1 | Absorb/Dissipate EnergyControl Difficulty: Sunburn: Very Easy, Intense Sun: Easy, Solar Wind: Moderate, Radiation Storm: Difficult. Characters may use this power for energy attacks, such as blaster bolts and Force Lightning -- the difficulty is Moderate plus the damage roll of the attack.This power may be kept "up" as long as the source of energy is constant -- it may not be kept up for blaster bolts or Force Lightning. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to absorb or dissipate energy, including light, heat, radiation and blaster bolts. A successful control roll means that the energy is dissipated. If the user fails the roll, he takes full damage from the energy. The character must activate the power in the same round to absorb the bolt or Force Lightning -- the character must be able to roll the power before the attack lands. He can't use this power after the attack has hit. |
2 | %+ Accelerate HealingControl Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters, Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters.Time to Use: One minute Effect: If a Jedi uses this power successfully, he may make two natural healing rolls for the current day regardless of his injury. He gets a +2 modifier to his roll for both rolls. |
3 | Adrenaline AdjustmentControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Control Pain This power may be kept "up" Effect: When activated the Jedi character induces increased adrenaline flow throughtout their body. When this power is activated, the Jedi's Strength is increased by 2D; Movement is increased by 2 and he gains one additional action per round without multiple action penalties. A failed attempt induces a -1D penalty to the Jedi's Strength for 5 rounds, during which the power may not be attempted again. For every round this is kept up beyond the first (up to 4 rounds), the Jedi must rest for for one hour without being disturbed. He may opt to rest at a later time as long as does not do anything that would require exertion. Every round past the 4th the Jedi must succeed at a Difficult Strength roll or immediately fall to the ground unconscious and fatigued. Additionally, the 5th round and every round thereafter results in a three hours rest each. After eight rounds of continuous use of this power without resting the full amount, the Jedi falls unconscious and cannot be revived for the full required rest. |
4 | Advanced FocusControl Difficulty: Moderate to enter Advanced Focus, Difficult to come out of Advanced Focus.Required Powers: Emptiness, Jedi Discipline Note: This power may be kept up. Effect: The user empties his mind and allows the Force to flow through him. After a character uses Advanced Focus, they gain a +10 modifier to each skill roll for an amount of time equal to the amount of time spent in Advanced Focus. This bonus is reduced by 1 for each Dark Side Point the character has. While in Advanced Focus, characters are difficult to sense or affect with the Force. When another character attempts to use a Force Power on the character in Advanced Focus, add the defenders Advanced Focus roll to the difficulty for the other character's Sense or Control rolls (this affects only the Sense roll; if the power doesn't use the Sense skill, then add the difficulty to the Control roll). This difficulty is added regardless of whether or not the focusing character would willingly receive the power's effect. When in Advanced Focus, characters dehydrate and hunger normally - some initiates have died because they lacked enough Control to bring themselves out of Advanced Focus. When the character enters Advanced Focus, he must state how long he is going to remain in Advanced Focus. The character may attempt to come out of Advanced Focus under the following circumstances:
5 | @ AngerControl Difficulty: Very Easy if the Jedi has turned to the Dark Side; otherwise the difficulty is Moderate.Time to Use: One round Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side point. Effect: To use this power, a character concentrates all of his negative feelings, and touches the Dark Side momentarily. This imparts a +1D bonus on all rolls for the next two rounds. The Dark Side is finicky as the bonus could be 6 one round and 1 the next. |
6 | BiocombustionControl Difficulty: DifficultRequired Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control Pain This power may be kept "up" Effect: This power is most often used during any sort of brawling or hand-to-hand combat by Jedi who wish to add a little extra heat to their offense. By controlling the blood and tissue temperatures in various parts of their body, a Jedi can concentrate energy and cause a certain area of their flesh to become incredibly hot, to the point of burning like hot metal. WHen the power is activated the Jedi selects the part of their body in which to increase the temperature, such as hands feet, shoulder, etc. If the difficulty roll is successful, that portion of the body becomes sizzling hot where contact with that portion does 1D of heat damage. This extra damage can be added to Brawling Combat attacks or while defending. |
7 | @ BlacknessControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Affect Mind, Dim Other's Senses, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection Warning: A Jedi must be consumed by the Dark Side to use this power. This power may be kept "up." Effect: The Jedi is enshrouded in a veil of the Dark Side. The power roll is added to any Sense roll of a power attempting to detect the presence of the user. It also subtracts 2D from any skill attempts to perceive them; -3D if the power roll succeeds by 15 and -4D if the roll is 30 or more. This power causes people to overlook the user as he or she blends into the surroundings. Any smells or sounds emanating from the Jedi are muffled. The user of this power may still make skill checks as usual. However, the user may not engage in any combat-oriented Force use (i.e.: Lightsaber combat, combat sense, injure/kill, telekinetic kill, inflict pain, etc...). This power does not affect electronic life-form sensors. |
8 | % Breath ControlControl Difficulty: Easy: 1 minute + 4 extra rounds, Moderate: 1 minute + 12 extra rounds, Difficult: 2 minutes +10 extra rounds, Very Difficult: 3 minutes + 15 extra rounds, Heroic: 5 minutes + 16 extra rounds, Heroic +5: 10 minutes + 5 extra rounds, Heroic +10: 20 minutes + 10 extra rounds, Heroic +15: 30 minutes + 15 ectra roundsThis power can be kept "up." Effect: A Force user using breath control greatly decreases his bodies need for life-sustaining gas. The Jedi does not breathe in this state, and skin pores close, preventing harmful gases from entering the body. Jedi have been known to stay in such a state for hours, even days. |
9 | CalculateControl Difficulty: Moderate to Heroic, depending on the equation.Time to Use: One minute Required Powers: Concentration, Enhance Attribute, Enhance Skill, Perceptive Trance Effect: Using Jedi meditation techniques, this allows a Jedi to calculate high-order equations with the aid of the Force. The equations can be solved or, under certain special case situations, approximated, using standard Jedi meditation techniques. This is usually done as a training exercise. |
10 | %+ CalmControl Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and has no Dark Side Points. Increase difficulty one level for every Dark Side Point the PC has.Time to Use: One round Effect: This power calms the Jedi, giving him an enhanced defense against the Dark Side. The Jedi receives a bonus of +4 to all rolls for the next two rounds and an extra bonus of +4 to resist the effects of powers called upon by Dark Side servants. |
11 | CalmnessControl Difficulty: Easy for minor agitation; Moderate for marginal fear, anger or hatred; Difficult for horror and deeply fouted fears; Very Difficult for absolute terror or hatred; Heroic for absolute revulsion, terror, or character is enveloped in the Dark Side.Required Powers: Concentration, Hybernation Trance Effect: This removes any fear, anger or hatred, replacing it with a deep calm almost as if the Force snatches the emotions and carries them away leaving a soothing feeling. |
12 | Channel EnergyControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy Effect: When this power is activated following a successful use of the Absorb/Dissipate Energy power, the Jedi gains a boost to another Force power the following round. If a character's sole actions in a round are to use the Channel Energy power and one other power (incurring normal multiple action penalty), he or she may convert any and all damage absorbed the previous round and add those dice to the rolls for the next Force power used. |
13 | !@ Cloak of DarknessNote: This power is used explusively by the The Shadow DragonsControl Difficulty: Heroic minus total Dark Side Points, to a minimum of 5, may not be attempted by an individual with less than 5 DSPs This power may be kept "up." Warning: Use of this power grants a Dark Side Point. Effect: When this power is called, the Jedi calls upon the palpable essence of the Dark Side, turning himself into a silhouette so dark that the eye recoils from it. When this power is invoked, it grants a +2D bonus to the Hide and +3D to Sneak, and the Jedi holding it will not register on electronic sensors of any type. |
14 | Cognitive TranceControl Difficulty: EasyTime to Use: One minute This power may be kept "up." Effect: The Jedi uses control of his inner Force to enter the specific trance. His thinking processes are hastened, and he may absorb information much faster, i.e. he reads even faster than a Mon Calamarian - he just scrolls the text very, very quickly. |
15 | % Combat TranceControl Difficulty: EasyRequired Power: Emptiness Effect: The user empties his mind and allows the Force to flow through him, to conserve his energy in preparation for impending combat. The character seems to be in a light meditation, and can eat while in the trance, but very slowly. Once the character comes out of combat trance, the character gets a +6 bonus modifier to all skill rolls during combat for a period of time equal to the amount of time the character spent in combat trance. This applies during combat only. If the character does not enter combat in that period of time, the bonus is lost. |
16 | %+ ConcentrationControl Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace; Difficult if the Jedi is filled with aggression, fear or other negative emotions; Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions.Effect: Jedi must clear all negative thoughts from their minds, feeling the Force flowing through the universe and their own being. The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the Concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries. This power may be used in conjunction with Force Points and Character Points. This power is only in effect for one round and may not be kept "up." |
17 | %+ Contort/EscapeControl Difficulty: Very Easy for loose bonds; Easy for hand binders; Moderate for serious restraints; Difficult to Heroic for Maximum security (varies at GM's discretion, depending on security measures)Required Powers: Concentration, Control Pain Effect: The character escapes his bonds by contorting in painful and difficult, but physically possible ways. |
18 | % Control DiseaseControl Difficulty: Very Easy for a cold, Easy for a bad flu, Moderate for a serious illness such as gangrene, Very Difficult to Heroic for a virus or long-standing decease such as lung cancer.Required Power: Detoxify Poison Time to Use: 30 minutes to 6 months depending on how serious the disease is and how long it has been there. Effect: Allows the Jedi to direct and control the antibodies and healing resources of his/her own body to throw off an infection or to attack the diseased parts. |
19 | # Control EnergyControl Difficulty: Easy for intense sun; Moderate blaster bolts, Force Lightning, solar winds and fire; Very Difficult for radiation stormsRequired Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control Pain This power can be kept "up." Effect: This is the second half of the Absorb/Dissipate Energy force power that was forgotten long ago. Upon a successful use of Absorb/Dissipate Energy a Jedi may use this power to direct the energy elsewhere or use it to add to his own power. In game terms a Jedi may use this to move the energy elsewhere along lines it would be able to travel (example: Corran Horn is being jabbed by a stun baton. He uses Absorb/Dissipate Energy and sends the current through the metal decking. A Bothan walking by has his fur stand on end for a second). Or they may use it to power another Force skill. In this case a second Control roll is needed with the difficulties mentioned above. If the user succeeds they get a bonus to the next Force power they use equal to the damage absorbed. Note: A character inflicting damage, or having another person inflict damage for him or upon himself for the purposes of using this power to drain energy receives a Dark Side Point. Any character using this power to enhance an offensive Force power also receives a Dark Side Point. |
20 | + Control Kinetic EnergyControl Difficulty: Easy for purpose one; Moderate for purpose twoTime to Use: One round for purpose one; three rounds for purpose two This may be kept "up" for purpose one. Effect: This power has two purposes it can be used for. Purpose One: This power allows the Jedi to use his own kinetic energy to keep from freezing to death. Although this power may be kept up, its overall effect depends on how cold the environment is and the Gamemaster's discretion. If the temperature is only slightly below zero, the Jedi may roll for this power once and keep it up; considered a free action. If the Jedi is left naked on Hoth during the winter season he may need to make a new power roll every few minutes at increasing difficulties and keeping it up would definitely be considered an action. Purpose Two: When nobody has any matches or the technical ability to rub two sticks together, the Jedi may use this power to set fire to kindling. The Jedi can do nothing else when attempting to use this power for this purpose. It must be noted that the kindling must be easily flammable, and that only a small amount of sparks will actually be generated not a burst of flame from the Jedi's hands. The Jedi must be touching the kindling. |
21 | %+ Control PainControl Difficulty: Very Easy for wounded or stunned characters, Easy for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters.The power may be kept up so the character can ignore the pain and injuries for a long period of time. However, whenever the character is injured again, the Jedi must make a new control pain roll, with the difficulty being the new level of injury. Effect: A wounded Jedi who controls pain can act as if he has not been wounded starting with the round after the power roll has been made. The wound is not healed, but the character doesn't suffer the penalties of being wounded: a wounded Jedi doesn't lose 1D from all actions; an incapacitated character can still act normally, as can a mortally wounded character. This power can also be used to shrug off any stun results. However the character is still injured, and thus is prone to getting worse, even if the Jedi doesn't feel the pain. |
22 | @ Dark ScentControl Difficulty: Easy for sentients of same species; Moderate for sentients of different species, but comparable physiology to user. (e.g. human -> near-human, mammalian species such as Wookiees); Difficult for sentients of different species with different physiology (e.g. human -> insectoids such as Verpine, or reptilians like Rodians)Note: Cannot be performed on species that cannot smell or does not have physiology that involves the use of hormones. It is up to GM discretion whether the user's pheromones have ANY influence on different species with different physiology Required Power: Concentration Warning: A character that uses this power may receive a Dark Side Point. This may vary with reasons from the player; obviously use GM discretion. This power was designed with Dark Side influences in mind and has been named Dark Scent for that reason. This power can be kept "up", but only for half an hour. Exceeding this time limit requires a re-roll. Effect: Pheromones are typically used to attract members of the opposite sex for purposes of procreation. Increasing the production of pheromones two or threefold, a Jedi can exude large amounts of pheromones that can influence members of the opposite sex within a 10m radius, provided they can come into direct contact with these pheromones. (GM discretion if it influences members of the same sex - could be interesting!) This gives the user a +2D bonus to their persuasion skill, with an additional +1D for each hour of continuous preparation and meditation to enhance its effects. The maximum bonus for this power is +4D. When using this power on another sentient creature, that creature makes an opposing control or willpower roll to resist the powers persuasive influence. If the user rolls lower than the opponent, the opponent realizes that something 'strange' is going on by the pheromones taking on a very pungent odor. If the person it is being used against realizes the scent of the user is influencing them, all bonuses to the Jedi are lost. |
23 | Deflect BlasterControl Difficulty: Easy for one blaster bolt, Difficult for 2-5, Heroic for 6+Required Power: Absorb/Dissipate Energy This ability allows a Jedi to deflect blaster bolts without using a Lightsaber. |
24 | Deflect EnergyControl Difficulty: Easy for intense sun; Moderate for solar wind; Difficult for radiation storm; This power can be used for energy attacks, such as blaster bolts and Force Lightning-the difficulty is Moderate plus the damage roll of the attack.Required Power: Absorb/Dissipate Energy This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to deflect different forms of energy away from his body. Types of energy include, but are not limited to light, heat, radiation, and blaster bolts. The character must activate the power in the same round to deflect the blaster bolt or Force Lighting - the character must be able to roll the power before the attack lands. He cannot use this power after the attack has hit. When this power is used successfully, the energy is deflected away from the Jedi randomly. If the Jedi wishes to control where the energy is deflected, he must declare where he wishes to deflect the energy at a target in that round, similar to his Lightsaber Combat power. This is treated as an additional action; the Jedi makes another Control roll, with the difficulty being the new target's dodge or range. The damage done is the original energy source. This power is similar to Lesser Force Shield and Greater Force Shield, however, unlike those powers, this only protects a small region of the body used to deflect the energy away. |
25 | %+ Detoxify PoisonControl Difficulty: Very Easy for a very mild poison (alcohol); Easy for a mild poison; Difficult for a virulent poison; Very Difficult to Heroic for a neurotoxin.Time to Use: Five minutes Effect: This power allows a Jedi to detoxify or eject poisons that have entered his body. If the Jedi makes the power roll the poison doesn't affect him. |
26 | + DimControl Difficulty: EasyNote: This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Jedi to fade into the background. This power is not effective when there are not any other people around. When in effect, this power adds +15 to the search difficulty of anybody looking for him. |
27 | %+ EmptinessControl Difficulty: ModerateNote: Characters who are consumed by the Dark Side of the Force may not use this power. Required Power: Hibernation Trance Effect: The user empties his mind and allows the Force to flow through him. The character seems to be in a deep meditation, and a character experiencing emptiness is oblivious to his surroundings. A character in emptiness may not move or take any action except to try to disengage from the emptiness. While in emptiness, a character is difficult to sense or affect with the Force. When another character attempts to use a Force power on the character in emptiness, add the PC's emptiness roll to the difficulty for the other characters control or sense rolls (this affects only the sense roll; if the power doesn't use the sense skill, then add the difficulty to the control roll). This difficulty is added regardless of whether or not the character would be willing to receive the power's effects. Once the character comes out of emptiness he gets a +6 bonus modifier to all Force skill rolls for a period of time equal to the amount of time he spent in emptiness. This bonus is reduced by one point for each Dark Side Point the character has. When in emptiness characters dehydrate and hunger normally -- some initiates have died because they lacked enough control to bring themselves out of emptiness. When the character enters into emptiness, he must state for how long he will be in meditation. A PC must make a Difficult Control roll to bring himself out of emptiness; the PC may attempt to come out of meditation under the following circumstances: * When the stated time has passed * Once each hour beyond the original time limit * The PC's body takes other than stun damage. |
28 | Enhance AttributeControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Power: Enhance Skill Effect: A Jedi uses this power to increase a single attribute for a limited amount of time. An increased attribute can help a Jedi jump higher, dodge quicker, see better, and run faster. All skills controlled by the enhanced attribute are increased by the appropriate amount for as long as the power is in effect. An attribute increased by this power remains enhanced for the duration listed below. Duration and attribute increase is determined by how much a character's Control skill roll beats the difficulty number. Duration can be extended through the use of character points -- for every character point a Jedi spends after invoking this power, the duration is extended by one round. The points can be spent at any time before the power fades. A Jedi can only increase one attribute at a time. If he tries to invoke the power to enhance another attribute while the first is still enhanced, the first one fades and the second attribute receives the benefit.
29 | Enhance ReflexesControl Difficulty: Easy +2 block/dodge, Moderate +1D block/dodge, Difficult +2D block/dodge, Very Difficult +3D block/dodge, Heroic 4D+ block/dodge.This Power can be kept "up". Effect: A Jedi uses enhanced reflexes to improve their reaction time and speed. They can block and dodge easier, as well as attack faster. |
30 | Enhance SkillControl Difficulty:
Add one difficulty level per extra skill added after the first. Once the difficulty is Heroic no more skills may be added. Note: This power may be kept "up." Effect: With this power, Jedi can enhance their abilities in particular skills. The bonus dice are added to the skill as long as the power is kept up. If the Force user wishes to change which skills are enhanced or by how much, then a new skill roll must be made. The skill to be enhanced must be at least 1D greater than the controlling Attribute. If the power is not kept up, the Force user may only take one action using the enhanced skill. Using the Power and enhancing a skill in the same round does not count as a multiple action. This power may not be used with another power that enhances the same skill. |
31 | Enhance SpeedControl Difficulty: Difficult, modified by distance moved beyond normal Move ratingTime to Use: Instantaneous This power may be kept "up." Effect: The Jedi can run much faster than a normal member of his species, up to four times faster than his species' norm. The difficulty for doing this is Difficult for doubling his normal Move rate, Very Difficult for tripling it, and Heroic for quadrupling it. This power takes an intense degree of focus, however, and as such no other power may be kept "up" while using this one. |
32 | # Force Charged StrikeControl Difficulty:
Required Powers: Emptiness or Rage, Absorb/Dissipate Energy Note: One round is required to "charge" before striking. Warning: If this power is not used to cause stun damage the Jedi using it will receive a Dark Side Point. Effect: Upon a successful hit the damage is delivered (stun or kill). This damage is in addition to the normal Strength damage caused. This power can also be used for Brawling Parry. The attacker takes damage as he or she hits, regardless of any damage done to the target. |
33 | Force of WillControl Difficulty: EasyThis power may be kept "up." Effect: The character manipulates their own Willpower skill to fight the effects of hostile Force powers. If faced with a telekinetic or mind-based power, the Jedi's Willpower roll may be added to either Control or Perception. The Control, or Perception, plus Willpower total is referred to as the "protection number." If the attack roll is less than the target's Control or Perception roll, the character suffers no ill effects. If the attack roll is greater than the Control or Perception roll, but less than the protection number, the Jedi is protected from the power, but his Willpower is considered to be "battered." Subtract -1D from the characters Willpower. The Jedi can still continue to defend, but must do so with decreased Willpower. Reroll a new protection number. In the event the Jedi's Willpower reaches 0D, the Force of Will power automatically drops and the Jedi can only resist with Control or Perception. If the attack roll is greater than the Protection number, the Jedi suffers the full affects of the attacking power. It takes one day to recover 1D of damage from "battering of the will," or one hour in Emptiness (or Rage) for each 1D recovered. |
34 | % Force SpeedControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Power: Enhance Attribute This power may be kept "up." Effect: A Jedi can use this power to enhance his Move rating, increasing his running and walking speeds dramatically for a short period of time. Move increases are determined by the amount the Jedi's Control roll exceeds the difficulty. While using this power the Jedi can do nothing else during the round.
35 | % Knight SpeedControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Burst of Speed, Enhance Attribute This power may be kept up. Effect: A Jedi can use this power to enhance his Move rating, increasing his running and walking speeds dramatically for a short period of time. Move increase are determined by the amount the Jedi's Control roll exceeds the difficulty. While using this power the Jedi can do nothing else during the round.
36 | % Master SpeedControl Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Force Speed, Enhance Attribute, Knight Speed This power may be kept up. Effect: A Jedi can use this power to enhance his Move rating, increasing his running and walking speeds dramatically for a short period of time. Move increase are determined by the amount the Jedi's Control roll exceeds the difficulty. While using this power the Jedi can do nothing else during the round.
