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Form Zero | Form I | Form II | Form III | Form IV | Form V | Form VI
Form VII | Form VIII | Form IX | Form X | Other Forms | Dun Möch
Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat | Tràkata | Trispzest | Mounted Lightsabre Combat
Three Rings of Defense | Alter Damage | Lightsabre Moves
Marks of Contact and Maneuvers | Jedi Weapon Master

Each Jedi chose the style of lightsaber combat that best suited him or her. For example, Master Yoda used the Ataru form to compensate for his lack of reach and height; Mace Windu used Vaapad to tap into his anger and employ it constructively (albeit without giving himself over to the dark side); Count Dooku's practice of the Makashi form fit first of all his intention to frequently engage in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat, and second his emphasis on class and elegance as well as precision. The Jedi Exile was a practitioner of all of these forms, but only excelled to the point of mastery in a few of them. She often used her knowledge of multiple styles to great effect in combat, allowing her to switch styles during fights and confuse her enemies.

Form 'Zero'
Form I: Shii-Cho; "Way of the Sarlacc" or "Determination Form"
Form II: Makashi; "Way of the Ysalamiri" or "Contention Form"
Form III: Soresu; "Way of the Mynock" or "Resiliance Form"
Form IV: Ataru; "Way of the HawkBat" or "Aggression Form"
Form V: Shien / Djem So; "Way of the Krayt Dragon" or "Perseverance Form"
Form VI: Niman; "Way of the Rancor" or "Moderation Form"
Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad; "Way of the Vornskyr" or "Ferocity Form"
Form VIII: Sokan
Form IX: Shien
Form X: Niman / Jar'Kai

The seven forms were not merely swordplay moves, they represented seven different kinds of philosophy. In addition, a lightsaber was not necessary to execute the seven forms: each form could be applied in unarmed combat. Jedi learned elements of each form, though few ever mastered all of them (unless you were Jedi weapons master; only the best Jedi weapon masters have mastered all seven forms). Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto had demonstrated such talent during the Battle of Haruun Kal and the Bio-Droid Threat respectively.

Other Forms
These forms were not considered a part of the seven main or "classic" forms, and they may not necessarily be official. Some were systematized methods of lightsaber combat, while others were merely techniques or principles of combat applied to lightsaber combat. They were mostly based on other forms, with the exception of Form Zero, which emphasized avoiding conflict whenever possible.

Dun Moch
Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat
Mounted Lightsaber Combat
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Combat
The Unorthadox

Several techniques fell outside the traditional and practiced forms of the Jedi. General Grievous could employ more varied movements. His attacks were intended to misdirect and confuse traditionally trained sword fighters. Grievous was exceptionally capable of this due to the flexibility of his joints, robotic reflexes, and his many limbs. Only the most experienced and talented Jedi could withstand his attacks. For example, Grievous could hold one lightsaber in each of his four hands, spinning two of them very rapidly in front of him as a shield. Grievous used this against Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau, but Obi-Wan managed to overcome this by biding his attack and finally timing his strike through the whirling lightsaber shield.

Another unique lightsaber style was that of Adi Gallia who held her saber with a one-handed reverse grip (backhand style) resulting in wide, long swings. This was a personal variation of Form IX, much as Vaapad was Mace Windu's personal variation of Form VII. A variation of this form was used by the leader of the Force-users known as the Jensaarai (led by the Saarii-Kaar) encountered by Corran Horn. This form was developed by an Anzati Dark Jedi during the Clone Wars, who was eventually killed by Corran's grandfather. This form holds the weapon like an dagger, with one hand on the hilt and another on the pommel with the blade pointing toward the ground. This style favors one who is quick, combining quick strikes with sweeps at the legs. Horn was almost defeated by this style before distracting the Saarii-Kaar with a mental projection of her master, allowing his wife to stun her.

Dark Jedi Boc's combat style was an unorthodox mixture of the dual saber based Form X and highly aggressive jumping attacks directed straight at his opponent. He used this against Kyle Katarn in a duel on Ruusan, but—with some help from his friend Jan Ors and the Force—Katarn was able to defeat Boc.

Form Zero

"Lightsaber skills, important they are. How to use as well as how not to use. When to move as well as when not to move."

Form Zero Lightsabre Sample Image

Form "Zero", while not an actual form of lightsaber combat per se, but rather an ethical principle, was the idea that Jedi should know when to use their lightsaber and when to find an alternative means of solving a problem. This idea was defined by Jedi Master Yoda to address the need of the Jedi to restrain themselves when tempted to use "aggressive negotiations," and instead use another well-developed Jedi skill, such as the Jedi Mind Trick. This was a form used to arrive at a solution without resorting to violence.

In the days of the New Jedi Order, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn would teach his students, among whom were Jaden Korr and Rosh Penin, that often the sight of an unignited lightsaber would be enough to cause individuals that might be potential enemies to become more cooperative. Katarn had applied this principle himself years earlier to extract information from an uncooperative bartender in Reelo Baruk's cantina on Nar Shaddaa.

Beginner/Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Form I at Beginner Level
  • Benefits: +1D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsabre, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect shots (-1D), but may not redirect blaster shots. May use the following skills as free actions during combat: Bargain, Con, Persuasion, Intimidation, Affect Emotions (if has), Affect Mind (if has).
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 5D); Melee Combat (5D); Lightsaber (5D); Brawling Combat (5D).
  • Benefits: +1D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect shots (+0D), but may not redirect blaster shots. And may use the following skills as free actions during combat: Bargain, Con, Persuasion, Intimidation, Affect Emotions (if has), Affect Mind (if has).

Form I: Shii-Cho; Way of the Sarlaac or The Determination Form

"It is simple, and it's simplicity is it's strength."

Form I Lightsabre Sample Image

Form I: Shii-Cho; Way of the Sarlaac or The Determination Form was the first of the seven forms of lightsaber combat.

As the weapons technology of the lightsaber was developed, the need for a form of combat arose. Thus Form I, also called Way of the Sarlacc, was born. Shii-Cho was the most ancient style of fighting, ancient sword-fighting traditions held key principles of blade combat that were implemented by early Jedi Masters in the rather basic technical tactics of Form I.

One of the marks of contact, sun djem, was a goal of early Form I duelists, as disarming or destroying the opponents' weapons could ensure victory without causing injury, which was always a Jedi objective. However with the rise of Form II, sun djem became nearly impossible as Makashi duelists were well trained to prevent his / her own weapons being taken or destroyed.

The opening stance for Shii-Cho seemed to be the basic defensive stance; both hands clasping the lightsaber pointed down at a 45 degree angle from a high starting position.

Form I, like its succeeding forms, includes the following basic techniques and concepts:

attack, a set of attacks aimed at different body zones
parry, a set of blocks to thwart any attack in the specified body zones
body target zones
training drills called velocities

Younglings, the Jedi initiate rank, first learn Form I before they begin a Padawan apprenticeship with a Jedi Master. They most often utilize it to deflect plasma bolts from training remotes. Lightsaber Instructor Cin Drallig taught Form I to thousands of students during his Jedi career.

Kit Fisto was a masterful practitioner of Form I, but he could not defeat Darth Sidious with it. Obi-Wan Kenobi commented Form I as wild, raw and deadly, requiring much emotional heat; however Kenobi sometimes did infuse elements of Shii-Cho into his swordplay, including the rematch with Count Dooku onboard the Invisible Hand.

Shii-Cho was also one of the forms which Count Dooku taught the fearsome Jedi hunter General Grievous, who in turn taught his IG-100 MagnaGuards.

Beginner Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 3D); Melee Combat (3D); Lightsaber Skill (3D); Brawling Combat (3D).
  • Benefits: +1D only to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber or Brawling Combat and +2 to Dodge. May deflect shots (-2D), but may not redirect blaster shots.
Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 5D); Melee Combat (5D); Lightsaber Skill (5D); Brawling Combat (5D).
  • Benefits: +2D only to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber or Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect shots (-1D), but may not redirect blaster shots.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Melee Combat (5D); Lightsaber Skill (7D) Brawling Combat (5D).
  • Benefits: +3D only to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber or Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect shots (+0D), but may not redirect blaster shots.

