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GM Note: These rules are presently not set in stone and may be modified as needed or required. Once this note is removed, all rules are set.

Section Links:

Section I: Lightsaber Construction and Bonding
Lightsaber Repair Skill
Lightsaber Meditation
Force Forge
Section II: Lightsaber Parts
Energy and Power Cells
Special Features
Section III: Crystals
Section III A: Synthetic Crystals
Section III B: Standard Crystals
Section III C: Kyber-Like Crystals
Bondar Crystals
Barab Crystals/Ingots
Corusca Gems/Stones/Crystals
Damind Crystals
Dragite Crystals
Durindfire Crystals/Gems
Eralam Crystals
Etaan Crystals
Firkrann Crystals
Haven Crystals
Hurrikaine Crystals
Iokathian Crystals
Jenruax Crystals
Krayt Dragon Pearls
Lava Crystals
Lesser Solari Crystals
Luxum Crystals
Nextor Crystals
Odessen Crystals
Opila Crystal
Phond Crystals
Qixoni Crystals
Rubat Crystals
Sapith Crystals
Sigil Crystals
Velmorite Crystals
Visindar Black Pearls
Zaka Hollow Diamonds
Zaka Hollow Emeralds
Zaka Hollow Sapphires
Zakuulan Crystals
Section IV: Kyber Crystals
Adegan Crystals
Ilum Crystals
Dantooine/Dantari Crystals
Ankarres Sapphire Crystals
Blackwing Crystals
Haven Kyber Crystals
Iokathian Kyber Crystals
Kaiburr Crystals
Kasha Crystals
Lignan Crystals
Lorrdian Gemstones
Odessen Kyber Crystals
Qixoni Kyber Crystals
Ruusan Kyber Crystals
Solari Kyber Crystals
Stygium Crystals
Upari Crystals
Zakuulan Kyber Crystals

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Lightsaber Construction and Bonding

In order to build/modify a lightsaber and/or bond it to the creator, the below steps must be followed and the listed powers/skills must be learned before construction can begin; these rules also include a sample list of the parts. Further, these rules also include the types of crystals used in these weapons and their game effect.

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Lightsaber Repair Skill

Governing Attribute: Technical
Required: Yes
Raised like any other standard skill.

To construct a lightsaber from its component parts takes a minimum of one month and requires a successful lightsaber repair roll against a Very Difficult difficulty. Decrease the difficulty level by one for each extra week spent building the saber, to a minimum of Moderate. Lightsaber parts are not easily bought or sold anymore (as they are illegal), but can be done for the right price; which would bypass this rule's dice roles (this would be played out in game and the GM would assign a cost). Parts can also be found, and depending on the situation may require some repair roles; again, this could bypass this rule's dice roles (this would be played out in game and the GM would have final say on the outcome).

Note: this skill does not replace Lightsaber Meditation, but is used in conjunction with it to assist the Jedi with the basic components and their placement within the hilt; effectively it should be used first.

This is also the skill used to mold or form a crystal into the desired shape or form for placement into the saber hilt.

Jedi characters may adjust the lightsabers base damage die code through modifications [the same way as modifying damage die codes for any other weapon]. Characters rely on their lightsaber repair skill to make such improvements.

A Force Forge (see below) isn't required, but if one is used (because they have access to one) then it would reduce the difficulty number by 2 levels and reduce the time by half.


Lightsaber Meditation (formerly listed as a Force Power)

Control Difficulty: Easy (Moderate for Attunement; Difficult for Imbuement, see below)
Alter Difficulty: Easy (Moderate for Attunement; Difficult for Imbuement, see below)
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Emptiness, Meditation
Time to Use: This process takes 30 days normally; with a +1 to all difficulties for each day reduced or -1 to all difficulties for each extra day taken. The minimum time under these rules is 1 hour with a +31 to all difficulties.
Effect: The Jedi using this ability is completing the final steps of lightsaber construction. This is the step that allows the complete bonding of all the elements of the Lightsaber together, as well as charging the energy cell for the first time. This is also where the Lightsaber becomes an extension of the Jedi. The Jedi begins the meditation, placing his hand on the power supply-unit controls, and the other hand holds the Lightsaber. The Jedi closes their eyes, and allows the Force to flow into the power cell. They also begin to bond, and open pathways that were never seen before in the makeup of the Lightsaber itself. This also begins to open the Jedi up, and expose them to the full nature of the Force. This is almost like Hibernation Trance, as the Jedi can watch the molding of the Lightsaber and energy cell from two days, up to thirty days or more, based on the skill of the Jedi.
Notes: Add +20 to all difficulties if the creator or item being created is of the opposite "alignment" of a forge (see below) or location of where the construction is taking place. A Force Forge (see below) isn't required, but if one is used (because they have access to one) then it should reduce the difficulty number by 2 levels and reduce the time by half.



There is a symbolic element to building one's own lightsaber. It marks a Jedi as a Force user that has come of age. It offers the opportunity to construct a saber that is uniquely theirs and matches their fighting style. Most will settle for a standard saber, but this is an opportunity to build something unusual. Jedi periodically lose or damage their sabers. Knowing how to build one means that the Jedi gains an insight into their design, repair and long-term maintenance. It also allows the building of the weapon to the exact dimensions of the hand (arm, tentacle, whatever) and digits of the owner. Button placement, dial pressure, everything designed exactly the way it is wanted to instinctually work.

The bonding does not have to be done at the time the lightsaber is being constructed. It can be done at a later time, but when it is done use the rules listed under Lightsaber Meditation. In addition, attunement is not a cumulative process where bonuses are added a little here and a little there; it either is or is not. Also, any new Attunement would supersede any previously one (with the only exception being new/different Emitter, Lens or Power/Energy Cell). If a Force Point is used, a role is still needed, but only at base/standard difficulty as everything else is waved. This would bypass the rules, as a Force Point is being permanently spent.

Use the Lightsaber Meditation rules for difficulty numbers, but sense is also rolled at the same difficulty number as the others.

"Bleeding" a crystal would follow these rules here under attunement. Whereas "bleeding" is defined as a Force user bending or dominating their will onto a crystal (this is required for some Sith to use certain crystals). "Blead" crystals can be healed and the process reversed by again using these rules.

The color blade result of a "blead" crystal is always red (there can be various shades) and the color blade result of an "un-blead" crystal is always white (there are never any shades).

A Force Forge (see below) isn't required, but if one is used (because they have access to one) then it should reduce the difficulty number by 2 levels and reduce the time by half.

Game Effects: The lightsaber is effectively linked to the creator (the creator's presence is associated with the weapon) which can make finding a lost saber easy through simple concentration; there are no modifiers added to this role and no range limitations. The weapon can never harm the creator on a fumble dice role; this does not prevent an opponent from damaging the creator, but would limit damage done in this manner to minimum. Use of telekinesis effects or powers on the weapon is done at 2 difficulty levels lower than normal. Finally, re-building a destroyed attuned weapon is done at half the normal time and difficulty modifiers/numbers.



This is less of a symbolic element to building one's own lightsaber and more of a direct extension of the creator/user. It marks you as a Force user that has come into their own, and a powerful one indeed. Force-imbued blades are blades that glow with the power of the Force coursing through them. This glow could manifest itself in multiple ways, ranging from lightning-like striations, a discoloration of the blade, a fire like manifestation, or lack any form of visual manifestation at all.

Imbued with the Force, the blades were preternaturally strong and sharp, being capable of cutting effortlessly through almost any and all materials, with the exception of reinforced metals such as durasteel, which took only slightly more effort but not that much more overall. Force-imbued blades could also damage and destroy dark side spirits. The creator would take an attuned to them lightsaber and would then "marry" or merge the lattices of the blade together with their own life force/energies- this was accomplished by submerging oneself deep into the Force, and then meditating on the blade until the blade, and creator/user became as one. Once the lattices were married, the wielder would channel energy through the crystal and into the blade until it began to glow with a nimbus of energy, signifying that the blade had been permanently infused with the life force of the creator/user.