37 | HammerhandControl Difficulty: Difficult if healthy. Heroic if wounded.Effect: Hammerhand doubles the Jedi's Strength Attribute for causing damage and resisting damage. Armor does not add double its value and actually subtracts its value if worn over that part of the body that causes the damage. |
38 | ! Hands of the JhemadanNote: The Shadow Dragons use this power exclusively.Control Difficulty: Medium This power may be kept "up." Effect: When called upon, this power causes the Jedi's hands to be encased in a glowing blue field of Force. This field is impenetrable, and extends up to the users elbows. The power protects its users hands from extreme heat and cold, but that is not its primary function. When used in conjunction with (A) Martial Arts, the Hands of the Jhemadan add 2D+2 to the damage caused. When invoked by a Dark Jedi, the field is a deep red that grows darker for those more attuned to the dark side. |
39 | HealControl Difficulty: Very Easy: Stunned, Easy: Wounded/ Wounded Twice, Moderate: Incapacitated, Difficult: Mortally WoundedRequired Powers: Accelerate Healing, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Detoxify Poison in Another, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance Time to Use: 5 minutes meditation per level of difficulty Effect: Completely removes one injury to the user. This power may not be used on others (see Heal Another). If use of this power fails, the difficulty is raised by one level for every repeated attempt. |
40 | %+ Hibernation TranceControl Difficulty: DifficultThis power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to place himself into a deep trance, remarkably slowing all body functions. The Jedi's heartbeat slows, his breathing drops to barely perceivable levels, and he falls unconscious. When a Jedi enters a hibernation trance, the character must declare under what circumstances the character will awaken: after a specific amount of time, or what stimuli needs to be present (noise, someone touching them, etc...). A Jedi can heal while in a hibernation trance but may not use any other skills or powers. Hibernation Trance serves two purposes. It allows the Jedi to "play dead." It can be used to survive when food or air supplies are low. A character in hibernation uses about a tenth as much as someone who is sleeping - he can hibernate for a week in a dry climate or for up to a month in a wet climate before dying from lack of water. Anyone who comes across a Jedi in hibernation assumes that the Jedi is dead unless he makes a point of testing him. Another Jedi with the sense skill or Life Detection power will be able to detect the Force within the hibernating character and realize that he or she is alive. |
41 | ImitateControl Difficulty: Moderate, modified by Relationship.Time to Use: 1 round Required Powers: Concentration, Contort/Escape, Control Pain This power may be kept "up." Effect: The Jedi is able to contort his features to imitate facial expressions and control his musculature to produce desired body language of a person. This also allows the Jedi to control their voice to imitate a person's or a creature's vocal patterns. This power is beneficial when the Jedi is trying to imitate a person or trying to pose as the relative of the person. |
42 | Instinctive Astrogation ControlControl Difficulty: Very Difficult. Modified by astrogation difficulty.Time to Use: One minute Required Powers: Direction Sense, Instinctive Astrogation, Magnify Senses Effect: Instinctive astrogation control is far more difficult than the standard sense-based instinctive astrogation power because instead of trying to "feel" the correct solutions to the hyperspace equations, the Jedi calculates them in his head. This is quite possible, but the figures generated are rarely utilized because it is so easy even for a Jedi to make a mistake. The difficulty is modified by how hard the task is with a nav computer:
If the control total is successful, a Very Easy astrogation roll is necessary to enter the correct routes into the nav computer. If the Jedi fails the attempt, he overlooks an obstacle, which then requires a Very Difficult roll. If the Control roll is missed by 5 or more points, increase the difficulty to Heroic. |
43 | % Jedi DisciplineControl Difficulty: Easy +2 Knowledge/Willpower, Moderate +1D Knowledge/Willpower, Difficult +2D Knowledge/Willpower, Very Difficult +3D Knowledge/Willpower, Heroic 4D+ Knowledge/Willpower.Required Power: Emptiness This power can be kept "up". Effect: With Jedi discipline, a Jedi enhances his connection to the Force, sensing it's subtle nuances better and more accurately. Jedi also have extreme discipline, often appearing emotionless while in this state. It clears a Jedi's mind, allowing him to think clearer. |
44 | * @ Pall of the Dark SideControl Difficulty: DifficultRequired Power: Concentration Effect: This power allows a character with Dark Side points to conceal their Force sensitivity from other characters. In game terms, any time a Jedi rolls their Sense Force Potential power to detect the player's Force sensitivity, the player may immediately roll control to activate Pall of the Dark Side. This roll does not incur a multiple action penalty. If the roll is successful, then he may add half of his Dark Side score to his control roll to resist detection (were normally, a character would only roll their control roll to resist being detected). Example: Jedi Master Ambelled Daru suspects that Darth Arius may be a Sith Lord. Ambelled Daru rolls a 28 on his Sense roll to Sense Force Potential. Darth Arius immediately activates Pall of the Dark Side. He rolls a 23 on his Control roll, successfully activating the power. He then adds half of the number of Dark Side points to his roll (in this case half of 12 is 6) for a total of 29. His new score exceeds Ambelled Daru's roll, and thus Ambelled Daru's attempt to Sense Force Potential fails. Source: Clone Wars Campaign Guide (page 31) |
45 | Perceptive TranceControl Difficulty: Easy.Time to use: 1 round This power can be kept "up." Required Powers: Enhance attribute, Enhance Skill Effect: This allows the Jedi to accelerate his mental processes and the processing of visual, audio, or other sensory input. The Jedi uses the control of his inner Force to absorb information much faster than normal. The Jedi adds his Control roll to his Perception for the duration of the power. This could be information from datascreens, voicetapes set on very high speed or by other methods. |
46 | Plant SurgeThe Control difficulty depends on the area that the Force user wishes to affect:
Effect: When used, this power causes plants (grasses, weeds, bushes, trees, etc.) to entangle target creatures, holding them fast or slowing them down. If the Force-user succeeds in his use of the power, the targets are considered to be entangled. Entangled creatures suffer a -1D penalty to all attack rolls, a -2D penalty to their Dexterity scores, and can only move at half of their normal Movement scores. Entangled characters can attempt to escape, but this requires a Difficult Strength roll to accomplish. |
47 | @ RageControl Difficulty: DifficultRequired Power: Hibernation Trance Warning! A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Note: This power can only be used by characters that have been consumed by the Dark Side. Effect: This power allows a character to feel the dread influence of the Dark Side. It functions as counterpart to Emptiness. The character must tense himself completely and allow the mindless rage of the Dark Side to possess him. When using this power, a character will appear lifeless. They are amplifying the negative aspects of their own personality, leaving the face clenched in a rictus of horror and fear. A character must determine how long he wishes to be in Rage when he enters the trance. When the Jedi leaves this state, he gets a +10 modifier to all Force skills rolls for a period of time equal to the time spent in Rage. The character takes one die of damage for every two hours they were in trance after the bonus has subsided. Like Emptiness, this power makes characters oblivious to their surroundings; they cannot move. Unlike Emptiness, however, characters in this state strongly exude the Dark Side. The internal focusing does provide some protection for the character against others using the Force on them. Add the Rage control roll to the difficulty roll when another attempts to use a Force power on someone in Rage. Characters dehydrate and hunger twice as fast as normally when using Rage and are even more susceptible to damage (-1D to Strength to resist damage from physical and energy attacks while in this state). Characters that plan an extended trance will need intravenous nourishment. In Rage, the character is less oblivious to his surroundings than a corresponding Jedi in Emptiness. For example, any physical contact by a living is in may revive them (the Jedi must make a moderate Control roll) and provoke an instant berserk-like attack, regardless of which the person may be. The character must then make a difficult Control roll to cease the attack before the offending character has been killed. A character using Rage can choose to anticipate the arrival of a foe. They must make a difficult Sense roll with the Life Sense power at the time they enter Rage. This will allow them to instantly awaken if the expected person comes within five meters of the person in Rage. |
48 | Reduce InjuryControl Difficulty: Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters, Very Difficult for dead characters.Required Powers: Accelerate Healing, Control Pain Effect: By using this power, a Jedi may call upon the Force to reduce the amount of injury he suffers; this power is normally only used in desperation because of its long-term repercussions. When the power is successfully used, the Jedi loses a Force Point. Any injury that is suffered is reduced to wounded. If the original injury would have killed the character, he must choose to suffer a permanent injury of some kind. Note: Spending Force Points in this manner -- not at the beginning of the round -- is allowed. Also, it is not always a "selfish" act to save one's life, so the character might be able to get the Force Point back. If the character was fighting to save his friends from certain doom -- and if he fails, they certainly die -- then this could even be considered a heroic action. It still involves great sacrifice. |
49 | RegenerateControl Difficulty: Moderate: Simple Organ (eye, liver, kidney), Difficult: Complex Organ (heart), Very Diff: Limb or System (arm, endocrine system), Heroic: Special Organs/Diseases (brain, A.I.D.S, spinal cord, terminal cancer)Required Powers: Accelerate Healing, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Emptiness, Heal, Hibernation Trance Time to Use: One month per level of difficulty (1 month for an eye, 3 months to repair spinal damage) This power must to be kept "up" for the duration. Effect: Allows a Force-user to repair extensive damage to the point of regrowth. During the period of Regeneration, the character must rest as detailed in the Natural Healing section of the rulebook. Everyday during this rest period the user must activate the power. Failure means treatment has been set back one day for every point the roll missed by. A critical failure means the organ/limb has been destroyed and user must start over (in the case of regenerating a damaged brain, the user dies). At the end of the period (provided rest was never broken) he may roll Strength or Control versus the above difficulty. For every full week of rest and treatment past the required time, the final Strength/Control Difficulty is reduced by one level. If successful, he has a new, fully working organ/limb or is cured from the targeted disease (Cancer, AIDS, etc.). If unsuccessful, he has a fully-grown organ/limb that either his body has rejected or is just unusable. Note: This power doesn't remove the reason for the degeneration in cases like A.I.D.S. (i.e. bacterial, viral or other infections). It only regrows and removes faults in the D.N.S. (in cases like cancer). |
50 | %+ Remain ConsciousControl Difficulty: Easy for stunned characters, Moderate for incapacitated, Difficult for mortally wounded.Required Power: Control Pain Effect: This power allows a Jedi to remain conscious even when he has suffered injuries which would knock him unconscious. In game terms, when a character with this power suffers this kind of injury, they lose all of their actions for the rest of the round, but they are still conscious (normal characters automatically pass out). On the next round, the character may attempt to activate the power -- this must be the first action of that round; the Jedi cannot even dodge or parry. If the roll is unsuccessful, the character passes out immediately. If the roll is successful, the Jedi can do any one other action that he has declared for that round -- often the character will attempt to control pain so that he will be able to remain conscious. After that other action has been completed, the Jedi will lapse into unconsciousness, unless he has activated control pain or done something else that will keep the character conscious. |
51 | % Remove FatigueControl Difficulty: Moderate.This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Accelerate Healing, Control Pain Time to Use: One round Effect: The character uses this power to combat the effects of strenuous work. The Jedi manipulates the Force, causing bodily toxins to be ejected much more efficiently, thus allowing for greater stamina. While kept up, the Jedi must make a Stamina check once per day. While using this power, a Jedi must fail two Stamina checks before he or she is fatigued. The character still has to eat and drink normally. If the Jedi fails two Stamina checks and becomes fatigued, a -1D penalty is applied to all attributes and skills for 1D hours. This power can't be used for Lifting (Enhance Attribute has to be used). |
52 | % Resist StunControl Difficulty: ModerateTime to Use: One minute Effect: This allows a Jedi to prepare his body to resist the effects of stun damage. The power must be activated before the character has suffered any damage. A successful result allows the Jedi to resist all stun results except for unconsciousness and normal injuries. An unconscious result forces the Jedi to drop the power, and he is considered stunned. Normal wounds are treated normally. |
53 | Restore AttributeControl Difficulty: The difficulty varies according to the amount of the attribute dice being restored:
Required Powers: Accelerate Healing, Control Disease, Control Parasitic Infestation, Detoxify Poison, Enhance Attribute, Sense Disease, Sense Parasites, Sense Poisons/Toxins Effect: The Jedi can restore lost attributes permanently lost to parasitic infections, disease, toxins, and other debilitating injuries. He must meditate for an hour, spend a Force point, and then make a control roll. Only a single attribute can be restored at a time using this power. Lost and severed limbs and extremities cannot be regenerated with this power. |
54 | Short-Term Memory EnhancementControl Difficulty: DifficultRequired Power: Hibernation Trance Effect: When a Jedi uses this power, he or she can replay recent events in order to more carefully examine images and peripheral occurrences. Using the power, a Jedi can freeze images and even scan memory tracks to recall details that were seen but did not register consciously at the time of observation. In game terms, this power can be used to alert a Jedi to information, items, other characters, or anything else that passed before his or her senses within a specific span of time. In addition, if a game master provided clues or leads to clues that the players originally missed or ignored, this power can be alert them to possible solutions, if those solutions were observed earlier in the adventure. How far back a Jedi can remember with this power is determined by the success of his control skill roll.
55 | Voice AmplificationControl Difficulty: Easy, modified by size of area; Small room: +2; Medium-sized room: +5; Large room: +7; Audience chamber: +10; Concert hall: +12; Coruscant Great Council Hall: +15Time Required: One round This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to amplify her voice to fill an area. The Jedi may speak, sing, or otherwise communicate verbally while maintaining this power. |
56 | WisdomControl Difficulty: Very DifficultTime to Use: 1 hour of research Effect: Grants the user insight from the Force increasing Knowledge by their Control skill for a single roll. |
57 | - Zed'oric's DefenseControl Difficulty: ModerateNote: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Effect: This is an involved incantation, which requires 5 minutes of chanting to take effect. The Force user focuses the Force within him into a protective field just beneath his skin. This defense lasts for up to 8 hours, during which time the Force user may add 1D to his strength to resist damage. This is also effective against mental assaults; such as the Force power Affect Mind, or the Hapan gun of command, adding 1D to the Force user's roll to resist these. While Zed'oric's Defense is in place, the Force user makes all further Control rolls at +2D, although nothing else is affected. |
1 | Alert SenseSense Difficulty: Very DifficultThis power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Blind Sense, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Electronic Sense, Life Detection, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force Effect: This allows the Jedi to sense the intentions and immediate actions and locations of any beings or creatures, as well as Droids and physical objects within 10 meters, creating a warning system for as long as the power is "up." This power is very effective if the Jedi has been blinded or is permanently blind. The Jedi adds the Sense roll to Perception for the duration of the power. This counts towards initiative as well as any other Perception-based rolls. The Jedi adds +1D to all attack and defense rolls, and the Jedi detects any attacks the round before they are made. This gives the Jedi a round to react to danger. The Jedi is conscious of everything within 10 meters. When approached by or approaching a being, creature, or Droid, the Jedi should make a Sense roll; each being, creature, or Droid makes an opposed Control or Perception roll at half their normal skill dice to avoid detection. It is very difficult for a character to hide from a Jedi using this power. |
2 | Battle MindSense Difficulty: ModerateRequired Power: Sense Force Effect: With battle mind, a Jedi can use the Force to guide his decisions and actions to allow a possible future revealed through battle mind to come about. This power is especially useful when the Jedi is leading an army or strike force |
3 | Beast LanguagesSense Difficulty: Easy if the animal is domesticated/friendly (such as a bantha); Moderate to Difficult if the animal is wild, but non-predatory (undomesticated tauntaun); Very Difficult to Heroic if the animal is ferocious/ predatory (wild vornskr or rancor).This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Projective Telepathy, Translation Time to Use: One minute Effect: This power allows the Jedi to translate a beast language and speak it in kind. As creatures rarely have "true" languages, the Jedi is actually reading the differences in the surface emotions within grunts and growls and other cues of body languages. Note that the character may keep this power "up" if the Jedi needs to continue picking up the emotional state of a creature. For beasts that can be ridden, subtract -2D from their Orneriness code while this power is in effect. |
4 | Blind SenseSense Difficulty: ModerateThis power can be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Jedi to see normally when he has been blinded (Perception at normal). This power cannot be used to see in the dark. Young Jedi sometimes learn this power accidentally when Lightsaber training and have been blindfolded. If a character has been permanently blinded, he may choose to have this power "up" permanently at a constant reduction of -1D to sense. |
5 | % Combat SenseSense Difficulty: Moderate for one opponent, modified by +3 for every additional opponent a Jedi wants to defend against.Required Powers: Danger Sense, Life Detection Effect: Combat sense helps a Jedi focus on the battle at hand. Everything else becomes dulled and muted as the Jedi's senses are all turned to the combat happening around him. All targets become mentally highlighted in the Jedi's mind, aiding him in attack and defense. In game terms, by focusing his attention on his opponents, a Jedi gains certain important advantages. First, he gets to decide when he wants to act during a round. If more than one Jedi is using this power, whichever Jedi rolled highest when invoking this power gets to determine exactly when they are acting this round. Second, his attack and defense rolls are increased by +2D. Combat Sense lasts for ten combat rounds and doesn't count as a skill use for determining die code penalties once it is up. |
6 | Computer/Machine TranslationSense Difficulty: DifficultRequired Power: Translation This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power has a similar effect to Translation, except that the user gains a +2D bonus to decipher computer, machine, and droid languages. |
7 | + Cyber SenseSense Difficulty: Very Easy, modified by Relationship and Proximity.This power may be kept "up." Effect: Allows a force user to sense the presence of a machine (includes cybernetics), computer or droid. |
8 | % Danger SenseSense Difficulty: Moderate or attacker's control rollRequired Power: Life Detection This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to extend his senses around himself like protective sensors, creating an early warning system for as long as the power is in effect. When this power is used, the Jedi detects any attacks the round before they are made. This gives the Jedi a round to decide how to react to the danger. In game terms, if any character is going to attack a Jedi on the next round, they must declare their actions the round before it happens. Characters who are going to attack may roll their Control skill to increase the difficulty of using the power. |
9 | Direction OrientationSense Difficulty: Easy for familiar planets, Moderate for unfamiliar planet, Very Difficult for space stationsTime to Use: 2 rounds This power may be kept "up." Effect: A Jedi using this power connects with the Force surrounding the planet he is on currently. By probing various aspects of the planet's rotation and magnetic fields, he is able to determine not only which direction he is facing, but also create a sort of internal compass that he may use at any time. As long as the power is kept up, the Jedi is able to tell exactly which direction he is moving in relation to the planet's poles. This power is often used in underground or urban situations, where the more natural signs of direction are frequently unavailable. This power only functions on planets or space platforms that have significant rotation and magnetic fields; it does not function in outer space, or aboard non-stationary space vessels. |
10 | + Direction SenseSense Difficulty: Easy; modified by ProximityThis power can be kept "up." Time to Use: One round Effect: This allows the Jedi the ability to sense the direction of an object or location by its resonance in the Force. This power does not sense life forms (use the life sense power to sense and track life forms). If the roll fails by five points, the Jedi just knows the general direction the object or location is in: left, right, forward, behind, above, below. On a Difficult roll, the Jedi can anchor himself to a location and know exactly in what direction and how far away the location is from his current position. |
11 | Electronic SenseSense Difficulty: Easy, modified by ProximityThis power may be kept "up." Required Power: Cyber Sense Effect: This power allows the Jedi to detect active electronics that might otherwise remain hidden from their normal senses. When the power is activated, the Jedi knows the location of active electronics within 10 meters - if the power is kept "up," the Jedi may know whenever a Droid or other electronic construct approaches within 10 meters of them or vice versa. When a Jedi approaches or is approached by active electronics, make a sense roll for the Jedi and each electronic construct makes an opposed Perception roll to avoid detection, if possible. Both rolls are "free" actions and don't count as a power use. If the Jedi ties or rolls higher, he senses the electronics in question. If the Jedi beats the target's roll by 10 or more points, if he has had access to the system or met the Droid before (yes or no), and if yes, what their identity is. |
12 | Force ShotSense Difficulty: ModerateEffect: This power is used to increase a character's accuracy with missile weapons or Blasters against hidden or concealed targets. If successful, the Force-user may add his Sense dice to his ranged attack rolls against an organic/living target that is either fully or partially concealed, be it behind a wall, through smoke, or in darkness or shadow. At least some portion of the target must be concealed by some degree of cover to be effective. This power is called on at the start of a battle, and remains "up" until the Jedi is stunned, wounded, or worse. Any Jedi who has been stunned or wounded may attempt to activate the power again. |
13 | Guided AttackSense Difficulty: EasyRequired Power: Life Sense Effect: By successfully using this power and studying a single opponent for two full rounds, a character can anticipate that opponent's reactions in combat. This effectively reduces the opponent's defense dice rolls made to evade the character's attacks by half for the duration of the combat, or until the character using this power is stunned, wounded, or worse. |
14 | Hyperspace TrackingSense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by half the difficulty of the journey of the ship being tracked; also modified by ProximityRequired Powers: Instinctive Astrogation, Magnify Senses, Sense Force Effect: Any object that goes through hyperspace leaves a trace that the Jedi can sense. The Jedi uses his sense skill to "feel" through hyperspace to track an object's path. If the Jedi succeeds at tracking the course, he need only generate an Easy astrogation total to plot a safe path to follow the object. If the Jedi fails the roll, he is unable to track the object. If the object includes a Force-sensitive being, the difficulty for this power is reduced one level. |
15 | % Instinctive AstrogationSense Difficulty: Moderate, modified by difficulty of journeyRequired Powers: Direction Sense, Magnify Senses Effect: This is the better-known ability of the Jedi to calculate astrogation routes without the use of a nav computer. The Jedi uses his Sense skill to "feel" through the myriad hyperspace routes to determine the safest path. The difficulty is modified by how dangerous the path is:
If the Jedi succeeds at charting the course, the Jedi need only make an Easy Astrogation total to plot a safe path. If the Jedi fails the roll, the Astrogation difficulty is automatically Very Difficult; if the roll is missed by more than five points, increase the difficulty to Heroic. |
16 | Instinctive NavigationSense Difficulty: Moderate; modified by Proximity of target locationRequired Power: Direction Sense This power must to be kept "up" until arrival. Effect: Similar to the Instinctive Astrogation power, but instead of calculating a course between the stars, the Jedi can use their sense skill to navigate between terrestrial based locations. Instinctive navigation is literally letting the Force be your guide, and following its "currents" to your destination. This skill is useful while lost in cave systems, mine shafts and other maze-like networks. If the Jedi succeeds at plotting the course, they only need to generate an Easy Survival or navigation/piloting roll. If the Jedi fails, this roll is automatically +20. Note: This power is different from Direction Sense, as the Jedi not only knows where to go, but also which way. |
17 | %+ Life DetectionSense Difficulty: Very Easy if the subject has Force skills or is Force-sensitive; Moderate if not. Modified by relationship.This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows Jedi to detect live sentient beings that might otherwise remain hidden from their normal senses. When the power is activated, the Jedi knows the location of all sentient beings within 10 meters -- if the power is kept up, the Jedi may know whenever a sentient being approaches within 10 meters of them, or visa versa. When a Jedi approaches or is approached by sentient creatures, make a sense roll for the Jedi and an opposed Control or Perception roll for each creature to avoid detection. Both rolls are free actions and don't count as a power use. If the Jedi ties or rolls higher, he senses the creatures in question. If the Jedi beats the target's roll by 10 or more points, the Jedi is aware if this person has Force skills (yes or no only), is Force-sensitive (yes or no only) or they have met the person before (yes or no), and if yes, what their identity is. |
18 | %+ Life SenseSense Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity and relationship.Required Power: Life Detection This power may be kept "up" to track a target. Effect: The user can sense the presence and identity of a specific person for whom he searches. The user can sense how badly wounded, diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the target is. A target may use the Control skill to hide his identity from the Jedi using life sense. The character's Control skill is added to the sensor's difficulty. |
19 | Life WebSense Difficulty: See below. Modified by proximity.Note: The Force user must choose one specialization (see below). Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Sense Force. This power must be kept "up" for a minimum of two days. Time to Use: Two days (or more) Effect: This power is used to detect large concentrations of members of a specific species. When the power is used successfully, the user senses the general direction that leads to the population. If the user beats the difficulty by 10 or more points, the user also knows approximate distance (i.e., hundreds or thousands of kilometers, or single, tens, hundreds or thousands of light years). The base difficulty to use this power depends on the size of the nearest significant population:
May not be used to detect populations smaller than 100,000 individuals. When this power is selected, the Jedi must select one specific intelligent species to specialize in. Each additional species specialization costs an extra 3 CP's. The Jedi must be familiar with the species. This power may only be used to detect species that the Jedi has specialized in. This power requires at least two days of continuous concentration. For each additional two days of concentration, the Jedi may add +1D to his or her Sense roll. |
20 | Machine SenseSense Difficulty: DifficultRequired Power: Computer/Machine Translation This power may be kept "up". Effect: This power allows a Jedi to Sense the paths of circuits in an electronic device by sensing the flow of electricity within the device and allows him to detect any defects in the device. When using this power, a Jedi adds his Sense dice to his Computer Programming/Repair, Security, and electronic/machine repair rolls. |
21 | %+ Magnify SensesSense Difficulty: Very Easy, Modified by proximityTime to Use: Three rounds Effect: This power allows a Jedi to increase the effectiveness of his normal senses to perceive things that would otherwise be impossible without artificial aids. He can hear noises beyond normal frequencies. Likewise, he can see normally visible things over distances that would normally require the use of macrobinoculars, and identify scents and odors that are normally too faint for Human olfactory senses. |
22 | ! Parting The CloudsNote: The Shadow Dragons use this power exclusively.Sense Difficulty: Moderate Note: This power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons. Effect: Parting The Clouds is designed to sweep away all the obstacles blocking clear sight and Sense powers. When invoked, all powers in effect designed to obstruct or confuse the target must immediately make opposed rolls with the Jedi who invoked this power. Failure causes those powers to be dispelled instantly, and even a near miss will cause them to waver slightly. |
23 | PostcognitionSense Difficulty: Easy for less than two hours, Moderate for more than two hours but less than one week, Difficult for more than one week but less than two years, and Very Difficult for more than two years.Effect: Postcognition allows a Jedi to investigate the tenuous imprints of the Force left on objects when they are handled by living beings. The character must be able to handle the object he is examining. If the postcognition roll is greater than three times the difficulty, the character can witness the event as if he were there himself. If the roll is greater than or equal to twice the difficulty, the Jedi gets a good sensory impression of the event, but is limited in that the primary sense is wavy or obscured, but the other sensory impressions come through clearly. If the roll is simply greater than the difficulty number, then all sensory impressions are muzzled. |
24 | Predict Natural DisasterSense Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi has lived in the area for more than a year; Moderate if the Jedi has lived in the area 6-12 months; Difficult if the Jedi has lived in the area 1-6 months; Very Difficult if the Jedi has lived on the planet less than one month. Modified by severity of disaster (larger disasters are easier to predict) and degree to which the disaster could reasonably be predicted.Required Powers: Danger Sense, Life Detection, Magnify Senses, Weather Sense Time to Use: 15 minutes. May be reduced in five minute increments by increasing the difficulty one level per five minutes (minimum time to use of one minute). Effect: This power allows the Jedi to sense local meteorological and geological conditions and predict imminent disasters, such as quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, avalanches, cave-ins, mine subsidence, large scale conflagrations (forest fires) and even dangerous storms, tornadoes and hurricanes (which can also be predicted with Weather Sense). By opening his or her senses to the environment, the Jedi can predict these disturbances, much like animals can seemingly sense a quake hours or even days before it happens. |
25 | Radar SenseSense Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Life Detection, Magnify Senses This power may be kept "up." Effect: This ability is used when the Jedi cannot see or is entering combat. It gives him/her sense dice to add to his/her Perception each round. These can be used for initiative or for any of the basic sensual skills under Perception (cannot be used for command, bargain, persuasion, etc). This power is very similar to Life Detection, except the Jedi feels the emotional intentions of the people in his range. The Targets cannot hide from this ability because it feels the vibrations in the force that their presence makes (with the exception of Cloak of Darkness). The range is equal to their sense roll +10 in meters. The Jedi does not perceive anything but the position of the creatures and the basic intentions (i.e., friendship, hate, about to attack, etc.). |
26 | %+ Receptive TelepathySense Difficulty: Very Easy for friendly, non-resisting targets. If target resists, he makes a Perception or Control roll to determine the difficulty. Modified by proximity and relationship.Required Power: Life Detection, Life Sense. This power may be kept "up" if the target is willing and the proximity modifier doesn't increase. Effect: If the Jedi makes the power roll, he can read the surface thoughts and emotions of the target. The Jedi "hears" what the target is thinking, but cannot probe for deeper information. When the Jedi uses the power on another player character, the GM asks the player if he minds the power being used on his character; if the target is an NPC, the GM must determine for himself if the target is friendly or resistant. If the skill roll is double the difficulty, the Jedi can sift through any memories up to 24 hours old. A Jedi cannot sift through memories in the same round that contact is made -- this process takes a full round. A Jedi can read the minds of more than one person at a time, but each additional person counts as an additional action, with separate rolls and multiple skill use penalties. This power can be used on creatures and other sentient species, although it cannot be used on droids. |
27 | %+ Sense DisturbanceSense Difficulty: Very Easy; modified by ProximityEffect: This enables a character to sense a disturbance in the Force. This does not give the character specific details, but gives the character a feeling of what has occurred. This power, once learned, is effectively "up" at all times. When a disturbance happens, the Jedi can take a "free" action roll to sense the disturbance. The GM should have the player roll his character's Sense against the modified difficulty. What effect the disturbance has on the Jedi is up to the GM. If successful, the GM should secretly inform the player that his character senses a disturbance, a tremor, or a stirring in the Force, tell the player a vague feeling of who or what the disturbance is about, and if it is of the Light Side of the Force or the Dark Side. |
28 | Sense ElementSense Difficulty: Easy for basic elements; Moderate for common elements and natural compounds; Difficult to Very Difficult for man made compounds; Heroic for rare elements and compounds; Modified by proximity.Time to Use: 2 Rounds Effect: This power allows any user to find the direction and approximate distance to the nearest significant amount of any type of element or compound. The user may exclude any know source before rolling for this power. |
29 | %+ Sense ForceSense Difficulty: Moderate for an area; Difficult for sensing details or specific objects within the area. Modified by proximity.Effect: This power is used to sense the ambient Force within a place. It cannot be used to detect sentient beings, but there are many forms of life and many areas of the galaxy intertwined with the Force which can be sensed with this power. Sense Force will tell a character the rough magnitude of the Force in an area or object, and whether the area or object tends toward the Dark Side or the Light. |
30 | Sense PlantSense Difficulty: Very Easy; Modified by proximityTime to Use: 2 rounds Effect: This power allows the user to sense the presence of any type of plant for which he searches and tells the user if a specific type of plant is edible or poisonous. |
31 | Sense Force PotentialSense Difficulty: Moderate for friendly, non-resisting targets. Moderate plus target's Perception or Control roll (whichever is higher) to determine the difficulty of the probe on an unwilling subject.Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force Time to Use: Six rounds Effect: This power allows a Jedi to probe the mind of a target, and determine whether that person has the potential to be strong in the Force. The deep subconscious of a Force-sensitive person is shielded by a protective barrier that prevents another Force wielder from penetrating his or her inner mind. This shield pushes violently back at an intruder, sending him or her stumbling back. This "shield" is an involuntary defense mechanism maintained by every Force-sensitive person. It is one reliable way to determine who might be potential Jedi's. The magnitude of the backlash depends on the character's strength in the Force. A person who is merely Force-sensitive will shove the intruder back several meters. Someone with actual Force skills will produce a more intense reaction. |
32 | Sense Force StrengthSense Difficulty: ModerateTime to Use: One minute Effect: This allows a Jedi to sense the Force Strength of a character. This tells the Jedi the Force Strength bonus a character has, as well as the number of Character Points, Force Points, Dark Side Points, and skill code for each Force skill. This does not tell the Jedi what powers the character has. |
33 | % Sense PathSense Difficulty: ModerateRequired Powers: Emptiness, Hibernation Trance This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power tells a character what "path" he is on: whether his current actions are likely to lead him to the Dark Side, and whether any specified future actions are likely to do so (This power may be thought of as farseeing without control). Bear in mind that without control, the Jedi has no control over whether he sees the past, present or possible future. The visions he receives are more likely to be allegorical in nature; to receive specific details, the farseeing power must be used. When giving the results of this power, be honest but obscure: if the PC has gained any Dark Side Points and is attempting to atone, this power will tell him how successful he is within a game context. The players should never take a vision from the force lightly. It should give them something to think about, along with some attendant chances for some good role-playing. Bear in mind that different Jedi will tend to receive different renditions of the same scene, and consequently you should tailor the details you give to fit the character concerned. |
34 | - Sense Residual MagicSense Difficulty: ModerateNote: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri This power may be kept "up." Effects: This incantation takes 5 minutes of mental preparation. After this time the Force user may sense recent Force use at a range of up to 1 kilometer. The Force user cannot determine what Force powers were performed, and cannot tell who used the Force, although he may follow residual Force traces from the area where the Force use occurred towards the individual who manipulated the Force. If the power is kept "up" then the Force user must make a new Sense roll every 3 hours, as if he was performing the incantation again. |
35 | Sense SpiritSense Difficulty: Very EasyEffect: This allows a Jedi to sense a Force Spirit - a Force-sensitive who has died, but remains in this world. The stronger a character is, the more the character can sense a Spirit. If the player rolls between 6 and 10, the character only hears a voice. If the roll is between 10 and 20, the character will also see the Spirit easily. If the roll is over 20, the character can interact with the Spirit. |
36 | % Sense SurroundingsSense Difficulty: EasyThis power can be kept "up." Effect: Sense surroundings allows a Force-user to extend his senses through the Force, permitting him to fight and make Search checks despite darkness or obstruction. This power doesn't duplicate the Magnify Senses power, but it does allow a character to perceive things normally through the Force instead of through a normal sense. This power can only be used to counter either blindness or deafness. In order to counteract both lack of sight and sound, the power would need to be used twice (thus granting a multiple action penalty). |
37 | Sense WeaknessSense Difficulty: Opposed Strength or hull roll of object; Modified by proximityNote: Appropriate scales should be used. The sense skill roll is character-scale. Effect: This power allows the user to sense the physically or chemically weakest part of an object. This power may be used upon a small part of an object rather then over the entire object. |
38 | * Shatterpoint SenseSense Difficulty: Very Difficult for present events, Very Difficult for future events (adding an additional +10 for events that are not in the immediate future). Required Powers: Emptiness, hibernation trance, sense path, postcognition, sense force, farseeing, life sense Time to use: One minuteEffect: This power allows the Jedi to reach out through the Force and view the events and people around him in such a way that reveals their interconnectedness. The power extends through the Force to see the ever-changing sea of events in terms of their probability and causality; however, it only allows the Jedi to understand connections between people and events. When viewing these events and connection, the power creates an vision in the Jedi's mind allowing them to view reality as though it were a crystal or gem. It allows them to view multiple facets, as well as viewing faults and veins as they run through the gem (the faults being the connections of causality and destiny that bind people together). Many of the interconnections create shatterpoints, important linchpins in destiny. Having this understanding of these shatterpoints allows the Jedi the potential to strike the gem in hopes to shape events to the greater good. However, the power has several limitations. Shatterpoint Sense will nor reveal much additional factual information about the universe. If a Jedi were to have reached out to Chancellor Palpatine through Shatterpoint Sense, they would discover a strong (and growing) connection between Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker. It would not reveal that Palpatine was a Sith Lord, nor would it reveal Anakin's destiny to become a Sith Lord. However, in order to get a vision of Anakin's shatterpoints, the Jedi would separately have to focus on Anakin, where he would see a strong connection to both Palpatine and Padmé Amidala. Further, the power would not allow them to understand the nature of Anakin's connection to Padmé, or understand that they were secretly married. In game terms, this power functions very well as a plot device. It can add a direction or richness to the intrigue of a campaign. Visions through Shatterpoint Sense are always imperfect, and thus gamemasters are discouraged from revealing too much information. The player must choose to focus on one character, and if he makes the difficult, the gamemaster may reveal that there is a strong connection between that character and others. If the player exceeds the difficulty by 5, then the GM may reveal the strength of those connections, or whether or not they are growing or waning in strength. If the player exceeds the difficulty by 10, then the gamemaster may reveal whether or not there is a taint of the Dark Side in those connections. |
39 | * Shatterpoint StrikeSense Difficulty: Very DifficultRequired Powers: Emptiness, hibernation trance, sense path, farseeing, life sense, shatterpoint sense Effect: Shatterpoint is a very rare power that allows a Jedi to see faults and fissures within objects, much like faults of a gem. These faults may exist because of previous interactions with the Force (such as prior healings that may be undone), or natural fissures which occasionally occur. Such fissures may only exist for the briefest moment, and can disappear with very little provocation, such as a slight movement of the person or object. These faults will generally make the object or person much more vulnerable to attack. Just as striking on the fault of a gem may cause it to shatter, striking a shatterpoint will easily destroy a person or object. In game terms, if the gamemaster determines that a shatterpoint exists within a person or object, the Force user may make his rolls to sense it. The Force user must then, as a separate action, make an attack that same round to strike the shatterpoint. When the target rolls to resist damage, the damage resistance total is reduced by half. For every +10 that the Force user exceeds the difficulty, the resistance total is reduced by another -5. Source: Clone Wars Campaign Guide (page 51) | ||||||||||||||
40 | Shift SenseSense Difficulty: Moderate for simple phenomena (heat or scents); Difficult for more uncommon phenomena (comm frequencies, infrared); Very Difficult for specific, complex phenomena (setting olfactory nerves to detect the presence of tibanna gas).Required Power: Magnify Senses This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: One minute. May be reduced in 10 second increments by increasing the difficulty by one level per 10 second increment (minimum of 30 seconds). Effect: The character may shift his senses so as to detect phenomena of a different type than normal; shifting the spectrum of vision into the infrared or even radio waves, setting olfactory nerves to detect specific chemical combinations which are not normally perceived, or improving hearing to frequencies above or below that which can usually be heard for his or her species. Counts as a skill use. |
41 | %+ Time SenseSense Difficulty: See belowThis power can be kept "up." Effect: Sensing the rhythm, pulse, and the ebb and flow of the Force, the Jedi is able to track the passage of time as precisely as the best chronometer. With a Very Easy Sense roll, the Jedi can use this power as a stopwatch. With an Easy Sense roll, the Jedi can use this power as an alarm clock. |
42 | TranslationSense Difficulty: Moderate for humans or aliens; Difficult for high-density languages used by droids. If the target is being purposely cryptic, add +5 to the difficulty, +20 if the language is written down.Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Projective Telepathy Time to Use: One minute Effect: This power allows a Jedi to translate a language and speak it in kind. The Jedi may decipher body language, explore the spoken word or translate ancient text (Sith, Rodian, etc...). In order for this power to work, the character must first hear the target speak, or see the words in written form. Note that the Jedi does not actually know the language. |
43 | % Truth SenseSense Difficulty: Easy; modified by Relationship. This power can be kept "up." Time to Use: One round Effect: Using the Force to sense changes in a body, this allows the Jedi to detect whether a character believes what they are saying is true. This is the Force equivalent of a lie-detector test but 100 times more accurate. |
44 | Weather SenseSense Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi has lived in the area for more than a year; Moderate if the Jedi has lived in the area 6-12 months; Difficult if the Jedi has lived in the area 1-6 months; Very Difficult if the Jedi has lived on the planet less than one month. Modified for proximity and local meteorological conditions.Required Power: Magnify Senses. This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: One minute. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to attune himself to the workings of the local weather patterns. By sensing the movements of clouds, winds, tides, and solar bodies, someone using this power can discern patterns in the weather, and so make limited predictions regarding the behavior of atmospheric phenomenon. The power does not lend itself to quick predictions, however. It usually takes weeks for a Jedi to become accustomed to local weather patterns and become familiar with unique features of the local topography before it is possible to obtain accurate readings. The prediction is effective for four hours. The difficulty increases if the Jedi wishes to make more extended forecasts. |
1 | @ Break BonesAlter Difficulty: Heroic modified by relationship and proximityWarning: Use of this power gains a Dark Side Point Required Powers: Hibernation Trance, Rage, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Kill Effect: Allows Jedi to crush and misalign 2D bones in a target, inflicting Alter dice in damage. |
2 | ^@ Ball of HatredAlter Difficulty: ModerateWarning: A character that uses this power receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: The Force user creates in his hand a radiant sphere of pure hatred (red), which he can hurl at any target within LOS. After a successful Alter roll to initiate the effect, the Force wielder makes a Thrown Weapons roll with a +2D bonus to launch the bolt of energy at the target. Characters hit by the sphere suffer 6D damage and automatically lose a Character Point. |
3 | * @ Bolt of CorruptionAlter Difficulty: ModerateRequired powers: Bolt of hatred Warning: Anyone who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Effect: When a character activates this power it sends a bolt of corrupting power towards an opponent. The target may choose to roll his or her dodge skill against the attacker's alter roll. However, if the attack hits, the target takes damage equal to that of the attacker's alter roll. Further, the target will take half that amount of damage the following round. The second round after the attack hits, the target takes 1/4 the original damage. The attacker continues taking damage for four rounds, each time halving the amount of damage done. Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (pages 85-86) |
4 | Calm OtherAlter Difficulty: Easy (modified by proximity and relationship).Effect: This power is used to calm down and neutralize an opponent when no other way is deemed appropriate. If successful, the target feels utter peace and calm, and has lost all will to fight. A Jedi who uses this ability to disable the opponent so he may kill, injure, or take advantage of him receives a dark side point. |
5 | -# Cast ChaosAlter Difficulty: specialNote: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Effect: This incantation allows the user to form the ambient Force energy in the area in an attempt to simulate any Force power, as long as the user has seen the power to be simulated in action. The difficulty is the normal difficulty of the power to simulate plus 10. The use of this power is dangerous, and will automatically cause a roll on the table below for failed power use. If the Alter difficulty is failed then roll twice on the table. The simulated power is treated as if it had been used normally as long as the use of Cast Chaos is successful.