Form II: Makashi; Way of the Ysalamiri or The Contention Form

Form II Lightsabre Sample Image

Form II: Makashi or The Contention Form was the second form of the seven main forms of lightsaber combat.

After Form I's proliferation as a saber combat technique, Form II, or Way of the Ysalamiri, came about as a means of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. It was described as being very elegant, powerful, and requiring extreme precision, allowing the user to attack and defend with minimal effort, often wielding the blade one-handed for greater range of movement and fluidity. The form relied on parries, thrusts, and small, precise cuts—as opposed to the blocking and slashing of the other forms. It required very fluid movements of both the blade and the body. Form II countered sun djem, the goal of early Form I masters, by well trained in preventing disarm and weapon destruction.

By the time of the Second Sith Civil War, on 3951 BBY, a master of this type of lightsaber combat was the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus.

Feints would also be commonly used to confuse or set-up their opponents for a trap, a tactic that Count Dooku commonly used in his duels during the Clone Wars. Precise footwork and movements were required for maintaining proper distance from the opponent during defense and/or when moving in for an attack. The blade manipulation required for this form was very refined and required intense focus. Timing, accuracy, and skill, rather than strength were relied on to defeat one's opponent and with a skilled practitioner, the results were extremely potent.

When ranged weapons such as blasters came into play or more than one opponent was present, however, the advantages of this form became somewhat obsolete. During the time of the Clone Wars and many centuries preceding it, the Jedi Order seldom practiced this technique. There was, if at all, so little lightsaber-to-lightsaber and melee combat involved in a Jedi's life that many in the Order didn't bother to teach and/or learn it as it was thought impractical. During this era, Niman and Ataru were the more popular fighting forms being taught and learned. Makashi, however, was very common during the younger years of the order, before the advent of blasters, when melee weapons were abundant. To most Jedi, Makashi did not seem to have much use; however, to a Sith or Dark Jedi, learning and mastering Makashi would have been a goal.

The drawback of Makashi was a relatively lower level of defense against blaster bolts. When fighting a stronger opponent, a Makashi user also needed be careful not to try and match them power for power. As mentioned before, Makashi users relied on timing and precision in both movement and blade manipulation, often wielding the blade one-handed, waiting for the opponent to tire for an easy victory. Thus, they were not able to generate as much kinetic power as the two-handed slashes as in Djem So.

Dooku was a master of Form II to the highest degree, fighting with the precision built into the ancient technique. The handle of his lightsaber was curved, allowing for better manipulation of the blade during parries and thrusts. This was apparently common during the early years of the Republic, when many of the Jedi used the Makashi form. When Darth Tyranus wielded this form, it devastated the Jedi; the system of Jedi training immediately before and during the Clone Wars did not prepare many of them for the finesse and precise movements of a form bred for lightsaber dueling.

Makashi was also one of the forms taught to General Grievous by Dooku himself. Jedi Master Cin Drallig, the legendary lightsaber instructor, was another candidate of Makashi.

Makashi users were elegant, precise, calm, confident, even arrogant (as befit Dooku's personality). Form II users were supremely confident in their chances for victory, and often looked relaxed when they were fighting, or even appeared to be dancing.

"That is so like you Master Kenobi, I am called a swordsman because I invented a lethal style; but who is greater, the creator of a killing form - or the master of the classic form?"
-Mace Windu to Obi-Wan Kenobi

Beginner Level:
  • Prerequisites: Form I at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills (including all rolls to disarm and avoid being disarmed) in Melee Combat, Lightsaber [if the opponent is using Form V, then the bonus is reduced to -2D] and +2 to Dodge. May deflect blaster shots (at a -2D penalty), but may not redirect them.
Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 6D); Lightsaber Skill (8D); Form I at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +3D to all Attack and Defense skills (including all rolls to disarm and avoid being disarmed) in Melee Combat, Lightsaber [if the opponent is using Form V, then the bonus is reduced to -1D] and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect blaster shots (at a -2D penalty), but may not redirect them.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Lightsaber Skill (10D)
  • Benefits: +4D to all Attack and Defense skills (including all rolls to disarm and avoid being disarmed) in Melee Combat, Lightsaber [if the opponent is using Form V, then the bonus is reduced to +0D] and +2D to Dodge. May deflect blaster shots (at a -2D penalty), but may not redirect them.

Form III: Soresu, the Way of the Mynock, or The Resilience Form

Form III Lightsabre Sample Image

Form III: Soresu, the Way of the Mynock, or The Resilience Form was the third form of the seven forms of lightsaber combat.

Form III was originally developed to counteract the advancing blaster technology throughout the Galaxy. Those to whom the Jedi were mainly opposed usually wielded blasters, and the Jedi needed to find a method of defense that could repel normally overwhelming volleys of blaster fire.

The opening stance of Soresu was spread-out, with the saber hand drawn back but the blade pointed towards the opponent, and the other hand in the same direction with a two-finger gesture.

The third form of lightsaber combat utilized motions that occurred very close to the body, in an attempt to achieve near-total protection and expend as little energy as possible while executing moves. This technique minimized the body's exposure, making a well-trained practitioner nearly invincible. Followers of Soresu comfortably remained on the defensive until their opponent left an opening that a Soresu practitioner usually could exploit in multiple ways. Soresu was best described as a passive form of combat, and one that was used by those who were extremely patient and reserved.

Due to the emphasis on defense training, Form III involved preparation for prolonged battles so that the user would be able to learn as much as possible about their opponent or opponents whilst engaged in possibly deadly combat. Also, by being more capable in lengthy battles, a Soresu user was in a position to gain control of the situation and provide multiple options for the duelist; such as the choice to either kill, disarm, or even reason with their opponent. Many Soresu practitioners survived the Battle of Geonosis, thanks in part to its specialization in fending off blaster fire.

In fact, all Jedi probably had to be trained in some minimal amount of Form III when they were younglings and/or Padawans to prepare them when fending off blaster-wielding opponents, while well trained users could survive even when surrounded by multiple attackers. Soresu's greatest power lay in the endurance and control a practitioner eventually developed. Masters of the form left no opening for their opponents to take advantage of, while waiting for the eventual lapses in their opponent's own defense.

Jedi Master Mace Windu noted that, unlike any of the other combat styles, Soresu was not an answer to a particular type of weakness. Vaapad was an answer to Windu's inner darkness; Ataru was Yoda's answer to his limited reach and advanced age; and Djem So was Anakin Skywalker's answer to his boiling emotions. Towards the end of the Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi was acknowledged as "the master of Soresu" by Master Windu. It was because of this fact that Kenobi was chosen by the Council as the Jedi best suited to defeat General Grievous due to his Mastery of Form III. Soresu was considered the consummate Jedi combat form in that it embraced a passive way of life and a literal expression of the Jedi's tenement to defend rather than attack.

Even though a truly focused master of Soresu was nearly unbeatable due to a strong defense posture, there was more guarantee of survival rather than victory. Initiates in Form III were known to be more than capable when defending themselves from attack, but might have lacked the experience to trap an opponent in their own offense. Since the defensive tactics of the form included guards and parries that were very close to the body, even a master had to keep a strong focus on his or her actions as small lapses in an otherwise strong defense left little room to avoid injury. As the most prominent Soresu master of his time, Obi-Wan Kenobi was known to be almost invincible in fighting numerous combatants and defeating some of the most dangerous foes when seeming so close to defeat. Yet during his first direct confrontation with Count Dooku during the Battle of Geonosis, his normally impenetrable defense was outmatched by Dooku's Makashi, possibly due to the advantage of Makashi in blade-to-blade fight and Dooku's vast experience in fencing. It was not favorable for a Jedi General to be in a lengthy fight while his troops were left alone on the battlefield, but this was usually unavoidable, as it was when Master Kenobi had to leave his regiment of troops in his drawn out pursuit of General Grievous. Upon Kenobi's second confrontation with Dooku at the Battle of Coruscant, he had improved his Soresu to the point where he was able to effectively render Dooku's attacks ineffective, and was only defeated when Dooku used his superior strength in the Force to gain the upper hand.

