in any round in which the character's lightsabre roll missed the target number by more than 5, if the lightsabre was used. To use this martial arts skill, roll the skill dice as normal to determine whether or not the attack was successful, and then Strength dice to determine damage. For every 2D of dice in the Martial Arts: Kelterek'dul advanced skill, one use of the martial arts skill does not count towards the multiple action penalty when used in the same round as a lightsabre.
Keldorek'dul is a martial arts style similar to Kelterek'dul in that it is designed for use with a lightsabre. However, Keldorek'dul involves the use of the double-bladed lightsabre as the weapon of choice. This style was developed many years later, and most Sith warriors with double-bladed lightsabres, including Darth Maul, were proficient in this style. When the Emperor commissioned his Royal Guard's training, he studied Darth Maul's journals and provided this fighting style as one of the bases of echani.
For every 1D that a character improves his or her Keldorek'dul martial arts skill, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by Keldorek'dul combatants: Flying Kick, Foot Sweep, Instant Stand, Spinning Kick, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Backfist | The character is trained to hold his weapon with one hand, and hit an opponent with the back of his other fist. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, the character does Strength+2D damage to his opponent (provided that it is not dodged or parried). When used in the same round as a lightsaber, it does not count towards the multiple action penalty. |
Double Sweep | The character can follow a sweep using a lightsabre with a foot sweep. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, and has just executed a lightsaber sweep, he may attempt to knock an opponent down using a foot sweep. That opponent remains prone for the remainder of the round, and any of his or her lightsaber rolls are -1D. |
High Kick | The character is trained to aim a kick at his opponent's chin. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he delivers an upward-moving kick to the opponent's chin, doing Strength+1D damage. |
Hilt Blow | The character can use the hilt of a lightsabre to strike a stunning blow. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, she may attempt to strike an opponent with the hilt of her lightsaber, causing that character to be stunned for the remainder of the round. |
Joint Kick | The character is trained to attack specific joints. | Moderate | By making the required skill roll, the character may attack a specific joint on the opponent's body without any penalties for a "called shot." If the knee is targeted, the opponent is knocked to the ground; if the elbow is targeted, any items in that arm's hand are dropped; if a shoulder is targeted, that arm suffers -2D to all rolls using that arm this round, etc. |
Little is known about the Sun Guards of Thyrsus, but it is speculated that they were one of the primary inspirations for the armor of the Imperial Royal Guard. Some say that a former captain of the Republic Senate Guard founded the Sun Guards, and that he influenced their own body armor and fighting style. Regardless, the Sun Guard use a special kind of martial art known as Dajitte, which bears some resemblance in form to the Republic Senate Guard martial arts style. Dajitte is well known throughout the Galaxy, and was chosen for the Sun Guards due to the relative ease with which it is learned, as well as its competent fighting styles. It is more deadly than the Republic Senate Guard martial arts style, though nowhere near as savage as echani.
For every 1D that a character improves his or her dajitte martial arts skill, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by dajitte combatants: Disarm, Instant Stun, Power Block, Reversal, and Weapon Block. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Crescent Kick | The character can execute a kick that sweeps in at the opponent's neck. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may sweep a kick down at his opponent's neck from above. The kick deals Strength+1D damage, but is unhindered by armor (since most armor does not have one solid torso and head piece). |
Handspring Kick | The character can spring over objects on his hands to land a solid kick. | Difficult | If the character makes the required skill roll, he may spring on his hands over an obstacle and kick for Strength+2D damage, without penalty for overcoming the obstacle. |
Palm Punch | The character is trained to use the heel of his palm to inflict damage. | Difficult | By making the required skill roll, the character strikes at his opponent with an open palm for Strength+1D damage. If the damage roll exceeds the opponent's Strength roll by more than 10, the opponent suffers a wound. |
Rear Kick | The character is trained to attack an opponent to the rear with a kick. | Moderate | If an opponent is behind the character, and he makes the required skill roll, he may kick behind him for Strength+1D damage, unhindered by being unable to see his opponent. |
Wrist Chop | The character is trained to chop an open hand down on an opponent's wrist. | Moderate | If the character makes the required skill roll, the character chops the side of his open hand down on his opponent's wrist. Any object in that hand falls to the floor, and if the damage roll exceeds the opponent's Strength roll by more than 15, the wrist is broken and the hand cannot be used until the wrist is healed. |
Moxin Tark is a notorious bounty hunter who is unique in that his family trained him in their own personal martial arts style. Hailing from Bandonia, the Tark family is a powerful but aristocratic group whose members live a life of luxury, and typically only use the family martial arts style as a means of keeping in shape. Once Moxin became disenchanted with his life of luxury, he transformed the family's now-unused martial arts style into a tool of bounty hunting, studying under his father as well as taking bits and pieces of other styles and combining them into his own unique style.