This process doesn't have to be done at the time the lightsaber is being constructed. It can be done at a later time, but when it is done use the rules listed under Lightsaber Meditation. In addition, imbuement can be a cumulative process where bonuses can be added a little here and a little there. The new Imbuement bonus would supersede any previously added bonus, up to the maximum allowable of +3D (with the only exception being new/different Emitter, Lens or Power/Energy Cell). A Force Point must be spent for every D Imbued and a role is still needed; all the normal difficulties and modifiers apply. Remember a Force Point is being permanently spent and not in an immediately recoverable way.

The forging process was both physically and mentally taxing. Users ran the risk of shattering the blade (it explodes), crystal, or both when channeling energy - whether due to imperfections in the lattices, or due to their inadequate skill or even failed game dice roles.

Use the Lightsaber Meditation rules for difficulty numbers, but sense is also rolled at the same difficulty number as the others.

For example: use the base or standard difficulties as stated for just constructing. Imbuement starts at difficult for +1D and +15 to the difficulty for each D thereafter; up to a maximum difficulty number of 50 for +3D. This is an all or nothing role: if you make the role, spend the force point; but if you fail the role, you still spend the force point except no bonuses (except for Force Point usage, see above).

A Force Forge (see below) isn't required, but if one is used (because they have access to one) then it should reduce the difficulty number by 2 levels and reduce the time by half.

Game Effects: in addition to attunement effects, the weapon gives bonus dice (equal to the dice "D" of the imbuement) to all: to hit, damage and force power/skill roles that the user/creator performs with this weapon; the weapon must be in the hands of the creator/user for the bonus dice to be effective (having it hanging from your belt doesn't count).


Force Forge

This is a very powerful forge imbued with the force and linked to the location it is at; this is generally a planet (there has never been a forge on a space station or space ship) as the imbuement process would link the forge with the planet/location. A forge allows the user to better concentrate on the item being constructed to mitigate flawed items. Forges are not widely known (background depending) and basically forgotten about since the days of the Old Republic and then the fall of the Jedi Order making them extremely rare (and Palpatine isn't sharing).

Tython would be an example of a light side forge location, where Korriban would be an example of a dark side forge location. A neutral forge, even rarer still, would be found on neutral force worlds.

If the players choose to build a forge then speak with the GM for cost of materials, time requirement and Force point cost (generally at least 100 CP's or 10 FP). Constructing a forge is a timely process (about half a year) as it links the forge with the Force and the area that it is placed in (light or dark, etc.) and requires the expenditure of Force points; a group of Force users can share the cost if they are all building the forge for a unified purpose (think Jedi at the Temple on Coruscant or Sith on Korriban).

Game Benefits: A Force Forge if one is used in the construction of force user items, reduces the overall difficulty number by 2 levels and a reduction of the overall time by half. Plus innate force resistances can be added to armor, etc. (if this is known before hand). The forge cannot negate force point cost expenditures and must be at a permanent location that the players have easy access too.

Special Note: During the Empire era (Order 66 forward), possession of a lightsaber or any of its composite items is HIGHLY illegal and punishable by immediate disintegration.

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Lightsaber Parts

Listed herafter are the various parts that make up a standard lightsaber. There are also parts listed for modifying each lightsaber according to the dictates of the Jedi making it. Prices listed will only be for the "Standard" or base item as these can be used in other weapons, but may be seen as a guide for the cost of those after it. Note that, even though prices are not listed, they will be much higher, as much as five to ten times more depending on the item and its function.



Some emitters can be used in other weapon types (i.e. blaster, vibro-sword, etc.…)

Standard Emitter Cost 250
Unstable Emitter: While ignited the energy of the blade is constantly twisting/turning inside the field giving the blade a unique appearance. Also adds +1 to Intimidation
Standard Fencing Emitter: +2 for purposes of parrying; most suitable for parrying hand-to-hand attacks
Upgraded Fencing Emitter: +1D for purposes of parrying; most suitable for parrying hand-to-hand attacks
Improved Fencing Emitter: +1D+2 for purposes of parrying; most suitable for parrying hand-to-hand attacks
Advanced Fencing Emitter: +2D for purposes of parrying; most suitable for parrying hand-to-hand attacks
Expert Fencing Emitter: +3D for purposes of parrying; most suitable for parrying hand-to-hand attacks. Sometimes named after specific individuals
Deflection Emitter: +1D for purposes of deflecting
Improved Deflection Emitter: +1D+2 for purposes of deflecting, +1D dodge
Expert Deflection Emitter: +2D for purposes of deflecting, +1D dodge
Disrupting Emitter: +1D stun damage, DC 10
Advanced Disrupting Emitter: +2D stun damage, DC 15
Superior Disrupting Emitter: +3D stun damage, DC 21
Phobium Emitter: +2D stun damage, DC 15; -2D defensive skills
Advanced Phobium Emitter: +4D stun damage, DC 21; -2D defensive skills
Superior Phobium Emitter: +6D stun damage, DC 25; -2D defensive skills



Some lenses can be used in other weapon types (i.e. blaster, vibro-sword, etc.…)

Standard Lens: Cost: 300
Standard Dueling Lens: +2 for purposes of deflecting; finely tunes the blade for complete control where dueling and blaster shot deflection is needed
Upgraded Dueling Lens: +1D for purposes of deflecting; finely tunes the blade for complete control where dueling and blaster shot deflection is needed
Improved Dueling Lens: +1D+2 for purposes of deflecting; finely tunes the blade for complete control where dueling and blaster shot deflection is needed
Advanced Dueling Lens: +2D for purposes of deflecting; finely tunes the blade for complete control where dueling and blaster shot deflection is needed
Expert Dueling Lens: +3D for purposes of deflecting; finely tunes the blade for complete control where dueling and blaster shot deflection is needed. Sometimes named after specific locations
Dragite Lens: +2 damage
Adegan Lens: +1D+2 damage
Pontite Lens: +1D+2 damage, +2 to hit
Byrothsis Lens: +1D damage, +1D to hit, -2D for purposes of deflecting
Improved Byrothsis Lens: +2D damage, +2D to hit, -3D for purposes of deflecting
Expert Byrothsis Lens: +4D damage, +3D to hit, -4D for purposes of deflecting
Beam Gem Lens: +1D damage, +1 critical hit chance and damage
Expert Beam Gem Lens: +2D damage, +1D to hit, -3D for purposes of deflecting, +1 critical hit chance and damage
Vibration Lens: +1D damage, -1D to hit, -1D defense skills
Expert Vibration Lens: +2D damage, -1D to hit, -1D defense skills
Kunda Lens: +1D for purposes of deflecting
Pure Kunda Lens: +1D to hit, +2D for purposes of deflecting


Energy and Power Cells:

Some energy and power cells can be used in other weapon types (i.e. blaster, vibro-sword, etc.…)

Standard Energy Cell: Cost: 400
Diatium Energy Cell: energy stability resulting in improved power life-time; adds minor resistance from power drain/corruption
Superior Energy Cell: superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption
Superior Diatium Energy Cell: superior energy control and stability resulting in significant power life-time; almost impossible to damage from power drain/corruption
Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell: +1D damage with superior energy control and stability resulting in significant power life-time; almost impossible to damage from power drain/corruption
Discharge Energy Cell: +1 to critical hit chance and damage
Improved Discharge Energy Cell: +2 to critical hit chance and damage
Superior Discharge Energy Cell: +3 to critical hit chance and damage
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I: +1D electrical damage
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II: +2D electrical damage
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III: +3D electrical damage
Ion Energy Cell: +1D Ionization damage, +1D vs droids, +1 critical hit chance and damage
Improved Ion Energy Cell: +2D Ionization damage, +2D vs droids, +2 critical hit chance and damage
Superior Ion Energy Cell: +3D Ionization damage, +3D vs droids, +3 critical hit chance and damage
Standard Power Cell: +2 damage; but the cell gets burned out after 100 uses
Standard Rylith Power Cell: +1D damage; but the cell gets burned out after 40 uses
Upgraded Rylith Power Cell: +1D+2 damage; but the cell gets burned out after 35 uses
Improved Rylith Power Cell: +2D damage; but the cell gets burned out after 25 uses
Advanced Rylith Power Cell: +2D+2 damage; but the cell gets burned out after 20 uses
Expert Rylith Power Cell: +3D damage; but the cell gets burned out after 15 uses
Pure Rylith Power Cell: +3D+2 damage; but the cell gets burned out after 10 uses


Special Features:

These are extra's that can be added as a feature to a lightsaber.

