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House Rules Page 1
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House Rules Page 4
Character Data

Combat Basics
Defensive Actions
Free Actions
Non-Roll Actions
Combat Actions
Combat Skill Modifiers
Accuracy Bonus
Damage and Injury
Hit Location
Called Shots
Limb Injuries
Group Bonuses
Ranged Weapons
Quick-Drawing Weapons
Other Shooting Options
Brawling and Melee
Specific Maneuvers
Brawling / Melee Combat against Ranged Weapon
Using Two One-Handed Weapons at the Same Time
Armor Rules
Armor Combat Skill

GM Note: These rules supersede the Combat Rules listed on the House Rules Pages 1 & 2.

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Made up of "rounds" - each round represents 5 seconds of time. The first step in a combat round is initiative - a roll of Perception to determine in what order the characters will act. Under original WEG rules, one roll of Perception was made for each 'side' of a battle, by using the highest Perception rating from the characters on each side. In many cases it will be more appropriate to do individual rolls (although it will be impractical/impossible sometimes). Acting first is usually preferable, although a character that rolls highest for initiative may choose to wait and react to the actions of others. Each person (or team) acts in order of their roll totals.

After determining initiative, players choose the actions their characters will take. A character can take more than one action (firing a blaster, throwing a thermal detonator, etc.) in a combat round, but for each additional action taken, a -1D cumulative penalty is applied to all skill rolls for that round. A character trying to do 2 things in one round gets a -1D penalty to both rolls, while a character trying to do 4 things gets a -3D penalty. When choosing actions, knowing the number of actions is more important than actually knowing what they will be. In many cases, a character will need a few extra actions for Defensive Actions (also called Reaction Skills) - dodging or parrying.

After deciding actions, every character takes their first action. Then, each character that chose a second action (and is still conscious/alive to do it) continues with that second action, and so on.

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Defensive Actions

Defensive actions are most often done using the skills Dodge, Brawling Combat (defending), and Melee Combat (defending). Others, such as Lightsabre, are less common. When operating a vehicle, a "vehicle dodge" (or "starship dodge") is rolled with the following skills: Repulsorlift Ops, Walker Ops, Starfighter Piloting, Space Transports, Capital Ship Piloting, etc.

Any kind of Dodge, whether on foot or in a vehicle or starship, can be used against any ranged attack, including blasters, thrown weapons, and explosions. Any kind of Parry, whether with a melee weapon or while brawling, can be used against any kind of melee or brawling attack. (Sometimes the lightsaber can be used against ranged weapons- detailed rules are included in the Lightsaber Rules file.) When attempting to "parry," it is important to note that a character is not necessarily blocking - "parrying" includes ducking or side-stepping to avoid an attack, without moving too far away to counterattack.

Any kind of defensive action changes the difficulty for a character to be hit by attackers. If a character chooses to dodge or parry attacks, then the roll of Dodge or Parry determines the new difficulty to hit that character, regardless of whether the original difficulty (before the dodge) was lower or higher- a character may accidentally dodge into the path of a blaster shot or lightsabre swipe. The new difficulty level applies for the rest of the combat round, against all actions.

A character must choose to take a defensive action at the beginning of the combat round. This can also be a Saved Action to be determined later or not used.

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Free Actions

Free actions do not count against the dice rolls, but need to be declared every round. Some examples: speaking, shouting, glancing over your shoulder quickly, dropping an item you're holding, free move (half normal move rate).

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Non-Roll Actions

Non-rolling actions take little concentration, but do need to be declared as combat actions since they take a notable amount of time (within the space of 5 seconds, that is). Examples: drawing a weapon, re-sheathing a weapon. Taking out or putting away an item into/from a pocket. Taking off a backpack and opening it (so in effect, getting an item from a backpack takes 2 actions, plus 1 more to put the backpack on again).

Sometimes, a non-roll action can be done while dodging or running, on a case-by-case basis. This may require a Dexterity or Acrobatics check.