The key to truly mastering Soresu may concern the concept and philosophy of Soresu, instead of it's combat moves. Kenobi, despite his highest mastery of Soresu, applied Shii-Cho elements and Ataru acrobatics into his swordplay, as witnessed by Count Dooku on the Invisible Hand. By combing his knowledge of Ataru and his mastery of Soresu, Kenobi's swordplay proved to be a unique style: one with the defense principle and protective ability of Soresu, plust the simplicity of Form III, the mobility of Ataru, and the deep connection and concentration within the Force, another key Ataru principle which allowed Kenobi to handle any situation.

Soresu was a very favorable form of combat for the Jedi until the Great Jedi Purge. The defense and control it allowed a practitioner made for suitable outcomes in favor of the user when faced with hurried opponents who left themselves open to counterattack. It was best for warding off blaster fire and multiple opponents as a trained user could defend even outside their visual range. However, it's defense required a very large amount of focus from the weilder and even a momentary fault in concentration could have meant the users defeat. Jedi with less focused minds would ususally abandon this style of combat to capitalize on the benefits of other styles that required less dedication to prolonged fighting. Jedi who mastered Soresu were known to be the most successful when dealing with situations when a quick victory was not favorable to total understanding and calculation.

Beginner Level:
  • Prerequisites: Dodge 5D; Form I at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +3D to all Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots with a +1D bonus.
Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 5D); Dodge (6D); Lightsaber Skill (6D); Form I at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +4D to all Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots with a +2D bonus.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Dodge (7D); Lightsaber Skill (8D).
  • Benefits: +5D to all Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D+2 to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots with a +3D bonus.

Form IV: Ataru, Way of the HawkBat

Form IV Lightsabre Sample Image

Form IV: Ataru, Way of the HawkBat, is the fourth of the seven primary forms of Lightsaber combat.

Form IV, or the Aggression Form, was one of the more popular fighting forms in the Jedi Order for many centuries, during and preceding the era of the Clone Wars.

Jedi Masters Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn were considered to have mastered this form of combat. Other notable practitioners of Ataru were Cin Drallig, Quinlan Vos, and his former padawan, Aayla Secura. Obi-Wan Kenobi was also a practitioner of Ataru, but proceeded to study Soresu after the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, at the battle of Naboo.

The opening stance of Ataru is holding the saber vertically beside them either on the right or the left.

As a Padawan, Anakin Skywalker also studied Ataru as it fit his strong and aggressive personality; he would later use those same traits to become a fine Form V practitioner. When Anakin applied Jar'Kai tactic against Count Dooku on Geonosis, his swordplay was actually based on Ataru moves. Because neither Jar'Kai nor Ataru was Anakin's mostly trained style, Dooku broke through it easily with a masterful sun djem, forcing the young Padawan to switch back to his standard of Form V.

During the Clone Wars, both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker often apply the useful Ataru acrobatic moves, despite their mastery of Soresu and Djem So respectively.

Darth Sidious also used a variant of this form, combining stabs and thrusts into his attacks.

Ataru was an aggressive combat form relying on a combination of power, speed, and grace.

Practitioners of Ataru were always on the offensive, attacking with wide, fast, and powerful swings. Form IV practitioners constantly called upon The Force to aid in their movements and attacks. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they could overcome their physical limitations (including old age, as was the case with Master Yoda), and allowed them to perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and backflips, not only for attack, but also to evade their opponents attacks/strikes.

Those who used Form IV could move at amazing speeds and could rain strong blows jumping and attacking through the air. Powerful and lightning fast spinning attacks could be utilized from all angles, either from ground or air.

A master in Ataru combat could appear like a blur to their opponents, attacking from all directions—from the front, the sides, overhead, or behind.

The Force not only allowed them to perform amazing athletic feats, but it also helped guide their actions and movements in combat. However, due to its aggressive nature, a user could become reckless and sometimes leave him/herself open to counterattacks.

This form was also probably not as effective for prolonged combat, as the nature of Ataru could greatly tax the body. Fatigue may have been the chief reason that Qui-Gon Jinn was defeated by Darth Maul, though his old age may have also played an important role in his fatigue. Another possible cause of Qui-Gon's death at the hands of Maul is the requirement of open space for the kinetic acrobatics of Ataru. Without ample space in the Theed Palace reactor core to move in, Qui-Gon was deprived from the key factor in his defense and, unsuccesfully, had to resort to blocking Mauls lightning fast barrage of Juyo strikes. This event had a profound effect on Kenobi—after his master's death, he decided to perfect his practice of Form III: Soresu, the most defensive of all forms.

Nevertheless, Ataru proved to be an effective combat form when used properly. Jedi skilled in Ataru fought with amazing grace and eye-blurring speed, using Force-assisted acrobatics and maneuvers to attack their opponents with powerful swings and offensive flourishes, never staying in one place long enough for their opponents to mount a proper counterattack.

Through the Force, Yoda takes Form IV to its highest level. Master Yoda's astonishing moves in his epic duel against Count Dooku may be revealed on close examination to be a masterful demonstration of the standard components of Form IV. His moves flow from one to another in the smooth transitions characteristic of Form IV. In addition, three kinds of rotation, called su ma, figured prominently in his style. They were jung su ma (spinning), ton su ma (somersaults), and en su ma (cartwheels). These three moves represented the three possible axes of rotation in three-dimensional space. Together with Force-enhanced jumps, the rotational su ma moves composed most of his style, making the Grand Master the ultimate example of Form IV.

Count Dooku stated that he understood "every weakness of the Ataru form, with its ridiculous acrobatics". Dooku's Makashi would counter Ataru by launching a series of flashing thrusts toward the enemy's legs to draw the opponent into a flipping overhead leap, so that Dooku could burn through the enemy's spine from kidneys to shoulder blades with his Makashi attack. The Count applied this tactic against Obi-Wan Kenobi onboard Invisible Hand, who blocked Dooku's blows with Soresu.

Beginner Level:
  • Prerequisites: Acrobatics (5D); Dodge (5D); Climbing/Jumping (5D); Stamina (5D); Form I at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: Twice per round, can make an Acrobatics or Climbing/Jumping check as a free action. Add ½ Acrobatics Skill to all Defense skill rolls. Add ½ Dexterity Attribute dice, as a bonus, to all Attack and Damage rolls when wielding a Lightsaber one-handed, ¾ when wielding it two-handed, and full when wielding dual blades or doubled bladed variants. Must make Moderate (15) Stamina check every round or become winded and loose all free actions. Force Power Bonus's can also apply.
Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 6D); Lightsaber Skill (7D); Acrobatics (6D); Dodge (6D); Climbing/Jumping (6D); Stamina (6D); Form I at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: Three times per round, can make an Acrobatics or Climbing/Jumping check as free actions. Add ¾ Acrobatics Skill to all Defense skill rolls. Add ¾ Dexterity Attribute dice, as a bonus, to all Attack and Damage rolls when wielding a Lightsaber one-handed, full when wielding it two-handed, and 1½ when wielding dual blades or doubled bladed variants. Must make Moderate (20) Stamina check every round or become winded and loose all free actions. Force Power Bonus's can also apply.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Lightsaber Skill (9D); Acrobatics (7D); Dodge (7D); Climbing/Jumping (7D); Stamina (7D)
  • Benefits: Four times per round can make an Acrobatics or Climbing/Jumping check as free actions. Add Acrobatics Skill to all Defense skill rolls. Add Dexterity Attribute dice, as a bonus, to all Attack and Damage rolls when wielding a Lightsaber one-handed, 1½ when wielding it two-handed, and double when wielding dual blades or doubled bladed variants. Must make Difficult (23) Stamina check every round or become winded and loose all free actions. Force Power Bonus's can also apply.