6 | # Cell BurstAlter Difficulty: Easy: organic material modified by proximity (and persons Control or Perception), Moderate: inorganic material modified by proximity (and beings Control or Perception)Warning: Use of this power against a living creature earns a Dark Side Point. Effect: Disrupts the cells in matter causing 5D damage. |
7 | -@ Chaos BurstAlter Difficulty: ModerateNote: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Warning: The use of this power grants a Dark Side Point Effect: This incantation causes three bolts of swirling energy to shoot form the user's fingers. Each bolt causes 4D damage. An attack roll must be made for each bolt using the Thrown Weapons skill. The bolts have a range of 2-5/12/30. The user must roll on the table in exactly the same manner as if the user had used the Cast Chaos power (see #4 Cast Chaos for table). |
8 | -@ Chaos WebAlter Difficulty: ModerateWarning: The use of this power grants a Dark Side Point Note: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri. Effect: This incantation causes a web of pure energy to be formed between two anchors. The web can be up to 5 meters across at the base difficulty. For every extra meter in the web's length add 5 to the difficulty. Anyone touching the web with bare flesh takes 3D damage per round of contact, as well as unleashing a chaotic backlash (see table below). An attack on the web results in an additional backlash (twice on table below). The web may be formed up to 20 meters away from the Force-user at the base difficulty. For every 5 meters away the difficulty raises by five. The web will remain in place for 30 minutes at the base difficulty. For every extra minute, raise the difficulty by one. When the spell ends, the energy web breaks down almost immediately. |
9 | !@ Crimson BurstAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception roll, modified by proximity; Must be in line of sight.Note: This power is used exclusively by the Shadow Dragons. Warning: This power grants a Dark Side Point. Required powers: Life Sense, Telekinesis Effect: This power is the Shadow Dragon's version of the Telekinetic Kill power. In game terms, it has the same effects as that power, except it can be used from a distance as long as there is a line of sight. In actuality, the power is far more gruesome, as its effects are achieved by altering the pressures on the various areas of the target's bodies. The result is that blood starts to flow from the target's pores and orifices as soon as he starts to take damage. Eyesight is lost immediately, in addition to the damage effects. |
10 | # CryokinesisAlter Difficulty: Proximity + Mass + Target Temperature +/- EnvironmentRequired Power: Telekinesis Time to Use: Several minutes Effect: With this ability, the Jedi can slow down the kinetic movement of the molecules of an object, lowering the object's temperature. The final temperature and rate of cooling depends on the success of the roll, surrounding environment and nature of the object. Although the examples below are liquid based, this power can be used on both solids and liquids.
11 | ^@ Dark Side WebAlter Difficulty: DifficultThis power may be kept "up." Warning: A character that uses this power receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: When successfully initiated, this power summons strands of Dark Side power that wrap around the target, ensnaring then in a mesh of brilliance. The lattice of energy severs the connection between the Force and the trapped individual and saps the strength from the body. The target of the Dark Side Web loses a number of Force skill dice and/or Strength dice up to the number of the Force wielder's Alter dice. The lost dice can only return by one of two ways. The character can permanently burn off a Force Point or up to 50 Character Points. |
12 | Electric JudgementAlter Difficulty: Easy 2D damage, Moderate 3D damage, Difficult 4D damage (modified by proximity)Effects: Electric Judgment was a Force technique used by Plo Koon, and it was the light side version of Force Lightning. It showed up as yellow or green energy instead of blue or white, like Force lightning. For instance, Plo Koon would shoot lightning from his fingertips to wound enemies. Other Jedi would not use it, as it resembled Force Lightning used by the Sith and other Dark Jedi. Note: Characters hit by Electric Judgment are stunned for 5D rounds and must make a Very Difficult Stamina check to come out of Stun ahead of time. |
13 | Empower WeaponAlter Difficulty: DifficultRequired Power: Absorb/Dissipate Energy This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power is used to extend a field of energy around a melee weapon to create the effects of a "light" weapon. When used on a sword, the blade becomes infused with energy and has all the properties of a Lightsaber (able to parry Lightsabers, can be used with Lightsaber Combat, able to parry blaster bolts, etc.), except damage is reduced to 4D (and like a true Lightsaber, the strength of the user makes no difference to the damage). The power has similar affects on daggers, staffs, axes, etc. The weight of the weapon is reduced to 1kg while this power is being used. |
14 | ^# Effect GravityAlter Difficulty: Very DifficultNote: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Conduit, Resonate, Sense Force Effect: This allows a Sith to channel Force energy and alter the gravitational forces in a region. A Sith can choose to use a Sith amulet to reduce the difficulty one level or amplify the effect by an order of ten. Doing either earns the Sith a Dark Side Point. |
15 | ^@ Energy BlastAlter Difficulty: DifficultNote: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Conduit, Sense Force Effect: This allows a Sith to channel Force energy and unleash a blast of destructive energy. A Sith can choose to use a Sith amulet to reduce the difficulty one level or amplify the effect by an order of ten. Doing either earns the Sith a Dark Side Point. |
16 | ^@ FireballAlter Difficulty: DifficultNote: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Conduit, Pyrokinesis, Sense Force Warning: This power will grant a Dark Side Point to the user. Effect: This allows a Sith to channel Force energy and unleash a fireball. A Sith can choose to use a Sith amulet to reduce the difficulty one level or amplify the effect by an order of ten. Doing either earns the Sith a Dark Side Point. |
17 | !FlashAlter Difficulty: EasyNote: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Effect: This power causes a burst of light to appear close to the Force-user that affects everyone within a five-meter radius who is looking at the light. Those affected are unable to see for ten seconds, and are thus at a -2D to all actions for that period. |
18 | * # Force BlastAlter Difficulty: See chart belowRequired Power: Telekinesis Time to Use: One round Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains one Dark Side Point. Effect: This power allows a Force user to launch a blast of compressed air and debris. The power has a number of applications, both practical and sinister. It allows the Jedi to clear a blocked passageway of debris or other obstacles. However, it has been used by the less scrupulous to hurl a barrage of projectiles at life forms standing in the Force user's path. Any Jedi who uses this on a sentient being gains an immediate Dark Side Point. The amount of damage done by the blast is determined by the chart below:
Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (page 86) |
19 | % Force JumpAlter Difficulty: Equal to 1/2 the number of meters the Jedi wishes to move himself (20 meters maximum).Required Powers: Concentration, Telekinesis Effect: Using this power instead of walking, a Force-user can physically move himself a number of meters either horizontally or vertically. The difficulty of the Alter roll for this ability is equal to 1/2 the number of meters the Jedi wishes to move himself, but under no circumstances can the distance be greater than 20 meters. If the Force-user has not landed by the end of the round, he may suffer falling damage (GM's discretion). |
20 | % Knight JumpAlter Difficulty: Equal to 1/2 the number of meters the Jedi wishes to move himself (40 meters maximum)Required Powers: Concentration, Force Jump, Telekinesis Effect: Using this power instead of walking, a Force-user can physically move himself a number of meters either horizontally or vertically. The difficulty of the Alter roll for this ability is equal to 1/2 the number of meters the Jedi wishes to move himself, but under no circumstances can the distance be greater than 40 meters. If the Force-user has not landed by the end of the round, he may suffer falling damage (GM's discretion). |
21 | % Master JumpAlter Difficulty: Equal to 1/2 the number of meters the Jedi wishes to move himself (80 meters maximum).Required Powers: Concentration, Force Jump, Knight Jump, Telekinesis Effect: Using this power instead of walking, a Force-user can physically move himself a number of meters either horizontally or vertically. The difficulty of the Alter roll for this ability is equal to 1/2 the number of meters the Jedi wishes to move himself, but under no circumstances can the distance be greater than 80 meters. If the Force-user has not landed by the end of the round, he may suffer falling damage (GM's discretion). |
22 | % Force PushAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Strength Roll, modified by proximity. See below.Required Powers: Concentration, Telekinesis Effect: With this power, a Jedi may use the Force to push up to four adjacent targets backwards, possibly knocking them prone. Each target past the first incurs a -1D penalty on the Jedi using the power (ie, 1 target, no penalty; 2 targets, -1D penalty; 3 targets, -2D penalty; 4 targets, -3D penalty). Each target makes either a Control or Strength roll to resist, and the acting Jedi's Alter roll result is compared to each result in turn to determine the effects. A target that is knocked back into a wall or other solid object takes 2D damage, in addition to any other effects.
23 | % Knight PushAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Strength Roll, modified by proximity.Required Powers: Concentration, Force Push, Telekinesis Effect: With this power, a Jedi may use the Force to push up to eight adjacent targets backwards, possibly knocking them prone. Each target past the first two incurs a -1D penalty on the Jedi using the power (ie, 2 targets, no penalty; 4 targets, -1D penalty; 6 targets, -2D penalty; 8 targets, -3D penalty). Each target makes either a Control or Strength roll to resist, and the acting Jedi's Alter roll result is compared to each result in turn to determine the effects. A target that is knocked back into a wall or other solid object takes 2D damage, in addition to any other effects.
24 | % Master PushAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Strength Roll, modified by proximity.Required Powers: Concentration, Force Push, Knight Push, Telekinesis Effect: With this power, a Jedi may use the Force to push up to sixteen adjacent targets backwards, possibly knocking them prone. Each target past the first four incurs a -1D penalty on the Jedi using the power (ie, 4 targets, no penalty; 8 targets, -1D penalty; 12 targets, -2D penalty; 16 targets, -3D penalty). Each target makes either a Control or Strength roll to resist, and the acting Jedi's Alter roll result is compared to each result in turn to determine the effects. A target that is knocked back into a wall or other solid object takes 2D damage, in addition to any other effects.
25 | @ Force StaticAlter Difficulty: Very Easy, Modified by Relationship and ProximityThis power may be kept "up." Warning: Use of this power for any reason results in a Dark Side Point Effect: When using this power, the Jedi released into the environment a flood of random Force energy, which directly interferes with the way creatures interact with the Force. When used, the Jedi rolls his Alter as usual. When a Jedi is in the area, he must add the success of Sense Disturbance to the Difficulty of any Force use other than Life Sense and Sense Force. In case of Life Sense and Sense Force, the success of Force Static is added to all Force rolls, not difficulties. The more people using Force powers in the area, the less the individual difficulty, as energy that is more "positive" is added to the area, the "negative" area beings to wear thin. When two or more Jedi in the area activate a power in the same round, the Force Static roll is divided between them, rounded down. |
26 | # Force StrikeAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception Roll, modified by proximity.Required Powers: Concentration, Injure/Kill, Life Detection, Life Sense, Telekinesis Warning: A character who uses this power to injure a living being (or beings) automatically receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: With this power, a Jedi may use the Force to strike up to four adjacent targets. Each target past the first incurs a -1D penalty on the Jedi using the power (ie, 1 target, no penalty; 2 targets, -1D penalty; 3 targets, -2D penalty; 4 targets, -3D penalty). Each target makes either a Control or Perception roll to resist the attack, and the acting Jedi's Alter roll result is compared to each result in turn to determine the effects. This power can be used to cause stun damage instead of physical damage.
27 | # Knight StrikeAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception Roll, modified by proximity.Required Powers: Concentration, Force Strike, Injure/Kill, Life Detection, Life Sense, Telekinesis Warning: A character who uses this power to injure a living being (or beings) automatically receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: With this power, a Jedi may use the Force to strike up to four adjacent targets. Each target past the first incurs a -1D penalty on the Jedi using the power (ie, 1 target, no penalty; 2 targets, -1D penalty; 3 targets, -2D penalty; 4 targets, -3D penalty). Each target makes either a Control or Perception roll to resist the attack, and the acting Jedi's Alter roll result is compared to each result in turn to determine the effects.
28 | # Master StrikeAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception Roll, modified by proximity.Required Powers: Concentration, Force Strike, Injure/Kill, Knight Strike, Life Detection, Life Sense, Telekinesis Warning: A character who uses this power to injure a living being (or beings) automatically receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: With this power, a Jedi may use the Force to strike up to four adjacent targets. Each target past the first incurs a -1D penalty on the Jedi using the power (ie, 1 target, no penalty; 2 targets, -1D penalty; 3 targets, -2D penalty; 4 targets, -3D penalty). Each target makes either a Control or Perception roll to resist the attack, and the acting Jedi's Alter roll result is compared to each result in turn to determine the effects.
29 | Glow, TheAlter Difficulty: Heroic+20Required Power: Force Shield, Greater This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power creates a blue glow around the user that adds 2D to any Brawling or Melee damage and +10 to resisting damage. Whenever you hit, the energy it makes causes a kinetic explosion upon contact, there by throwing your opponent to the ground with a mere punch. If the Brawling or Melee attack is not sufficient to damage the opponent, the kinetic energy needs to be expended, by throwing back the Jedi in the way it was supposed to be used against the opponent. |
30 | HasteAlter Difficulty: HeroicRequired Powers: Enhance Attribute, Enhance Skill, Force Running Effect: Haste allows the user to make twice as many actions as normal within one round. It also allows double move rate. Whether or not the Alter power is successful, the Jedi receives -1D to all actions the next round. |
31 | @ Injure/KillAlter Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception rollRequired Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense Warning: A character that uses this power receives a Dark Side Point Effect: An attacker must be touching the target to use this power. In combat, this means making a successful brawling attack in the same round that the power is used. When the power is activated, the user makes one roll. If he roll is higher than the resisting character's Control or Perception total, figure damage as if the power roll was a damage total and the Control or Perception roll was a Strength roll to resist damage. |
32 | Knockout/StunAlter Difficulty: Target's control or Perception rollRequired Power: Life Sense Effect: Developed by Jedi Master Chi Wan Su, Knockout/Stun is a more enlightened form of the Injure/Kill power. The Jedi must be touching the target to use this power, requiring a successful brawling attack in the same round the power is to be used. When the power is activated, the user makes one roll. If he rolls higher than the character's resisting control or Perception total, figure damage as if the power roll was a stun damage total and the control or Perception roll was a Strength roll to resist stun damage. Master Chi Wan always taught his students this power long before he taught them many other defensive powers. It is a lot more forgiving, and more in line with the peaceful nature of the Jedi, which Master Chi Wan was honored for following. |
33 | LightAlter Difficulty: Very EasyThis power may be kept "up." Effect: This power must be centered on an object weighing no more than one kilogram and within 10 meters of the user. When used successfully, a globe up to 10 meters in diameter is created. The object may be moved and the light will move with it. |
34 | ^@ LightningAlter Difficulty: DifficultNote: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Conduit, Control Pain, Inflict Pain, Injure/Kill, Sense Force Warning: This power will grant a Dark Side Point to the user Effect: This allows a Sith to channel Force energy and unleash a blast of lightning. Note: this is different than Force lightning. A Sith can choose to use a Sith amulet to reduce the difficulty one level or amplify the effect by an order of ten. Doing either earns the Sith a Dark Side Point. |
35 | LoudAlter Difficulty: Easy + volume modifierTime to Use: One round Effect: This ability allows the Jedi to make sounds and/or speak at increased decibels. This power is useful for scaring someone with a Krayt Dragon mating call impersonation, or making oneself heard across a noisy and crowded room. An accompanying intimidation, command, or persuasion roll must be made to provide any conviction or authority behind the sound - this power only supplies volume.
36 | NauseaAlter Difficulty: Easy (modified by proximity)Effect: This power causes extreme dizziness and nausea in a single target within the user's line of sight. A target affected by this power is considered to be stunned for 2D rounds, and cannot take any actions during that time. |
37 | !@ NetherdartAlter Difficulty: DifficultNote: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Warning: The use of this power earns a Dark Side Point Effect: This incantation causes five dark motes of energy to appear in the air beside the Force-user. He may hurl these darts all at once, or one at a time, although any unused darts will disappear after 20 seconds. The range of the darts is 1-3/10/20, and the thrown weapon skill is used. A successful attack causes 3D damage as the mote burrows into the victim. Once within each dart temporarily saps one pip from Strength and one pip of any Force skills the victim may have for every ten seconds that the power remains in effect. The lost pips return at the same rate. |
38 | Null GravityAlter Difficulty: DifficultThis power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Resonate Material, Telekinesis Time to Use: 10 minutes meditation Effect: The user creates an interference field that disrupts gravity in a two-meter radius (add +5 to the difficulty for every additional half-meter). Anyone caught in it, floats upward provided there is proper force applied. The user must be in the center of the radius and the field may not be moved. |
39 | Power DrainAlter Difficulty: Easy: Character Scale, Moderate: Speeder Scale, Difficult: Starfighter/Walker Scale, Very Difficult: Capital Ship Scale, Heroic: Death Star ScaleRequired Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Conduit, Control Another's Pain, Control Disease, Transfer Force Time to Use: One round per Difficulty Level squared. (1 round for Easy, 16 rounds for Heroic) Effect: Drains all power out of a single battery or other charge-holding device. |
40 | Project ForceAlter Difficulty: Moderate; Modified by ProximityThis power can be kept "up." Time to Use: One minute per cubic meter Effect: With this power, the Jedi can project ambient personal Force away from their body. If the Jedi is of the Light Side, anyone within the projection will feel warmth and a sense of well being. If the Jedi is of the Dark Side, anyone within the projection will feel cold and a sense of dread. This power can be used to temporarily cancel out the effects of a Force Nexus. |
41 | # PyrokinesisAlter Difficulty: Proximity + combustibility modifierRequired Power: Telekinesis Time to Use: 1 round Effect: With this ability, the Jedi can create friction on a molecular level, to either heat an object up or start a fire. The size, intensity, and rate of burn depend on the success of the roll and combustibility of the source. Failure means either nothing happens; it burns out of control, or ignites where the Jedi didn't want it. A lesser usage of the power could be used to generate small amounts of light and heat, instead of a roaring fire. In this case, just the air molecules are manipulated for source material, The difficulty then ranges from 10 for a small area like a closet, up to 30 and up for a large area like the Houston Astrodome.
