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Below is a list of general and specific information about Ancient, Immortal and Long-Lived species and the rules that govern them. ALL of them require extensive backgrounds and GM approval.

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Notable Special Character Types
Life/Longevity Abilities
Special Innate Abilities
Prestige Classes
Very Long Lived Species
Special Noted Species

NOTE: GM's permission and an extensive background is required for this entire section.

Stasis Rule: Those beings who decide to "skip" forward in time by using stasis devices, the following rules here are governed by 1/10th the percent listed. For example: if a 10% chance is listed, then it would be only 1%. For certain ancient species, some specific considerations are given; this is a complete GM call.

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Notable Special Character Types

Immortal (the character type already listed earlier in the site):

See the description and special abilities under that character type. The character is immune to aging effects.

Lesser Sith Immortal (via Sith sorcery/alchemy):

This extremely rare Sith sorcery/alchemy life extending procedure grants great abilities and greatly extends life; although not immortal and can be killed through physical damage (probably with great difficulty). This process extends life and grants the abilities for 500 years; at which point must be repeated or rapid aging takes immediate effect. This procedure was known only to very few Sith in the waning days of the Republic, but was more widely known in the days of the Old Republic (4500+ BBY). Very specific locations and materials were required for this procedure. This process grants 6 DSP per use.
  1. Age Well: Very Long lived and the recipient looks young and vibrant (from the age point of how old the recipient was at application). The character is temporarily immune to aging effects.
  2. Enhanced Awareness: +1D to all types of Perception checks.
  3. Light Sleeper: Simple meditation supplants normal sleep requirements.
  4. Mentally Resistant: Mind tricks are extremely difficult to affect you.
  5. Unnatural Resistance: Disease: Immune to all but the extremely rare.
  6. Unnatural Resistance: Poison/Drugs: Immune to all but the extremely rare.
  7. Unnatural Resistance: Radiation: Immune.

Greater Sith Immortal (via Planetary Scale Life Force Absorption):

This extremely rare and long forgotten Sith life extending procedure grants great abilities, power and makes the recipient truly immortal (except by very extreme measures far past the physical). This process has only been done a very few times back in the days of the Old Republic (4500+ BBY) and was only known to a hand-full of very powerful Sith Lords; it is all but lost knowledge to the galaxy and with good reason. The chief requirement for this is the total life absorption of an entire planet and every living thing on it at the time of the process. All of that life energy is transferred into the recipient, granting all the benefits below along with true immortality. This process grants 100 DSP upon use; to the recipient and caster if different. The recipient can never go below 6 DSP; if a way was found to do so, they would become mortal again losing all benefits immediately, yet retaining anything already gained.

Regeneration: Similar to the Control Force power and used similar to the PrC Sith Acolyte ability Wound/Slay. Any wound of any level, even physical death, can be over-come; depending on the number of victims or life area or life stolen (at the casters discretion). Time of full effect is variable depending on the number of victims or life area or life stolen (depending on overall wound status, generally this process is instantaneous but other factors are to be considered). This can also work in reverse similar to Transfer Force; healing the intended target by giving of some portion of the users heal/immortality.
  1. Acclimation: Similar to the force power of the same name and exact use.
  2. Life Merge/ Transfer Life: Similar to the force powers of the same names and similar uses.
  3. Age Well: Truly immortal and cannot die, except by very extreme measures far past the physical. The character is immune to aging effects.
  4. Chill of the Grave: The character has a very dark and unnatural aura about them. Everyone is uneasy around him; including droids.
  5. Color Blindness: Cannot perceive colors.
  6. Endure Heat & Cold/Natural Resistance: Feels no heat or cold.
  7. Endure Hunger/Thirst: Has no need to eat or drink.
  8. Endure Pain/Pain Tolerant: Feels no pain or stun effects.
  9. Endure Vacuum/Pressure: Has no need to breath and is not effected by pressure.
  10. Enhanced Awareness: +2D to all types of Perception and Sense checks.
  11. Greater Force Aptitude: Through the process of this procedure, the recipient becomes so immensely connected to the force that they immediately gain (A) Focus at 1D and +1D to Control, Sense and Alter. Plus all force powers are used at 2 difficulty levels below the target/task/difficulty number.
  12. Light/Light Ready Sleeper: Has no need to sleep or meditate; never tires in the normal sense.
  13. Loss of Emotions: Has no feelings and is emotionless.
  14. Loss of Senses: Has no sense of smell or taste.
  15. Mentally Resistant: Mind tricks and illusions fail immediately.
  16. Unnatural Resistance: Disease: Immune to all.
  17. Unnatural Resistance: Poison/Drugs: Immune to all.
  18. Unnatural Resistance: Radiation: Immune to all.

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Special Innate Abilities

NOTE: These are similar to the house rules part 4, except these are more comprehensive and can be gained for free. Per every one hundred years of existence, a 10% chance (not cumulative) for 1 of the below can be gained without cost (players' choice). This in no way invalidates the players' ability to purchase those listed in part 4 with character points. However, the abilities listed here CANNOT be purchased with character points; these can only be gained.

