Modifier | Cover/Situation |
1D | Target is 1/4 covered, Mist, Haze, Low Light |
2D | Target is 1/2 covered, Smoke, Dark (moonlit night) |
4D | Target is 3/4 covered, Thick Smoke, Total Darkness |
Falling Distance | Damage |
3-6 m | 2D |
7-12 | 5D |
13-18 | 7D |
19-30 | 9D |
31-50 | 11D |
51+ | 13D |
Result Points | Accuracy Bonus |
0 | 0 |
1-3 | +1 |
4-8 | +2 |
9-12 | +1D |
13-15 | +1D+1 |
16-20 | +1D+2 |
21-25 | +2D |
26-30 | +2D+1 |
31+ | +1 pip every 5 points above 30 |
Result points are the difference between the difficulty and the Roll made by the player. The Accuracy Bonus is added to the damage of the weapon. This counts for both Melee, Brawling and Ranged weapons. |
Difference | Character is Injured | Object is Damaged | Cover Reduces Damage to Character |
0-3 | Stunned | No Damage | No Damage Passes |
4-7 | Wounded | Light Damage (-1D) | -4D |
8-11 | Incapacitated | Heavy Damage (-2D, +10 diff) | -2D |
12-15 | Mortally Wounded | Severe Damage * | -1D |
16+ | Killed | Destroyed * | -- |
* A "Severely Damaged" item is unusable, but can be repaired. A "Destroyed" item can not be repaired. |
Natural Healing Roll | Result |
2-5 | Injury worsens by 1 level |
6-7 | Injury remains the same |
8+ | Injury heals by 1 level |
Character's Condition: | Stunned | Wounded * | Incapacitated ** | Mortally Wounded |
Natural Healing Time: | 30 Minutes | 3 Days | 2 Weeks | 1 Month |
Bacta Tank Healing Time: | -- | 1D Hours | 4D Hours | 1D Days |
Medpac Difficulty: | VE | E | M | D |
Reviving Difficulty: | E (if unconscious) | -- | M *** | D *** |
* A character may be wounded twice or three times (or more). Healing times and difficulties are used
for each "wound" the character has. If wounded three times, the character will suffer -3D to all skill rolls for 3 days, then
-2D for another 3 days, and then -1D for 3 days more (assuming all natural healing rolls are successful). ** When a character heals from "Incapacitated," they become "Wounded Twice," unless the circumstances of the original injury suggest otherwise. (GM's discretion). *** Reviving an Incapacitated character allows limited movement (1/4 move rating) and speech, but not skill use. A Mortally Wounded character is stabilized for 1 hour (and may or may not be conscious). Variation in healing times: Stunned is 3D minutes, Wounded is 2D x10 hours, Incapacitated is 2D+3 days. |
Target | Skill Modifier |
Head | -2D to -3D |
Arm | -2D |
Torso | -1D |
Leg | -1D |
Tail | -1D to -3D |
Object | -1D to -8D |
Target Size | Skill Modifier |
50cm+ | -1D |
40-50cm | -2D |
30-40cm | -3D |
20-30cm | -4D |
10-20cm | -5D |
5-10cm | -6D |
1-5cm | -7D |
<1cm | -8D |
People: | 2 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 80 | 100 | 200 | 400 | 600 | 1000 |
Bonus: | 1D | 2D | 3D | 4D | 5D | 6D | 7D | 8D | 9D | 10D | 11D | 12D | 13D | 14D | 15D | 16D |
Damage (normal effect) | Armor Damage | Armor Reduces Damage to Character |
0-3 (stunned) | Minimal Damage (-1) | -4D |
4-7 (wounded) | Light Damage (-2) | -3D |
8-11 (incapacitated) | Heavy Damage (-1D) | -2D |
12-15 (mortally wounded) | Severe Damage (-2D) | -1D |
16+ (killed) | Broken * | -- |
* Armor plating gives no protection when "broken" but can be repaired. It is "destroyed" when it fails by 20. |
Scale of Item | Dice Modifier |
Character | 0D |
Speeder | 3D |
Walker | 6D |
Starfighter | 9D |
Capital Ship | 12D |
Death Star | 24D |