Form V: Shien/Djem So; Way of the Krayt Dragon or The Perseverance Form

"I prefer more straightforward methods."
-Anakin Skywalker to Obi-Wan Kenobi

Form V Lightsabre Sample Image

Form V: Shien/Djem So; Way of the Krayt Dragon or The Perseverance Form was the fifth form of the seven forms recognized as canon by the last Jedi Council for Lightsaber Combat.

Form V or the Way of the Krayt Dragon was a powerful style developed by Form III practitioners that preferred a more offensive style, since the defensive nature of Form III often led to dangerously prolonged combat. Djem So evolved into a combat style by combining the defensive maneuvers of Soresu with the more aggressive philosophy/tactics of Makashi.

Aayla Secura, Cin Drallig, Anakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader, and his son Luke Skywalker were all confirmed Form V practitioners.

The opening stance of Djem So is both hands on the saber handle, with the blade raised high above the head.

Shien and Djem So are stated as two different styles, but due to their similarities they both fall under the category of Form V. Shien was better at dealing with blaster bolts while Djem So was better at lightsaber dueling, as it needed a higher level of physical strength and aggressive moves. It is known that Anakin Skywalker mastered both styles.

Darth Vader created his own variant of Form V, where he would use only one hand to strike and defend, and hold the other casually by his side. This was the case during his duel with his son on Bespin.

Form V came into existence by taking the defensive skills derived from Form III and quickly channeling it into offense. A common example used to illustrate the difference is that that while Form III combatants effortlessly deflected blaster bolts, Form V practitioners excelled at redirecting the blaster fire back toward the opponent. This action simultaneously defended the user and efficiently injured the enemy. Form V emphasized strength and power over your opponents. Many Jedi disapproved of this philosophy. Some in the Order may have felt that this lightsaber form led too quickly to violence, instead of diplomacy when dealing with disputes, and because it appeared to call for the physical domination of an opponent, which is counter to Jedi beliefs.

Using a combination of blocks and parries derived from Soresu and Makashi, a Djem So user had a proper foundation in terms of defense against both blaster and melee attacks. However, while a Soresu user stayed on the defensive and only counterattacked when necessary and when an opening appeared in his opponents defense, a Djem So practitioner was not so measured or patient. After defending an attack by an opponent, a Djem So stylist would follow with an attack of their own. While Makashi relied on precise and small cuts of the blade, Djem So utilized series of flourishes and attacks that included wide two-handed swings and powerful overhead/over-shoulder slashes. Unlike Soresu, Djem So required the user to not only counterattack, but press the assault, combining Force-enhanced strength with powerful blade combinations, to overpower and overwhelm an opponent's defenses.

Djem So is best represented by Anakin Skywalker in his second battle with Count Dooku toward the end of the Clone Wars. During the duel, Count Dooku is surprised and shocked when he realizes that Anakin is now a Djem So practitioner, and "as fine a one as he has ever seen." During the battle Anakin attacks Dooku, using his entire body including his arms, shoulders, legs and forward momentum to overwhelm Dooku with brute strength. In fact, when he blocks a blow from Skywalker, the sheer kinetic power generated by Anakin during this battle was so great that it was able to force Dooku's own crimson blade down onto his shoulder, wounding him. Count Dooku himself has noted that his elegant Makashi could never generate enough kinetic power to match Djem So strength-to-strength. During this duel we can see that it was common for Djem So users to lock their swords and use their strength to drive their opponents back and corner them into a more vulnerable position.

Djem So stylists are often moving towards their opponents, striking with each forward step. Since Djem So utilizes strength and power into each of its strikes, it requires the user to generate that power with their entire body, footwork, and forward motion. It also makes their movements predictable and fairly rigid, as they would constantly charge ahead towards their opponents. Another weakness in this form is that its aggressive style can also lead to carelessness or even recklessness, as they're so caught up in the attack that a user undermines his/her own defenses.

Despite its controversies, Djem So proved to be an effective combat style, utilizing the parries and defensive techniques of Form II and III, but with a ferocious style all its own.

The philosophy of Djem So not only emphasized strength and power in defeating an opponent, but more importantly on action. This made it a more favorable combat form for Jedi who wanted quick resolutions and favored "aggressive negotiations." Bold, powerful, fearless, and confident are also traits used to describe practitioners of Djem So. The style itself was supposedly the most aggressive form of lightsaber combat, though Mace Windu's mastery of Vaapad may very well compare in terms of aggressiveness; indeed Vaapad tapped the Force so intensely that Jedi trod perilously close to the Dark Side to sustain it.

Lightsabers belonging to Form V practitioners generally have a solid casing either as a whole or in multiple sections for maximum protection against power surge deterioration, and a heavily shrouded blade emitter to designate separate facets of the blade for either offensive or defensive purposes.

Shien: Blasters

Beginner/Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I & III at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots at a +1D bonus. If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against you, you may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity with 1½ times your Strength Attribute dice, as a bonus, to attack and damage rolls. This does not grant you free or extra attacks per round that you have not declared. If the attack succeeds, the opponent is knocked off balance (and therefore looses an amount equal to his Dexterity Attribute from his defense for the rest of the round and next round) and must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked prone.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Dodge (7D); Lightsaber Skill (8D)
  • Benefits: +3D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots at a +1D bonus. If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he/she may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity with twice Strength Attribute dice, as a bonus, to attack and damage rolls. This does not grant free or extra attacks per round that are not declared. If the attack succeeds, the opponent is knocked off balance (and therefore looses an amount equal to his Dexterity Attribute from his defense for the rest of the round and next round) and must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked prone.
Djem So: Lightsabers

Beginner/Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I & II at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect blaster shots (+1D), but may not redirect blaster shots. If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he/she may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity with 1½ times Strength Attribute dice, as a bonus, to attack and damage rolls. This does not grant free or extra attacks per round that have not been declared. If the attack succeeds, the opponent is knocked off balance (and therefore looses an amount equal to his Dexterity Attribute from his defense for the rest of the round and next round) and must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked prone.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Dodge (7D); Lightsaber Skill (8D)
  • Benefits: +3D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect blaster shots (+1D), but may not redirect blaster shots. If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he/she may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity with twice Strength Attribute dice, as a bonus, to attack and damage rolls. This does not grant free or extra attacks per round that have not been declared. If the attack succeeds, the opponent is knocked off balance (and therefore looses an amount equal to his Dexterity Attribute from his defense for the rest of the round and the next round) and must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked prone.

Form VI: Niman

Form VI Lightsabre Sample Image

Form VI: Niman was the sixth form of the seven forms of lightsaber combat.

The Way of the Rancor or The Moderation Form, Form VI was the standard style at and around the time period of the Clone Wars and the Great Jedi Purge. This combat discipline was often called the "Diplomat's Form." Unfortunately, all of the Form VI practitioners at the Battle of Geonosis were killed. As a result, full masters of other lightsaber forms sometimes considered Form VI to be insufficiently demanding.

Form VI attempted to balance all elements of lightsaber combat, combining the Forms that came before into a less intensely demanding combat style. The result was that the users' skill in each individual area of lightsaber combat was relatively moderate - they did not excel in any one area. This broad generalization made Form VI well suited for diplomats, as they could spend their time training in the areas of politics and negotiation instead of combat training.

The lightsaber combat of Form VI combines with Form I, Form III, Form IV, and Form V.

The form was named after Niman, the triumvirate of Kashi gods. It was developed by the Minions of Xendor after the Great Schism, having been adopted from the Jar'Kai form of combat.

Jedi Master Cin Drallig was an especially prolific instructor of Form VI. He taught Niman to thousands of students during his Jedi career. Coleman Trebor was likely a practitioner of this form since he was quickly killed by Jango Fett.

Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Level:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I, III, IV & V at Beginner Level
  • Benefits: +1D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect shots (-1D), but may not redirect blaster shots. +2D to the following skills used during combat: Bargain, Con, Persuasion, Intimidation. +3D to Force powers used during combat, that are benign in use and non-combative in nature.

Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad, Way of the Vornskyr or The Ferocity Form

"I created Vaapad as an answer to my weakness: it channels my own darkness into a weapon of the light."
-Mace Windu to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Form VII Lightsabre Sample Image

Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad, Way of the Vornskyr or The Ferocity Form was the final form of the seven forms of lightsaber combat.

Dubbed the Way of the Vornskyr or The Ferocity Form, Juyo was originally considered an incomplete form for millennia. Generally viewed as undeveloped and rarely used by the Jedi and the Sith, Juyo was not seen as one of the main forms until it was further developed by Jedi Master Mace Windu, who completed it with his Vaapad fighting style, thereby finally completing Form VII. (In 22 BBY, Palpatine noted that he had only ever heard of six forms; Mace's reply indicated that this had been the case—until he finessed Juyo into Vaapad.) It is popular belief that Windu's technique was inspired by the flailing movements of the Vaapad creature of Sarapin, a beast which at one point made an indelible impression upon the Korun master - it was said to be impossible to tell how many tentacles a Vaapad had until it was dead.

The opening stance for Vaapad was the upper body, including hands, being drawn back while still holding the lightsaber pointed towards an opponent. Another ready stance of Vaapad consisted of a constant near-invisible weave of lethal energy generated by slashes of a whirring lightsaber blade.

The most challenging and demanding of all forms, Form VII required intense focus, a high degree of skill, and mastery of other forms. Only a few Jedi ever mastered Vaapad fully: Mace Windu, Depa Billaba and Sora Bulq, who instructed Quinlin Vos in a few of its basics. Sora Bulq helped Windu develop Vaapad, but Bulq proved too weak to master the flow of the light and dark sides of the Force generated by the use of the technique, and fell to the dark side. Mace Windu noted that Vaapad mastered Bulq, not the other way around. Depa Billaba, Windu's Padawan, similarly fell to the dark side when combining Vaapad with the rigors of war. Before her fate was sealed, Mace noted that Depa's bladework had already surpassed his Vaapad. General Grievous used his technical prowess to copy Vaapad to a degree when he fought Mace Windu on Coroscant, though due to his lack of Force sensitivity, he could not truly master it. But it was possible that Grievous had already learned the moves of Juyo, as Dooku noted that Grievous and his guards mastered all the seven classic combat forms.

Intrepid, somewhat direct movements were used in combination with advanced techniques involving Force-powered jumps and motions. Form VII did not appear as fancy as Form IV, as there were not moves like twirling and flipping, but the technical requirements were much higher. Vaapad used seemingly free-wheeling and open movements, but with utter control on the part of the wielder. In Windu's duel with Palpatine, Windu constantly had his arms spread wide, torso open to stabbing motions by Palpatine, as though Windu was daring him to strike. While appearing reckless on the surface, Windu knew exactly what he was doing. The end result, if practiced correctly, was a very unpredictable lightsaber style. The staccato swings and flow of the form made it seem as if the attacks were not linked—but in reality, it was merely confusing the opponent.

Form VII demanded the emotional and physical intensity of Form V, but it much more effectively controlled it — if mastered. Form VII, when fully mastered, resulted in extraordinary power.

However, Vaapad bordered on the edge of falling to the dark side, as it channelled one's anger and darkness into the attack. Only Windu's mastery and concentration on the light side prevented him from succumbing to his own anger, which is why Vaapad was rarely practiced and very dangerous. As noted above, the only other known practitioners of Vaapad, Sora Bulq and Depa Billaba both fell to the dark side of the Force. Darth Maul, a Sith Lord who appeared to have mastered Juyo, was so immersed in the dark side, yet so much in control of his anger that he could employ his own deadly variant of Juyo without fear. Coupled with his martial prowess, Darth Maul used this variant to defeat several skilled Jedi, including Master Qui-Gon Jinn. However, Darth Maul only devoted to the Form's physical focus, thus he remained silent during the duels on Tatooine and Naboo. Maul desired pure physical victory, rather than the "higher" Sith tradition of Dun Moch, which could dominate the opponent's spirit through taunts that expose inner doubts and weaknesses.

With that said, Vaapad was not just a fighting style. It was a state of mind and a power. The state of mind required that a user of Vaapad allow himself to enjoy the fight. He had to give himself over to the thrill of battle, the rush of winning. Vaapad was a path that led through the penumbra of the dark side. The power of Vaapad was simple: it was a channel for one's inner darkness; and it was a reflecting device. With strict control, a Jedi's own emotions and inner darkness could be changed into a weapon of the light.

Vaapad was also described as "a superconducting loop," with the user on one end and the opponent on the other. It was able to take the powers of the opponent and reflect it back at them. In his fight with Palpatine, Mace Windu used the Chancellor's own speed and hatred against him, reflecting it back against the Sith Lord and using it as his own power. Also, when Palpatine unleashed his Force Lightning on Mace, the Jedi was able to use his lightsaber, with the power of Vaapad, to reflect the lightning back at him. However, because Palpatine was probably a master of the Sith variant of Juyo as well, he fed the power of Force lightning with his own pain, thus intensified the energetic attack despite his suffering.

The power of Vaapad was quite incredible: it was at once a form of lightsaber combat, a state of mind, and an actual tangible power. To use it required great mastery, discipline and, above all else, purity of heart and spirit. Vaapad users were intense, focused and introverted. There were even signs of pent-up hostility in them.

New information suggests that Mace Windu's creation of Vaapad was less a true "creation" of a form, and more a refinement of a form that, because of its difficulty, remained largely unused. Around the time of the Jedi Civil War, Juyo was already the lightsaber form relied upon by the greatest of the Jedi, indicating that Juyo was indeed a complete and effective form for millennia before Mace Windu finessed it with Vaapad, although it was also possible that the ancient Juyo masters and their skills became the casualties of war. It was believed that Vaapad died with Mace Windu, as he was the last Jedi to have mastered it (disregarding Depa Billaba, whose fate after the enaction of Order 66 is still unknown; although Quinlan Vos knew some of its moves, his proper training of Vaapad had never begun). After the final destruction of Palpatine, it was presumed that the whole Form VII died with him.


All Levels:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I-V all at Master Level, Lightsaber (9D+)
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat, +2D to Dodge, +2D to Con, +2D to Intimidation, and +4D to damage. May deflect and redirect blaster shots without penalty. Furthermore, critical threat range is reduced three levels. Finally, may take two additional attacks per round as free actions at a -4D penalty (whether the actions were declared or not).
  • Special: Whenever you kill a living opponent with this form, you must make a Moderate Control roll (15 +1 per Dark Side Point) or take a Dark Side Point.

All Levels:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I-V all at Master Level, and have skill in Form VII: Juyo, Lightsaber (10D+). Can only learn this form from someone who knows it.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat, +2D to Dodge, +2D to Con, +2D to Intimidation, +2D to all combative Force powers and +2D Damage. May deflect and redirect blaster shots without penalty. Furthermore, critical threat range is reduced three levels. Finally, may make two additional attacks per round as free actions at a -4D penalty (whether declared or not).
  • Special: May choose to combine the entire bonus's this Form gives and use it as a protective shield or superconductive loop system. With these dice (10-14D) the Jedi can gain all of the bonus's from Force powers that the opponent has up or even channel all the Force power the opponent has and use it to attack him/her with his/her own power (roll the bonus dice against a 30); if successful the Jedi can use their opponents own Control dice to augment the damage of a power he is trying to use against the Jedi by throwing it back at him. At the end of every round of combat that this special feature is used, the Jedi must make a Very Difficult Control roll (25 +1 per Dark Side Point) or take a Dark Side Point.
    Note: Use of this special feature WILL result in a force ripple. The size and strength are based upon the situation and the GM.
  • Special: Whenever a living opponent is killed with this form, the Jedi must make a Moderate Control roll (15 +1 per Dark Side Point) or take a Dark Side Point.

Form VIII: Sokan

Form VIII Lightsabre Sample Image

Form VIII: Sokan was a form of lightsaber combat.