42 | Raise/Lower TempuratureAlter Difficulty: Very Easy: +/-5 Degree Change, Easy: +/-10, Moderate: +/-15, Difficult: +/-20, Very Difficult: +/-25, Heroic: +/-30This power may be kept "up." Effect: Affects a 20 meter diameter circle, with target change at center (with user) and reducing 5 degrees every 5 meters from user. |
43 | * # RepulseAlter difficulty: Opposed Strength or control rollRequired Power: Telekinesis Warning: A Jedi who uses this power to harm a sentient being gains an immediate Dark Side Point. Effect: A Jedi will choose to use this power when surrounded by opponents in close quarters. He or she may create a temporary bubble with the Force that pushes everyone (and everything) back two meters in every direction. All characters surrounding the Jedi may make an opposed Strength or control roll. If the opponent succeeds, then the character remains unmoved. If the Strength (or control) roll should fail, then the character is forcefully pushed two meters. Furthermore, the opposing character is moved an additional meter for every five points higher that the Jedi rolls. The opposing characters may be slammed into any nearby solid objects, dealing an immediate 3D damage. However, this earns the Jedi an immediate Dark Side Point. Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (page 87) |
44 | # Resonate MaterialAlter Difficulty: Easy; modified by Proximity and Material StrengthThis power may be kept "up." Warning: Use of this power against living matter will give the Jedi a Dark Side Point. Required Power: Telekinesis Effect: This power allows the Jedi to set up a vibrating resonance in an object or area of material. If the roll exceeds the difficulty by 10, the material starts to heat up. If the roll exceeds the difficulty by 20, the material is destroyed. Increase the difficulty one level for each cubic meter over the first that the Jedi wishes to resonate. |
45 | Shadow MistAlter Difficulty: DifficultEffect: When this power is called upon, a thick layer of mist will pour from the ground around the Jedi. It produces a ground-hugging layer around one meter thick, and roughly twenty meters in diameter. The mist will dissipate after one hour, but until that time it is impenetrable to visible and electronic imaging, making it ideal for concealing retreats. The Jedi who produces this mist can see through it as though it was not there. This power can be negated by Parting The Clouds. |
46 | # Strengthen/Weaken ObjectAlter Difficulty: See table below
Required Power: Telekinesis Time to Use: One round This power may be kept "up." Warning: If used on living beings or creatures, the Jedi gains a Dark Side Point. The being attacked in this manner resists with Perception or Control. Damage caused is equal to the Difficulty roll. Effect: Melee weapons have a Strength of 2D. When a Jedi uses this power he or she controls the molecular bonds in the object. This power does not affect the object's ability to do damage. This power can also be used to weaken objects by using the same difficulty chart above. |
47 | Stun Droid/MechanicalAlter Difficulties: Easy: Target is stunned for 2D seconds, Moderate: Target is stunned for 1D rounds, Difficult: Target is deactivated for 5D rounds.Required Power: Stun Enemy Effect: A Jedi uses this ability to de-activate a droid or other mechanical device by overloading the power circuitry within the device. It can be used on any device that uses a power cell of some sort. |
48 | # Stun EnemyAlter Difficulties: Easy: Target is stunned for 2D seconds, Moderate: Target is stunned for 1D rounds, Difficult: Target is knocked unconscious for 5D rounds.Warning: A Jedi who uses this ability to disable the opponent so he may kill, injure, or take advantage of him receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: This ability temporarily disables the enemy nervous system, paralyzing them for a short period. |
49 | @ SurgeAlter Difficulty: Easy: small objects, Moderate: for droids and computers, Difficult: Speeder scale, Very Difficult: Walker scale, Heroic: Starfighter scaleWarning: Use of this power grants a Dark Side point Time to Use: 3 Minutes Effect: When a Jedi uses this power he uses the Force to overload the target's circuits causing it to explode. Everything in the immediate blast radius takes 5D damage (whatever scale the object was in). |
50 | %# TelekinesisAlter Difficulty: Very Easy for objects weighing one kilogram or less; Easy for objects weighing one to ten kilograms; Moderate for objects 11 to 100 kilograms; Difficult for 101 kg to one metric ton; Very Difficult for one metric ton to 10 metric tons; Heroic for objects 10 metric tons to 100 metric tons. Modified By proximity.This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move objects with the power of his mind alone. Object may be moved at 10 meters per round; add +5 per additional 10 meters per round. The target must be in the line of sight. Increase the difficulty if the object isn't moving in a simple, straight-line movement. +1 to +5 for gentle turns +6 to +10 for easy maneuvers +11 to +25 or more for complex maneuvers, such as using a levitated Lightsaber to attack. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires. A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but each additional object requires the Jedi to make a new power roll. This power can be used to levitate ones self or others. It can be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies. |
51 | Telekinetic DefenseAlter Difficulties: Very Easy for objects weighing 1 kilogram or less, Easy for objects weighting 1-10 kilograms, Moderate for objects 11-100 kilograms, Difficult for 101 kilograms to 1 metric ton, Very Difficult for 1,001 kilograms to 10 metric tons, Heroic for objects weighing 10.001 metric tons to 100 metric tons.Required Power: Telekinesis Increased Difficulty if object isn't moving in simple, straight-line movement: +1 to +5 for gentle turns +6 to +10 for easy maneuvers +11 to +25 for more complex maneuvers Effect: Only Jedi Masters can utilize this ability effectively. When a projectile is fired, the Jedi uses Force Telekinesis to throw an object at high speed into the path of the projectile, preventing it from hitting it's intended target. |
52 | Wall CrawlingAlter Difficulty: Easy for surfaces with obvious handholds; Moderate for smooth surfaces; Difficult for ceilingsRequired Power: Telekinesis This power may be kept "up." Effect: Allows the user to cling to any surface and hold himself, effectively allowing him to run up the side of a wall, keep hold of the side of the Speeder, hang from the ceiling, etc… This power requires physical contact with the object the Jedi clings to. Obviously, the power will not work if the Jedi is unable to maintain contact. |
53 | Warp MatterAlter Difficulty: Easy: Liquid Matter, Moderate: Malleable Matter, Difficult: Hard Matter (wood, steel), Very Difficult: Very Dense Matter (starship hulls, reinforced metal, blast doors), Heroic: Gases
Required Powers: Strengthen/Weaken Object, Telekinesis Time to Use: 1-12 rounds scaled by Difficulty number Effect: This power allows the Jedi to mold a volume of matter to a new shape. It cannot be used on living matter! The Jedi must be able to touch some part of the object to be molded. This power does not destroy matter; it merely changes its shape or position. The effect is permanent. |
1 | AcclimationControl Difficulty: Easy for slight variances in temperature, humidity or gravity; Moderate for changes of 15% from natural conditions and minor changes in environment; Difficult for major environmental changes; Heroic for major changes for characters who have never been in that environment beforeSense Difficulty: Easy for slight variances in temperature, humidity or gravity; Moderate for changes of 15% from natural conditions and minor changes in environment; Difficult for major environmental changes; Heroic for major changes for characters who have never been in that environment before Required powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Magnify Senses, Weather Sense, Sense Element, Thermogenesis Effect: This power allows a Jedi to acclimate his body and body-functions to that of his new environment. For example, this power will allow a light-gravity worlder to function normally on a heavy gravity world with no penalty. Once this power is activated, it is up until the Jedi returns to his previous environment or acclimates to another environment. This power does not count as an action when counting for multiple action penalties except in the activation round. This power will not allow a Jedi to survive in the vacuum of space. |
2 | Advanced Lightsaber CombatControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Power: Lightsaber Combat This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power greatly increases a Jedi's Lightsaber skills. It grants him greater speed, better attack techniques, and more damaging attacks. In character-to-character combat, the opponent's attack/parry and dodge rolls are at a -1D penalty, and damage dealt is +2D + the chosen Control bonus. |
3 | AnticipationControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Targets Perception or Control roll +10 for resisting targets; Easy for non-resisting targets; Modified by proximity and relationship Required Powers: Farseeing, Receptive Telepathy, Combat Sense Effect: This power enables a Jedi to anticipate an opponent's immediate actions and react accordingly. The Jedi must declare use of this power at the beginning of the round. If successful, the Jedi rolls her Sense dice rather than Perception for initiative. If she succeeds, the target must declare all of her actions first. The Jedi's declared actions occur in the first round. The use of Control and Sense at the beginning of the round gives the Jedi -2D penalties on all other actions even if the skill use is successful. This power may be used on as many targets per round as the Jedi wishes, but the subtracted dice are cumulative. It may not be kept "up"; the Jedi must check each round to successfully anticipate another being's actions. |
4 | Beast LinkControl Difficulty: Moderate; +3 for each addition beast beyond the firstSense Difficulty: Perception of target beast Required Powers: Beast Languages, Affect Mind This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power maintains a metal link between a beast and the user. When the user calls for the beast, it will respond by trying to reach the user at full speed. The beast will not stray more then a half-hours distance from the user. The power must be initiated during eye contact between the beast and user. |
5 | Call AnimalControl Difficulty: Very Easy; Modified by relationshipSense Difficulty: Moderate; Modified by proximity Required Power: Beast Languages Effect: This power allows a force user to call an animal to his aid. Sense is used to find the creature and Control is sued to contact it. This power does not give any control over the summoned creature. |
6 | Daisho CombatControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Moderate Required Power: Lightsaber Combat Effect: This power allows a Jedi to wield two sabers simultaneously. A character wielding two blades who successfully activates the power may attack and parry once each with no multiple action penalties (one strike and one parry totals one action, not two), although other penalties still apply, including the penalty for keeping the power up. If a character makes no attack in a round and chooses only to parry, he receives a +1D bonus and also receives a +1D bonus for attempts to deflect blaster bolts. Otherwise the power grants all bonuses given by the Lightsaber Combat power. |
7 | Death SenseControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Heroic; modified by Relationship and Proximity Required Power: Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Farseeing Effect: This power allows the Jedi to sense the impending death of a character. The prediction is within six rounds, and if the player beats the Control roll by 15, the prediction is extended to 5 minutes. |
8 | DisguiseControl Difficulty: Difficult = Same species and race, Very Difficult = Same species different race, Heroic = Different species. Modified by relationship to imitate a specific being (ignore different species modifications).This power may be kept "up." Sense Difficulty: Moderate = one component, Difficult = two components, Very Difficult = three components. Required Powers: Concentration, Contort/Escape, Control Pain, Imitate Effects: With this power the Force user can change various components to disguise themselves, or even impersonate someone. Components are: appearance, voice, and gestures. This power requires the expenditure of a Character Point to enable the change. If the character is attempting to impersonate someone, increase the difficulty of the Sense roll by proximity (this is due to the fact that the user must make contact through the Force with the being they want to impersonate in order to do so authentically). |
9 | DreamControl Difficulty: Moderate: 10 minutes, Difficult: 10 minutes with no die penalty, Very Difficult: 1 hour, Heroic: 1 hour, no die code penaltySense Difficulty: Moderate: +1D, Difficult: +2D, Very Difficult: +3D, Heroic: +4D Required Powers: Hibernation Trance Effect: The Jedi goes into a trance and mentally role-plays/dreams going through an action. They then gain the bonus Sense dice on the related skill for the listed amount of time. Dream may only be used for one skill per day. |
10 | Electronic CommunicationControl Difficulty: Moderate for process reception, Very Difficult for command/request projectionSense Difficulty: Easy, ancient computer system; Moderate for non-sentient machines; Very Difficult for sentient machines Required Powers: Cyber Sense, Electronic Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Effect: This power allows the Jedi to communicate mentally with electronic systems, as if using receptive and projective telepathy. The Jedi can read the surface processes of an electronic system. The Jedi "hears" what the machine is processing, but cannot probe for deeper information. If the Sense roll doubles the difficulty number, the Jedi can sift through the system memories up to 24 hours old. A Jedi cannot sift through memories in the same round that contact is made - this process takes a full round. The Jedi can also project his thoughts into the computer system. The Jedi can only send short commands and requests of the system, to gather information and accomplish tasks; the Jedi cannot reprogram the system in any way. If the Jedi does not have clearance to the system, the Jedi may roll Con to try and bypass the security on the system. |
11 | # Enhanced ReflexesControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate Time to Use: Instantaneous Effect: The Jedi can push his reflexes beyond the boundaries of his normal limits. Successful use of this power allows the Jedi to add his Control dice to his Dexterity for any one-action. This power may not be used in conjunction with any other power, although it does not interfere with any powers that may be "kept up." If the Jedi uses this power to attack with a weapon he gains a Dark Side point. |
12 | Eyes of the EagleControl Difficulty: Moderate, modified by Proximity and RelationshipSense Difficulty: Moderate, modified by Proximity and Relationship This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Beast Languages, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Summon Creature, Translation Effect: Allows a Jedi to "piggy-back" inside an animal's mind. The Jedi experiences all of the creature's senses but may not control the animal in any way. |
13 | % FarseeingControl Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity. Add +5 to +20 to the difficulty if the character wishes to see into the past. Add +10 to +30 or more if the character wishes to see into the future.Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if the target is friendly and doesn't wish to resist. If the target resists, make a Control or Perception total for the difficulty. Modified by relationship. Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Sense Path Time to Use: At least one minute. Effect: The user sees the place or person he wishes to see in his mind as the situation currently exists. The power can also be used to see the past or future. The Jedi also sees the immediate surroundings, and so can know, for example, when a friend is in danger, or what has happened to his home planet in his absence. Farseeing requires calm conditions and at least one minute, but often takes a few minutes. Farseeing cannot be done in the face of danger. The Jedi's visions may not be entirely accurate:
The past and present are set and it is merely a matter of the Jedi having correct perceptions. However, the future is always fluid, always in motion, never set until it becomes the present -- therefore it is much harder to predict. The percentages on the chart are a rough measure or how much correct information the character receives in their vision. For example, 10% means only the most basic details. 25% means a somewhat accurate vision but most details are missing. 50% means that half of the information is correct. 75% means that the character has an understanding of the critical happenings, but is still missing a major detail or two. 90% means a very accurate and detailed vision with only a few small items left out. 100% means every detail is clear including smells and all minor details. When a character farsees into the future, the GM should make an honest attempt to tell the PC what he thinks will happen. Since the future is so fluid, things are always subject to change. |
14 | Force ArcheryControl Difficulty: Difficult + proximity modifiersSense Difficulty: Moderate, + 10 if target is not seen Required Powers: Lightsaber Combat, Telekinesis, Combat Sense Note: This power cannot be kept "up" for the entire fight - it has to be activated for each shot. However, the Jedi will get a free TK roll next round to retrieve the arrow (no proximity modifiers). Also, you get to add Sense to the attack roll and 1/2 of Control to damage. |
15 | Hide Force SensitivityControl Difficulty: Difficult; one difficulty lower for every 4D of dice in user's ControlSense Difficulty: Moderate This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: 2 rounds Effect: This power effectively hides the Jedi from other Force users/sensors, giving +4D to the difficulty of Sense Force. It is mainly used by Dark Siders, but can be used by others wishing to maintain a low profile on, say, Ossus. It is progressively easier the more skilled the user gets at it, but at a certain point the Jedi won't be that interested in hiding themselves "artificially" - they will seek out places such as: where Dark Siders have died, where a strong Force disturbance is, etc. Vice versa for Dark Siders, though they are far less likely to do so. |
16 | InspirationControl Difficulty: Moderate if the Jedi is relaxed; Difficult if he is mildly emotional, anxious or slightly angry; Very Difficult if he is emotional, such as ticked off or afraid; Heroic if he is overcome with emotion, such as being livid with rage or being terrified. Add +5 to the difficulty for each Dark Side Point the Jedi has.Sense Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is in an area with few or no distractions; Moderate if he is in an area with some distractions, like if there is an argument in the background; Difficult if the area is in near chaos; Very Difficult if your house is on fire; and Heroic if you are under attack by Imperial Star Destroyers. Add +3 to the difficulty for every Dark Side Point the Jedi has. Note: Characters who have turned to the Dark Side are unable to use this power. This power may be kept up as long as the character takes no other actions during the rounds. Required Powers: Concentration, Emptiness, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy Effect: When using this power, the Jedi is open to the Force and the Force gives him inspiration on whatever he is pondering on. This power adds +4D to rolls for tactics, art (a dexterity skill), scholar, languages, intimidation, survival, communications, forgery, persuasion, search, and other skills that require insight. Note: If a Jedi uses this skill for intimidation or forgery, she must make sure that her reasons are pure, or she will get a Dark Side Point. For every 5 points that the control and sense beat the difficulty by, add one pip to the bonus. The amount that they beat the difficulty by is NOT added together (i.e. if a Jedi beats control by 4 and sense by 1, they do NOT add together to make 5). |
17 | Jedi LinkControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Difficult. Modified by relationship Required Powers: Affect Mind, Control Energy, Dim Other's Senses, Projective Telepathy, Sense Force, Shift Sense This power is kept up until the initiator breaks it. Effect: This power allows force users to join together and share power to use the force to a greater extent than they could alone. All characters involved must have this force power and must be willing. One force user, usually the strongest, is the 'leader'. Upon successful linking all of the force is directed through the leader, all use of the force is done by him/her and a force power the leader does not know may not be used. In game terms all the linked characters Control, Sense and Alter dice are resolved to averages, then 1D for each person in the link beyond the first is added to all three. Normal multiple action occurs from keeping the link up and only the leader may choose to break the link. |
18 | Jedi Martial CombatControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate This power may be kept "up." Effect: Because a Jedi builds their physical condition to peak performance, as well as their mental condition, some Jedi have been taught a unique form of martial arts, combining the physical ability with the power of the Force. This power is similar to Lightsaber Combat power that the Jedi are taught after receiving their Lightsaber or building their own. Like Lightsaber Combat, a Jedi allows the Force to control their actions when a Lightsaber is not required or recommended. If the Jedi is successful in using this power, they add their Sense dice to their Jedi Martial Arts skill roll when trying to hit a target or parry. They also add or subtract their Control dice to their Strength attribute when rolling for damage. This bonus is not added when taking damage from another. If the Jedi fails the power roll, he will only be able to use the Jedi Martial Arts skill and normal Strength damage until the end of combat. |
19 | ! Jhemadan CombatControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy Notes: Used exclusively by the Shadow Dragons. Effect: This power is handled in the same way as lightsaber combat, except that it is used to amplify the user's skills of unarmed combat instead of Lightsaber combat. It can be used in conjunction with the "Hands of the Jhemadan" power, and then blaster bolt deflection can only be done when that power is up. |
20 | ** KaControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Combat Sense, Emptiness or Rage This Power may be kept "up." Notes: Used exclusively by the Monks of Shimura. Learning Ka takes much longer than learning other skills/powers. Learning Ka requires several years (at least 3) of intensive study at a Temple (the power "Ka" may not be learned until the student has first learned the skill "Ka Lore" and the special ability "Ka Combat"). Effect: Ka is more than just a power; it is a philosophy and code. Every movement, kata, and breath tells a story and teaches a lesson. When activated, a Jedi enters a state similar to Lightsaber Combat where he extends his senses and control of the Force around him to enhance his effectiveness in hand-to-hand combat. While keeping this power up the Jedi receives several bonuses:
21 | Life BondControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: See below. Modified by proximity Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy This power may be kept "up." Effect: A Jedi character may choose the Life Bond power to permanently form a mental link with one other individual, normally a mate, the Jedi's Master or a close friend. Detailed information can be learned by activating this power. If both characters have the Life Bond power, reduce all Sense difficulties by one level. The following benefits are only in effect when the characters are actively using the Life Bond power.
Both characters must agree to the life bond for the power to work and a character may only bond with one other individual. Life bonding takes 1D weeks to complete. During that time the Jedi's Control skill is at a -1D. The Life Bond power may not be activated until the bond is completely formed. Death is the only means of severing the life bond. If one member of a life-bonded couple is killed, the surviving partner enters a near-catatonic state of shock for 1D days. After re-awakening, all die codes are reduced by -1D for the same amount of time it took to forge the bond. Any attempt to forge a new life bond in the future requires a much longer period of adjustment: 2D wks for 2nd bond, 3D wks for 3rd bond, etc. |
22 | Life MergeControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Difficult Effect: Unlike other Force powers, a Master must be the one that shows the Jedi how to use this power and he or she is required to have a total of 18D or more in Force skills to attempt to use this power...at the moment of his/her death. Note: The teaching of this power is up to the Jedi's Master; a holocron cannot teach this power as it is handed down directly from Master to Student. If the student has Dark Side tendencies or has ever been in the grip of the Dark Side, the power will not be taught. At the moment, the Jedi knows death is imminent (just after a fatal wound, or just before it); the Jedi calms his mind and body (Difficult control roll), preparing to surrender his mortal shell. The Jedi then reaches out with his mind, tracing the ebb and flow of the Force around him and through him (Difficult sense roll). Upon succeeding at both rolls, the Jedi's spirit exits his body and becomes one with the Force. His body fades into nothingness, its raw matter converted into energy, once again united in harmony with the Force. Jedi who pass in this fashion do not completely die. The Jedi can make a number of visitations to his close friends and associates equal to the number of Force points he had upon death. The duration of each visitation is equal to a combined control, sense and alter roll, expressed in minutes. In this fashion, a player who knows his character is about to die can ensure that death will mean something, as he can manifest to important persons in later sessions and warn them of impending disaster, or offer wisdom and teaching. At the GMs discretion, and based on the power level of the Jedi when he died, only Force-sensitive characters may witness the visitation. After death, the Jedi cannot influence the material world in any way beyond what is stated here...his energies no longer flow in that direction. |
23 | % Lightsaber CombatControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy This power may be kept "up." Does not count as an action or skill use once it is up. Drops at the end of combat. Effect: To use a lightsaber most effectively, a Jedi must learn this power. The Jedi uses this power both to wield this elegant but difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing his opponent's actions through his connection to the Force. This power is called upon at the beginning of a battle and remains "up" until the Jedi is stunned or injured; a Jedi who has been stunned or injured may attempt to bring the power back "up." If the Jedi is successful in using this power, the Jedi adds his sense dice to his lightsaber skill roll when trying to hit a target or parry, and he adds or subtracts up to the number of his control dice to the lightsabers 5D damage when it hits in combat. Players must decide how many control dice they are adding or subtracting before they roll damage. If the Jedi fails the power roll, he must use the lightsaber with only his lightsaber skill to hit and the weapon's normal damage in combat and he cannot attempt to use the power again for the duration of the combat. Finally, the Jedi may use lightsaber combat to parry blaster bolts. To do this, the character must declare that he is parrying that round, using his lightsaber skill as normal. The Jedi may also attempt to control where deflected blaster bolts go, although this counts as an additional action. The Jedi must declare which specific shot he is controlling. Then, once the roll is made to see if the Jedi parried the blaster bolt, the Jedi makes a control roll, with the difficulty being his new target's dodge or the range (figured from the Jedi to the target). The damage is that of the original blaster bolt. The Jedi may also deflect Speeder scale and Walker scale blasts (one Difficulty higher). |
24 | Long-Term Memory EnhancementControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy Required Power: Short-Term Memory Enhancement Effect: When a Jedi uses this power, she can replay events that occurred up to 10 years ago in order to carefully examine them for forgotten details. Using this power, a Jedi can remember all but the most minute details of the occurrence that were seen, but not consciously registered. Add the following modifiers to the Control difficulty:
Add the following modifiers to the Sense difficulty:
25 | Mask Force SensitivityControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy Required Power: Sense Force Potential Effect: This is a special power used by Force-sensitive characters that wish to hide from others who can sense a presence in the Force. This does not hide the character's existence from Force probes of any kind; however, any attempt to use the Sense Force Potential power will fail. If the character attempts to use any other Force power while Mask Force Sensitivity is in effect, this power is automatically deactivated. |
26 | Mecha EmpathyControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy, modified by complexity of machine Time to Use: One minute Effect: The Jedi can "feel" his way around the inner workings of a technological device, seeking out specific malfunctions, learning how to operate the machine on a rudimentary level, and finding imperfections or potential modifications that could improve or enhance the machine's performance at least temporarily (Obi-Wan uses this one to learn how to pilot a Gungan sub, and Anakin uses it to build a powerful podracer from sub-par parts... and eventually to fix it in mid-crisis!). The Sense difficulty for this power is modified by the complexity of the machine; whereas a podracer is a fairly simple (if tough to handle) device, much like a Gungan sub, a droid is more complex, raising the difficulty to Moderate. Hyperdrives and other complex systems have a Sense difficulty of Difficult. Successful use of this power enables the Jedi to operate the machine in question as if he had the applicable skill at his default attribute level; in other words, it allows the Jedi to make his dice rolls with no negative modifiers for unskilled operation of otherwise specialized skills. The character can also use this power to enable himself to make repair skill rolls under circumstances that he would normally be unable to do so, as well as design equipment for practical use with a minimum of quality components. |
27 | MediationControl Difficulty: ModerateThis power can be kept "up." Sense Difficulty: Moderate; modified by Relationship Time to Use: One minute Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Truth Sense, Translation Effect: This power allows the Jedi to mediate between two parties for the purposes of coming to an agreement. The Jedi attempts to read the intentions of the persons being mediated, and then tries to make a judgment call. If the roll is successful, the Jedi knows the truth of the matter and what needs to be done to resolve the problem. If unsuccessful by 10 points, the Jedi still knows partial truth of the situation, and can try to role-play out the resolution. If there are more than two participants, add one difficulty level per person over two. |
28 | Mental TranslocationControl Difficulty: Difficult + proximity to leave. Moderate to returnSense Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Emptiness or Rage, Farseeing, Hibernation Trance, Instinctive Astrogation, Instinctive Astrogation Control, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses Time to Use: 3 rounds to prepare plus duration of power Effect: When using this power, the Jedi can force the mind to leave the body and travel away from it in any direction and through any obstacle. The physical universe cannot harm the Jedi's mind. The Jedi uses the Force to perceive the surroundings, essentially duplicating the function of normal sensory organs (only two at a time, Jedi's choice with touch an exception). A Jedi in this state can move 10 meters per round unless a Heroic + Proximity Control roll is made, then the maximum move rate is 1 km per round. The Jedi's body dehydrates and hungers at twice the normal rate. The Proximity modifier is based on the distance traveled, which must be declared before the roll is made. Should the Jedi wish to go beyond this limit, a new Control roll must be made, modified by the increase in intended distance. Failing this roll results in the mind-body connection being broken, and the Jedi being unable to inhabit his or her former body. The only method of detecting the presence of the incorporeal Jedi is by using Life Detection. Detection of the Jedi in this manner is almost always accidental. In order for a Jedi to find his or her way back and reinhabit the body, the Jedi must make a Moderate Control roll. This power alone cannot be used to inhabit the bodies of others. Also, while using Mental Translocation, the body is very susceptible to Transfer Life (treat body as recently dead). While Mental Translocation is moderate in power, it is extremely complex in nature. The consequences of failure in using this power is death. |
29 | % Projective TelepathyControl Difficulty: Very Easy. Increase the difficulty by +5 to +10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts he is transmitting (he is gagged, doesn't want to make a sound). Modified by proximity.Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist. If target resists, roll Perception or Control to determine the difficulty. Modified by proximity. Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects his thoughts, the target "hears" his thoughts and "feels" his emotions. The target understands that the thoughts and feelings he is experiencing are not his own and that they belong to the user of the power. If the Jedi doesn't "verbally" identify himself, the target doesn't know who is projecting thoughts to him. This power can only be used to communicate with other minds, not control them. |
30 | Project SensesControl Difficulty: Very Difficult; modified by ProximitySense Difficulty: Difficult; modified by Proximity Required Powers: Direction Sense, Emptiness or Rage, Farseeing, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Instinctive Astrogation, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Shift Sense Time To Use: One round to prepare + duration of projection + one round to re-enter body Effect: Using this power, a Jedi can project his mind outside his body, and can travel in any direction, through any physical obstacle. The Jedi can use all five physical senses while projected as if the body is there as well; although, the Jedi cannot affect the world except to communicate. The Proximity range of the projection is based on the farthest extent of the intended projection distance, and must be declared before the power is activated. The Jedi's mind cannot be affected while this power is in use; although, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy, life detection, or life sense can be used to sense and communicate with the Jedi. The body is very susceptible to the Force power Transfer Life, being treated as "recently dead." The body also dehydrates and hungers at twice the normal rate. The Jedi is able to send his senses instantly to anywhere in the Proximity range, but it takes one round to move to a farther range and requires a new power roll to maintain the power. If this new roll fails, the Jedi's mind is instantly flung back into his body and will be disoriented for 1D rounds. |
31 | Share SensesControl Difficulty: Moderate; modified by proximity and relationship.Sense Difficulty: Moderate; modified by proximity and relationship This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Direction Sense, Emptiness or Rage, Farseeing, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Instinctive Astrogation, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Project Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Shift Sense Effect: This power allows the Jedi to experience all of the senses of a person or creature. This lets the Jedi see through the target's eyes, hear what the target hears, and smells, tastes, and feels what the target is experiencing. As the Jedi experiences all sensation from the target, the Jedi also experiences the target's joy, pain and emotions. If the target is injured, the Jedi experiences the injury at one level lower than the target. The Jedi cannot control the target in any way. |
32 | Speak with MachinesControl Difficulty: Very Easy: A.I., Easy: Complex Mainframe, Moderate: Dedicated Computer, Difficult: Complex Computer, Heroic: Simple Computer (pocket)Sense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by Proximity Required Powers: Cyber Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Effect: Allows a Jedi to interface with a computer (like Projected Telepathy). The user may only gather information and accomplish tasks someone with his clearance normally could. Computers are stubborn and won't give in to a mere mortal on this level. The GM may allow the user to Con the computer into thinking he has higher access. |
33 | Staff CombatControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy This power may be kept "up." Effect: Staff Combat is a power that allows a Jedi to fight and defend more effectively with a staff. There are several groups of Monks and Jedi that use this power instead of using Lightsabers or other types of weapons. Once this power is successfully initiated, it remains "up" until dropped by the Jedi or the Jedi takes stun damage or worse. Sense skill is added or split between Melee Combat, (s) Melee Combat: Staff while Control skill is added to weapon damage and allows the wielder to do either stun or regular damage in any particular combat round. This power does not imbue a staff with the ability to parry a lightsaber, nor does it enhance its natural resistance to damage. |
34 | Summon CreatureControl Difficulty: Creature's Orneriness code; modified by ProximitySense Difficulty: Easy if the animal is domesticated/friendly (such as a Bantha); Moderate to Difficult if the animal is wild, but non-predatory (such as an undomesticated tauntaun); Very Difficult to Heroic if the animal is ferocious/predatory (such as a wild vornskr or rancor). Required Powers: Beast Languages, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Translation This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: One minute Effect: With this power, the Jedi can mentally "ask" a creature to come to the Jedi's aid and accomplish a task for the Jedi. The Jedi cannot control the creature in any way. Note: The character may keep this power "up " if the Jedi wants to continue picking up the emotional state of a creature. |
35 | TelepathyControl Difficulty: Very Easy; +5-10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts; Modified by proximitySense Difficulty: Very Easy if target is friendly; if the target resists roll against their Control or Perception; Modified by relationship. This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power follows the "dictionary" definition of telepathy. Thus, two or more beings could communicate privately and mentally with each other taking turns, sending and receiving thoughts and/or feelings or one could probe another's mind for data such as a code or password. It is believed that there are races that communicate only by telepathy in the Outer Rim and Unexplored Territories. If the sender does not identify herself to the target(s) then the target(s) have no idea who is making contact. Note: Each additional being contacted beyond the first counts as an additional action and suffers an appropriate penalty for multiple actions. |
36 | TransmutationControl Difficulty: Difficult for same species and race; Very Difficult for same species, different race; Heroic for different species and race. Modified by relationship (ignore different species modifications)Sense Difficulty: Moderate for one component; Difficult for two components; Very Difficult for all three components. This power may be kept "up." Required Power: Concentration, Contort/Escape, Control Pain, Imitate, Telekinesis Effects: With this power the Jedi can change the various components (appearance, voice and gestures) to disguise themselves, or even impersonate someone. If the character is trying to impersonate someone, increase the difficulty by one level and modify the Sense roll by proximity. |
37 | Unarmed CombatControl Difficulty: Moderate Sense Difficulty: Easy. This power can be kept "up." Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Enhance Attribute, Enhance Skill Effect: Jedi use this power to wield their body as a weapon while also sensing their opponent through the Force. This power is called upon at the start of a battle and remains "up" until the Jedi is stunned, wounded, or worse; a Jedi who has been injured or stunned may attempt to bring the power back "up." If a Jedi is successful in using this power, he adds his sense dice to his brawling skill roll when attacking and to his brawling parry skill when parrying. The Jedi may add or subtract part or all of his Control dice to the strength damage; players must decide how many Control dice they are adding or subtracting when the power is activated. A Jedi who fails to activate Unarmed Combat may only use the normal Bawling Combat skill for the duration of combat. |
1 | %+ Accelerate Another's HealingControl Difficulty: Very Easy, modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: Very Easy Required Powers: Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain Time to Use: One minute Effect: The target is allowed to make extra healing rolls, as outlined in Accelerate Healing. The Jedi must be touching the character whenever he attempts a healing roll. |
2 | ^@ Aura of UneasinessControl Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity, but limited to Line of SightAlter Difficulty: Easy Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Warning: A character that uses this power against a sentient being receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: This power allows a Sith to project a field of vague discomfort and unease around him or her, which causes nonsentient and sentient creatures/beings to avoid the Sith Jedi. |
3 | $@ Blade BeamControl Difficulty: Victim's DodgeAlter Difficulty: Difficult Note: This power is used exclusively by the Quala Death Knights. Effect: This power shoots a curved blade of pure energy from the weapons of the Death Knights. These weapons can be anything but Ghat. The person does have a dodge, but it is against the Death Knight's Control roll. |
4 | Calm AnotherControl Difficulty: Easy for minor agitation; Moderate for marginal fear, anger or hatred; Difficult for horror and deeply routed fears; Very Difficult for absolute terror or hatred; Heroic for absolute revulsion, terror, or characters enveloped in the dark sideAlter Difficulty: Easy Modified by relationship Required Powers: Calmness, Projective Telepathy Effect: This power works just like calmness on another person. It takes away all the character's negative emotions leaving a deep calm over them so they can focus on what's going on around them. It's been known to slightly aggravate the targets to have them forcibly calmed but for some reason it only comes out as minor agitation. |
5 | Concentrated EnergyControl Difficulty: Easy for small objects, moderate for half body size, Difficult for body length, Very Difficult for twice body length, Heroic for anything bigger, modified by how much bigger; Generally limited to line of sight.Alter Difficulty: Moderate Effect: The user can use the force to make weapons, deflect blaster bolts; somewhat change his genetic make up. The idea is they concentrate the force to make something or themselves more powerful. This power is usually focused upon an object such as a sword, or the user's hands. Depending on what kind of force powers he likes to use, depends on how he concentrates the energy. The damage and/or strength of the concentrated object is the caster's Alter die code. Every other round the caster must roll to keep the power up. |
6 | Control Another's BreathingControl Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by proximity and relationshipAlter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Concentration, Control Breathing, Hibernation Trance, Telekinesis This power can be kept "up." Effect: This power has the same effect upon others as control breathing does upon its user. However, the Jedi can only affect a number of persons equal to the number of dice in his control skill. The power will remain up until the character either takes incapacitating damage or willfully drops it. |
7 | Control Another's DiseaseControl Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: Same as the control decease power, by modified by proximity Required Power: Control Disease Effect: Works the same as control disease but affects a person other than the user. |
8 | %+ Control Another's PainControl Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity and relationshipAlter Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters; Moderate for incapacitated; Difficult for mortally wounded. This power may be kept "up." Required Power: Control Pain Effect: This power has the same effect on the target that control pain does on the user. |
9 | Control Another's Parasitic InfectionControl Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: Easy if the character has been recently infested; Moderate if the character has been infested for some time; Difficult if the infestation has caused any debilitating effects Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Control Parasitic Infection, Sense Parasites Effect: This power has the same effects on others as control parasitic infection has upon its user. |
10 | Control BreathingControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Concentration, Hibernation Trance, Telekinesis Effect: This power allows a Jedi to control amount oxygen flowing into their body. The Jedi takes control of the surrounding atmosphere, pulling oxygen molecules through the skin and into the lungs. With this power, the Jedi can effectively breathe underwater, and conversely a water breather could survive on land. In game terms, this power negates the need for a breath mask, mechgill, or any rebreather gear. In the cold of space or a hard vacuum, however, this power would be of little use. Even if the Jedi could somehow survive the drastic changes in pressure or the extreme temperatures, there is not enough oxygen in these environments of the Jedi to "grab." |
11 | Control WeatherControl Difficulty: Difficult, modified by proximityAlter Difficulty: 5 for every step on the scale:
Example: If it is already drizzling and the Jedi wants a hurricane, his difficulty is 30. This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Commune with Nature, Emptiness, Life Detection, Life Sense, Summon Creature Time to Use: One round for every level of change desired Effect: Through using this power a Jedi may actually control the very weather. Control is used to handle the forces at play and Alter is used to make the changes. |
12 | Create Force TalismanControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Difficult (see chart below) Required Powers: Concentration, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Force Weapon, Transfer Force Effect: By using this power and spending a Force Point, a Force user can imbue an item of personal significance with Force energy, thereby creating a Force Talisman. A Force Talisman grants its possessor a bonus to resist Force powers, adding this bonus to any rolls made to resist hostile Force powers. A Force user can only possess one Talisman at a time. The bonus granted by the Talisman depends on the amount by which the Force user succeeds at his Alter skill roll.