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Combat Actions

The following actions are not a comprehensive list of all possible actions that can be taken during combat. However, these make a good starting point for players to use as a reference.

Basic Attacks:
Shooting (blaster, firearm, missile weapon, etc)
Brawling / Grappling
Armed Attack (melee combat, lightsaber)
Throw Weapon (throwing knife, grenade, etc.)

Defensive Actions:
Brawling Combat
Armed Parry (melee combat, lightsaber)

Maneuver Past / Overrun
Block Advance
Hold Position
Adjust Distance

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Combat Skill Modifiers

Used for cover, concealment, low light.
Characters using an object for concealment or protection are more difficult to hit, based on how much of the character is obscured by the object. When attacking a character with cover, attack difficulties are increased by the amount listed below. If the aim roll is high enough for the normal difficulty to hit the target, but fails against the added difficulty, then the covering object is struck. Covering objects take damage, and may allow some or all of the damage to pass through to the covered character (see Damage/Injury rules for details). If a character has full cover, then he/she can not be hit directly, and cover must be eliminated first.

In the case of low light or smoke/mist/dust, the modifier listed below is a penalty to the attack roll, rather than an added difficulty.

In some situations, several of the following conditions will apply at the same time.

Modifier Cover/Situation
1D Target is 1/4 covered, Mist, Haze, Low Light
2D Target is 1/2 covered, Smoke, Dark (moonlit night)
4D Target is 3/4 covered, Thick Smoke, Total Darkness

Falling Distance Damage
3-6 m 2D
7-12 5D
13-18 7D
19-30 9D
31-50 11D
51+ 13D

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Accuracy Bonus

"Getting more bang for you blast"

Result Points Accuracy Bonus
0 0
1-3 +1
4-8 +2
9-12 +1D
13-15 +1D+1
16-20 +1D+2
21-25 +2D
26-30 +2D+1
31+ +1 pip every 5 points above 30
Result points are the difference between the difficulty and the Roll made by the player. The Accuracy Bonus is added to the damage of the weapon. This counts for both Melee, Brawling and Ranged weapons.

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Damage and Injury

GM Note: Weapon Damage Table is listed on the
Miscellaeous Tables page.
When a damage roll exceeds the target's Strength roll, an injury has incurred. The level of injury is determined by the difference between the rolls:

Difference Character is Injured Object is Damaged Cover Reduces Damage to Character
0-3 Stunned No Damage No Damage Passes
4-7 Wounded Light Damage (-1D) -4D
8-11 Incapacitated Heavy Damage (-2D, +10 diff) -2D
12-15 Mortally Wounded Severe Damage * -1D
16+ Killed Destroyed * --
* A "Severely Damaged" item is unusable, but can be repaired. A "Destroyed" item can not be repaired.

A Stunned character is knocked off balance and receives a -1D penalty to all actions for the rest of the current combat round, and the next. The penalty is removed after this, but the stun still has an effect for 30 minutes, unless the character can rest (do nothing) for one full minute (12 combat rounds) during that time. If the number of stuns "in effect" is equal to the number of dice the character has in Strength, they are knocked unconscious for 2D minutes.

When Wounded, a character will fall to the ground, losing the opportunity to take any more actions for the rest of the combat round if they fail a Moderate Stamina roll. If they fail the roll anything the character was holding will be dropped as well. Each time a character is wounded, he/she receives a -1D cumulative penalty to all actions, until healed.

When Incapacitated, a character falls (dropping items) and is unable to take any actions until healed. His character is also unconscious for 10D minutes (though some exceptions seem appropriate). If the character is conscious, verbal communication/ commands may be possible. In some cases, a Willpower roll can allow limited actions with a penalty. The character becomes Mortally Wounded if they are injured (Wounded or worse) again.

