Template: OutlawPrestige Class(es): Elite Bounty Hunter L10, Psychotic Trooper L10Character Name: Zandor Krugg, "Francis" Alias: Psycho, Dar Render (Imperial Bounty Hunter) Gender: Male Species: Human Age: 34 Height: 1.75m Weight: 62.5kg Force Sensitive: No Dark Side Points: 2 Character Points: 24 Extra Character Points: 889 Psychotic Points: 280 Cyber Points: 1 Move: 12 Place of Birth: Unknown Homeworld: Does not have one that he can recall. |
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Dexterity 4D [+3D]: | [T] Blaster 15D+1, [Ts] blaster: DB-MRSR 16D+1, [Ts] blaster: LC50 17D+2, brawling combat 15D, dodge 16D+2, [T]grenade 12D+2, [Ts] grenade: thermal detonator 16D, melee combat 8D+2, running 9D, thrown weapons 10D |
Perception 4D: | Bargain 10D, command 9D+1, (s)command: liais 10D+1, con 11D+2, gambling 7D, hide 8D, investigation 9D, search 13D+2, sneak 12D+1 |
Strength 4D [x3/x4]: | [T] Brawling combat 12D, climbing/jumping 10D, lifting 12D+1, stamina 15D+2, swimming 11D |
Knowledge 4D: | Alien species 7D, bureaucracy 6D, (s)bureaucracy: imperial 10D, cultures 6D, (s)cultures: Imperial 9D, intimidation 9D, (s)intimidation: liais 11D, languages 6D, planetary systems 6D, (As) psycho logic 5D, (As) psycho speak 8D, (As) psycho tactics 5D, streetwise 14D, survival 15D+2, tactics 9D, (s) tactics: small unit 12D, (s)tactics: imperial 13D+2, (s)tactics: unorthadox 10D, technology 10D, willpower 9D+1 |
Mechanical 4D: | Astrogation 4D+2, beast riding 8D+1, communications 6D, computer ops 9D, ground vehicle ops 7D, repulsorlift ops 10D+1, sensors 8D, starship gunnery 8D, space transports 9D, walker ops 10D+2 |
Technical 4D: | Computer program/repair 5D, demolitions 15D+2 (s)demolitions: thermal detonators 17D+2, droid programming 6D, droid repair 6D, first aid 8D, repulsorlift repair 6D, security 15D+2, space transport repair 7D+2 |