Developed by the ancient Jedi Knights during the Great Sith War, Sokan combined tactics that allowed for evasion and mobility with the kinetic motions of Form IV combat. Sokan involved swift strokes of the lightsaber, which were aimed towards the opponent's vital areas, in addition to quick tumbles and movements. Combatants made use of large amounts of terrain, trying to maneuver their opponents into vulnerable areas during the course of battles that involved Sokan techniques.

Obi-Wan Kenobi employed elements of Sokan while dueling Anakin Skywalker (now Darth Vader) on Mustafar. Towards the end of the duel, Obi-Wan sought the high ground and used his favorable positioning to defeat Anakin, attacking his weak points. This is eventully one of the factors that lead to his defeat.

All Levels:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Lightsaber Skill (10D); Acrobatics (7D); Dodge (7D); Climbing/Jumping (7D); Stamina (7D); Forms I & IV at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: Four times per round, can make an Acrobatics or Climbing/Jumping check as free actions. Add Acrobatics Skill to all Defense skill rolls. Add 1½ times Dexterity Attribute dice as a bonus to all Attack and Damage rolls when wielding a Lightsaber one-handed, 2 times when wielding it two-handed, and triple when wielding dual blades or doubled bladed variants. Must make Difficult (23) Stamina check every round or become winded and loose all free actions. Force Power Bonus's can also apply.
  • Special: This Form can only be used when the combatants have large amounts of terrain to maneuver in, around and through.

Form IX: Shien

Form IX Lightsabre Sample Image

Form IX: Shien was a form of Jedi lightsaber combat.

Not to be confused with Form V, this Shien form was a rarely seen style that required the user to hold the lightsaber horizontally, with the tip of the blade out away from the body. The form striked by sweeping the arm forward, like throwing a punch at the enemy. While whipping the blade forward quickly in a broad arc.

While some considered Shien effective, many thought Shien was almost a topic of controversy among lightsaber instructors, due to the drastically different grip taught by Shien practitioners.

Adi Gallia and Nikkos Tyris were two known users of this rarely seen combat form.

Beginner/Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I & II at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots. If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity. This does not grant free or extra attacks per round that have not been declared. If the attack succeeds, the opponent is knocked off balance (and therefore looses an amount equal to his Dexterity Attribute from his defense for the rest of the round and next round) and must make a base Dexterity check (DC 10) or be knocked prone.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Dodge (7D); Lightsaber Skill (10D)
  • Benefits: +3D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots. If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity. This does not grant free or extra attacks per round that have not been declared. If the attack succeeds, the opponent is knocked off balance (and therefore looses an amount equal to his Dexterity Attribute from his defense for the rest of the round and next round) and must make a base Dexterity check (DC 10) or be knocked prone.

Form X: Niman/Jar'Kai

"Perhaps you would like to learn something before you die. The use of two blades, one to support the other, can be traced back thousands of years and was common to both of our species. The invention of lightsabers has done nothing to lessen the effectiveness of this strategy - you are about to learn."
-Boc to Kyle Katarn

Form X Lightsabre Sample Image

Form X: Niman/Jar'Kai was a form of lightsaber combat, which was a dual blades wielding technique.

The dual saber Niman permitted a Jedi to fight with two lightsabers, one in each hand, as demonstrated by Anakin Skywalker when he first faced Count Dooku. One of the blades in the wielder's hands was used for attacking while the other one was used for defending, such as parrying, or for more offensive purposes.

Jar'Kai was originally the name of a city on Antrisia. Here were crafted the original Jar'Kai dueling sabers, which were wielded by the Yovshin Swordsmen. The Swordsmen, wielding one saber in each hand, invented the Jar'Kai style.

Similar was the style developed by the Royale Macheteros of the Kashi Mer monarchy. The latter technique was used by the Legions of Lettow, during the First Great Schism, who called it Niman after a dual triumvirate of Kashi deities.

Ancient Niman relied on steel blades, long before lightsabers were invented. The style could be used with a variety of weapons. During the Great Schism, Awdrysta Pina employed it with Jedi Katana. During the New Sith Wars, the Dark Underlord wielded two Sith Swords. One Jedi who did use Jar'Kai with two lightsabers was Newar Forrth, a Twi'lek Jedi who fought in the New Sith Wars. Over a millennium later, the Twi'lek Dark Jedi Bocas'eca would attempt to imitate Forrth.

Many Jedi Knights and Sith Lords trained to use the Niman style in the hopes of gaining a basic knowledge of the dual-bladed attack, but very few ever totally mastered Niman. Jedi Master Micah Giiet was known for using two yellow-bladed lightsabers; Darth Maul learned Jar'Kai during his years of intense training under Darth Sidious; Mace Windu and Depa Billaba both displayed masterful dual sabers combat during the Battle of Haruun Kal; Joclad Danva wielded two lightsabers during the Battle of Geonosis; and Aayla Secura at the end of the Clone Wars. Other known learners included Revan, Serra Keto, Sora Bulq, A'Sharad Hett, Asajj Ventress, Komari Vosa, Darth Krayt, and possibly Kavar and Kol Skywalker.

General Grievous may have based his bizarre, original combat style on Jar'Kai. He used two lightsabers during the Battle of Hypori when he defeated a handful of Jedi. Later, in the early stages of the Battle of Utapau he wielded four lightsabers—one in each of his four hands—in a duel against Obi-Wan Kenobi, but even with four lightsabers he was no match for Obi-Wan Kenobi's mastery of Form III: Soresu. However, before Obi-Wan completely mastered Soresu, he occassionally used two lightsabers to battle Asajj Ventress.

Jar'Kai was one of the lightsaber combat forms which was confirmed surviving the Great Jedi Purge. The Dark Jedi Bocas'eca was a master of Niman, incorporating it into his own rather unorthodox fighting style; many of Tavion's New Reborn were trained in dual saber combat. It was possible that Kyle Katarn's apprentice, Jaden Korr may have been skilled in this form.

The application of Jar'Kai often exists as a tactic instead of a completely independent style. Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, and Sora Bulq were still applying Vaapad when they fought with two swords. Anakin Skywalker's application on Geonosis was actually based on Form IV swordplay. Because neither Jar'Kai tactic nor Form IV swordplay was the young Jedi's mostly trained style, Count Dooku was easily able to break through Anakin's array of weapons.

Jedi and Sith who mastered Double-Bladed Lightsaber Combat were a rarity. This type of lightsaber combat evolved around a double-bladed lightsaber - sometimes also referred to as a sith lightsaber or saber-staff.

A saber-staff would typically consist of a long hilt which had energy blades at both ends. The blades could be ignited one at a time, the saber-staff thus functioning as a normal lightsaber, or simultaneously. One of the primary functions of a double bladed lightsaber was to create fear in the opponent, as a double bladed lightsaber, with its two deadly blades, looked more menacing than an ordinary one.

Double-bladed lightsaber combat was more like fighting with a staff than with a sword. The weapon having two blades, double-bladed lightsaber combat allowed for much more rapid attack which were more difficult to parry for someone using an ordinary lightsaber. Also it allowed for "more kills per swing", since one would be able to strike opponents in front of and behind oneself simultaneously.

This type of lightsaber combat was extremely rare. Firstly, because it was very difficult to master and using a double-bladed lightsaber could be more dangerous to the untrained wielder than to his opponent. Secondly, this type of lightsaber combat was of an aggressive nature and thus deemed too close to the dark side by many Jedi.

Several of the standard forms of lightsaber combat had double-bladed variants. Darth Maul used a double-bladed variant of Form VII, and Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell used a double-bladed variant of Ataru.