When Mortally Wounded, a character falls, and is unable to take any actions until healed. Under WEG rules the character becomes unconscious, but again, some exceptions seem appropriate. Also, a Mortally Wounded character is in danger of dying - at the beginning of each round that a character is Mortally Wounded, 2D is rolled, and if the result is less than the number of rounds that the character has been Mortally Wounded, he/she dies.

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Natural healing, under WEG rules, used a Strength roll. However, it seems that this rule places too great an emphasis on Strength, which was accounted for when the injury was inflicted - more damage is needed to "wound" a character with 6D Strength, than one with 2D Strength. I am adjusting the healing roll to 2D for every character.

Natural Healing Roll Result
2-5 Injury worsens by 1 level
6-7 Injury remains the same
8+ Injury heals by 1 level

A character's natural healing roll is affected by their amount of activity while injured. For example, a character who did nothing but rest since being injured may receive +2 to a natural healing roll. (House Rule)

Character's Condition: Stunned Wounded * Incapacitated ** Mortally Wounded
Natural Healing Time: 30 Minutes 3 Days 2 Weeks 1 Month
Bacta Tank Healing Time: -- 1D Hours 4D Hours 1D Days
Medpac Difficulty: VE E M D
Reviving Difficulty: E (if unconscious) -- M *** D ***
* A character may be wounded twice or three times (or more). Healing times and difficulties are used for each "wound" the character has. If wounded three times, the character will suffer -3D to all skill rolls for 3 days, then -2D for another 3 days, and then -1D for 3 days more (assuming all natural healing rolls are successful).
** When a character heals from "Incapacitated," they become "Wounded Twice," unless the circumstances of the original injury suggest otherwise. (GM's discretion).
*** Reviving an Incapacitated character allows limited movement (1/4 move rating) and speech, but not skill use. A Mortally Wounded character is stabilized for 1 hour (and may or may not be conscious).
Variation in healing times: Stunned is 3D minutes, Wounded is 2D x10 hours, Incapacitated is 2D+3 days.

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Hit Location

When an aiming or melee attack roll exceeds either the difficulty number, or a defender's dodge/parry attempt, then the attack strikes its target. Hit location with an attack is usually determined randomly (by the list below). A targeted attack (to the head, arm, etc) can be made with a "called shot" to that area, with a penalty to aim (by the list below). The specific effects of an attack causing an injury to specific locations will vary.

Hit Locations, roll 1D:
1: Head. (+1D damage)
2-3: Torso (upper/lower).
4: Arm (roll again 1D 1-3= left, 4-6= right.).
5: Left Leg.
6: Right Leg.
Species with tails, on "leg" hit, roll 1D. Tail hit on 1, also 2 for species with large tails (Ex. Sarkan).

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Called Shots

Target Skill Modifier
Head -2D to -3D
Arm -2D
Torso -1D
Leg -1D
Tail -1D to -3D
Object -1D to -8D

Target Size Skill Modifier
50cm+ -1D
40-50cm -2D
30-40cm -3D
20-30cm -4D
10-20cm -5D
5-10cm -6D
1-5cm -7D
<1cm -8D

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Limb Injuries

When a character sustains an injury to an arm or leg (or tail, in the case of some non-human species), the character may continue acting as though a lesser injury was sustained. For example, if a character is struck in the arm and receives an "Incapacitated" result, the GM may rule that the character may continue acting as though Wounded (a -1D penalty), although use of the injured arm will be impossible before receiving medical attention. Similarly, a "Mortally Wounded" result for an injury to a limb may be treated as two Wounded results (a -2D penalty).

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Group Bonuses

When several people coordinate attacks on one target, a "group bonus" is determined by the number of incoming shots. The bonus starts at 1D for 2 attacks, and increases by 1D at 4 attacks, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 200, 400, 600, 1000 (For example, if 20 people are shooting at 1, the "group bonus" is 6D.) The group bonus is rolled separately from the average aim skill of the group. If the aim roll alone is enough to hit the target, then the full group bonus is added to damage. If not, then the bonus is divided between aim and damage. If the aim roll with the full group bonus is not enough to hit the target, then all shots miss.