Attenuated: This feature changes the blade width to be very narrow, but also makes deflection harder.
Game Effects: +1D for purposes of parrying; -1D for purposes of deflection
Call Beacon: The call beacon is the simplest device to install in a lightsaber. This device will summon a ship with a slave circuit like a regular call beacon, only the button is embedded in the handle of the lightsaber. Range is typically 5 km.
Game Effects: self-explanatory
Cell Recognizer: This device is used to modify a lightsaber such that it will not function for anyone except certain people. A small sensor array and recognition chip is installed in the handle of the lightsaber, which reads the cell patterns of whoever is holding the weapon. If the cell patterns do not match that of designated "safe" users, the weapon's power cells shut down, and any failsafe devices are activated. Failsafe devices can range from electrocution to a loud warble to a quiet beacon that alerts the owner via comlink that the weapon is in the hands of an unauthorized bearer.
Game Effects: self-explanatory
Over-Powered: This feature causes more power to flow to the blade increasing damage, but also depletes the power cell faster.
Game Effects: +1D damage; but the cell gets burned out after 40 uses.
Special Note: if this is used in conjunction with any Rylith Power Cell: The number of uses before burn out is halved (use the lower of the two).
Pressure-Grip: This adapter for the handle of a lightsaber allows for what is, in essence, a "dead man" switch on a lightsaber. The lightsaber activates and deactivates as normal, but automatically deactivates should the pressure on the handle of the lightsaber be removed. This is also good when combined with the lock-on switch.
Game Effects: self-explanatory
Silenced: Some Jedi texts from the days of the wars with the Sith indicate that certain Sith warriors had perfected the art of effectively silencing a lightsaber blade. By adjusting the crystals within the blade (see Stygium Crystal below); some lightsabers have been reduced to a nearly noiseless blade, making only the faintest whisper of a noise when activated.
Note that Emitters and lenses are other components in making a blade quieter. See the emitters and Lenses section for particulars.
Stun Damage: It is possible for some of the most skilled lightsaber craftsmen to design a lightsaber that does little more than stun an opponent, rather than slicing them as a standard blade does. These blades use a very special kind of crystal (see Bondar Crystal below) that alters the harmonics of the lightsaber blade such that it no longer deals normal damage. Instead, the lightsaber does stun damage equal to the standard damage rating of the weapon, but no longer ignores the hardness of items.
Note that Emitters are another component in making a blade do stun damage. See the emitters section for particulars.
Unstable Blade: This feature adds additional damage to the weapon, but also makes the use of the weapon harder to control.
Game Effects: +4D damage and -4D to hit.
Special Note: if this is used in conjunction with an unstable synth-crystal: +8D damage, -4D to hit and a 40 % chance, per use, for the blade to short out and deactivate unexpectedly.
Variable Control Switch: This feature gives the ability to manually change the blade length and width; other features may be added into this.
Game Effects: the blade can be manually adjusted for length and width changes by the user; variable, depending on what is done to the switch.
Ventilated Hilt: This feature adds small plasma energy release points that can be used to keep a saber running cooler (less chance of burn-out) and at the same time be used like small dagger attacks. [This is the type of hilt Kylo Ren uses]
Game Effects: +1D for purposes of parrying and intimidation; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption. Can make a free attack of opportunity on any failed opposed brawling, melee combat or martial arts attack (damage = 5D).
Special Note: if this is used with any Kyber type crystal and the user kills an opponent in a dark side manner (GM's call) then the user receives 1 DS point in addition to any they would normally gain.

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Synthetic: N/A
Standard: Once every 5000 years one feature or value increases - GM's call.
Kyber-Like: Once every 2500 years one feature or value increases - GM's call.
Kyber: Once every 1000 years one feature or value increases - GM's call.
Perfect: Once every 500 years one feature or value increases - GM's call.
Force-Bonded: GM's call.

Lightsabers can hold a maximum of 3 crystals (EXCEPT in special circumstances, GM's Approval ONLY); so only up to 2 additional crystals may be added beyond the color crystal; again EXCEPT in special circumstances (GM's Approval ONLY). It is not unheard of where the color crystal had special properties as well; but again this is another example of a special circumstance. Special property crystals are only obtained via mission rewards from the GM or from a specific quest to acquire them (if it is part of a starting characters background, then GM's permission must be given).

There are 4 different groups of crystals that can be used in lightsabers and other weapon systems; all are mentioned here and defined for game use similarly to emitters and lenses above. Those groups are: Synthetic, Standard, Kyber-like, Kyber.

Within these groups are six different qualities (rarity) of crystals (see below), for all except Synthetic. This quality directly refers to the lattice system, point group symmetry and crystal quality (also sometimes referred to as family); effectively the internal make-up of the crystal.

A Lattice System is a class of lattices with the same set of lattice point groups, which are subgroups of the arithmetic crystal classes.
Point Group Symmetry is a set of point groups and their corresponding space groups are assigned to a lattice system.
A Crystal Quality is determined by lattices and point groups. It is formed by combining crystal systems which have space groups assigned to a common lattice system.
For game effects those quality definitions are further defined in the table below:

Crystal Quality Required Symmetries of Point Group Point Groups Space Groups Bravais Lattices Lattice System
Kathracite None 2 2 1 Triclinic
Relacite 1 twofold axis of rotation or 1 mirror plane 3 13 2 Monoclinic
Danite 3 twofold axes of rotation or 1 twofold axis of rotation and 2 mirror planes 3 59 4 Orthorhombic
Mephite 1 fourfold axis of rotation 7 68 2 Tetragonal
Pontite 1 threefold axis of rotation OR 1 sixfold axis of rotation 5 OR 7 7 OR 18 OR 27 1 Rhombohedral OR Hexagonal
Perfect 4 threefold axes of rotation 5 36 3 Cubic

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Synthetic Crystals

Commonly referred to as a Synth-crystal, this type of lightsaber crystal is artificially created rather than naturally formed by geological processes. Due to the methods used in their creation, they are often formed with a red coloration, though they could be made with any color through special manipulations of either the creation process or the crystal itself, through the Force. There were 3 different types of synthetic crystals used in lightsabers: Standard, Compressed, and Unstable. All synth-crystals have no inherent force properties or abilities.

Standard Synth-Crystal

Generated lightsaber blades were in general less maneuverable than the blades generated by natural crystals, but these blades had the rare potential to "break the blade" of standard lightsabers by overloading the energy matrix and instantly burning out the other lightsaber.
Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; 5% chance, per hit, to burn out the opposing lightsaber blade.

Compressed Synth-Crystal

Generated lightsaber blades to be considerably thinner than standard blades. However, a byproduct of this thinner blade was that it allowed for greater precision and control. In addition to a thinner blade, the other visual indicators for a blade generated by a compressed synth-crystal were oscillations of energy that rapidly ran along the length of the blade at regular intervals.
Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.

Unstable Synth-Crystal

Generated lightsaber blades that tend to crackle with energy at erratic intervals, sometimes causing sparks to fly or streaks of electrical energy to run along the length. Due to the energy sparking from the blade, unstable synth-crystals caused more damage than normal when they hit enemies. However, they were much more prone to shorting out, causing the lightsaber to deactivate for a time.
Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +4D damage and a 20 % chance per use for the blade to short out and deactivate unexpectedly. This effect can last up to 1D rounds.

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Standard Crystals

These crystals are naturally formed crystals that are not part of the Kyber group or family of crystals (see below) and are not artificially created. This group of crystals is very common throughout the galaxy and can be found on most planets, asteroids or gas giants. Sith that used these crystals didn't need to "bleed" the crystal (see below). This group of crystals can be of any blade color, but it should be noted that the color of the crystal will be the color of the blade (GM's permission is required for any special or not standard color). These crystals have no inherent force properties or abilities, but can provide greater than standard or base lightsaber damage based on the crystal rarity.