The martial arts style used by Moxin Tark is one of precision and skill, and is difficult to execute without extensive training. It relies on a combination of speed and accuracy, allowing for varying levels of assault on an opponent. To those unskilled in martial arts, and thus unused to reacting to the speed of an attack, Moxin Tark's family martial arts style is a weapon as deadly as any blaster and twice as efficient. The style is not a closely-guarded secret, however, and has been taught to people outside the family every once in a while, so it can be found outside the Tark family, though not easily.
Tark Family Martial Arts Style: In order to learn the Tark family's martial arts style, a character must train for at least 6 months with a teacher before gaining their first die in the style. The Character Point cost is double the number before the "D," and training time is as many days as character points were spent. Without a teacher, improving on the skill costs twice as many Character Points as normal, and as such requires twice as long to gain the next pip. The Tark family martial arts style is treated as any other normal style would be treated. Against those without any type of martial arts training, the character gains +1D to his skill and damage rolls. However, when rolling the Martial Arts: Tark skill, note how much higher the skill roll is as opposed to the opponent's defensive roll or Difficulty Number. If the skill roll beats the target number by more than 10, the character may optionally do STR+1D of stun damage. If the skill roll beats the target number by more than 15, the damage done by the attack is now STR+2D (not limited to stun damage). If the skill roll beats the target number by more than 20, the character has the option of inflicting STR+3D damage, OR automatically rendering their opponent Incapacitated.
Martial Arts: Teräs Käsi is a rare skill. A person must study full-time under a master of Teräs Käsi for six months to acquire the first die of skill. Improving teräs käsi costs Character Points equal to double the number before the "D"; the training time is one day for every Character Point spent; the cost is doubled if the character does not have a teacher. The training time may be reduced by one day for each extra Character Point spent.
To use teräs käsi in combat, the character may do nothing else in the round other than performing the teräs käsi attacks - the character may not even parry or dodge. Before making the attack, the player splits the Martial Arts: teräs käsi skill dice into two groups: attack dice and damage bonus dice.
The character rolls to attack using only the attack dice. If the character succeeds in the attack, add the damage bonus dice to the character's Strength roll when determining damage. Characters may not allocate more than half of their Martial Arts: teräs käsi dice to their damage bonus dice.
If a character wants to make multiple teräs käsi attacks in one round, multiple action penalties apply to both attack dice and damage bonus dice.
The Togorians are another race of nocturnal feline aliens who are savage warriors, and nothing exemplifies this fact more than their deadly martial arts style. It is fast and deadly, and is more close-combat oriented than the Schenor style. Togorians prefer to be close to their enemies, to smell their fear and pain, and the martial arts style reflects this. Only Togorian males, who roam the plains of their home planet as nomads, learn this martial arts style. Since Togorian males rarely leave the planet, it is all but impossible to find a non-Togorian who is skilled in this martial arts style.
For every 1D that a Togorian improves his Lacerine martial arts skill, that character gains a special maneuver described below. In addition to those listed below, the following martial arts skills are acceptable for selection by Lacerine combatants: Blindfighting, Hold/Grapple, Instant Wound, Multiple Strikes and Silent Strike. Characters must declare which martial arts technique they are attempting to use prior making the required skill roll unless otherwise indicated.
Technique | Description | Difficulty | Effect |
Double Claw Slash | The character is trained to use two sets of claws as a slashing weapon. | Easy | If the character makes the required skill roll, he uses both hands to slash forward at an opponent. If the attack is successful, the character adds +1D to normal claw damage on this attack. |
Escape Grapple | The character is able to escape a grapple due to Togorian physiology. | Moderate | When a character is being held by an opponent, a successful skill roll allows the character to contort and escape the hold, and move a few meters away. |
Pounce | The character is trained to strike from hiding. | Moderate | If the character is concealed, and his opponent is unaware of his presence, the character may leap from concealment and attack his opponent. If the skill roll is successful, the opponent suffers damage equal to the character's Strength roll, and is considered to be "stunned" for the remainder of the round. |
Speed Parry | The character is able to quickly deflect a blow aimed at him. | Difficult | With a successful skill roll, the character may add a +1D bonus to any brawling parry or melee parry rolls, and does not incur a multiple action penalty until the third action. |
Strategic Bite | The character uses his sharp teeth to target a specific area of the body. | Difficult | The character may make a "called shot" with no penalty to his attack roll. |
Wrruushi is a specialized form of Wookiee martial arts; only Wookiees may use this specialization. Characters using Wrruushi receive bonuses only when fighting someone who has no specialized martial arts training. When using Wrruushi, a character receives a +1D bonus to attack and damage. If the Wookiee beats the attack roll by more than 10 points, the Wookiee may choose to instead inflict stun damage, receiving a +2D+1 to damage (instead of the 1D to normal Strength damage). Wrruushi may not be used by a Wookiee in a berserker rage. A Wookiee character must have Brawling Combat at 6D before learning Wrruushi. It costs double the number of character points to advance this skill.