The following material provides a brief description of many planets that figured prominently in Star Wars novels,
comics or game products. They are presented as they existed in the classic Star Wars era. The "Dominant Species" notations at the end of the entries indicate the major aliens or humans that commonly hail from that planet. "Other" indicates a hodge-podge of alien communities; natually, humans from Sullust and Wookiees from Brentaal are not unheard of, if not exactly common. |
Bakura |
Back to Top Bakura, an isolated world in the Outer Rim Territories, was originally settled by the Bakur Corp, a speculative mining corporation, during the final years of the Clone Wars. The ore veins narrowed, and the economy floundered. The newly formed government diversified exports, and shifted to the export of repulsorlift components and an exotic fruit candy and liqueur made with the indigenous namana fruit. The Bakuran government is horribly mismanaged, and so laden down with factions and political parties that the groups have great difficulty reaching a consensus on even the major financial and military issues confronting the world. As a result, the system defense force is weak and disorganzed. Bakuran philosophy stresses the need for balance in the galactic scheme of things, which tends to sabotage any faction which manages to dominate for more than a few years. Dominant Species: Human ![]() |
Berchest |
Back to Top Berchest is one of the largest trade worlds of the Anthos sector, and benefits from a healthy volume of Imperial traffic. One of the great wonders of the Old Republic, Berchest has long been a major tourist attraction, though the tourist industry has been in slow decline since the days of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire. Fortunately, the Imperial trade has helped it maintain its high standards. Since the early days of the Old Republic, Berchest has been hailed as a planet of extraordinary beauty. Its saline-rich seas have left huge crystalline deposits along the coasts, and formed them into amazing crystal structures. These crystals, some of them several kilometers in diameter, have been painstakingly sculpted into actual cities by the Berchestian artists and architects. Dominant Species: Human ![]() |
Bespin |
Back to Top Located near the Corellian Trade Spine, the gas giant Bespin draws a lot of traffic to the system, particularly to the floating city of Cloud City. Bespin, which features a temperate band high in its atmosphere, is the home of several hovering mining colonies, Cloud City being but one. The colonies mine Tibanna gas from the atmosphere. Cloud City is an independent colony which was built to take advantage of Bespin's great secret - that the gas giant produces Tibanna gas with unique properties which boost the firepower of blasters. The station has made its fortune covertly selling this gas to weapons manufacturers not associated with the Empire. The casinos, sports arenas, and dance halls of Cloud City are first class, and draw many tourists to Bespin. Merchants and smugglers come to Cloud City's grungy Port Town to trade and make deals, and between the smugglers and desperate refugees hiding from the Empire, Port Town can be rough at times. Cloud City has a small population, so citizens of Bespin encountering one another amongst the masses of the Core will feel a natural affinity for one another. Dominant Species: Human, Ugnaughts, other. ![]() |
Bimmisaari |
Back to Top The temperate world of Bimmisaari is covered by swaying trees called asaari trees that move even when no wind blows. The inhabitants of Bimmisaari are Bimms, diminutive people who love storytelling and trade. They were nominal members of the Old Republic who have escaped the horrors of the Empire because of its great distance from the Core. Bimms are governed by a planetary council, which meets in a deliberations chamber known as the Tower of Law. The Tower joins with a larger tower which serves as a marketplace. The planet boasts a number of impressive open air marketplaces. Dominant Species: Bimms ![]() |
Bonadan |
Back to Top From space, Bonadan is a yellow sphere covered with rust-red stripes. The planet looks barren and parched, for whatever plant life that was not deliberately destroyed has largely died due to careless mining operations, abundant pollutants, and simple neglect. Bonadan is one of the Corporate Sector Authority's most important factory worlds. Those who hail from the planet are either from the families of wealthy corporate officers, or corporate serfs who have managed to buy out their contracts or run away. The highly industrialized and densely populated planet houses many different intelligent species from all over the galaxy, and interspecies rivalries are common. To keep some semblance of peace and order, weapons are banned on the planet. Bonadan authorities use a vast and advanced network of weapon detectors to enforce the ban. Dominant Species: Human, other ![]() |
Brentaal |