Kathracite Standard Crystal

The most common form of standard crystal.
Game Effects: 3D+2 Blade damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Standard Crystal

The 2nd most common form of standard crystal.
Game Effects: 4D Blade damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Standard Crystal

The 3rd most common form of standard crystal.
Game Effects: 4D+1 Blade damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Standard Crystal

The typical standard crystal used by the Jedi and produced one of the best lightsaber blades.
Game Effects: 5D Blade damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Standard Crystal

A rare and powerful type of standard crystal; almost impossible to find.
Game Effects: 5D+1 Blade damage.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Standard Crystal

The rarest and most powerful type of standard crystal; nearly impossible to find, it resonated with a powerful aura that cooled both skin and tempers.
Game Effects: 6D Blade damage.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.
The coolness to the touch is actually cooler by 15 degrees than the surrounding temperature or that of the being that touches it. The crystal also reduces anger in a 10 meter radius. Those within the radius must roll a Difficult Control or Perception roll at -2D to continue being angry.

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Kyber-Like Crystals

These crystals are naturally formed crystals that are not part of the Kyber group or family of crystals (see below) and are not artificially created. This group of crystals is not very common throughout the galaxy and can only be found at specific locations or on specific planets, asteroids or gas giants. Except where noted, Sith that used these crystals didn't need to "bleed" the crystal (see Bleeding above). This group of crystals could be of any blade color, but it should be noted that the color of the crystal would be the color of the blade (except where specifically mentioned below). These crystals had no inherent force properties or abilities, most provided at least standard or base lightsaber damage and some inherent additional properties that varied between the different types found in this group.


Bondar Crystals

This crystal was capable of briefly stunning an opponent if the lightsaber scraped their flesh. Bondar crystals convert the energy of a lightsaber blade into a different form of energy. A lightsaber constructed with a Bondar crystal deals stun damage instead of normal damage. The Jedi used Bondar crystals in their training lightsabers. The blade produced by a Bondar crystal varies from almost white pink with a darker pink core to magenta pink with a white core. Found on an asteroid in far orbit around the Alderaan system was the only known source of Bondar. After the destruction of the planet, many of the asteroids were also destroyed in the shifting of gravitational pulls, making this crystal extremely hard to find and rare.

Kathracite Bondar Crystal

Game Effects: 3D+2 Stun damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Bondar Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Stun damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Bondar Crystal

Game Effects: 4D+1 Stun damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Bondar Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Stun damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Bondar Crystal

Game Effects: 5D+1 Stun damage.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Bondar Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Stun damage.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Barab Crystals/Ingots

Add +2D damage, +5D fire/radiation damage; found on the planet Barab I, found inside the ore littering the planet's radiation-baked surface. The extreme radiation hazard on the surface makes it difficult to find these crystals. When used in a lightsaber, the ingots produced a clear blade (not invisible) with an almost flame-like appearance; that burned almost to the point of losing its cohesion.

Kathracite Barab crystals/Ingots

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage; +1D+1 fire/radiation damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Barab crystals/Ingots

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; +2D fire/radiation damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Barab crystals/Ingots

Game Effects: 5D+1 Blade damage; +2D damage; +3D fire/radiation damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Barab crystals/Ingots

Game Effects: 5D+2 Blade damage; +2D damage; +4D fire/radiation damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Barab crystals/Ingots

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D damage; +4D+1 fire/radiation damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Barab crystals/Ingots

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D damage; +5D fire/radiation damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Corusca Gems/Stones/Crystals

+1D to hit, damage and initiative; they can be found only in very select locations in the galaxy (very specific classes of gas giants). They are produced by a combination of the extreme pressures present in the atmosphere of a select few gas giants-pressures great enough to crush elements together-and the scraping of the liquefied air of the planet against its metallic core. The sizes of Corusca gems increased with proximity to the core of the gas giant. For lightsaber use, size specifications were extremely exact so very few were ever used; produced a bright blade (purple was the most common) that almost seem to sparkle with inner light. These could also be used to power a saber instead of a standard power source.

Kathracite Corusca gems/stones/crystals

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Relacite Corusca gems/stones/crystals

Game Effects: 4D+1 Blade damage; +2 to hit; +1D damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Danite Corusca gems/stones/crystals

Game Effects: 4D+2 Blade damage; +1D to hit and damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Mephite Corusca gems/stones/crystals

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit and damage; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Pontite Corusca gems/stones/crystals

Game Effects: 5D+1 Blade damage; +1D to hit and damage; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Perfect Corusca gems/stones/crystals

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage and initiative; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Damind Crystals

The planet Daminia is the only known source of Damind. In its mineral form, the crystal is known as damindium. For lightsaber use, Damind creates a wider and longer blade than seen on a standard lightsaber, able to more easily deflect blaster fire. Red and blue blade colors were very common. This was a common crystal in the Sith Empire.

Kathracite Damind Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2 damage; +2 for purposes of parrying.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Damind Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D damage; +2 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Damind Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Damind Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Damind Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; +1D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Damind Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Dragite Crystals

These crystals were found on M'haeli, in the D'olop Mountain Range. The crystals were highly valued as a power source and were sometimes used to focus lightsabers. The beam they created resonated loudly when it struck, inflicting varying amounts of sonic damage consistent with the strike. For lightsaber use, pink was a common blade color.

Kathracite Dragite Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D sonic damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Dragite Crystal

Game Effects: 4D+1 Blade damage; +1D+2 sonic damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Dragite Crystal

Game Effects: 4D+2 Blade damage; +1D damage; +2D sonic damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Dragite Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage; +2D+2 sonic damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Dragite Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage; +3D sonic damage.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Dragite Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; +4D sonic damage.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Durindfire Crystals/Gems

Durinfire were precious crystals found on the planet Tatooine. For lightsaber use, it added a distinctive silver sheen to any lightsaber blade. This stone was traditionally used by the Jedi of the Halcyon/Horn family.

Kathracite Durindfire crystals/ gems

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Durindfire crystals/ gems

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Durindfire crystals/ gems

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+2 damage
A random role result of 1-3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Durindfire crystals/ gems

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Durindfire crystals/ gems

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+1 damage
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Durindfire crystals/ gems

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D damage
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Eralam Crystals

This crystal was a type of lightsaber crystal once mined on the third moon of the planet Erai, though orbital bombardments by ancient Sith forces against the moon made them very rare. If they could be found, Eralam crystals produced a clear, superior lightsaber beam. Its mineral form was known as eraladium; blade colors were predominately green and blue.

Kathracite Eralam crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form

Relacite Eralam crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form

Danite Eralam crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form

Mephite Eralam crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Eralam crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+1 to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Eralam crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Etaan Crystals

Etaan crystals are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only on the Mid Rim planet Etai. An unusual form of lightsaber crystal, etaan forms in the depths of caverns deep within the crust of Etai, appearing no higher than five hundred meters below the surface. More likely to be found at 10,000 meters below the surface, they are incredibly difficult to find. Etaan possess a unique property, in that they echo sound with a humming resonance. Once harvested, their resonant properties remained, and when incorporated into a lightsaber, the blade emitted thrummed in harmony with the motion of the blade. Responding well when clashing against another blade, the weapon gave off a near-deafening crack and flared with energy. While a lightsaber powered by an etaan would cause others to bounce off its blade, blaster bolts absorbed some of the energy from the resonant blade and were increasingly dangerous if redirected at a target.

Kathracite Etaan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Etaan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Etaan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Etaan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D additional damage for redirected blaster bolts.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Etaan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D+1 additional damage for redirected blaster bolts.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Etaan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +4D additional damage for redirected blaster bolts.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Firkrann Crystals

These types of crystals were a comparatively heavy lightsaber crystal mined on the planet Rafa V. The crystal imparts an electrical charge to the weapon that contains it making the saber especially devastating to droids. They were noted to be used specifically by the Dark Lords of the Sith.