13 | % Detoxify Poison in AnotherControl Difficulty: Very Easy as modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: Very Easy for very mild poisons (alcohol); Easy for mild poisons; Difficult for a virulent poison; Very Difficult to Heroic for a neurotoxin Required Power: Detoxify Poison Time To Use: Five minutes Effect: This power allows a Jedi to detoxify or eject poisons that have entered the targets body. If the Jedi makes the power roll, the poison doesn't affect the target. |
14 | -@ DrainControl Difficulty: Very EasyAlter Difficulty: Moderate Note: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Effect: Through the use of this incantation, the Force-user may steal a character point from an individual touched. The power stolen may be used to enhance the roll of the next Force power used by 2D. The power to be boosted must be attempted the very next round, and if the power uses more than one Force skill then the bonus is added to all Force skills used for that particular power. The victim feels a dull pain as the character point is sucked out of him. If the victim has no character points, then the Force user gains no benefit. |
15 | ^@ Drain EnergyControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Difficult Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Electronic Manipulation, Rage Effect: This is the ability of a dark Jedi to use his power to "rip" the energy from something. Accounts of dark Jedi draining Lightsabers or blasters have brought fear to many. The use of this is a full action and the user may do nothing else in the round. |
16 | ^@ Electrical ManipulationControl Difficulty: Easy for nonsentient machines; Moderate for sentient machines; Difficult for sentient machines hostile to Sith. Modified by proximity.Alter Difficulty: Easy for slight alterations; Moderate for significant changes in programming; Difficult for major reprogramming. Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Affect Mind, Rage Warning: Any Jedi who activates this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: This power allows a Sith to channel anger into the electronic circuits of a computer, droid, or other machine, and reprogram it by manipulating its physical and electronic components. The use of this power will only restore original programming, which has been altered. Since this Sith power can only be evoked in a state of rage, the Jedi have long avoided using it. |
17 | @ Feed on Dark SideControl Difficulty: Moderate when activated; Very Easy for each round thereafterAlter Difficulty: Moderate when raised; no roll for subsequent rounds Required Power: Sense Force Warning: Any Jedi who activates this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point. This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to feed on the fear, hatred or other negative emotions of others to make himself more powerful. It does not matter to the Dark Side why the others are filled with dark emotion; the feelings alone suffice. In game terms, in any round in which a character using this power is in the presence of a Light Side Force-sensitive who gains a Dark Side Point, the character gains a Dark Side Point and a Force Point. If multiple characters gain Dark Side Points in the same round, the character gains multiple Force Points. These Force Points must be spent within five minutes of being received. This is a power the Dark Jedi use to gain power from the anger and hatred they cause in their foes. For PC's who are quick to anger, it is impossible to die-roll their way out of this situation. The only way they can stop a Jedi from gaining extra Force Points from this power is not to give in to the Dark Side. This can be extremely difficult, particularly as there is nothing to stop the Dark Jedi from doing everything in his power to provoke these negative emotions. This might include deception, butchering innocents, taunts, insults, threats against the characters, their friends, families, home planet or base, and anything else that is likely to make them call on the Dark Side. Players who are unable to think of a better way of defeating a Dark Jedi than by brute force are very likely to be destroyed if faced with this power. Avoid overuse of this power, as it can severely disrupt game balance if not used in moderation. |
18 | @ Force ExplosionControl Difficulty: HeroicAlter Difficulty: See Below Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Conduit, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Transfer Force Warning: Using the power grants a Dark Side Point and an additional one for every casualty. Effect: This power utilizes the Dark Side of the Force to create an explosive "charge" of pure Force energy. Any object conceivable can be charged, with a Control penalty of +5 for every kilogram larger than a grenade. Control is used to energize the object being used for an explosive, and Alter is used for damage. Alter is also used for timing the explosive. Any number of Dice can be removed from Alter to create a "timer" of ‘D' number of rounds before the explosion. If no ‘D' are placed in the "timer," the weapon must be used immediately or it will explode in the Dark Jedi's hand. Explosions appear similar to other Force Energy uses, such as Force Lightning or Force Weapon, as a light blue electrical energy pulse. |
19 | Force FlightControl Difficulty: Easy for self, Moderate for self and otherAlter Difficulty: Easy. Modified by number of targets, proximity, and maneuvers (see table) Required Power: Telekinesis This power may be kept "up." Effect: A more refined version of telekinesis, Force flight allows the user and other beings to fly through the air like birds. Unlike telekinesis, Force flight inherently includes movement, and hovering without moving incurs an alter difficulty modifier of +2D per target. Whenever a Jedi uses Force Flight on one target other than herself, the difficulty is raised by 1D in addition to any proximity modifiers. Multiple targets incur a +1D difficulty modifier per person. This power may only be used on living beings, though not necessarily sentient ones. Maneuvers and speed have a difficulty table similar to telekinesis:
20 | @ Force LightningControl Difficulty: Difficult, as modified by proximity. Limited to line of sightAlter Difficulty: Perception or Control roll of target Required Power: Force Torch Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Effect: This power is a corruption of the Force. When used, it produces bolts of white or blue energy, which fly from the user's fingertips like sorceress lightning. These bolts tear through their target, causing painful wounds. As this power is Force-generated, it can be Force-repelled using Absorb/Dissipate Energy. Force Lightning courses over and into its target, convulsing the target with pain, siphoning off his power, and eventually killing him. Armor does not protect a character. Force Lightning causes 1D of damage for every 2D of Alter the user has (round down). |
21 | Force LightsControl Difficulty: Very Easy for unfocused beam; Moderate for thick beam; Difficult for thin beam; Heroic for focused beam; Multiple beams: +4 eachAlter Difficulty: Very Easy for candle intensity; Easy for daylight intensity; Moderate for fluorescent intensity; Difficult for searchlight intensity; Very Difficult for engine glow intensity; Heroic for star intensity Required Power: Absorb/Dissipate Energy Effect: This power is typically used by a Jedi to light darkened areas, but it has its uses as an offensive power and a heat source as well. When activated unfocused, the Jedi glows with the desired intensity. Heat and light radiate outward from all points on the Jedi's body. At any intensity greater than "Fluorescent", the Jedi and others around him receive damage:
This power may be kept "up". When aiming a beam, the Jedi uses his Control dice. While using any beam, the Jedi receives 1/3 damage; rounded to the nearest whole dice, never drop below 1D |
22 | Force TorchControl Difficulty: Difficult. Limited to line of sightAlter Difficulty: Difficult This power may be kept "up." Effect: The Jedi is able to shape and control the Force in such a way as to create a torch to see with. The Jedi must have an object in sight for the power to be used. Cannot be used on living beings or creatures. |
23 | Force TransductionControl Difficulty: Very DifficultAlter Difficulty:
Time to Use:
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Force of Will, Transfer Force Effect: Using this power, the Jedi can charge energy cells with the use of the Force. Only one cell may be charged at a time. Machinery may be powered directly by keeping this power up at a +10 difficulty modifier to both Control and Alter. This power may be used in reverse to drain power cells in half the time at the appropriate difficulty. The duration of charge time may be halved at twice the difficulty for both Control and Alter rolls. Power cells in between the levels given above are given a relative difficulty number. |
24 | # Force WeaponControl Difficulty: Equal to the melee weapon's base difficulty (ie, a knife is Very Easy)Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Power: Concentration Warning: A character who uses this power in order to injure or kill a helpless being immediately gains a Dark Side point. Effect: A Force user with this power can temporarily imbue a non-powered melee weapon (such as a club, knife, staff, etc.) with the Force. This power can only be used on the Force user's personal weapon, and only while he uses the weapon himself. The power lasts for five rounds, after which time it must be activated again. The amount by which the Alter skill roll exceeds the difficulty determines how much extra damage the weapon inflicts on a successful hit. Note that this damage will allow a weapon to exceed its listed Maximum Damage (if any).
25 | # Knight WeaponControl Difficulty: Equal to the melee weapon's base difficulty (ie, a knife is Very Easy)Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Concentration, Force Weapon Warning: A character who uses this power in order to injure or kill a helpless being immediately gains a Dark Side point. Effect: A Force user with this power can temporarily imbue a non-powered melee weapon (such as a club, knife, staff, etc.) with the Force. This power can only be used on the Force user's personal weapon, and only while he uses the weapon himself. The power lasts for seven rounds, after which time it must be activated again. The amount by which the Alter skill roll exceeds the difficulty determines how much extra damage the weapon inflicts on a successful hit.
26 | # Master WeaponControl Difficulty: Equal to the melee weapon's base difficulty (ie, a knife is Very Easy)Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Concentration, Force Weapon, Knight Weapon Warning: A character that uses this power in order to injure or kill a helpless being immediately gains a Dark Side point. Effect: A Force user with this power can temporarily imbue a non-powered melee weapon (such as a club, knife, staff, etc.) with the Force. This power can only be used on the Force user's personal weapon, and only while he uses the weapon himself. The power lasts for ten rounds, after which time it must be activated again. The amount by which the Alter skill roll exceeds the difficulty determines how much extra damage the weapon inflicts on a successful hit.
27 | Heal AnotherControl Difficulty: Moderate: Wounded and Wounded Twice, Difficult: Incapacitated, Very Difficult: Mortally WoundedAlter Difficulty: Easy, modified by relationship Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Emptiness, Detoxify Poison, Detoxify Poison in Another, Heal, Regenerate Time to Use: 5 minutes meditation per level of difficulty Effect: This power completely removes one level of an injury. If the first use of this power is unsuccessful, each repeated attempt raises the difficulty by one level. The user must be in touch of the target to use this power. |
28 | - HesitateControl Difficulty: EasyAlter Difficulty: Easy Note: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Effect: This incantation causes a transfer of power between the Force-user and a victim who he touches. This causes momentary muscle spasms in the victim. As a result, the victim suffers a -5 penalty to their next roll for initiative. |
29 | % Induce TranquilityControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate, modified by the agitation of target character and relationship Time to Use: Instantaneous Effect: With this power, a Jedi can induce a state of enhanced calm in another being, even to the point of inducing near-sleep in another sentient. The user simply reaches out in the Force to the opposing mind, and calms it through waves of almost-dreamlike reassurance. The affected person is generally quieted emotionally, but the Jedi can also intensify use of the power to induce a near-vegetative state that lasts for up to a half-an-hour. Jedi healers have been known to make frequent use of this power when treating casualties in times if war, usually in conjunction with Control Another's Pain. A Jedi can direct this power at up to three characters at once, provided those characters are within 5 meters of one another, and cannot see the Jedi (use of this power on a group is normally only possible from a hiding spot near the targets), hence this is a very useful power for a Jedi attempting to get into a guarded facility with a minimum of attention. Characters "awakening" from the state of induced tranquility are often somewhat confused, but not usually aware that they have been manipulated in any way. Qui-Gon Jinn uses this power on Jar Jar Binks during the journey in the Gungan sub in Epsiode I. |
30 | @ Inflict PainControl Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by proximityAlter Difficulty: Perception or Control roll of target. Modified by proximity Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point Required Powers: Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Life Detection, Life Sense Effect: The target experiences great agony. The user causes damage by rolling their Alter skill, while the target resists damage with their Control, Perception or Willpower. Damage is figured as if the attack was a stun attack, although if the target suffers any damage at all, they are so crippled by pain that they are incapable of acting for the rest of the round and the next round. |
31 | ^@ Instantaneous HealingControl Difficulty: Very DifficultAlter Difficulty: Heroic +5 for every damage level beyond -4D Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Detoxify Poison in Another, Emptiness, Regenerate Other, Transfer Force Effect: Through the Dark Side of the Force, the Dark Lords of the Sith were able to heal Exar Kun's shattered body in moments, though the pain was extreme he recovered fully, in body at least. Due to the unusual method of healing, anyone using this power receives a Dark Side Point as the recipient receives extreme pain from the use of this power. There is also a 10% cumulative chance each time it is used that the being it is used on will be driven insane from the pain this power causes. |
32 | IntangibilityControl: Very DifficultAlter: Heroic Time to Use: two rounds. For every round over two the character takes to prepare drop the Alter difficulty by five. This power cannot be keep up unless one Force Point is spent for every two rounds beyond the first two. Required Powers: Warp Matter, Concentration Effect: The force user takes a round to prepare by concentrating and focusing his force powers on making himself one with the object. It then takes another round for the force user to become capable to walk through a solid object. Once the force user goes through an object, the ability disappears. The force user must declare at the begining that he is going to try and keep this power up. |
33 | Lesser Force BubbleControl Difficulty: EasyAlter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Lesser Force Shield Effect: Forms a small force bubble around the user, a meter in diameter, that resists all attempts to penetrate it with a strength of 3D. However, due to the nature of this bubble, if the user doesn't lower it after about an hour after he raises it, he will start to asphyxiate (assuming that he breathes, that is). |
34 | Lightwhip CombatControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate This power may be kept "up." Effect: The Sith used this power to wield the double-edged Lightwhip, and guide it's movement through the Dark Side. If the Sith is successful, he may add his Alter dice to his lightwhip skill roll to hit or parry, and he adds or subtracts his Control dice to the damage. If he fails, he must use his lightwhip skill and the standard damage for the duration of combat. To parry blaster bolts, the Sith may use Lightwhip Combat. To do this, the character must declare that he is parrying that round, using his lightwhip skill as normal. The Sith may also attempt to control where the deflected blaster bolt goes, although this counts as an additional action. The Sith must declare which specific bolt he is controlling, with difficulties as per Lightsaber Combat. |
35 | -# PauseControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate Note: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri Effect: This incantation is the advanced version of Hesitate and causes a transfer of power between the Force-user and a victim who he touches. This causes momentary muscle spasms in the victim. As a result, the victim suffers a -10 penalty to their next roll for initiative. If the penalty reduces the victims initiative below 0 then all actions are lost for the next round as they will be unable to control the muscles in their own body. A Jedi will be allowed to resist this effect with a Moderate Control roll plus the user's Alter roll. The user will gain a Dark Side Point if they attack the victim while in this state. |
36 | Phase ShiftControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers:Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Resist Stun This power can be kept "up". Effect: While using this power, a Force user can actually shift their existence such that they no longer interact with solid matter. This enables the Jedi to walk through walls, escape binders and chains, and any manner of other things that can affect a character physically. There are many dangers to using this power, though. A character can become trapped while passing through an object, reverting back to standard phase and suffering great physical harm. Every round a character is phase shifted and an object is passing through them, the Jedi must make an Alter roll against their own Strength rating. If the roll is successful, the character passes through the object as though they were not even there. If the save fails, however, the character suffers damage equal to their own Strength rating, and the object is destroyed. |
37 | Place Another in Hibernation TranceControl Difficulty: Very Easy, modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: Very Easy, modified by proximity Required Power: Hibernation Trance Effect: This power allows a Jedi to place another character into hibernation trance. The Jedi must be touching the character with that being willing to be shut down. This power can be used to bring another character out of hibernation trance with the Alter difficulty at +10. |
38 | @ Plasma ForceControl Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate for Alter damage; Difficult for Alter +1D damage; Very Difficult for Alter +2D damage; Heroic for Alter +3D damage Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, Conduit, Magnify Senses, Shift Sense, Telekinesis Warning: The user of this power receives a Dark Side Point Effect: This power allows a Jedi to charge and electrify the air around him/her/it, generating two balls of plasma. The Jedi can then hurl these balls of plasma at objects and opponents. The skill required to throw the plasma balls is Missile Weapons. |
39 | Reduce Another's InjuryControl Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: Difficult for incapacitated characters; Very Difficult for mortally wounded characters; Heroic for dead characters Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Reduce Injury Effect: This power has the same effects upon others as Reduce Injury has upon its user, but a Force Point must be spent to use this power. The power must also be used within the same round that the character was wounded. Unlike Reduce Injury however, the Jedi is more likely to regain the Force Point spent to use this power, since he can effectively save another's life by using it. |
40 | Regenerate OtherControl Difficulty: Moderate => Simple Organ (eye, liver, kidney), Difficult => Complex Organ (Heart), Very Diff => Limb or System (Arm, Spine), Heroic => Brain, A.I.D.S., Terminal CancerAlter Difficulty: Very Easy modified by Relationship (plus Willpower or Control if target resists) Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Emptiness, Detoxify Poison, Detoxify Poison in Another, Heal, Heal Another, Regenerate Time to Use: One month per level of difficulty (1 month for an eye, 3 months to repair spinal damage) This power must to be kept "up." Effect: Allows a Force-user to repair extensive damage to the point of regrowth. During the period of Regeneration, the target must rest as detailed in the Natural Healing section of the rulebook. The user must visit the resting target at least once per day to re-apply the treatment. A failed roll means treatment is setback for one day for every point missed. At the end of the period (provided rest was never broken) the target may roll Control or Strength versus the above Control difficulty. For every full week of rest and treatment past the required period, the target's Strength/Control roll is reduced by one Difficulty level. If the Strength/Control roll is successful, he has a new, fully working organ/limb. If unsuccessful, he has a fully-grown organ/limb that either his body has rejected or is just unusable. This power may be used in conjunction with Warp Matter (to re-engineer organs/limbs) or Mind Control (to re-program target). Difficulties for Warp Matter are one level lower (you are shaping while building) and difficulties for Mind Control are one level higher (effects are more lasting if not permanent). Either use is a perversion of nature and earns a Dark Side Point. Note: This power doesn't remove the reason for the degeneration in cases like A.I.D.S. (i.e. bacterial, viral or other infections). It only regrows and removes faults in the D.N.S. (in cases like cancer). |
41 | % Remove Another's FatigueControl Difficulty: EasyAlter Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by proximity and relationship Required Powers: Accelerate Healing, Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Pain, Control Another's Pain, Remove Fatigue Effect: This power allows the Jedi to remove the effects of fatigue in another. However, unlike the basic power, the Jedi must wait until the target is actually fatigued, before offering assistance. Hence the penalties for failing a Stamina check can be counteracted, but must be addressed as they occur. |
42 | % Return Another to ConsciousnessControl Difficulty: Easy, as modified by proximity and relationshipAlter Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated; Difficult for mortally wounded Required Powers: Control Pain, Remain Conscious Effect: The target returns to consciousness. The target has the same restrictions as imposed by the Remain Conscious power. |
43 | Restore Another's AttributeControl Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by relationshipAlter Difficulty: The difficulty varies according to the number of attribute dice being restored:
Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Disease, Control Another's Pain, Control Another's Parasitic Infection, Control Parasitic Infection, Enhance Attribute, Restore Attribute, Sense Disease, Sense Parasites, Sense Poisons/Toxins Effect: This power does for a character what Restore Attribute does for its user. A Force Point must be spent to use this power. As such it is inherently heroic much like Transfer Force. |
44 | Shadow SplitControl Difficulty: EasySense Difficulty: Moderate This Power may be kept "up" (see below). Effect: When this power is called upon, the Jedi invoking it appears to split into four copies of himself, each of which moves away in a different direction. In actuality, only one of the images is real, the others are merely shadows, created by the portioning out of some of the invoker's life force. Each time the power is invoked, the Jedi must expend a character point. These images do not take damage, and are completely insubstantial. As all forms of matter and energy pass right through them, they can be detected in that manner. This power can be maintained from round to round, costing a character point every 10 rounds. The images can attack, although they cause no damage on a successful hit. The two ways in which this power is commonly used are to aid in flight, with the various images running away as well, drawing off enemy fire, and to aid in combat, where they draw fire, and distract opponents, making them dodge or parry illusionary attacks. "Parting The Clouds" can dispel this power. |
45 | ShroudControl Difficulty: Very EasyAlter Difficulty: Very Easy Note: This power is used exclusively by the Noghri This power may be kept "up." Effect: This incantation requires 5 minutes of chanting and mental preparation. When a Shroud comes into effect, the Force-user is encased in a swirling, blotchy, gray-and-black film that obscures the features, but not the general shape of the Force-user. An onlooker would usually be able to tell what species the Force-user is, and often would be able to tell the sex, as well as general body type, but would not be able to identify the caster otherwise. |
46 | Sterilization/Purification FieldControl Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by proximity, limited to line of sightAlter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Concentration, Sterilize/Purify This power can be kept "up." Effect: This power has the same effects as Sterilize/Purify, except that it affects everything within its field. Nothing can be contaminated within the field by biological, chemical, or radioactive elements within the field's confines. The power is ideal for setting up a sterilized zone in the wilderness or an otherwise unclean area, where such an environment would be needed, such as field surgery in a combat zone or contaminated area. |
47 | Survive in VacuumControl Difficulty: DifficultAlter Difficulty: Moderate: 1 round, Difficult: 1 minute, Very Difficult: 10 minutes, Heroic: 30 minutes, Heroic +10: 1 hour Required Powers: Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Null Gravity Effect: User may temporarily survive in a vacuum. |
48 | Telekinetic BubbleControl Difficulty: HeroicAlter Difficulty: Heroic This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Wall Effect: The Jedi creates a "bubble" of force around himself that protects against all things that could do him harm, including the vacuum of space (no more than 10 minutes) and under water (indefinitely). This "bubble" will move with the Jedi. It allows air and required substances to pass through and keeps all others out. Blaster bolts and other energy weapons can penetrate if the roll to hit is greater than the Jedi's Alter or Sense roll (if using his or her Lightsaber and Lightsaber skill). If the damage is greater than the Alter roll then the Jedi takes full damage. If the Jedi is wounded by the energy weapon he or she is forced to make a Difficult Control roll to keep the power "up." Failure means that the "bubble" vanishes and the Jedi loses its protection for the rest of the round but may try again on the next round. If the damage roll is less than the Alter roll then the Jedi takes no damage even if the attack roll hit. However, each successful hit reduces the Alter roll by as many points as the blaster (or other energy weapons) damage roll. The Jedi may attempt to bring the "bubble" back to full strength by spending an action and making a Very Difficult Alter roll. |
49 | Telekinetic WallControl Difficulty: Very DifficultAlter Difficulty: Very Difficult This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Telekinesis Effect: The control roll determines how high and how wide the wall can be in meters. The Alter roll determines how thick the wall can be in centimeters. The Jedi may choose the actual size and shape of the wall as long as it isn't bigger than the original rolls. The wall must remain in the line of sight of the Jedi or it will automatically drop. |
50 | Transfer ForceControl Difficulty: Easy, as modified by proximity and relationshipAlter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain Time to Use: One minute Effect: This power will save a mortally wounded (-4D) or dead (-5D) character from dying because the Jedi is transferring his life force to the target. When a character has Force transferred to him, he remains mortally wounded, but he will not die provided he isn't injured again. The character is in hibernation, and will stay alive in this state for up to 6 weeks. The Jedi must be touching the target character when the power is activated. When this power is used, the user must spend a Force Point (this is the life force that is transferred to the target). This use is always considered very heroic, so the character will get the Force Point back plus another at the end of the adventure. The recipient of this power must be willing. |
51 | ^@ Waves of DarknessControl Difficulty:
Alter Difficulty:
Warning: A character that uses this power receives a Dark Side Point This power may be kept "up." Effect: The user delves into the darkness of there own spirit and dredges up feelings of hatred, jealousy, greed and rage that linger in shadowed recesses. Using the Force as a power source, the Sith expels these vile emotions in waves of Dark Side energy that radiate outward in an expanding sphere. Anyone caught in the disturbance suffers immediate confusion, and a few seconds later, flees in fear. Those entering the area infested by the Dark Side waves must make a Willpower or Control roll against the Force user's Control total for initiating the effect. Anyone who fails the roll cannot take his or her next action (in this combat round or the next) and must flee on the successive round. Those that succeed become confused and can take no more than one action per round until they exit the field of Dark Side energy. |
1 | # Affect EmotionsSense Difficulty: Target's Con, Willpower or Perception (highest) modified by RelationshipAlter Difficulty: Moderate = Hunger/Thirst, Difficult = Happy/Sad/Awe/Fear/Fatigue/Confused, Very Difficult = Very Sad/Very Happy, Heroic = Hatred/Love. Add/Subtract Difficulties where appropriate This power may be kept "up." Required Power: Affect Mind Effect: Allows a Jedi to manipulate the emotional state of a target. Be careful... this power can lead to a Dark Side Point real fast! |
2 | Beast SootherSense Difficulty: Easy; Modified by proximityAlter Difficulty:Perception roll of the target beast; Modified by proximity This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power soothes a beast and makes them calmer. If the user's Alter roll beats the difficulty, reduce the Orneriness of the creature by the following levels:
The power may be used on more then one target at a time, with an increase of +3 to the Sense difficulty for each additional target; the target with the highest Perception rolls for the entire group being affected. |
3 | BlindingSense Difficulty: Easy; Modified by proximityAlter Difficulty: Difficult This power may be kept "up." Effect: By using this power, a Force user can cause one other person to become temporarily blinded, a combination of affecting optic nerves and collecting Force energy in front of that person's eyes. The target perceives a bright, blinding light just beyond the tip of the nose that makes any action nearly impossible. The character suffers a -3D penalty to any action requiring sight, though characters with Blind-Fighting or other skills of that type suffer no other penalty. The target may break free of this power by making a higher Control roll that the user's Alter roll. If the character is not Force Sensitive, an opposed roll vs. the target's Willpower skill will also work, with the target suffering a -1D penalty to his roll. However, this power may be used for dark purposes as to blind someone and attack, then the user will receive a Dark Side Point. |