Ambidextrous (true): You are equally proficient in performing tasks with your left or right hand, without any penalty.
Appraisal (true): You can estimate the true value of an item.
Armor Mastery (true): You have spent so much time in armor you wear it like a second skin; +1D to all armor skills and can ignore up to 2D of DEXTERITY penalties due to wearing armor. Notes: The bonus to rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Blind Fighting (true): Your instincts and sharp senses give you the edge in lowlight or dark conditions; no penalties. This applies to both ranged and close quarters combat.
Body Language Intuition (true): You are very good at reading other beings body language and determining whether their verbal and non-verbal communication aligns; no species penalty.
Dexterous (true): You are more able and quick to act than most in tight situations. The first action in the round does not count towards the character's total number of actions when determining multiple action penalties. Use of this Special Innate Ability must be stated when declaring the number of actions for the round.
Eidetic Memory (true): You are able to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision. On an easy KNOWLEDGE roll the character is able to recall images, sounds or objects with a very high degree of accuracy.
Notes: This Innate Ability gives character an almost perfect recall of all events. The range is 90% to 95% depending on the memory, the senses involved and how long ago.
Force Aware: You have been around and seen so much in your life that you have become aware of the force. The character gains the Force ability Sense at 1D and can be raised by normal character point expenditure; but is not yet truly force sensitive by definition. If this ability is taken a second time, then the character becomes force sensitive and gains the force abilities of Control and Alter at 1D (no matter where their Sense skill is at) and can be raised by normal character point expenditure; the character would also gain 5 extra force points and normal rules for force sensitives apply. This in no way invalidates the characters ability to learn the force through normal game play and character point expenditure to become force sensitive.
Inspirational Leader (true): You are an inspiration to those who follow you and people fight harder in your presence. The character adds +3D to all Command rolls. In addition, all allies within 30 meters of the character gain +1D to all attack rolls.
Notes: The bonus to the Command roll does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Internal Clock (true): You seem to know the exact time wherever you are and have the ability to set an "internal" alarm clock. Notes: The character needs to have some form of reference point once in a new location with a different time zone and knowledge of the local length of day.
Internal Compass (true): You have a profound sense of direction, under any circumstance; no penalties.
Legendary/Myth: Tales of your exploits are stuff of legend or myth. Your name, any special title, appearance, reputation and the like are all very well known to all; even more so with historians. You are truly a part of history, even mythical depending upon your age. Anyone following him or his advice gains a bonus of +2D. Further those wishing to take direct action against him are subject to a skill penalty. This penalty is equal to the same as the bonus. This bonus or penalty affects all skill and attribute rolls (including attack and defense rolls) made against him. This bonus/penalty will increase to +4D if the character (you) are over 2000 years old. The character must have done something significant in history, or have taken part in some event to qualify to take this ability and verified in their background (GM's permission required).
Lightening Reflexes (true): You are very quick in reacting to the situation around you. The character adds +2D to PERCEPTION for all initiative rolls. Notes: The bonus to rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Light Sleeper (true): The slightest of noises can wake you from your sleep. On a Very Easy PERCEPTION roll the character may detect sounds while sleeping.
Lip-Read (true): You are able to understand speech by visually interpreting the movement of lips, face and tongue without hearing what is being said. On a moderate PERCEPTION roll the character can lip-read what another being is saying.
Notes: The character must be able to see the being's lips move and speak the same language that is being used. The character must also have the skill of Alien Species of at least 5D. There are certain languages that cannot be understood in this manner and will not be allowed.
Luck (true): The Force seems to flow through you at times altering your fate and fortune. Three times per adventure the character may reroll the Wild Die.
Notes: The second roll of the Wild Die stands even if it was worse than the first roll.
Natural Aptitude (true): You have natural aptitude and affinity for a particular attribute and skill set. On selecting this Innate Ability, choose one Attribute that it will apply to. When improving skills under the chosen attribute, it costs three character points less than normal. In addition, it costs ten character points less to improve the chosen Attribute.
Notes: Once the Attribute has been selected, it may not be changed.
Pain Resistance (true): You have a high pain threshold and can shrug off injuries that would kill most people. If the character is Wounded or Wounded Twice, on a Very Easy Willpower roll the character does not fall prone and can continue to act that round, albeit with the penalties for being either wounded or wounded twice. Also, it is much more difficult to stun this character. Add +3D to Strength rolls to resist all Stun damage. Notes: The bonus to rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Quick-Draw (true): You are one of the fastest guns in the galaxy. The character may draw and use any handheld weapon as one action. Drawing the weapon does not count towards the total number of actions for the round.
Quick Learner (true): Things come to you naturally and you pick up new things with ease. When learning new skills, the character advances 1D above the attribute rather than the usual one pip.
Notes: The cost in character points is the same as advancing one pip and time is reduced by at least one day.
Resilient (true): Your immune system and your body's ability to heal itself are both exceptional and nothing keeps you down for long. If the character is recovering from injuries through natural healing all resting times are 1/8th of normal, e.g. a wounded character can make a roll to heal after twelve hours of rest. In addition, all Bacta Tank healing is reduced by four hours to a minimum of one hour.
Sixth Sense (true): Can sometimes get a feel for what might be coming in the VERY near future and possibly avoid it or veer towards it. This Special Innate Ability can only be used once per hour with results at the GM's discretion.
Stubborn (true): Once your mind is made up there is little any one can do or say to sway you. If someone (including an ally) attempts to Bargain, Con or Persuade the character, add a +15 modifier to the difficulty. In addition, the character adds +3D to all Willpower rolls.
Notes: The bonus to Willpower rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Tactical Genius (true): You have a remarkable natural grasp of tactics and can quickly respond to tactical situations around you (they call you Thrawn). The character adds +3D to all Tactics rolls. In addition, the character adds +1D to PERCEPTION for all initiative rolls.
Notes: The bonus to Tactics rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Tough (true): It takes a lot to knock you down and your physical limits are greater than most. The character adds +1D when rolling to resist damage. In addition, the character adds +3D to all Stamina rolls.
Notes: The bonus to Stamina rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Trademark (true): You are renowned for a particular skill that few can match. On purchasing this Innate Ability, select one Skill Specialization that it will apply to. The character adds a +1D bonus to the rolls of the selected Specialization. In addition, when improving the selected Specialization, it costs three character points less than normal.
Notes: Once the Specialization has been selected, it may not be changed. The bonus to the Specialization rolls does not increase the skill itself and, therefore, when advancing the skill do not factor in the bonus when determining character points to be spent.
Ventriloquist (true): You are able to throw your voice to make it seem like it is coming from a different person or place. On an Easy Con roll the character can throw their voice.
Notes: Normal Con modifiers apply.
Veteran under Fire (true): You are extremely difficult to pin down in a firefight. Suppression fire shots have a difficulty value of Heroic +5 rather than Difficult against someone with this ability.

