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Various Imperial and local level agencies have been empowered to perform general and custom inspections on behalf of the Empire. Imperial agencies include, but are not limited to, the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Space Ministry and the Bureau of Customs. Local level agencies vary from system to system, but usually include the planetary version of the Bureau of Customs and any local navy or militia units.

Regardless of the agency actually in charge of a boarding, all spacers and ship owners are charged with the duty of complying immediately and without resistance to the instructions and orders of boarding officials acting in the name of the Emperor. Ships failing to comply may be detained or fired upon. Ships' captains and crews offering resistance face stiff fines and possible imprisonment. All authorized boarding agencies will insure that spacefaring vessels comply with the following Guidelines:
  1. Transponder Identification: All vessels must have a functional transponder signal broadcast at all times while the vessel is in operation. The transponder signal must be clear and free of alteration. All transponder codes will be processed and verified through BoSS. Vessels broadcasting an altered or masked signal are assumed to have criminal origins and will be detained or fired upon. Damage and/or destruction of such vessels has been authorized by the Empire for the protection of Imperial citizens and property.
  2. Documentation: All spacefaring vessels must carry and make available for inspection current and updated versions of the following documentation: Ship's Operating License (SOL), Captain's Accredited License (CAL), Arm's Load-Out Permit (ALP), Safety Inspection Certification (SIC), Sector Trade Permit (STP), Vessel Cargo Manifest (VCM), and all required and authorized permits pertaining to currently carried cargoes. Vessels must also maintain for inspection a ship's log current to within one standard year. Entries to the ship's log must include a complete manifest of crew and passengers as well as a record of all visited ports of call. Failure to produce or the use of forged or altered documentation may result in the detaining or confiscation of the ship and its cargo.
  3. Physical Alteration: Any and all physical alteration visible or hidden must be registered and approved by the Imperial Space Ministry. Said approval and permits must be added to the Ship's Operating License documentation and entered into the ship's log. Physical alteration includes, but is not limited to, changes in the engines, weapon mounts and systems, sensor arrays, control computers and shield generators. In addition, all alterations and maintenance work must be documented and logged showing date, type and location where alterations were performed. Unauthorized alterations may indicate criminal intent and will be disassembled for investigation at the ship operator's expense.
  4. Safety: All spacefaring vessels will be maintained and operated in compliance with the Imperial Space Ministry safety regulations. Ships must maintain operational escape devices in sufficient number for crew and passengers. All escape devices must be stocked with sufficient medical and food supplies to maintain stated occupancy for a period of at least two standard weeks. In addition, the expiration dates of said stocks must be at least six standard minths from the date of inspection. Ships, passageways and airlocks must be maintained in such a manner as to provide unihibited access to escape devices and rescue crews. Failure to comply may result in a financial penalty.
  5. Cargo Compliance: All cargo being transported must be contained only in the vessel's cargo holds or other authorized locations. All locations must be recorded in the ship's log and are to be well marked as cargo storage. The ship's captain must also maintain a cargo manifest detailing the type, amount, storage methods, locations, safety precautions and hazard warnings of the cargoes being carried. Copies of all required permits and proof of ownership must be included with the ship's documentation and made available for inspection. Failure to produce this documentation, or the use of forged or altered documentation, may result in the detaining or confiscation of the ship and its cargo.
  6. Crew and Passenger Compliance: The ship's log must maintain an updated roster of all crew and passengers currently aboard the ship. All passengers and crew must be able to produce verifiable identification upon demand. All crew members must hold the appropriate license or certification for each position held.
>>>Hack Note<<<
Impy: Ignore all that and use secret cargo holds, forged papers and droid-created logs. Just make sure they are of the highest quality money can buy.
>>>End Hack<<<