4 | = Block Force SenseSense Difficulty: DifficultAlter Difficulty: Moderate Note: This power is used exclusively by the Jensaarai Required Powers: Dim Another's Senses, Life Sense, Sense Force This power may be kept "up." Effect: When this power is implemented, the user creates a bubble that blocks out many kinds of Force probes, much like attempting to probe an area where the Force has been negated by an Ysalamiri. Force powers still function inside the bubble; however anyone outside trying to probe the area contained by the power's field will detect absolutely nothing. This power negates the use of the following powers from outside against the area inside the bubble: Dim Other's Senses, Enhanced Coordination, Farseeing, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Force Potential, and Shift Sense. Several Force users may overlap their blocking bubbles for a more widespread effect. |
5 | CloakSense Difficulty: EasyAlter Difficulty: Special Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate enregy, concentration, telekinesis This power may be kept up. Effect: This power allows the Jedi to bend light around himself making him more difficult to see. In game terms, this power adds a bonus to the Jedi's sneak roll. The amount of the bonus depends on the Jedi's alter roll. For a Difficult roll, the Jedi may add +2D to his sneak roll; for a Very Difficult, he may add +2D+2, and for a Heroic roll, he may add +3D+1. Source: Clone Wars Campaign Guide (page 50) |
6 | Commune with MachinesSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Easy: 1/2 Normal Energy Used, Moderate: Information Processed x2, Difficult: Never "Botch" a roll, Very Difficult: 1/4 Energy & Info Processed. x3, Heroic: No energy used & Info Processed. x4 This power may be kept "up." Required Power: CyberLocke Effect: Similar to Commune with Nature, this skill allows a meditating Jedi to influence the efficiency of nearby machines. They will be faster, use less energy, never critically fail from the (un)lucky die (or those using these systems) etc. |
7 | Commune with NatureSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Easy: Feeling of Tranquility, Moderate: Grass Grows, Difficult: Flowers Grow/Animals Attracted, Very Difficult: Trees Grow, Fresh Water Springs, Heroic: Terra Form (GM sets difficulty); Difficulties are based on an open plain. Modify for climate, temp, etc: Desert: +20, Dark Side Imprint: +20, Tundra: +15, Ocean Bank: +15, Vacuum: +170; modified by proximity This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Beast Languages, Emptiness, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Translation, Summon Creature Effect: While meditating in an outdoor area, the Jedi bonds with all living creatures in the area and influences their development. Soil becomes more fertile, plants begin to grow, creatures sense tranquility, etc. Sense is used to create the link and Alter makes changes in the pattern of nature around him. |
8 | % Dim Other's SensesSense Difficulty: Easy, as modified by proximityAlter Difficulty: Perception or Control roll of the target. The attribute and skills are reduced as long as the power is kept "up." Required Powers: Sense Force, Life Sense Effect: This power greatly reduces the Perception of the target character. If successful, reduce the character's Perception and all skills, depending upon the result:
The power may be used on one or more targets at a time, with an increase of +3 to the Sense difficulty for each additional target. |
9 | ** Empower SelfSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate Note: This power is used exclusively by the Monks of Shimura This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Ka, Absorb/Dissipate Energy Effect: When this power is activated an energy field surrounds the body (especially the hands and forearms) of the Jedi allowing him to parry and deflect blaster bolts as well as Lightsabers. While kept up the Jedi may add his Sense to Brawling Combat in order to parry Lightsabers or block/deflect blaster bolts as per Lightsaber Combat. These bonuses are not in addition to any gained from keeping the Ka Power up. While the Jedi is empowered he may also add Alter to his Brawling damage. |
10 | ^@ Force WindSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate to affect 5 meters; Difficult to affect 10 meters; Very Difficult for 15 meters; Heroic for 20 meters Required Powers: Magnify Senses, Shift Sense, Telekinesis Warning: Any Jedi who activates this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Sith to manipulate and channel air currents to form powerful and destructive tornadoes that can lift people into the air and fling them about. The cyclone does the Sith's Alter code in damage to all within its range. |
11 | FriendshipSense Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception rollAlter Difficulty: Very Easy against a person or animal that has no reason to mistrust you, or who wants something from you (an eager salesman, for example). Easy against a person or an animal who is neutral or indifferent to you. Moderate against a wild animal, or a person who has a societal reason to dislike you (i.e., prejudice). Difficult against a hungry predator, or a person who has a personal reason to dislike or hate you. Very Difficult against a person who is a sworn enemy, or an animal who is starving, angry, or wounded. Effect: Proper application of this power can calm a hostile person or animal. Use of Friendship employs calming emotions that can cause enemies to re-think their motives, or open them up to discussion and parley. Friendship does not make them forget past events (such as when you tried to kill them), but it might give you a chance to bring about a peaceful solution to a disagreement. The target of Friendship will remain calm until a situation occurs that alters that state. A bonus granted to all Bargain, Command, Con, or Persuasion rolls made against the target following the use of Friendship is based on the amount by which the Sense roll exceeds the target's Control or Perception roll.
12 | Greater Force ShieldSense Difficulty: DifficultAlter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Lesser Force Shield, Magnify Senses, Telekinesis Time to Use: One round This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Jedi to surround his body with a Force-generated shield. The shield can be used to repel energy and physical matter away from the Jedi's body, down to the molecular level. The shield acts as STR+3D+2 armor to all energy and physical attacks made against the Jedi, including non-directional attacks such as gas clouds and grenade blasts. The shield is strong, and is usually enough to protect the Jedi from serious injury. |
13 | Group MindSense Difficulty: EasyAlter Difficulty: Very Easy modified by average Relationship. Add +2 to the difficulty for every creature in range not taking part in Group Mind. Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy This power may be kept "up." Effect: Allows user to telepathically communicate with all creatures within 30 meters. |
14 | # Induced SleepSense Difficulty: Target's Willpower, Stamina or ControlAlter Difficulty: Variable depending on the number or targets and their emotional states
Required Powers: Dim Another's Senses, Affect Mind This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to put a target into a deep sleep, from which the target cannot be awakened while the power is in effect. Sleep lasts for 1D6 hours after the power is discontinued, but targets can be awakened before that time by natural means. If the Jedi or anyone with the Jedi harms the target while they are helpless, the Jedi receives a Dark Side Point. This power cannot affect droids or creatures that do not require sleep. It is also useless against a Jedi who has just performed Emptiness or Rage within the last 6 hours. The Jedi must make a new power roll whenever he or she adds or switches targets. |
15 | Lesser Force ShieldSense Difficulty: EasyAlter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Magnify Senses, Telekinesis Time to Use: One round This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Jedi to surround his body with a Force-generated shield. The shield can be used to repel energy and physical matter away from the Jedi's body, down to the molecular level. The shield acts as STR+1D armor to all energy and physical attacks made against the Jedi, including non-directional attacks such as gas clouds and grenade blasts. The shield is not particularly strong, but can sometimes be just enough to protect the Jedi from serious injury. |
16 | # PrecipitateSense Difficulty: DifficultAlter Difficulty: Heroic, modified by proximity Time to Use: one minute per cubic meter Required Powers: Telekinesis, Magnify Senses, Shift Sense Effect: This power allows the Jedi to selectively separate an element or molecule from an area. This, of course, could be used to make it rain, remove all oxygen from an inferno (to put it out), or remove all iron from a life form (would give a Dark Side Point.) |
17 | Psychometry
Modifier: If the object or location is primarily of the opposite side of the Force, there is a +10 Sense and Alter difficulty modifier. Relationship modifiers apply. Required Powers: Farseeing, Life Detection, Life Sense, Postcognition, Sense Force Effect: This is the ability to telepathically get information, from an object or location, about its past. Information about past users, actions that have taken place there, etc., can be determined. The Jedi must be in contact with the object or in the area in question. Dead bodies are objects and can be read using this power, but it will not work on living beings or creatures (use Receptive Telepathy). Reading objects on a being will work. This power will only show a beings actions using the object or actions carried out in an area. Objects with a strong Dark or Light Side connection instantly show up as such without a power roll. |
18 | Raise/Break MoraleSense Difficulty: Very Easy modified by Relationship (+2 for every person, after the first, through tenth... +1 every five people thereafter. People tend to act as those around them. If 10 people are really moved so will the 11th). Storytelling may be used to reduce difficulty. -7 if the Storytelling power was successfully used in the round before.Alter Difficulty: Moderate +/-1D to Skills; Difficult +/-2D to Skills; Very Diff +/-3D to Skills; Heroic +/-4D to Skills Required Powers: Projective Telepathy This power may be kept "up". Effect: This is a lesser form of Jedi Battle Meditation. Through using this power a Jedi may either raise the confidence of a small group, or break the morale of an enemy. In order to use this power the Jedi must make some effort to demonstrate his intent (i.e. singing a song before battle, giving a moving speech, burning an opponent's jersey at a pep rally, etc). The bonuses are kept as long as the Jedi keeps the power "up" (the moving story may get things started but it takes the force to keep them going). |
19 | Remove Force ImprintSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Hibernation Trance, Postcognition, Sense Force Time to Use: 20 minutes for less than or equal to 1 cubic meter; 4 hours for 10 cubic meters; 1 week for 100 cubic meters; 1 month for 1 cubic kilometer; +1 month for each additional .5 cubic kilometers. This power must be kept "up" until the removal meditation is completed or given up on. Effect: This power removes the Force imprint left by a Force user (or the ambient imprint) on an object or area. When another Force user tries to use Sense Force or Psychometry on the affected object or area, add +10 or the Alter roll to the difficulty, whichever is higher. This power requires intense meditation and the Jedi must go into a trance to erase all of the imprint over the entire required length of time. Short breaks may be taken for no longer than 15 minutes, once per day, to eat and drink and go to the bathroom. While in this trance, the Jedi must not be distracted by any large stimulus. Once the imprint has been removed, the Jedi must leave the area within 24 hours or the Force Print will return. A Dark or Light Side Nexus cannot be removed with this, or any other power. |
20 | % Sense WeightSense Difficulty: Very DifficultAlter Difficulty: Moderate; Modified by Proximity Required Power: Telekinesis Time to Use: One round Effect: This allows the Jedi to sense the weight of an object down to the nearest 0.001 milligram. |
21 | % Sensory OverloadSense Difficulty: Very Easy = Target's Perception: 1D-2D, Easy = TP: 3D-4D, Moderate = TP: 5D-6D, Difficult = TP: 7D+Alter Difficulty: Target's Stamina roll modified by Relationship Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Effect: Causes the target to experience a huge influx of stimuli, causing him to pass out. |
22 | Sound ManipulationSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Moderate, modified by proximity (distance sound is created from Jedi) Required Powers: Magnify Senses, Shift Sense, Telekinesis Effect: Sound is caused by the vibration of molecules. With this in mind, a Jedi can manipulate the molecules in such a way to alter certain sounds. For example, a Jedi can emit sounds that would be impossible to reproduce by normal means, such as the cry of a Krayt dragon. A Jedi can even generate a sound some distance away, causing a distraction. |
23 | StorytellingSense Difficulty: Very Easy by Relationship (+2 for every person, after the first, through tenth. +1 every five people thereafter. People tend to act as those around them. If 10 people are really moved so will the 11th).Alter Difficulty: Very Easy: One Sense (a howl is heard), Easy: Two Senses, Moderate: Three Senses, Difficult: Four Senses, Very Difficult: Five Senses (holographic), Heroic: The viewers are in the story! This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Effect: This power is used to entertain, educate or just make a point. While a Jedi tells a story the very reality around him warps to accommodate the theme of the story. Wind will pick up, lights will flash, unusual sounds will be heard, etc. Anything to enhance the experience of the viewer. |
24 | # ThermogenesisSense Difficulty: ModerateAlter Difficulty: Easy, modified by target Strength Required Power: Force Torch Effect: The Jedi is able to start a fire anytime, anywhere there is enough oxygen and fuel to support the flame. If need be, even starship hull plating can be ignited. When used in conjunction with Transmutation, a fire may even be ignited under water or in space. If used as an attack, the Jedi receives a Dark Side Point. To figure damage: roll target's Strength against the Alter roll. A result of 4 or better above the target's Strength roll gets through and ignites him or her. |
1 | % Affect MindControl Difficulty: Very Easy for perception; Easy for memories; Moderate for conclusions. Modified by proximitySense Difficulty: The target's control or Perception roll Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for slight, momentary misperceptions, minor changes to distant memories, or if the character doesn't care one way or another. Easy for brief, visible phenomena, for memories less than a year old, or if the character feels only minor emotion regarding the conclusion he is reaching. Moderate for short hallucinations, for memories less than a day old, or if the target has strict orders about the conclusion. Difficult for slight disguises to facial features, hallucinations which can be sensed with two senses, for memories less than a minute old, or if the matter involving the conclusion is very important to the target. Very Difficult for hallucinations which can be sensed by all five senses, if the memory change is a major one, or if the logic is absolutely clear and coming to the wrong conclusion is virtually impossible. Effect: This power is used to alter a character's perception so that he or she senses an illusion or fails to see what the user of the power doesn't want him to see. This power is used to permanently alter a character's memories so that he remembers things incorrectly of fails to remember something. This power can also be used to alter a character's conclusions so that he comes to an incorrect conclusion. Before making skill rolls, the character must declare exactly the effect he or she is looking for. The power is normally used on one target but can be used on several using the multiple skill use rules. A character believes he or she is affected by any successful illusion -- a character who thinks he is struck by an illusory object would feel the blow. If he thought he was injured, he would feel pain, or if he though he was dead he would fall unconscious. However, the character suffers no actual injury. This power cannot affect Droids or recording devices. |
2 | * Aiki CombatControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Easy Note: This power is used exclusively by the Aiki Order This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to use his body as a weapon. He controls his own Force to allow for precise movements and senses that flow of the Force within his opponent to find his weak spots and predict his actions. He is effectively using the Force to augment his martial arts training. However, this power can only augment his abilities. When he does not know how to fight, he will not gain any bonuses-that is why this power is used mainly by Aiki Jedi. After all, the Force may guide you, but it will not replace the need for long training-the quick and easy path is the path to the Dark Side. Using this power, the Jedi also alters the flow of the Force around him to create a protective shield about him. In game terms, add 1/2 of Control and 1/2 Sense dice to martial arts pool. However, skill bonus cannot exceed Brawling + Martial Arts. Moreover, he may add 1/4 of Sense and 1/4 of Control rounded down to damage, doing only stun. Finally, he uses Alter to create a protective shield around him. This has two advantages: *Absorb/Dissipate Energy difficulty is Easy + damage roll *The greatest concentration of the Force is around his hands. He may use Brawling Parry to parry blaster bolts with his Sense skill without any consequences. He may also parry, or even catch, a Lightsaber blade. However, deflecting the Lightsaber blade is relatively easy and harmless; unless there is a roll of a "1", which would cause the Lightsaber's damage to the Jedi's hand; then catching it is pretty difficult stunt. Basically, each round, roll Control dice against the Lightsaber's damage-5D + Control. Remember, that this is damage to the hand, it will not kill you. You must treat incapacitated and above as maimed-you lose your hand and you are left at wounded. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | ^@ Alter BeingsControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Alter Difficulty: Heroic Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith. Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Concentrated Energy, Concentration, Detoxify Poison in Another, Emptiness, Instantaneous Healing, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Regenerate Other, Sense Force, Strengthen Object, Transfer Force, Transmutation, Warp Matter Warning: This power will grant a Dark Side Point to the user. Effect: A derivative of the create Sithspawn power, this allows a Sith to alter certain attributes of living beings while leaving the rest of the being untouched. As it's normally used as a form of torture, the Sith using this power receives a Dark Side Point. |
4 | $ Arcane MajeckControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Difficult Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Blade Beam, Absorb/Dissapate Energy, Haste Note: This power is used exclusively by the Death Knights Time to Use: 5 minutes of battle to get the adrenaline rushing. Warning: Use of this power causes the user to receive a Darkside point. Effect: The use of this unique power gives the Death Knight the speed of lightning and the deadly strikes of a cobra. The Death Knight cannot use any other power while using Arcane Majeck. In game effect, it gives the Death Knight four attacks in one round without penalty (Krath time influence) and their Alter dice to their attack and their damage. It also effects any of their enemies with the same as the first effect of Battle Mediation that the Jedi use, causing their enemies to attack each other. This is one of the most used and dark of the Death Knights powers. |
5 | AwakenControl Difficulty:ModerateSense Difficulty: Difficult Alter Difficulty: Heroic Required Powers: Affect Mind, Life Bond, Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Force Potential, Projective Telepathy Effect: This power allows a character to bestow Force-sensitivity upon another being. If the character using the power makes all of the required skill checks to activate the power, he must sacrifice 2 Force Points to complete the power's use. If he does so, the target of the power becomes Force-sensitive, and gains 1D of Control, Sense, or Alter dice (player's choice). |
6 | Beast MasterControl Difficulty: Moderate; Modified by proximitySense Difficulty: Perception of the target beast Alter Difficulty: Strength of the target beast Required Power: Beast Soother This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows a Jedi to hold a beast still and keep it quiet. The beast being affected will lie down and remain quiet until the power is dropped. After the power is dropped, the beast will resume what it was doing unless the Jedi Alters the beast in another manner, such as by communicating with it. |
7 | Block Force Ability
Sense Difficulty: Targets Control + Proximity
This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: One Round for every level of duration Required Powers: Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Control Another's Pain, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Sense Force, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Effect: In game terms this is a most devastating power. This power can be activated as a reaction to a specific force power used by another Jedi, or it can have a more premeditated use. When used, the user suffers a -1D to all Force Skills for 2 times the duration called for. For instance if a Dark Jedi used this power to stop a Light Jedi from using Absorb/Dissipate *at one specific instance*, then the Dark Jedi, regardless of his success or failure, suffers a -1D to all his Force skills for 2 rounds (because the shortest duration is one round). If the Dark Jedi decided to try and block the Light Jedi's ability to use Absorb/Dissipate permanently, then the Dark Jedi would permanently suffer -1D to all Force skills. Any dice lost this way can, of course, be recovered through the spending of character points. Any Character who has had all three Skills (Control, Sense and Alter) blocked will appear to any mode of detection as non-force sensitive. The user of this power can use it on themselves. |
8 | @ BloodlustControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy: 1-2 Targets, Moderate: 3-20 Targets, Difficult: 21-100 Targets, Very Difficult: 101-1000 Targets, Heroic: 1000-10,000 Targets; modified by single highest individual proximity Alter Difficulty: Easy plus target's Perception, Willpower or Control roll. This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Affect Mind, Anger, Hibernation Trance, Rage, Project Force Warning: The user of this power gains a Dark Side Point. Notes: Target's with Dark Side Points receive a penalty to resist equal to the bonus granted by their Dark Side Points. For example, a Jedi has one Dark Side point, which usually gives a +1D bonus to all Force Skills. When using this power he rolls Control, Sense, and Alter with a +2D bonus (+1D from his earlier Dark Side Point plus an additional +1D from the new Dark Side Point gained from attempting this power). When the same Jedi attempts to resist this power, the Alter difficulty (for the user) becomes Easy plus Control (or Willpower, or Perception) minus 2D. Since the Dark Side has already touched him it is harder for him to refuse it. When a Jedi of the Light is under the influence of this power it is likely he will commit evil acts. Such a Jedi does not receive Dark Side points for Action (striking first, aggressively, or out of anger), but does take Dark Side Points for Inaction (the guilt he feels for not being able to control himself). Effect: When this power is used, the Jedi radiates the Dark Side of the force, sending waves of anger and hatred washing over his targets. The game affect of this power is that all targets go into a berserker state, granting a +2D bonus to all combat actions (attacks and parries/dodges), but they may make no other actions in the same round. Also, record all wound results of "stunned" or "wounded" but do not invoke any die penalties for those under the influence of this power. A target may roll their resistance once per round against the Jedi's Alter roll to break free. Each failed resistance attempt incurs a -5 penalty on the next attempt (cumulative). |
9 | BlurControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Difficult Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Affect Mind, Dim Other's Senses, Eclipse, Hibernation Trance, Projective Telepathy Effect: When activated, it makes a Jedi almost impossible to look at. This is useful when being fired upon. After activation of this power, the person looking at the Jedi must look away or become disoriented for two rounds (length of effectiveness - 5 rounds). |
10 | ^ Body StrengtheningControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Difficult Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Alter Beings, Strengthen Object Effect: In some ways this is a lesser version of the create Sithspawn and Alter beings power. The Dark Side can give you many boons, often extracted at a terrible price. Once such boon was the way the Dark Side could make the body stronger, faster, more able. A Sith using this power receives a Dark Side Point. |
11 | Bright PowerControl Difficulty: HeroicSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Force Harmony, Project Force, Projective Telepathy, Sense Force Effect: This is the most powerful attack possible for a Jedi using the powers of the Light Side. This power allows a willing Jedi to manifest the power of the Light Side. The Jedi calls upon the celestial illumination that is the Light Side and sends the bright energy towards an area that is tainted by the Dark Side. With this power, the Jedi can cleanse an area of the works of the Dark Side or confine the Dark Side to a particular spot in the area. With this power the Jedi can also bathe a Dark Sider in the celestial illumination that is the Light Side, causing the recipient to real from the light and stop whatever power he/she was using. This power can also unleash a cataclysm that can destroy the works of the Dark Side, but the cataclysm also devastates the area containing the works of the Dark Side in the process. |
12 | ^@ Cause Solar FlareControl Difficulty: HeroicSense Difficulty: Heroic Alter Difficulty: Heroic+10 Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Farseeing, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Sense Force, Shift Sense, Telekinesis Warning: This power will grant multiple Dark Side Points to the user. Effect: This power causes the star's surface to grow unstable and to shoot out a giant flare of heat and radiation into space. It can also trigger a supernova. |
13 | ? Cleansing, TheControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Own Perception ability value Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult Note: This power is exclusively used by the Baadu Effect: This power is used to preserve neutrality in a Baadu. It makes them better able to control the force within them, at early levels. In later levels of ability, advancement becomes VERY difficult, as the two sides of the force become further apart. By using The Cleansing, Baadu are better able to resist the temptation of the Dark Side, but are much more limited in their advancement in the study of the Force. When characters use the Cleansing, they become Baadu in all respects. Whichever side of the Force is lesser is subtracted from whichever side of the Force is greater. The lesser of the two is set to zero. |
14 | ComfortControl Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity and limited to line of sightSense Difficulty: Easy Alter Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity and limited to line of sight Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Telekinesis, Weather Sense This power can be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the character to set up a zone of comfort centered on himself. Temperatures, winds, and precipitation can all be adjusted within the area to more comfortable levels. Those within this area will remain warm or cool, and can safely avoid the effects of or recover from hypothermia, heat stroke, etc. Rain and snow will not fall within the area, and strong winds, sandstorms, and other such effects will not bother those within the field. |
15 | ConduitControl Difficulty: Based on level of power required (base difficulty of Moderate)
Sense Difficulty: Based on complexity of item to be powered
Alter Difficulty: Difficult Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Transfer Force Effect: Much like Force Transduction, this power allows the Jedi to channel the Force into energy. The Jedi actually converts Force energy into any other type of energy. This enables the Jedi to fire a blaster or wield a Lightsaber that has a dead power cell, by converting solar power into the required energy. If the Control roll is failed by 5 or less, then the item is under-powered. If the Sense roll is failed by 5 or less and the Control roll succeeded by 5 or greater, then the item is over-powered. Note that this power is not restricted to electrical energy. However, this power does not enable the Jedi to use Force Lightning, project heat from their eyes, or even project a beam of light from an open palm. The Jedi may only power an item of some sort. |
16 | # Control AnimalControl Difficulty: Moderate; modified by ProximitySense Difficulty: Target's Perception; modified by relationship Alter Difficulty: Easy: Bacteria and very small creatures, Moderate: Insect, Difficult: True Animal (Beaver/Hawk), Very Difficult: Kind of Smart (near-sentient), Heroic: Truly Alien (sentient) This power may be kept "up." Required Powers: Affect Mind, Control Mind, Eyes of Eagle, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Effect: You take total control of an animal's mind/body. Note: This Power is nearly as "evil" as Control Mind, thus GM decides if usage of this one grants a Dark Side Point. The Force doesn't distinguish between sentients and non-sentients! |
17 | @ Control MindControl Difficulty: Moderate, as modified by relationship. Targets with an affinity for the Force (i.e., have Force Points, Force skills, or character points) are allowed to make opposed Control or Perception rolls, selecting either their roll or the difficulty.Sense Difficulty: Easy for a Jedi who has given in to the Dark Side, as modified by proximity. Moderate for a Jedi who is of the Light Side, as modified by proximity. Alter Difficulty: Variable, depending upon the number of targets being controlled and whether or not they are willing. Targets with an affinity for the Force are allowed to make opposed rolls, choosing either their roll or the difficulty, whichever is higher. Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Projective Telepathy, Affect Mind Note: This power is so inherently corrupt that those who have given themselves to the Dark Side substantially reduce its difficulties.