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Life/Longevity Abilities

NOTE: Per every five hundred years of existence, the abilities listed below are all gained.

Species Innate Abilities

+2 pips to all those governed specifically by the character's species.

Greater Understanding: As a being grows older with age and experience; understanding of the way things happen in the galaxy is a natural byproduct. The following benefits occur every cycle in this section: +2 pips to Command, Con or Persuasion, +2 pips to any Perception skill; +2 pips to Languages, Scholar, Streetwise, Survival or Willpower, +2 pips to any Knowledge skill; +2 pips to any Mechanical skill; +2 pips to any Technical skill; +2 pips to stamina. The skill choice is the player's choice, but the character must already have the skill to receive the bonus; it doesn't matter the skill type, normal, specialized or advanced, the bonus is the same. Further, if the character is force aware or sensitive they also receive: +2 pips to any one of their known force skills (Control, Sense, Alter or Focus). This cannot be skipped.
Wealth: Throughout your many years of life you have amassed great wealth. This can be in many forms, such as: data, credits, rare collectables/art, valuable jewelry/gems, rare minerals/metals, etc. The type, form, and amount must be specifically stated; monetary amounts are limited to 10 million credits total of an exact currency type (GM approval required). This is repeated every cycle of this category of full existence and can also be skipped at the player's choice.
Well-off: Throughout your many years of life you have amassed great wealth. This must be defined by type: land/property on a specific planet, buildings/structures on a specific planet, shares of stock/owning a specific company, vessels of a specific type and location, etc. The must be very specifically stated as to who, what, where and when (GM approval required). This is repeated every cycle of this category of full existence and can also be skipped at the player's choice.

Prestige Classes

NOTE: Because of your many years of life, certain prestige classes can be self-taught ignoring any special requirements (GM's permission is required).

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NOTE: Per every one hundred years of existence, a 10% chance (not cumulative) for 1 of those listed in the house rules section Advantages can be gained without cost (players' choice). This in no way invalidates the players' ability to purchase those listed in the house rules with character points.

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NOTE: Per every one hundred years of existence, there is a 25% chance (not cumulative) for 1 of those listed in the house rules section Disadvantages to be gained without benefit (GM's choice) and a 25% chance (not cumulative) to take any disadvantage away. This in no way invalidates the players' ability to negate any disadvantage through character point expenditure or normal game play.

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Long And Very Long Lived Species

NOTE: GM's permission is required to play one of these species along with an extensive, GM approved background.



Young Adult


Middle Age



Abyssin 1-40 31-65 66-150 151-220 221-300 301+
Anx 1-10 11-15 16-54 55-79 80-109 110+
Anzat 1-12 13-99 100-649 650-799 800-950 951+
Arcona 1-12 13-18 19-44 45-76 77-99 100+
Arkanian 1-11 12-16 17-52 53-84 85-102 103+
Bimm 1-12 13-17 18-85 86-112 113-133 134+
Celegian 1-10 11-20 21-142 143-210 211-250 251+
Chevin 1-12 13-18 19-155 156-211 212-256 257+
Cragmoloid 1-7 8-14 15-69 70-86 87-119 120+
Draethos 1-12 13-17 18-399 400-699 700-780 781+
Falleen 1-11 12-17 18-68 69-110 111-145 146+
Feeorin 1-11 12-16 17-194 195-324 325-399 400+
Gen'Dai 1-11 12-59 60-1999 2000-3999 4000-6999 7000+
Human 1-9 10-17 18-69 70-89 90-129 130+
Hutt 1-70 71-90 91-650 651-844 845-925 926+
Kitonak 1-5 6-10 11-60 61-100 101-120 121+
Koorivar 1-12 13-17 18-59 60-89 90-124 125+
Krevaaki 1-12 13-17 18-62 63-94 95-129 130+
Kubaz 1-9 10-13 14-50 51-80 81-99 100+
Kushiban 1-5 6-12 13-59 60-84 85-109 110+
Lannik 1-10 11-17 18-54 55-79 80-99 100+
Morellian 1-10 11-17 18-109 110-159 160-199 200+
Nazzar 1-11 12-17 18-55 56-89 90-124 125+
Neti 1-11 12-59 60-1,999 2,000-2,499 2,500-3,999 4,000+
Nosaurian 1-10 11-15 16-45 46-79 80-99 100+
Shi'ido 1-10 11-60 61-210 211-360 361-500 501+
Skrilling 1-4 5-10 11-55 56-84 85-102 103+
Snivvian 1-11 12-17 18-49 50-79 80-105 106+
Ssi-Ruu 1-5 6-10 11-55 56-90 91-115 116+
Tchuukthai 1-12 12-20 21-189 190-249 250-299 300+
Temolak 1-12 13-17 18-49 50-74 75-99 100+
T'surr 1-10 11-15 16-45 46-75 76-99 100+
Ugnaught 1-12 13-19 20-92 93-159 160-184 185+
Vratix 1-12 13-19 20-79 80-139 140-174 175+
Whiphid 1-10 11-15 16-54 55-84 85-99 100+
Wookiee 1-12 13-17 18-300 301-350 351-399 400+
Woostoid 1-12 13-19 20-49 50-79 80-99 100+
Yarkora 1-10 11-18 19-64 65-94 95-124 125+

NOTE: If Yoda's species is considered humanoid, they can live at least 550 years as a non-force sensitive; 900+ as a force sensitive.

Here are the oldest living species (per lifespan info stated above):

Max Age


300+ Tchuukthai
301+ Abyssin
400+ Berrites
400+ Feeorin
400+ Wookiee
501+ Shi'ido
781+ Draethos
926+ Hutt
951+ Anzat
4000+ Neti
7000+ Gen'Dai

NOTE: Where age is concerned; the upper limit for a character powerful in the force can be twice as much or more than a typical member of the species.