Back to Top Brentaal is a rather dry and arid world, and its small oceans are very salty. Its eight continents are dominated by commercial starports, entire cities of warehouses and container storage facilities, trade markets for a wide variety of goods, financial markets, and industrial centers. It is strategically located to serve as a major shipping world, and handles a huge volume of traffic flowing into the Core and out to the Colonies region, extending on to the distant Corporate Sector. Most of the citizens of Brentaal are either directly involved in commerce, or in an industry or business which supports it. A popular hero in traditional Brentaal folk tales is the fearless spacefaring merchant trailblazing new hyperspace routes for his or her vessels. Brentaal citizens are no-nonsense when it comes to business, and their buildings are functional and stark, though oddly beautiful, since they favor organic-looking architecture. Politics are a means to advance one's interests in the commercial world, and little else. Most of Brentaal's commerce is controlled by the hundreds of noble families which dominate the various guilds and shipping Houses. Dominant Species: Human, other ![]() |
Calamari |
Back to Top Calamari is a watery world far out in the Outer Rim, inhabited by the Mon Calamari and the Quarrens. Great floating cities dot the surface of Calamari's endless oceans. The Mon Calamari have created a highly civilized culture - art, music, literature, and science are highly regarded pursuits, and those who practice them are the most honored in their society. Mon Calamari have long eschewed the practice of war, and before the Empire came, had virtually no offensive weapons or craft. This has changed greatly in recent years, and the Mon Calamari have thrown off their oppressors and forged a mighty navy which serves as the backbone of the Rebel Alliance Navy. They have paid a high price for their resistance - the world of Calamari has experienced a number of environmental disasters during the conflict, which the Mon Calamari are still struggling to recover from. Mon Calamari warriors are honored for their struggles and sacrifices, but are still viewed with unease by their fellow citizens for their violent deeds. Dominant Species: Mon Calamari, Quarren ![]() |
Chandrila |
Back to Top Chandrila is a somewhat contrary world when compared to most of its fellow Core worlds. Culturally, Chandrilans dislike piling into huge cities, and have taken pains to keep communities small, with a low population density. Chandrilans have an unusually low birth rate, and families rarely have more than one child. Chandrila has only two continents, both of which are dominated by large, grassy plains. While Chandrilans enjoy the same technological advances as other Core worlds, they reject entirely the notion that progress is linked to a divorce from nature. Everywhere one goes on Chandrila, one sees naturalistic elements in virtually every facet of life. Elaborate gardens are a mark of high status. Agriculture is still a large part of Chandrila's economy. There are a huge number of agrifarms on the gently rolling hills and huge grassy plains of Chandrila's two major continents. Farmers specialize in foodstuffs which are difficult to preserve for long hyperspace trips. Dominant Species: Humans ![]() |
Corellia |
Back to Top One of the founding systems of the Old Republic, Corellia is a major Core world, known for its fast ships and skilled traders. The system has five fully-inhabitable planets, which leads some scientists to speculate that it is an artificially-constructed system (others have developed alternative theories). Humans dominate politics in Imperial Corellia, but there are two other species native to the system, the Drall (evolved from predatory mammals) and the Selonians (who evolved from water mammals). Though wily Corellian merchants can be found everywhere in the galaxy and are generally casual in their relationships, they do not often speak of their homeworld to outsiders. Corellia has long been a major trading center in the Core, but there is a steady trend toward isolationism amongst its people. This is exacerbated by the increasingly serious pirate attacks on shipping in the Corellia sector which the Empire seems powerless to prevent. Dominant Species: Drall, human, Selonian, other ![]() |
Corulag |
Back to Top The very model of an Imperial Core world, Corulag is extremely cosmopolitan, and devoid of provincial values and loyalties which might interfere with the New Order ideology. The world is totally devoted to the Emperor and his philosophy of human High Culture. The people of Corulag are wealthy and productive, and pay little attention to worlds less favored and fortunate. They bask in the knowledge that their success as a society is entirely due to their superior abilities and culture. Actually, their successes in the Imperial era are largely due to the fact that Corulag latched itself firmly to the fortunes of young Senator Palpatine, and rode with him all the way up to the top. It also doesn't hurt that Coruscant is only three hours away via the hyperlanes. Corulag hosts a branch of the Empire-spanning Academy. Like Raithal, Corulag Academy prepares the most talented young Imperial citizens for military service. A surprising number of students from Corulag enter the Academy, and as a result, many senior Imperial officers are natives of Corulag. Dominant Species: Human ![]() |