Effect: The use of this power allows a Jedi to take control of another person, turning him into a puppet who must obey the Jedi's will. When used successfully, a Jedi can control the actions of others, making them serve his will like automations. This power may be kept "up" to allow the user to maintain control of his targets mind - the Jedi must make a new roll if a target is to be added. PC's may resist by rolling either Perception or Control. The character may choose the difficulty or his roll. If the Jedi attempts to control more than one Force sensitive character at the same time, for all characters beyond the first, add +1 for each die code of Perception or Control. Targets may be released without a roll. Control Mind does not work on Droids or computers. |
18 | Corporeal TranslocationControl Difficulty: Heroic + 2x proximitySense Difficulty: Difficult Alter Difficulty: Heroic + 2x proximity Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Doppleganger, Emptiness or Rage, Farseeing, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Instinctive Astrogation, Instinctive Astrogation Control, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Mental Translocation, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Remain Conscious, Return Another to Consciousness, Sense Force, Shift Sense, Telekinesis, Transfer Force Time to Use: 1 round to prepare + duration of power + 1 round for reassembly Effect: This is one of the most difficult powers a Jedi can learn. This power effectively transports a Jedi over great distances. Corporeal Translocation power allows the disassembly of the Jedi's constituent molecules. The Force transports them a given distance away and reassembles them. The Jedi effectively enters hyperspace (not known for sure) and can move at the same rate as a 10x hyperdrive. Nearby gravity wells have no effect on this power. When traveling around on planets, move rate of only 10 km per round. The proximity modifier is based on total distance traveled, declared before the roll is made. The Jedi needs to be familiar with the destination. If he is not familiar with the intended destination, add a +20 modifier on the Control difficulty. Failure on the Control roll affects the location of reassembly. Roll 1D for the direction of failure: 1 = forward, 2 = right, 3 = left, 4 = back, 5 = up, 6 = down. The distance moved due to failure is 2D% of the total distance traveled. Use of a Character Point before this roll gives a -1 modifier to the direction roll. Reassembly in space all ready occupied by another object results in the death of the Jedi (10D damage minimum). The Jedi can carry with him one item for every point he or she rolls over the difficulty number (only if no other person is along for the ride). Ten points over difficulty allows one extra person to be taken on the journey. 11+ points over the difficulty number, with an extra person, allows gear to be taken along (i.e.: one item for every point he or she rolls over the difficulty number). |
19 | @ Create EvilControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Heroic Required Powers: Rage, Injure/Kill, Hibernation Trance, Concentration Warning: The user of this power receives three Dark Side Points, a failed attempt receives the Dark Side Points and 3D damage, which may be resisted by Strength only. Effect: This power actually creates a pocket of evil that lasts indefinitely. Any characters in the area of effect without at least four Dark Side Points must immediately make a Willpower roll vs. the Alter roll of the user. A successful result gives in the character a sense of foreboding of the area. A character that fails by less than sixteen points receives -1D to all skills and attributes while within the affected area. A character that fails by more than sixteen points immediately gains 1 Dark Side Point and takes 3D damage that can be resisted by Strength at -1D. A character with more than four Dark Side Points gains a Dark Side Point as well as a feeling of paranoia toward anything that he sees. Willpower can be rolled to resist the Dark Side by characters with four or more Dark Side Points, but they receive a -4D penalty. |
20 | @ Create Force StormControl Difficulty: HeroicSense Difficulty: Heroic Alter Difficulty: Heroic. Modified by proximity. Modified by size of storm desired: +5 for 100 meters or less, 10 for 100 meters to one kilometer, +15 for a base of one kilometer, and +2 to difficulty for every kilometer diameter in size. Modified by damage: +5 per 1D of damage. Must make Heroic rolls each successive round to control the storm. Must make a Very Difficult roll to dissipate the storm. Required Powers: Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Farseeing, Projective Telepathy, Instinctive Astrogation, and Rage. Warning: Force storms are immensely destructive and violate the laws of nature. A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Effect: This is perhaps the single most destructive Force power known. This power allows the Jedi to twist the space-time continuum to create vast storms of Force. The power also allows limited control of these storms. Capable of creating annihilating vortices, the storms can swallow whole fleets of starships or tear the surfaces off worlds. Use of this power requires the focusing of hate and anger to an almost palpable degree and there is considerable danger involved. Some are able to create Force storms, but fail at harnessing what they have foolishly unleashed. Often, those who fail to control the storm are themselves consumed and destroyed. If the user is destroyed, the storm dissipates within minutes. When the Force user attempts to create a Force storm, the Jedi must determine the diameter and the amount of damage (the damage dice are capitol scale). If the Jedi fails any of the rolls, the storm is summoned with the desired damage, but it attempts to consume the summoner. The summoner can attempt unusual maneuvers with the storm, such as to create a vortex to draw unwary victims to a specified point, at a +10 to the difficulty. |
21 | Create Gravity WellsControl Difficulty: HeroicSense Difficulty: Heroic Alter Difficulty: Heroic+10 Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Instinctive Astrogation, Null Gravity, Resonate Material, Telekinesis Time to Use: 1 hour of meditation This power may be kept "up." Effect: Through use of this power a Jedi is able to create a gravity well in realspace, much like the Interdictor class capital ship, which projects a giant shadow into hyperspace. Any ship traveling through hyperspace in the vicinity of the Gravity Well is ripped out of hyperspace by the craft's computers to avoid collision with the imaginary shadow. This power may not be activated in an atmosphere. Doing so would be suicide. When used in the vacuum of space, all nearby craft must slow to atmospheric speeds to compensate for the new gravity. |
22 | # Create HomunculusControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Alter Difficulty: Heroic Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Farseeing, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Telekinesis Time to Use: 1 hour in deep meditation Warning: A Jedi who tries to create an Assassin Homunculus receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: The Jedi creates a Force construct which can be controlled by the Jedi, yet also has some degree of free will. One of three types of homunculi can be created (Assassin, Scout and Burden). Once the homunculus is created, this power need not be kept up. However, a Difficult Sense roll is necessary to use the creature's senses and the Jedi's own. A Moderate Control roll allows communication/command of the homunculus. Any life force the creature may seem to have is simply a physical manifestation of the Force. The creature is capable of limited independent thought but tends to follow the last command given. When the creature suffers more than the first wound, it begins to disintegrate, then fade, and finally returns to the dust it was made from. There is no limit to the number a Jedi can create. The homunculus will fade away to nothing if its master dies. Note: If the Jedi goes into Emptiness for one hour before creating a Homunculi, the difficulty for all tests will be one level lower. This will also allow the homunculus to withstand a 2nd Wound before fading to dust.
23 | # Create Homunculus, GreaterControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Heroic Alter Difficulty: Heroic +5 Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Create Homunculus, Farseeing, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Time to Use: 2 hours in deep meditation Warning: A Jedi who tries to create an Assassin Homunculus receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: The Jedi creates a Force construct, which can be controlled by the Jedi, yet also has some degree of free will. One of three types of homunculi can be created (Assassin, Scout and Burden). Once the homunculus is created, this power need not be kept up. However, a Difficult Sense roll is necessary to use the creature's senses and the Jedi's own. A Moderate Control roll allows communication/command of the homunculus. Any life force the creature may seem to have is simply a physical manifestation of the Force. The creature is capable of limited independent thought but tends to follow the last command given. When the creature suffers more than the second wound, it begins to disintegrate, then fade, and finally returns to the dust it was made from. There is no limit to the number a Jedi can create. The homunculus will fade away to nothing if its master dies. Note: If the Jedi goes into Emptiness for one hour before creating a Homunculi, the difficulty for all tests will be one level lower. This will also allow the homunculus to withstand a 3rd Wound before fading to dust.
24 | # Create Homunculus, SuperiorControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Heroic Alter Difficulty: Heroic +10 Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Create Homunculus, Create Homunculus; Greater, Farseeing, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy Time to Use: 3 hours in deep meditation Warning: A Jedi who tries to create an Assassin Homunculus receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: The Jedi creates a Force construct, which can be controlled by the Jedi, yet also has some degree of free will. One of three types of homunculi can be created (Assassin, Scout and Burden). Once the homunculus is created, this power need not be kept up. However, a Difficult Sense roll is necessary to use the creature's senses and the Jedi's own. A Moderate Control roll allows communication/command of the homunculus. Any life force the creature may seem to have is simply a physical manifestation of the Force. The creature is capable of limited independent thought but tends to follow the last command given. When the creature suffers more than the second wound, it begins to disintegrate, then fade, and finally returns to the dust it was made from. There is no limit to the number a Jedi can create. The homunculus will fade away to nothing if its master dies. Note: If the Jedi goes into Emptiness for one hour before creating Homunculi, the difficulty for all tests will be one level lower. This will also allow the homunculus to withstand a 3rd Wound before fading to dust.
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25 | CyberlockeControl Difficulty: Very Easy; modified by ProximitySense Difficulty: Easy; modified by Relationship Alter Difficulty: Moderate => +1D to Technical Skills, Difficult => +2D to Technical Skills, Very Diff => +3D to Technical Skills, Heroic => +4D to Technical Skills Required Powers: Cyber Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Speak With Machines This power may be kept "up." Effect: Through using this power a Jedi becomes one with a machine. When successful a Jedi enters a state where he thinks like the computer, thus allowing him greater skill with which to manipulate it. This skill may also be used to negate side effects from cybernetic replacements. When doing so, the Jedi rolls his Alter as usual to determine the amount of dice to roll versus difficulty gained by cyber points. Example: If a character has 7 cyber points, all difficulties are raised by 21 points (3 points per cyber point). If he wishes, he may activate CyberLocke on himself (with no added difficulty from cyber points) in an attempt to strengthen his connection with the Force. If he rolls a 16 (Difficult) for Alter, the difficulty added to Force Skills from cyber points is reduced by 2D (per the table above). He then rolls the 2D and gets 7. The new difficulty added to Force Skills is 14. A Jedi may also reach out to a machine and order it to do his bidding (difficulty vs. computer programming). Example: Ordering a blaster to lock up or a sensor to give a false reading. |
26 | @ Dark FamiliarControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Moderate for willing familiars, opposed check vs. familiar's willpower or Control roll for unwilling familiars Required Powers:Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control Mind, Life Bond, Projective Telepathy Effect: This power allows a character to bind another character to his own will, creating an ever-submissive servant bound by the Dark Side to his master. The person may or may not be willing to be bonded; if this power is used unwillingly on the target, the target gets a Difficult willpower check to resist being bonded by the Dark Familiar power. When this power is learned, it may be used successfully only once; if the first attempt fails, another attempt may be made on a different target, or the same target (though any target gains a +1D to their willpower check each time the power is used on them after the first). This power may be used multiple times, each time adding a new familiar to the user's repertoire, by spending 15 character points. The use of this power gives the master and familiar certain advantages. They each gain the ability to automatically use the Receptive Telepathy and Projective Telepathy powers only with each other (the familiar need not be Force-sensitive to use this power with his master). Furthermore, the master can locate his familiar at will by direction at any time, from any distance. The familiar takes a -2D penalty to all willpower checks against his master, and the familiar must make a Difficult willpower roll to directly disobey his master. The familiar gains the ability to use the Feed on Dark Side power (at a 2D Control and Alter skill level if the familiar is not Force-sensitive), and also gains +2D to all Stamina rolls. If a character's familiar dies, the character suffers a permanent loss of 1D of Strength (this loss may be negated by taking a penalty of a Dark Side Point); furthermore, the Dark Familiar power is unusable and a new familiar may only be gained by spending 15 character points. To use this power, the target must be either willing to be bonded, or prone or helpless. The user of this power places his hand upon the forehead of the intended familiar, and calls upon the Dark Side to bond the two of them. Black Force energy dances across the user's arm, splashing over the forehead of the familiar and traveling into the user's body. When the bonding is complete (which usually takes 1-2 hours, during which visions of the Dark Side pass through both user and familiar), the user and familiar both automatically gain 2 Dark Side Points. |
27 | Dark Side DissipationControl Difficulty: Depends on Size of Target: Very Easy => Small Pouches, Easy => Regular Boxes, Moderate => Land Vehicles, Difficult => Walkers and Sentient Beings, Very Diff => Starships, Heroic => Huge Amounts of Dark Side EnergySense Difficulty: Object's Strength or Person's Control/Perception plus amount of Dark Side Points Alter Difficulty: Depends on length of duration: Very Easy: 1-2 rounds, Easy: 2-3 rounds, Moderate: several minutes, Difficult: 1 hour to a couple days, Very Difficult: Several days to a few weeks, Heroic: a few weeks to a month Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Emptiness, Magnify Senses, Sense Force, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Strengthen Object, Transfer Force Warning: The character using this power must use Absorb/Dissipate Energy before attempting because of the unleashing of huge amounts of Dark Force energy. The damage taken if Absorb/Dissipate is not used is 8D and possible Dark Side corruption. Effect: This power is a very rare ability. The user must activate Absorb/Dissipate Energy to protect them from the harsh effects of what they're about to do. After this is done (Difficulty is based on the object, its contamination and its own energy source), the user focuses on the target (a Dark Side Corrupted object) and begins to glow and hum very audibly. Then, a large, bright beam shoots from the user. Like a plasma torch burning through metal, it penetrates the Dark Side object, drawing Dark Side points away and decontaminating the object. Usually, with a normal object, this will cause a small explosion at the beam's point and cause minor damage to the object, but very little. If used on a person, the user's personal Force will transfer into the Dark Side person and begin to drain their Dark Side Points and their corruption of the Dark Side. The target must make a Control or Perception roll every round to see if they break free of the light Jedi's atonement power. If they do, a massive explosion erupts, knocking both people backwards, causing damage to whoever isn't protected. Unfortunately, if the hold is broken the person being redeemed will regain all of their lost Dark Side points and abilities. If facing something of enormous Dark Side power, such as Palpatine or a Force Storm, and explosion will occur when the Light energy has broken through the Dark. Note: Force-users with all abilities at least 9D and up can do the above in one-half to three quarters the usual time if they've had prior experience. |
28 | Dimensional LeapControl Difficulty: Very Difficult to enter, +5 added to difficulty to exitSense Difficulty: Heroic, modified by proximity to Landing Zone (LZ) Alter Difficulty: Heroic, modified by proximity to LZ (x2), +5 for every 10kg of material carried over 10kg Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Combat Sense, Concentration, Emptiness or Rage, Enhance Attribute, Farseeing, Force of Will, Greater Force Shield, Hibernation Trance, Instinctive Astrogation, Lesser Force Shield, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Remain Conscious, Remove Fatigue, Sense Force, Shift Sense, Strengthen/Weaken Object, Telekinesis, Transfer Force, Transmutation, Warp Matter Note: Time travel is possible with this power. Modify the listed difficulties by the number of weeks that one wishes to travel (+3 per week or +30, whichever is greater). A Willpower roll must be made equal to the modifier, or the Jedi's exposure to "Jedi-Space" warps his or her mind. Time to Use: 10 rounds, +1 round for every day's worth of time being leapt across. Effect: This is one of the rarest of Jedi powers, having been developed at the tail end of the Clone Wars. This power allows Jedi to "leap" through space, or farther with the Force, without the use of a spaceship. In its more mundane applications, it allows the Jedi to jump across continents in a matter of microseconds. Leap allows a Jedi to move his physical being through the Force as readily as his mind. Because of this, he is able to move from point to point almost instantly. The only real time lag that exists is when the Jedi is reentering Real Space. Not all Jedi have returned to the normal universe, and have been unseen since. No Jedi have any idea where the lost ones are, or even if they are still alive. It has even been said that time itself may be twisted in "Jedi-space." |
29 | Discharge SpiritControl Difficulty:HeroicSense Difficulty: Heroic Alter Difficulty: Heroic Note: User must have Release Spirit or Transfer Life to get back to a living body. Time to Use: 10 minutes Effect: User leaves his body and puts his spirit into a Sohn-Ja. The object must have great significance to the user and specifically design for an action. Materials for the Sohn-Ja usually cost $100,000 to $1,000,000. While a body is vacant of a soul, it will begin to deteriorate as if in a coma. Without proper assistance, the body will shortly die. |
30 | # DoppelgangerControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Alter Difficulty: Heroic Required Powers: Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Pain, Control Another's Pain, Dim Other's Senses, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Projective Telepathy, Transfer Force, Affect Mind Warning: A Jedi who uses this power incorrectly will gain a Dark Side Point. Time to Use: Five Minutes This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power creates a doppelganger of the person using the power. The doppelganger is an illusion, but to those who interact with it, it will seem real. The user can sense all normal senses through the doppelganger, and the duplicate seems to have form and substance: the doppelganger registers as normal on all droid audio and video sensors. Those who are with it believe it to be a real person. It can even act with half the skill dice of the person using the power. The user must roll once every five minutes to maintain the doppelganger; if the Jedi stops using the power or the doppelganger is fatally injured, it simply fades away. |
31 | ^@ Drain Life EnergyControl Difficulty: EasySense Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity Alter Difficulty: Easy This power may be kept "up." Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point Effect: This power allows a Sith to draw power from nearby nonsentient beings to boost his ability to go without sleep. As long as this power is kept up, the Sith will not fatigue or require sleep. Use of this power depends on a ready supply of nearby insects. small rodents, birds and so on, to draw energy from. This power cannot be used to draw energy from sentient beings. |
32 | @ Drain Life EssenceControl Difficulty: Very Difficult, inversely modified by relationshipSense Difficulty: Use the chart below:
Alter Difficulty: Easy for willing worshipful subjects. Difficult for ambivalent or apathetic individuals. Heroic for enemies. Add +10 to the difficulty if individuals are imbued with the Light Side of the Force. Required Powers: Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Dim Other's Senses, Farseeing, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point Effect: This power allows a Jedi to draw the life energy from those around him and channel the negative effects of the Dark Side into those victims. This power may be kept "up." All living things are part of and contribute to the Force; even those with no awareness of the Force are affected by and are part of it. Many beings go through their daily lives wasting much of their life energy. This power draws that life energy from beings, allowing a Jedi to use that energy to further his or her own ends. In order to draw this energy, the Jedi must roll for this power once per day; this power is considered "up" at all times, and thus the Jedi suffers appropriate die penalties. The amount of energy the Jedi draws depends on the number of individuals affected by the power and how long they have been drained. For individuals who have been drained for less than one week or longer than one month: 1-5 -- One Force Point per week 6-50 -- One Force Point per five days 51--1000 -- One Force Point per three days 1001-50,000 -- One Force Point per two days 50,001-1,000,000 -- One Force Point per day 1,000,001-10,000,000 -- One Force Point per 12 hours For individuals who have been drained longer than one week and less than one month: 1-5 -- One Force Point per five days and +1D to all Force skills 6-50 -- One Force Point per three days and +2D to all Force skills 51--1000 -- One Force Point per two days and +3D to all Force skills 1001-50,000 -- One Force Point per day and +3D+2 to all Force skills 50,001-1,000,000 -- One Force Point per 12 hours and +4D to all Force skills 1,000,001-10,000,000 -- One Force Point per 6 hours and +4D+2 to all Force skills |
33 | EclipseControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Special, see below Alter Difficulty: Easy: Passers-by don't notice you (not moving), Moderate: Walking, Difficult: Running, Very Difficult: Naked in the middle of a crowd Required Powers: Affect Mind, Hibernation trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy This power can be kept "up." Effect: This power enshrouds a Jedi in a camouflaging veil. The ability allows a force user to avoid drawing attention to themselves from casual observers. When no one is looking for the Jedi (or for similar trouble) the Sense roll is moderate (don't modify by relationship), but when someone is searching for the user the Sense Difficulty becomes the subject's Search (or Perception, whatever's most relevant) Roll +5 if the subject has little knowledge of the user (Stormtrooper who heard an alarm go off), +10 if the subject has seen the user (Same trooper saw the user on a vid screen, +15 if subject knows much of user through reputation (Luke Skywalker has been reported on the premises) and +20 if subject knows user personally (sneaking past Aunt Beru after an all night binge). This power does not affect electronic life-form sensors but may affect people viewing vid screens (GM's discretion). |
34 | Enhanced CoordinationControl Difficulty: Moderate, as modified by proximitySense Difficulty: Difficult Alter Difficulty: Depends upon the number of individuals being affected by this power
Effect: The use of this power allows a Jedi to Coordinate the activities of a group in order to increase the group's effectiveness at a given task. This power was often used by the Emperor to increase the fighting ability of his troops, mentally driving them on and supplementing their will to fight. This power may only be used on those individuals who are in agreement with the intent of the Jedi, and it in no way grants the Jedi mental control over the troops affected. Instead, it links the troops on a subconscious level, allowing them to fight more proficiently and with better organization. If the power is successfully called upon, the Jedi picks three specific skills. The skills must be the same for the entire group. For every 3D (round down) in those skills that the troops have, they receive a bonus of +1D. The Jedi may keep this power up, although he must make a new power roll whenever new troops are to be added to the power, or the skills are to be changed. The Jedi may only affect Dexterity, Mechanical or Strength skills. |
35 | # Force BoltControl Difficulty: Moderate: Spray (1/2 range & damage), Difficult: Normal Blaster, Very Difficult: Laser Torch (cutting)Sense Difficulty: As per blaster skill Alter Difficulty: Very Easy: 2D Damage, Easy: 3D Damage, Moderate: 4D Damage, Difficult: 5D Damage, Very Difficult: 6D Damage, Heroic: 7D Damage, Heroic +10: 8D Damage, etc. Required Power: Absorb/Dissipate Energy Effect: The Jedi focuses the force into a coherent blast of energy with the same properties of a blaster (i.e. it can be reflected by a Lightsaber). Control is used to call forth the power and determine how well defined the blast is. Use Sense as if it was your Blaster skill and Alter dictates the damage (see above). As with most force powers, the skill in itself is not evil, therefore a character does not take a Dark Side Point just for using it. Its how a Jedi uses the power that matters. (GM may also decide that this one is like Force Lighting and thus grants the user a Dark Side Point because of its destructive nature. Remember, the Light side is about life, not destruction) |
36 | Force ChargeControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Target's Dodge, Brawling Parry, or Lightsaber Alter Difficulty: Range of Flight: 3-50/120/300; +5 per change in direction Required Power: Lesser Force Shield Time to Use: One round Effect: When a Force-user uses this power, he takes a round to charge up, and blast off. For the duration the Force-user is imperious to attack, surrounded by a force shield that protects him from harm, up to his Control roll. This protection is for everything, including any collision damage that might occur. If the target dodges, the user must make a difficult Alter roll, or spin perilously out of control. When the Force-user hits, he does his Control for damage. It is not suggested that a character with Strength under 5D try brawling combat, because any limb that comes into contact with the charge will take full damage. |
37 | Force ChariotControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Conduit or Force Transduction, Transfer Force Effect: The chariot itself provides Full cover from any attack, and prevents anyone riding from being damaged by any outside attack, even one that could destroy the chariot. It moves at a rate of 100; 288 Kmh, and has all stats at a die code equal to half the conjuring Jedi's Alter skill. Use the Jedi's Sense skill as his dice to drive it. There are no ranged weapons on the Force Chariot, since it is indeed a chariot, and has no space or power outlets for the placement of anything like that. The chariot will last for an hour before disappearing, with an extra fifteen minutes given for every +10 rolled over any and all difficulties. If the chariot is destroyed, no damage will come to the passengers, but they will be thrown to the ground. |
38 | Force HarmonyControl Difficulty: Difficult, modified by proximitySense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by relationship Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy This power may be kept "up." Effect: This allows several willing Jedi to manifest the power of the Light Side. As long as this power is held up, it bathes the users in the celestial illumination that is the Light Side. It can act as a shield against the powers of the Dark Side, giving an extra 5D for each Force user involved to resist the effects of powers called upon by Dark Side servants. Note that +5D may appear to be an immense bonus, but since this power must be kept up, the Jedi calling upon the power suffers a -2D penalty simply for using it. One can link as many Force users as the initiator of the power has control or sense dice, whichever is lower. When acting as a shield against the Dark Side, if both the control and sense rolls exceed the success roll of the Dark Side power used (if the power requires multiple skill rolls, the highest roll), then the Dark Side power is interrupted. All "up" powers are interrupted as if the user were stunned. It does not cancel out the presence of the Dark Side, but can distract its servants and make their actions more difficult. |
39 | Force LinkControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Life Bond, Projective Telepathy, Sense Force This power can be kept "up". Effect: This power allows two or more Force users to join together and combine their power in order to be more effective with their uses of the Force. One being is selected to lead the linked group; from then on, the powers of the link are controlled by this being, though at any time a member of the linked group may break off contact with a successful Control or willpower roll of Moderate difficulty. Each person joining the link must take one full round to initiate this power, and, if successful, he joins the link led by the designated being. Once the link has been established, no linked character can initiate a new Force power outside the linked group. He may move and attack, but suffers the normal multiple action penalty for keeping up the power. The leader of the link, however, may initiate new Force powers at his own will. When he does so, for each member of the link the range and area of effect of that power is multiplied; for example, a linked group of 3 characters multiplies the standard range and area of effect of a power by 3, whereas a group of 10 multiplies them by 10. Additionally, any damage caused by the power is increased by 1D per person in the link. Also note that, should the power give the user a Dark Side Point, all members of the linked group gain a Dark Side Point. |
40 | # Force MeltControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Very Easy for paper thing cloth; Easy for thick clothing, thin rope; Moderate for wood, low yield metal; Difficult for high yield steel; Very Difficult for hull of a ground vehicle; Heroic+10 for Walker hull; Heroic+30 Starfighter hull; Heroic+40 for transport hull; Heroic+50 for capital ship hull Alter Difficulty: Difficult Note: Melted objects are not hot Effect: Using this power melts things. This can only be used to melt inanimate objects such as blasters, tables or similar items. If successfully used as an attack on a living being the character gains a Dark Side Point. |
41 | Force ShieldControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Difficult. Modified by proximity and relationship Alter Difficulty: Target's Control roll Required Powers: Affect Mind, Dim Other's Senses, Projective Telepathy, Sense Force, Shift Sense This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows one Force user to "shield" another from the Force. The user places a barrier between the target and the Force. This does not strip a target of Force use, merely blocks it for as long as the shield is raised. It is initially resisted with Control and any round the target wishes to he may take an action to try and break free with his Control vs. the user's Alter skill roll. As long as the shield remains up the target may not use the Force. He is not restricted in any other way. |