Kathracite Firkrann Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Firkrann Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Firkrann Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Firkrann Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D electrical damage, +6D vs droids (perfect for droids, computers, machines and cybernetics).
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Firkrann Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D damage; +3D electrical damage, +6D vs droids (perfect for droids, computers, machines and cybernetics).
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Firkrann Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D damage; +3D electrical damage, +6D vs droids (perfect for droids, computers, machines and cybernetics).
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Haven Crystals

These crystals are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only in the Haven system. They are incredibly difficult to find and possess a unique property, in that they echo a force neutral resonance; once harvested their resonant properties remained creating a superior wider and longer lightsaber beam with a distinctive sheen (most blade colors were available except gold, which was extremely rare).

Kathracite Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Haven Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Haven Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form, see below.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of a special; a second 6 in 6 role is required and if achieved re-roll on the Kyber Haven list, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Hurrikaine Crystals

Hurrikaine crystals from the planet Hurrikaine and admired for their unparalleled beauty. When used in lightsabers, they create blades that are very good at penetrating defenses with blade colors ranging from deep blue to violet.

Kathracite Hurrikaine Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage; +3D material damage
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Hurrikaine Crystal

Game Effects: 5D+1 Blade damage; +2D damage; +3D material damage
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Hurrikaine Crystal

Game Effects: 5D+2 Blade damage; +2D+1 damage; +3D+1 material damage
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Hurrikaine Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D damage; +3D+1 material damage
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Hurrikaine Crystal

Game Effects: 6D+1 Blade damage; +3D+1 damage; +4D material damage
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Hurrikaine Crystal

Game Effects: 7D Blade damage; +4D damage; +4D+1 material damage
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Iokathian Crystals

These crystals are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only on Iokath. They possess a unique property, in that they store energy and are incredibly spike/surge resilient. Once harvested, their properties remained, and when incorporated into a lightsaber, the blade thrummed in ambient power with the motion of the blade. Used in a lightsaber, the Iokathian would cause a leeching effect in its blade, absorbing some of the energy from energy attacks and are increasingly dangerous if redirected at a target. Most blade colors were available except gold, which is extremely rare.

Kathracite Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; prior round energy damage collected can be added to the current round damage dealt; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; prior round energy damage collected can be added to the current round damage dealt; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: didn't exist in this form, see below.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of a special; a second 6 in 6 role is required and if achieved re-roll on the Kyber Iokathian list, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Jenruax Crystals

A refined form of Opila, the Jenruax crystal had to be cleansed of impurities before use. When set in a lightsaber's crystal chamber, jenruax made the blade more agile and thus, more efficient at deflecting blaster fire. Yellow is a common blade color.

Kathracite Jenruax Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Jenruax Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Jenruax Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Jenruax Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Jenruax Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Jenruax Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Krayt Dragon Pearls

Lustrous, colored stones found in the last chamber of the gizzard of krayt dragons - a large carnivorous reptile native to Tatooine. The stones are used to help crush food eaten by them, and over time, they become rounded because of how much they move around. They can be found in colors such as blue, green, red, white and black.

Kathracite Krayt Dragon Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Krayt Dragon Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Krayt Dragon Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Krayt Dragon Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Pontite Krayt Dragon Pearls

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D damage; +2pips to all lightsaber skill rolls.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Perfect Krayt Dragon Pearls

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D damage; +1D to all lightsaber skill rolls.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Lava Crystals

A lightsaber crystal that can only be found on volcanic planets and moons such as Mustafar. It generates a blade that resembles lava.

Kathracite Lava Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D damage, +2D fire damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Lava Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage, +2D fire damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Lava Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 damage, +3D fire damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Lava Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage, +3D fire damage, for 1D6 rounds.
A random role result of 4-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Lava Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Perfect Lava Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.


Lesser Solari Crystals

Only visible in the late evening and is found on the planet Sacorria, a peaceful yet secretive planet, and the frozen world of Rhen Var.
Utilizing this type of crystal in a lightsaber will increase the width of its blade, increasing the wielders ability with parrying and deflecting.

Kathracite Lesser Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Lesser Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 4D+2 Blade damage; +1D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Lesser Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+2 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Lesser Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Lesser Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D+2 Blade damage; +2D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Lesser Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D+2 for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Luxum Crystals

These crystals are from the world of Ambria, a planet gripped by dark energies, where they are formed out of the minerals and Force energy contained in Lake Natth through long and deep meditation. Ionizing: A droid, powered armor or anything else powered by powercells can have its power interrupted with a strike from a blade. The blow doesn't need to deal damage. The item struck must make a Difficult Strength check (use its strength attribute) or receive a -1D penalty. This penalty is cumulative. Once Strength or Dexterity reaches 0D the droid, armor, etc is only able to make a single action in a round. Once it is at -2D Strength or Dexterity, it is unable to even move until repaired. The blade of a lightsaber with this crystal is opalescent white.

Kathracite Luxum Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Luxum Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Luxum Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Luxum Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Pontite Luxum Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D ionization damage (perfect for droids, computers, machines and cybernetics).
A random role result of 1-5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Luxum Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D ionization damage (perfect for droids, computers, machines and cybernetics).
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Nextor Crystals

This crystal is mined in the mountains of the world of M'haeli. Lightsaber blades produced are superior quality; full range of colors available.

Kathracite Nextor Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Nextor Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Nextor Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Nextor Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; All difficulties to use a lightsaber are reduced by 1 level.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Nextor Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; All difficulties to use a lightsaber are reduced by 2 levels.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Nextor Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage; All difficulties to use a lightsaber are reduced by 3 levels.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Odessen Crystals

Extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only on the planet Odessen. They are incredibly common and possess a unique property, in that they echo a force neutral resilience; once harvested their resilience properties remain creating a superior wider and longer beam lightsaber with a bright glow (most blade colors were available except gold, which was extremely rare).

Kathracite Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +1D damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to resist directed force attacks; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to resist directed force attacks; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form, see below.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of a special; a second 6 in 6 role is required and if achieved re-roll on the Kyber Odessen list, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Opila Crystal

This crystal is mined in an asteroid field in the Fyrth system. It generates an intense blade; full range of blade colors available.

Kathracite Opila Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+2 damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Opila Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Opila Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+1 damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Opila Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Opila Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D damage.
A random role result of 5-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Opila Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.


Phond Crystals

Was a strange byproduct resulting from rare impurities bonding during the making of certain alloys due to as-yet-unknown external conditions. This crystal produced a fiercely burning lightsaber beam.

Kathracite Phond Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D+2 damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Phond Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A skill roll of easy to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Phond Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D+1 damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A skill roll of moderate to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Phond Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D+2 damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A skill roll of difficult to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Phond Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D damage.
A random role result of 5-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A skill roll of very difficult to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Phond Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D damage.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A skill roll of heroic to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Qixoni Crystals

These unique, powerful gems were formed when a planet of the Qixoni system was consumed as its star went supernova, millennia before the Jedi Civil War. The heat and energy of the star caused metals and minerals in the planet to become fused into crystals which was then blasted into the Qixoni Nebula when the planet was destroyed. These crystals are exceedingly rare crystals of a dark red color. The very rare version of the crystal is said to enhance one's Force abilities, in addition to more standard version of the crystals enhancing the lightsaber blade's power to a significant degree.

Kathracite Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Relacite Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D+1 damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Danite Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Mephite Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Pontite Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +5D damage.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Perfect Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of a special; a second 6 in 6 role is required, and if achieved re-roll on the Kyber Qixoni list, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Rubat Crystals

The planet Phemis is the only known source of rubat. The crystal sharpens the appearance and definition of the blade, allowing its wielder to easily track the blade and strike opponents properly. The crystal can also help its wielder attack faster.

Kathracite Rubat Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Rubat Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Rubat Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Rubat Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage and initiative.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Rubat Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage and initiative.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Rubat Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage and initiative.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Sapith Crystals

The crystal is excreted by the now extinct Volice worm, a creature from the Ssi-ruuvi homeworld Lwhekk. When used in a lightsaber it generates an intense blade, extremely easier to control than most other blades. However, since the worm's extinction, finding these crystals is next to impossible.

Kathracite Sapith Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Sapith Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Sapith Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Sapith Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Pontite Sapith Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Perfect Sapith Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +5D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying/deflecting.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required.