Group bonuses can apply to other actions as well- any team effort for research, repair, lifting, persuasion, etc. can receive a bonus for group effort.

Group Bonus Reference:
People: 2 4 6 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 200 400 600 1000
Bonus: 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D 13D 14D 15D 16D

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Ranged Weapons

"Ranged weapons" include firearms, blasters, bows, missile weapons, and others - anything that fires a projectile or energy beam. Other types of ranged weapons may include thrown melee weapons (knives, axes) or grenades.

All ranged weapons, whether thrown, fired, or launched, have a difficulty to hit a target based on distance. The ranges are listed with the weapons, in meters, in the format of "point blank – short / medium / long" ranges. For example, a stormtrooper's blaster rifle has the ranges 3-30/100/300. At less than 3 meters, the shot is considered "point-blank" range- assuming the target doesn't dodge, hitting is almost a sure thing- the difficulty is Very Easy. From 3 to 30 meters is short range- an Easy level of difficulty. Medium range is 31-100 meters with Moderate difficulty, and a Difficult long range shot is 101-300 meters.

Weapons with scopes (most blaster rifles, for example) allow a character to aim for 1 round and receive a +1D bonus to the first shot taken. This requires a steady resting position for the gun, and also requires that the intended target be in sight. When firing artillery, vehicle-mounted weapons, or some rare types of rifle-style weapons, a "Fire Control" rating is listed for the weapon- these are extra dice that are added to the shooter's aim.

Weapons that stun, or can be set to stun (most blasters can) roll damage normally, but any result greater than "stunned" results in unconsciousness for 2D minutes. Switching a weapon to a stun setting, or off of a stun setting, requires one combat action.

When shooting multiple times at one target during the same round, every shot that follows a successful hit receives +1D to aim. When making an attack, every 10 points of success to hit may give +1D to damage, if appropriate. (House Rules)

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Quick-Drawing Weapons

When two characters try to out-draw each other, they choose a portion of their weapon skill dice (blasters, firearms, or other skill for the weapon they are going to use), and use that as their "speed," with the remainder going to their aim. Whoever has a higher total on their "speed" dice gets to shoot first. Character points can be applied to either roll (speed or aim).

Though drawing a weapon normally counts as a non-roll action, a weapon can be instantly quick-drawn, with an Easy "speed" roll (taken from aiming dice as above). (Note that failure can sometimes result in fumbling the weapon, in which case the failed attempt to draw the weapon counts as an action, and the weapon needs to be picked up from the ground.)

Characters can quick-draw any single-handed weapon, assuming the weapon is in a convenient location, and is free to draw - if the weapon holster is fastened shut (i.e. a safety catch), then the difficulty increases one level. Note that this skill can be applied to other devices including lightsabers, knives, or even a device such as a remote activator, but the device must be in a position that allows it to be drawn quickly (a device on a harness, clipped to a belt, or stored in a pocket generally can not be quick-drawn). This skill can not be used with rifles or other items that are slung over a shoulder, since the rifle would have a range of motion, making it impossible to know exactly where the weapon is without looking and if you have to look, you aren't quick-drawing - a quick-draw takes half a second or less.

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Other Shooting Options

Burst Fire / Sustained Fire
An option added to Repeating Blasters (and a select few other weapons), allowing the weapon to fire many shots very quickly, to either hit multiple targets, or one target several times for added damage. For burst or sustained fire, the weapon fires with a bonus that is rolled separately from damage. The portion of this roll that is necessary to hit a target is added to aim, and the remainder is added to damage. If the entire bonus is not enough for the aim roll to succeed, then all shots miss.

For repeating blasters with burst and sustained fire options, the base damage is decreased, typically by 1D, but the fire rate of 1 is removed from the weapon. This is because the original (WEG) game mechanic added 1D to damage, to represent multiple shots striking a target, and limited the weapon's fire rate to 1. While the WEG mechanic streamlines combat, it may not be suitable for every situation.

