DEXTERITY 3D+1: | blaster 3D+1, dodge 3D+1, (s)melee combat: long-sword 7D+1 (+1D[+2D] from kill, +1D[+2D] from 7D), (A) martial arts 1D (Cost: 10 CPs) |
PERCEPTION 3D: | con 3D, (s)forgery: permits and ID's 3D+1, hide 3D, persuasion 3D, search 3D, sneak 5D (+1D from kill, +1D from 7D) |
STRENGTH 4D: | brawling combat 6D (+2D from 7D), lifting 4D, stamina 5D (+1D from 7D) |
KNOWLEDGE 3D: | alien species 3D, business 3D, cultures 3D, herbology 3D (Cost: 5 CPs), streetwise 3D, survival 4D (+1D from kill), tactics 3D, (s)value: ancient artifacts 3D+1, willpower 3D |
MECHANICAL 2D+1: | archaic starship piloting 2D+1, communications 2D+2, sensors 2D+1, space transports 2D+1 |
TECHNICAL 2D+1: | computer program/repair 2D+1, first aid 2D+1, (As) engineering: swords 1D (Cost 5 CPs), melee weapon repair 2D+1 (+1D from 7D), security 3D+1 (+1D from kill) |
Animal Energy | N/A | When extra strength is needed, the Immortal may "tune in" to the rhythm of any animal and use it to push longer and harder for short periods of time. In game terms, this adds +1 or +2 to Move and +1D or +2D to Stamina (depending on the size of the animal: +1/+1D for small creatures, +2/+2D for large) for 3/6 (small/large) rounds as long as the animal is within 300 meters of the Immortal. | ||||||||||||||||
Regeneration | 1 per roll | Immortals have the natural ability to regenerate vital organs when damaged. This ability does not extend to the
limbs, which can be lost. See chart below. The time required to regenerate organs is dependent on how badly damaged they are (1 round to 1
day per 1D wound for organs that have been completely destroyed). Normal healing time is 1-5 days at no cost. The only way to reattach an
extremity (the limb must be at least 85% whole) is to have it with you while Quickening (in a lightning storm or just after a kill).
Spending a QP and rolling Stamina on the chart below may reduce healing time (minimum healing time of 1 round). The Immortal may spend as
many QP's as desired to reduce the healing time to the minimum.
Sense Immortal | N/A | Warns the Immortal of the presence of another Immortal within 30-60 meters. The distance is only 30 meters for very young Immortals (0-400 years old), 40 meters for young Immortals (401-1000 yrs old), 50 meters for mature Immortals (1001-4000 yrs), 55 meters for old Immortals (4001-8000) and 60 meters for ancient Immortals (8001-13,000+). Very Young Immortals can sense old or ancient Immortals at half their normal distance (15 meters). | ||||||||||||||||
Quickening | N/A | Allows the Immortal to store and use extra energy for whatever task he/she needs to accomplish. This energy is only received during natural Lightning Storms (1 strike of lightning = 1 QP, 0-5 per storm, roll a D6-1) and when killing other Immortals (1 QP per kill / 5). The Immortal may store an unlimited amount of Quickening Points to be used at any time (except to raise skills), even if normal Character Points have been used. Quickening with another Immortal can be accomplished by having both Immortals spend at least 9 of their current QP's at the same time while touching (must be uncovered skin). This allows for mental communication (use Projective and Receptive Telepathy but modify for distance only). The total number of QP's spent at the time of the Quickening, divided by 3, determines the number of dice used for the skill check (i.e..: 9 QP's/3 = 3D) for both Immortals. | ||||||||||||||||
Skill Bonus | N/A | All Immortal PC's get one power (skill) during character generation only, rolled on the Skills Tables. This power adds +1D to the chosen skill beyond the initial 7D and may be increased as a normal skill. Any skill listed, including specializations, may be rolled for. This +1D skill dice may be split up into three specialized skills adding +1D to each. |