Sigil Crystals

Mined in the Sigil system, the cost to mine is extremely high but worthwhile due to the searing effect it has once properly placed in a lightsaber. It is a brownish-yellow color in nature, and when used in a lightsaber, the beam produced is incredibly potent and dealt greater damage.

Kathracite Sigil Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Sigil Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Sigil Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Sigil Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D damage.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Sigil Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D damage; Moderate Difficulty Willpower role or become stunned because of the constant searing pain effect.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Sigil Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D damage; Difficult Difficulty willpower role or become stunned because of the constant searing pain effect.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.



Are uncommon, silvery, lustrous, spherical pearls found on the deep ocean floor of Dac, also known as Mon Calamari and sometimes simply called Calamari or Mon Cala. It required considerable skill to properly install an Ultima Pearl.

Kathracite Ultima-Pearls

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D+2 damage.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Ultima-Pearls

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D damage.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Ultima-Pearls

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D+2 damage.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Ultima-Pearls

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +3D damage.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Ultima-Pearls

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +3D+2 damage.
A random role result of 5-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Ultima-Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.


Velmorite Crystals

Velmorite is a yellow crystal found only on the planet Velmor. They are used to produce high quality Velmorite energy swords, though other applications were certainly possible. When used in a lightsaber, this crystal creates a fine, thin blade for graceful, fluid wielding.

Kathracite Velmorite Crystal

Game effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Velmorite Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Velmorite Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Velmorite Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Velmorite Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +3D+1 to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Velmorite Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +3D+2 to hit, damage and for purposes of parrying.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Visindar Black Pearls

Little to nothing is known about these exceptionally rare pearls, perhaps they are long forgotten Sith knowledge. It creates a black blade color contained inside a dark blue magnetic field.

Kathracite Visindar Black Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Visindar Black Pearls:

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Visindar Black Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Visindar Black Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Pontite Visindar Black Pearls

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Perfect Visindar Black Pearls

Game Effects: 7D Blade damage; Reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, once per Adventure.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required.


Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Little to nothing is known about these exceptionally rare diamonds. It creates a Silver/white colored blade.

Kathracite Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Pontite Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Perfect Zaka Hollow Diamonds

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; Allows 1 secondary crystal to be placed within this one adding to the effects of the lightsaber (effectively giving the lightsaber two secondary crystals).
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Little to nothing is known about these exceptionally rare emeralds. It creates a Green colored blade.

Kathracite Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Pontite Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Perfect Zaka Hollow Emeralds

Game Effects: 5D+2 Blade damage; Allows 1 secondary crystal to be placed within this one adding to the effects of the lightsaber (effectively giving the lightsaber two secondary crystals).
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Little to nothing is known about these exceptionally rare sapphires. It creates a Blue colored blade.

Kathracite Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Pontite Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Perfect Zaka Hollow Sapphires

Game Effects: 5D+1 Blade damage; Allows 1 secondary crystal to be placed within this one adding to the effects of the lightsaber (effectively giving the lightsaber two secondary crystals).
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Zakuulan Crystals

These craystals are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only in the Zakuul system. They are easy to find. These crystals create a superior lightsaber beam with a distinctive bright sheen (only standard blade colors are available, no exotic colors except for gold, which was rare and only used by the royal family).

Kathracite Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Relacite Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Danite Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates no crystal.

Mephite Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: didn't exist in this form, see below.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of a special; a second 6 in 6 role is required and if achieved re-roll on the Kyber Zakuulan list, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

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Kyber Crystals

Kyber crystals are Force-attuned crystals that grow rarely but throughout the galaxy, with some areas having a greater abundance than others; chief among these planets are Ilum, Dantooine, Halm, Mygeeto, Cularin system asteroid belt and the Adega system.

Special Game Effects: All Crystals covered in this section are the mack daddies of all crystal types. Due to the inherent nature of these crystals they are to be treated as though their special abilities can increase throughout game play. This is done by either character point expenditure at the same cost level as raising attributes (x10 per D level per pip) or Force point expenditure at the cost of 1 FP to raise to the next whole D. This is done per dice D listed separately if more than 1 ability is listed (bonus to damage is separate from bonus to hit, etc.) Example: +1D would cost either 30 character points to raise it to 2D (3 pips at 10 CP's per pip = 30) OR 1 FP to raise it to 2D; it is the players choice, just let the GM know. Remember, if you choose to raise it by FP usage this would be considered spent and not immediately recoverable (see gaining FP in the site rules section).

Further, due to the extreme nature of the Force connection with these crystals any FP or DPS (if that is the case, see bleeding above) recoveries/gaining (see game rules for this) are doubled. Example: spending a FP at the dramatic appropriate moment would normally be the recovery of the spent FP and one additional; with these crystals however you would gain two additional.

Most Kyber's were inherently attuned to the light side of the Force, and would attempt to resist any effort by dark side practitioners to use them in lightsabers. To this end, the only way a Sith, or other darksider could make use of a kyber crystal was to use the Force to dominate the crystal, bending it to their will (see Bleeding above).

The crystals concentrated energy in a unique manner through the Force, resonating with it. The crystals exhibited a sort of "collective consciousness", veering on the edge of sentience, and could non-verbally communicate with both one another and living beings. Some theorized that the permutations in the kyber lattice were comparable to emotional shifts in a sentient being.

Internally, kyber crystals were composed of both organic and inorganic matter. They were stable at temperatures and pressures found in the cores of large stars, and are thus impervious to fire and resistant to hammering and noted for their intricate patterns. Kyber crystals were sturdy enough to survive the violent explosion of a lightsaber's power grid, such as those caused by accidentally inverting the emitter matrix during the weapon's assembly. Kyber crystals would not warm a sheath or a towel or any inanimate object, responding only to life, including plant life. If an individual were to wrap their hand around a crystal, the crystal would warm, but not change in temperature.

The crystals grew in an organized way, adding to their prismatic structure one piece at a time. They had no discernible lifespan, and thus could be found from sizes as small as a fingernail to gigantic proportions. All kybers were attuned to the Force regardless of their size. Incorrectly pumping laser energy into the crystals weakened their lattices in the same way living cells were affected by radiation.

For centuries, the Jedi cut and faceted the crystals to eliminate occlusions and intensify their power yield.

Kathracite Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (without the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D damage; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (without the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (without the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (without the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D+2 to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (without the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (with the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Force-Bonded Kyber Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +*D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +*D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 2 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (with the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second and third 6 in 6 roles are required, otherwise treat it as Perfect.
These crystal force-bonds with its owner and a result will always be half as strong as their owner (without the need of CP or FP expenditure). The * above is that half D number (rounded down) of Perception or Control, so as the owner becomes stronger so does the crystal. Example: The owner has 6D in Control, then the corresponding *D would be 3D. These crystals can only have 1 force-bond at a time. However, if this type of crystal is recovered from a fallen opponent the force-bond could be broken by means similar to that of un-bleeding (see bleeding above); once done in this manner only then can it re-bond with another.


Adegan Crystals

These rare Force-reactive crystals are the most common variety and quantity of Kyber crystals found anywhere in the galaxy; most crystals are referred to as Adegan.

Kathracite Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D damage; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D to parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D+2 to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (without the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Force-Bonded Adegan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +*D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +*D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); 1 x per adventure a free FP can be spent (with the ability to gain more); superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second and third 6 in 6 roles are required, otherwise treat it as Perfect.
These crystal force-bonds with its owner and a result will always be half as strong as their owner (without the need of CP or FP expenditure). The * above is that half D number (rounded down) of Perception or Control, so as the owner becomes stronger so does the crystal. Example: The owner has 6D in Control, then the corresponding *D would be 3D. These crystals can only have 1 force-bond at a time. However, if this type of crystal is recovered from a fallen opponent the force-bond could be broken by means similar to that of un-bleeding (see bleeding above); once done in this manner only then can it re-bond with another.


