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Republic Militarty Route Chart
Corporate Route Chart
Standard Route Chart
Criminal/Secret/Special Route Chart

This page is dedicated to the new rules on Hyperspace travel in the Star
Wars Galaxy. The distances listed below work best on the Large Galactic

Special Note: Scouts are likely to use almost all of the routes listed below and others to start their journey, but quickly enter into the unknown and unsafe realm of micro-jumps to explore new areas. Scouting new sectors, systems and planets is a dangerous business.

Republic Military

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Republic Military hyperspace routes are the fastest in travel times and distances as they have the most accurate and up-to-date charts.

Hyperspace Rating Distance on Map Time in Hours
x3 2 inches 3 hours
x2 2 inches 2 hours
x1 2 inches 1 hour
x.5 2 inches .5 hours


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Corporate hyperspace routes are fast, but not as accurate. However, routes that are traveled regularly are sometimes even better than Imperial. Use the Imperial chart for those routes.

Hyperspace Rating Distance on Map Time in Hours
x3 2 inches 9 hours
x2 2 inches 6 hours
x1 2 inches 3 hours
x.5 2 inches 1.5 hours


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Standard hyperspace routes aren't near as fast in travel times as they only get updated once a quarter or less, depending on use of the route by the average galactic citizen. Tourism routes are updated much more often and will fall into the Imperial route chart for accuracy and speed - money is a hugh factor in this.

Hyperspace Rating Distance on Map Time in Hours
x3 2 inches 12 hours
x2 2 inches 8 hours
x1 2 inches 4 hours
x.5 2 inches 2 hours


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Criminal/Secret/Special hyperspace routes are some of the fastest in travel times as they use them exclusively. However, travel time varies with use and is expensive to maintain accurate and up-to-date charts.

Hyperspace Rating Distance on Map Time in Hours
x3 2 inches 3 to 12 hours
x2 2 inches 2 to 6 hours
x1 2 inches 1 to 3 hours
x.5 2 inches .5 to 1.5 hours

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