A weapon with the burst fire option can be used with a bonus of 2D for the shot. Using this option reduces the number of possible actions in the round by 1, due to the extra time necessary to fire. Burst fire can be done twice in a combat round, with one other action possible. Burst fire can be divided among a small group of targets (3 at the most). When used in this way, one attack roll is made, with the full aiming bonus added. Each target makes its own Dodge roll. Those that are hit take normal weapon damage.

Weapons with sustained fire can fire with a bonus of 4D split between aim and damage. The weapon fires 8-13 (1D+7) times, and can be aimed at a single target or any small group. When split between targets, it is resolved as though the weapon fired a "burst" at each one (roll aiming skill separately, add a bonus of 2D individually to each target to split between aim and damage). Sustained Fire is considered 1 action but due to the time required, only 1 other action can be taken during a round in which it is used. Damage from sustained fire is generally resolved at the end of a combat round, since it can be interrupted halfway (if the character firing is injured), in which case it should be resolved as Burst Fire.

When using burst or sustained fire, it is necessary to steady the weapon, since recoil can easily cause a shooter to miss. When firing from a normal standing position, without support for the weapon, the shooter has a -1D penalty to aim for burst fire, or a -2D penalty for sustained fire. Assuming a kneeling, crouching, or prone position helps to steady the shooter's aim, and negates part of this penalty (-1, -2, or -1D). Note that from these positions, the shooter presents a smaller target for attackers, but since dodge attempts may be penalized as well, finding cover is often desirable. Finding improvised support for the weapon (convenient rock, tree branch, the hood of a landspeeder) also negates 1 or 2 pips of penalty, and having good support (a tripod) negates a full die of penalty. These two types of bonuses can be combined: crouching behind a landspeeder and resting the weapon on the hood provides steadiness, support for the weapon, and cover to protect against incoming fire.

(A) Sniper
This skill is used with rifle-style weapons, when a character has time to aim at an opponent and take great care in making a single shot. The Sniper skill adds to both aim and damage for the weapon, and requires one combat round of preparation for every die of skill the character wishes to use (i.e. a character with 3D Sniper skill could choose to aim for only 1 round, and receive a bonus of 1D).

Use of this skill requires a weapon with a scope, and it replaces the normal effect of a weapon scope (1D additional aim when aiming for one round, no additional damage).

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Brawling and Melee

When one combatant has a melee weapon and the other does not, the armed combatant receives +5 to hit and +10 to parry. This applies to races that have claws or teeth when fighting against races that do not (and are not wearing armor). However, an armed attacker will still receive bonuses against an unarmed combatant that has claws and teeth.

A character trying to fight from the ground gets -5 to attack, parry, and damage. It takes one Non-Roll Combat Action to get up. (House Rule)

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Specific Maneuvers

Note: Only "Punch" and "Pin/Immobilize" are from official WEG rules. "Flank" and "Disarm" are based on 3ed rules. Others are House Rules.

Flank (N/A)- Flanking applies when two characters are attacking the same opponent, and can surround them to attack from the sides or back. While characters are flanking a target, they receive +1D to attack rolls. Preventing one's self from being flanked (or getting out of a flanked position) requires a character to move to a more favorable location.

Punch (VE)- This is the "default" method of brawling. When struck, the attacker rolls Strength against the target's Strength for defense, to determine whether damage is inflicted. Punches are usually Stun-only damage.

Kick, Other Strike (varies)- used instead of a simple Punch, other strikes generally inflict more damage, but penalize the attack roll (usually -5), or give the opponent a bonus (+5) to a grappling attack during that round. These types of attacks can do from Str+1 to Str+1D damage. In some cases a special circumstance may be necessary to use an attack like this (i.e. a kick either requires the attacker to be standing higher than the target, requires the attacker to fall, or requires an object to support the attacker) if the character does not have appropriate martial arts training.