Coruscant |
Back to Top Coruscant has served as the seat of galactic government since the very first union of stars. In the days of the Old Republic, Coruscant was the seat of the Senate, and its many supporting committees and organizations. When Palpatine brought his Empire to power, he chose Coruscant as the site of his Imperial Court, and built a monstrous Palace around the Presidential Residence, itself an enormous sub-city thousands of years old. Coruscant is a trend setter for all of human space. If something comes into fashion on Coruscant, it is sure to spread to the rest of the Core within weeks, and on into the Colonies and Mid-Rim not much later. The surface cities of the planet are opulent in the extreme. Immense palatial mansions tower over parks, game reserves, entertainment centers, and business buildings. The entire planet is covered in a dense network of buildings, plazas, roadways, and landing platforms hundreds of layers deep. There are warrens and broken-down sectors deep in the bowels of Coruscant which haven't been visited by government representatives in hundreds of years. There are cities and communities deep underground, long forgotten to those closer to the surface, inhabited by refugees, outlaws, and worse. Still other areas are the domain of horrible feral creatures which have established their own brutal ecosystem in the ducts, sewers, and accessways of the undercity. Dominant Species: Human, other ![]() |
Elom |
Back to Top Elom is the homeworld of the Elomin and Elom species. A cold, barren world, Elom is a frigid wilderness far from the warming rays of its sun. Rich in mineral wealth, especially the strategically important ore of lommite, it was warmly welcomed into the fold of the Old Republic. With the rise of the Empire, Elom was placed under Imperial martial law, and the Elomin became slaves mining their own resources for the glory of the Empire. The Elomin greatly resent their enslavement, and burn to break free of their Imperial chains. Most Elomin consider it their duty to slow the Imperial war machine when possible, through outright sabotage, corruption, bureaucratic red tape, and an extremely low work ethic. Some few Elomin have escaped their planet, or migrated from the world before the Empire annexed it. Eloms are a separate species which dwell in warrens of caves deep under the desert surface. They are relatively uninterested in affairs outside of their underground cities, and withdrew deeper into their caverns when the Empire invaded. Dominant Species: Eloms, Elomites ![]() |
Endor |
Back to Top Endor is the homeworld of the Ewoks. A forest moon of a gas giant, Endor is graced with a wide temperate band, thanks to the planet's low axial tilt. The landmasses are covered by giant trees, which grow to heights exceeding 300 meters. Since their branches are few and thinly leafed, plenty of sunlight shines on the fern-coated forest floors. The Ewoks live in treetop communities to escape the fearsome predators which roam the forests at night. Village structures are anchored on the thick boles of the trees for support, and platforms and walkways connect the cluster of huts on each tree to one another. The Ewoks revere their mighty trees as gods, and express their devotion through their music. Dominant Species: Ewoks ![]() |
Esseles |
Back to Top Esseles was a highly volcanic world in its recent geological past (10 million years ago), and its surface is now densely covered by imposing young mountain chains. The large population centers are nestled into the narrow valleys and few plains, which can be found on the rugged continents. In the days of the Old Republic, Esseles was a vastly influential world, as befits a Core world, and a powerful presence in the Senate chambers on Coruscant. While friendly enough with the Empire, Esseles has traditionally held itself somewhat aloof from the ideologies and programs emanating from Coruscant. Most Esselians still consider themselves loyal to Esseles first, the Empire second. One of Esseles' key sources of income is the high-technology manufacturing centers necessary to produce capital ships. In fact, Damorian Manufacturing (the shipbuilding firm that constructed the Carrack cruiser) is headquartered here. Dominant Species: Human ![]() |
Gamorr |