42 | Ghost ForceControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Difficult Required Powers: Affect Mind, Dim Other's Senses, Enhance Attribute, Life Sense, Lightsaber Combat, Sense Force Effect: This power allows a Jedi to use their Lightsaber in a rather unusual way. First, the Jedi starts swinging their Lightsaber around their body very rapidly. The result is that the Jedi and the saber start to fade and people see the individual disappear, to be replaced by a dim mass of light. The Jedi then moves quickly through an area, taking care not to hurt anyone. Most people won't notice a Jedi moving through the area. And those who do notice something will think that they just saw some form of apparition or ghost. In a sense, with this power a Jedi can use their Lightsaber to conceal their identity while moving quickly through an area that is monitored. |
43 | HallucinationControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception roll Alter Difficulty: Heroic; Modified inversely by relationship Required Powers: Affect Mind, Dim Other's Senses, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Shift Sense This power needs to be kept "up" for as long as the hallucination lasts. Effect: Allows a Jedi to make someone in line-of-sight and within 10 meters start hallucinating. The Jedi can decide how major the hallucination is, but not the specifics of the hallucination. The nature of the hallucination depends on the alignment of the Jedi, light, dark, or gray. As an added note, a Jedi can use this against himself. |
44 | Hyper-AccelerationControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Enhance Skill, Dim Others' Senses, Force Running, Haste, Hibernation Trance, Reduce Injury, Remove Fatigue Effect: The user of this power moves at five times their normal rate. This hyper acceleration causes incredible wear and tear on the user's body and thus cannot be used repeatedly in a short amount of time. A Jedi has to be specially prepared just to use the power without it causing hundreds of tears to form across their muscles and skeleton. A dangerous power to use, it is still a very useful tool and can make the user very deadly. This power changes one round into five for the user. Time goes exactly the same for anyone else involved. Everyone declares before the user. The user only has to dodge on the last round if he's attacked, and only if he's still in the path. In the meantime he can take actions as normal in the five rounds with normal multi-action penalties. During the five rounds the Hyper-Acceleration power is considered to be "up" so the user suffers a multi-action penalty for sustaining it. This power can only be used once every 12 hours. |
45 | @ ImprisonControl Difficulty: Heroic + victim's Control, modified by proximity and relationshipSense Difficulty: Heroic, modified by proximity and relationship Alter Difficulty: Heroic + victim's Alter, modified by proximity and relationship Modifiers: Used only if less than 5 Jedi Masters are present. 1 Master: +30 to all difficulties, 2 Masters: +20, 3 Masters: +10, 4 Masters: +5 Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Affect Mind, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Dim Another's Senses, Direction Sense, Emptiness, Farseeing, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Instinctive Astrogation, Instinctive Astrogation Control, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Transfer Force Effect: Imprison is one of the most terrible powers a Jedi can use on another living being. Its use automatically gives all users a Dark Side Point. A group of Jedi Masters can open up a gateway into the unknown and forever imprison a victim in this new dimension. |
46 | InfluenceControl Difficulty: Heroic+5Sense Difficulty: Heroic+5 Alter Difficulty: Heroic+20 Required Powers: Affect Mind, Control Pain, Emptiness, Farseeing, Hibernation Trance, Maintain Identity, Projective Telepathy, Remain Conscious, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Transfer Force Effect: This power is most likely derived from the Sith power possession; however, this power can only be used by the spirits of Jedi Knights and Masters. With this power the spirit is able to influence the actions of a living Jedi. In RPG terms, the receptacle Jedi receives the vast experience of the Jedi spirit for a short period of time. The receptacle Jedi's Force skill dice and other appropriate skill dice are either augmented or replaced by the dice of the spirit. While only the spirits of Jedi Knights and Masters usually use this power, Luke was able to learn this power while his spirit was separated from his body as a result of Exar Kun's attack. |
47 | Inhabit ObjectControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Heroic Warning: A character who uses this power immediately receives a Dark Side Point. Time to Use: 3 Rounds Effect: While it has been shown that a Jedi who has prepared himself for death may still make his presence known in the world of the living, there is an alternative means of doing so besides the "specter" method shown by Obi-Wan Kenobi after his demise on the Death Star. An object, usually no more than a handful in size, can be inhabited by the spiritual essence of a Jedi. This power is dangerous, however, and is seen as impure by most Force users. Most Jedi see it as the natural order of things for death to take the living, and as such frown on this practice as a means of avoiding death. Additionally, the Force is the essence of living things, and to entrench one's spirit inside a nonliving object takes away a little of the purity of the Force, in much the same way that prosthetic replacements do. When this power is used successfully, the object that has been inhabited seems no different than before. Any non-Force user would not notice any difference. However, any Force-sensitive character will immediately note the presence of something more surrounding the object. The spirit encased in the object can rarely influence the outside world, but may occasionally send visions or emotions to their bearers. Most commonly, the spirit is so damaged by the transfer it is rarely more than an emotional presence, and rarely qualifies as sentient. Also, mechanical objects can sometimes be manipulated by the spirit within, activating or deactivating it, or even causing it to not obey the bearer's command. If the object is destroyed, the spirit inside is also destroyed. In game terms, the object retains its normal statistics and functions. However, it also becomes semi-sentient, and gains additional stats based off of the inhabitant's original stats: Knowledge -1D, Perception -1D, Control and Sense as normal, and Alter -2D. Additionally, the following Force Powers are lost: Injure/Kill, Telekinesis, Control Breathing, Force Lightning, Inflict Pain, Transfer Force, Battle Meditation, Create Force Storms, Doppleganger, Force Harmony, Projected Fighting, Telekinetic Kill, Transfer Life, and Lesser Force Shield. The Character Points, Force Points, and Dark Side Points are retained after transfer into the new object. If the inhabited object has any kind of Vocabulator, Holoprojection device, or other means of standard communication, a Difficult Alter roll will allow the spirit inhabiting the object to communicate via those means. |
48 | Light Boomerang CombatControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate, +1D to difficulty per additional target Alter Difficulty: Easy, +1D for every additional target, +2D for every additional target after the third. Must make a Very Easy roll to catch. Required Powers: Lightsaber Combat, Telekinesis This power may be kept "up." Effect: This is the power that lets a Jedi pick up and throw a Light Boomerang. This power controls all aspects of the strike, from the throw to the hit to the catch. Without this power, no one should ever pick up a light boomerang, much less try to throw it. If the Alter roll fails, the boomerang just does not ignite, and clatters to the ground, a lifeless hunk of metal. Alter also effects how many targets the Jedi actually hits. The difficulty for each of the desired strikes must first be determined. If the roll is under the total difficulty, then only the strikes that are possible under the actual roll hit. Once the targets are struck, the boomerang makes a direct line to the Jedi, who must make a Very Easy Alter roll to deactivate the boomerang or be struck by it. Like the Lightsaber and Light Whip skills, this skill improves the capabilities of the thrower and of the weapon. The Jedi may add or subtract any number of Control dice to the damage roll of the boomerang. He may also add half the number of Sense dice to the dice he rolls to determine if he hits. The light boomerang may be used to intercept blaster bolts, but the physical skill and Alter skills are increased by +10 (due to the reaction time involved), and the Sense and Control powers are the same as for Lightsaber Combat. |
49 | Maintain IdentityControl Difficulty:Sense Difficulty: Alter Difficulty: Required Powers: Emptiness, Farseeing, Projective Telepathy, Remain Conscious, Sense Force, Transfer Force Effect: This ability allows a Jedi to maintain his presence in the physical world even after becoming one with the Force. In this state the Jedi can be able to affect the course of certain individuals. It will take some time, but by drawing on the link a Force-sensitive individual has with the Force, the Jedi will be able to make his presence know to other Jedi, first audibly, and then visually, then physically. In addition, the Jedi will maintain his presence until he or she has accomplished what he or she feels needed to be done in the physical world. At that point, the Jedi will renounce his/her presence in the physical world and become one with the Force. Several Dark Siders and Sith Lords have learned this power as well. However, it's possible to "kill" their presence in the physical world, at which point they become part of the dark abyss of eternal madness that awaits them. |
50 | Mecha ManipulationControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate, modified by complexity of machine Alter Difficulty: Moderate, modified by complexity of machine Required Power: Mecha Empathy Time to Use: One minute Effect: The Jedi can physically manipulate the internal workings of a technological device to effect repairs on it. The Jedi must lay hands upon the object to effect repairs. The amount of time that the repairs will last is based on how far over the Alter difficulty the Jedi rolls: 3D minutes for 1-5 over, 1D hours for 6-10, 3D hours for 11-20, and permanent for 21+. |
51 | ^@ Memory WipeControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception roll. Modified by relationship Alter Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception roll. Modified by relationship Note: This power is used exclusively by the Sith. Required Powers: Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Pain, Dim Other's Senses, Farseeing, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Effect: This dreadful power allows a Sith to sift through a person's mind and destroy all knowledge of specific events or learned skills. Use of this power requires direct contact with the target, and only one specified objective can be pursued per session. |
52 | Mind SandControl Difficulty: EasySense Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception roll (whichever is higher) Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Power: Affect Mind Effect: This power is designed to cripple the abilities of opposing Jedi. When invoked, and the target's roll is lower than the Sense roll, the target can no longer use the force skill of Sense, and any powers based on that skill. When he tries to do so, all he will see is a featureless gray field. If he tries, he can make an opposed roll every round to break the control, though it counts as an action. All other Force Powers can still be used normally. This power can be kept up from round to round. It is particularly vulnerable to "Parting The Clouds" as a successful invocation of that power will not only negate the effects of this power, the person holding the "Mind Sand" power will still believe the power is up, and will expend effort trying to keep it up with no effect. |
53 | MirrorControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Moderate Alter Difficulty: Difficult Required Powers: Emptiness, Affect Mind, Dim Other's Senses This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: Two minutes Effect: This is really just a lesser form of Doppelganger because you create an image of yourself. If you raise your right hand, the images left hand raises. The image cannot talk or physically hurt anybody but it will keep an enemy busy for a few minutes while you escape. |
54 | Object Shield *Control Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty:Difficult Alter Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Lesser Force Shield, Greater Force Shield, Magnify Senses, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Bubble, Telekinetic Wall This power may be kept "up." Time to Use: 2 rounds Effect: This power allows the Jedi to surround an object with a Force-generated shield. The shield can be used to repel energy and physical matter away from the object thus protected, down to the molecular level. The shield acts as armor to all energy and physical attacks made against the object, including non-directional attacks such as gas clouds and grenade blasts. The shield is strong, and is usually enough to protect the object and anything inside from serious injury. Use the table below to see how much protection the shield provides based on the Alter roll. Note that the protection works the same across all scales. If the shield does not manage to protect the object then it will at least absorb its rating in damage before any extra damage is transferred to what it is protecting. The shield will drop, but the Jedi will be able to bring it up again after two rounds of preparation. Note also that the maximum size an object can be for a Jedi to protect in this way is 300 x 300 x 300 meters. Anything larger requires the use of a Force Point, which effectively doubles the maximum size of whatever roll is made.
55 | PacifismControl Difficulty: ModerateSense Difficulty: Easy: 1-2 Targets, Moderate: 3-20 Targets, Difficult: 21-100 Targets, Very Difficult: 101-1000 Targets, Heroic: 1000-10,000 Targets; modified by the highest individual proximity Alter Difficulty: Easy plus target's Perception, Willpower or Control roll Required Powers: Affect Mind, Calm, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Project Force This power may be kept "up" (see below). Note: The bonuses usually granted to a Jedi for having Dark Side Points become penalties when using this power. For example; if a Jedi has two Dark Side Points from embracing the Dark Side (which usually grants a +2D bonus when using Force Skills), suffers a -2D penalty to all rolls when activating or keeping this power up. Also, it is impossible for any character with six or more Dark Side Points to manipulate the Light Side enough to use this power. Effect: A Jedi using this power radiates the light side of the force, sending waves of peace and happiness washing over his targets. Unwilling targets resist with Willpower, Perception, or Control (whichever is higher), with a +2 to their resistance for each Dark Side Point they possess. All targets affected by this power may not make any violent or angry actions (attacks, etc.) while under its influence. People that are not Force-sensitive under the influence of this power lose one Dark Side Point every hour. A target may attempt to break the influence of this power by rolling their resistance once a round, against the Jedi's Alter roll. Each failed resistance attempt incurs a -3 penalty on the next attempt (cumulative). |
56 | # Projected FightingControl Difficulty: DifficultSense Difficulty: Difficult Alter Difficulty: Moderate, modified by proximity Warning: A Jedi who uses this power to cause other than stun damage gains a Dark Side Point. Required Powers: Concentration, Telekinesis Time to Use: One round This power may be kept "up." Effect: The target must be in the Jedi's LOS. Projected Fighting allows a Jedi to strike at an opponent, inflicting damage without physically touching the target. The damage can be physical or stun damage. If the damage is physical, the Jedi receives a Dark Side Point for each attack made in this manner. After successfully using this power, the Jedi makes a Brawling Combat skill roll. If attacking a Force-sensitive, the target may use Control or Brawling Combat to avoid the attack. Otherwise, the target cannot deflect the Jedi's blows. If the Brawling Combat roll is successful, the Jedi rolls his or her full Strength versus the target's Strength. The Jedi may target a specific portion of the body (which adds +1D to damage), but must subtract an additional -1D from his or her Brawling Combat skill roll. Add any armor bonuses the target may have. The power must be rerolled if the target moves away or the attacker changes targets. |
56 | * @ RendControl Difficulty: Easy (or opposed Control roll) modified by proximitySense Difficulty: Easy, modified by proximity Alter Difficulty: Target's Strength rollZZ Required Powers: Control pain, inflict pain, injure/kill, life sense, telekinetic kill Warning: A character who uses this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point. Effect: This power allows a Force user to telekinetically grab hold of a person or object and pull in two directions at once, inflicting incredible pain or even death. The target takes damage determined by the Force user's alter roll. If the target is killed, then he is torn in two. If the target is Force sensitive, then the target may make a control roll opposed to the attacker's control roll. Source: Clone Wars Campaign Guide (page 51) |
57 | @ Telekinetic KillControl Difficulty: Easy, as modified by proximitySense Difficulty: Easy, as modified by proximity Alter Difficulty: Make a Perception or control roll for the target. If the Control and Sense rolls are successful, the Alter roll is used as the damage roll and the Perception or Control roll substitutes for the Strength roll. Damage is determined normally except that if the Alter roll is less than the difficulty there is no effect. There is no relationship modifier. Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point. Required Power: Telekinesis Effect: The user uses his telekinetic ability to injure or kill the target. The exact method used can vary: one can stir the brain, squeeze the heart, or collapse the trachea. |
58 | @ Transfer LifeControl Difficulty: Heroic, modified by relationship. If target is unwilling, increase difficulty by +15Sense Difficulty: Heroic, modified by proximity. If target is unwilling, increase difficulty by +15 Alter Difficulty: Variable, depending on willingness and Force affinity
Those who are Force-sensitive may make an opposed Alter or Willpower roll selecting either the roll or the difficulty whichever is higher. Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Accelerate Healing, Affect Mind, Control Mind, Control Another's Pain, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Dim Other's Senses, Rage, Farseeing, Feed on Dark Side, Hibernation Trance, Inflict Pain, Injure/Kill, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun, Return Another to Consciousness, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Transfer Force Warning: Any Jedi using this power receives two Dark Side Points. If attempting to possess an unwilling host, the Jedi receives four Dark Side Points. Effect: This power allows the character to transfer his or her life energy into another body. The key to immortality itself, this is one of the most difficult and evil of all Dark Side powers. To overcome a spirit already residing in a body is nearly impossible. This is why the power is nearly useless without the ability to clone host bodies. Though theoretically possible, it is not yet known what the effect on an unborn fetus would be. Fortunately, there is almost no history of this power being used successfully. It is believed that the user's body perishes as an attempt fails, the user's life energy is lost, dispersed to the void. |
59 | TransmutationControl Difficulty: Heroic, modified by rangeSense Difficulty: Very Difficult, modified for complexity of change (i.e.: none for combining oxygen and hydrogen into water; +10 for Hydrogen into Oxygen; + 40 for making carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen into nitroglycerin). It really helps to have a periodic table and some basic chemistry knowledge to eyeball the difficulties. Alter Difficulty: Moderate: 500g, Difficult: 1kg, Very Difficult: 5kg, Heroic: 10+kg Time to Use: One minute Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Hibernation Trance, Magnify Senses, Sense Force, Strengthen/Weaken Object, Telekinesis, Warp Matter. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to change the atomic structure of matter, allowing fission and fusion to occur in a controlled manner and forming and deforming compounds, with the Jedi absorbing the energy release. Only relatively simple compounds may be formed, with such things as DNA, explosives and most medicines being outside the range of all but the most powerful Jedi. The (theoretical) maximum amount of matter that may be converted is 10kg of starting mass. The process always involves the loss of 10% of the original starting mass (their lost quantity is converted into pure energy, and absorbed by the Jedi). The energy flare may be detected from several kilometers away by such simple instruments as a magnetic compass or a human eye. |
60 | @ VampirismSense Difficulty: ModerateControl & Alter Difficulties: Per the following table (based on the Jedi being human):
Effect: This power will drain the life from any organic based living form, or the life from any sentient being, whether carbon-based or not. Only very alien races might be immune to this power (GM's decision). This life is determined as the Strength and Knowledge of the being. This power can be kept "up". To determine game effects, roll Strength and Knowledge. Use the Alter result of the aggressor (i.e. Force user) as an attack vs. the combined dice. Consult the damage chart
1 | Force MaskControl Difficulty: Very DifficultSense Difficulty: Very Difficult Focus Difficulty: Moderate Required Powers: Emptiness/Rage, Life Detection, Life Sense, Sense Force This power may be kept "up." Effect: This power allows the Jedi to mask his force "presence" so as to conceal himself from detection by other force-sensitives. This is accomplished through focusing ones psyche into the force thereby facilitating manipulation of the force rhythms which surround and penetrate that Jedi. If the Jedi is successful he has completely masked himself from any detection powers used by others to sense his presence. This provides ultimate protection from detection by all known detection powers, however, it is possible the Ancients found other ways to "detect" a Jedi's presence while under the influence of this power. |
2 | Force RiftControl Difficulty: Difficult + 2x ProximitySense Difficulty: Difficult + Relationship (See Below) Alter Difficulty: Heroic + Proximity Focus Difficulty: Heroic +5 Required Powers: Telekinesis, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Sense Force, Mental Translocation, Hibernation Trance, Emptiness/Rage, Transfer Force. This power may be kept "up." Effect: This Power allows for the creation of a rift between two points of real space through what is theorized to be hyperspace. Stepping through the rift allows for instantaneous travel to the destination of the Jedi's choice. The Jedi can keep the power up and allow any number of persons or weight to travel through. The dimensions of the rift created is normally a 2m x 2m door, however, the Jedi may increase any single dimension 3m by accepting a +5 modifier for each such increase. This modifier is added to both the Control and Alter Difficulty. The Rift collapses when the Jedi steps through, wills it to close, or falls unconscious, whichever occurs first. The Proximity modifier is determined by the furthest distance the Jedi wishes to travel via the rift, which is stated at the time the power is used. The Relationship modifier is solely determined by how familiar the area to be traveled to is known. If the Jedi has never visited and knows nothing of the area than there is a +30 modifier. If only known through secondhand knowledge or visited only a few times: +20 modifier. If frequented several times: +10 modifier. If well-known to the Jedi than there is no modifier. The GM is to arbitrate for special circumstances such as if the Jedi knows the area through Farseeing or the use of Receptive Telepathy than there might only be a +10 modifier. This power is taxing to both the Jedi's physical and mental state, such that a failed role leaves the Jedi stunned as if he were under the influence of 2 stun rolls for 3 minutes. That essentially means that the Jedi's actions suffer a -2D penalty for 3 minutes. Furthermore, the stun is still "affecting" the Jedi for up to an hour afterwards, unless the character rests for 15 minutes. |
3 | Force TravelControl Difficulty: Depends on method of movement (See Below)Focus Difficulty: Moderate for the lesser version of this power (leaving the physical body behind) or Heroic for the greater version of this power (absorbing the body along with the psyche). Required Powers: Emptiness/Rage, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance. This power can be kept up. Effect: This power allows a Jedi to absorb themselves into the force allowing them to travel in a ghostlike form. When successful the Jedi can literally step out of his body and travel in a non-corporeal form, allowing for travel through physical objects. The physical body is left in a hibernation trance while the Jedi's "Psyche" travels about. While in this form the Jedi cannot effect the physical environment around him nor can he be affected by it. The method of travel can either be accomplished through walking or flying, depending on the difficulty level the Jedi wishes to accept (see the table below). Additionally, the Jedi can only be seen by those he allows to see him. However, other Jedi who make a successful roll vs. the Force traveling Jedi's Focus skill can "see" the ghostlike image of the Jedi. Although, resistant to physical damage and effects, the Force traveling Jedi can be harmed by nonphysical Jedi powers such as Control Mind. However, the Jedi is protected as if he were under the protection of the Force of Will power. The Jedi himself cannot use any Jedi powers while in this state. Nevertheless, a Jedi invoking this power leaves his physical form vulnerable to harm, as it is left behind in a trance-like state. Most often a Jedi uses this power in desperate and dire situations, such as when held captive or when under the protective supervision within friendly environments. If the Jedi's body is destroyed (achieves sufficient damage to effectively kill the Jedi) then the Jedi is permanently trapped in this ghostlike state. However, some Ancient Bendu Masters successfully absorbed not only their psyche, but also their physical bodies into the Force when invoking this power. This allowed them to effectively remove the threat of leaving their physical bodies vulnerable to harm. Furthermore, invoking this mightier version of the power allows the Jedi to "reform" his body elsewhere when he chooses to cease this power. In addition, completely absorbing oneself into the force in such a manner is truly just a greater extension of the actual focus skill. While invoking this greater form of the power the Jedi can appear anywhere he wishes in the galaxy, or the universe for that matter (granted he makes a successful difficulty role). Just as in the lesser version of this power, while Force traveling the Jedi is protected as if from a Force of Will power and cannot be harmed by physical means. Unlike the lesser version of this power a Jedi who successfully absorbs his body into the Force can move physical objects with his ghost form by concentration. A Jedi wishing to do this must successfully make a Very Difficult Alter roll, success allows the Jedi to move objects physically as if he were in corporeal form. Additionally, he can invoke any Force powers that he wishes while in the ghost form.
In addition to these methods of conveyance, the Jedi who invokes the greater version of this power, as the Force is in touch with everything in the Universe, can instantaneously transport themselves anywhere in the galaxy or the universe. Use the following table to determine the difficulty of the Focus roll.
This is an incredibly potent power, especially the greater version of it. Again the power exists more as a plot device than it does as something player characters can actually hope to learn. The powerful Bendu Master Nomann was known to invoke this power often. |
4 | Imbue With SensitivityControl Difficulty: HeroicSense Difficulty: Heroic. Modified by proximity Alter Difficulty: Heroic Focus Difficulty: Very Difficult Required Powers: Emptiness/Rage, Place Another in Hibernation Trance, Transfer Force Time To Use: 1 Day Effect: The purpose of this power is to bestow force-sensitivity upon another character. The process is long and demanding, yet when successfully completed the subject awakens from a trance-like state sensitive to the force. Imbue with sensitivity requires calm and peaceful conditions where the Jedi can concentrate only on the power. First the Jedi must place the subject in a hibernation trance. Following this the Jedi enters a trance-like state himself. The Jedi then bonds to the character while in the trance and aides in opening the subjects awareness and sensitivity. Over the course of a day the Jedi must be successful on all four difficulty rolls. A failed result on any of the rolls translates into the Jedi being unable to bestow sensitivity upon the subject. The Jedi cannot repeat the power again on the same subject until one of the Jedi's Force skills is increased. However, if successful the subject is now force-sensitive and gains an additional force point which comes from the Jedi's pool of force points. |
5 | InvulnerabilityControl Difficulty: HeroicFocus Difficulty: Heroic Effect: With this power a Jedi attempts to solidify their bond with the Force in such a way as to penetrate and bind the Jedi's constituent molecules together with greater force and resilience to external influences yet maintain the body's flexibility. Essentially, this makes the Jedi more durable and resistant to harm. With a successful difficulty roll the Jedi's Focus attribute is substituted for the Jedi's Body attribute, however, the substituted Body dice are now considered starfighter scale for purposes of resisting physical damage (this power has no effect on poisons and other such chemical methods of harm, but it does protect against radiation). This effectively makes the Jedi invulnerable to all but the most powerful attacks. The duration which the Jedi can keep this power "up" is determined by how successful the Jedi is in making their Focus difficulty.
Example: Bendu Master Nomann (Control 20D+1, Focus 14D) invokes this power in response to the assault of a group of 25 stormtroopers. Nomann prepares for the assault and invokes the power a round before they attack. Since erecting this power requires 2 difficulty rolls Nomann is conducting 2 actions this round and thus receives a -1D to all skills thereby reducing his effective Control and Focus skills to 19D+1 and 13D respectively. Nomann rolls the control difficulty using his 19D+1 of Control + 13D of Focus, remember it is an advanced skill with Control as one of its prerequisites, for a total of 32D+1 (It is believed Nomann was the most powerful Jedi who ever lived). He easily makes the Heroic skill roll which the GM set the difficulty at 36. He then rolls the Focus difficulty which the GM also determines to be 36. He rolls his 13D of Focus and receives a result of 45. Success! Since Nomann beat the difficulty by 9 he may keep the power "up" for 10 rounds before requiring another skill roll. Now Nomann substitutes his full Focus Dice (14D) for his Body attribute. His new Body is considered to be starfighter scale for purposes of resisting physical damage. So next round, Nomann wins initiative and decides to warn the Stormtroopers of their imminent mistake. The Stormtroopers successfully combine fire (Damage 5D, Blaster skill 3D) thus adding +6D to Damage and To-Hit, thus the Stormtroopers fire at 9D Blaster skill and, if they hit, inflict 11D character scale damage. Nomann, makes no attempt to dodge, and the Stormtroopers are at medium range and thus require a Moderate difficulty roll which the GM sets at 14. The GM rolls for the stormtroopers, rolling 9D and receives a result of 27, successfully hitting Nomann. Now they roll 11D for damage. Nomann defends with 14D Body (increased by +8D for Starfighter scale vs. Character scale) getting a 50. The GM rolls damage for the Stormtroopers and gets 38. Nomann resists the damage easily. |
6 | # Neutralize Force AbilityControl Difficulty: Heroic. Modified by proximity and relationshipSense Difficulty: Heroic. Modified by proximity and relationship Alter Difficulty: Heroic. Modified by proximity Focus Difficulty: Heroic Required Powers: Concentration, Emptiness/Rage, Enhance Attribute, Force Harmony, Force of Will, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Place Another in Hibernation Trance, Sense Force, Sense Force Potential, Transfer Force This power may be kept "up." Effect: This is arguably the most potent power known. It effectively allows a Jedi to neutralize another's force ability. The exact method through which this is accomplished is largely unknown, but it is suspected that the power is actually an extension of the Jedi's own ability to become one with the force. It is believed that the Jedi, in a reverse method to becoming one with the force, distances the victim from the force and completely desensitizes that character to the rhythms of the force. As long as the power is kept up all the victim's force skills are reduced by the Jedi's focus skill. Under most circumstances use of this power would immediately constitute the Jedi receiving a Dark Side point, however, if used in defense and against a Dark Jedi such drawbacks should not be applied; GM is to arbitrate special circumstances. |