Pin/Immobilize (VE, -10 to attack roll)- If successful, the target is held in place (incapable of making any actions), but no damage roll is made on the initial attack. The character maintaining the hold can inflict normal damage (no damage bonuses are possible) onto the opponent once each round, and the opponent can make an attempt to break free once each round with an opposed Brawling roll.

Choke (E, -15 to attack roll)- Requires the defender to pass a Stamina check each round the choke is maintained (at increasing difficulty), or become unconscious for 2D minutes. Defender can try to break the hold as though escaping from a "Pin." If the defender has a natural armor that adds to Strength for defense, then the armor protection dice can be added to both the Stamina roll, and the attempt to break free. Also, the defender is still able to make attacks, and the attacker's parry receives a -15 penalty if he/she wishes to maintain the choke. A character being choked is unable to request help or convey information verbally, though other types of noise may attract attention.

Throw (E, -5 to attack roll)- The thrower makes a Lifting skill roll against the target's weight. If successful, the target is knocked to the ground and takes 3D damage (damage may be increased by terrain). The target is also thrown 1 meter for every level the Lifting roll exceeded the difficulty. Damage from a throw will usually be Stun-only.

Grappling Block (-10 to parry roll)- The defender attempts to stop an incoming attack and grab onto the attacker's arm or body. If successful, the attacker is partially immobilized, and as long as the character maintains the hold, he/she receives +5 or more to attempts to choke, throw, pin, etc.

Charge (+1 difficulty level for attack roll)- Used in combination with a brawling or melee attack, charging gives a +1D bonus to skill and damage for the attack, but gives a penalty of -1D to all defensive actions (Dodge, Parry) during that round. When charging, a character can make only 1 attack during that round. If the character uses one round to gain speed for the charge (and does not attack during this preparation round), the bonus to skill and damage increases to +2D, and the penalty to defensive actions increases to -2D. A character can not charge the same target during two consecutive rounds.

Knock Backward (+5 to attack roll)- The attacker rushes the defender, trying to slip past his defenses and strike with a shoulder, hip, or pushing kick to move the defender backward. If successful, the characters roll Strength and the defender is moved back one meter, plus one additional meter for every 2 that his/her Strength roll failed by; modifiers for armor are then added to the defender's Strength roll before injuries are calculated, plus an additional +1D or more (GM's discretion) since the attack is not intended to injure.

Disarm (-10 to attack roll)- The person with a larger weapon receives a skill bonus (+1D or more, GM's discretion). If only one character is holding his/her weapon with both hands, he/she receives +5 to skill. The weapon flies a random distance (roughly 1 meter for every 2 points the attack succeeded by), in a random direction. An unarmed character who disarms an opponent receives an additional -10 penalty (as normal for unarmed combat against a weapon), and may take possession of the weapon (based on skill rolls, GM's discretion).

Lock Blades (+5 to attack skill roll)- If attempted immediately following a successful parry (a failed attack by the opponent), the skill roll is made at +10 instead of +5. If the attack is successful, the target is not struck by the weapon, but the attacker "catches" the defender's weapon and the two blades push against each other as the two combatants maneuver for an advantage. If only one character is holding his/her weapon with both hands, he/she receives +10 to any maneuver made from a blade lock (although other penalties may also apply). During a blade lock, attacks intended to injure the opponent receive a -5 penalty; other maneuvers such as Disarm or Push Back are not penalized, but unless the opponent has another weapon to use, any combat action against another opponent receives a -10 penalty. While the weapons are in contact, a combatant can maneuver to gain an advantage, with an attack roll. If successful, he/she receives a +5 bonus to combat actions, or +10 if the attempt succeeds by 10. If the opponent has a bonus, a successful attempt will reduce it by 5 or 10 instead. Bonuses never exceed +10. Either character can spend one action to break the blade lock, by rolling a parry against the opponent's attack (if the opponent wishes to maintain the lock). If the attempt succeeds by 10 or more, the characters disengage and combat continues as normal. If the attempt succeeds by less than 10, any bonus that the opponent had during the blade lock is applied to his/her next action.