Ilum Crystals

The caverns containing the crystals were long ago turned into a Jedi temple. Unlike the crystals of other planets, the crystals of Ilum were limited to blue and green in color. The planet was over ninety percent ice.
After scouring the Temple Archives on Coruscant, the Empire swiftly moved in to seize the planet. As part of Order 66, the 481st Legion was dispatched to the planet to eliminate any hiding Jedi and to secure the Temple. After the Empire was fully established, the 481st was replaced with a dedicated joint forces mission of the Imperial Navy and Army. Forming up a beachhead around the Temple and installing a giant metal door over its entrance, the army constantly monitored the facility while the Navy formed a blockade around the planet. Over time, research facilities and observation platforms were established and an entire garrison was situated there. Despite the Emperor's grave concerns for the planet's safety, more often than not the posting was used as a punishment or sort of exile for delinquent officers, rival captains, and a graveyard for derelict ships. During the Galactic Civil War, Captain Malthegn oversaw the blockade from the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer the Hoplite.

Kathracite Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, once per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D+1 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D+1 to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, twice per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D+2 to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, four times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, four times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D+1 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D+1 to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, six times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D+2 to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Always reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, you never fumble; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Force-Bonded Ilum Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +*D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +*D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Always reroll a result of "1" on the wild die, you never fumble; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second and third 6 in 6 roles are required, otherwise treat it as Perfect.
These crystal force-bonds with its owner and a result will always be half as strong as their owner (without the need of CP or FP expenditure). The * above is that half D number (rounded down) of Perception or Control, so as the owner becomes stronger so does the crystal. Example: The owner has 6D in Control, then the corresponding *D would be 3D. These crystals can only have 1 force-bond at a time. However, if this type of crystal is recovered from a fallen opponent the force-bond could be broken by means similar to that of un-bleeding (see bleeding above); once done in this manner only then can it re-bond with another.
A skill roll of heroic to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Dantooine/Dantari Crystals

Are crystals found on the planet Dantooine in the crystal cave. The Crystal Cave was located on the southeast end of the Khoonda plains in the Sandral fields. The Crystal Cave, a complex network of tunnels and chambers, had been burrowed by its non-sentient inhabitants, the kinrath, a species of poisonous arachnoids. Among the naturally occurring crystal structures were the rare crystals, which produced blue, green and yellow variations; it was also very common for Dantari crystals to come in all rare colors.

Kathracite Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit, once per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit, twice per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit, three times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit, four times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit, six times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Force-Bonded Dantari Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +*D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +*D to all force powers/skills (if Force Sensitive, if not then the GM will choose the skill it bonus's for the character); Maximum damage on a critical hit; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second and third 6 in 6 roles are required, otherwise treat it as Perfect.
These crystal force-bonds with its owner and a result will always be half as strong as their owner (without the need of CP or FP expenditure). The * above is that half D number (rounded down) of Perception or Control, so as the owner becomes stronger so does the crystal. Example: The owner has 6D in Control, then the corresponding *D would be 3D. These crystals can only have 1 force-bond at a time. However, if this type of crystal is recovered from a fallen opponent the force-bond could be broken by means similar to that of un-bleeding (see bleeding above); once done in this manner only then can it re-bond with another.


Ankarres Sapphire Crystals

Are the oldest and most powerful lightsaber crystals of the Jedi Order. There origin is unknown and they one of the most potent crystals that can be used in lightsaber creation. They produce a wide, vibrant, dark blue blade.

Kathracite Ankarres Sapphire Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Ankarres Sapphire Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Ankarres Sapphire Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Ankarres Sapphire Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Pontite Ankarres Sapphire Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +4D parrying/deflecting; +3D+2 to all healing type force powers/rolls; +3D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 1-5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Ankarres Sapphire Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +5D parrying/deflecting; +4D+2 to all healing type force powers/rolls; +4D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Blackwing Crystals

These are found only in the caves of the Quarantine Zone on the planet Dathomir. When used in a lightsaber, it produces a dark, smoky ash blade. These crystals may have been a product of the Imperial bioweapons Project I71A Codenamed "Blackwing".

Kathracite Blackwing Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all Dark side powers/skills; Maximum damage on a critical hit, once per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Blackwing Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D to all Dark side powers/skills; Maximum damage on a critical hit, twice per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Blackwing Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +1D+2 to all Dark side powers/skills; Maximum damage on a critical hit, three times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Blackwing Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D to all Dark side powers/skills; Maximum damage on a critical hit, three times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Blackwing Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D+2 to all Dark side powers/skills; Maximum damage on a critical hit, four times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Blackwing Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +4D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +3D to all Dark side powers/skills; Maximum damage on a critical hit, four times per Adventure; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Haven Kyber Crystals

These crystals are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only in the Haven system. They are incredibly difficult to find and possess a unique property, in that they echo a force neutral resonance; once harvested their resonant properties remain creating a superior wider and longer lightsaber beam with a distinctive sheen (most blade colors are available except gold, which is extremely rare).

Kathracite Kyber Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Kyber Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Kyber Haven Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Kyber Haven Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +3D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Kyber Haven Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D+1 to hit; +3D+1 damage; +3D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kyber Haven Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +4D damage; +4D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills; +1D to resist directed Force attacks; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Iokathian Kyber Crystals

These were an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only on Iokath. They possessed a unique property, in that they stored energy and were incredibly spike/surge resilient. Once harvested, their properties remained, and when incorporated into a lightsaber, the blade emitted thrummed in ambient power with the motion of the blade. Used in a lightsaber, the Iokathian would cause a leeching effect in its blade, absorbing some of the energy from energy attacks and were increasingly dangerous if redirected at a target. Most blade colors were available, but gold which was extremely rare.

Kathracite Kyber Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: didn't exist in this form.

Relacite Kyber Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: didn't exist in this form.

Danite Kyber Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: didn't exist in this form.

Mephite Kyber Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +2D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; prior round energy damage collected can be added to the current round damage dealt; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A skill roll of difficult to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Kyber Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +2D+1 damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; prior round energy damage collected can be added to the current round damage dealt; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A skill roll of very difficult to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kyber Iokathian Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; prior round energy damage collected can be added to the current round damage dealt; +1D to all force powers/skills; +1D to resist directed Force attacks; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A skill roll of heroic to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Kaiburr Crystals

An extremely rare cousin of the pure Kyber crystal on the planet Ilum. This crystal was so inherently attuned to the light side of the Force, and would attempt to resist and repel the dark side completely (add 2 difficulty levels to bleeding). The blade color produced was always a silvery blue with a white sheen.

Kathracite Kaiburr Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Kaiburr Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Kaiburr Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Kaiburr Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Pontite Kaiburr Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +4D parrying/deflecting; +3D to all sense type powers/rolls; +3D to resist directed Force attacks; +*D bonus to any skill/power/role/damage vs opponents with a dark side descriptor (this *D bonus is equal to the DPS on the opponent).
A random role result of 1-5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kaiburr Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +4D parrying/deflecting; +4D to all sense type powers/rolls; +4D to resist directed Force attacks; +*D bonus to any skill/power/role/damage vs opponents with a dark side descriptor (this *D bonus is equal to the DPS on the opponent).
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Kasha Crystals

A crystal from the planet Cerea in the Mid Rim. It is traditionally used by the Cereans as a meditation tool. They are used to clear the mind of distractions in order to create a perfect meditation environment. When used as a lightsaber crystal, it helps clear the wielder's mind of distractions, even during tense combat.

Kathracite Kasha Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D parrying/deflecting; +1D to all control type powers/rolls; +2D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Kasha Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D parrying/deflecting; +2D to all control type powers/rolls; +2D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Kasha Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D parrying/deflecting; +2D to all control type powers/rolls; +3D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Kasha Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +3D parrying/deflecting; +3D to all control and sense type powers/rolls; +3D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Kasha Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +3D parrying/deflecting; +3D to all control and sense type powers/rolls; +3D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kasha Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +4D parrying/deflecting; +3D to all control and sense type powers/rolls; +3D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Lignan Crystals

One of the only places it can be found is in the Phaegon system, on the moon of Phaegon III. Where powerful lightsaber crystals crafted from Lignan ore, Lignan was a rare ore that was extremely powerful in the dark side of the Force, which enabled the blade of a lightsaber to last longer and burn hotter than normal crystals. Blade colors of red and orange were common.