Aging Effects

Age Catergory


Child -3D to STR and TECH; -1D to DEX, KNO, MECH, and PER
Young Adult -1D to STR, TECH, KNO, MECH, PER and TECH
Adult no modifier
Middle Age -1D to STR, DEX and TCH; +1D to KNO, MECH and PER
Old -2D to STR, DEX and TCH; +2D to KNO, MECH and PER
Venerable -3D to STR, DEX and TCH; +3D to KNO, MECH and PER

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Special Noted Species

The list below is not all-inclusive as there are likely additional species that fit into the 'Long Lived' category. Those that are not listed may be added later as time and information permits.

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They are an extremely long-lived species, also possessing regenerative capabilities beyond those of the average humanoid. The Anzati are also telepathic, growing more adept at the talent as they age, allowing them to dominate someone's mind to give them a chance to feed.

According to the Jedi Master Zao, the soup that Anzati drink is the future, and thus, the Force. Because of this, Anzati who drink the soup of another Force-sensitive would strengthen their connection to the Force.

Biology and Appearance

The Anzati were Human in appearance, with bulbous noses, flared nostrils, and grayish-hued skin. Their height ranged from 1.5 to 1.7 meters. Scientists and xenobiologists had little opportunity to study the Anzati, but sketchy medical reports found on the species indicated that they had no natural biorhythm; that is to say, no pulse, and as a result, no body heat. Therefore, it was a total mystery as to how their circulatory system functioned.

The youngest Anzati were ancient. The ages of the eldest could be measured in eons. They roamed the galaxy when the Galactic Republic was just a dream of the Core Worlds. The Anzati could live for centuries, sustained by the life essence they drew from others. An Anzat who did not feed at least once every few days merely grew hungry. Lack of sufficient meals had no more of a supernatural aging effect on an Anzat than it did on a Human.

Because the Anzati preyed upon those whose life force was strong, they must be stronger. While Anzati tended to possess exceptional might and often startling reflexes, at best, they could reflect that of a pinnacle Human's athletic ability; at worst, they merely had the attributes of an ordinary Human. However, physical strength was only a small part of the equation. To sense the presence of a strong life essence in others, they had highly developed sensory organs unknown in other sentient species. To physically drain this life essence's connection from living beings, they had to be physically adapted to do so. For the Anzati, these things were interconnected.

The Anzati were natural predators, preferring to hunt sentient races of every shape, size and species. To this end, they possessed two long, prehensile proboscises similar in appearance to tentacles. They kept these proboscises coiled in their twin cheek pockets for feeding on unsuspecting victims; when their proboscises were retracted, they were practically indistinguishable from Humans. They fed in a unique way that was described as grotesque.

Using a natural ability akin to hypnosis, which Jedi who had encountered them claimed was akin to Force manipulation, they bewitched their victims in a manner similar to a Jedi mind trick; using this telepathy, the Anzat lured in their unsuspecting targets by mesmerizing them with their telepathic control. This control strengthened at close range and was even further augmented and honed with age and use.

Once a victim was within their power, the Anzati would uncoil their thin proboscises from their cheek pouches located on either side of its nose and usually inserted them into the subject's nostrils and into the cranium, where the brain was sucked out of the organism, though the Anzati fed by drawing soup out of wherever it resided in a victim, as it varied by species. In most humanoid races, it lay within the brain cavity. Almost of their own, the proboscises sought the victim's soup, and began draining it into the Anzat. The victim could struggle, though often the Anzat's attack was so sudden, so perfect, that it was too late.[7] This action, however, required time and could not be rushed. This behavior led to the nickname of "snot vampires." They also had been known to grasp the victim's head to hold it in place close to them as they fed.

They called this meal "soup," "luck," or the "Sea of Memory."

The actual substance they drained out of living beings-the gelid, mucoid medium for the luck or life essence-they referred to as soup. In Anzati traditions, the term referred to the life essence, or spiritual power, of the victim. As well, the Anzati believed that this life essence governed a living being's personal presence. Thus, the more presence a victim had, the more potent the luck was likely to be. Particularly fortunate individuals were tasty meals for the Anzati. It was reputed that Anzati could keep their victims alive for several feedings; taking great pleasure in the fear and terror they felt throughout the ordeal.

Though life essence and luck were manifestations of the Force, the luck upon which Anzati fed was only peripherally related. Certainly, beings that were particularly gifted in the Force were appetizing to an Anzat, but this was usually because their close connections with the life energy of the universe presented the appearance of a great personal presence. Of course, experienced Jedi usually had both powerful personal life essence and a close connection with the universes through the Force. The Anzat who made a meal of such a Jedi was a rare and terrible creature indeed.

The Anzati, of course, considered such discussions academic. "The Force" was a concept developed by younger species. It was a concept Anzati do not recognize as any more correct than any of a dozen theories before. They knew only that weak-willed beings were as unsatisfying as table scraps. To subsist on the average sentient, an Anzat would have to feed on a dozen beings every day; and since the meal rarely survived the feast, the Anzat would leave a trail of corpses. On a world without sentient beings, or in a place where soup is in short supply, an Anzat could easily starve to death. Most of the galaxy, however, was unfortunate in this regard: the Anzati were not liable to die off so easily-sentient beings were plentiful enough to feed a legion of them. Despite myths to the contrary, victims of the Anzati did not become Anzati themselves.

Society and Culture

The drive to hunt for "soup" seemed to be the central factor of Anzati life; one could almost have considered them an addicted people. Once they began the hunt, they thought of nothing else but to satisfy this hunger, a hunger that grew stronger and more powerful with each passing year. Anzati were reported to view all other peoples as livestock to be harvested to fulfill their needs, although some were known to try and stave off the craving for as long as possible between feedings. Anzati were known to be creatures of a single-minded purpose, they spent their long lives surviving from one meal to the next-in the process, depriving living beings of their own lives.

Either way, because the hunger grew as they aged, and they lived for such a long time, they ended up becoming more and more isolated in their need. The older the Anzati, the more unstable and obsessive they became, often to the point of insanity. They would lose focus on the world around them and in many cases would make a crucial mistake, leading to their ultimate destruction.