Back to Top Gamorr is the homeworld of the porcine Gamorreans. It is a pleasant planet, featuring a variety of terrain types from the icy tundras of the north to the lush tropics of the equatorial inland seas. Its kindly aspects are entirely lost on the Gamorreans themselves, who are either preparing for, engaged in, or recovering from an endless procession of holy wars and skirmishes at any given time. Gamorrean cities are large, bulky fortresses built up out of rock and fusion-hardened clay. They are surrounded by thick walls bristling with armaments and death traps. Gamorr is largely self-supporting, and its people do little trading with offworlders. Those who leave the planet are mostly mercenaries, bodyguards, slaves, or simply unusually intelligent. Dominant Species: Gamorreans ![]() |
Ithor |
Back to Top Ithor is the homeworld of the Ithorian "Hammerheads". The fourth planet of the Ottega system, Ithor is a lush tropical world teeming with a wide variety of flora and fauna. Most of it has been tamed by the Ithorians, but wild areas remain. The Ithorians live in large flying cities known as "herd ships", which travel at tree-top level, thus preserving the environment while allowing Ithorians to partake of modern conveniences. The Ithorians farm their vegetables from their cities without setting foot on the ground. The various herds on Ithor are autonomous and self-supporting. Once every Ithorian season (roughly every five Standard years), the herds gather for the "Meet", an enormous time of celebration, council, and decision-making. The Ithorian herds trade with both the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, showing no favor to either side so long as no one interferes in their affairs. This strategy has met with limited success: the Ithorians move with relative freedom throughout the Empire, but the Empire nonetheless maintains a garrison on the planet surface. Dominant Species: Ithorians ![]() |
Kashyyyk |
Back to Top Kashyyyk is the arboreal homeworld of the Wookiee species. It is a jungle world of wondrous beauty and instant death. Massive wroshyr trees cover the surface of the land masses, their branches intertwining at several levels to form an immensely dense canopy which admits little light to lower levels. The Wookiees live in the upper levels of the canopy, and have built massive cities within the trees, with a seamless integration of practical technology and naturalistic elements of the local environment. Kashyyyk is under Imperial martial law, and many of its citizens have been exported as slave labor to hundreds of Imperial worlds. There are Imperial garrisons located in just about every Wookiee city, enforcing an uneasy peace. Wookiees taken offplanet to work in slave camps know full well that failure to cooperate means the death of their families. Few accept this fact gracefully. Dominant Species: Wookiees ![]() |
Nar Shaddaa |
Back to Top The moon Nar Shaddaa orbits Nal Hutta, the adopted homeworld of the Hutts and the center of Hutt space. It was once the reservation deeded to the original inhabitants of Nal Hutta after they lost their world to the Hutts, but then became the nexus of a huge trade network, and has since fallen on hard times as the trade routes shifted away from the system. The once glorious cities are broken-down slums now, the haven of smugglers, spice-jackers, slavers, and ciminals. Known as the "Smugglers' Moon", Nar Shaddaa is a comfortable world for ciminals with credits and connections, and a miserable ghetto for those without. A great variety of species and offworlders make their home on Nar Shaddaa, many gathering in their own sectors, where they govern themselves within Hutt perimeters. The Empire does not concern itself with Nal Hutta or its moon so long as the Hutts mind themselves. Dominant Species: Hutts, humans, other ![]() |
Ralltiir |
Back to Top Ralltiir, on the very border that separates the Core region from the Colonies, is the only world in the sector that managed to maintain its independence from Esseles over the past few centuries. Until recently, it likewise successfully resisted Imperial intervention. For all it's independence, Ralltiir has always been a relatively mainstream Core world, which makes its debasement particularly galling to its people. Most have been perfectly loyal law-abiding citizens, and are in a deep state of shock at finding their beloved Empire suddenly cruel and impassive. Today, Ralltiir is a sad sight. Its once formidable banking industry lies in shambles, and its economy is little better off. Many of the unemployed are routinely shipped to other Imperial worlds to work as petty clerks and industrial supervisors. It is still a beautiful, high-tech world, but its infrastructure is showing the first signs of decay. The planet was placed under Imperial martial law for suspected "Rebel activity" prior to the dissolution of the Senate. While the Empire shipped off a large portion of the populace to interrogation centers, the Imperial Navy blockaded the planet. Dominant Species: Human ![]() |
Rhinnal |