Niman: Dual Blades

Beginner/Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I & II at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots (+1D). If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity as a free action.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Dodge (7D); Lightsaber Skill (10D)
  • Benefits: +3D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots (+1D). If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi he may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity as a free action.
Jar'Kai: Double Bladed

Beginner/Intermediate Level:
  • Prerequisites: Forms I & II at Intermediate Level.
  • Benefits: +2D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +1D+1 to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots (+1D). If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity as a free action.
Master Level:
  • Prerequisites: Force-Sensitive; Control, Sense, Alter (all 7D); Dodge (7D); Lightsaber Skill (10D)
  • Benefits: +3D to all Attack and Defense skills in Melee Combat, Lightsaber, Brawling Combat and +2D to Dodge. May deflect and redirect blaster shots (+1D). If an opponent fails a Melee or Brawling attack against the Jedi, he may make a Melee or Brawling attack of opportunity as a free action.

Other Forms

These forms were not considered a part of the seven main or "classic" forms, and they may not necessarily be official. Some were systematized methods of lightsaber combat, while others were merely techniques or principles of combat applied to lightsaber combat.

Dun Möch

Dun Möch was a form of combat used in conjunction with a lightsaber.

The Sith aimed to completely dominate an opponent's spirit through whatever means possible by employing their own lightsaber combat doctrine. Dun Möch commonly involved spoken taunts, jeers, and jests that exposed the opponent's hidden, inner weaknesses and/or doubts, which had the end result of eroding the opponent's will. Such a thing can be quite deadly, especially against Jedi, since concentration was a must when using the Force. Doubts can easily break that connection. Other variations on Dun Möch involved usage of the Force to throw large, weighty objects at the Sith's opponent during combat, which both distracts the opponent from the battle and could potentially cause damage.

Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat

Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat techniques made use of Telekinesis in lightsaber combat. Some telekinetic lightsaber combat techniques, like the Saber Throw, were offensive, while others were defensive. A defensive technique, called the Saber barrier, was used by practitioners of dual saber combat. It consisted in having the lightsabers whirl in a circle around the Jedi, thus creating a defensive, but deadly, wall.

Kreia was a master of telekinetic lightsaber combat. She had the ability to wield three or more lightsabers in combat, holding each of them aloft with the Force, and having them fight with a will of their own.

Millennia later, Mace Windu would use this exact same ability during the Second Battle of Coroscant, igniting his lightsaber telepathically. While brief, his use of the Force allowed him to unclip and activate his weapon, destroying a Super Battle Droid with one swift stroke.


Tràkata was a form of lightsaber combat that is not recognized as one of the seven official forms of lightsaber combat.

Tràkata was a unique form of combat - so difficult that only a few of the most powerful and skilled Jedi were able to master it. In this form the Jedi would keep the lightsaber in their grasp but would not activate it. The user of this form would then dodge or defend any attacks using the Force. A few highly skilled Jedi could sometimes even launch attacks using the Force in-between their opponents attacks.

A Jedi using this form would wait for the right moment to attack with their lightsaber. When an opening appeared, they would quickly approach their opponent and ignite their lightsaber, stabbing the blade through the enemy's body. Typically, this action would instantly wound or kill the opposing enemy. This technique, while not only difficult to master, was also considered to be a darker form of combat as it took the enemy by surprise and could also be used outside a lightsaber duel to dispose of somebody in close quarters.

Tràkata is best used during lightsaber dueling. Lord Sidious used such a form against Jedi Master Yoda during their duel in the senate chambers, while Anakin Skywalker destroyed enemy battle droids around him aboard the Invisible Hand.


Trispzest: A combination of elements of Form VII and traditional S'kytri aerial duelling, Trispzest was a type of aerial lightsaber combat originally developed by the airborne Force sensitive Majestrix of Skye, Kharys.

Trispzest, which meant heart palpitation in the S'kytric language, would allow the combatant to utilize the advantages of flying in battle against grounded units—whom the S'kytri would derogatively refer to as "walkers". In Trispzest emphasis was placed on the use of the sai cha technique to decapitate "walkers".

Among the few known users of trispzest were the Dark Jedi Maw, who died by the hand of self-taught Jedi Kyle Katarn, and swordsmistress Nazish.

Mounted Lightsaber Combat

Mounted Lightsaber Combat
Jedi would often have to use their lightsabers in combat while riding a mount such as a tauntaun, or mounted on a mechanical means of transportation, like a swoop bike.

In this type of lightsaber combat, the Jedi would normally use one hand only, the other hand steering the mount. It would typically consist of simple attacks lashing out at grounded enemy units. Such attacks were normally low lunges with the light saber of a diagonal semi-circular nature, as the Jedi—being on a mount—would naturally be elevated in relation to the target. Thus there were some common features between mounted lightsaber combat and the airborne Trispzest lightsaber combat system, the difference being that in mounted lightsaber combat, the Jedi had much less freedom of movement.

The Jedi could also use the lightsaber to incapacitate other mounted units, by lashing out at either the mount, which was efficient especially if the enemy unit was riding a swoop bike, or the rider himself. Finally, the Jedi could use the lightsaber to deflect blaster shots and the like, thus protecting himself or herself while riding the mount.

Three Rings of Defense

Outer ring
The outer ring had four guard positions at the upper right; upper left; lower right and lower left. The outermost ring was characterized by sweeping heavy blows, which though powerful would take longer to deliver.

Middle ring
Like the outer ring, the middle had four guard positions, high, low and left and right. The middle ring was used to pick up quicker blows and stop them before they could intersect with the body, which was one of the most effective ways of deflecting blaster bolts.

Inner ring
The inner ring of defense used parries as opposed to blocks and was primarily used against lunging attacks. The lightsaber was kept in close to the body, with the hilt covering the navel. With the tip of the blade angled so that attacks could be picked up on its lower third, then to be shunted aside, and a riposte against and enemy's stomach or chest was possible. This was the last line of defense and was considered dangerous to both defend and attack from.

Alter Damage

Alter Damage was a Force power used by some Jedi during lightsaber combat. With this power, Jedi were able to reduce the damage inflicted by their lightsaber so that it did not deal lethal damage. The Jedi had to first sense how much life energy, or strength, their opponent had and then had to use the Force to reduce the damage the weapon inflicted so that a murderous wound could be reduced to one that was less likely to severely damage. Jedi were known to use this power to simply incapacitate their oponents rather than kill them. This power was only possible to use when a Jedi was wielding a lightsaber, as it was the weapon in which they would most strongly identify.

Lightsabre Moves

Cho mai
In lightsaber combat, a cho mai was the act of cutting off an opponent's weapon hand. This move showed that the Jedi using it had the honor to cause the opponent minimal physical damage; it also showed the skill and mastery of the Jedi performing the move to the opponent.

Count Dooku performed an aggressive cho mai on Anakin Skywalker, up to the elbow - a gesture Anakin returned onboard the Invisible Hand by slicing both of Dooku's hands off.

On Utapau, Obi-Wan Kenobi was also able to perform cho mai on two of General Grievous' hands.

Anakin Skywalker applied cho mai on Mace Windu, sealing the Jedi Master's fate.

Cho mok
In lightsaber combat, a cho mok was the act of cutting off an opponent's limb, such as a humanoid's leg.

Anakin Skywalker applied cho mok on an IG-100 MagnaGuard onboard the Invisible Hand. Obi-Wan Kenobi slicing off Darth Vader's legs was also cho mok.

It should be noted that Count Dooku cutting Anakin Skywalker's arm on Geonosis was considered an "up to the elbow" version of cho mai.

Cho sun
In lightsaber combat, a cho sun was the act of cutting off an opponent's weapon arm.

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi performed cho sun twice: In the bars of Coruscant and Tatooine respectively.

Falling Leaf
The Falling Leaf was a lightsaber combat technique that involved spinning on one's feet to "slash from the sky." It was used by the Jedi Knights of the Army of Light around 1000 BBY.

It is possible that the Falling Leaf technique was a forbearer of the Jung ma and Shun maneuvres that were used by the Jedi of the waning days of the Old Republic.

It is also possible a horizontal version of this technique was used on the Jedi team who tried to arrest Palpatine.

Flowing Water
The Flowing Water Cut was a lightsaber combat technique designed for going blade-to-blade with one's opponent. The main principle was to be as flexible as flowing water, such that, when the opponent withdrew his saber, instead of also withdrawing, one would follow the opponent through, cutting through his body. The technique was so named due to it being analogous to the expanding of water into an empty vessel.