Some Anzati believed that feeding on live vessels gave them eternal youth and energy. This belief can be traced to the Silent Voices, luminescent bands of gases that glowed in the Anzat atmosphere at night. Ancient Anzati believed that these were the life essences of their ancestors. Although such a possibility was not scientifically viable, it illustrated the level of importance that "soup" played in Anzati culture, morals, and belief structures.

Anzati reproduced infrequently, and usually lived for many centuries. Parents did not typically give their children names, instead allowing them to seek names that best blended in with their chosen prey. Youthful Anzati reached puberty at approximately one hundred standard years of age, and, when that time came, they left Anzat to hunt for "soup" and continue their so-called eternal existence.

Though it was easy to picture the Anzati as heartless predators, this was no truer of them than it was of any species that ate another species to live. With their long lives, Anzati had plenty of time to develop and pursue all manner of interests; many were devoted patrons of the arts. A few had even produced works of art of their own: books, music, paintings, sculpture, films, and holos. Few had created more than one example in any given medium, however. For a being so long-lived as an Anzat, perfection at a craft was pointless; reaching the pinnacle of an art was no real accomplishment if its only other practitioners died off a thousand years ago.

A common misconception among those who studied tales of the Anzati was that they were hyper-developed scholars, experts in fields of knowledge and craft long since forgotten by younger species. While Anzati could remember things that happened centuries earlier, they had little or no interest in pursuing mastery of any given area of expertise or knowledge-other than feeding. To the Anzati, the important skills to pass on to their offspring were the arts of stealth and the kill; everything else was just amusing diversion, hardly worth the effort of committing to memory.

The Anzati were accomplished hunters, tracking their quarry silently, invisibly and efficiently. Their abilities served them in avoiding notice as well. Despite occasional noticeable individuals, all Anzati diligently maintained as low a profile as possible, disappearing into the galaxy's crowds as soon as anyone appeared to notice their activities, abilities, or longevity. An Anzat used his or her sense of personal presence to hunt-to detect prey's soup. The stronger the target's soup, the more the target stood out to the Anzat's senses.

Anzati were also difficult to capture. Because of their secrecy, hunting skills, and training, Anzati were often employed by organized crime factions as assassins. The Anzati simply dwelled among the sentient species of the galaxy, blending into the dizzying myriad of cultures-invisible because, until one revealed its true nature to a victim, an Anzat was just another alien; and, of course, once the victim saw the Anzat, it was too late to warn anyone else.

Their anonymity was frequently used to their advantage, so they rarely, if ever, worked in groups. It was only in the capacity of a bounty hunter that they would abandon their lonely tendencies and band together to form a corporation or guild. On these exceptionally rare occasions, they would sometimes share prey and the financial rewards of their hunts. These corporations were temporary, often existing for only one hunt, as they typically ended up killing each other to eliminate competition for a very "soupy" victim.

Thousands of worlds across the galaxy had legends of the Anzati, yet no culture's myths included their origin. To some, this implied that the Anzati had been around longer than any other species, or that they survived, for thousands of centuries, the only other species to share their homeworld. Others believed that the Anzati evolved simultaneously with Humankind, somewhere beyond the knowledge of sentient races, only to enter galactic society at large when hyperspace exploration put the Anzati homeworld within reach of the Republic. When the planet was later found, it was usually avoided for the race's tendencies.


Because Anzati were roamers, they were often considered mythical and to be nothing but the things of dark legends and folktales. For a long period of time the true location of their homeworld, Anzat, was a mystery. Scientists and explorers who traveled to the world reputed to be Anzat simply disappeared without a trace. There were some reports that placed it in the Mid Rim, near the Perlemian Trade Route.

The Anzati were believed to be one of the first spacefaring races. According to anecdotal evidence offered by sentients fortunate enough to survive their encounters with Anzati, the race roamed and wandered the galaxy, returning to Anzat only to find a mate and reproduce and, in some cases, train with Anzati master assassins.

It was believed that the Anzati encountered the ancient Sith species during the pre-Republic era, and it was from the Anzati that the Sith drew such practices as dining on bloodsoup on their homeworld of Korriban.

Although the Anzati as a species were isolationists, there were several instances in which they were propelled into the galactic spotlight. The earliest known instance was the anomaly of the Jedi Anzat Volfe Karkko. It was rare for an Anzat to become a Jedi because it was believed that Anzati were of too violent a nature to be entrusted with such power as the Jedi wielded, and would not be able to resist using their power to drink the "soup" of those around them.

With Karkko, this belief proved true, as he had been so well trained that he believed himself above the instinct shared by his species, having never tasted "soup." Unfortunately, this same arrogance led Karkko to think that he could control his inbred nature, and he fed. This mistake in turn resulted in Karkko succumbing to the dark side of the Force.

Karkko was captured and held in a stasis field for a millennium on the prison world of Kiffex. During his imprisonment, however, his mind remained active, originally so he could contemplate his actions. Unfortunately, he used this to his advantage, using it to draw numerous followers.

Over time, his legend grew among the Anzati on Kiffex, who worshiped him as "the Dreamer," converting his resting place into a sacred temple. Karkko fed his follower's baser instincts, turning them feral and causing them to prey on the residents of inmates of Kiffex with a ferocity that was striking even for an Anzat. Karkko was eventually killed by Quinlan Vos, thus ending his reign there.

Nikkos Tyris was another fallen Anzat Jedi who was trained as one of Count Dooku's Dark Acolytes. It was he who founded a competing order of Force-users during the Clone Wars as the first Saarai-kaar of the Jensaarai. Fortunately, the Jensaarai did not pose significant harm to others, never rising to influence much beyond their homeworld and only seeking to serve as protectors. Because the first Jensaarai disciples had not yet been corrupted by the dark side and Sith training, those who followed in fact served the light side of the Force, despite their reverence for Sith traditions.

Sajé Tasha, Akku Seii, and Rath Kelkko were three Anzati assassins who were involved with the Jedi in some way during the Clone Wars. Tasha, a female Anzat, was responsible for the death of Finis Valorum, and she and Kelkko were hired by Sora Bulq to train Morgukai warriors on Saleucami. Oppo Rancisis was later assassinated with the help of Rath Kelkko.