Back to Top Rhinnal is a world which has freshly emerged from its most recent ice age. Some of the best medical schools in the galaxy are located here, and Rhinnal is also famous for its weaving industry. People live in both large communities and small, but almost always gather in ethnic groups based on clan kinship. Public affairs on Rhinnal are mostly handled within periodical gatherings of clan heads if they are judged to be of little import to the outside galaxy, and by the governor when they are considered to be significant. Rhinnalian culture values honor and style, and these traits mark the behavior of every native. Meetings and partings are attended to with great ceremony, and neary every day on the calendar marks a commemoration of some sort. Clothing, colorful and worn in many layers, is considered a very important part of social interaction. The dress codes are a way of maintaining independence and solidarity in the face of centuries of occupation by a variety of "conquerors". Dominant Species: Human ![]() |
Rodia |
Back to Top Rodia is the homeworld of the Rodians. It is a world of dense jungles, which once gave shelter to fierce predators. The Rodians hunted these species into extinction centuries ago, and having built their culture on the hunt, have turned to stalking sentient game on other worlds. The planet has undergone rapid industrialization in the last few centuries, and Rodian cities are a curious mix of modern factories and apartments, and soot-crusted crumbling brick structures. Most Rodians worship violence and death, and this love affair with bloodshed has given rise to the two contributions Rodia has made to the galaxy: prime weapons and Rodian drama. The sprawling weapon manufacturing plants of Rodia are justly famed for their quality firearms and blasters - the Empire's orders and contracts alone keep half of the planet employed. Rodian drama has earned a prominent place in the galaxy's pantheon of classical works, and is widely appealing to audiences of a variety of species. Dominant Species: Rodians ![]() |
Ryloth |
Back to Top Ryloth is the homeworld of the Twi'leks. It is a dry, rocky world of shadowy valleys and mist-covered peaks. Half of Ryloth is locked in eternal darkness, and this darkness shelters most of the planet's inhabitants, including the Twi'leks. Super-heated wind storms originating from the bright side provide the warmth necessary to sustain the planet's dark-side ecology. The Twi'leks, still a primitive industrial civilization, lack space-faring capabilities. This leaves them dependent on neighboring systems for trade. The major export of Ryloth is ryll, a mineral which is used for medicinal purposes as well as recreational ones. Twi'leks prefer diplomacy and trickery to combat, for cunning and pragmatism are more valuable survival skills on Ryloth than brute strength. This attribute is best seen in Ryloth's response to the frequent raids by slavers on their populace. Rather than combat the slavers and risk damaging their cliff-dwellings, the Twi'leks sell their own people into bondage. This results in fewer slaves taken over the long run, spares their cities, and puts credits in their coffers. Dominant Species: Twi'leks ![]() |
Sullust |
Back to Top Sullust is the homeworld of the diminutive Sullustans. A volcanic world, Sullust has an inhospitable atmosphere consisting of thick billowing clouds of hot noxious air. The Sullustans live in the myriad complex of cool, humid caves which criss-cross the planet just under the surface. They have expanded and adapted the caverns into beautiful subterranean cities. Sullust is home to the SoroSuub Corporation, a leading mineral-processing megacorp that has energy production, space mining, food packaging, and high tech divisions throughout the galaxy. Nearly 50 percent of the Sullustans work directly for SoroSuub or a supporting business. SoroSuub took over planetary governmnet when it became clear that the civilian government favored rebellion. Sullustans are greatly divided on the issue of corporate annexation. Many are sympathetic to the Rebellion, and feel the Sullustans should stand with the Mon Calamari in open opposition to the Empire. Those in the other camp point out that SoroSuub's actions have kept the Empire from forcefully occupying their planet and forcing them into slave labor. Dominant Species: Sullustans ![]() |
Tatooine |
Back to Top Tatooine is a small desert world far from the center of activity of the galaxy. Twin suns beat down on this sand-covered world, burning the great expanses of desert and all those who dwell there. The planet is home to Jawas, Sand People, banthas, dewbacks, human settlers, and assorted aliens who populate Mos Eisley's spaceport district. The human settlers, most of whom make a living as moisture farmers, live in small communities and homesteads. Many members of the galaxy's fringe society, such as smugglers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters, use Tatooine as a base because of its distance from the watchful eyes of the Empire and other galactic governments. Dominant Species: Humans, Jawas, Sand People, other ![]() |