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Fiollo's Guides Main | Restaurants | Hotels & Hostels | Beverages | Food Stuffs

1 Star: Dive/Cantina
2 Star: Pub/Lounge
3 Star: Club
4 Star: Private/Exclusive Club


Now on to cantinas - As you can see many of the restaurants are a combination, restaurant/cantina. But there will still be a time where you may encounter a straight cantina, lounge, saloon, etc. There are three listed using the same categorization and descriptive manner used for the restaurant/cantinas above. A line called "Chance of Trouble" has been added to cover bar fights, shoot outs or local/Imperial authorities making a surprise raid.

Typical cantinas and charges are as follows:

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* - The Dive or Cantina

Availability: 30%
Cost: Non-alcoholic drinks: 1-2 IC.
Alcoholic drinks (on-tap 2-5 selections, domestic only): 2-4 IC.
Alcoholic drinks (mixed): 3-6 IC.
Pre-packaged snack items (4-6 oz. Bags) 1-2 IC

Description: This is your typical outer rim, small spaceport, Spacer bar. It's a dive. A good place to pick up a prostitute, deal or use illegal substances, gambling or other kinds of trouble. It's reputation most often precedes itself. Most of the time these places only have a long bar with stools. Some may have a few tables or booth seating as well. These are often placed in the shadows and are reasonably safe for players who don't want to be seen or overheard.

Service: Bartender and 1 Assistant
Quality of Service: fair to good
Entertainment: Jukebox (Works 30% of the time)
Chance of Trouble: 50%

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** - The Pub or Lounge

Availability: 50%
Cost: Non-alcoholic drinks: 1-2 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (on tap, 4-8 selections, domestic): 2-4 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (bottled, import, 4-10 selections): 3-5 IC.
Alcoholic drinks (mixed): 3-8 IC.
Appetizer type foods: 3-5 IC.
Pre-packaged Snack Foods (4-6 oz.): 1-2 IC

Description: This would constitute the majority of the bars across the galaxy. This is the other spectrum of Spacer hangouts. They are large and carry a good variety of drinks and some food items. These places will have a bar and a seating area or two. The lighting will be just dark enough to allow for clandestine meetings. This is also a good place to pick up a prostitute, deal or use illegal substances, gambling, or other kinds of trouble. Food is often prepared by a droid and in all cases is fried.

Service: Bartender and 2+ Assistants, 1-2 Waitresses, 1-2 Bouncers.
Quality of Service: fair to good.
Entertainment: Yes (Local Bands, Stand-up Comedy)
Chance of Trouble: 35%

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*** - The Club

Availability: 15%
Cost: Non-alcoholic drinks: 2-4 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (on tap, 4-8 selections, domestic) 3-30 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (on tap, 1-3 selections, imported): 3-5 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (bottled, all, 4-25 selections): 5-10 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (wines): bottle 12-25 IC; Carafe 6-12 IC, glass 3-6 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (mixed): 3-15 IC.
Food selections consist of 2-5 sandwich baskets 3-7 IC.
Appetizers 3-7 IC. One or two types of snack food are provided free to patrons.

Description: This category includes the high-end smoker clubs, private lounges, and nightclubs. These places may be run by organized crime syndicates and in that case could involve passwords or invitations. These places will be clean and safe. Any trouble will be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Most of these places will be fairly well lit with an extensive stage and dance floor lighting system. Seating will be in tiers circling a dance floor and stage. Short order cooks assisted by droids prepare the food items.

Service: Bartender and 3+ Assistants, 2-5 Waiters/Waitresses, 2-4 Bouncers.
Quality of Service: excellent.
Entertainment: Yes (Dancing, Well known Local or Sector Bands, Stand-up Comedy Acts, Shows)
Chance of Trouble: 15%

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**** - The Private/Exclusive Club

Availability: 5%
Cost: Non-alcoholic drinks: 3-6 IC.
Alcoholic drinks (on tap, 5-10 selections, domestic) 5-100 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (on tap, 4-9 selections, imported): 20-250 IC.
Alcoholic Drinks (bottled, all, 20-120 selections): 50-1200 IC.
Alcoholic drinks (wines): bottle 25-650 IC; Carafe 15-120 IC, glass 20-100 IC.
Alcoholic drinks (mixed): 20-1000 IC.
Food selections consist of 3-8 sandwich baskets 5-20 IC.
Appetizers 5-15 IC. Three or four types of snack foods are provided free to patrons.

Description: This category includes the high-end smoker clubs, private lounges, and nightclubs. These places may be run by organized crime syndicates and in that case could involve passwords or invitations. These places will be clean and safe. Any trouble will be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Most of these places will be well lit with extensive stage and dance floor lighting systems. Seating will be in tiers circling a dance floor and stage. Short order cooks assisted by droids prepare the food items.

Service: 1-2 Bartenders and 3-8 Assistants, 4-8 Waiters/Waitresses, 4-8 Bouncers.
Quality of Service: superior.
Entertainment: Yes (Only the best Dancing, Very well known Local, Sector and Galactic Bands, Stand-up Comedy Acts, Shows)
Chance of Trouble: 10%