When Bulq hired the Anzati to train the Morgukai clones, it left a shortage of assassin masters on Anzat, forcing Akku Seii to break tradition and train many Anzati at once. Because Akku was an acquaintance of Jedi Master Tholme, he aided the Jedi in finding the other Anzati masters. These masters were working with Bok, a Morgukai, to train the growing secret faction. Upon learning of them, Tholme sabotaged their efforts, causing them great displeasure before he killed them in the catacombs of Saleucami.

Around 0 BBY, Dannik Jerriko, a male Anzat bounty hunter known as the Eater of Luck, came to prominence. He was paid handsomely for killing failed assassins, along with murderers, thieves and thugs for his own feeding, calculating that they would not be missed. He was irritable, being unable to tolerate clients who did not appreciate the value of his thorough work; as such, it was not uncommon for him to feed on an unhappy client.

While searching for the "soup" of thieves on Tatooine, he encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose life force he craved. However, he was unable to gain this and instead targeted the much more valuable Han Solo, in lieu of Jabba Desilijic Tiure's bounty on him. He was again unable to feed on his prey, and was later assigned to protect Tash Arranda, Zak Arranda, and Mammon Hoole.

After that assignment, Jerriko returned to Tatooine to spy on Jabba. Still desirous of Solo's soup, the Anzati became excited upon the arrival of a carbonite slab containing Solo. However, Jerriko was deprived of his chance to drink Solo's soup when his Alliance to Restore the Republic comrades saved him. Frustrated at the loss of this opportunity, Jerriko accepted the option of feeding on Jabba, only to be foiled by the Hutt's death at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Mad with vampiric hunger and rage, Jerriko killed a number of unfortunate survivors at Jabba's Palace and then fled Tatooine to continue his endless search for beings on which to feed, with a large bounty on his own head by this time due to his actions.

Physical characteristics
Average height: 1.5-1.7 meters
Skin color: Grayish-hued
Hair color: Black, Brown or White
Distinctions: Average lifespan: Homeworld: Anzat
Language: Anzat, Galactic Basic

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The Arkanians were a near-Human species which resided primarily on the frozen planet of Arkania in the Perave system of the Colonies region of the galaxy.

Biology and Appearance

Arkanians considered themselves the pinnacle of evolution, and as such many were distinctly arrogant. Arkanian scientists had been experts in genetic manipulation for millennia, and by the time of the Mandalorian Wars the species had been split into many sub-species, making it hard to determine exactly what a baseline Arkanian was. Most could pass for Human, though the most pure of blood had pure white eyes and four clawed digits on each hand.

Arkanians were capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum, and their eyes were sensitive to sources of extreme heat. This was helpful on their dark and frigid homeworld, but when traveling offworld, many were forced to wear blinders on planets with hotter, younger suns. It was also not unusual for an Arkanian to enhance themselves with internal and/or external cybernetics. It was also standard practice for Arkanians to undergo genetic manipulation of their own bodies, enhancing themselves so as to be better than "lesser" species.

Society and Culture

The most defining trait of the Arkanian species was their arrogance which stemmed from their belief that they were the pinnacle of evolution. This led to them often appearing arrogant and aloof to others as they saw themselves as being superior to all other species. Even those with a more moderate viewpoint tended to see themselves as being amongst the most intelligent beings in the galaxy. As such, they were highly confident of their abilities.

Visitors to their homeworld often faced unpleasant and arrogant Arkanians-despite this, Arkanians were deeply offended by impoliteness and when this occurred, the offending individual needed to make amends quickly or risk being ostracized. When offended, an Arkanian typically spoke badly of the other party once they were gone and when no apology was given-the Arkanians were known to lock up the person or detain their starship from leaving the planet with overt threats. Even at this point, however, it was possible to redeem themselves in the eyes of an Arkanian though failure meant that they became even more offended and storm away. But, if successful, the individual needed to also offer a gift to the offended Arkanian as a sign of their sincerity.

Knowledge and research were highly prized within Arkanian society which meant that many of the species were highly skilled scientists as well as academics. Their near boundless arrogance and great wealth as well as dedication was unmatched by others with their scientific community creating research projects that easily matched those of the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire. Imperial researchers often struggled to match the dedication of the Arkanians as their projects often took generations to unfold. In addition, they were not above using their intelligence and research to gain profit with their corporations massing great wealth due to medical treatments entering the market at opportune moments. Arkanian scientists were well known explorers and they were also famous for their skills in genetic manipulation which resulted from their fascination in the genetic make-up of other races. This had led to frequent experimentation on alien species, much to the subjects' detriment as a result of Arkanian involvement.

The Arkanians themselves were not above genetic experimentation with this avenue of research leading to the creation of the Arkanian Offshoots that were engineered to perform specific tasks. Occasionally, a number of racist pure blood Arkanians were known to conduct purges of the Offshoot population. Reactions to the Offshoots varied as some Arkanians viewed them as little more than tools or even as slaves but many believed that they were an example of the cruel consequences of Arkanian corporate greed.

Results of their scientific work had led to great advances in medical techniques throughout the galaxy whilst others were considered some of the greatest atrocities known. They were known to have made significant contributions in the fields of cybernetic medical technology and micro-circuitry. Their actions had, however, led to many races holding a negative view of their kind which resulted from the actions of their scientists. However, many Arkanians were either embarrassed or even horrified at the acts their kind had gone to in the name of science. The more conscientious of their kind tended to be favored as allies of the Jedi Order and the Republic through their darkest hours.


"The only thing more dangerous than a foolish Arkanian is a smart one."
-Arca Jeth

The Arkanians were native to the Colonies planet, Arkania, a world of frozen tundra and intense cold. The rich gem mines on their planet led to its great development and the construction of elaborate trade cities established by offworlders from the Galactic Republic. This influx of commerce allowed Arkanian culture to flourish and the species quickly became well known throughout the galaxy for their extremely reclusive scientists. It was believed for generations that the Arkanians, because of their tampering, had been involved in the creation of new species.