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Brawling / Melee Combat against Ranged Weapon

A ranged weapon (blaster, firearm, etc) can be used as a melee weapon, for striking someone with the stock or handgrip- typically this adds +1D to Strength for damage when using a pistol, or +1D+2 for a rifle. If the attack roll is below the base difficulty (Easy or Moderate, usually), the weapon takes damage.

When an attacker using a ranged weapon is within striking distance, a character may Dodge as normal, or use a Brawling or Melee skill to avoid being hit. A parry (Brawling or Melee) can be used to push the weapon aside, or twist out of the path of fire. Alternately, an attack can be used, by making a called shot to the weapon or arm of the attacker, assuming the character has a combat action available to use. The benefit to parrying is that as a defensive action, it can be added to the actions already decided upon, and it can be done as part of a Full Parry, with a bonus to the roll. The benefit to attacking is that there is a chance of either knocking the weapon out of the opponent's grip, damaging the weapon, or injuring the attacker in the process.

In the event off a failed attempt to use an attack or parry against a ranged weapon in this way, the character has lost the opportunity to Dodge.

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Using Two One-Handed Weapons at the Same Time

When using two weapons against the same target, difficulty to hit is increased by +5. The added difficulty results from the difficulty in splitting attention between two weapons at once. The user also gains a +1D bonus that applies to aim if necessary, or to damage if the aim roll succeeds without it. This accounts for the difference between one or both shots striking the target.

When using two weapons, but aiming each at a separate target, both attacks can be made at the same time, but skill dice are split between the two attacks. For example, a character with 9D in blasters could choose to fire with aim of 3D and 6D, if the second target is farther away.

These rules are applied to ranged and melee weapons, and aiming at 2 targets at once also applies to brawling.

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Armor Rules

Damage (normal effect) Armor Damage Armor Reduces Damage to Character
0-3 (stunned) Minimal Damage (-1) -4D
4-7 (wounded) Light Damage (-2) -3D
8-11 (incapacitated) Heavy Damage (-1D) -2D
12-15 (mortally wounded) Severe Damage (-2D) -1D
16+ (killed) Broken * --
* Armor plating gives no protection when "broken" but can be repaired. It is "destroyed" when it fails by 20.

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Armor Combat Skill

These skills cover the use of melee weapons that are built into armor (examples: a vibroblade attached as an extension of an arm-guard, spikes on arms/shoulders/toes). The point to these skills is that they make use of the strength and structure of armor to maximize the force of an attack, as well as to absorb the force of incoming attacks. Usually, the Armor Combat skill can be used to parry a weapon, while wearing armor that does not have weapons attached, since the skill involves knowledge of the strongest points of armor, and how to direct damage into the armor instead of the wearer. If the armor has no weapons attached to it, the Armor Combat skill is not applicable, and characters are restricted to Brawling, Melee Combat, etc.

Static Modifier Method (Alternate)
Yes, there is a simpler way to handle combat between various scales. The Die Cap tables were removed for WEG's 2nd edition Revised and Expanded, but the new system (a static modifier based on the difference between the scales, for shooting, dodging, and damage, all identical) didn't accurately represent things. Under the Static Modifier system, a Walker would get a Dodging bonus against a Starfighter, and the Starfighter's Dodge would be penalized against the Walker's guns. This does not, however, seem to accurately represent the abilities of these vehicles.

Scale of Item Dice Modifier
Character 0D
Speeder 3D
Walker 6D
Starfighter 9D
Capital Ship 12D
Death Star 24D

The applicable modifier when two different scales are used, is the difference between the value for the respective scales. (i.e. for a Speeder fighting against a Walker, the values are 3D and 6D, the adjusted modifier is the difference between them, 3D.) This amount is given as a bonus to aiming for the smaller combatant, and as a damage/strength bonus for the larger.

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