In lightsaber combat, a jung was a 180-degree turn. The technique may, along with Jung ma and shun be derived from the Falling Leaf spinning attack of the Jedi of the Army of Light around 1000 BBY.

Jung ma
In lightsaber combat, a jung ma was a maneuver used by Jedi to perform a 360-degree spin in which power was gained for an imminent attack on the opponent.

Jung ma and its relative jung, like shun, might be further developments of the Falling Leaf technique known by the Jedi Knights of the Army of Light around 1000 BBY.

In lightsaber combat, a kai-kan was a re-enactment of a famous, usually ancient, very dangerous, lightsaber or even sword battle, which only very well trained Jedi attempted to perform.

Mou kei
In lightsaber combat, a mou kei was an attack used by Sith and some brave Jedi that dismembered an opponent through a circular motion of the lightsaber, aimed at the major limbs. The objective was to finish a dangerous opponent.

A mou kei strike was used by Obi-Wan Kenobi against Darth Vader during their showdown on Mustafar.

Saber Barrier

Sabre Barrier
The Saber barrier in use

A defensive technique, the Saber barrier was a telekinetic lightsaber combat. It consisted of having the lightsabers whirl hovering in a horizontal circle around the saber wielding Jedi, thus creating a defensive, but deadly, wall of lightsaber blades, defending the Jedi primarily against melee attacks.

Jedi Knight Jaden Korr might possibly have mastered this technique, and Jedi Masters' Mace Windu, Inanna Paddox, and Jedi Knight Max Alexander were practitioners of the Saber barrier.

Saber throw

Sabre Throw
Yoda performs saber throw at a clone trooper.

Saber throw was an offensive usage of the lightsaber. It is not clear if it was an ability of itself or a technique of combination of powers like Force Pull.

The Jedi, whether by use of locking the blade in the on position or holding the activation button with The Force, could throw the lightsaber in a boomerang fashion, cutting its way through objects, and (usually after turning itself off) returning to the hand of the caster with Force Pull. Some Jedi could throw the lightsaber in further reaches, change its course arc while in the air, as well as keep it "floating" in a spot. This technique, finely honed, could eventually be refined into actual telekinetic lightsaber combat.

A Jedi could also use saber throw by throwing their saber in a spear-like fashion.

Sai cha
In lightsaber combat, a sai cha was the rare instance when a Jedi beheaded his or her opponent. In general, sai cha was reserved for either opponents that presented a great danger-the ones a Jedi could not afford to keep alive-or droids.

Mace Windu used sai cha to kill Jango Fett in the execution arena on Geonosis. Anakin Skywalker applied sai cha on Dooku onboard the Invisible Hand. Yoda also performed sai cha on two clones after Order 66 was initiated.

Droids were regarded by most Force-sensitives as neither honorable nor dishonorable, with the exception of a few heroic notables. For example, Obi-Wan Kenobi beheading General Grievous's MagnaGuards onboard the Invisible Hand and during the Battle of Utapau as evidence.

Sai tok
In lightsaber combat, a sai tok, frowned upon by the Jedi because of its Sith-like nature, was the act of cutting an opponent in half, usually separating his or her legs from the torso at the waist.

It was performed by Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to defeat Darth Maul in his duel against the Sith Lord during the Battle of Naboo.

Jedi Knights applied numerous sai tok moves on battle droids during many battles.

In lightsaber combat, a shiak was the honorable act of stabbing an opponent, although it was used differently by Darth Maul and Darth Sidious when killing Qui-Gon Jinn and Agen Kolar respectively.

Count Dooku stabbing Obi-Wan Kenobi's leg on Geonosis was a classic and honorable act of shiak, a demonstration of Dooku's mastery of the elegant Makashi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi also attempted shiak on Durge in the Battle of Muunilinst.

In lightsaber combat, a shiim was a more minute wound to an opponent by the edge of a lightsaber's blade. It was considered inferior and a sign of desperation or struggle against a potent enemy.

Count Dooku performed this on Obi-Wan Kenobi's arm on Geonosis, he also used shiim to hurt Yoda during their rematch on Vjun.

Spinning attack
The essence of the spinning attack, which was built upon quite simple principles, was that the airborne trispzest-user would spin fast and wildly in the air, often at a stationary spot, while lashing out to all sides with the lightsaber.

The technique was undoubtedly efficient against multiple opponents, but would leave the trispzest user widely open to attacks from right underneath him or her.

Sun djem
In lightsaber combat, a sun djem was an attack used by the Jedi that destroyed or disarmed the weapon of an opponent, the objective usually being not to physically harm the opponent.

Sun djem was a goal of early Form I duelists, as disarming or destroying the oppoents' weapons could ensure victory without causing injury, which was always a Jedi objective. However with the rise of Form II, sun djem became nearly impossible as Makashi duelists were well trained to prevent his/her own weapons being taken or destroyed.

In Theed Palace, Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi applied sun djem and sliced Darth Maul's weapon in half - though the Sith weapon was still able to function with a single blade. On Geonosis, Makashi duelist Count Dooku displayed a masterful sun djem by destroying and disarming Anakin Skywalker's green blade at the same time. Palpatine's mastery of sun djem was very impressive. In the Senate chamber, the Dark Lord blasted Yoda's lightsaber out of his palms by Force Lightning.

Marks of Contact and Maneuvers

All seven forms of lightsaber combat utilized these ancient terms used by the Jedi for describing the objectives, maneuvers to use, and the various outcomes that could arise out of a fight involving lightsabers as weapons. They could help focus a Jedi's attacks and defenses on a few clearer categories, rather than diffusing awareness across an infinite number of possibilities in a duel.

Jal Shey
The Jal Shey were an ancient order of Force users who studied the Force intellectually, forsaking the more spiritual paths taken by the Jedi and Sith. Jal Shey were typically exceptional diplomats, but were less successful in physical pursuits. However, their light armor carried with it an aura of dignity and competence. The Mabari armorweave worn by the bounty hunter Zam Wesell was probably inspired by Jal Shey armor.

You will find this to be exceptional armor, and can be worn by Jedi without any Force penalty. I myself fashioned my Jedi Battle Armor with Jel Shey techniques and armorweaves.

Neophyte-Those seeking induction into the Jal Shey order.
Advisor-Skilled Jal Shey respected as great diplomats.
Mentor-The highest order of Jal Shey, revered for their intelligence and understanding of the force.

Jedi Weapon Master

"Is it battle that stirs you, to meet an enemy blade upon blade? Such is the way of the greatest of the Jedi warriors... the Jedi Weapon Masters."
- Kreia

Jedi Weapons Master Kavar
The famed Jedi Weapons Master Kavar.

Master Mace Windu
Jedi Weapons Master Mace Windu, and the creator of Vaapad.

Master Maximus Alexander
Jedi Weapons Master Max Alexander, the last of the Jedi Weapons Masters.

Jedi Weapon Master was the title given to a Jedi considered to be among the greatest fighters of the Order. Jedi Weapon Masters were much more trained and proficient in battle and the use of a lightsaber than in philosophy or in Force skills. An almost exact light side mirror of Sith Marauders, Jedi Weapon Masters were prevalent in the days of the Old Republic, especially around the time of Darth Revan and Malak. The name was usually used for a specific class of Jedi, succeeding the class Jedi Guardian, who were mostly identified by their blue lightsabers, and their skill with a blade.

Several known Jedi held this rank; Jedi Master Kavar, who wielded two blue lightsabers, was most likely among them. During the last days of the Old Republic, however, there were few Jedi Weapon Masters left as reduced reliance of saber-to-saber combat had left the skills rather redundant. Mace Windu was a known example, as were Max Alexander and Anoon Bondara. Anakin Skywalker, although not a Jedi Master, would have been considered to be well on his way to attaining the title.

However, by -8 BBY, the title had been all but forgotten, with all practitioners destroyed in the Purge.

Or so they think! Ha ha ha...