In fact, their reputation for experiments on other species was largely accurate. One of their earliest known endeavors was the creation of the Quermian species from the Xexto around 17,000 BBY. Though they abandoned their clandestine experiments, fearing legal action from the Republic, the Quermians resurfaced millennium later. During the Mandalorian Wars when The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania implemented Project Black Harvest that was launched by Lord Arkoh Adasca who intended to use it as a means of gaining further power for himself through the use of the ancient exogorths which floated through space.

In 490 BBY, the Arkanians began experiments on their dim-witted Yaka neighbors in order to uplift the species, bestowing intelligence upon the previously simple-minded race. Much criticism was leveled at the Arkanians for their actions toward the Yaka and protests were made against their government, the Arkanian Dominion, by their own people. Though they dramatically increased the intelligence of the Yaka species with cybernetic enhancements, they also removed all traces of emotion from them. The controversy culminated in 50 BBY with the Arkanian Revolution. A group of renegade scientists on Arkania, disapproving of the systematic alteration of the Yaka, built an army of cyborg knights to overthrow the Arkanian Dominion, the dominant government. The rebels were defeated when the Jedi intervened in the war.

Following the revolution, the typical Arkanian mindset continued to dominate their culture and they proved to be among the most vocal members of the Galactic Senate. Time and again, investigations were conducted by the Senate into the activity of Arkanian scientists. This state of affairs continued into the emergence of the Galactic Empire, when it was known that many Arkanians worked in the secret laboratories of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin. Throughout the Galactic Civil War, many Rebel sympathizers blamed the Arkanians for unleashing bio-weapons during the war and upon the emergence of the New Republic; the species were not permitted to join the fledgling government. This further incriminated Arkanian scientists for their complicity with the previous Imperial government as information regarding their role during the New Order came to light.

Physical Characteristics
Average height: 1.8 meters
Skin color: Tan
Hair color: White
Eye color: White
Distinctions Average lifespan Homeworld: Arkania (adopted), Unidentified Planet (original)
Language: Arkanian

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The Gen'Dai can live between 4,000 to 7,000 years

The Gen'Dai were a seemingly immortal, formless species which originated on an unidentified planet in the galaxy. Devoid of any bones, the Gen'Dai typically wore heavy armor to give themselves a humanoid structure.

Biology and appearance

A boneless species (with large fangs), the Gen'Dai were virtually a formless jumble of corded muscle and nerve bundles. Because of this, Gen'Dai typically inhabited heavy armor made for humanoids to give themselves a form which passed for any number of species in the galaxy. The only distinct feature of the Gen'Dai was their heads; typically bald, the Gen'Dai faces were humanoid with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Two large, wing-like ears protruded from the sides of their heads; Gen'Dai typically tucked their ears under their jaw-line when wearing helmets to hide any distinguishing features. Lacking the vulnerable vital organs of most species, including hearts, and lungs, Gen'Dai could take extreme injuries and even complete dismemberment, and survive which gave them the reputation of being immortal. In fact, they could regrow lost limbs or other body parts in only a few minutes.

Unlike most species, Gen'Dai had a nervous system which was distributed throughout the body in the form of millions of nerve clusters. This fact gave the species near instantaneous reflexes as well as the ability to sustain a high volume of injuries without any overall damage. So high was their sensory acuity, that the Gen'Dai were able to feel a Human's heartbeat from ranges of up to 200 meters.

As the Gen'Dai did not possess a heart, their circulatory system functioned by way of a series of capillaries and muscular contractions which pushed blood through the body. If the Gen'Dai received a cut, that area could easily be cut off from heavy blood-flow to prevent bleeding to death while the body regenerated itself. One of the Gen'Dai's few weaknesses was that they could be forced into an extended period of hibernation if they took too many severe injuries across their entire form. During this time the Gen'Dai's regenerative abilities replaced the body mass which was lost. Ultimately the only way a Gen'Dai could be permanently killed was if their bodies were fully and completely vaporized or incinerated on an atomic level, such was the case with Durge when he was sent into a star. It should be noted, however, that the Gen'Dai's advanced control over their bodies did not extend to healing their brains. Over time, the brain degenerated like most species which caused a form of psychosis to develop in Gen'Dai of advanced age.


The peaceful Gen'Dai homeworld was discovered sometime after the Great Hyperspace War by the Sith Empire. The Gen'Dai species was decimated in the ensuing battle, with an unknown number escaping the planet before it was lost to history. Leaving their world behind, the remaining Gen'Dai were scattered to the stars, seeking out a nomadic existence from planet to planet.

Over the course of galactic history, the Gen'Dai were largely absent from many of the great wars which plagued the established central government, only appearing time to time as the leaders of crime syndicates or bounty hunters. These individuals typically suffered from psychosis stemming from the degeneration of brain tissue due to advanced age.

Society and Culture

A peaceful species, the Gen'Dai practiced a philosophy of "perfection of permanence", a belief that all change is an illusion. Because of this, the Gen'Dai philosophers preached that taking an active role in anything was pointless and detrimental. Having no official government or organization structure following the destruction of their homeworld, the Gen'Dai embraced the spirit of nomadic living and journeyed the stars largely in isolation. As their lifespans were so long, ranging from 4,000 years to over 7,000, Gen'Dai rarely reproduced and had an exceptionally low birth rate.

While the population as a whole was made up of philosophers, the older population suffered from mental deterioration which led to a pronounced increase in violent tendencies. These rogues tended to take jobs as mercenaries and bounty hunters, poorly representing the species as cruel, heartless savages.

Gen'Dai in the Galaxy

Rarely seen in the galaxy due to their low numbers, those few Gen'Dai encountered generally masked themselves in full armor to not only give them form, but also to blend in as a nondescript humanoid. Those who knew about the species thought of them as long-lived and hard to kill, and also wrongly associated them with vicious killers. This erroneous generalization stemmed from the fact that the most famous Gen'Dai in the galaxy had succumbed to an age-related psychosis which brought out violent tendencies.