Kathracite Lignan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D+2 Blade damage; +1D damage; +2D parrying/deflecting; +3D vs cutting through objects/materials; +1D to resist directed Force attacks; -3D to anything and everything (user actions) that is light side in nature; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Lignan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D+2 damage; +2D+2 parrying/deflecting; +3D+2 vs cutting through objects/materials; +1D+2 to resist directed Force attacks; -3D to anything and everything (user actions) that is light side in nature; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Lignan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D+2 Blade damage; +2D damage; +3D parrying/deflecting; +4D vs cutting through objects/materials; +2D to resist directed Force attacks; -3D to anything and everything (user actions) that is light side in nature; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Lignan Crystal

Game Effects: 7D Blade damage; +2D+2 damage; +3D+2 parrying/deflecting; +4D+2 vs cutting through objects/materials; +1D to all Dark side powers/skills; +1D to resist directed Force attacks; -3D to anything and everything (user actions) that is light side in nature; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Lignan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Perfect Lignan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.


Lorrdian Gemstones

The only known location is the planet Lorrd in the Kanz sector. The blade color produced tends to be green and those variations of green.

Kathracite Lorrdian Gemstones

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to initiative and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all sense type powers/rolls; +1D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Lorrdian Gemstones

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+1 to initiative and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D+1 to all sense type powers/rolls; +1D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Lorrdian Gemstones

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D+2 to initiative and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D+2 to all sense type powers/rolls; +1D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Lorrdian Gemstones

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to initiative and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to all sense type powers/rolls; +1D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Lorrdian Gemstones

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +2D to initiative and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to all sense type powers/rolls; +1D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Lorrdian Gemstones

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D damage; +2D to hit, initiative and for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D to all sense type powers/rolls; +2D to resist directed Force attacks.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Odessen Kyber Crystals

These are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only on the planet Odessen. They are incredibly common and possess a unique property, in that they echo a force neutral resilience; once harvested their resilient properties remained creating a superior wider and longer lightsaber beam with a bright glow (most blade colors are available except gold, which is extremely rare).

Kathracite Kyber Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Kyber Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Kyber Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Kyber Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to resist directed force attacks; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Kyber Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +3D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D to resist directed force attacks; +2D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kyber Odessen Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +3D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D to resist directed force attacks; +3D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Qixoni Kyber Crystals

These unique, powerful gems were formed when a planet of the Qixoni system was consumed as its star went supernova, millennia before the Jedi Civil War. The heat and energy of the star caused metals and minerals in the planet to become fused into crystals which was then blasted into the Qixoni Nebula when the planet was destroyed. These crystals were exceedingly rare crystals of a dark red color. The very rare version of the crystal was said to enhance one's Force abilities, in addition to more standard version of the crystals enhancing the lightsaber blade's power to a significant degree.

Kathracite Kyber Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Kyber Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Kyber Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Kyber Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Pontite Kyber Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +5D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-5 in 6 indicates this crystal.

Perfect Kyber Qixoni Crystal

Game Effects: Game effects: 6D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +5D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.


Ruusan Kyber Crystals

These crystals came from the Mid Rim planet of the same name. While not directly affecting a lightsaber's effectiveness, they aided a Jedi in focusing the Force.

Kathracite Ruusan Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D to all force powers/skills; +1D to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Ruusan Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D+2 to all force powers/skills; +1D+2 to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Ruusan Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +2D to all force powers/skills; +2D to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Ruusan Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +2D+2 to all force powers/skills; +2D+2 to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Ruusan Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +3D to all force powers/skills; +3D to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Ruusan Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D to hit, damage, and parrying/deflecting; +3D+2 to all force powers/skills; +3D+2 to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Solari Kyber Crystals

The solari crystal was only visible in the late evening and was found on the planet Sacorria, a peaceful yet secretive planet, and the frozen world of Rhen Var. The Solari crystal was one of the oldest and most powerful lightsaber crystals of the Jedi Order. It was a light orange gem that only a Jedi who was pure in spirit and an ardent follower of the light side of the Force could use. It could not be corrupted by the dark side and its owner had to always stay pure of heart for it to function.

Kathracite Solari Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Solari Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Solari Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Solari Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Pontite Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 7D Blade damage; +2D+2 damage; +3D+2 parrying/deflecting; +4D+2 damage vs. dark side opponents; +1D to all light side powers/skills; +1D to resist directed Force attacks; -3D to anything and everything (user actions) that is dark side in nature; can only be used by a light Jedi, with no DSP; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1-5 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Solari Crystal

Game Effects: 7D Blade damage; +2D+2 damage; +3D+2 parrying/deflecting; +5D+2 damage vs. dark side opponents; +2D to all light side powers/skills; +2D to resist directed Force attacks; -4D to anything and everything (user actions) that is dark side in nature; can only be used by a light Jedi, with no DSP; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite.
A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.


Stygium Crystals

Stygium Crystals are from the Karthakk system, planet Aeten II, Karthakk Sector in the Outer Rim Territories, which held an abundance of the crystal and was commonly found before it was HIGHLY restricted and controlled in 22 BBY by the Galactic Senate; during the Empire era, possession was HIGHLY illegal and punishable by immediate disintegration. If used properly they could cloak an entire ship no matter the size. There was also an entire island on the nearby planet of Maramere composed entirely of the crystals, which made it completely invisible to all scanners. Since the island was also covered with the fog surrounding the Haunted Strait, the island was also invisible to the eye, making it the perfect hideout. Sometime before the Battle of Endor, the Empire sent a superweapon to Aeten II and blew open its core to extract the crystal. During the Empire era, several imperial garrisons were located on the planet to guard the Emperors precious crystals.

Kathracite Stygium Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +1D damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to resist directed force attacks; +4D to all stealth skills or powers; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Stygium Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +1D+2 damage; +1D+2 for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to resist directed force attacks; +4D to all stealth skills or powers; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
An Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Stygium Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to resist directed force attacks; +4D to all stealth skills or powers; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Stygium Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +2D+2 to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D+2 to resist directed force attacks; +4D+2 to all stealth skills or powers; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Stygium Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +3D to hit; +2D+2 damage; +2D+2 for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D to resist directed force attacks; +5D to all stealth skills or powers; superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption.
A random role result of 5-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Stygium Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.


Upari Crystals

Primarily encountered scattered in the orbit of forest worlds. It was brittle but versatile, and a Jedi Master could get it to produce many effects. Shimmering blades of various colors were produced.

Kathracite Upari Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills; +1D to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 1 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Relacite Upari Crystal

Game Effects: 3D Blade damage; +1D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D+1 to all force powers/skills; +1D+1 to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 2 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Easy skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Danite Upari Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D to all force powers/skills; +2D to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 3 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Moderate skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Mephite Upari Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +2D+1 for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +2D+1 to all force powers/skills; +2D+1 to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Upari Crystal

Game Effects: 4D Blade damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +3D to all force powers/skills; +3D to resist directed force attacks.
A random role result of 5-6 in 6 indicates this crystal.
A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Upari Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.


Zakuulan Kyber Crystals

They are an extremely rare lightsaber crystal found only in the Zakuul system. They are easy to find. These crystals create a superior lightsaber beam with a distinctive bright sheen (only standard blade colors are available; no exotic colors except for gold which was rare and only used by the royal family).

Kathracite Kyber Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Relacite Kyber Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Danite Kyber Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: doesn't exist in this form.

Mephite Kyber Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: 5D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +2D damage; +2D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption. A random role result of 4 in 6 indicates this crystal. A Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Pontite Kyber Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: 6D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +3D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to all force powers/skills superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption. A random role result of 5 in 6 indicates this crystal. A Very Difficult skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

Perfect Kyber Zakuulan Crystal

Game Effects: 7D Blade damage; +1D to hit; +3D damage; +3D for purposes of parrying/deflecting; +1D to resist directed force attacks; +1D to all force powers/skills superior energy control resulting in longer power life-time; adds major resistance from power drain/corruption. A random role result of 6 in 6 indicates a possibility of this crystal; a second 6 in 6 role is required, otherwise treat it as Pontite. A Heroic skill roll is required to mold or form this crystal into the desired shape or form.

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