Active during the events of the Cold War, two other Gen'Dai were recorded by the galactic history: the leader of the Nar Shaddaa anti-Imperial resistance the Flame and the Locust, a thug present on Taris during its reconstruction by the Galactic Republic.

Arguably history's best known Gen'Dai was the bounty hunter and Confederacy of Independent Systems commander, Durge. Active during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy and the Republic, Durge was completely insane by the time of the war and possessed an unequivocal blood lust. Durge was responsible for the slaughter of Gungan colonists on the moon Ohma-D'un and the deaths of several members of the Jedi Order, such as Jedi Masters Glaive and Jon Antilles.

Physical Characteristics
Average height: 2.5 meters
Skin color: Purple, Red
Distinctions: Regenerative properties
Average lifespan: 4,000-7,000 standard years
Homeworld: Gen'Dai homeworld
Language: Gen'Dai

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The Neti were a species of shapeshifting sentient plants first encountered on the planet of Ryyk. Some called them Ryyk because of the planet's name. Notable Neti included the Jedi Masters Garnoo, Ood Bnar, T'ra Saa, and the Sith librarian Dail'Liss.

Biology and Appearance

The Neti had tough gray skin similar to plant bark, multiple thin branching arms, and thick body trunks. Neti foliage tended to be brownish or black and grew on the upper parts of a Neti's body. As plants, Neti survived through photosynthesis, though they also needed some water to survive. Neti were extremely long-lived, with an average life span of several thousand years. Neti reproduction only occurred once every few centuries. Seeds often remained dormant for more than a thousand years before germinating.

Neti were capable of changing their size and shape, apparently at will. A skilled Neti could morph its shape into a roughly humanoid solid treelike mass anywhere from 2 to 9.5 meters tall. The shapes and sizes a Neti could assume ranged from very humanoid to very treelike, even when asleep or knocked unconscious. When resting, they generally appeared as 5-meter-tall treelike objects. As a result of the Neti's infrequent procreation and long lives, their population always remained small and quite close to their homeworld.

As plants, Neti had no need for food. They had a greatly reduced need for water as long as they had regular access to broad-spectrum light. Neti only had need of one-tenth the water of most other species, but if deprived of sunlight, they would starve, much as other races would when lacking food. Neti schooled in a special Force trance, presumably hibernation trance, could survive almost indefinitely in an area without natural sunlight and rain. All Neti were Force-sensitive and learned both the Neti and Basic from youth.


Roughly four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the Neti left their home planet of Myrkr for reasons unknown. Afterward, Neti never were a common sight across the galaxy. When Ryyk was destroyed, only one Neti (Jedi Master Ood Bnar) was known to have been offworld. However, given the species' long life span and germination period, some Neti might have survived the destruction of their world, awaiting discovery in remote locations.

It was known that a clan of Neti continued to live on Nerit, a temperate moon of the planet Ossus. By the era of the Second Galactic Civil War, the species was considered a myth.

Physical Characteristics
Average height: 3.5 meters
Skin color: Brown
Distinctions Homeworld: Myrkr, later relocated to Ryyk
Language: Neti

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The Morellians were a species of sentient near-Humans native to the planet Morellia in Wild Space. They dominated the Morellian Commonwealth, a region patrolled by a law enforcement body known as the Morellian Enforcers. The Enforcers were known for their choice of weaponry: the .48-caliber Enforcer pistol was a slugthrower manufactured by the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate that was as strong as a heavy blaster pistol.

The Morellians had above average long lifespans proportionate to long lived Humans; at age 110, a Morellian had yet to reach his or her best years. Nevertheless, by the Galactic Civil War, the species was nearing extinction. The Morellian Barosa Warren headed the Galactic Outdoor Survival School and posed a threat to the Rebel Alliance. Four of Warren's half-Human children served as Rebel operatives.

Biology and Appearance

As a near-Human sentient species, the Morellians looked very similar to Humans. Each member of the species had a humanoid body characterized by two arms with five-fingered hands, a torso, and a head. The hands sported five fingers each, the digits capped by fingernails. The face featured a mouth full of teeth, a nose, two ears, and two eyes under a pair of eyebrows. Hair crowned the skull. Similarly, the species was divided into two sexes, male and female. Men were able to grow facial hair, with at least one Morellian sporting a red beard. Members of the species were distinguished from Humans due to their extra-long lifespans; at 110 years old, a Morellian had yet to reach his or her prime, and not until age 160 did a Morellian typically show signs of aging. Despite these differences, Morellians and Humans were capable of mating with one another and producing offspring, at least when the male was Morellian and the female Human. Morellian-Human hybrids appeared fully human, with one such specimen sporting a dark complexion and black hair.

Society and Culture

The Morellians inhabited the Morellian Commonwealth, a collection of star systems that lay outside the borders of the well-explored galaxy in Wild Space; their homeworld was Morellia. Members of the species were able to learn Galactic Basic Standard.

In general, the species lagged behind the rest of the galaxy in technology. Nevertheless, the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate-also known by its initials, MWC-named itself after the species and created low-tech products, such as a slugthrower called the .48-caliber Enforcer pistol. Despite its primitive payload, the gun was capable of causing as much damage as a heavy blaster pistol, albeit with a recoil so fierce that further shots suffered in accuracy if fired in quick succession. Morellians who received specialized training with the sidearm proved their species capable of great strength and skill.

Although the .48-caliber Enforcer was used by MWC's own corporate security force, it was standard issue and the signature weapon of the Morellian Enforcers, a small body tasked with policing the Morellian Commonwealth. The Enforcers wore uniforms that consisted of full-body, leather Morellian oilcoats and boots, and tough backstrap gloves. The Morellian Enforcers had little access to blasters and instead employed slugthrower pistols and rifles.

Physical Characteristics
Average lifespan: Over 160 years
Homeworld: Morellia

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